THURSDAY,_MAiR. Iflth 1910 TEE~~M CANADTN STATESMAN, BOWMANVfflLaB, ONTAMO________________ il wr daeuIe&A sci1 Mwar. M ont h 0f Hope For Crip pied Children As the dark winter begmns toithe kids te enjoy lie, tle learn die March beconles the bright how ta care for themselves and Smonth of hope for more than te give many of them hope S14,000 crippled children and which their conditions have not teenagers in Ontario who have aroused. been afflicted by accident and Easter seals, tee, enroil the' disease or disabled by certain services of leading physicians conditions from birth that and surgeons who give their usuaily mean despair and de- trne and skills at the clinlcs pendence on others. which the Society and the And since hope In action te service clubs orgamize at stra- charity, 222 service clubs wiil tegic centres ini Ontario where open their month-long anual local doctors mnay brin& their Easter Seal drive on March 1 young patients for examination for $850,000. That's the price and recommended treatment.1 that must be paid ini 1960 le From the clinics the children makee ilfe better for youngsters go le hospital if necessary or who would otherwise find it back le their homes for a Pro- harder - il not impossible - gram of planned therapy or te become self-reliant and self- training supervised by the; dependent citizens. Society's nurses. Lester seal contributions pro-1 vide treatment and training, Ini the field of cerebral palsy, vactios l spcialy quipedthe Society's Easter Seals have' vactnserncaps andal ol ipedmade possible advances that; benefits that the 37-year-old are draniatic even though the Ontario Society for Crippled task is painfully Slow and ex-' Children has developed over its Pensive. At various treatment biatey techilien.centres throughout the prov- khory lethlrouhe yearsnce teams of nurses and doc-ý Dastr Salshave av the ertors are teaching children to' way for« a prograrn which now sl, esa . ta e thems- provides 25 specially trainedeves ndleress hepselvesi nurses who serve as liasion ee ebcm epu ail with service clubs across the members instead of he1pIessý province, seeking eut crippled victims of a condition that once, ehildren and directing them ta speiled hopelessness. treatment centres, providing A contribution ta the Easter them with home nursing skl Seal Campaign means a mem- and teaching parents what le bership in a crusade of mercy do ta help the handicapped and service te childien who, littie ones take advantage of through ne fault of their own, medicaily prescribed plans of are enormous burdens of af- rehabilitatien. fliction, but who need a little Ini five camps, unlike any help te carry 'those burdens other camps ini the country, more lightly. hundreds cf youngsters will have a chance at sur *-er va- A total of more than 1,600,- cations, barred te tl- " other- 000 Canadians have received wise because they ca..: .ot play one or more free blood trans- exactly as other children do. fusions since the Canadian In these camps counsellors with Red, Cross service waa estab- knowledge o! what e d teach lished ii 1947. Pmaqne!BEAUTIFUL SHELLEY CUPS & SAUCnE MORONLY Mil1cH À O'EAMMUD O F TM CUP a SAUCER SOeLLEcToR'S CLUB Minimumn of Memberships stili available e OME IN TODAYI1 C n ntodoy ad oin! Youi tegraciaus and iovoly Ir y EngiîshFins*oneh China Cupsand Saucers youvs aiwmys wnted -for ony $115 u8ch. Regulr $3530 ach. Yom on nsoutstandinfiY ttrac- difforM OI Sel dosigo wsek f&r six wmks eit tis <0W iw prile! And remembr -Colectors Club seiectlons tufne oquaity SHELLEY Esllh insI MOnsCIn. 