THURSDAY, MAX. l7th, 1980 T~U <!ANAflTAN ~TATF.SMAN. EOWMANVULE. ONTARIO ~<1/ie//ewcaditIe 9depede 1Gordon Agnew, Editor J lewcas t/e Social ana' fPersonali Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- Horticultural Association in ton ,eturned home on Mon- the Royal Connaught Hotel in daY evening PÊter spending Hamilton on Thursday, MareAi the winter months in Tam- lth. Those attejiding were pa, IPlorida.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Munday lJ. W. Hillier, Mrs. George Sta- of B6wmanville and Mr. and pleton. Mrs. A. Glenney, and Mm.s Earl Weatherîlt and fam- Mr. W. Farrow. ily of Bethany were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. ofCutc1er udyvs M. Benardand ric.itors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Dennis. of Lindsay were weekend vis- 1togs with Mr. and Mrs. H. C.i Mr. and Mrs. Philip Veitcn Dennis. land Susan of London, Ont., vis.- A number of members oliited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- the Newcastle Horticultural ence J.* Alun when attendingj Society attended the annual the funeral of his aunt onl convention of the Ontario Mardi l3th. 1 Durham Lodge Holds Annual. Ladies' Nighti At Community Hall Newcastle-The aunual "At Home" o! tbc Durham Lodge, A.F. &A.M. No. 66, was beld on Friday cvening, Marcb 11, in the Newcastle Communily Hall ivben a lange number o! Masons and their wives from tbc Ontario District, (Witby to Coîbomne) as well as a num- ber o! othen guests atlended te enjoy Ibis fine eveuiug. SIiorlly a! ber six o'clock thc ban quet room became a busy place when members o! the No. 9 school section Home aud School Club served a inost delicious dinner. As bbe guests entened tbc auditorium bbey .were reccivcd by Wor. Bro. John Scott and Mrs. Scoît, eBro. Alfred Perin and Mrs. Perrin aud Bro. Clinton Farrow and Mrs. Farrow. Wben aIl wcre seatcd, a mnost enjoyable siug-song led by Bro. E. R. Lovekin with Mr. Norman Williams aItbh piano was enjoyed by al pres- eut and Uic program opcnedi wilh bbc singing o! the Na- lioual Anthem wibh Mn.Wiýl- tWalkey and Mms. Walkey, Chaplain Wor. Bro. C. M. Joues and Mrs. Joncs, Secre- lary Won. Bro. Clarence Allin fand Mns. Allin, V. Won. Bro. 11P. Hare, V. Wor. Bro. I. Col- Iwill aud Mrs. Colwull. Rt. Wer. Bro. E. F. R. Osborne and Mrs, Osbobne and bbc Worsbipful Masler's wife, 3&s. Scott. Absent officers o! bbc lodge were V. P. M. Won. Bro. Jas. ET. Brown, S. S. Bro. Dm. O. B. Dickenson, Rt. Won. Bro. W. F. Rickard, Rt. Wor. Bro. H. J. Toms and Rt. Wor. Bro. Donald Gibson. Bro. Alfred Perrin introdu- ced Rt. Wor. Bro. Osborne in i'bis officiaI capacity as D.D.G. M. o! Ontarien district o! bbc 1Grand Lodge o! Canada mwbo1 replicd in a few wdll chosen words. Phone 36211 Alter Peddler's By-Lawl n& JUM M' w... -a do 1 r w.uu riOW PC Newcastle - At Uic Mardi meeting o! bbc Newcastle vil- lage council bcld on Mouday evcning By-law No. 730 was passed, being a by-law eau- cclling slî prcvious by-baws for thc licensing o! peddlcr's in the village. Aftcr consid- erable discussion in which councillors tnied to gel a fe that would be fair b ail, it was decided to lower bbc fee to $35 annuEffly t0 all pcd'dlers and la have bbc by-baw strict- ly enforced. Final reading was also giv- en By-law 729 bcing a by-haw to amend By-law 685, licens- ing pool and billiard rooms in the village. Operators of such establishments wil now pay a !cc o! $10 annually for one pool or billiard table and $5.00 for ecd additional table. Mr. D. G. Wallon addressed the council prescnting a peti- lion from property owners on South Mll Street asking that somclbing be donc about the snow on bbc noad in Uic vicin- ily o! bbc Canadian National Railway lracks. MT. Wallon