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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1960, p. 9

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THURSAY, MAR, 17th, 1960 TM CANADIAlISTATESMAN, DOWMANVff.L& .ONTARTO PAÉ mm*YU e a. ..n.~ Juvs. Reverse Form 9%.eIfack Elmira in Se ries Tying Battie - ly Jim Clarke performace of the vear was Several hundred gleeful sensational, as he turned noisemakers from Bowman- aside ail but three of thewnIW ville outwhooped tbheir Elmira 47 drives dlrected at hini by rivais Saturday while Mike the frustrated losers. Wo n9 0 i e 1Csborne's Juveniles deait El- hIa complété reversai of qàira a atunning 10-3 shellack- the firati gaie of the series, lng, to even the best ofgfie ]owmanvilles deen~c su- Hi pel Is Big Gun aeri-finai series at agieried about In_____________end, apiece. and harassed the Elmira club Ofe hi uiegs-e constantly. Bill Osborne 1ly o l T id P ro Ladies' Major BowIint AIn the eir futile igestures a powerful gaine, as lie y In he penng amein ow-lugged the puck up !ce Urne snnilCah Mk s after time, and ateadied theFGams QGo a l nd ver rEflen Hroy borne rearranged bis forward Bowmanviile crew away with a Ga311408 24, 25, J.dLyler:2D8, Naen y Bry Unit, in the hopes of regain- his coo, eisp passing. f fIf( IpI 11, at214, 2, l21, Nncryn lng Ithe aid o riang pow The entire team rose to the U (.ne Davis 221, A. Bickell 281, 250, Helen Nickohson er.tpi ffbilaty, as occasion, and with each surgeP u ts Elm i a n e a m M. Lewis 250, M. Holroyd24, ate the trio of Brian Hughes, Ga- up ice, every tense minute rY?4Culo, ndK. Beauprie 207, H. Vivian Hilda Simnick ____ accounted for six of the 10~ gaine, the Bowmanville fansDU5 IENLu ~ I ton 237, E. ýCox 266, 202, B. 1MZaiY Harrison goals, ivhile Terry Black.,yelped, roared, and in generai, fu ~ ii ,I u I -Btiae22 .Bdy23 Hughcles, a nedgalxWie vocally rose withi the ensuing inREs E. Holroyd 213, H. Piper 234, mnc icted n e goa and action.________ By .hlm Clarke rebound to put Elmira on mira, as he blocked 39 of 46 L0, . rgt 2, H. r dxeck "Mainely.Mc-e footing with the fading drives from the znarauding &r241,1.Wih 25, . Gar "Mchie Gn" c-A niagnificent four goal Boav iLecew inesrock CuIlogh, Brian Hughes, Irv Iperformance by Dave IHipel Bischmadecewa at pd Gry cuIog m e M laght122, N. MNors22, O"Pancho" Gi, and BhOs aon Tuesday night here, tran- Bsh21ea1, Apd GayMCuluh n . Richard24, os22, D born ailnetldlt o saI, uiizd owanile uvrlsave on McCulloughs blazer Black wcre the most indus- Bo~23 .Ece 5,29 hleBTenton Hughes, and L iles, who were trounced 7-3.right from the opening whistie trious front line workers, with Broks iî22, E. rome1i229 Joe Bothwell ccunted singles, A irf For the second time in the of the third, but fromn here Ken Coverly turning in a va-.0827A . Omod 2157, H.ei un tilie scorfngerout.LAe. semi-final series, Bowman- out, it was Elmira, Who pres- liant night's work on the Gi,. i 1, 0,J ae Terry "Jet" Black, impres- On rdyaeno, Mar. ville find themselves inthe sured the wobbling Bowman- rearguard, in a losing cause. l269 1, 20.Ethr21, 242,e dive in the opcning gaine Of llth, neîyatenonviable position of peern ville team. Elmira's trio cf Considering the crowd, lar-ii 21 0 thr 7,22 the