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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1960, p. 3

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?HURSDAY. MAL. l7th. 190 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE T81 IPuk, Mra. M. Hawthorne, M 'D. Rigg, Mrs. M. Slute, Ms.]E Red Cross Blitz, idth is .Jhso ts Eiltch, Ms. . Cohn s Met '172 MH.dy Snmth, M&s. Dunn, Ms $1,723 Mond y icox, Mis. S. Hooper, Mrs K. Shackleton, Mrs. E. Shaci Bet.ween 7 and 8 pan. Mon-lwould flot have been possible leton. dlaY, March l4th, well over without the assistance of the! District 4: Captain, Mr.E one hundrej volunteer can- i many volunteer canvassers. Cooper. Canvassers - Mis. H Vassers 'blitzed' Bowmanville! Thanks to the follawing per- Lake, Mr. B. Johnson, Miss A aid surrounding area for the sons Red Cross Night 'n thUs Begley, Mi. C. Bell, Mrs. R loa Brandi of the Canadianarea was an unqualified suc- Sheridan, Mis. J. .Eston, Mrs Red Cross Society. With re. cess. B. flickle, Miss J. Smith, Mis turns from Newcastle, Maple 1Dýstrict 1:* Captain - -Mis. D. Stahl, Mis. V. Hancock. Grove, Salem and sonie1oca E. Rundle. Canvassers - Mis. District 5: Captain, Mis. P areas stii ta be hearde froa, K. Sumersford, Mis. R. Swan, Passmore. Canvassers-Mrs.]D ëMonday night's receipts to- Mis. R. Johnson, Mis. W. Wal- Boe, Mis. J. Webster, Mrs.R taled $1723.00. 'lis, Mis, W. Bates, Mrs. G. Mcntyre, Mrs. F. Cowle, M" Headquarters were set up t Stephens, Mis. H. Calmer, R. M. Stephens, Mis. G the Balmnoral Hotel andtram IMis. E. Thompson. Browrn, Mis. J. Bedford, Mrs '7:30 pan, on captains and can-1 District 2: Captaiti-Mrs. R. R. Land, Mis. J. VanNest Vassers arrived with their dis- tBate. Canvassers - Mis. G. MiT5. L. Ayres. ticts' donations. The Branch!Cawker, Mis. H. Collacutt, Ditct6CaasM. executive were pleased tahave Mis. A. Falls, Mis. H. Trull istit6:CpanMs the opportunity of serving re- Mis. P. Bathgate, Mis. L: Hnning. Canvassers-Mis.P fre9hnents ta thesemnyvl Brown, Miss L. Kilgannan. Wlker, Mis. M. Piper, Mis unteers. District 3: Captain, Mis. j. M. Wilcox, Mis. H. Henning. The success of this Blitz Martyn. Can-,iassers-MI&s. m. District 7: Captais, Mis.S _______________________________________ McTavish. Canvussers - Mrs _____________________________________ -E. Preston, Mis, S. Corde! THE ANNUAL MEETING 0F THE Mis. D. Gilhooley, Mis. G. El. liott, Mis. R. Webbeî, Mis. L. Goddard, Mis. Earl Clarke CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Mifs. G. White, Mis. D. Cole. District 8: Captain, Mi.H 0f NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM Gibson. Canvassers - Mis. C WILL E HED ONHockins, Mis. Leask, Mrs WILLBE HL!) N I ighfield, Miss R. Bate, Mrs G. Ruiney, Miss A. Hodgins, TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1960 Mis. A. Richards, Mis. R. 1Brock, Mis. W. Hatel. AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH District 9: Captain, Mr. W (Sunay chol Rom)W. Bagneli. Canvassers-Mvrs (Sunay ehoo Rorn)S. Black, Mrs. D. Rundle, Mis Walton Street, Port Hope, at 8:00 p.m. 