said be bad been fonced la leave bis car at bis fatben's place because it was impos- sible te geltbrougb thc snow- banks, and il was stated bbe situation wouhd cause a real bazard in case o! a fine in this area. Coundillors explain- cd the counlies noad commis- sion was nesponsible for snow plowing on this road and a nesolulion was passed author- izing tbc witing of a lelter te bbc counbies road commis- sion cxplaining tbc situation and enclosing tbc petition. Mrs. D. J. Cunningbm sud Mms. Stanley Brown wr e- appointed tb bbc Newca..' Recrealion Commitîce. Afler some discussion negarding ap- poinîment o! a building in- specton. five names wcrc men- tioncd and it was decided these men sbould be inter- viewed to sce if any o! tbem would consider bbc position. The Police Committce were R rrniÂi A welcomc to bbc Ladies * ' was given by Bro. Clinton Farrow who expressed bow' bappy bbc members o! bbc e eiv Lodge were 10 have this ep.n n - -[ - liam -$ cempanying at bbc port unily te enleîltam them.M plane Wor. Bro. Scott cx- Bro. Fred Henderson on be- M any badges pnessed bis appreciation ta haîf of bbc Lodge presented Bro. Lovekin and Mr. WiI- bbc wife o! bbc Wor. Master, Newcastle-Durnug bbc pasl liama and spoke a few words Mrs. Scott wilh a lovely bau- couple o! montbs members of o! welcomc b ah present and quel o! roses. Mrs. Scott made tbc lsl Newcastle Pack of asked bbc Won. Masters and a fitting reply tbankîng the Bnownies have been working their Ladies le stand as bbey members o! bbc Durham Lodge bard ta caru Ibeir badges. Two were inlroduccd: Wor. Mas- for bbc flowers and Bros. weeks ago Tina Kozub ecciv- ter Ivan Buchanan, Coiborne; Henderson and Farrow for cd tbree proficiency badges, Wor. Master W. A. Wood, Co- Iheir kind words. bier collector's badge, witer's bourg; Wor. Master Alex Car- 'evstr wr ecmdbadge and bouse orderly ruthers, Port Hope: Wor. Mas- ou behaîf o! bbc lodgc by Bro. adg ie. Eean r Mcracen' ber Phil Guster, Port Hope;, Farincomib LcGnesley afler badgso anceivdnberw ndr' Wor. Master Lloyd Ayre, Bow- wl'-v' the Wor. Master calledbagan YvneGvan inanville, and Won. Master o o.Bo l Jean Montgomery each recciv- Wmn. J. McDonald o! Oshawa. heso!OIailC;u-ed their golden bars. >, wbso Oro Lodge, Pr LasI week fîve badges were Wor. Bro. Scott then intra- _ ne, h commended Dur-pneîdwihtregdn bam L.odgedfor bbc grandobaud duce th ofices o bb Du- e onr' nd is umoousPowbadges going ta Betb ham Lodge and their ladies 1ýp1r n i imuosPwlBvre ikr n as foilows: S. W. Bro. Alfred rcmarks were wclh neceived. li, BevCrle cka Bvrley Perrin and Mrs. Perrin, Jr.1 The tbanks o! the lodge la 'Rickard aso received ber W. Bro. Clinton Farrow aud the caterers for tbc fine meal skating badge aud bbe golden Mrs. Farrow, Sr. D. Bro. F,-in- wa exprcssed bv Bro. Frank ladden badge was presentcd comb LeGresley sud Mrs. Hoan wilh Mn. Bill Allin ne- 10 Mar TenDam. LcGmsley, Jr. D. Bro. Fred plying. Ten draws were con- Brenda Brown and Beth Ifendenson sud Mns. Hender- ducted for ten lovely con- Powell bave passed their tests' sou, I.G. Bro. Frank Hoar and lainers o! flowcns. for the skater's badge and caii Mrs. Hoar, Tylen Wor. Bro. L. look owrtaeeingt Gaines and Mms. Gaines, Jr. Bro. Clinton Farrow intro- ina oueofad a ecivirn il S.Bro. J. Bannes aud Mrs. duced tbc enlertainmenb o!faoupleve e ! w. Bea ]Bannes, Treasurer Wor. Bro. the evening, Doug Romaine, star for altendance. S. Lancaster and Mrs. Lau- comedicu, Nick Brown accor- Smeoer ebrs!th casIer, D. o! C. Wor. Bra. Esmi diarilst sud Mary Demers wilb Sm te mmeso h aapad acrobalic act. pack have kept Mrs. Helen ~~l. Bowcn busy passing tbem ou Commi g Events 4'Thse"entertainers supplied tests. laeso b rwi