- TEUS~YMAR. Ilth, ID» PAGE TWELVE TEE CAIiADIAN STATFSMAY, EOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO Hospital Celebrates Birthdlay with Annual Party on March I4th How long does it take for an and near bearing gifts of al vvent to become a tradition? If kinds - fruit, vegetables, linen,j R person had a large birthday1 money, etc., in fact anything arty every year for 47 years, e would certainly consider it the hospital could use. %o. This is just what the 1 fter the nurses' residencel Women's Hospital Auxiliary1was opened in 1927, the yearly bas donc ever since the hos- party was held there, but it Dtal was opened on Thursday. was still a very simple affairi arch 24th, in 1913. with the tea and food beîng At first this yearly event wasl carried from the kitchen ta the held in the Council Chamber mndividuals. Then in 1934, the and the guests came from far C oming-of-Age party was held. ____________________averv ,rnecial affair FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS OF STAFFORD At /nRos. with a dccoratcd tea table, tea- pourers, birthday cake and al the trimmings. This was such a success it has been conducted on these lines ever since. In fact, it has been such a success that in a few years the resi- dence was flot large enough to accomodate the crowd. In re- cent ycars it has been hcld in the Lions Community Centre and its popularity still increas- H os pital Auxiliary Prepares For' Birthday Party es. Î . Dal/w Through the years, the type ~ of donation has also chatiged to Stafford tros. iessand less produce and linen, Last week, the Ladies' Auxiliary of Memorial Hospil The reason for this is that the manville, held a meeting here at which plans were madE Monumental Works. Auxiliary has close contact annual birthday party to be held at the Lions Communit3 with the hospital management' Tlursday, March 24th from 3 to 5:30 p.m. In addition to .'18 Dutidas St. E. Whitby 'ncnsedtemnyt plans, the ladies under convenorship of Mrs. W. Rudell, pa Plione Whitby dtnae MOhawk 8-3552 1 Even the diFhes used at this beautiful 'cups of Austrian A ~ N J party have a history -. -T -he china in which your tea is serv- B LCS _____________________________________________ d, are part of a set donated toi the Auxiliary by the late Mn. W.M.S. met at the home of playt Adolph Nichols. Miany people 1 Mrs. -Frank Butt Wednesday Th wiilremeber hat rs. iaflernoon with 15 ladies and Carl, ýwil reembe tht Mr. Nch-four children presenit. Presi- held ols served as treasurer for the;dent opened tlhc meeting with nigl Auxiliary for 19 consecutive! a quotation from Henry Drum- Paul The ymn,"Com letus 5iflg prize Here is a list of Uscd Cars that wiîî give yo The work done by the, of ea Wonderful Love" was Port many miles of carefree driving. All Clean, Re- Women's Auxiliary during sung and prayer offercd. thirc conditionied and Guaranteed. itoe4 er a The roll caîl "A current nin'k mendus nd as paye noevent in missions" was well peint 1960 SIMCA V-8 4-Dr. Like new. smal lpatin h odru answercd. Mrs. Stanford Van Se, succcss of ýour local hospital. Camp gave thec devotional, thie1 1959 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. SUBURBAN They have provided all the: reading Psa. 27. In her paper Perrý liln ens, dishes, silverware, she gave the cure for worries Mr Only 3,000 miles. Manager's Car. kitchen utensils, drapes, cur- caused by fear- read yaun daug tains