'P. Greenfield, Mis. A. Burns, Mrs. L. Dewell. Mis. C. Cý SPEKE, R.CLRECEHALLIDAY Puîdy, Mis. R. Preston, Misý SPEAER.MR. LARNCEL. Bagneil, Mis. W. Bagnell I Mis. C. L. MeFeeters, Mrs. L, Public is Cordially Invlted C. Gatchell. ___________________Distrist 10: Captain. Mrs MeNulty. Canvassers - Mrs Alex Mairs, Mrs. J. Bowman 1111 Ms. arlOsborne, i\s. J. C ili SEE US FOR THE BEST . .. SBurtt, Ms. G. 111n, Mis. V 1111 IIT1IR P IN I Mtrs rHGddard CI - LAN~ADJA Pl 11 n.M.Brock. fi 1 District 11: Captain, Mns iii' and I Wm. Cowan. Canvassers - UT~TTn1 W'nc' Ms. H. Cowun, Mrs. L. Lea- CANADIAN VALLAPERS man, Mrs. F. Piper. District 12: Captuin, Mi.. SEE OUR WINDOW AND)Ij1 Young. Obvses Ls IT A l auch r, M is. Cr ODD5 and ENDS en, Mr .Lethe, Ms. F Il"" A BLEistrict 13: Captain, Mis. R, lii jFirth, Mis. J. Bîough, Mis. W ilPAINTS - ENAMELS - ETC. I Cotter, MiTs. M. Stout, Mis. . I'Larder, Mis. L. Parker, Miss Alat PMarr, Mi. J. Cook, Mis. R. il ~IlIAlder, Mis. G. Montgomery. IIDistrict 14: Cuptuin Mit. GREATLYCuddahee. Canvassers- Mrs. KnighMis. J. Living, Mis. REDU ED P ICESE. Welsh, Ms S. Murdoch, Il Mis. J. Graham, Mis. J. District 15. Captain, Mis. B. tiBurk. Canvassers -is.J. A B ER Eliii11 Abernethy, Mis. L. Lucas, Mis. di PAINTS & WALLPAPER I R. Lunney, Mis. G. Bebee, il I 33 ii'Mis. J. Welch, Mis. E. Ewaît, 33King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431, I ~Mis. J. Wosey, Mis. F. Cale, __ _ ~ . Mi-s. P. Goodwmn. ___________________________ Districtl16: Captain, Mrs.C. Taylor. Canvassers - Mis. J. Leddy, Mis. Veimullen, Mis. y L. Luffman. Tyrone: Captais, Mis. R. Aà Spry. Canvassers - Mis. J. Gi'bbs, Mis. W. Murphy. Mis. S. Gi>ble, Miss J. Robertson, Miss A. Moîeland. Maple Grave: Captain, Mis. W. Brown, Canvassers-Mirs H. Bradley, W&s. K. Hopkins, Mrs. C. Cryderman, Mis. S. Jeffery, Mis. C., Mils, Mis. C. JUS Greenham, O'Neil, Mis. 0?, C R. Barrabail, Mis. D. Dobbs, Ç)O C Mis. H. Watson, Mis. B. Mc- Donald, Mrs. C. Cullen, Mis. W. Bothwell, Mis. R. Bath- well, Mis. Robt. Bothwell. -100 Enniskillen-Mrs. John Slec 0?- mon. '. Haydon-Mrs. D. Cameron. Traffie was heavy as man: sie-sers ereout Sunda: PHARMACY af*ér4 o n to ew thse huge snow ienks alongth ninti and acrose ta cras hrh ISA MST - '<M. a nd Mis. J. C. Co n RED & BLUE BRAND lFli1RTI S SBeef Sale 1 ÇS. E. - MA 3-5081 OU>FASmO LEBAN, FREW .H.0 IA Hamburg 3 for 100Roast lb. 3c Butter IL 4,5c Short Ri bILb A WT XER $.0 ATPU SRRoast 4 COUNTRY STYLE jausage fo31.00 IRTH BROS. DEVON SLUCE» BREAKFAST NOW DELMVR WITH A Bacn b.SM ALL SERVcmCARG Bacn b. ' 1 Free. Door Prize nI New Directors Elected For Durham Co-Op The elderly gentleman camse uPon a stranger fishlng en the river banlk and called te ask if he was baving any luck. "Sure amn," sald the fluber- man. "I caught forty pike here ,.' "I'm the local judge bore and all this estate Is mine," sald the, old gentleman. '"b are you?" «'Me? I'm the blggest lar la the territory." Well, it's no lie that we guar- antee the most icliable dry cleaning woik' you'll find any- where. Youî complete satis- faction is oui main interest. Se if you've been "casting aîound" loaking for a ieully reliable cleaner give us a try next time. cai tlelie Annual Hospital Birfhday Party Thursday, Narch 24 3 Io 5:30 -Everyone Welcome - ~ 84.K/N .W. MA.g- ~ .4" RÇ fr esh During the mast successful l2th annual meeting of Durham Farmers' Caunty Co-operative held at Orono, March 8th, new directors were elected, fîom lef t to right, front row: W. Nowak, Retiring President Carias Tamblyn, Manager E. J. Spry, Secretary E. L.1 miewett, Orme Falls and John Knox; back row, JohnI Legion Auxiliary Gîves $300 to Club For Painting Watts At a meeting of