Be sure t0 attend bbc Finst cd bearty applause an many Pack are mosl appreciative o! occasions and ormi WilliamsMrs. Bowen giving up part o! Company N ew castIlec Girl and bis orchestra supplied th" lber evcuings te corne ouI aud Guides Third Annual Tes sud music for round, square and7 test the girls. Bake Sale, Saturday, Marcb 19,' spo)t dances for bbc rèmainder Folowing the meeting a lu ~~ - bb insRao! the eveniug and bbc gala couple o! games wcrc cnjay- In he ion RomCommuniycycunt was brougbl 10 a close cd ànd Uic girls wcnc sent, H-all, fnom 3 bo 5 p.m. Tea ta bbc satisfaction o! sîl con- home, a number o! cxcited, admission 25c. 11-1 crned. . Brownics. - "J For bMI Those MATLESS DAYS DURING LENT Il' 2 upstae Cheese C sodPi inI' (Glen Rae Dairy) Il, 4 Eggs bea!en slightly l IiiI quart Milk scaided (Glen Rae Dairy) iO 4 tbsps. Flour Iii 1/2 tsp. SalitiJ V2 cup Sugar I 1 tsp. Vanilla 1/4 tsp. Almond Extract Put the Cottage Cheese through a sieve. Beat the eggs together 'i sllghtly, add the scalded Milk. stirrir- to blend. Mix the dry ingredients, Li add sieved Cottage Cheese. Gradually stir in milk-egg mixture, add van- r Sua and almond extract. Pour inta a well buîtered dish. Place in a pan Sof hot water and bake in a moderate oven (325) deg. for 1% hours, or unt!iii kulfe inserted in the centre cornes out cdean, let cool. -.Serves 6 to 8. COTTAGE CHEESE available daily at Dairy, King St. W., Bow- b manville, and drivers. Also from: Dominion Stores and Tatc's Red & Wbite Groccry, Bowmanville, and Tom's I.G.A., Newcastle. GLEN RAE DAIRY 98 WIIG ST. W. M A 3-54 lj 200 Pack Meeting Adjorn Wafer Hearing Two Lawyers Wl! Present Summary Later ln Toronto UV ~> UV ~J ,- Newcastle - A crowd es- -, "'iy si Iimated aI more Iban 200 peo-i pie burned out 10 the Newcas-1 iauthorized to contact Consta- tle Coffinunlty Hall on Mon.- - ble Ricard and te have Uic day morning for the Munici-E rvillage parking by-iaw en- pal Board Hearing o! thc ap-i s orccd. lbt was stated cars are plication o! the village of New-1 *parked on King and Mib4 castle le enter int an agree-1 Streets alî day wbile Uic dri- ment with the Watem Resour-1 svers arc Oshawa, ces Commission o! Ontario tob -thus leaving ne space for ho- install a waterwomks systemn ical shoppers 10 Park. The by- lu Uic village and for appro-1 law allows angle parking in val o! the village's by-law tôc t bis area for two hours, set rates, for the collection o! ? A resolution was passed au- the neccssary funds 10 paym s thorizing theclcosing of Mill for Uic project. The counoeil1 Street beside the community chamber was filled 10 caps-i hall for a street dance lu con- çity by 10:00 am. the heur o! nection with Uic Lions Club opcning thc Heaing and pro-i Camnival on July 8th. ceedlugs werc moved toe c main auditorium of thc hall.1 by two memberf o! the On- WiYIIIIocke taria Municipal Board, Messrs. R. L. Kennedy, Chairman and1 A. L. McCmae. E. R. Lovekin1 Playoffswas counsel for thc village counicil and A. A. H. Strike The Cubs wenî one iî in represented a group o! rate- Ibeir series over tbc Jets hast payers in thc village, whe week witb a tbree to one vic- prcscnbed a peition contqin- >tory. Goal scorers for the Cubs ing tbc names o! 76 atcpay- were Fred Alldrcad, Harry crs representing a total o! Cuffe and Grant Williams $139,695 in assessmenb. with assists by Fred Aldread Reeve D. J. Cunîtlugbam (2) and Harny Cuffe. was tbc fîrst wîbness calhed Fred Alldnead and Danny by Mr. Lovekin. He gave a Harris wcre bbc oniy players background o! bbc water- penialized in Ibis gaine. works project since Novem- The lone goal for tbc Jets ber 1957, whcu Uic then Reeve ïwas sicored by Jim Aldread J. H. Jose and Councillors