P4GP TrWO 'iECKDA TTSAqEWAVLE NA Ijetr Your.. For the Annual Easter Seul Campaign TO HFML D - iw mu-m-m-a- CRIPPLED CHILOREN The Bowmon ville ~ Rotacry Club' Associated wîth the Ontario Society for Crippled Children A$K$ FOR Y OUR HELP BOV/VINVLLE~,ROTARY CLUB a A h ni, iln e 11 'i O l ' ' a ci 1-"-e c i a I a 'i hr , t,1 . . e t l i i i a i l ij imied <hilci ýîdif.Ijîj fh nasi 1 ai~sl?) 'f 1 b ub 6igleie c a cIauOsra Sticcef treaaie ? bai 1IIi'ii <> h r5on tj 5,, onai. e r ,I 1ue MÎ'eaîî1 Moheli e ,, le 11C i oh "ic'iîi.9"ilot i h ibj ap,' n alicib" e hcjl ea s iîi Ple he fiiu<.5 90gfle1 h r filJe c a hi ld , ilhlie -flaiil p o l i l 1 nel.p e eamlP' ni . WHaT YOUR1 MONEY DOES. # The Rotary CIub's share of Easfer Seal Funds may he speni on thé, care, treat- ment and rehabilitation of orthopedically crippled children in this area. H-ere are a (cw of the thitîgs filai the Rotar * Club with the help of vour Easter Seal dona- ions have accomplished in the. past year: *En(ertajtîed *23 guesis at ou r Animal Christ- husParty for C'ripplcd children i f1he *Provided transportation tobobth iMclrrywbod dstrct Camp and Blue Mounitain Camp for Crippleci* Lookeci aftcr the iollowing: Children froni this district. *We bave approximatelv 20 children on <tue active list On ivhich we have made cxpend- itures during the past ycar. BUY SIpecial Braces, Chairs, Major Thcî'apeutic Ttr'attnctut. Several childrcn supplicd with cru tches a nd corrective equipmen t. EASTER SEALS AND USE THEM! PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE PINK 'ENVELOPE AND MAIL TODAY * I I I - I I I -aaappsp s se. ,R e v e Ie n d . "î î '. lh al. k iîîd of I ,easy aoî'iîaltyacondfis ýsworship centr'e. Friendly, is the iword 1 heard used, ad I1<'an believe il. Certainly bbc <'hi n I'ch kPI ing righl along. Elght y1ears ago, il was oniy an idea. Six ycars ago 158 people signed to forni a 'ongregation. Now, flicl church aad Stînday scîool cachl worshîp ini two shiftsoui Sunî- day moruîiug. On flic Sunday i school î'olis ai-e 701) children. al] the way frorn ha icta ncar wIHO NEEDS yr TCOUNT j' Il'Shepherdr, mavbe. Nol ihie og i la<'k. Her mitîr te .mt.IJand quiet hecatîme il ig frcee ofproblerna. Family »Il herlded down saielv wiih nothing ont the horizon tot lhreaten the seeuiriiw of iheir @mail marld. <2eriairîJN not moriey problenux--- nul Iince idlie inasied on building til a safe remerx'e of saaving#ç ai "NMy Rank". Pleauxanl dreams are huili on roll - - --e sioh îranqtiiliv.Are youtrg FoR MY MONEYTS...' MY BANW AN4iK F MONTREAL k M d gg WO RKIN rC. WITU r(A NAM[ AM IN F9VERy W At K OPIVt MC ~1 a1 7 Uit ~t.U 4 I At Wîl-mar He-ighfs Unit ed ýRev. E. J. "Ted", Kersey former Hamp ton Boy Leads -Busy Con gregation w w il, A Receipt w~Ii be sent to you for Income Tax purposes 't'LIUKZi'UJAY' MAF i ýk i OBITUARY A weil-ktawn and weil-lov- iti arls Jii-ci, lC il, I I cd Ulnited Church mninisteir, and in theology ni 190)3. At Rev. Thomnas Joseph Smitii the lime of blis dcaili lie wvas Ferguson. died lVonday at, the one i hie oldest living grad- age af 89. The victirn of a iuates of that university. traffic accident Tbursdiay, the Served in Tiîrkey shock prnved too much end H hnsvd imIio after a temporar ' rallv ybis .fete evdi nsii condition began la worsen Sat- fields in the Fraser Vallcv and urday. on i Ls ordiintion becaniç :] pernane-nl minister in Dids- [lis rininLdrt Neta a buî-y, Alberta. M.r. and Mrq.1 St. Paul's United Churcli was Ferg,,,usunaricia during the depression vears !aff erein197aciin frorn 1930 to his retirenient in 1908 they lefi Didsburv for a 1938 Fil wok di flo en mission field ia Turkey. They here. however, for he took a1 were stationed at, Bardezag, roving charge which took hlm ý Asia Mfinor for two