Bianch 178, Canadian Legian. Bowman- ville, held last Thuisday, Se- cietary Ron Richards read a report frani Provincial Com- mand on the resuits of a sur- vey taken across Ontario. This showed that money spent in 1959 by Legion branches in the province to be about $153,- 500 for minai sports; $25,000 for Scouts and Guides; $71,- 700 in donations ta other wel- fare organizations; $11.000 for scholaîships; and $14.000 for public speaking. President Ed Rundie was in the chair. He announced that tie Ladies' Auxiliary ta Branch. 78 had givet- $360 ta the bianch for the renovatian of the walls of the hall and clubiaoms. Sincere apprecia- tion was expressed by the membeîsiip and the secretaîy was instructed ta write a let- ter of thanks ta the Ladies. The president called attention to greatly imnproved appear- ance of the walls. This woîk lias already been st.aîted by Murdoch and Welsh and is hig'hly satisfactoiy. The sccretaiy îead an invi- tation for the Legion ta send dart teams to the Molson's Daît Tournament, ta be held at tic Sportsmen's Show in Toronto this week. The Legion Zone Rally wil be heid in Ajax on Friday, Mardi 25th at 8 p.m. It was decided that the next dance which is ta be heid at the Legion hall on Sat- urday, March 19tih will be for meînbers andl their ladies only, guests will not be invitea. This will be a St. Patrick's Day dance. Special Events chuirman Bill Bates resninded members that Ladies' Night will be held on Saturday, April 16. Ail vet- crans of World Waî I were urged ta contact Peîcy Green- field, or Bil Bates and, ta be suie ta attend Vimy Nigit banquet an April 9th. Jaek Knigit, Sports Officer. told thse meeting that this branch had won fiîst andl sec- ond place in the Zone teajn bowling and first place in tic doubles at thie Lberty Bowl on Saturday, March 5. The tcaxn comîng first consisted of Douglas Taylor, Jack Maityn, Ernie Perfect, Bil Bates, Ar- noldl Lobb and Keith Yea. Members of the second placed team were Luther Welsh, Jack Geddcs, Diok Perfect, Bob Cale, Jim. Barclay and Harold Bennett. Bull Bates and Ernie Perfect weîe the doubles win- ners. The District Bowling Tour- nament wlll take place at Ca- bourg on Saturday, March 19th. The bowleîs will leave from Legion Hall, Bowmanville at 10 a.m. The Sparts Chair- man aIso announccd that the Zone Cribbage Tournament would take place in Osbawa on IVarch 26 at 1:00 p.m., four tearas of 10 men each are re- lquired ta go froni this branci. 9p N n à aiE 5Stone, Don Staples, Ernest Bryson, Howard Quantrili tand Wes Yellawlees. -The delicious turkey dinnerl iwhich preceded the business meeting was served by tthe ladies of Kirby W.A. who are shown ini the laweri photo lined up at the serving caunter. Coy, Brooklin. MjW n e itdM. and M is. cin ldeadFb Bowmanville. were tea guests of Mi. and Mis. G. Alldread. H l Misses Jean. Robertson and Anne Moreland spenit the weekend with Mr. and Mi:.Chant Fa Russell Moîeland, Gananoque. Mi. and Mrs. A. Hamnilton A pleasant ev4 and family visited Mi. and spent at thse Tow Mis. D. Mackie, Nestîcton. Hamipton, on Satu Miss Mary Stevens. Bow- 12. It was the gathi manville, visited the PQxlps Chant Clan for the home. nual winter pieni Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, We viewed soin Mis. R. Virtue visited Mr. and vies presented by Mis. Theo. Down. Lakefield. taken aver a per We're pleased ta learn