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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1960, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CM~AD!A2I STATESMAII. EOWMANV!LLE. CIITAHIÔ uq~qsm~a~. ,èA~ .. -. X * &UJLI~. I~m. 1 Today, in all parts af Ontario, crippled children are going ta take another step forward an their long road of treatment, for this day opens the annuali Easter Seal Campaign. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children is supparted by 222 service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Kinsmen and others in the raising of funds an behaîf of crippled children. The campaign runs ta April 17 and has a provincial objective of $850, 000. S pe Ci a 1S 2 Colgates Tooth Paste 70e value 59C à Colgates Tooth Paste $1.26 value 99C 98c Pepsodent Paste Plastic Flashlight Bolh for 98c -Specials 65e Palmolive Shave Cr. Men's Hair Brush Bolh for 65c $1.30 Value Colgate Shave Cream Now 98C $2.50 size Lustre Creme $1.98 $1.95 sîze Halo - $1.29 sentorDeep for Pimples VAita ins He $1.50 FOR CHILDREN 98c Tri-VI-Sol 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 Clearasil POIY-VI-Sol 2.10, 3.60, 5.25 Vita Pops2.50 Be for IPiniPles Deca Vitabs 1.95 Gay 69e - 1.19 Cadol -- 1.00, 1.65, 2.90 $1.00 Ostoco Et Touch Drops 2.40, 4.25. 6.00 A.D.C. Drops 1.60, 2.85 inr for Pimples Mulcin 1.95, 3.25 Rub 95C Vi Tyke 1.70 $1.35 One-a-Day Multiple Dristan Tablets for Colds Tabs 1.49, 2.75, 4.49,83.75 1.25 - 2.25 - 8.75 Geritol, llquid or tabletu Dristan Spray. 1.25 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 Nyal Multiple Bayer's Spray - 990 Vitamins --___ $3.50 Bromo-Quinine 59e, 89o NYAL CREOPHOS Stops Coughs, Ige. bot. $1.50 COWLI NG'S PHONEG Fi MIA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES BOWMANVLLE ROYAL MA 3-5589 TRIS THURS., FI. AND SAT. mmmmpp A - - - - -il - --- -V .u Plus: "Francis in the Navy" - 8:30 p.m. NEXT MON., TUES., "IMITATION GENE 'RAL" Good War Comedy with Glenn Ford, Red Buttons WED. TO SAT., MAR. 23 - 26 (4 days) ~~ Complete at 1 - 9:10 p.m. Special Senior Citizens' "Royal" Theatre Party (Free) Malines Wed., Narch 23 ai 2 p.. b Rotarians, Prepare for Ease.SeUCmaign~ Debbie Bothwell Selected as- Our 'Miss Timmy aTher 'TIMniY" for this year'I Eastr Sai ampalgn, attrac- tive littie Debbie Bothwell. age five, and her mother, Mrs, John A. Bothwell, R. R. 3. Bowmanville, were special g~ests ai the luncheon meet- g held by the Bownanvlle Rotary Club on Friday ai the Flylng Dutchman Motor Ho- tel. The annual Easter Sea] Campaigin la carried oui in this district by the Rotary Club for the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. James Stutt; chairman of the club's Easter Seal Com- xittee, introduced the sbecial speaker, Gerald Méran, To- ronto, a member of the execu- tive of the Ontario Society for Cripp]ed Children. He*told of MWr. Moran's outstanding wark in social service, and of his devotion ta thc Society's great endeavors on behali af handi- capped ohildren. 222 Clubs Take Part This year the l4th coneecu- tive annual Easter Seal Cam- paign wilI be held, hIr. Mo- ran said. He pointed out that the first was organized in 1947 with 50 service clubs takin% part, and that now 222 active- ly participate in this wonder- fui work. One of Original 50 The Bowmanville Rotary Club was one of the original 50 in the first Easter Seal Campaign a'nd has taken part ini every anc held since then, Mr. Moran stated. The total raised by the local club was $29,544, while the contribu- tions throughout Ontario in that period amounted ta $881,- 000, Mr. Maran tld the club members. Praises Local Club The speaker paid high tri- bute ta the Bowmanville Ro- MORRISH A number ai parents anid friends ai the P.H.H.S. stu- dents attended "Play Nlight" presentedi by the Dramatic So- ciety andi reparted a very plea- sant evening ai fun on Wed- nesday, March 9tb. On Manday, March 7th, the meeting ai parents and teach- crs held in ini the George Ham- ilon Schoal, Welcome, was well attendcd. It is a very good idea for teachers ad parents ta meet once in a while