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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1960, p. 1

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WiII You Lend A Helping Hand? 40-Year-OUd Foundry Building Destroyed By Fire This beautiful chilc, John Bothwell, R.R. :3, BE this area. She is represei through your previous don Seal campaign. The Sea] be returned with your c( Cerebral Palsy Clinic in C Founc Stili è The future of BOWrnai11 e Fobundry in this, tow Sti 1 hangs in the balance. although President C. Ernie Rehder stated on Wednesday after- moon that he is making every effort to arrange foi recon- struction following the $500,. Check Your Children For Bombs Fîollowving the Fo,,ndry lire last week, miany lo- cal youngsters pickcd IuP sinall bomb castinlgs whieh erc to be used for snioke bonibs for the air foi-ce. As these are worh about 50c. apiece, the ones Laken represent a consid- eralile 1lobs. rarents are urg-ed to check with tliir children and, if they have aiy of the bombs, please return themn to the trailer at the Foundry property and no questions xii be asked or action taken.__--.- $1004 Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 106 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH l7th, 1960 10e Per Copy NUMBi l Residential Rate 79.35 Mflis TAXRATE JUMPS 10.85 MILLS DU E TO EDU1 CATIONAL COSÎS 1, Dbbi Bohwel, -yer-od dugher!Of r. nd rs.The 1960 Budget for Bowmanville was approved 1, DebbieBohwý ee ell, 5 eod dagherofM Mm fr at the meeting of Town Council held in the Town Hall ~IH ow avllhsbeen seetda Ms imy" fo on Monday evening with ail members present. ThereW.V. Drowfl SlA cd n e r F e S e e mting the crippled children who have bcnile s onl]y haîf a miii more than last year in -the 1960 ____ nations to Bowmanville Rotary- Club's annual Easter gene rai îevy for carrying on the business of the tow n.Ca e S o s are now 'n the mails and your Pink Envelope should But, as the cost of education to Bowmanville Caiseho' ontributîon as soon as possible. Debbîe attends the iti year has increased by 8.35 mills, and the county levy 1r )shawa. ____-__ is up 1.65 mnilîs, it was necessary to increase the mill1iia ih The Bowrnile iiraeLeyhth 1959 Budget was That bas heen the sad for 1960 are: Residential, 79.3510.45 mills; this also was not story of w. H. Brown's Industrial and Commercial,lenough and the counties actu- Auînual Case show. Each " lir 'sF u tr e 83.5. The setting of the edu- al1y received 11.5 milis. Due Friday night for the past ' cational and counity levies aet the 1959 deficit budget, this several weeks "Mick", has beyond the control of Town' bict as to be raised this planned his show o.nly to Counicl. year," the Mayor stated. have to postpone it be- Defieit Budget in '59 The 1960 mil] rate for the cause of snow storrns. d o t et a in Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers High Sehool Board is 14.45 "Miek" is keeping his defcitbudetin 959asthe over the amount budgeted for planned a really big show ,ligressuplie toBowman- it in 1959, and 2.55 milis over for this Friday night. vile Twn oucilbv heDur- the actual amount paid to it March 18th. So, folks', ham County District High Iast year, it was explained. corne out and pack the j%. M School Board and the United "Ti year there are 26.3 Town Hall, as "Mick" !S ed llr te owmnvlleaninceae o 46 mll. 4rta6 omiloalCas.DaParthorlyaftryheuir blocaltaithCaseri TaDeagler.lfo 000 fiî'e last Wednesday mid- JAs h e said early in the week,!Budget was set last year. of this increase is due to thel - ol re diso Wednesday noon, an accident occurred nearby that broughtf Provinciale lc nh,.