PAGE F ,<-ITTwr.I,1!w THE CANADIAN STATWIAN. EOWMANVILLE~ OUTABIO TNUESDAY. MAL iTtb. 1MB 4 Births j Deaths 1,CAVERLY-Bruce and Janet 4""~ Caverly are plcased to an- ý9nounce the arrivai of their daughter on March l4th, 1960, at Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Brent. 11-1 GILROY-George and Helen Gilroy (nee Gimblett) are *happy to announce the arrival of their son Stephen James, 8 lbs., 12 ozs., on Monday, March 7th, 1960, at. the Osha- wa General Hospital. A play- mate for Philip and Douglas. Thanks to Dr. A. G. Stocks. HARTLEY - Mr. and brs Howard Hartley (nec Lillianý ~Marlow) are happy to an- inounce the birth of a baby girl1 weighing 7 lbs., 13 ozs. Chris- tina Rose was born in Moncton City Hospital, Moncton, N.B., on. January 31sf, 1960, and is a sister for Laura. 1l-lA' *MOIR-To John and Jacqueline (nee Heyland) on Marcb l6th, 1960, at Ottawa Civic Hospital,, a daughter. 1- NICKS-Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Nicks of No. 4 Loyers Lane, Bowmanville, Ont., an- rounce the birth of their daughter Erin Elizabeth, on March lltb, 1960, at Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville. (Sec- -ond granddaughter for 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Herman Westaway). ORMISTON-Ivan and Peggy are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Beth Marie, on Tuesday, March 15, ~'1960, at Oshawa General Ros- Spital. A sister for Bonnie and Brian. 11-1 *r ,~PROUT - Janeen and Don Prout are happy to announce the arrivai of their son Donnie, %7 lbs., 4 ozs., on Tuesday, zMarch 8, 1960, at Memorial IwHospital, Bowmanvild. The first grandson for Mn. and Mrs. te Maurice Prout and Mn. and 'Mrs. Ray Cameron. 11-1i 'sDeathsr SBRADLEY, Muriel Winnifred- At Whitby, Ont., on Thursday, March lth, 1960, Muriel Win- ri ifred Bradley, beloved daugb- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.r John Bradley, fommerly of SNewcastle, Ont ario. Rested at ;C I'ýorthcutt & Smith Funerai âe liome, 53 Division St., Bow- 7_.Iianville, where private service was heid on Sunday, March î3th at 2:30 p.m. Temporary ienfombment Lang Memoriali Vault, Orono. Interment later r"ait Bond Head Cemetery, New- qpý castie, Ont. 11-1 73URNS-At Strathaven Nurs- ~lgHome, Bowmanviile, on t Tuesday, March l5th , 1960,1 Hlarold W . (Bobbie) Burns, in bi-, 6th year, son of the late r.and Mrs. Francis Burns ..-.and dear brother of Lily (Mrs. Cýco. Cherrington) and Ina,1 Bowmanville; Meloria (Mis._ *Wesley Carew), Lindsay. Rest- iing at the Morris Funeral C,ýhapel, Bowmanville. Service ,in the chapel on Thuusday, at t -3:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- SvleCemetery. 11-11 EDGER, Evelyn E.-In thec Toronto Generai Hospital, on5 ~.Wednesday, March 9th, 1960,c 7Evelyn E. Keamns, wife of A.11 - L. (Bibi) Edger, stepdaughtem *of Mrs. Jean Kearns, Phila-1 Sdelphia, and sister of Mms. H.i ,~.J. Wilfon (Hilda), Oshawa;i Mrs. J. M. Fryers (Lii), Win- t nipeg, and W. Clifford Kearns, ?e1Vontreal, in bier 57tb year. W-,e.ested at the Armstrong Fun-1 ,à,eral Home, Oshawa, wifb me-t VInorial service in the ch apel on lkFriday, Mamch 11, at 2 p.m. In- i& ,,terment Mount Lawn Cerne- lw tery, Oshawa. ii-lf« 10 FOSTER-On Monday, March l. 1, 1960, Edith Peamdon Foster, widow of Hubert B. Foster, aged 84 years. Rested at the $- 'Northcutt & Smith Funeral ýý 4Home, 53 Division Stý, Bow- .nanville. Service was hebd on ~Wednesday, March i6th at '2. p.m. Interment Bowman- iville Cemnetery. 11-1l i Mr.Wilam Leachx, in ner 4.474tb year. Restiilg at North- .cutt & Smnith Funeral Home, ~"3Division St., Bowmiariville, 1'Aom service on Thursday, Marchi ýr.. .'t t315 p.m. Intenment ,)Bowmaniiile Cemetery. 