AtronLadies' une behindottthdeGuwdilelkn 211 the sres, did a tremendnus League only managed ta get 8 o h ieScotnd Grundy geiyow Bowmanville boosters, Ta tnig job of shadowîng Don Duke, two 200 games éveil though 8-bal. Unable ta contain the connected for two more, while the Ice house was relatively Brook Standings_____ 1 the key ta Elmira's uceteewaagodn brofuck hungry lmira club Don Duke, and lime mate Dave quiet. except for the locals' Dot and nulllfied the line of Duke, ladies out. Doris Holroyd's 210 Bowmianville saw an early 3-1 Gre de eBwa-lm ihgcnrbtos Bernice Buday 14 Garner, and Seiling, greatly. gaine tbOokhi snefote Jead dissolve, as the winnersves downfall. With the elimination axe DrsJl _______1 highsinle fr te Dois oIl12 With a crowd of about 900 afternoon folowed by Betty battled desperately ta get on Around the Rink poised, and about to drop, the Hilda Brook iooking on, Bowmanvilie out- Richards wlth a 204 gaine. even terms. Elmira's efforts Hpbisecys te ec fagtcnelmichrhe thedy onnaeton ___ 12 1hustled, outscored, and out. High double went t elnwere rewarded, inBoma- gamsienafer intesc hh nEmrwe hyDnaPetni distanced the amazed hoe ihlo iha36totalefo villes disastrous third period ond gieatrseoring once will attempt ta prolong tbis 0111e Patfield _____ 10 hoe-Nihoso wt a35 tta frcollapse. in the Opening affair almost séries with a victory. E tigr1 stera in every department, as her two games. The Robins singlelhandedly siayed Bew- We're going to crawl away Joycre y1e0 theY jumped into a 4-0 lead scored a shutout over the Docile 1300 Fans manville in this imotnJu n arte rcr o yce Lolriht8 aferte istpeidicra- Sparrowà as did the WrenS A surprisingly docile gatb- third gaine. 11mb in predicting a Bowman- Norma Norris _____-7 Ing ilt t 7-2 heading int the over the Bluebirds, while the ering of neariy. 1300 fans, par- Elmira's big thunder of Don ville victory tomorrow night KayBaure7 thid.Caares ndBlejyssplt iclaly Bowmanvile sup- Duke, Dave Garner, and Rod but what was accoinplished Grant Wright, In bis finest the points, porters, saw Bowmanvilie take Sciling, smothered in the El. before, can be done once Averates Team Standings an early 2-0 lead in the open- mira scrap, plunked two, with more, and I feel that if the Hilda Brock _____218 TemPts ing period. Goals by Alex Duke and Garner the marks- the "'Sph'it" remains, thie Onie Etcher ______216 pWes10 Wiseman, his third of this ser- mien. flame stili flickers, well make Kay Beauprie 206 Canaries "f________ es, and Irv Gi, sent Bow- Both gealtenders piayed il. Let's hope that flame is an Bernice Buday 206 Robins_________ 6 manviile into a two goal ad- stoutiY, with Grant Wright inferno tomorrow night in the Doris Joli ______ 206 I'Bluebirds ______ 6 vantage. flave H-ipel combin- matching bis tremendous fourth and MUST gaine of the Dot Brooks _____ 202 Sparrows 4 cd with Grundy, and Shantz twine minding chore in El- series. Em Stringer 201 TUF 5 Njpj BlUejays 3 ta narrow the count te 2-1 at -_____-_____-_____ -_____- _____-____Ollie Patfield _____ 196 of umm «Averages 12:33 cf the first, but Gary--------- Joyce Lyle 195 90 &VdfM' 4 ciAUOllie Patfield ___ 189 MoCullough mnade it 3-1 at 7' na Etcher loi____ 9 a"d WiylL i '<î-i Betty Richards -___ 