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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1960, p. 13

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'ramPAVAIAWM'AW.MMI'. OWMNV~L. ONAMOPAU E MNTIu vation ,A4athy and Self isbness Are Great est Obstacles to 'Restoring Balance of Nature pah.indifference. anr, Members of t.he Centra] hickory and walnut trees lied a~Ihesare the -greatest Lake Ontario Conservation disappeareti. oétac1es io the reforestation o! Authority, W. A. Heron, the vitalIy important. properBrooklin, W. ,,Owen, Oshawa,j 100 Gais. of Water b. of nature in Canada,' O. J. Presson, Bowmanville,I Water is the prime require- ) ere old Friday Ernest Dent, Orono, Edigar ment because ail life depends Mar'. ýL',lph Harris, Toronto, James, and J. T. McCauleY, on it. Mr. Harris pointed out. e speaker on "Conser- were special guests at the He said that engincers estini- v , , at the luncheon meet- luncheon. Ottier guehts present ate that 100 gallons per day ing of the Bowmanvillc Ro-,were Ian Macdionald, F. per person is necessary for in- tary Club in the Flying Dutch-t Brooks, George Shreve, and dividual uses, and wherc ini- zman Motor Hotel. R. Brown, ail o! Oshawa B. dustry is located 600 gallons Stratton, Ajax, andi JohnH. per person per dey la requxred, * ,Smith, Peterborough.. Dwindling Streams fi - Dr. G. Eduwin Mann, chair- man o! the Comimunity Ser- The dwindlinÉ streanis in vice Comniittee,. introduced Ontario are cause for great the special speaker. He told the concern, Mr. Harris stated. He WHENÇPBDM MtONEY> meeting thlat Ralpii Harris, an told of surveys that have been ITU4T WE EARN, cil company executive, had i made in King Township, To- WE FOS IR M OOD 1jJ) taken a great interest in con- ronto, and Dundas which have I 114 R!TUP' servation for many years, and! resulted ini alarm. I - ~hati amasseti worthwhile files' Plans For Future on the subject. The word conservation cov- I The other side of the picture ers the wide aspects of an in- is what la being done andi the measurably important subject, plans for the future, MT. Har- which includes refoestation. ris said. Hie said tihe provin- restocking of lakes 'andi cial governent la giving ex- Sstreams, floodi control, soil cr0- cellent leadership through its sion prevention, preservation various departmnents, andi that ofilas, plants andi birds, the Water Resources ommis;- and other worthwhile work, sion lias been given wide pow- D M. Harris asserteti. e rs. 80 te 100 Years i 'rrjbute To Authorities PLUMBING-HEATING * Discussin tihe neccssity of HIgli tribute was paid by éss BIJNER DEALER mnfded his hearers that it vation Authorities end the fine --~--gtakes 80 to 100 years to grow work that they are doing à #e ' e tirnber. He saiti that in his life- thlroughout Ontario. .'These tncwhite pine, yellow bîrcli, dedicateti people are spending ______________________________________ time andi energy in making a thorough study o!flice situa- ton, andi are making plans to correct abuses, and to educate V IGOR OU L CO. LTD. the public regarding the vital neeti ofcosraino t- ural fflets. The authoritiesi BEST QUALITY * s have a long range. compre-1 hensive and effective pro- grami," he assertcd.l Walter DeGeer on behalf of! FU EL O IL hsllu Rotarjans express- ed pprciaionofMT. Harris'« fineand îeveaiing address.z STOIVE OIL 'The president o! the Bowman- ville Rotary Club, George1 Vice, also thanked M\&. Har-1 AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES ris for lis interesting talk, andi ptcsented hin. with a gif t1 ForDeivryas a momento o!flis visit to1 For Deiverythe club. UAVP uuanDon Morris was matie the PHON OSH WA A 5.109recipient od a number of gifts for lis new baby daughter. 78 BOND NT. W. . OSHAWA Captain Norman Coles madie the presentation on behlaf o! the Bowmanviliic Rotarians. iCLÉ*ARANCE SALE ai The Canadian Sialesman NEW PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS AND NEW OR USED ADDING MACHINES 3 RENINGTON BUIET-RITERS (Elite Type) Regular $137.50 SALE PRICE $9100O CASH 1 REMINGTON OFFICE-RITER (11" Cardage - Pica Type) Regular $139.50' SALE PRICE- $93.00 CASH 1 REMINGTON OFFICE-RITER (13" Carrnage- Pics Type) Rlogular $149.50 S ALE PRICE $103.00 CASH ,i REMINGTON ADDING MACHINE Regular $145.00 SALE, PRICE $10200 CASH Pr èmbae jinb141 Mmn 66 KING SI. %% 80 WMAN VILE Je T e v t( p tx p s T C. a r( h A ti gi ir a] ti f( il Ic N 4-H Jr. Judging Winners ~~~ i ya Following te closingde S. ~ votions lunch wus served by hostess and a social U5me enjoy- fl~U.Ik& Band Gives