ad talk over and sometimes criticize the in- fluence ai home and school teacbîng for the betterment and help ai dhildren Master John Egas celebrated hds twelftih birthdlay on Satur- day, March l2tb by entertain- ing several classmate for- an afternoon af enjoyment. Games wcre played inside and out- side until the eaUl came for re- freshments. A decorated ibirtb- day cake, sandwiches, cookie and soft drinks soon isappear- cd. John alsearcceived a num- ber ai etters, cards and gifts froni Hoand and Morrish frien- ds. It was a very happy day for aur young friend andi we wish hini many more. On Friday several Cube ai Welcome Traop were initiated a step upward as Scouts and, wwere ibusy selling Hot Crase Buns in Port Hope on Satur- dey. We congratulate- you keep thc gaad wark up, boys. Mrs. Mlary Simpsan ai Tor- anto was a weekend guest ai ber sister, Mise M. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Simpson also ai Toronto were guests ai Mr. and Mcc. Harry Beckett avec the weekénd. Regular Cburch service was held on Sundiay, March 13tb, at 10 a.m. There was a very good congregation and a mixed choir was much appreciated. This was macle possible by Uic untiring efforts ai aur organ- isi, Mrs. Helen McHoI.m. Hav~- mng a chair makes such a diff- erence ai aur marning service. A special antbcm with Miss Joan Marvin ai piano ta assist thec orgaisi was enjayed. The Rev. W. A. Harding was in charge, thc firsi ai a series ai Lenten sermons for aur Church ai incidents and events ai Christ's Betrayal, Crucifix- ion and Death. The text for bis sermon was St. Matthcw 26 and pari ai verse 40, "What could yc not watch with me anc hour? Mr. Harding also told an intcresting story for juniors during Uic service. OBITUARY FRED E. HOSKIN A continuous subscriber ta the Canadian Siatesman since 1897, Fred E. Hoskin ai Car- stairs, Aberta, passed away at the Olds Hospital on Feb- ruary 27, 1960, faUlowing ai two months illness. During tbis lime Mr. and Mrs. Hosin observed ibeir 58th weddingi anniversary.1 Barn in Bowmanvile, On-1 tario, on February 12, 1875, he camne West ta Manitoba in1 1897. He bomesteaded at Red-j verse, Assiniboja (Saskatche-i wan). In 1917 be movcd ta thec Carsiairs district where he bas farnmcd continuously. Durlngi bis 42 ycars in Uic Carstairs1 district be was a faitbful member aift.he Bancroft Un- ited Church and he was inter-j esied in comnmunity activities.1 Surviving arc bis loving, wiie Florence, anc daughtcri Irene (Ma-s. Roy Brown) af Olds, two sons, Napier ai Cal- gary, Alberta; Gordon, ai Carstais and six grandchild- yen. One daugibter, Ethel, pre- deccased hlm in the fali of 1913. leiel alsa survived by two brothers, John oi Balfour, B.C., and Wesley oi Oshawa, Ontario. Punirai services weve hcld ,on March 2nd from Carstairs United Churcb witb Rev. A.ý G. Magee officiating. Inter- ment was in the. Oarataip oem.t.ry.--L Sunday School was held il a.m. There were 36 presE Mr. George Harness, super tendent, conducted the sess: The anniual financial sta ment~ for 1959 and officers 196 session were given aroî at 'the close of thne churchs vice. 1at ent.- rin- ýion. att- for und C er-- Hearty congratulations ai ibis community are extendcd a Mr. and Mcc. Gardon Kel- logg upon thc occasion ai the 4th anniiversary ai their mear- riage. A large nurnbcr ai frien- ds called an Friday, March llth ta cangratulate and wlah aur well-known friends ai Wel- came many more years of hap- py married lice. We are pleased ta sec M4r. Jack Cornish getiing around again aftier a long siay in bas- piWa. Mr. Cornish ie now re- sumingi bis usual activities ai the iarmn. We trust the impro- vement will continue. We ofier aur sincere sym- patby ta MS-s. George Walkey of Port Hope and daughter Jes- sie (Mrs. Roy Best) in the be- reavement ai a loving husband and father. The euchre party held ai the George Hamilton Scbool ai Wclcome on Saturday evening, March 12th, was a great suc- cess. The proceeds wlll belp ta praovide books and ather nec- essary items. A number ai pries were donated and all lresenlt report it was a vcry pleasanit