--lit is--jusit- like baing arourid 1 "In the 1959- Budget -a miii construction of the Lord Elgin but fun for the' entire« from the fire ta investîgate. A càr driVen by Mrs. F. S. Phiil 1 ,R.R.4,o- He does flot expect that ans' after your own funeral. whenirate of 10.75 was included orSchool, the first payment on family, free door prizes mnilpoedngws nCnesonS.Escliedwt n rvnb definite decision will bc 'ail your friends gather to of -I the High Sehool Board, but this this debenture being due this andl refresbrents will top John Thompson, Whitby, at the intersection on Lambs Rd., just South of BTS forthcoming for several days, fer syinpathy and extend oi' was not sufficient and the year," Mayor Carruthers said.theenn.Bhcasw titohesuwstdch Thsp to hwste hmsncr possibly longer, fers of aid. ]board actually received 11.9 The total education levy i te"vein.wohc as wbadl" damthed Mrhst . his ooshffewdsabtoe and wstae In the event that the coin- The fire is onc of the mostlimills. The United Counties Continued on page seven) whc a al aae. Ms hlissffrdaboe egan E paydcdst euli sdssru ntetw' is-ta Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, by Morris ambulance, and later was tas beivdte iluiietetory, not only causing greate Io s H Bugt ferred ta Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Thompson ufrdb is. same site as formerly. This materiai damage, but'affect- d e l w o dB d e osal rc ilo netgtd would enable them te build ing thîe employment of be- u d osal rc iîo netgtd quickiy. using some of the tweeŽn 75 and 100 families. No H g lg t plant which was not too bad- definite cause bas yet been n a a i s i h iii position. Teini asaetalisexplosion swep thra- pemmeso Foec1 ae, oehHgfei, TettlaoutoAhnu fe i l e i et have a railway siding already ted that the blaze, after an L O flrin Following the fire, Mr. Rch- ugh the plant in seconds. Sev- Nighitingale Lodge No. 66, 1. Russell Gay. Bowmanville Budget for 1960, der' and bis office staff set up ea men on the night shift O.O.F. helId their annuai La- Toast to laddies proPosed by set by Town Council on Mon - temporary beadquarters above were unable to get to the dies' Night an Marcb 12 in D.D.G.M. Ray Hutchinson was day evening, is $785,437.83.LI the S. R. James Insurance of- front door and had ta make Trinity Sunday School audi- replied ta by D.D.P. Eva Mc- The total expenditure is set atý0 omn i l ' i e t f ice where thcy have been, their escape by rear doors. BY torium. A turkey dînner serv- Murter. tem amount $87. Revanu te busy rearranging orders and the time firemen arrived, ýed at 6:30 was catered by W. Vote of thanks to the Trin- amounts to be8,3.rais d ytxa conducting the other neces- there was no hope of saving A ebr o rnt1Uîe t W.A. group was extended ýtion is $601,063. M sary paper work caused by the plant and they directed 1'Church. Grace was said by by P.D.D.G.M. S. G. MeMur- Expenditures include $27,500M a 'GtRl eT h s Sm Mr. Rehder was most ap- nearby olnsed patUie hr.Lihm ndM.Bt. preciative of the many offers and also Higsead ant nth e Pd Ch. Lcishan an M.s Bate This is included in the $88,- A ciefînite date for the pav- held Monday, March 7th, in blockadc occur in the vn of ssstnc fomemloee wiI-i drecedwaertath PD..GM. Wm CrdnMiss Heather Webb accom- 604.46 set for gencral govcrn- ing of Liberty Street cannot the Council Chamber. of a storm. now without work, from other 'cd the reulcordis. co tabletastmstr, ntG rod e edpne yMs .A ra ment of the town. be given as tests have to be Asked by Mr. Hannan if the "Waverly Road wasstb- owners of foundries who have The reonr s s tabl e gu e st Ms .G.Ei Coi- at the piano sang two solos, The sumn of $83,681 is budget- made before the bard surface paving wouid be donc in Junc, ized wit-h saît and is ioo taken over bis orders tempor- cd in18ou nrtwahetblisar- H.eA.and Mrs. CTurner, MRsell"fs MN o Sc", TeBbee o rtcin fprosi u n u wati ao uy onilLathangue 'condition. Liberty Stree a 189 inthebuldig r- H A an Mr. urnr, rs.Teis e S".Instrumentai