Mis. years. Down is makinig a speedy re- As ani addecd sa covery. the night Mi. and Mis. R. B. Hamilion, Bow- Vivian, nec Bei. manville, visited at Mi. and were called to cha Mrs. A. Hamnilton. or on ths thei40 Ms.W. Muphyanniversary. Din n. aln vsieM. ad .rBrandi pinnieda' anod Tl orvisted M. aa i.lier mother and a« Llod Tylo, QOfiO.for lier father. Y Ms. 0. Virtue andl MSs. E. Chant acted as zc Murphy visited Mis. H. Fraser, Atratwc Oroo.Mis. Ted Chant a MT. anal Mis. W. Banks, Cameîon presented Weston; Mr. andl Mis. John E. witii a floor laml: Griffun anid Mis. Bennett, En- Dan Vivian piesE nidskillen, were Sunday calleis parents with a lo Of Mi. and Mis. W. Rahmn. The couple made Mr. andl Mis. Laine Phare Plies. visiteal Mis. N. Collacot, Bow- 46For They r inanvlle.Fellows"' rang out Mis. Floreince Scotit visited group. Dancing wn Mr. and Mis. W. Macdoniald, cd tili niidnight au Bowmianville. tables werc laid wn Mr. anal Mrs. W. Rahm- were tiful lunch, At supper gucats Sunday evening wedding cake ar of Mr. and Mis. J. E. Griffin, dre the oed et Enniskillen. tecd. ed uet ýMemnorial Hospital fom wrt't'0 dv W eAIlI e or were unable to atte vv~~y Reprt were present fier Toronto. Newmarî For week of Mai. 7-13 inclusive Britain,' Janctviike dAdmissions 54 1 Y K V N l Bitis-4 male, 5 female -Syxnpsthy ta Mrs. Tom Phil- Thank you ta Tyine Coin- Disciaiges _.-----6 d lips, Mis. Thos. Borr and Miss munity for suppoiting thse Red Major Operations l: Florence Gardiner of Bownian- Cross canivassers. Minai Operations--------. Sville, on the passing of their M.adMs W iinadEmeîgency Treatments -Y1 >f sister, Mis. Aima HcndTicks, chuldren attcnded thc annual Visiting hours: 2:30-4:30 (nec Almna Gardiner), Selkirk. winter Chant pienlie anal thc and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. , Mr. an-d Mis. Walter Park 4th wýedding anniversary af ýs visited Mr. an-d Mis. Geo. Wil- M .and Mis. Chas. Vivian of rlis of Cannington. Sunday. Bowmanvillc, at the Darling- ~ -dcIM ro 'e chir enjoyed going ta tic Saturday evening. home of Elinor and Go'tdyn Thc family cf Mr. Lut[her Brent, for ticir regular prac- Stainton surpriscal hhm on his Etice. Duriig the cvening an ar- 8ti birthday, with a dinner INFANTS -ganizationa] meeting ta elcct party at "Tic Acres", after ,e off icers ta a executive was hcld which tlhcy spent the evenang SLEEPING POSITION with the foliowing resuits: ut lis dsîughtci's, Mir. andl Mrs.< rPresidenut, Mr. R Coombes; Henry Staintan. Others presnt ......... -Sec. and Press Coirespondence, were, Mi. and Mis. Edgaer Cro- . s.Mis. L. Annis: Tîcasurer, Mr. xall, Braoklin; Mi. andl Mis. .. ... ý- R. Glaspeil. Harold Staintoîî, Windsor. and n In connection withth forth- Mi. andMrs Don Stainton and .« ~comning concert by tic Bow- sons. Congratulations Mi. Stai - . . manville Choral Society, c""".. ton and mnymore h app c- soe ythc choir. Mr. J. Cook casions. -andl Mi. D. Brent were appoint- Mr. and Mis. Arthur Youne ed ushers, Miss Lauraiîîe Cook, man, Mr. and Mis. George Ail: ticket convenar andl Mis. A. dread attendedl thc Ladies' Ni- Hoar, Mis. R. Glaspell, con- gît Banquet of the ý Florence venonrs of thc îcfrcshments. Nightingale Lodgc at Trinity Lunch was serveal by tic hast United Chur&iS'aturday even- Q-. Fi a "9sUu a YOung babY andl lostess and a social haîf ing. to 6Medm heh be placed on hour wat; enjoyed. Tehi. siotouh