1- 1 &(..YER. Rchad-At Victoria, SB.C., on Monday, Mamcb i4th, 196o, beloved husband of Lucy »>,;Èisher and dear father of Mis. "u~ssel Hayes, Bowmanvilie; pMr.A. Hunter (Vickie), Hami- Ïito; rs. Wm. TocI (Doris), WoroO;Mr. Fred Myers and Alex Mycîs, Toronto. SMITHî-Entered into rest ln the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, March 16, 1960, Donald Woodrow Smith, be- loved husband of Doreen Fowl- er and father of Elaine and Karen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Smith and brother of Neil and Glenn, in his 33rd year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the Chapel, Saturday, Marcb l9th at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. (Masonic service, Friday, 9:15 p.m.). 11-1 Cards of Thanks I wish to thank my good Nestieton neighbours wh o kindly shovelled snow to lo- cate my new trailer, also al who helped. It was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Wesley Campbell.i This is to express my sincere tbanks f0 alniy friends and former neighbors in Bowman- ville, aiso Senior Citizens Club members for their kind wish- es, cards, etc., during niy stayý in Oshawa Hospital. Lucas Nicholis. 11-1ý Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy wish-1 es to acknowledge with heart- felt thanks and appreciation the numemous cards and expres- sions of sympz:thy received from friends and relatives in the passing of her only broth- er, Ray. 11-1" I would like to express my. sincere thanks to my many fiends and relatives for their kindness during my recent il- ness in Pembroke Cottage Hos- pital and in Ottawa Civic Hos- pital. Joyce Bragg. il-i' Mrs. George Black and fam- ily wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neigh- bours for their kind expres- sions of sympathy and beauti- fui floral. offerings extended during their recent 'bereave- ment. 1- In Memoriam GRACE-In fond and loving memory of a dear father, Al- fred Grace, who passed away, March 2th, 1955. Every memory is a keepsake, With which we'll neyer part, T~hough God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. -Sadly missed by wife and famîly. 11-1"' MORRIS-In loving memory of a dear son, Robert William, who passed away suddenly March 19th, 1956. His memory is our keepsake, With which we'll neyer part, God bas him in His keeping, We have him in our hearts. - A 1w a y s remembered by mother and father and family. 11-1* Sealed tenders, addressed to S. R. James, Secretary, Bow- manville Public Scbooi Board, Bownianvile, Ont., will be ne- ceived unfil Monday, Marcb 28th, 1960, for painting f0 be donc at Ontario and Central Public Schools. Work to be completcd during Easter holiday period. Com- plete details and description of work may be obtaîned from Supervising Principal A. M. Thompson. The School Board reserves the righf to reject any or al tenders rcceived. S. R. James, Sec'y, Bowmanviile Public Scbool, Board. 11-2j Coming Events Articles for Sale Ai iDance at Tyrone Hall, Sat- KITCHEN cabinet. Telephone 21"E 1urday, Mamcb 19. Clara Nes- MA 3-7239. 11-1 MA 3. bitt's Musicmakers. Sponsomed TWO snow tires, 6.40x15. Reas- CHILI by Tymone Orange Lodges. Ad- onable. Phone MA 3-7174. trss mission 75c. 17 1. 70 M Religious. Film Evening for GOOD muxed hay, large base,, rthe young people of Bowman-Iquantity. Phone RA 5-405a. pa ville, Lions Centre, March 19, 8_4, Cla 1960, at 8 p.m. Speaker, Rev. lak Van~~~~ Hame* 1 LIGHT w o o d, stovewood1 Euchre, sponsored by Fourth Cub Pack at Memorial Park. Clubhouse, March 23rd, 8 p.m. Light lunch and prizes. Ad- mission 50c. 11-1 St. Patrick's Dance in Solina Community Hall. Saturday, March 19. Jim Fisher's Orch-, estra. Admission $1.00. Every- one welcome. 10-2: Plan to -attend the annual Hospital Birthday Party on Thursday, March 24 from 3 to 5:30 at the Lions Community Centre. Everyone welcome. 10-21 Card parfy at Sbaw's Scbool1 on Friday, March 25 at 8 p.m.i Eucbre and Five Hundred. Specual pizes and lunch. Everyonc welcomne. Admission 50c. 11 -2 Brown's Case Show, (prev- iousiy posfponed), Town Hal, Bowmanvile, Friday, March 18 at 8 p.m. Be sure f0 attend. Bring a friend. Admission free. 93 Oid Tyme Dance Party, Blackstock Recreationai Centre, Saturday, March l9th. Music by Jake Van Dam & Co. Gentsi 75c, ladies 50c. Everyone wel- corne. Sponsored by Cart- wright Farmers' Union. 