unassisted. Rickamd and Hoar, accompan- * * sied by Newcastle Editor, Gor- Bownianvillc Atoms don Agnew, made au on Uie cd thc local kids 6 teo0 on spot inspection o! bbc watcr- Monday, Marcb 7th with Joc works project under construc- Hersock scoring thrce o! the lion lu Havelock. He men- -'tiors' 6 goals and Bobby tioncd a meeting hcld with H-owc, James Roberts and two engincers from Uic On- ne Kitchen scoring oee ario 'Waber Resources Com- eacbi. mission wbo eported pollu-E lion o! village sbreams, etc., ' and ecomniended action by1 r thc counicil. Thcy subsecqueni- ~ hy cngaged Uic firm of R. K. c'J'IIIuniIy Kilborn and Asseciates to make a preliminary survey o! bbe village for waterworks Bowlilu in he section o! Uic village Resu its in Uic same area and swr 1on King street. He said Ibis Monday, Ladies' League - report was prcscnbcd at a wcllt r v r1 over 200 were Alice atended' public meeting onE Rowe 277, Eleanor Perrin 273, January 5th, 1959, wben Dr.E Anne ireleaven 219, G. Gray Berry o! the Waber Resounces5 218 and Marilyn Martin 211. Commission was present le Tuesday, Men's League .- answcr questions. AI the close Bowling over 225 werc Don O! Ibis meeting a standing1 Parker 276, 'Haydcn Griffith vole o! all lu favour o! pro- 271, Bill Lake 262, Albert cecdiiig was taken with only Peance 260, Ron Hockin 246, one dlissenter. Shcrm Shields 244, Bob Bnown Well Was Developed 244, Ken Whitney 234, Wynn He said council proceedcd Collier 225, Art Dubeau 225. le make plans and asked bbc Thursday, Mxed League - Waler Resources Conamission IBowling over 200 were Mar- 10 find a suitable well. Wben ilyn Coucli 252, Clanence Mc- driling was complebed and Ivor 262, Ruth Coucb 252, tbc test was satisfactory, thl Bessie Ferguson 227, Bill Har- well was developed and bbc rison 220 and Jack Perrin 214. counicil requested tbc Wabcr Fniday, Mixed League - Resources Commission to en- Bowling over 200 werc Irene ter mb oau agreement te con- Cunningham 277, Albert struct the system. A Rabepay- Pearce 255, Tracy Embley 221, crs' meeting was called to dis- Ken Whitney 214, lrv. McCul- cuss bbc waterworks in Octo- 213, Dorotby Whitney ber wben council exphained 209, Ken Dean 204,. Mary progcress to date and a Rate- Dewdnev 202, SIan Brown payera', Association was!o - 202, and Doux Waton 200, . cd Ladies' Wednesday After- Doto Gives Evidence noon Leag?,ue-Bowling 200 or over were Ruth Couch 220, A report was prcsentcd Irene Cunningfham 257 sud next by a member c! bbc firm Jean McCullough 255. o! auditors wbc bave just ______________ complcted audit o! bbc vil- -lage' s 1959 finances, audit Rev. Atkinson Speaker at Couple's Club Newcastle - The regular meeting of the Merry Married Couples' Club of Newcastle United Church was held in the Sunday School Auditorium on Wednesday evening, March 2nd. Following a short business period Mr. Bil Allin acf cd as chairman for the progra-n whi -h opened with a hymn followed by the Lord's Pray- Ar. Two lovely solos by Glenn Allin with Mr. Norman Wil- liams at, the piano were en- joyed by the members and Mrs. Eileen Allin gave a read- ing. The guest 'speaker of the evemng, thceRev. S. C. H. At- kinson o! Albert Street Unit- ed C'hurch in Oshawa was in troduced by the Rev. M. C. Fisher who said that Mr. At- kinson had been Minister at Albert Street for ten years, and was well known in tbis district bhrough his radio ser- Mr. Atkinson took as his subi ect "Life as an Adven- ture" wbioh heft his hearers with a great deal to bhink about. The appreciation of the club for his fine address was ex- pressed to, Mr. Atkinson by Marlow Hancock and lunch Iwas served_________ REAL ESTATE TO U At Once ... a BEDROOM HOUSE IN NEWCASTLE CONVENINCES good condition. lvi 3187Up t. $9,000 jâ. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE Newcastle 3856 whioh was entered into evid- ence and Dr. L. S. Mikios, called by Mr. Lovekin to give evidence in bis capacity as a village doctor, who before coming to Newcastle was a Medical Health Officer in a community in Saskatchewan. Four Out of 50 Tests Dr. Mikios said he had had occasion during his four years in Newcastle to have 50 water tests taken and oniy four of the 50 were renorted satisfactory. He said though YELVERTON (Intended for last week) Deepest sympathy from Yelverton community to Mrs. Ray McGill now o! Osh'awa i the sudden passing of hem husband. The McGils, pre-, vious owners of the farm nov;i owned and occupied by Mr.' and Mrs. Ken Gray, were ac- tive mernbers in our church and community if e and highly regarded as neighbours. M.r.i McGill died suddenly aI work. By din1 of necessity a new mode of transportation lias been lntroduced to get our junior miss to sohool. With the now toc deep for short legs and no other means of transportation available, 'or passable, for one lap cf the journey to school, a ski-o- back service has been inau- gurated to f il in this defici- ency-a plggy-back on 211i!s with you know who being the pack animal. North Nestieton Serry 10 hean Mme. Ivy Hooey Vas taken to Port Perry Hos- pitl, Monday iiighL. Hope you'me soon feeling Ïbetter Ivy! Mms. Malcolm Emerson, Mrs. Dick Davideon, Mms. Cecil Wil- sont, Mrs. Milton Fisher attend- ed the Kopper'Karnivailul Bowmanvillc,7thumsdey. Mr. and Mis. Howerd Mal-1 colm, Terry snd Candy visited Mr. and Mmm. Laurence Mal- colm. Mn. and Mms. Vie Malcolm- visiled Mr. sud Mis. Clarence Ginu Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Sadler aud girls viited Mi. and Mrs. Wilbur McCoy, Sundey even- ing. Mrs. Eluien Gibeon, Mr. Keitti Gibson sud Miss Brenda Stepli- ens wenc Sunday eveniug din- ner guests wilh Mn. and Mis. Lawrence Malcolmi he could not definltely trace lagreemnent with the village of it to the water supply, hie Newcastle wbemeby the Com- firmly beieved near epidem- mi.ssion would take over the ics of stomach flu and certain construction and operation o! skin diseases prevahent in the the watcr systcmn for 30 years village are caused from im- with the village paying off pure water*and hie had de- $16,900 annually to retire the finitely traced one case o! ty- debt, pay the interest and op- pboid lever te thc water sup- erate the. system. This money ply lu 1955. In cross examin- to be raised by a mil rate of ation by Mr. Strike, Dr. Mik- 3.3 milîs, 30 cents par foot los said that he had asked frontage up te 100 ft. and a other doctors in Bowman- $38.00 domestic consumers' ville Hospital whcther the rate. stomacli flu was prevalent MotWlso G d wbeu it was lu Newcastle anc otWeI otGa got a negative replF. Dr. Mik.. Mr. Wattcrs, Sanitary In- los said Ibis was most pre- spector of the Northumber- valent alter a beavy ain in land and Durham Healbh summer or a major thaw in Unit was present and stressed winîer. the need for a water system in the village, based on his Full Details Pubilsied day 10 day inspections o! the Called by Mr. Lovekin to water bcinEt used in thc vil- give evidence witb regard 10 lage. He said theme were some publicity given tbc water- properties in the village with works system, Gordon Agnew good drilled wells which were said that a running account reasonably satisfactory but of the waterworks project bad most dun wells are unsalis- been given from tbc begin- factory. He said witb a water- ning, starting with the Have- works system more people in lock trip ight up bo the pres- the community would be able cnt witb evcry mention of! b lake advantage o! modemn