lm. tiplication stops, end there le Cancr Da ger ign 1aýethose worn out, or t te.place o aae tissue, such as a cut finger for (ftlined by W. Pascoe instance, the speaker said. Cancer on the other hand is d1,isodely growth of cels, which in the disease ha- At Knsme Meeing gin multiplying much faster At Knsme Meeing and in a disorderly and un- ~El controlled way. The cancer -aEtennal vigilance is thé price. informative address wa;ls crawd out healthy cells of freedom fram cancer, and i"Where can we as laymen fitand steal their nourishment. thie importance of awakening ini, in the Canadian Cancer !if not checked or removed, the eveny citizen ta this factlwasiSociety Program."' Last year'area attacked will nat furic- emphasized liv Walton Pascoe. in Canada 21,740 people died tion properl, and the life of pWtsident of the Bownanville 'of cancer, almost six turnes as the body is endangered," Mr. W, nch o! the Canadian Can- mnany as were killed in motor Pascoe stated. cer Society in his addresa accidents, Mr. Pascoe painted the dinner meeting of the aýut. On this basis, there wiîî "Whletmedi ca u seedae Bowmanville Kinsmen Clubbe an average of ane person nat yet kuwtecueo last week held at the Flying:every month die in Bowman- cancer, many weapons have Dutchman Motar Hotel. ville from cancer, hie asserted. been discovered that can comn- The meeting was 2nd vice- 1ndarbn acr bat the disease, amang themn In dscrbin canerMr.are surgery, x-ray, radium, ~esident's night, and Osbornc JPascoe first explained that ljmtehle fti iigbd trsfo a n cheunotherapy. But doctors Willams th hoderof hislivng odystata roi a in-need distrant early detectors office, preaided. Bert Syersigle" celi, which pcaceeds ta to help thern attack this.kil- Intcaduced Mr. Pascoe, and 'divide into two cells, and in er" the Cancer Society exe- told the meeting of the finelan arthne tic progression nuul- cutive emphaticafly stated. work he bas done in this coin- tiplies in an orderly cegulated1 "This then is the point in.unity. pattern until the body is ful where you and I can enter ,__ he subject of M.r. Pascoe's'grawn. At this point the mul- 'the ,,picture. First, early de- tecrianà ndsecond, fînancial aid ta maintain research teains that may discavera FoodBake better préventive -ramn or cure," Mr. Pascoe asserted. He stressed thbe vital impor- with uttfftance of early détection. "It is mandatory forth ALWAYS - rreshu patient ta contact bis dactor at bis earliest suspicion of a Tases elir!danger sign. The purpose of ONTARIO CRIAM PRODUCERS9 tion, and througb its organiz- MARKTINO BOARD ation -the financiai support of REPRESINTING 5,80 *AU Cl RODUCîas JCancer Clinica, Research and Fellowships. We do nat in amy way suppant the medical profession, but rather endea- van ta be a complement ta their teain. N ovi à hqere!i;p The seven danger signais were given by Mr. Pascoe as follows- 1. Unusuai bleeding or dise. orge. 2. A lumb or tbickani. j in thbe breast or New Samasonite eswe .Asr htde in bowel bladder habits. 5. Persistent hoarseneas or caugh. Straford6. Persistent indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. 7. Stra fordChange in wart or maie. "For your own gaod, and- for thbe goad o! those deareat WlesWardobeto you it is mostu important tbat you learn, remember, and disus thsedanger signs, and Ladieethen act upan themn if your $27..0.suspicions are aroused'," Mr. . . .. . .Pascoe said urgently. M: "The possibility of cure îs very mucb greater if discaver ed in its early stages. Delay may mean suffering or death Ladite'because rno cancer aven cured Beauty Calié itseif. Yau may be your bro- f $25.00 ther's keepec in a sense for i! by talking mare about this I disease, by bringing It out in t' thbe open and not considering it a hush-hush class o! con- ve rsation, you rnay be the a one ta incite humtoi action 9 without knowing it.h "Remnember there is noth- il on rîý*..ing dishonourable about can- r cer any more than there ta about appendicitis. It is, ac- cording ta present médical i knawiedge, neither cantaglous, n nar heriditary, but it is a kil- I made ith agnelum1er. Be on the alert, have ce-a \~ ad wth agesumgular medical examinations,& the jet plane metal and if a danger signal is sus-S pected go ta your farnuly doc- h. New, distinctive Canadien lubgage styled with tac."p sleek exteriors covered In wear-resistant vinyl that