11-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster B i n g o. Twenty games-twenfy dollars; five games-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Nexti Monday, 8 p.m., Red Bamn,j O0shawa. 46-tf1 Sf. Patrick's Tea and Home Baking Sale, Friday, March l8tb, at 2:30 p.m. at the Salva-1 tion Army, 35 Division Street, Bowmanville. Ahl proceedsi toward building of new Na-1 tional Training. College forl Officers. Corne along! 9-31 The Jack and Jili Club of Trinity United Church presents Cornz A Poppin' 1960 in the Town Hall on Marcb 31, Aprii lst, 2nd. Tickets availabie froni any member of the Jack and Jili Club. Speciai student rate for Tbursday evening onby. 10-3 Education Classes- The splhg series of prenatai classes wrnl atatt af, the Heaith Unit office,!. Liberty Street Nort, -on. nille, at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Apj1 , ,1960. For further informa telephone Northumberland-\ ur h arni Health Unit, et~356i STILL SMMeIf RELIEF? No one can prom1se resmdts ý if you have tried drugs adjustrnents You owe 14 yourself fo sec an 0nitlégUiL St. Patrick's Concert, Marcb l7th at 8 p.m. inflhe Church Assemhiy Hall, under flic auspices of fthc Women's Insti- tute of Hampton. A splendid, program is planned of two one- acf piays, aiso Mrs. K. Billett, A.R.C.T., instrumental music, and Mis. Merkley. soloist, of Bowmanvilie, abso accordion music. Admission: adultasOc, children 25c. 1- lengths, $10 a load. CO 3-2275.1 1 ~8-ff1 LLOYD baby carniage, like new. Telephone Blackstock 98 r 22. il-i WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfax 3-2131. 36-tf RODNEY seed oats, Com- mercial. Pbone Orono 5 r 3. Kenneth Hilîs. 11-1' ALSCO aluminurn i nds and doors. Lorne Aluin. Tele- phone MAnkef 3-3871. 11-2* REBUILT elecfnic motors, new guarantee. R. D. Morton, tebe- phone Orono 14 r 16. 6-12*1 CLOVERS, Grasses, etc., in- cluding improved varieties. Stewart's ýSeeds, Bowmanvilie. 5-tf KEYS cut automaticaily, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hlardware, 36 King St. E.,' Bowmanvile. 46-tf SAVE on luniber, direct froni miii f0 you. Phiilips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17 r Il. 13-tf GOQD selection used TV sets for reasonable prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. East, Oshawa. il-tf 3/ BED, spring and mattmess, excellent condition, also double bed and spring. Phone MA 3-3579 after 6 p.m. 10-if ONE hen house 6 x 15 ft.; two kitchen chairs, three pillows, two couches (suitable for cot- tage). Phone MA 3-2717. ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. i 43-tf PAINTING and Decorating. For quality materials and g u ar a nt e e d v'workmanship. Lander Hardware & Electmic Ltd. 9-tf DO your own floors and ugs -Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner shampoo meth- od). We sand floors. Lander Hardware. 5-tf INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- manship guaanteed. Free esti- mates. Hary L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar- gain prices, brown -and black, ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- manville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 44 HEARING aid service. Test ing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf OPET the jump on oid mani *ýnter. Sce us for free esti- m ites on "Canhayes" Alumin- un Doors and Windows. You wil'iýe amazed bow economical they arc from Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134- King St. E., Bowmanvile, on Phone MAnket 3-5689. 1 40-tf Teachers Wanted AMEONTR S.S. 14, DARLINGTON, e- quires teacher for faîl term be- ginning September, 1960. Ap- ply, stating qualifications and salary expected, to George Knox, Sec.-Tmeas., R.R. 1, En- niskilen. 11-2 ARTHUR Collison. Telephone1 N-.'MArkef 3-3900. 