ycars and ta outlying points, Procter, iduring this time their oldest Harrop, Fruitvale, Castiegar, child was borai, but died while, Robson and the Siocan Valley. yet a baby. Il was due to Mrs. These 10 vears hie spent hold Ferguson 's ilI bealth thal thev ing church services in small returned ta Callada njd Mi-. churches and homes through-_ Fergusan took a chureh ai out the district he counted as Nortîb Bav. Ontario. his "most. fruitful years in the 'lie stress (if World War T ministry." H-e and his wife, the fom' udemnc îî hcalth ard Amy Spencer, daughiter of a after an eight year mîîîistrv Baptist minister, were bath.n there lus health rmade il, ne- graduates Of Quleen's Univer- cessar',' that hle take a couin- Sity. tr.y charge at Lanark, Onîtario. He was an active mian and After thrce vears regamning up lu the lime of his death bis vitality h'e agaîn took a liad enjayed. excellent health. city charge in Kingston, Ont. Fond of the out-of-doors he Asthma that continued in lived for the spring when hie plague him made him, deçide couid go up to his camrp, Nick- ta come west1 and hie minister- awa, where he teîîded hi, ed ai a ehurch ln Vernon pri- large garden, and was reîuc- or ta comring ta NeLson. tant to leave when the nip Of On bis retîrement lie lefi fail was in the air. the 111e of the manse and tçnok Queena Grauate up residence at .504III Str'eet. Queen's radua.e t xas ai lhis lime that M~ M.r. Ferguson wasbai in Ferguson. who lbad been hi!s 1870 in Blackstock, Ontario. helpmate during his masr ebout 50 miles from Toronto. ,decided la teacli music aticl His parents were pioneer set- carried an ber work witb the tiers in Ontario. His mother'Boy:-' Choir alid vas for rnanv1 came over to Canada from iyear«s organist at St. PauL's Ireland on a saiing vessel that' United Church. took three months to cross the! Besides bis wifr-. fie is ssur- ocean. He was the lone su r- viv-ýd by three children. Mrs. vîvor of a family of 12 alt the Rodnev (Helen) Poisson of time of hiq death. IHis earlviVictrrii. DOLIgla.5 CalltIE, fý educatian was ;ai, Port Perr\-Vancouver and GQrdon of Ne-. ,i" h "o M d h.a duaid iman rdjSeven aidchildren. cribu ta a senior Bible class. t a h e e r g h i e From Monday to Friday the i churcthwasopened. hi Religion for Today ilights are always on. Girls have Since then they have de ______________________graups that take them froma Christian Education wing one age group to anather. The andhv I sitne~ same with boys. About 30 and haeartheolgistpýtu Enrchig t e Lvesyoung people are involved inl dent, Bruce Roberts. Future som sot o mi-wek ativty.plans inclide building a gym- Hive of Activtty inasium, church parlor and a o O he sSometimes the W il ma r new manse.- Toronto ee of Ot er Higt peple must feel they gram. haeetered outer space, with - so much lead-spinning activ- A Weekly TaIk ity. A big praject coming up is By Rv. R B. ichosonthe sponsoring af the Scarboro By Rv. R R. ichoson1 AOTS Men's Glee Club. These' It is x vital and important, ing p e r s o n a i t y. Hievas .'tudes of people. A Bostonarmefomcrhsintt thing for any man ta be able' a Quaker and taught, philo-, Newspaper once Pubished area, and nearly haf o! them 'ta enrich the lives of others.1soply at Haverford College for 'this commenît: "I was a duilbln aWla egts and by the contact of lis ownifart.y-urie yeare He wratelrainy day, when things looked The concert will bc in the persunality, ta be able ta makei fiftv-seven . books and becaîne d'ark and lowerîîîg, but Phil- Winston Churchill Collegiate other lives expand and mean îlhe-leading histrian. ai my.sti- ips Brooks camne dow March 25th and the women imore. A distinguished scholar cism. One of his friends saidIthrough Newspaper Row and!lof Wilmar Church swear they'll and teacher was designated abo,,It his writiags, *'Wihile welail was brîght." sl1,0tikets. 