waterworks aI a coundil meet- plumbing facilities. ing being reported. He sald Unneccssary Expense? council business is public bus- iness and be always tries to Following the bearing o! report anytbing o! special in- Mr. Watters' evidence, Uic terest 10 the baxpayers and Board adjourned bbc bearing this is ccrtainly one o! tbem. at 12:30 noon until 1:30 for Engineer's 1 Report lunch, and after tbe lunch Malcolm D. Stewart o! the 'bour in the absence of Mr. firm o! R. K. Kiborn and As- Lovekin's witnesses, the chair- sociates gave the report o!frman asked Mr. Strike to pre- the sumvey made by biàS firm sent bis petîtion 10 save lime. which after certain revisiong, Mr. Strike said bie bad a peti- requesbed by Uic Water Re- tion in four parts, wbicb he sources Commission, is estim- prescnted lu evidence and ated at $170,355 for bbe in- called on Everct Joil who stallation of water mains, testified lie and two other stand pipe, pumps and pump citizens' bad bad tbe peition house, lire bydrants etc. Ques- prepared and circulated be- ioned by Mr. Lovekin, Mr. cause lie did not feel thc wa- Stewart said a rougb estimate tcrworks was needed and was o! the additional cost tb get an unnecessary expense. Cross wabem from tbc lake instead examined by Mr. Lovekin, he of tbc well would be another said be had lots of water. On $100,000 and to hocate bbc well further examination be ad- outside of the village would mitted that he lived on bbc cost about another $25,000 for cdgc o! bbc huit up area and construction. He said from an that hie was bbc only persan economical and engineerin%' living in bis home. slandpoint bbc present. loca- B'siness Men Back Projeet lion o! bbc wel'l is best. He Frank Mace, President of said Uic well is 66 ft. deep teNwcastle Cbamber o! and well enclosed and should Commerce, was then called supply good pure water. by Mr. Lovekin and slalcd Pay $16,900 Annually at a recent meeting of the Mr. Brian Larmer, secre- chamber bbc membens, ail bus- tary o! tbc Water Resources mness men, had voted unani- Commission said tbc hearing moushy to support bbc water- was on bbc application o! bis works project for reasons o! commission 10 enter into an Health, Fire Protection and ROYAL GOLD PLAINl or NIPPY Cheese Suices Poz. 2É5c BROCCOLI 10 oz. I Pkgs. 49 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTIT.ES! 9h Adymncement et the Vil- lage. On croas examination by Mr. Strike, h. stated the Chaxnber of Commerce h.d 24 members, ail business men of bbc vhll4ge. 100 Gais, a Minute Kennelli Sharpe, aupervisor of waterworks for the Ontario Water Resources Commission, stated that the commission 1iad drilled and developed a weIl on thc north side of WiI. mot street which when test- ed was found to have an out- put cf 100 gallons per minute which he felt would serve the community for years to corne. Asked if it would be advisablc 10 install the scw- ers at thc sanie time, h. sald il would make little differ- enoe in the cost and it was bis opinion that the water- works should be lnstalled first. Danger et Fire Karl Weyrich speaking ln favour o! the projeet said lie employcd !rom 46 10 72 per- sous in bis factory, bis payroll in 1959 wàs $195,000 and bis taxes wcrc $2,490. Questioned by Mr. Lovekin, he said he bad a wood-working plant snd a lot o! inflammable malenial was used. He said if it caugbn fine you woubd neyer put it out, with bbc preseut !acil.itics o! Uic village.' Hall a Pack a Day Lloyd Stephenson speaicing for the project be said for- bunately be had always had aclequate waler, but explalu- cd most properlies lu bbc built up area o! bbc village did not have sufficicut space for pro- per wecping bcds for sewagc and silîl keep far enougli away !rom