8-tf DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP Notice to Creditors ONTARIO AND OTHERS TENDERS FOR TWO SCHOOLS ADDITIONSý Sealed Tenders (stipuiated1i sum) wiil be neceived by the undersigncd until 4:00, Thursday, Mardi 24, 1960, for a proposedl 2-Classroom Ad- dition to Courtice West Public School, aud 2-Classrooni Ad- dition to Mapie Grove West Public School. Plans aud Specifications may be obtained by Generai Con- tractors ouly, froni the office of the Anchltecfs sud Engin- cens, on deposit of a $50,00 Certif led Cheque, payable to the Architects aud Engineers, whlch will be retunned when plans sud specifications are ne- turned lu good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Jackson, Ypes & Associates, Architects aud Engineers, 24 Northtown Shopping Plaza 5385 Vonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. In the Estate of ESTHER, ELIZABETH FLINTOFF, Wid-; ow, deccased. AU pensons having dlaims against the estate of Esther Elizabeth Flintoff, late of flhc Township of Dalington, in thel County of Durhamn, Widow, deceascd, who died on or about the 17tb day of October, 1959, are herehy notifîcd f0 send in to flic undcrsigned Personal Representatives of the said de- ccased on or before flic 28th day of March, 1960, full par- ticulars of their dlaims. Im- mcdiately aff cm the said date the- Personal Represenfatives will distribute the assets of fhe said deceascd baving regard, only f0 dlaims of whicb thcy shahl then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 26th day of Fcbruary, 1960. GEORGE ARMOUR and FERN ARMOUR, By their solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Bamisters & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. 9-31 Notices wi ho held at the Hospitail l - on - 10-21 10-tf Save Money This Month on T 1LE 1 CERAMIC - PLASTIC 9 Same Price ~~~TZIE71I riigs for Sale kielp Wanted 1Work Wanted1' LECTRIC stove. Phone LADY dispatcher. Stevens' BABY sitting. Beverley Snmith. -7201. 11-1w Taxi. Phone MA 3-7201. 111*1 Phone MA 3-3858. 11-11 DS. metal crib and mat- MA 3-2197. 11-1*1 LARCONI television with $60. MA 3-5219. 11-1w and LaSaile apples. Lewis Newcastle. Phone 2195. 11-1* APPLES-McIntosh, Spy and LaSpile; will deliver. Elmneri Cox, MA 3-7189. 1 1-2* ' TOP quality baled hay, $20 per3 ton. Polled Hereford buils. R. T. Curreily, PLaza 3-2336. 11-1 200 SQUARE'bales hay. Willr fseil or trade for smail pigs ors brood sow. Phone CO 3-2044.1 BEATTY pressure system, used1 sonly nine months, like new.t Apply 8 Mil Lane or Phone1 MA 3-5396. 11-11 vSUCTION fan with motor,1 mounted; buffing and grinding wheel with motor, mounted. MA 3-3459. 11-l* PETERBOROUGH boat and Johnston 25 h.p. motor, Tee- fNee trailer, for sale, fully equîpped. Phone MA 3-39-70.1 HEAVY duty two-burner elec- ftric range, thermostat control- led oven, covered elements, $30. Telephone MA 3-3331, Exten- rsion 10, or 3-2841 after 6 p.m. MLARCH Sale: 2-piece daveno bed suife, $99.59; 3-piece sec- fionai suite, $159, coffee and step tables, $9.95; Sealy mat- tmess, $59.50 value, siightly soil- cd, $29; space savers. $49; hostess chairs, $14.95. Murphy Furniture, Bowmanville. \MA 3-3781. 16-1* SPRING 15 COMN... 50 SEED TIME ls mast around the corner FOR THE BEST IN SEED GRAINS Contact CERESMO0RE FARM R.R. 4. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-7150 FOR QUICK SALE One WALK-IN BOX, size . 6'x6'x9 ' One 8 ft. MEAT COUNTER Modem ONE COOLING UNIT TWO SETS 0F SCALES Ail la Excellent Condition .. Modem, Very Reasonable RA 5-5622 or RA 8-8176 Oshawa Livestock for Sale l TEN pigs, seven weeks old. CO 3-2157. 11.1*1 FOURTEEN yearling steers, short horned Hereford. COlfax CALVES for vealing, also a few heifer, caives. Phone CO TWO Holstein heifers for sale. Due to corne in moon. Phone CO 3-2578. 11-1 REGISTERED Holstein heifer, blood tested, due March 2lst. Blake Short, MA 3-3057. 