and many pieces of furn- Bible and take it ta God ini dinal 1959 MAYFAIR 2-Dr. HARDTOP V-.8 iure and equipment for bath prayer- and led in praver. Mr. Like new, push-button drive, 15,000 miles. hospital and nurses' home. r.F ae Mru edr i $1,000 depreciation. With youn donations, they have prsi f.rDayes, grouipedr-gir been able ta purchase linen in gpmeded f ohnSfottow gapro-ham 1958 PLYMOUTH 6-Cyl. 2-Dr. large quantities directly from ame. MinfrsatiJohn rScottnaeVelvý the milîs, without sales tax avr nomtieadcso suppi 1957 SAVOY 6-cyl. 4-Dr., radio, mirrors. Theii this 15 cut ta hospîtal Racial Brotherhood- Let us Alex Two-tone white and gold. patterns and made into sheets, Pray for the unity of Human So piîîow cases, operating room 1 Brotfhei'hood. 196 HRSLR INSO VS -D.nceds, etc., by the membens; Mrs. Gardon Strong render- i t 1956CHRYLERWINDOR -8 4Dr.and thein ficnds. By this cd a fine piano solo. - han' Automatic, radio, two-tone blue. means, your donation is made Mis. Glenn Larmen la deal- Marc ta give the hospitai far more injg wih the chapter- Labour, Mr 1956 SAVOY 6-cyl. 4-Dr. benefit. . Land Cash aind Law of Africa spen Power Flite, radio, two-tone blue. With the new addition that Disturùbed conducted a ques-an1 1956 SAVOY 6-cyl 4-Dr. is ta came in the near future, Mtionadanser panel, waich r 1there will be increased de- mostmemîes parook andM1 Raidio. Black and turquoise. mands for- neeqiment of mOst Wnerstngbad ail kinds. Just what the de- Af ten the closing hymn and Sund 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, 2-DL. mands of thé future will be, Prayer, lunch was scnved by Dr~' Radio. New blue. is net clear at present, but the the group. Wig Auxiliary have ta be ready ta The O.N.O. Club met at the Wi 1955 METEOR NIAGARA V-S 4-Dr. meef them as they have donc home of Gwerdth Thompson, Carl Aûdtomatic, radio, rear seat speaker. i the past. It has even been Thursday nighf, with 23 mcm- Cr Very deéan., suggested that fhey may take bers present. Roll cail- A com- yo aven flic requirementÉ of the muniîtY preject we can wonk u 1954 FORD V-8 4-Dr, Metallic Green. new chranically-ili patients' on, was well answered. De- Sund ward in flhc new hospital. cided to sponsor au exhtiti for M. 1953 DODGE V-S 4-Dr. Th.at hsya ilb teen-agers At Blackstock Fair.vsi Aut matcheld on Thursday, Mardi 24thm from 3 fa 5:30 p.m., in thc 1959 FARGO %h-ton. Only 5,000 miles. Lions Communif y C entfr e. NEW O IL or-, Like new. $1,000 depreciation. Everyofle is invitcd. Plcasc re- if cVILE Rd1 mind your friends and bning' Port them along. They wil cnjay Mr. and Mis. Jack Elliott Se: it. and Dorothy attended the wed- P aimer IVotor Sales It~f you want ta came and are Mr. Alex Little in Toronto on us CHRSLR PLMOTH - VLINT preventcd by lack of tranispan- Saturday anîd spent the wcck. pitaî FARLRG-O PSIMCATHD-ALERS N tatian, caîl Mns. V. H. Storey, end witlh Mn. and Mis. Wray Mr FARGO SIMCA DEALERS ~~telephone MA 3-3308. She will Sue fWso. vd 20 King St. E. ~be happy ta arrange for anc of isoc5aWestn. Cydal a OS 20 ingSt.E.Bowmanville 1%IA ~3..5487 j thc volunfeer car drivers tae is arlnNesw(e a t calfoyoadtatkyu a shower at her home Monîday NMw homne affer you have enjoyed eenng for Miss Joyce Hathen- and1 thc party. Mi ks. Joe Steller who was luPalle' Memorial Hospital,, Bowman- Wrîî ville for an operation has re- hu turned home.lo Insu anceMrs. J. T. Pearce attended a mc