or back? Mi. nth Haiilon i pi T-e combincd groups of W.A. A. Many doctors recommewnd the sei. tArrturHaiatontios plae wthat teohurch, Maicl 9, stoinach position because it per- fi t rpr t eo>ft l a it 24 prescrit. Tic devotion- mits better drainage cf mucus, coming in for teognfn.a was in thc fari of a skit and food that miglit be spit Up. Th i s etn o h - with Mis. A. Hamilton, Mis. Tice stamach position apparently girls' club will be helal ncxtJ. C. Cook, Mis. A. Hoari and hls other advantages. h group of Wednesday. Anyoîie wisiiing o Mis. G. Alldread taking part. doctors who observed 281 new- take tic uniît, please contact Presidenut Mis. R. Glaspdl ,cal- born infants found that young Mrs. Kcith Davey or Mis. Mur- icci on Mis. F. Jackson andl babies kept on their stomnachs ray Yeo. Mis A. Hoar for twa piano had less diaper rash and cricd 4-H girls anal leaders attend- aluet.less thun infants kept face up. cd Achievement Day at Grena r.L =shl us Hospital nurse who helped it on Sat., hast. Several îccciv is. L.d Ans e paonques- this study and who had pre- cd certificates and spoons. Con- inadase ru qe- viously placed newborn infants gratulations ta Jean Baker on tions peitairung ta the uiiited only on their backs, switched receiving "County Honours". ch~urdh .Reports of gioups weîc the stomnach position. Mi. andl Mis. Cliff Lainier given. Mis. C. H. MeQuinn an- ana gilsMilrao, wîe un-nuunced tic St. Patrick tea and Knaow yoerphamaeW for l.. ady carllsafM i. anal Mis. J.un-bazaar, bMrch 17. Discussion .mfedWW reputatlou, for bis dA. clRoseoean dMr.. was had on how ta make mon- readium <o MIUV BCàUtffufly, A.yRsneih v M. L«. ey for argan f unal also Good f« the h. wamay in whilc he A. ioevay îr n d tic *. Fiday Evening Service in tic 9IUdfrW$S«L (0t. Us bIaàs, their aunt, Mis. H. Wi. Jones, cucibes bophicare yoé<w rçiptim teCus.0 Toranto, on Mardi 2. Funeral served lunch. .gy r',lpostu. service was iclal et 'Ward- Mis. J. A. Roseveai apent wortis, arafi 5. Those attend- the weekend witii Ma,. Maurice MA «1 1;1 ing were, Mi. and Mis. J. A. Jones, Toronto. Rosevear and Lorraine, Mr. Redl Cross quilt waa quilted: mmauff De.v na i. and Md mmanl Tueslay. à-J- Picnic amiIy reiing -was wnship Hall, turday, Mai. hering of the isecond an- ie homeenma- 7Ted Chant îiod. of 20 ttraetîonofl dMis. C. A. uiai Chant, airs of ion- Oth wedding is. Russel icorsage on Sboutonnicre Mri. Douglas chairman. hasen words and Mis. R. .d thc couple ip. Len and sented their mauge chair. suitable re- Jolly Good ut fîom the xas continu- ind then tice with a boun- thîce layer nd flowers table wheîe [, were et de&s Parents anced years ted. Friends 'ni Londlon, eand sur- Bwy te.fa.ufy cart@u of 6 big beoN os Smith Beverages Ltd' Bowmanville Authorized Distributor JYou are invited to the PBROOKDALE m KINGSWAY NURSERY OPElNOS Located ut the Bowrnanville Cloverleaf on the 401 Highway YOUR CHOICE_0F DATES: THURSDAY, MARCH I4th - AND - FRIDAYP MARCH I5th 7:30 Io 10:00 p.. Core!..And Bring aFriend * Conducted Tours of Canada's Most Modern Nursery. *' Enjoy Illustrated Gurdening Talks.j * See How Plants are Safely Stored During the Winter Months. * See the«Up-to-Date Modern Equipment. ÇJ3o ow/ae IKngsayIlursery J30WlLAàýý ONTARIO -IUMDAY, M«. 17th, 19@9 THE CANADIAN STATESMAlq, S4ýroundi - ng -- -area. -- -- PAGE TBIM

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