4.Hooper'ps Jewellery and Gift Shop 29 King St. E. Bowniaviie M I RED'CROSS BL ,ITz MONDAY MARCH 14 7-8p.m. M Braces and crutches are just two mechanical devices used ta help crippled boys and girls te walk . .. but there is more te their treatment thon the use of special equipment. To ensure that ail o! this province's crippled children receive the treatment they require, the Ontario Society for Crippled Children i association with 222 Service Clubs throughout Ontario are conducting the annual Easter Seal Campaign, which opens on Mardi 17 and has an abjective cf $850,000. Several Zone Speakers Set Very High Standards During Legîon Contest HAYDON Maich W.A. meeting wilbe held at Mirs. D. Cameron's, un Thiursday afternoon (today) at 2:30. Mirs. F. Jackson will be the speaker. Mis. W. Thonpson spent Wednesday with Mr. sud Mis. Osmond, Bowmanville. Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, Enniskillen, sud Barbara Ash- ton were recenMtdinner guests o! Mi. sud Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Bannie MeQuinnu was guest of Gail Thompson on Tuesday night and attendedi the girls meeting whieh was held at Mis. E. Topple's. Sunday School was held Sun- day morniing. Roads were blo- cked, so church service was cancelled Sunday evening. Gail Thompson visited a' Mr. and Mis. Mllson's Wed- nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ross A5h'tor and family were Sunday call erns at Mr. and Mis. Ross Ash- ton' s. Mi. Walter Leveridge callec on Mr. and Mirs. Artihur Trew- in Sunctay. Mrs. W. Loveridge sud little daughter are expec- ted te be eut of hospital this week._____ lty, composition, and presen- ners of the Branch 178 Pub- tation were maintained by the lic Speaking Contests lu Jan- entrants in the Canadian Le- uary. e gion Zone Public Speaking Following the contest a de- r' Contest held in the Legion licious lunch was served by )Hall, Queen Street on FrîdaY a comnrittee of the Bowrnan. e evcning. Conirade Jack Adams ville Ladies' Auxiliary ta the was chairman e! the event. Canadian Legion coniposed ol The judges were Leonard Camirade Alda Brown, the 3Lucas, vice-principal o! Bow- convenar, Comnrade Eédythi manvile High Sehool, Mrs. L. Rundie iand Comiade Mary 1, T. McLaughlin, and MiUs. Jee Westoveî. O'Neill Zone Commander A. SE. Burgess presented Zone *Certificates and prizes te the C ;twmners. Presentation of! r.K.S u i yBranch 178 Certif icates was Smade by Deputy-Zone Com- Smander Ab Mavin, the Zone G yen Life Public Speaking chairman. The contestants in the $n l oi High Division wcre eNo-M e b rs i ma Cartwright, Pickering High tcol who spoke on "My The Aftcrnoon Auxili'ary ol -Bowmanvillc High Sohool, March meeting Tuesday with ivhosc topie was "The People a vcry good attendance. -tof Canada." Miss Cartwright Mis. E. Sisson's Group waç was declared the winncî. in charge af the Worship Ser- There was only anc contes- vice. Mis. Sisson was assisted dtant, Brian Slauson, Bowman- by Mis. K. Squaîr and Mrs ville, in the Junior High Divi- E. Bragg. Mis. S. James per- esion. His subject was "Conser- formied the picasant duty ol vation of Natural Resources." presenting MTs. K. Squair Th a ecompeti or nte Sen- with a "Life Membership" in _Bcverley Sieep, Bowmanvilie, A beautiful duet was ren- w1ho spoke on "Sehool as a dered by Mis. S. James and Preparatrion for Citizcnship, Mrs. Richmond acompaniec and Mary Muekie, Whitby, by Mis. R. Hallowell at the who wvon lu this section with piano. Thc ofcring was ne- her speech on "Conservation ceived by Miss I. Weekes and e! Naturai Resources. Miss S. Blackburn and dedi- In the Junior Elementary cated by Mrs. Sisson. Division, Grade Six and un- Mis. D. Aldîead took the dei, there was anc contestant, chair ta hear reports from the Allison MacBean, Pickering. various secretaries. Mis. Ail- The subi eot of her addrcss was dread aise braught an inter- 11I Want ta Be Strong and esting report from te Osh- Healthy." awa Presbyterial. During the evening Chair- Meeting closcd with lie man Jack Adams dcligh'ted Mivzpah Benediction. the audience by his talented recitation a! the humorous piece "Burlington Bertie." His BURKE TON witty jokes and amusing cjuips were aisoecntertaiig Comirade Adams was assi Sunday Schol will com- in iunning the contest by Cern- mence *at 10:15 aind Church ra~1 