Insura ce fhe golden wedding annivcns- ary o! Mr. and Mis. Gardon ? meansKellogg of Welcome on Fniday. Mr. and Mis. C. M. Joncs EL Ieft Toronto oMonday by C. P.R. for a short holiday at fthc West Coast. Mis. Sîd Stacey uuderwent servi, a surgical operafian af Memor- Thi il Hospitial, Bowmanrvillc, on fer tl Thursday.wr Sympatîhy is extendcd ta O Mis Roy Best in tic passing il of her father, Mr. George Wai- MIs. kv n r. T -J± n IJjJVV**T itqd2vDLtgo For the EmployeM Inurance bs ehab1ing Çý«adian business and iduatry to provide' .zaploye wlth a higher level of job securlty than evor before. Assurance that money wg» b. available for repair or replacement Congratulations to Mi. and Vins. Ulrioh Rueggcr on tic oirfi of a son at Oshawa lias- litàI on Wed., Mardi 9th. ~'~ Mn. and Mis. Raymond Bruce ;pent Safurday with Mn. and MrIs. Emerson Neal of Mapie s ~ Smove and Sunday witli Mis. Frank Philips of Pont Hope. Word has been receiv'ed of : the passing o! Miss Muriel '3radley af Whitby on Thîurs- !ay, March 1M4. Muriel was orn at Newtonville and was lie eider daug<hter of thc laf e Ir. and Mrs. John Bradley who werc residenits liere for a numben of years. Mi. and Mrs. Bud Joues andi son Douglas of Bunlington and Mis. Zena Carlaw of Whitby, spent Uic weckend wifh Mr. aud Mns. Willis Joncs. Mr. Richard Brenuan went to, Memorial 1HospittalBowman- ville, on Tiursday for treat- ment.-c Congratulations ta Mise Joy- ce Merlou Hatkierly ê.nd Mr. Wilim Ernest Teed of Sack- ville, New Brunswick, who wene nmarried at the Newton- ville parsonage en Saturday, Mareh l2th. They. wene af- tend'cd by Mi Harry Hatherly Ccmadians - ad btefii. peoce o!Mind of ind Miss Carolyn Clysdaie. Rev. R. C. White officiated. everyone. Mrs. McOarthy of Oshawia Last year the companies writing fire. auto- and Mr. Garland Carson cd mobile anid casualty insurance paid out more Toronîto wene evening dinuer -'uests with Miss Annea Nesbift blian 500 Million Dollars in cdaims acrosa q Safundsay. if discaster strikes a place o1 business Canada - reai evidence that insurance ini- oontrlbW«smte slady .mploynut for ail deed means Peace of Mmd. au hUIlA Mo IN« zDUle0 m 55.1.1Wa of e =200 C=Reuig C=aa.es wriung Cet Cash Toilay Fur Old Appliances through STATESMA N C LA S 1F 1E D Phonie MArket 1.;3»~3 dent, pnayE last appix olliaE fiat previ ful ion,.1 Ti4 their day; fan u. lunch hi tende ner ii Mic Alan Donr speni parcs On girls McAJ atten( af 01 partic the.- witf: wcre demo Irvin Hope econc lingi ouf a cclvir wene non ' Lindm unita taken mis ciof t MISS Mis thc w a sch Mo. tende Lamb fin a, Satua itaI, Bow- many bootees which had been made by members; and fricnds. Each le for the new baby born in the hospital will reccive a pair. In the photo, the ýy Centre, day's collection of booteee is spread ouf on the card tables, ready birha tfor' packing. Everyonc 15 invifed fa the birthday party, onc of the ackedthe ways the Auxiliary raises moncy for ifs many services. ,O C K ced and lunch enjoyed. îe annual Bonspiel a!fltic *wright Curling Club was Si Suuderland, Friday t. First pnize was won by tl Bryan's Éink o! Sunider- 1witi 19 epoints; Second ~, Gardon Moraow's nink o! tPerry wîti 17 points and d pnize by .Jim Miller's -of Sunderland with 16 everai fram icre enjoyed RJhapsody on Ice at Pont ry Arena, Fniday niglit. rs. Wallace Anderson and g1hten Canal Jean o! Car- il wcnc weckend guests o! and Mrs. Roy Turner and saud Mr. Turner Si. r. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- 1,Mrs. Ed. Harris and Mis. vBailey were Mond;ay per guests o! Mr. and Mrs. K Fleft Fenelon Falls. nry to report Mi. Gebrge lie date o! Mother's Aux- y, meeting. If 15 fa be icld ,h 23rd, at Jean Kyte's. rs. A. Sinclair, Oshawa, at fie wcekend witi Mr. M1rs. Don Sinclair sud Bey- ry Anne. r. and Mis. Elmer Archer faiiy visited Mr. and Mrs. cert Ancien and Mr-. Dever, rD. Bilbey and. Miss ]Pearl ,lit, Toronto, spent fthe &enîd with Mn. sud Mis. 1WrighJt. r. and Mis. Arthur Raim, one, visifed Mr. -and Mis. ,Ra1Ûm, Paul and Carol, dey. rs. Edna Gibsan, Caesarea, cd Mi. and Mis O. Gra- iSaturday and Sunday. lJanice and Keunefli vis- Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, tHope, Saturday. ory hi report George th suIffered a stroke lst sday and is inl Oshawa hos- rLeslie Mounfjoy was ma- fnomn Port Perry hospital South Haven Rest TIome, castie, Sundlay. r. and Mis. Goldwiu Paint fanxily, Tononto visitcd lien nts Mr. anti Mrs. Osmond ght, Suniday. Ir. aud Mrs. Clarence Mer- leff Monday manning for oton txip and holidey lu Uic ny South.* r.and, Mis Tom Smith and IIZABETH VILLE anday Scliool and church îces werc hcld, as usuel. roads are plowed ouf ibet- than lasf Sunday andi more e able fa attend. nTuesday evening thc W.I. 1their IMarcli meeting at .M. McAllister's home. A 1number gathened. Presi- L.Mis. Quantrill opened meeting with fhe O04e and 7er. Tic minutes o! thc meeting were iead and vovcd. If was election o! ýes, but due ta flic facf if iad been ovenlooketi iously and also we had a meeting withouf su clcct- tLe election was nat held. àe 4-H club girls presented rexihihit. for aciievement also mEýde fea biscuits us whli' wcne serveti for ih with jam and tea. r. sud. Ms. H. Quantll at- ld the Co-op furkcy dtin- in Orond iasf week. iss Darlene Thickson, Mn. iMercen, Misses Rutli sud nia Mencer ail o! Toronto tich weekend. with thcir qis respcctîively, rSaturcly Uic 4-H cluib ;with Uieir leaders, Mis. [lister and bMin. Tickson, idet Ueir achievement, day )rono with. about 7 clubs oipÉting., In the morning -clubs held their judging reasons e!fter dinnier there Ltire exhibits sud four onstrations and skifs. Miss %o! Sinicoe North and Mrs. Lo! Stomifville asslsted, oui >mist lhs Lillycrop. Sten- Eleanon, Burketon, and Miss Ba'adburn on Saturday wercl Margaret Goocison, Nestîcton, Mr. an'd Mrs. Mcmrili Henry werc Sunday guests of Mn. and and Linîda, Bowmanville: on Mrs. Fred Dayes and family. Sunday, Mr. and Mis. Lamne Allan and Clifford Dayes en- Bradburn and Jim, Toronto; tentained af fthe Odd Fellows' Monday Mr. and Mns. Frank Banquet in Bowmanville Saf- Carter, Maple Grave. urd'ay evening. Mn. and Mrs. AI. Mantyn and Mr. and Mrs. Laine Brad- family, Oeawa, visited Mn. hurn and Jim, Toronto; Mi. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and and Mrs. Frank- Carter and boys Sundiay. famiilY Maple Grove, wcnc Blackstock Cubs and Bow- Sunday guesth of Mi. and Mns. manville playcd a game of Joc Bradlbuîn and fanuily. p hockey in Biackstock Arena, Visitons wlfli Mr. and Mrs. Thursday night, score 6-3 in Lewis Henry and Mrs. W. favai of Bowmanville. LonMeaty, For Braia.ng BEEF RIBS WIENERS 10R Thny Sliced COOKED HAM Sliced BEEF LU VER 2-lb Chub BEEF BOLOGNA MiFd Cure, Bonelema CORNED BIEF ONRsS Schneider%, COTTAGE ROLLS smKeD Lean MUNCED PORK ORANGES SPY APPLE.S Fanoy Grade, FM 01 Juloo., aN$or"i LIMONS 4 Lemons pêr ell hi) 2 tubi Florida Pascal, No. 1 Grade, Ce'iep Tender CELERY »tmo sêiSI Frsh, No. 1 Grade B3RO COU large bund Leamington, H&t Hous. Srow . 