187 16:59, taklng Irv Gill's pass f > re t n Helen Dunn _________ k Bonnie McDonald___ 178 about 25 feet out, and beating . i c~~e iw Mary Wilcox____ 188 - En thr174 Merril Schott slammed Joe Normna Norris 186 1. - Shirley Davis_____ 170 Grundy's pass behind Grant Dy Douglas RaigW la Bates -_____ 185 un-u Crw ____170 WT1ght from the left side qat 1 Peggy Hayne18ne u Alyce Hodgson IQ 18:07, making it 3-2 after one Helen Gilhooly _____182 Doris Holroyd ____ 166 period cf action. Playground Supervisors 9,00 p.m.-Wlnner Game No. Myra HOPPS 179 Net happy with the wi Hilda Simnick_____ 157 Dave Hipel counted for El- The Bowmanville Recrea. 3 vs. Bowrnanvifle. Pat Bartels 179 WeUl, that'a where we Muriel Crough 154 mira at 18:53 cf the second tien Department requires per- This tournainent will give Normna Gay 179 orprome pt Barb. Courtney 153 period, with Garner, and Mc- sonnel ta act as playground local fans an opportun.tty ta Donna Preston _____178 orpfrne tc Helen Rogers 150) ullough bath i the penalty supervisors on the Bowman. see Miner Hockey atIlt's bust. June Baker _____ 177 have it sounding swei Bea Sellers _____ 147 box. Ken Shantz cut arouiid ville playgrounds Ibis coming Admission for the Tourna- Grace Blackburn - 177 regap ycur. apark plugi Daisy Bell _____ 147 Ken Coverly, anid Grant summer. ment will be 50c. for Adults Lol Wright - 176 elean and adjust peint Sadie Buckel _____ 146 Wrîght made a smart save, The wage scale will run' $18 and 25c. for children the one Essie Ccx - ____ 176 nam e that everyUinj * Betty Kelly - 14.5 but Hipel fircd an aiong the te $30 per week according t<> admission prîce isgo o Ada Richards - 175 .ugz ,uy ___________15___________heag _oth te ualfiatOncen exeyouhe he ve.One ay av Steiephns1ensrngi1in4o-ay LTD a . Hln udi ___ 142 c htm Uccg ntenceofthe applicant. TIhe paid your admission you mni Babe Brown ______173 ) Velma Kitson ____ 141 Marion Wiseman 130 heurs will be .froým. 9:00 a.m. come and go as you like. a Marg King 172 M Mf Hilda Mooney 141 Nellie McFeeters ___ 130 te 5:00 p.m. daily except Sat- AUl boys Wlth the excep- Marx_______ 172 Mar!on Gibson ____ 139 Marion aDnd 128 urday and Sunday. Employ- tion of the boys taklng part .maBrmil_____ 172 RIIERiERATION-ELECR Marg. McDoneld____ 137 Agnes McColloch - 128 ment wiî'î b. on a seven week in the tournainent arerq Est-aor ______ 1712I) E IMMC - SALES - SERICCE Mabel Williamis ____ 37 Ruth Goodwin ____ 127 basis starting July 4th. ed 10 pay. Your Minor Hockey Joyce Mao17 T.1-RAIO -APPLIANCES Aura Trewin -- -___ 136 Millie Wlhite-_ ___ 126 Ail succssfui applicants will Membership card d-nes not en- Shirley Davis ____ 171A» s ea Wilson 133 Jean Lobb 125 be required ta, attend a Play- tille you te, freeadmission for Heleni Piper- 170 72 Scugog St. Marg. Coyle _____ 132 Barbara Collison 122grud Laes Triirgbs onmn. Marlon Slaght -____ 169 N ,n eaes' T ainngt, Audamn. rcy Osmond - lR ___________ - neCalmer 131 Cozette Neads 121 Course aI Camp Quin-Me-LacThe winners cf th. Tourna-.arbBtb e 6 nortli cf Belleville, starting ment wil advancc te the On-.Jean Satell ______168 June 24th le June 29tb. lanao Charnpionship Toura-Jea______ 16 Application forins are avail- ment whlcb wil1 be heldi Betty Wcstlake _____167 able at 