11-1 TEN Holstein and heifer calves, $15 and up. T. Posthumus, 351 Liberty St. N., MA 3-2353. il-i We have a good selection of close*and fresh cows and heif- ers at very reasonable prices. Ail are vacc. and biood tested. Corne In and look theni over. SCHWARZ BROS. MA 3-2895, R.R. 3, Bownxanviile 9-tf Carfs for Sale 1951 3/-TON Chcv. pick-up truck, 1949 2'/-ton GMC truck with 16' body. New tires. Tele- phone MA 3-3394. 11-1 '60 VAUXHUALL, two monthsi old. Excellent condition. Able to finance. Telephone MAnýket 3-3776 affer 7 p.m. 111*ý ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six nionflis f0 pay. For personal service at youi home cal Oshawa RA 5-2802, colect. 2-ff R.ADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and dgUvmr. George's, 85 King St. Ç,~; pneMA 3-5713. 29-tf zÉ',hhies e ickup and d 9 eKin . Seed EXPERIENCED saleslady for local store. Phone MAiket 3-5854 for appointment. il-i1 MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper, to live in and care for child- ren. Phone MA 3-2933. 9-tf SINGLE mani for dairy faim. Apply f0 Murray Coates, Port PennY. Phone YUkon 5-2767.. BECOME our nepresentative lu your locality. Make big money,, selllng vitamins, tonics, cos- metics, bousebold and faim niecessities. Highest commis- sion and bonus. Familex, Dept. M-8, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real. 11-1 WANTED: Man for steady, travel among consumers lu Durhami County and Bowman- ville. Permanent connection witb large manufacturer. Only' neliable bustier consîdered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C-140- 131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 11-1 LARGE United States and Canadian Manufacturung Comi- pany requiires District Manag- er in Clarke Township. Ex- ceptionally hi g h earnings. Guaranteed repeaf business. Automobule essential. Agnicul- tural or farming background niost important. Sales trainung given. Reply to Box 84, Lon- don. 9-3 A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 45 FOR BOWMANVILLE AREA We need a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings. We prefer sorneone between 45 and 65 . .. who cau 1make auto trips for about a -week at a time . . . and can eall on srnall town industrial and rural property owners. WORTH $12,000.00 Our top men in other parts of country draw exceptional earn- ings up to $12,000 in a year. This opening In the Bowman- ville area is worth just as much to the right man. We take care of ail deliveries and col- lections. Pay earnings in ad- vance. Write a confidential Jetter to M. B. SWALLOW, President, P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. 1- For Rent FURNISHED r o om, lght housekeeping., Phone MArket 3-7201. il-A' TWO-bedroom apartment, priv- ate entrance, childten wel- corne. Phone MA 3-5798. il-tf FIVE-room apartment, heated, separate bathroom and en- trance. 175 Liberty St. North. 11-2* APARTMENT - Living-room, bedroom and kitchenette, in Newcastle. Phone Newcastle 4296. - 11-1 AVAILABLE immediately, 5- room office, 2nd floor, main street. S. R. James,.- 24 King East, Bowmanvile. 44-tf FIVE-roomed house and bath, Ibuilt-in cupboard, heavy wir- ing. Available after first week in April. Phone MA 3-3805. 1 11-1* MODERN 4-room apartment and bath. Heated. At 14 Di- vision Street. Inimediate pos- session. Apply 10 Division St. 11-1*. MODERN farm house, oil furn- ace, three-piece bathroom, two miles north of Welcome. R. T. Currelly, Welcome, PLaza 3-2336. 11-1 THREE-roomed heated apart- ment, sink and cupboards, heavy duty wired, central loca- tion. Possession April Ist. Tele- phone MA 3-5813. 11-1 BRICK building, approximate- ly 400 sq. ft., suitable for work- shop or storage; heavy electric service; $30 per month. Also garage, central, $3 per month. Phone MA 3-5996. 8-tf MODERN ýapartment, 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. Heated. Soft, bot water, garage, garden sup- plied. Separate entrance. Avail- able April . MA 3-5875. 