resisâ,Mc. Pascae stated empha- il scuffs end scratches. Famous Somsonite Comfort-Grip tically that only a doctor' canà hanies are shaped te fit your hand. distinguish between a les Colour ca.ordinated linings in specially selected serious condition and thbe pas-b fabrics, complUmentedi with handsome exterior hues of si'bility of cancer. He asked White, Blue, Tan and Grey In Ladies' styles; Tan bis audience ta bean in mnd t end Grey in mon'& stylas. that thera are many people fi leading normal lives today, 'A gwba have had cancer and be- C c7i-2e they checked it early inadical science was able ta Hoop r s Jeweler "fne f tube major activities h and Gift Shop of the local branch, Wamen's & 29 King St. E. Bowmanvil]e cer dressings. These are sup- n, plied free of charge under the t à ti te Kee7p your drinks hot or fi cold onge in ew.. Double Wall Insulated Tumblers ]Beautiful tumnblers . î nlaid with "gold" ta, blend perfectly with amy decor and to harmonize with the gold trend that is sa popular in today's home furnishings . .. A graciaus addition ta your valued possessions! With these insulated, non-sweating turâblers thcre's ne worry about rings on furniture or chilled hands, and the double wall insures that ciinks stay hot or cold, with ail their natural flavor, for heurs longer. Plan to, get your s»t of these tumblers in all eight colors . . . a new color each week . - filled with NUTRITTOUS COTTAGE CHEESE LOCALLY SELLING 4 Fr5.95 TUMBLER FILLED WITH DELICIOUS COTTAGE CHEESE lO-oz. 69 CEa. Buy One Today . . . You May Purchase a Differeni Color Tumbler Each Week During the Nexi Eighî Weeks. Special Offer - Tumbler Filled with Cottage CheS. Only 69c Order front your Glen Rae Driver or purchase ai Glen Rae Dairy, King Si. W. GLEN, RAE DAIRY W MNGST. W. PHONE MA 3-5444 BOWMA14VE - I - i an pi ti wl ai mZ a1 TME CANADIÂR STATESM, EOWPXA2IYE!ZONqTARJO 1 , Opens New. Store In Ajax Another Bowmanvilte merchant expanded facilities last week when Mrs. M. Breslin opened a new ladies' wear store in Ajax. She has another store in Whitby as well. Crowds lined the approaches to the new Breslin's on Thurs- day morning. Mrs. Wm. Parish, wif e of the Ajax Mayor, is cutting the ribbon during the officiai opening ceremonies. At ber right is Mrs. Lily Rimmer of Pickering, the f irst customer. Mrs. Breslin is standing at left. Several months ago, 'Lloyd Ellis of Ellis Shoes here opened a new store in the same shopping centre, jupt around the corner from Breslin's. Both feel that the large and growing population of that area justified the expansion. Hampton Lady Gathers Data on Bowmanville's OId Registry Office Editor's Note:- The following facta concerning our local Reg- istry Office were compiled by YIrs. A. W. Prescott of Hamp- ion for the March lst Women's fIstitute Ineeting in Hamipton. As Mrs. Prescott is confined to awheelcha jr, the abundance of snew made it impossible for her to attend the meeting and in ber stead. the paper was read by Mrs. Keith Smith. Hampton Women's Institute As the business of the Reg- istry Office has so recently moved to ita new quartera on Liberty St., 1 thought it was asubject of ecrent interest and importance to ail of us. Since 1872 t!he Registry Office has been in the oid grey stone buildîing, with the barred win- Lows, on King St. West, next oor to the Glen Rae Dairy The recently vacated Regis- try Office was operated as a avern by a Mr. Alfonse Hinds from 1846 tu 1872. In 1872 it vas sold by the owner, Mr. Chafrleà Bowman ta the County Council to be used as the Reg- istry Office. Now after 88 years of service, the business bas outgrown the old, building, and moved to the new struc- ture on Liberty St. Part of the .ew buîlddg is for the use of the County Hea.lth Unit. direction of the doctor for pa- ients at home. In Ontario in 1959 there were 24,000 volun- Ler women invaived in the ght against cancer, and 1,- 300,000 dressinýgs were m1ade In the year," Mr. Pascoe sta- ýed. An Interesting filiin was xown by Clarence Bell, Trea- irer of the Bowrnanville 3ranch of the Cancer Socie- y. This motion picture vivid- y depicted the work being lne by the arganizatian iroughout the' province. A vote of thanks ta Mr. Pas- ne for his excellent address id valuable advice xvas mav- id by Ken Nicks. He also ex- )ressed the appreciation of bis ellow Kinsmen to Mr. Bell r presenting the fine motion [ecture ta