1h. Recreation Office Huntsville on April 2lst to Eleanor Larmer _____166 LET G EO G E D O er inth LinsComuntv en 23d.Helen Vivian______ 166 ET GE OR GErD O UT! in theion C r.nby Ce- 2rBernice Terry ____166 fieiÇh onHler As 0f- Minor Hockey Thelma Forrester - 165 fice i To wn HallmusAil ap- Due b1h.the ate start cf tbe Shirley Biekel___-__16,5 plton foth rmmution re- Little N.H.L. Tournanient on LiII Hooper _ 165 fice nu l'aber than Mardi 301h. Saturday, March 194he have been able ta schedule soaGolf Lessons some cf aur, Miner Hockey If yeu are interested i at- games for tb. niorning. ListedB na s T e Icnding the Recreabion Depart- below is th, achedule cf gaine ment's Golf lessons picase limes for this cooning Satur- contact the Récreation Office day Cobourg 2-O or Mr. Ian Turner by Monday, Pes Wee League-A. Bwiavle eete c Casses 2il bgn ene-7:0-Wlngs vs. Bears B Y N W A D S V !daý, March 23rd at 7:00 es 7:45-Leafs vs. Canadians or2-he Stdanit in th. girl's gym at the Bow- Bantani League-A.M. Bath Nei in the Cobourg net MEN'S manville High Sehool. There 9:20-Cubs vs. Lions an ii. l ae r gssninf will b. classes for bath be. -1020-Flyers vs. Tee Peeu telcl eeottnig LB e r ginners and golfers. Beginners 1.Ao geA1L Boh Sleep open.d lb. scoring classes will be held at 7:00 Atom Lendan e-o. ms In the first period and Day, P R on Wednesday and Thurs- 105Idan s.*m Kerr scored the insuraikce day evenings while the golf- Lions Mldget-Juvenile marker In tbe second. crs classes wiil be held at Laue*AX S m iR irs8:00 p.m. on Wedn.sday and 11:55-4taroons vs. Générais Thursdays. MONDAY, MARCH 21ST. AU iamî. i , Ail classes wIll b. imited Pc. Wee League S A K IL ta maximum cf ten people, 5:15-H1awka vs. Bruins. Men's Sizes AlClr in order te allow for nie Bantamn League Several front her. altended Self -belted net, 4.95 individuai instruction. 6:00-Tigers vs. Pirates the dance in Coldeprings, Sat- The cost cf the eigbt week The Mug Series will be held urdly evening and Mr. Ewart Bex. $.9 SALE course wili be $7.50, or $1,50 on Saîurday, Mardi 26th Robinson, was a pnize winner. ALE per lesson. . whlle Minor Hockey Nlghi Miss C. W. Stewartspn h Pee W. Hockey Tournament willi b. hcld on Wednesdav. weekend i Oshawa. joft M Bwam, doPmeeMa h30h batig im w 00M. ndirf daA5 1an is brcken down Int three age v. hi eehti brtibday. Extra hard faclng pros groups as feilows: Junior A -= ~ j Mr. and Mca. Boss Bayd and oieaoaFrms p (Atom) under 10 as cf Aug- ! boys vlsited wlth Mr. and Mrs. oeaimFrms o M à ' u g r e-.tusl lst; American League (P.. Bd. Brandt, Toronèto, on Satiar- Siues 30 te 4 tam) under 14 as cf Augusl a-n pn l.wek6 i0 H.avy Duty, Sanforized. oo st, al19s5r9a.c ugs Toronito witii their grandpar- Reg. $3,95 - SPECIAL $ 099' Listed below la the. scbedule cils, Mr. and Mrs. Oldeah. and g959.lIA UIi3e/: Tiiose attending lhe Masonlc MAI _________________________________________________(1) 1:30 p.m. - (Jr.A) - banquet from ths section in- Bowmanville vs. Port Hope. Cluded Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mûr- UU à (2) 2:30 p.m.-(A.H.L.) - _______t__ in, Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson,CITH ïBowanvile s. Prt Hpe.Mr. and Mns. S. Lancaster. ~. a aB 3:30vile v.