95* HEÈATED apartment, two large rooms, ground floor. Newly decorated, private entrance,« foulet and sink, immediate pos-1 session. Phone MA 3-5813. FOUTR-room duplex, self-con- tained, tule floors. Oshawa 10 minutes, on paved road, Hamnp- ton district. Ail conveniences. .Large garden, close to schooI, church and store. CO 3-2531.: SMALL apartment, first floor' 'icated. Two roonis and kitch- en. Lights, water, no tub. Reas- onable ent. Possession at once. Appiy L. C. Mason, BarristerP 30 King St. W. 1il-lA' -iG-oedfa. oue i- cluding bath, garage and real good lien bouse, on Scugog road, i mile north of Ennis- killen. Immediate possession, $~50 per monfli. Phone Black- stock 120 - 3. 11-l* SUPERTEST Cornfortable Living Quartera HIGHWAY 2 C HI LD R E NS drcssmaking.' Phone MA 3-5198. 11-1 DUTCH girl desiies house- work. Phone MA 3-5257. 11-1 SIGN writing, show cards, posters. Phone MA 3-5737. 10-2 DAY care for pne-scbool age childiuen. Phone MA 3-2265. 11-1 CARPENTER work and re- pairs. Free estiniates. Phone IMA 3-5212. 11-l* WILL look after two or tree children in my home by the day. Phone MA 3-2876. 11-1 7PICK-UP and delivery. If you ihave the business we have the time. Cali MArket 3-3842, iDunn & Goodail. 10-2*, PLUMING, heating, eaves- troughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chininey work, new or repair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Caîl L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf flerman Van De Bell' GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and Carpentry New Work and Repairs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mill Lane 5-tf Plastering Repairs a QUICK SERVICE aSTUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 f 16-tf KEITH DAVEY Liveslock Shippers AND GENERAL TRANSPORT Phone CO 3-2639 t 46-26* .Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowrnanville CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf~ (Ted) Arends Electrie Motors REPAIRS te ail your eleetrical equiprnent REWINDING Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowmanville, Bownianville MA 3-5919 BILL AND Oshawa RA 841801 BOB LEASK' 39-tf Auction Sales 60 Hoisteins, 20 beef caf tic, 2 tractors, baler, threshing ma- chine, feed, fulli une of goQd implements, the property of H. J. Grills, Lot 6, Con. 8, East Whitby Twp., 31/ miles north-east of Columbus, on Saturday, Mardi 26th. Ternis cash. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 11-2* Auction sale of farm stock, implements, produce and fùrn- if une, the property of Bart Pyle, Lot 14, Con. 10, Manvers Township, one mile north of Junction of 7A and 35, then one mile east, on Safurday, March 19, at one o'clock, quant- ify of young Holstein and Jersey cattie, fulll une of nia- chinery including Cockshutt 50 tractor, M.-H. self -propelied combine, Inter. 45 baler, ail in, excellent condition. Fanm sold. Ternis cash. Ted Spenccley, auctione'. 10-2 Auction sale of fan stock,' implements a n d bousehold furnifure, fie property of Lloyd Crago, Lot 24, Broken Front, Darlington Twp., 3 miles west of Bownianvile on 401 Highway, 1/2 mile soufli on Solina Rd., on Saturday, March 19. 30 bcad of Hereford and Shortborn cattie, 16 Hereford and Durhami steers (yearlings), Allis-Chalmers fractor, Model B witb mounfed mower and scuffler, New Holland No. 77 haler witb motor, John Deere tractor nianure spreader, Case roller hearing wagon, full lime of machlnery. Quantity of hay and grain. Farmn soid, no ne- serve. Tenms cash. Sale at 12:30. Reg. Johnson, auction- er. 9-31 Rearl Estate for SaleiRa Estate for Sa1b,, TWO choice lots in Villakge of Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. 7-tf SEVEN room brick house for sale. Central location, private. Phone MA 3-3970. 11-1 BUNGALOW,' 2 bedrooms, fulli bathroom, large kitchen, front1 room with sun porch, où heat- ed, hot water, heavy duty wir- ing, attached garage. Also building suitable for 2-car garage, good garden lot, cent- ral. $3,000 down, full price1 $9,000. Write Advertiser 23, c/o The Canadian Statesman,1 P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 11-2* Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. flowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Brick bungalow with ail con- veniences. Close to school. Low mor4hly payments. Priced to seli at only $12,900.00 with good terms. Lovely bungalow with gar- age, in south district of town. Absolutely modern through- out. Loaded with extras. Price and terms arranged. List with us for better me- sults. 