the Kinsmen. Fred Kramp, a member of he Brantford Kinsmen Club, vho is having his rnexber- up transferred ta the Bow- Lanville Kinsmen Club, was guest at the dinner meeting. Nesîleton Siaflon Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. EUi Mairs were Mr. and Mca. Norman Mairs anid family, Port Perry, and Mc. and Mrs. Bud Virtue and family, Bow- inanville. Frienids will be sorry to learn that Miss Norma Sùggitt has flot been so well and was moved fromi Miss Ruth Prautt's home to Port Perry Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mca. Ernest Heccon, Kevin, and Rager were in Toc- onto over the weekend. The boys viaited Mrs. Summnervilje and Mr. and Mcs. Hecron ait- tended the Graduation banquet of Theological stude nt s of Knox Callege on Fr., evening. Miss Grwen Wilson and Mr. and Mrpý. Herman Rod>man of Toronto spent the weekend with MT. and Mrs. Cecil Wil- son. The Grant Thompsons visit- ed his mother, Mrs. Jas. Thom- paon in Sunderland and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nayloc of Peffer*- law on Sunday. MTs. Wesley Camnpbell has a lovely new trailer whih was brought to the village on Sat- iuday causing much interest. Severai men of the village hel- ped to Instail it on the saune spot as her former trailer was IocateL DgMy diaugihtcr Ruth (Mira. John Carrigan) commenced work- ing in tuha Registry Office 12 ycars aga as a typist clcrk, and sis now Deputy Registnar. Miss -Helen Crydernuan wbo bas 3been a capable, efficient and fvalued memben of the staff foc rsanie years, was appointed iRegistrar last yean. No docýu- smet is ever certified and reg- iste'red unleas absalutely cor- crect. A few yeaca aga when tuba amount o! business inicreased sufficiently, Mr. Reginald Jam- 3es (a former Mayor. o! Bow- tmaville) became registrar of the local office. Wbile he was on bis halidays ane summer, bie died veny suddenly o! a heart attaek. t Mrn. Ted Bird has recently joined tube staff, and is master- ing thbe intricate undertaking of looking à!tuer ail lagal docu-! menta dealing with properties in tube townsihips a! Darlingtan, Carwcigbt and Clarke, as well as tuhose for Newcastle and the Town of Bowmanviile. 3 These dacumeta ara piaccd ini files according ta townsbips and concessions. They are kept in thbe vaultu- a separate coani from tube main office~- wbich is flire-pnoof aind burg- lac proof. The documents in- elude wills, mortugages an Pro- perties not yet clear o! debt, deeds to praperties clea- of debt, also eaisements. Ease- ments are copies of agreements between property owners and sucb corporations as Ontario Hyd-o, Bail Telephone Ca,. Gas' Pipe Linqs etc; which puchase a right o! way across pcopairty aven which thli ne must cross. When the hcavy hydre Unes through Long Sault, Eniniskil- ion and on toward Brooklin and still an wcre bult 18 ta 20 years ago, dffferent lines, dif- ferent ycars, the engineers had m'any an argument wîtb fanm- crs wbo did not want their fields cluttered up witb pales ani towers. They are a nuis- anice as I, Mirs. Prescott, can testify, having worked around thein myseîf withboth hanses and tractor. They were a hayon o! refuge, on one occasion whcn 1 went to bring in our'herd o! about 25 cow,,;wfth aur collie dog at uny heels. One cow had vîsited tube maternity wand andi basia naw baby, so she chargesi the dog, as did ber mates. I ram for thbe nearest hydre t>ower and took shelter im noofthe heavy corner limaces. At tube tuine of tube ecectiori o! tuhe tawers, each fariner ce- oeived. com-pensation, but tube younger gaeneration work ar- ound them aind think fondiy af tube maney tubat dad got for bis inconvenicruce. In Hamnpton, a good many people with land east of tube Scugog Road have pales belonging ta Hydiro or Telephane, but these comznad- ities bave ta be carcied to thbe people who use tuber. Amyone wbo wisbes informa- tion cegacding their property or possibly tihe will of a parent or gandpaTent, can go ta ltie Office aindi ak for thie paper they requice ainsi study it on tube Iprge countec in tube main office. A smail charge is made for titis service. No paper may be taken eut unless onc of thie employaca goes alomg. A smal dcharge la made to a lawyer making a seerch for a client. SaniUres lawyers spand hours searching for in- formation witb regard to a- perty beimg bougbt or sold, as neoame wishes te buy a proper- ty witbout knowing