1 I rade, Long &w CUCUMBERS» Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2w Floride Grown, No. 1 Grade, Oriup and Crunchy RADISHES 2 clobai £41 Prijoe n 1%18 A4 OUm"" TrulS FNYLI à Moral 0 Pb EAI ctoplu d and one accepted 4J Re eivelast month. Emplôyment was procured for two eM. There were five unemWjCW. ~ÂIlf ab4 heads of families wîi'2 Local vvelfareSi"7 dependents receiving welfare There weere 43 recipients, ln February; also one person of welfare in Bowmanvllle lastlor. post sanitorium care, who month, 17 persons less than ihad one dependent, and eight. in Jan1uary, it was shown in patients in Nursing Homes. the Welfare Department Re-, The total cost of welf are, port for February, which was here for February was $, submitted to Bowmanville 776.74. The expected recover. Town Council at the meeting les from this total through held in the Couneil Ch amber! provincial subsidies and char. on Monday evening. gebacks will arcount to $1,- Welfare in February was 350.67, so the actual cost or received by eight familles, welfare to the town for the four single persons, and eight'month will be $426.07. patients in Nursing Home., The expenditures for Febru- In the previous month the re-'i ary were: Direct Welfare, cipients were 12 familles, six $816.09; Nursing Homes, single persons, and fine pa- $711.25; Excess and Medicines, tients in Nursing Homes. !S88.40 and Indigent burials, There were five new appli- $161. - STARTING FRESH FOR SPIRING! For that fresh, sprlng spark- *.~ lBug look, bave ail your elothes expertly dry eleaned here. Best of care given each garment. Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARIE11, Prop. ~mur quiav cvu.u. m *s«A LM fIMc ,ms LS XS L49e M49< m 494 2SPK6.49 3 FS 69* Mhole or Mati, Freah m,29c ROASTING HAJ 'KG 39c rliced Macaroni and CHEESE LOAF LB 79c Swcet Psckfed COTTAGE. ROLL UR 49C S.. Seald L49c COD FILLETS ýCH 5 9c Fanc.y Quality HALIBUT STEAI L79c SHRIMPS LR* L Turkey, Chicken or Beef %469C PIES BN~e # Smal Link Mc PURE PORK SAUSAGE .39e Canued Food Sale A&P Fancy Quality 1869. tin 27-UW se TOMATO JWICE 24o.«m49<c Cae of 12 tMu $M - S%,VE 3ne A&P Choice Quality Reg. Un 29e-4AVE te RED RASPBERRIES _3rjoo.*z79c Case of 24 tins $6.W -2 4* York (in To"Mto Bouc, SPEC<*L. PORK and BEANS 22O»m29c A&P Fancy Quality e. un Sh-SAwm ASPRAUSTIPS 2«3k Californma, Fancy Grade, Sweet anid Taulp, Best For Lunch«e Ontarios Seat For Coakmg uMd Eating, Fancy Grade ~5f, 59c 34oeeeNob" 3 5C Texas, No. 1 Grade, Si... s29c CABBAGEI&M Rh Texas, No. 1 Grade, Frei, Pop sk19Io CARROTS 3 t «h19C Extra I4,eIa1w Monarci, Regular mid Quartorn Rie 4-IbmsSe00-4AVI4* 29c M-ARGARINE 41-bln9 5c &o c AIP Special Blend Ras. 0*1 6-SAVE 1% g5cTEA BAGS I* <f645C 5c Off Deal Reg. 2 tins 4>0c-SAVE A TOTAL OP $a AJAX CLEANSER 21M45C Kraft Plain Reg. *1.11-BSAVE Se 19 19M i f VELVEETA CHEESE 2-lb ckg 1 ,() S BEEF ROAST Sioulder Roast Kw SALE Blade Roast ABA oè* w«oy Short or Cross Rib Roast ~,mu Short Cut Prime Rib Roast 3 DAY SPECIAL! Tbuoaday, Fridey 4LSaturda% Maral, 115h, 1»5 & 105h %iorous and WEoq, - Customu Ground BOKAR COFFEE Ohg P - SAVE 4s f.g. M.96 - SAVE 16e 16 63ctb1n.79 Fr'et! Fut 'Vegetable § bSecils ýl 1 PAGE TIWELVE ,- THE CANADIAN STATESUM, BOWILtNVILLlt- ONTARIO