Concert These thrce 4-H menibers hati the highest score o! any o! the 579 4-H boys and girls from across Canada, who took part in thec Junior Judg- ing Contest lueld in connection witih the selection of the AUl- Canadian Hoisteins. Matching their skill against the top judges of Canada, each hati an almnost perfect score o! 138 out o! a possible 140 points. They are: (left to right) sev- enteen-year-old Don Welsh,' Bowmanville, Ontario; 18- year-old Jean Lelacheur, New Perth, P.E.I., anti 16-year-old Delmar Ford, Milton, Ontario. Jean is in lier first year at Nova Scotia Agricultural Col- lege et Truro. She lias five times previously tried the Ail- Canadian Contest witheut too much success. lier father, Ce- cil Lelacheur la an R.O.P. In- spector. Jean representeti P. E.I. ât the National 4-H Club Week in 1958 and in 1959 was awardeti a C.N.E. scholarship. She is an enthusi'astic 4-H- sup- porter, acting as a Club Lead- er in 1958, anti takes a keen inteîest in hockey and skating. Deirnar at sixteenyears o! age is ass ociated with his Dad, Ralph Ford, in rurining the Mayford herd of Hoisteins. Aniongst tihe 40 members of the Halton 4-H Holstein Cal! Club this year he stood second on his year's work and was ini the first group for his calf and for showmanship. Don is 17 and is president of the Durham 4-H Club of which Francis Jose is the leader. Don has tried the Ail- Canadian Contest five times previously, standing second in 1955. Hîs interests extend to other phases of 4-H work, he having stood first in 1959 in the Durham Potato Club and Durham Swirie Club, second in the Durham Grain Club and third in the Calf Club. He lias twice previously been third in the Cal! Club and in 1958 was first. In addition he was highman ini the Durham Livestock Judging Competi- tion in 1959, winning the E. A. Summers Memorial Tro- phy, and was a me.mber o!f tic second prize team at the In- ter-Club Chan-gpionships ini 1958, being the top contestant on dairy cattie._ BETHANY The film '"Martin Luther" was shown in the Orange Hall on Saturiay night, sponsored by the Hi-C glroup of the Unit- ed Cliurch Mr. anti Ms. Bruce Ryley arrîveti homne on Suniday f rom a moniths vacation ini Florida. Mi-s 'Marie Cari spent the weekend in Peterboroughi with Mri. anti Mis. Murray Nicholls, The sympatluy o! the com- munity is extendedti taMis. Murray Wilson in the tieath of her fatlc-r, Mi. Germen Syl- vester Johinson of Havelock. Mir. and, Mis. Wilson attendeti hi8 funeral on Saturday. Rev. R. R. Bdn.steel, Mrs. Bonsteel and famîly o! Bronte were giuests with Mr. andi Mis. Manseil Wrig'ht on Friday. Congratulations te Mr. andi Mis. William Martichenko of Toronto (nec Junie Wright of Bethany) on the arrivai of their infant son Iast week. Farcwell.Party Mis. Mansel Finney was hos- es$ for a. arewell . Party for Mis. Miargiaret W'hite on Mon- day evening. Mis. White is be ing narrieci on Saturday and wil mnak5 lier future home in Trenton. About 25 frientis andi neigli- hers attended. andi preseritet Mis. White with a smart trav- elling case andi numerous per- sonal articles. Mrs. Thom-as Jenuinigs expresseti the wishes of the ommuniity for much happiness in the future. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing Bingo wîth prizes awartiet Mrs. Kenneth Syeî. Mis. Ross CarT. Mrs. T. Jenninîgs, Mis. P, Mantde, Mis. Earl Weatiherllt antiMis. Ger- vin Mulligan. Mis. Jeninings led ini a sing- song. A St. ?atrick's conjtest: was won by Ms. Ralpu Pres- ton, Lunch was served, andi a hep-, py social hour enjoyeti. W.M.S. Socicty Mccts Women's Missio'niry Society of the United C'huîch were on- bertaineti at the home o! their i President, Mis. Winnifr e di 1 Spencer for their meeting on ruesday, March Bth. Mis. Clarence Rowaîî took bharge o! the study book -A- rica Disturbeti" and, reviewed' a number of current events as reported in newspapem- anti heard over radio concerningý Africa, cspeciafly concerning the recent disaster in Morocea 'Thiirtýy cou ntries were repre- sented in an ail African Con- gîess helti in Tunisia, wanitingý imediate independence and; are looking forwairdtet libera- I tion in 1963. Thcy are looking, foi improvement in health fac- ilities. Afrirans !have a great ove o! the land andtihAe Mau Mdau rebelion stemni d fromn selig o! land antid sssatis!act- on over the resuit o! sales. Now that; the Africans are be- Lake Shore, Clarke nhe gympathy o! the con- munity is e'rtentied ta Mia. Cy- ffl Avery andi fanuily. Severai from this commun- ity attended the Masonie "At Home" at Newcastlc. Mis. Robin AlIdreti rpent, Wedinesday fil Toronrto wàth Mr. and Mim. Reg. Woodhams. !