1 guess they as an "enlarger of human jare reading them, we feel bimi A mother said of heî' dauglh- wiiI. Wlatever else they've lives." inear and talkiîg tlaLus ini per'- ter: "She makes a beautiful 'gale after has been a success. Phillips Brooks lîad this'son " but the manî who said climate for me." That unse,- The church has just received a amazing power, and thousandsjtlat, along with thausands of fish girl was f LIl of graceý beautif ul naew carpet, thanks ta of people were cbeered,lothers. xvho wauld sa 'v the tenderness and svmpatlîy. Sh- tlem. strengtbened. ('amforted and isanie, bad lirst known Rufus was like sunsbjne ia that, Two Soccer Teamr. inspired, wbule thev listeacd Jones lîimseib. That was a home, radiatiag healtb, hap-1 Soccer is reaily taking hld to hlm preach. It has beeii kindliiiîg. stinlatiîîg experi- piness, and guud cheer tnli i t ts area. Last year this What you said that wben we think ai ence. H-e xvas a radiantl per- araund hier. church lad t.wo boys' teams, Phillips Brooks. we thiakoaI sari. He possecssed the "inner The climate af rnaîîy 1bonICsland there's no reason why' a ltko spiritual miaistrv, a great liglît about whidh lbe wrol&'.Ineeds ta lecbaiged. The at 'te o' a e SMasame this' personality pcouring bhis soul "To meet iiînî". said one -of nosphere is stera, chilling ami year when the aice weather aotmoto . out with abundaîît power uipan 1lis colleagues, "wvas ta feel1 unfavorable to the .growth and'-1 io M r9ie :ie people. 0f a l] the letters ise l o p foi- th e da . " Id eve opm e ît of <hi dren. It is T e C u l s l b ha i h n y u a e o t a m r 'bat Phillips 'Brooks received,; Mrs. Mar'y D'w. daugbleî' bitter with scoldings, fauli- sorts af things goiag: bowling, il is said Iliat hie cherislîed i a the Hon, W. E. Gladstane, findiags and hai-sI criticisrn. îaslîion shows, square dancing gage, the bank protects itI inost Ibis onîe from a smail île great Eaglislî statesmnan, TIc climate needs ta bc moo- îand even a beatnik party, in share of thc in"cesîment. Wsi taiior-shop near CoaplIe y isays of liei' mother. in lier erated by gentleness, sympa-coteacur.Thslb p o apoet Square, la Boston:, "Dear Mr. book cîîtitled "Catherine lily and appreciation. lasuan erage attrenTanscluofb hare Io o t the'csîmenî Brooks: T arn a tallai'i a ,G1adstonie", Ibat "She sorme- When I1xvas a boy I tised 74. Mn.aKerse ays ils aino hr fthvu'e -eadv paî . litIle sbnp near '.our cliurch.1Iow alwavs sceeîed to raise ta be dharmed bv a* g-acio'is 7ýM.Kre assmi the part OIV led ai Whcnvei I avetheappi- le empratî-e i' rom ldy lîouse tavisl ~ purpase is ta get people ac- Whenevr 1 hae theoppoi-the lmperatre ofa ilooti lay quainiedt vwithouroqeinanother foranoDon'1îof ao't aachancenceoo tuniîy 1 always go ta hear you, moralY and pli.vsically. whe- home. She was quiet, ebeer- Howvrihas been a won-' a big loss. Cajl lislsoday ior preach. Eacl ltime 1 bear von lIer full of bored. stodgy fui and always Iliauglîful of derful source of leader-ship for acopeerprt'ns. preach 1 seem fa farget ail growan-ups, or sîîy. self-con- others. Heî- geatieness, sympa- 1 variaus Chrisian Educa inse> aboutlvo,'a.for van make me sciaus boys anîd giilsai'rsîck tyutnsclfishness, ndtrans- e thîîî cf od."peope ii a hspitl wad . . .and eî'vtion departments. ce~p thin of od."peope ii a hspitl wad . . parent purîty made her vr On anoîhei' occasion, a muan whiie bei' lave and pity wei'e1 winsonic. But suie was nol ai- 'Tie beginaîng oif Wiln a whr, bad just heard Plîillip.