cvening. Our- bird table is as popular as ever. New guesîs are cedar wax wings. The chickadees fly anto the dish befare we scatter the contents on table. The dip- pcv hanging on wall is still a favourite feeding place. STARK VILLE Mrs. H-. L. Trim, Sastieton, visited at Mr. Bert Trim's. Mr ah d Mms Lawrence Far- row attenied a pa.rty at Mr, Alex Marttin's, Newcastle, Sat- urday evening. SA number from this districI attended the Co-qperative ban- quet in Orono last week. Mr and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Robinson and farnily were guests at Mrs. R. Bough- en's, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Par- row in Peterborough recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim and Mr. and Mrs. Gordoan Trim were entertained at M\r. Ray- mond Trim's, Newtonville, Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell at Mr. Alex Martin's, New- castle, Saturday evening. Shiloh W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Ji mStark last week. MVrs. Harold Souch and Mirs. Ewart Robinson were in char- ge of the devotional portion. Aiter the business discussion, Miss C. W. Stewart read an article from the Observer on the mission work in Angiola. Virs. Gordo>n Trim read a poem and conducted a contest. Mrs. Dobson expressedd the apprec- iation of the ladies ta Mrs. Sta- rk for the fine evening at her home. Sunday afternoon service aras resumed at Shi.loh with Rev. White startdng a series of pre-Easter messages with the geeral thenie being "'The Re- newal of the Christian Chu- rch". His fi-et message was "The Need of Renewal"l where- n hi explaied the need af the làar& e4urh Z Service next ~ dy wIl eas Usuel, it la expectcd naw. I I i i i E G E Tura Old Furnithro Kio Cash wlth 08LAS8 881 Y19ED 8 PlionsMArket 8-8803 L 6 F Accountancy RAT J. DILLING Certified Public Accauntant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YA4LE, FRIEDLANDER HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 34 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Fredlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MKONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accauntants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riebl, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewcy, C.A. R. P. Lightfoot, C.A. C h ropr acli G. EDWIN MANN, D.C.* Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin Si., coroaiHovsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment Dentfal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvillc Office Haurs: 9 am. ta 6 daily Clased Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 loi 01 23 01 C' 40 LA Kii Tel ce DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home )0 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvllle lfice Hours : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally Phone MA 3-5604 losed Wednesday - Sundays R. C. F. EJATTRAN, D.D.S. Office King St. E. - Bowmanville ffice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily [osed Saturday and Sunday relephone: Office MA 3-5459 Leg ai1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A6. A. H. Strike, B.A. 1Kin~g St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 PLWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Ing St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor NotaryPublic rnperance St. - Bowmanville ERICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 *nsultation by appointment .only. W. KAT LYCETT, B.A. Barvister and Solicitor In Uic offices ai R. R. Wadddll, Q.C. tain Strict, Orona, Ontario M o r g age s LDIE HAMILTON - oRdON Phone 1 r 16 Flrst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farma Business Properties O p 0m e tr y KEITH A. BILLET, O.D. 0ptometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmnanvlle Office Houre: By appoiment TelÊf>hone MAricet 3-3252 modyto Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thaurd" e.fflgu I. s tary Club for the. financial contribution It has made, and * ueo to the excellent personal *service given by its members ta crlppled children. He nmen- tioned the