&. anti Mis. Russell Powell anti faimily were visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Sami Powell. Mr. andi Mis. Ch"s. Aldrcd and Barbara-Ansi vlaited on Sunday with Mi. and MIrs.1 liaroldi McKnight Oshawa. Mr. ani Mrs. AN~ Wilkmns' andi laily anti Mi. andiIfs Aif. Spencer andi taugiter, Oýjhawa, visiteti on Sunday with hEmi. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. anti Mis. Keith Mthell' ant famniîy. Lotus, were 'init.I oson Sunday with Mr. anti MIVrs, Arthur Bedwin. Mr, and Uni. Bill Lake apent Susuday with Mi. and Mns. Ev- eretit Brown, Orono.* A num)eir frem Lakeshore attendedtheti Co-op Banquet at,2 comning educateti, it is interest- ing to learn of their choice o! books andi literature. In the past oui nistake bas been in doing for themn insteati o! with thern. Mis. Spencer led the woî- tship service with Mrs. Henry Jakerna n "eadinig the scriplu re ]esson. The members joinet ini On Wednesday er= :g, he Bethany CommunityB rddi ected by Banidmaster Ernest Victors, Iield a very fine con- cert in tihe Town Hall. Selections given by the Band ineludied the Overture "Excel- la", "Waves of the Danube Walstz", "Lieht Cavalry Over- turc", "Champions on Parade March", "Souvenir", "Creat- ions Hymn", "Ode to Music", 4'Ava Maria", "Operatic Men- go", "Pacific Grandeur Over- turc" and "Scventy-Six Trom- bores". The Beginners group played a hymn tune. Cli! ford Falis , MIllbrook, holdier of the lucky numiber ticket won a star flash c-amera. fRalpli Preston bad charge of tlhe daw, assistcd by Faye Mc- GUI. W.A. Meeting 'Me-meeting of the Women's Association o!f theUniteti Chuîeh was held at the home o! Mis. J. C. Cummiskey on Tuestay afternoon with Mis. Manisel Finney presiding andi 24 members presenrt. The program. topic "Living Epistles" was prepaieti by Mrs. Edigar Beer, wlho was unable to attend on account o! snow blo- cked ioads. Ii bei absence 1* was reati by Mis. Jackson. The scripture lesson from Paul's Epistle to the Corinth- ians was rcad b~y Mis. Gervin Mulligan' wit!hMis. Walter Neais giiing the expianation on effective witnessing. Mis. Herb. Coppîins gave three short readings "The Month of March", "A Goodi Face" and " A Recipe for Bea- uty.'> Mis. Thomaq JenningE sang "Galway Bay" and led lni gmrup singing o! a mietley o! Irishu sontgs; also giving a humorous reading "The Ten Cormanti- ments Reviscd for Modern Liv- ing"y. During the business session, the minutes o! the previous meeting were read Jy Mis. Jennings also the correspon- denice which includeti "Thenk You" notes froni A. H. Monk ini Sarnia andi froni Mr. and jM-s. Herb Neals, a letter fions Mrs. C. Munroe concerning program. literature for leader- ?EURSDAT, MAR.ifb, ?lm Spe'aks on.. Conser nmmesttrio! Solid for 601 That's your ,wPY OT A quiet new ride .., a dashing new spirit . .. a sleelc new looJl.1 Small wonder the dazzling now, Plymouth li i a class by itself this year wîth a whole array of new Plymouth featuren to xnake it so! Like one-piece-UibodY construction-. Anat'l 1 new inclined, econôi sic cylin der engîne. AB.,4tie swivel seatai. And a Toqpo.&-A ]Ride that's better * 113 Plymouth 80oo. .. - jha mnkes the big çhisiýi tixe low-prioe feldS. - JLJMM Oilp oduoeUcat. PbMu woe heif et the meMboeu Mis. made to IwId a Bprlng Tos and Whlte ---re-sd heincere sale table of needIewýr and thans, ktnving al to visit hoxme cooking- date to be an- et her fl8w heme in entoui nouneed later. It w'Ns agreed Lunch wu uerved by the to send a donatiorn of $5 *t th hostess eeted by Mms Walter John Milton Society f or the Neals, Mns. Herb. Coppins, Blind. MmGerinMW~ligan, Mrs. Followin h Oigig .,vo-d. Preston Neals and Mm. Hilli- tions a social hour was enjoyed, *rd BÉRitOw. durin~g which Mis. Margaret Mrs. Addison Sdott express- Wihite was presented with a ed tihe tbainks of the menibers silver eren and sugar set witii to Mrs. Cuniniskey for the use matching tray, in appreciation of her home *0 tthe members of of her services as a pat presi. group three for the excellent dent and leader o! group four ProeOam. and ail her work in connectioni 7he next meeting villI bel with the churoh Mrs. G. Mulh-1 held et the home of Mns. Wal- 1 gan poesented the gift on ba- ter Rowland. FORIIET I Pick Up A Carton 0f SMITHN BEVERAGES O. Your Nexl Shopping Trip They'r. Dolicious, and Satiufying. Mode and Bottled by SldMH EVERAEs LTD BOWMANVI LLE- B N -J E oroilo. TM eANADIM STATUMAIÇ, BOWMANVffM, ONTAMO

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