whethec, tuhe seller hais a firet or maybe second niootgagc on the pro- perty. Lawyers. who use #wu. ttce, often, do not pay eaob turne. Sa books are kept and accounits are sent out at the end o! each month. When a naw hiydro lina, tele- phane lina or gas pipe line is ta go tbcougb, surveyors and engimears spend many d'ays searccbig for information ab- out ail thea land tubat thbe new lime wlll cross. Monthly ac- caunts are sent ta them also. Ail sucb moiney belps ta pay foc stationery, stamps, fuel, bydro, telephone, wages ta thbe thiree employees and ta thea clesaniing wonuan. Once a mointh the Registry Office sanda lista ta tihe Asses-j soa c i hefthIe Ibrestowrim wh.r. v.iWl cPW es au d- ships, and ta the Asacuors of cd. Bowsnanville andiNewcastle. The<c&myCoun<en derlded These ae lista eofaIl proper- sometime ao o prcasene tics i eac district which have d«kis counters, nnlng cabinets, disnged banda ducing thbe add ii macine for the new month and are of assistance office, but I guess tbey had te ta thbe assessor in bis work. wait until th-e olci building was Eaéh time a pcoperty chan. 501d ba!ore they knew bow ges hands the twa ladies in the mudi mone~Y there waOSt Off ioe, do wbat ia called an ab- sPend. So the new supplies straC, wbich is a bistory of wer just ordeced recently, tiuat property frein the Urne it therefone tbe oid furnishings was settled ta the present, witb had ta, be rnoved ta thbe iew naines of ail familles who bave building and wben the new lived - thece and the daes of supplies camne everytbing wil their caming and going. There- bave to e ha adled agauru. fore a pnoperty wbich lies Preston Transport Ce. ap- changed banda many ies Plied for the movwag job, came meana a detaiiled a1bstrac and and laoked airer WtSe aid office much brain work. and estiiaited that it would be The office is named thbe Cou- a l0 bour job. However on Sait., nty Registry Office and is un- Feb. 13, thbe transport witb 5ev- der thbe junisdiction of the ecai men wonked froin 7 ai.u. Coututy Council. - until 7 p.m., witb tinie out ta TheRegstx Oficeat orteat. Ruth was on d'utY at tube THe Roos atOffie bat*Portad office ta belp sec tubat the Hop loks ittir ubebuiness preciaus fileq were bandlled of Hope Townsbip ami part of cacefuily. McI. Bird code on thbe Nortbumberland County, wbhila cewieMs rdra the office ait Cobourg takes waited ait thbe new office ta charge fartuher east. Theire is oversee thbe careful uniloading ruo Rcgistny Office in Oshawa. o!fVihe valuable papens. Pres- Ail properties wcst of tube Dar- ton Transport finishad the jab Iington Township line a bave an Mon., Feb. 15tb., workring their histories in thbe Whituby froin 7 a.m. till 3 p.rn. Sa the office. 10 boucrnmoving job cenita Thece is ane machine, wbich 19 haurs with trne out for bas ta be dnawn back and for- meals. wacd between Port Hope and There are two files <if docu - Bowmnanville as tube money ai- ments much aIder than the lowed for equipinent bas neyer others and these two files need been enougb ta buy the second more noomi than the athers. machine. It la cailed a MYCco- They are parehment, not pap- Filming Machine, and as I un- er, and can't be foldad as paper de'cstood it is used ta praduce can. The oldest deed in the extra copies of documenta, files ls datad 1798. ISPECIALS ATr WALKER'FS i BATH TOWELS Approx. 22 x 42 f Value te 1.49 - Ea. -- a FACE CLOTHS To Match A Value te 25e ea. 3 for 47Wc 1,BEX Sub-standards FLAN NELETTE BLA NKETS of Bowmanville 5 KING ST. E. This 15 your Invitation tb the.. HOLIDAY CELEBRATIO0N TO BE HELD AT THIE WASH-OMATr lThe Finesi .Coin-Operaied Self-Serve Laundry ini Ontario TWO WASHESFREEDORRZS F R EE TWO DRYSFREE O PIS A chance for everyone 8LOVELY "TURQUOISE" HOYT TUMBLE DRY AND WRINKLE FREE DRYERS VELVETY SOFT WATER AT YOUR COMMAND ... UNLIMITED HOT WATEft FR1. M STc à FROM NOON RIGHT THROUGH TO 8:00 P.M. EACH DAY LOCATION IN BOWMANVILLZ FRIDAY BOWMANVILLE CELEBRATION COME - BRING YOIJR FRIENDS 2 FREE WASHES 2 FREE DRYS L OPEP CLOCR! WASH 25CJ DRY 1lOc WASHERS TAXE 9-POIJND LOAD i-SATURDAY ~ r ALL RURALI RESIDENTS E WELCOME 7 DOOR P1UZES WELLINGTON ST. WASH- 0. -MAT' POST FEE OFFCE HALL lmI . PAGE IV 70 x 90 Sjfecial - Pr. 599 MA 3-5451 CHURCH ST. - BOWMANVILLE Compliments of the heuse I O BEAUTIFUL "PINK" MAYTAG 20WASHERS AT YOUR SERVICE MARCH 18 M-19 L r: I ~I. oei r- IMU MAT, MAX. 17th, li