a well ou tbc pro- perly., He said he had figuncd up wbat thc walerworks would cosl bim and bad found that lb amounted 10 only about bal! of wbat he bas to pay for a pack o! cigarets every day. Not Uic Water-the Cost Mmr. Strike ten calhed on thc other men wbo had cmr- culated bbc pebition calhing Mm. George Aflin wbo stated be had a 24 fI. well w'bich supplicd ail the watcr he needed unlil Uiey wcne test- ing bbc villagý,e well, then lie was out o! waler for a couple of days. He saîd bis conceru was ual the watcr but bbc cost o! bbc project. No Need For Watcrworks The other circuhalors cf the petition, George M1eadows and Chris Barcha-d both Iclaimed they bad no need for bbc watcrworks and couid flot sec any neason for spcndlug tbc largc amount o! meney the pnaject would cost. Ques- ioned by Mm. Lovekin Mr. Barcband said be didu't know o! anyone in bis neigbborbood wbo was short o! watcr, but laten admitbed a ncigbbour across Uic street wýas havlug waban drawn. Mm. Meadows admitbed tbat some o! the TREESWEET - SAVE 4c Orange Juice. IGA INSTANT - SAVE 6c Powdered MiIk IGA - SAVE 6c Sunny Morn Coffee SAVE 6c Five Roses Flour BURNS SHAMROCK COOKED READY TO EAT SMOKED HAMS 16. 47c Shankless - Skinless Defatted - Rai! or Whole BURNS CONEY'ISLAND 1 Lb. RED ROTS Cel k. 391 BURNS LEAN MIL» CURE» COTTAGE ROLLS BURNS JELLIIED READCHEESE c1 HALF CRYOVAC m m Lb. 49C 3 Lb. Tin 89C1 CHECK TOUR LOCAL PAPERS FOR TIME AND CHAINNEL FOR: IGA'S ROMPER ROOM TV SHOW WONDPRFUL ENTERTAINNEN FOR TEE CHEDEEN SHOP AND SAVE AT.aa Bowmanville IGAMarket DO WNAN VILE a ONTAIUO Toms' IGA Market NWATE NAX ]F. IL Macdonald, F.C.A. The Public Accountants Council for the Province of On0 tario announces the electiono Mr. H. R. Macdonald, F.C.A., of Toronto, as its President, to succeed Mr. D. P. McKechnie, C.P.A., of Ottawa. Other of- ficers elected were Vice-Presi. dent, Mr. G. B. MacDonald4. C.P.A.; Secretary, Mr. D. A. Ampleford, F.C.A.; Treasureir Mr~. J. R. M. Wilson, F.C.Ai ail of Toronto.41 The Council draws to the ato- tention of the public that aIll those who practise as pubÎlie accountants in Ontario must bd$. licensed under the Public Acfý countancy Act (Ontario) :1950" and must observe the Code o? Professional Ethics laid dow* by the Couneil. Any informa tion regarding these matterr, and the penalties. for non-ob4 servance of the Act and Regur lations may be obtained 1rn Mr. C. Doughty, Registrar The Public Accountants CounciIe for the Province o! Ontariop Room, 32, 2 Bloor Street Eastqý' Toronto 5, Ontario. ,[rm42 39c 1 L.29C PKG. 53C BAG 39c TENDER GIREEN U.S. No. 1 ASPARAGUS lb. RED RIPE BEAUTIS U.S. Ne. 1 TONATOES GARDEN PRESH CAULIFLOWER a a £a. 29c L 3, 11110' LA40E JUCY CLUSTERS - EMPEROB GRAPES . . . . 2 Lb.35c -1ý MI w -- -MM-Mm PAGE ICLEM--, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVdANVI=, ONTARIO M"PAY, MAR. 17th, 1960 pole did not read the peti. 83LUImm T» Ing Francis Jos. eak«Iing for the farmers of the villake said there were il farm properties in the village - amsssed for $105,000 or approximately il percent of the total assess- ment and moat cf ihemf would neyer see the waterworks go- ing past themn. He saîd the 3.3 mills was too mAicl to assess these farmers. - Poationê Arguments With neither counsel hav,ý. int additlonal Wltnesses te-- eall and no further discussion forthoomlng at 3:30 p.m. the chairman asked counsel if they would postpone hearlng of their arguments until a la. ter date as he was scheduled to conduct a hearing in Otta- wa Uic next morning. This was agreed 10 by Mr. Strike and Mr. Loovekin and the hearing was adjourned to a later d-ate when summation. by counsel will be heard in the Board'à Chambers In To- ronto. 14 Oz. 49C Pkgs.