transportation to *and from clinics and sunimer camps, and the annuai Christ- *mas party for the crippled children of this district xiven 1 by the local Rotgrians. L Lamp in Dark Corners The policies of the Ontario Society for CTipled Chlldren formed more than 30 vears ago have resulted in achieve- ments that have been like- a lanp going Into dark corners ta brighten lives, Mr. Moran asserted. The primary con- cern of the organization is for the crippled children, he add- ed. Biat In Treatment The best I medical and sur- gical treatmcnt, and help to overcome handicaps Is given to children, the speaker told the Rotarians. This le an im- portant and necessary objec- tive of the society, but an equaUly valuable aim is pre- ventian through the tremen- do-s -prograrn of sponsored re- search, be' stated. Work 19 Voiuntary Mr. Moran emphasized thé fact that the vast undertakin.:., of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children la based on the efforts of the service clubs. The work done by the mem- bers of these clubs je essential and entirely voluntary, he ex- plained. Mr. Moran said that the head office of the staff bas a small staff and is the head- quarters of the work ta assist Business Direclory Orono, Ontario. Dear 3&. James, 1 oan't find a coupon but I'm going ta bave my say anyway in regards ta Capital> Punishment. The subjeci bas always been ai great interest ta me. Once I discussed it wîth anc af aur ministers and he agreed with me rnuch ta ny pleasure. Evcry urne anc je hanged I asic myself, wha la vespyon- sible for that life? le Uic bang- man, if nat, who? That man has a coul made i the image ai God and perhaps no black- er than ours mn God's sight. It je murder again. Are the resi ai us so saîntly that we can ydll, "Kill hlm?" Wc caU o urselves modern, then why can'i wc bave new laws înstcad ai thc Old. Tes- tament ones, an eye for an eyc and a taoth for a toath. Surely ihose wha cammit ibis crime can be put ta anc side withaut us being respensible for bis lie. Let us ask ourselves, "what wauld Jesus do with him?" Zella Graham March 13, 1960i Dear Johnnie, I realize ibis je very belai- cd but I seem ta have been beset by many demande an my ie ibis past week. How- ever, I want you ta know that I appeciate very dceply thc very extra effort that you spent in your "spreadu ai Uic presentation to me by thc Hy- dro organizations and also for yaur vcry kind and generous editoriaL These precious moments that occur very seldoni in anc's lifetime are ai caurse a cherîshed rmemory for the recipient and ta have them, gatheved together and record-! ed in onc's own local pa er1 is bath an added thrill ansa, source ai reicrence « tUic years marcb an. Again my gra- titude. Sincerely, Rasa, (W. Ross Strike) lot Vice. hairman, The Hydro-Electrie Power Coumiaul ci ai Oirl the service club wlth direc- Ltions, and information. 1,275 EnJoy Camp Lit. Proceeds from theBu ater Seals Canipaign ecdiyser means Uic hope of heaith and happiness for 'innumerable crippled children, the speaker reminded the audience. He told the Rotarians that 1,21~5 enjoyed the advantages of a stay at the seven camps for crippled childrcn in Ontario in 1959.' The many wonderful letters that have been recelved by the Society from. grateful par- ents telling oi the benefits th-at had corne ta their chil- dren from these camps were described by Mir. Moran. He quoted froni several tauchlng and heart warnùng letters. The speaker also spoke of thec achievements of tlhc rehab- ilitation teams, each anc con- sistIng of doctors, nurses, the- rapists and parents. Aniong benefits derivcd from year's Easter Seal Campaign was an increase in the socie- *ys staff ai public health nurses of six additional nur- ses. The quality of the work ai these dedicated women isecx- cecdingly high, be added. Increase in Patients In May ai last year arrange- ments were made that patients ai 19 years of age and over be looked after by tlhc Rehab- ilitation Foundatian oi Polio- myelitis, he stated. Despite tbis, there was an increase ai 667 in the num-ber af patients cared for by the Ontario So- ciety for Crippled Children in 1959 the speaker asserted. Examine 1,534,267 Patients Hie spoke ai the tremendaus task carried aut succcssfully in the organization ai the 19 annual clînica during the year. The patients examined numbered 1,534,267 were given early treatment, and thc oth- ers were sent on ta hospitals for treatment, he stated. 