-(Por Hope.Saturdiay ,vening visitors Iowman ville Surplus Store 1PoH ) - EATIionlinl-SQ le Mc-123 6:p.m.-Girls' Broombal \ eeMs Helen Tre -Boones vo, Fabiens. ILGAaNEOTOR(LSd and Alec Martin, Mr, Bruce MDRT 7:00 p.m.-Winner Gaine No. ~ Norris, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ]OE T 42 ig ssi. E. M 41 1v.cb..I.0oJ Laurence Farrow Starkvile; 8:0 p.M. Winer mMnN. and Mrs. Briarn Cawell, 2 vs, Cobourg. Crooked Creek. ýst engine I n town!1 iay your car's pcrformung? ecome in-just drive that our station and we'il sean et again. We'il cdean and sgo. check distributor . . . ta-- tuiic-up your engin. ig's harmonizing just fine l 8 Garage RWICE STATION Phono MA 3-3M3 Cm, lmva She... pa'5 lm aSl.I Smlo SELL am iirocui THERE'S A...,, FISTFUL 0F SAVINGS EVERYTIME ATTonR 1iw !IENDLY ýSANIS =s'OUi01 stern OCK RBERS , comfort and reduce joit- h a set of these "original shocks. Easily installed 9.e70 SHOCKS $21.70 pair IEGS 6.95 PAIR PLATES kal equlpment specfflatlons. vides long lif., trouble-irce ilar cars and llght trcks, 30 u MRcD ISSENDLIES AND TIF EX MA 3-3134 A. Boyd, Prop. GOLDEN GRADE BONDED BRAKE SHOES TOTI CAN'T BUY DETTER LININ ANYWHERE - Iii- prognated wlth thousands et tlny brasa andi roula particles te produas the greateat possible braking offiolency and reduce "Erake killng" heat. Simiular te, brako lining that uafely stops modern Supersonie Jet Air- croft. Gives oustaîding per- formance la fair or foui weatb- or, 3e98 EXCHANGE 2 WHEELS STANDARD BONDED BRAKE SHOES - For meut popular cars. Price jet 2 wheeha ____2.95 ex. BRAKE FLuID - Heavy duty. Meets or oxceedas 8A-. .speol- ficatioia. 16059c 79c 08L 1.29 CHARGES INI OUR SERVICE DEPAETMEN FOR INSTALLATION LONG SAULT eening evi5itOtS0f 'r.a"e Mms.McLaggan and Victor Mr. and Mms. Frances John-l were fYkbiy visitora of Mr. sensk'on;Mr. and Mms.and Mrs. G. Boker. Mr. and' Raymn Ohre and Debbie, Mm .j. Smithi, Byron and jac., Courtice Mr. and Mrs. Janies kie Ajax, were Sunday visit- Ryder Port Perry, were Sun- ors of Mm. McLaggan. day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johifston. Mr..and MmL Grant Bentley Miss Heather McLoggan spent ay vtsitiyofM.adwereSn the weekend witb Ithe Misses dyvstr fM.adMa Heather and Penny Lince. Bye GitSn. Mr. and Bye Gibson, Miss Sandra Gibson Mr and Mrs. RobI. Cameron and Mr. Norman Davis attend. and family, visibed ber motiier, cd the 25th w.dding anitiver- Penwarden aI Orono onl sary of Mr. aid Mca. Gordon -Sunday and were Sunday sup.. Strong, Baflyduff, where a pre- -Per guestsocf Mcs. Harry Fra-sentation was held for thems s er, Orono. at th, Orange Hall, Ponly. Mr. aid MIs. Wi. Carr and pool. !IBrenda wiere Saturdtay even- M. aMd Mcm. Ray Bradb)ur 9 ing guests cf Mr, and Mrs. Les and family, Burketon; Mn,. Cochran, Union and Suflday John Wallon and Miss Patsy 13dinner guesîs cf Mc.nd Mrs. Wotlon, Blackstock, were Sun- 16 a-ny MeEwan, Whitby. day visibers cf Mr. and Mma 163 Mc. and Mrs. Harold Mur- BillJohnsn. 163 phy and family were Saturday ________ 162 guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Fred 161 Brooks, Oshawa. A nian uscd tb vicissitudes 161 Mn. and Mrs. Earl Penward- lu net easily dejected.-Sam- 161 en aid family were Sunday uel Johnson. s 1

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