11-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER 52 King St. W. $3,000 - full price for this neat attractive home in Bw manvile. Hardwood f=8o1s, partial bathroom, built-in cup- boards, 3 bedmooms, livingroom and kitchen. Ranch brick bungalow, Maple Grove, 6 rooms, double garage. A weil buit attractive home. We have severai lots at reas- onabie prices. We have several paying bus- inesses that' will bear the clos- est investigation. Mortgage funds available: $1,800 for good second, $3,000 for first mortgage. We have several spring pros- pective buyems for Bowman- ville homes. Some with al cash. Sec us soon or give us a call. MA 3-Z453- Evg's CO 3-2397 Salesman- Clarence Soper MA 3-2624 11-1 Wcmted to Buy FEED oats. Phone MA 3-2485. TWO 10", to 12" square timbers, 33 feet long. Lewis Clark, Newcastle, Phone 2195. 11-1* ALL kinds of live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 coilect. 4-tf HIHS pie pi1orue furniture, appliances, tele- vision, sewing machines, etc. Also sell and excbange. 59 'King St. W. Phone MAiket 3-7231. ___42-tf HIGHEST pnices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feath- cm ticks, scrap mron, rags, met als and raw fuis. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 48-ti UNLIMITED MONEY LOANS To City and Farrn Folks ni %Money for anythlng and any- si àwhere. Phone or Ivrite now. ai OPS INVESTMENTS LTD. in 99 Avenue Road Suite 310 Toronto 5, Ontario WA 2-2442 al 9.5 bî Wcmted w DEAD and crippled fanm stock , ai picked up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721. Mai'gwil Fur hi Farm, Tyrone. 37-fb et Wanted to Rent Pi TWO-bedroom apartment or bouse, immediately. Phone 85 fMA 3-7128. ii-i'* 4c THREE-bedroom hl oui s e in dt Bowmanviile. Central tion, by April.. Write P.O. BOX IT, 1392, Bowmanville. 11-1/' 14 RETIRED couple desire home bi in Bowmanville or vicinity by st May lst. Reasonable ment, ni Write Advertiser 24, c/o The hi tCanadian Statesman, P.O. Box vf 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 1-1* Q Sale or Exchange fi WILL sell or trade as part nj payment on house, trailer 40' x 8'; 2 bedroom, living-room, w kitchen and bathroom. Corn- li pletely furnished. MA 3-2452 oî after 6 p.m. 11-1 w Nursing Homé Bi ACCOMMDATIO -for -=ieCC and gentlemen at Lyntonhurst wi Manon Reat Home. Telephone Orono 1771. 6- suM SOUTH Haven Nursing Home orf -Accommodation for private axý a n d semi-pnivate patients, or, lounge TV. Fully licensed, wi new building, modern. Visitons 4 welcome. Reasonable rates. Ne Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf Vel Personal ilu IIYGENIC supplies - (Rubber 8 goods) mailcd postpald in plain e sealed envelope with price it. tu Six sampies 25c, 24 sanWlesTg $1.00. Mail Order Dept'T2, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91,Ha- tilton, ont. - .1-52 TeehoeCeaug - otMr. and Mus. Roy Van Camp,> -7231.__________ _________________ Base Line, wiil be at home t j.lSto all makes of me- SWAIN Seed Cleaners, now their relatives and friends ou ertsdomesflc and coni- open by appointnienf. Ordens LADY'S wrist watch, between Saturday, Manch 216tb,, fromý reà;milking cooleus. Hig- now faken on grass seeds. Corne Licence Bureau and Central 2 f0 4 p.m. and froni 7 foU p.m. i lcrcLimited, 38 King early and save. Phone Black- School, Saturday morning. MA on thse occasion of their 40th IL Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tfi stock 89 r 11. 8-4,3-3131. 11-1 Wedding Anniversary. 1.1* 100 Acre farm, near Osha- va, 95 acres workabie, crcek, O' x 36' bank barn, wafer owls, milk bouse, etc.; 7 room- dhome, beavy wircd. Pnice ý7,000. Ternis. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM Lar Oshawa, modernized L- haped bank barn, bulk cooler. lo, etc. 9 roomed home with Il modern conveniences. Ask- mg $30,000. Terras arranged. 50 Acre fanm, 40 acres work- ble, streani, 75' x 65' bank on, runninig water, drive Led, etc.; 10 roomed brick >me witb fumnace, runnîng vaer. Asking $13,000. Tenus rranged. 100 Acre farm near Mill- *ook, 65 acres wonkable, L- iaped batik bamn, drive shed, t.; 7 uoomed home with 3- iece bath, running water. Ask- ig $13,000. Ternis. 100 Acre fanin near Bethany, 5acres workable, creek, 60' x 0' bank barn, large hen house, c.; 9 roomed home, heavy uty wircd. Pnice $10,500. ,'ms arranged. 150 Acre farm near Lindsay, 40 acres workable, L-shaped ank barn with water bowls, tecl stanchions, drive shed, ew garage, etc.; 8 noomed nme with ail modemn con- miences. Take house in )sawa for down payment. 6 Roomed, new, brick bun- alow with 27/2 acres of land. cated on No. 2 Highway. Oce $9.000 with $2,000 down. 8 Roomed home in village ith ail modemn conveniences, ardwood faonrs throughout, ,i furnace, etc. Pnice $10,500 vifh $2.000 down. 2 Bedroom bungalow in lwm-anviiie with ail modem onveniences, full basement, modem kitchen. Price $8,500 ith $2,000 down. 3 Bedrooni brick bungalow aBowmanville with ail modp m conveniences, hardwood id file floors, modern kitchw n, full hasement. Puice $13,500 fth $2.000 down. 2Bedroom bungalow la Fewcastle wlth ail modern con- miences, hardwood floors, ulI hasement. Garage. Ask- mg $10,000, Teums. 3 Bedroom i bunaow dM eowman.ville with alniera onvenlences, tiled fionrs, pic. ue windows. Price $10,000. 7ninu. Contact: I - I a IrIr IR . irww . . à www . -.. - . - 1 . 1 -il McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate 4oard A% 100 acre fanm, 7 rooni brick bouse, good hip-roof barn, trout stream, paved road. Only $15,500. Terms. 8 rooni iodernized 2-stomey home in Newtonville. $11,600 with easy terms. Cottage at Bowmanville West Beach, $3,300 with $400 down. We have a laige selection of fanms, homes and businesses. Cal WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowrnanville Leask Real Estale 5 room brick bungalow, oul furnace, 4-piece bath, double garage, on nîceiy landscaped lot, $8,900. Terms. 5 room new bungalow on 13/ acres land, 4-piece bath, oul furnace. Terms on this property. Cottage at Cove, W est Beach, furnished, new, heavy wired. $2,200.00 ternis or less for cash. Buy cottages now at low prices. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvile MArket 3-5919 Sales Staff: Mn. Raiph Ames - MA 3-3406 Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER Blackstock-00 acres - 9 room insul brick house, large L-sbape barn, very good soul. Asking price $16,000.00. Down $5 ,000 .00. MapleGrove-91 acres, 10 room frame house, barn 80 x 40, silo. Ail workable. Ideal for raspberries and strawber- ries. Price only $27,000.00. Ternas. Taunton-SO acres with 5 mooni bungalow, fully modemn; garden soul, 40 acres workable. Price only $18,000.00. Ternis. Orono-2 1/2 acres with four rooni bungalow. hydro, good well, never-failing creek, very scenic property. A real bargain. for only $2,500.00. Bowmanville - 1%' acres, 8 room two storey house, two bathrooms. Full basement1 où, furnace, small barn. Price $12,000.00. Down $2,%0.00. Oshawa -,Coner..* 108 x 166 wîtb well. Prîce !F1 ,900.00. Bowmanville - Three-be&ý rooni bungalow, fully modemý close to scbooi. PrIce $l0,50ý Ternis. Bowmaj;nvile - Three bed, room bungalow, fully modemn, garage, f ull basement, near school. Price $14,000. Ternis, 191 Scugog St. Bowmanville Caîl MA 3-3644 Salesman: 'G. Blyieven Phone MA 3-5300 - --l l ýjL -1( 1 1 -1, -1. -1: ý,l 1 - 1 VI :11 L-1 ýý -- 1 - -.:: --l F-1 i 4 e ý 44 , ý. - --- 1 -, -1- 71 eiz ff-7 , Il - 1 f C - F lffl RA -Il --- - 1-- L il il -- -i 1- - 1 LNCWÇ"iie polm-1 MEN PAGE n TIM CAMADL« -dam BOWMANVn.L& OINTAMO TRUMMAT, MM 17tb, IM 2 --In--