14.464 Crlppled Chldren There are 14,464 crippled chiliren in Ontario, and a dis- trict nurse has approximately 538 childrcn in ber charge, Mr. Moran told the Rotarians. He mentioncd the large number oi whccl chairs, crutches, walkers and ather equipment bhat were pravided'by thc On- tario Society for. Crippled Dhildren in 1959. New Tveatment Centre The Pragress ai the new Crippled Chiidirens' Treatmcnt Centre in North Toronto was discussed by Mr. Moran. He ppinted out that it is now nid- way in its devclopment, and >rcdicted that it will be the best centre afitls kind and with the most up-to-date f a- cilities when it is completed. Rex Walters, the past pre- sident ai the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club, moved, a vote ai thanks ta Mr, Moran for his rspiring address. "The On- taria Society for Crippled Children necd have no fear cgarding the co-aperation ai Bowmianville Rotarians in fu- ture campaigns. Our club feels privilcged ta be associatedi with the Society for Crippled Children in this great work,'" ffx. Walters said. The president ai the club, George Vice, alsa, expressed appreciatian ai thc informative tek given by Mr. Maran, and ,rsented bim with a gift as isouvenir ai bis visit ta Bow-l 'I nanville. luncheon meeting were Char- son, Pleton, and Fred Kan, Other guests present at the Iles World, Oshawa Don Hob- IBowmanville. SAVIE 12e CASH - BEST BUY LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE de OZ. TIN 2Ifor49r. SAVIE 5c CASH - BEST BUY IN CHILI SAUCE CLARK'S BEANS le OZ. TIN 2fo37 SAVIE 7c CASH - BEST BUY Blue Bonnet - Yellow Qulk - 2e Off Packi in 1 LB. PKG. SAVIE 10e CASH - BEST BUY- SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES 400's 2 5or9c SAIE 6c CASH - BEST 13UY - VIELVIET PASTRY FLOUR S.-AVE 3c CASH - BEST BUY - QUICK OIR INS QUAKER OATS 7 LB.57 BAG .7 ýTANT ý2ua/dg ifleats SWIFT'S GOVERNMENT GRADE 0F BEEF -9- TENDER, JUICY STEAKS, Round, Siu'Ioin, or Wing SWIFT'S PREMUM - CRYOVAC PKG. - 2 - 3 LB. AVG. CORNED BEEF BRISKET . ..- SWIFT'S - ]RIn]L]ESS - ]EVERSWEET SLICED SIDE BACON - SWI[FT'S PREMIUM - 1 LB. CELLO ;KG. BARBEQUE FRANKS 1 m a b. 69c m M Lb. 79c * Lb. ft. 49C - - a s 4~I~ SAlIE 3c CASH - FEATUIRE Granulated SUGAR le LE. BAG 79C SAVIE 16e CASH - FEATURE SPECIAL "K" 6% ozs. - SUGAR SMACKS CORN FLAKES l2ozs. - CORN POPS KELLOGG'S CEREALS 4 pkgs. L.00 SAVIE 9c CASH - FEATURE - BLUE AND GOLD FANCY PEAS TIN 4 for 69C FEATURE - SAVIE 10e CASH - LYNN VALLEY J AM S Apple &RIaspberry JAR 459C A&LKA-SELTZER SMALL 39 C REGULAR 78C SUNBEAM FEATURE - SAVIE 4e CASH FRESH FRUIT BUNS PER 1K2425c Canada's Finest Coffees "GRIND iT YOURSELF"P SIL VER LABEL Lb. Pkg. 75c RED LABEL Lb. 'Pkg. 67c YELLOW LABEL Lb. Pkg. 59C CHRISTIE'S PREMU Crackers Lb. Pkg. 39c SUPREME BRAND PEANUTS Spanish sll«'35c Blanched 1lM. ceilo à5c I I ( i c M FROZEN FOODS Birds Eye Frozen Strawberrles, 15 oz. pkg. 39c Birds Eye Frozen Green Peas, 12 oz. pkg. 22c Birds Eye Frozen Green Beans, 10 oz. pkg. Sie Jresh4f£Procluce FREE 1DOZ. WITH PURCHASE 0F 2 DOZ. ORA-NGES CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES ALL THREE DOL. NE, EDE.89C NEW TNDRCALIFORNIA - FANCY GRADE ASPARAGUS - - Lb.39c HOME GROWN HOT BOUSE CUCUMBERS GREEN ONIONS 2 cb. 15C TASTY ONTARIO STRAWBERRY IHUBARD Lb. ISC - a.19C THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU' BOWMANVI LIE MAPLE GROVE -Wmn. H. Tate - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LMNE ORONO BLACKSTOCK déCornish-,Marketeria Blyth's Market SAVIE 9c CASH - FEATUIRE .Hawe's Floor Gloss 20% EXTRA QUART TIN 8 9 c - 14 -1 -Iré -1 -1 -1 il 1- 2 for 5 7c TM CMADL« STATEBUM, BOWMANV= ONTAIM 1 1- PACM Mx qnwttoLtmàlv »Aie 1*416 p ---

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