GdnhorneHuges. Worsihip et 11. We hope for The entrants in the Zone better weather and irnproved P>lic Spcaking Contest wcre road conditions. the winner ef previaus Branch A social evcning wlll take Contesta, e insinte place at the home of Mis. Mary Zone Contest wili go on te Dean on Fiiday nxight, Mardi take part in the Legion Dis- lliih at 8:30 p.m. Proceeds go trict Public Spcaking Conteat, tawards church work. A car- and the wncers there wi1i dial invitation is extended te compete inutle Dominion Con- al. test ta be held at the National Tie C.G.I.T. are planning a 'Convention o! the Canadian tobogganing party at the home Legion lhis summer. e! Mis. Leslie Argue on Wed- Zone Commnander Burgess iiesday evenmng. presented Zone Certificates ta Tne Social Evenihng held ait Norma Cartwright, Pickering, the home o! Mi.. and Mis. A. 13rian Slauson, Bowrnanville:- C. Stephenson mest Friday niglit Mary Muekie, Whkby; sud was a fie sucoess. Allison MacBeau, Pickering. Mi. ami Mis. George Ai- In addition lhe !ollawing pni- son and family visited Mir. sud zes were received by lhe Zone Mis. Aflison ami relatives ln Conteat winners: Norma Cart- Port Hope on Sunday. wright and Mary Muckle, tra- lis. Glen Lowrcy le lu Mcm- velling dlocks; Brian Slauson, orieal Hospital, Bowmanville, a pen and pencil set, cuff links wfiere sie will undergo sur- and tic clip; Ailsen MacBeau, gery. Tic community wisies a peu and pencil set sud jew- ber a speedy recaveiy. ellery. Mis. E. M. Adamisl talng Deputy Zone Commuander Iherapy treatmeuts on her Ah Mavin presented Branch~ shoulder. We hope lier candi- Certificates to Beverley Sleep, tien wiIl sean be iroved. B3risa ausa, aMd ue Thé .BurkMM aW.A. WW UMag Il THUMDAY, MAR. Il HOBBY CRER Ey Helen Van Dufen on 'Iburaday atarnoo ut 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mis. Es- thler naocbarà. Thie C.G.I.T. will meet on Wednesday everAng, March IMt at 7:30 ii the Cburoh hall. Mr. end Mms. Murray Ab- boit and taniily, Bowianville, were Suinday guests of Mr. and ?&a, Howwd Abbott. Mr. and Mis. Harold Ashton, Enniskillen, were Sund&y gue- sts o! Mr,. and Mrs. J. A. Turn- bull and faxnily. Mr. and Mis. Orvus Smith and Ohis, O"a, were Sun- day guests of! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suiith. Mr. and Mis. Bernard Spen- ce, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marchand, Mr. Joseph Steph- enson and Mr. andirs. Wayne Weslbn were Saturday evem- ing guest of Mr. snd Mrm. Glad ta repôirt that Mis. John Mortensen ie feeling muah improved ateir her re- cent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lar- mer Peterborough; Mr. Alan Larmer Toronto, vicie Sunday guests of â$r. aud 1M&s. Harold Lainier. Mr. and Mis. Albert Roger and Vicky weTe Sundiay guests o! Mi. and Mis. Gien Lewrey and family. vi. Benjamin Hubbard has nxow retired from the C.P.R. after 25 years service. Mi. and Mis. Merle Hub- bard, Mi. Franik Blunt, Bow- manville, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. Mary Dean sud family. SympaVhy is extended to Mis. Ray McGiil and Mrs. M., Mouitey in the sudclen pasa- ing of i. Ray MeGIi. Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Vick- ery and Debbie, Mi. and Mrs. Henry Goschel and Charles cf O*hawa were Sunday evening guests of Mis. E. Bryan of Burketon. SALEM Salem W.A. held their Feb- ruary meeting at the home of Mrs. Deug. Reynolds. The pie- sidient, Mis. Gerald Shackle- tan opened the meeting with a poem and the Lordi's Prayer. Mis. E. Twist and her group were in charge of meeting. A very inspiring meditaition was was given by Mis. Twist. Mis. Garnet Rickard was guest spe- aker sud gave some interesting facts about the Golden Plough Lodge at Cobourg. Seveiral cards of thanks were read. Plans for catering ta the Jun- ior Farmer's banquet on March SPECIALS AT WALKE BFS Boys' Suede-like WINDBREAKERS Fully, lined - Zipper front Sizes 3 up Reg. $3.98 Clearing _______________________________________________ I Ail Wl nter Mercha nd ise Children's - Boys' and Ladies' Wear Reduced 50%, of Bowmanville 5 KING ST. E. MA 3-5451 E u I Noboc Meat I )f r ir is ir n I- PORTERHOUSE, SIR. Ail Food Pruce. Effective March 10h,11h,12hSteaks oi We Rtenerve the Rlght to Lîmit Quantities THE LOWEST BACC. ________________ROYAL GUEST LEA: RUPERT BRA» FROZEN Sliced Si Sole Filuets i - Welghts SOLO Ty Trimsi Like.. lECAUSE IT'S TABLERITE YOU GET MORE EDIBLE MEAT FOR YOUR DOLLAR. Ail IGA meats are gevernment approved TABLERITE RED OR9 BLUE BRAND BEEF oneless Round POUND ITEAKS or £f tOASTS 671C âd lump Eoasfs MLOIN OR WING r Roasts lb. 75C )N PRICE IN YEARS LN RINDLESS ide Bacon IL.9C Lb. ~~LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE - SAVE 6c 5 z SPAGHETTI 2TINs27 a rim- CA17V.10- BURNS SPAM l. M arga rine ORIANIGE PEKOE - SAVE 8c 1IGA TEA BAGS 1-LB.ROBIN HOO0D - SAVE 45e 2PKGS-1 3C ANGEL FOOD MIX 2 GARDEN FRESH TENDER GREEN U.S. No. 1 Broccoli LARGE 5 BUNCHc Broccoli ACH 2 CISP TEDRVCUUM COOLED LARGE LElUCE 2 HEDs29c CANADA No. 1 THE VEGETABLE POWERHOUSE N.B., POTATOES 1AG. 4 9c SHOP AND SAVE AT 120z.9 0FN 69c PKGS. 14 OZ. 9 0 0 0 Bowmanville IGA Market 10 WXA ILLE Toms' IGA Market uwAnuril Take A Break During The Day And Enjoy One 0f These Refreshing Smith Beveruges *CREAM SODA *GRAPE *ROOT lIER *ORANGE S INGER ALE Mod ad BotiedIiT.. SMTHDE VERGES Lire. ROWMANYVILLE CHECK YOUR LOCAL PAF- ERS FOR THE TIME AND CHANNEL 0F IGA's "R OMPER TV SHOW D'a Wonderful Entertalnment for the Chlldren - Tune ln Monday tbru Frldsy a ONTAIIO tluer w n»jydA socifl tmeting. d ftr h meeing.eamahyt i m M.nrs Noinna vey ifl Mre aos o! hio rmateryin Cyril v- eryi Newcate.C iovl As- ery, o!elwase lel a kto diuie nsunerey in v thngrc meoy e!Mi yil Av- in einr f &.Cy. v Seray o flcomnt Stened fothis uniorFame' satng pat theJnd easte lst Fraig ay evem Newasl l flAy nurer o!aunyan people tenof heouhYoun pepbyte SkatngOspawtya Prt Pyerry Songeb., 29. Portvera ladie fom erea9. tede liesorldDo! Pneay- ci eneti theWoTdyoflastF- ermeiga yrn atFi Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Feb. 29 to Mar. 6th inclusive: Admissions -------____41 Births- male, 5 female - 8 Discharges -_____46 Major operations 8 Minor operations --15 Emergency treatments - 5 Visiting heurs 2:30 te 4:30: p.m.L and 7:00 to 8:30 pin. -wAfflvv"výw dWMAIYW% MAKING PICTURES cen was aise enother letter ln ro- be a 'dd«ful hobby! No! ference to a senior citizWn' T.hat wrdmai i nt igroup bemng xnstrueted in mek- mekii n~ aing etanp pictures. Wonder nistake, as these pictures arehaw philatelists feel about made o! about anything ex- samps being used this way. cepit paint. Although paint le sorne tirnes usedi te add col. Anether way to make a pie-. our. Perhape the most fun- ture, that I tiiink would be a nieri type of th-je klnd o! Pw- lot o! fun and etimu1ati to turc is the kind made o! the imagination, would be to shelîs. Very unusual but very use anything you can find liai attractive, landscapes , ad leoks like something you want !loweî pictures have been in the picture. How about a made by Mis. Aldired o! Scu- contest for Ibis kmnd o! ait? gag Island. She uses !ish bancs For informaltion about the and scales glued on a firm spring "HOBBY SHOW sud background sud lien palnted. SALE" write te "Hobby Cor- Lanscaesmaine, pc-ner" in care The Canadin Ladscapfoers, marns, pic Statesman, P.O. Box 190, or animiais are made by Mr. Poè M338 ewe Clarke o! Toronto by cutting 3:00 and 6:30. out stampa in intricate de- sigus. As I have su article BeouovnPnat y. about i. Clarke's stamp pic- Wate or othe sevage rO tuiez cut out about teni yearssigais lfotheny mean canger ago, I was quite inteîested lusgasta myma acr seeing a letter from hlm in Cancer o! lhe skin te the the Torante Star lasit week lu commenest forin o! cancer in reply ta a recjuest for how ta men. If treated early it eau make stamp pictures. Thereinearly always lie cured. PAGU lm , $1.991