- al-ii-enoiding, bei' gaîety. Ihelways tiios. Earlieî' ia liei' life Heights followed a familia;' Brooks preach, exclaimed, as airy grace of lier mavemeuf s she was a womaa aof a quick, suburban pattera. First there le eff Trniy Church: *"lic were ail infcctious." fiery tempeî' aad a hasty ton- wsasre ascliwrai always makes mle fele so lt is indeed a fine gifIfn lie egue, w'hieh catîsed mjucl dis- United Clurcli people there? strongl" rhýle bv the power af persoîî- tress to othei's. SIc w., on were. TIen services were hield We all have lîad f'eîd.alit ' . ta rai.se Itie lempera- sciaus af lier faull and de- Elaestloa sohool. putxiRe ministers. teaciiers and lvdture, tb cbeer- Ilose whaarelterined tb avercame il by Ernes RawnB. waAputS oaes, who hv enrichied and cast, dow.n. tri sfrengthien those 'me grace of God. Like Mary Charge. Mr. Kersey 0ives gre~t U RT .J M S 'cnlarged Oui' ives. TheN' havé xvbo are weahk, f0 give courage she sat nic ai t tc (cc i credit ta him for'cln l NURNI ELETT belped la bring out the bestlta týhose who ae fant-heart- Ieî- Master. and as sIc cool- church goig. Now. Mr. Row-"RNE RA ETT iwilli Li. Teyhave discav- d. Rohirt Louis Stevetisoli muned witbh Iiiiabse imbiled lands is acting as hospital King st. 1F. Rowmanville ered au isuspected pos1si- ' L C ' d.eclai-e Ial the eîîlrance af lis .spirit and becanie like dhaplain foi- the United bilities. îîîîscaled tle hidden ,ceîlaii peoplee nia a i'oom ,îîiii. churcIes <if East Tao-onto. Office Residence tlîîîgs. lîad Jaillinii us wbciî was like the ligbiîg oran a- 'uhs s thebelei Seasati, After the property was we losf, faith in ouî'selJves, anîd llier candir. There are otlic'i'wliclî S ai excelîln iie fa"' bouglut, a portable building M 59 inspiredi us wtl noble ambi- 'persons, wha bave cba i'a- 'Bible Rearling aIdr study, for. was maved anto it. TIen, less I1 f1ion. diant perjýsoalaitv that their Prayer and Worsbip. and Self -_____________________________ WhieîiCharles Kîgi' was coming is lîk-e the stinashine, examinaliaîî bcfoiî'c, God. Be- Iasked the secretlofail ife, le driviîig Ouf aIl gloîil. Pbillips iîîg filledi witb love and bblle said: "I lad a fî'iend." Brook-s was îîîdeed a wînsarnle Hoiy Spiiuf lef uis go for-th to F ior Resi Resuits- Prof. Rufus Jones w as a and dyîiaaiir pei'soniaiifv xho oui'- ison triha he~ irian af remarkable andi charm- earicbed the lives of m Lî i ves ofO'h's"i M j f~ TRY OUR 1 fik p a frniet' scaltLeviîg;zOtily Xiix i'ears scod. a riniisfeî' ncvei kiîows ,Ti sP imrIegt whal his wvords will prodcîce. Tîiisa Wimrligf For- instanîce. a new man xvas ' preaclîing aI a 11111e United dhurcI îîcar Bowmanville. Hel toid of the urgent need of men ta beconue minîsters. Unknowui la hlm, a yacng muan was silting ini Ibat con- gregatioiî .lio was wrcstliîg, %vitli a pi'oblcm. licelîad spent' fbrcp vc'ars overseas as an army dispaicli rider. Now he' xvas homne at ils old job iin an! Oshiawa woodworkiîg slop, iý but insîdle. 'lhere was a gaaw- ing feeling le cocîld bc daing something miore produ clive. i After lhcariuîg Rcv. E. S. Lin- i stead (naw of Port Peî'ry) luis youîug fellow went home wih' the conviction iluat Ibis- was il.î/ He fcil a dîciilte pull la ,ilie I, mirîistî'y because of Mr. l- stead's sermon. Io the wecks iliafofalawcdý the conviction grew stronger: and stdoager. Finally, il COcIld nat le deaîed. And sa if, was that, E. J1. Kerscy wcnl fa armyý rehab school la finish lus ma-; tric. After that lie obtaîîîed a Rev. E. J. Kersey BA and eveatually was ordain- ed. Now le is married. thc fa-; Utliteict hiicb. a lboli. skJpý ther of five children, the eld- anid a lump (rom lle Goideîî est nine, anîd is pastor of a Mile. fiock af 500 famnilles in an eas- 1 Suppose blle îîiîîli' er P- tern su burb. crallcd Ted îîîou'e fhanl Mr. or. 'rlM- CANADIAN STATESMAN, 1807MANVIIM. ONT-AM OrMTR-,n,&v RffAi? Rý-1-7fh, ?,"*