and property as foiiows: Fire be surfaccd as quickly as pos- repiied "We are making plans, aisa bccn stabilized wiht. ariiy to complete thcm for cently' razed to make way for Corden, D.D. Pres. Ena Mc- and vocal selections by the Dcpartmcnt, $10,013; Hydrant sible". Councilior Kcithi La- and yau are flot toa far out". We may have ta give altl Use, and a host of other the new Steinber.g Supermar- Murler and P.G. Gardon Mc- Dayes brothers, Ciiff and Rental. $8,600; Police and Traf- thangue said in answer ta a He added that in the mean- mare lift in certain roadso. fricnds. He bas also been con- ýkct ab~ Church and Division Murter. D.D.G.M. Dist. 42 R. Aila'i, Blackstock, "Rose Of fic, $47,078; Building Inspector, qusinfo omnHn ietegae ol eu e i e aiebiglue tactcd by municipal officiais Sts. First partners xere Chris- G. Hutchinson and Mrs. Rut- Old Pawnee", "Wedding Belîs'1, $4,7;SretLgtngqu,00 apesien of teNormn wa- t nteerder and assured Al afConiloar Lahang u whohae ffre ay asit-[tanReder fthr f hechinson. "Ail The Monkeys Aren't in Dog Contrai Officer, $2,520; manviîie Ratepayers' Asso- every effort wauld be made said, adding that he biee ance tbey can give ta get uresent head of the organîza- Fifty-year veterans present: the Zoo", "The t129". Miss Traffic Council, $100. ciation, at the meeting of fa have the street paved at bouse sewers went underet the-plantinto operation again. (Continued on page seven) Wesley T. Cawker, Dr. Geo. Sharon McMurter contribut- The expendîture far hospîtal- Bowmanviile Town Councli the earlicst date possible. the storm scwcr. ed tvza piano solos, "The Day izatian is set at $7,000, and Mr. Hannan aiso raised the: "Thrcc bouse sewerswr the Rains Cam e" and "Bless w eifare $2,000; education,, ,l o as t h w u d p t hr u he t r r 00 ie A o s.T ann c o lThis House". $220,532.12; recreation, $0,300; hIquetn at what swould put thoughth saswer . DO Fre At Bo s' T ai ig ch olAGucst speaker was Rev. H. Librar, $6,122.55, and County M an y Parents happn tbeouts o sewer s Wgow gthis as ori A.Turner bforSt.e torm swcUniig-ingtatea for9i0"0Bi * Curhwhogv a very Thetpubli property budget II S ho s on Liberty Street, should a (Contîhuedon page svn thoghtprookig alkon i- montsto 9,18,and in- it Sc o l lusions people bave in this cludes $1,000 for repairs to the.N Br. M. J. Eictt moved albudget is set at $86,000. Te Open H use Jam es R. R eyno d vote of tbanks on bebaif of1 mutbded for office cx- te150 present. pnei $4,35. Open House was held at al s T ele il four Public Sebools in Baw-G e o B l vi e manvilie iast week. It was lheld at Ontario Street Scbool A I DIOCKon Monday cvening, Centrai DusinesBlock A~ s Nvew City Manage * Bu ns n M llb ookcent Massey an Tbursday afterit was learned tha it turnaut of parents each even- finance the worid chapio estimated- loss of $100,000.1 dinner. It spread rapidly and gradua]ly worked its ail along thse street. ~s r.Afe aeiadod,5,frel !Hmtalaeteareeto îe glit the blaze for several wav clown laI the machine shop on the grounid floor.I The stores owned by Jack His, formerly Ms. Vince Matbewson were ýand Sauina. nionths' notice. bl b ashrtge of water Nine oxvgntnssordo h roui d floor were of Bowmanviiie, and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Widemai hreo h lnh r enis ell known! is ay lnsadra intothe ree remvedAt each scbool the class ýin eariier years for his football tives in this area wlIlwis w'n pumpers t h rekrmvdby firemen at greal risk, removing an' Bowmanville, were flot damaged. They are ýmother for each room acted ýprowess, wiIl replace Drury hlm, bis wife and famll eer ty. The%'ýze started in the, explosion threat.i located on the north side of Millbrook's main street. las hastess. IDenyes who was disinissed'success in their new endeaor

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