?HURSDAY, MAR. 17th, 196,. ~ciaI &Yersona/ F Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. H. R. Smnale of Ottawe zQet the weekend wîth his ,1%emer, Mi's. C. J. Smale. '"Éra. Gardon Jury, Water- down, was a weekend visîtor wlth her sister, Mrs. Janet Jury. Mr. anti Mrs. Ce cil Alltircac ?returneti from an cnjoy- a=six-week vacation in Floridia. Dr. Mary L. Northway and Mfise Dore Millichamp, Toron- to, wcre Sunday visitai'5 witl Mi'.. N. S. B. James. Miss Joyce Bragg, R.N, af- ter spenimng several day. con- valescing at ber parents' home, has returnedt t Pembroke. Mi'.. T. A. Garton, Churcli Street, hati as ber guesi. lasi week ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Clarence Gaiton of Si.. Thona- as, Ont. Mv.. R. MeLean, Mr-. and Mrs. Dan Bishop anti Larry, were Sundtay visitors o! Mr. anti Mrs. Charles Cotilin, Meple Grave. Mr. and Mirs. Don Mason, Debbie anti Barbare, Scerbor- ough wefe Sunday visitoi's wîth hi. mother, Mrs. C. H. Ma- son, King St.. East. Mrs. Harvey Rigg, Stratford, anti Mrs. Elsie Garry, Toronto, wei-e weekenti guests with the former'. son, Mr. anti Mrs. Doug Rigg and Carolyn. Mr. Fred Vanstone, Queen's University, Kings t o n, w a s home last wcekenti with bis parents, Mr. andtiMrs. Morley Vanotuone, Beech Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Cattran, Sarnia, anti Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fals anti Wendy, Streetsvîlle, spent the weekenti with their inother, Mrs. J. Reynolds. Mr. W. P. Corbetut returneti recently after a two-moni.h so- journ in Floride. Dr. W. G. Bentham renmained for a long- er holicley with bis sister. Nexi. Wednestiay, members of the Senior Citizens Club of Bowmanville. will be guests of the Royal Theatre for the film wthird Man on the Mountain". Congratulations ta Mr. Roy Swindelils o! Edmonton wha won, two cups n the Edmon- ton, anti District. Badminton Tournament. Roy was a win- ner lu in hemen's doubles andi mixeti doubles.. Priendis who calleti on Mi*ss Mabel Lytle anti ber brother, Pred on Sunday et thf-e Gl4n- mn Rest Home were Mr. We - lher Lytie, Mr. Muroheson, Vie- torie Roaud, Mis Lizzie Knight, leneisi Falls, Mr. Wesley Weboter, Mrv. and Mrs. Alvin1 Dowsn, àand Mrs. Seward )&K Vdwati P. Morrili re- least weekenti after a -month v'lsit witti ber son, and Mrs. Fergus Morrill, Sata Barbara, Cali!. Ms.. Mwi!also visitectiber grand-r Oaugh4er, Ms * arRi aurgieul nurse ai. the Gooti BeuaiianHospital. Sorry, )ast week we wroi.et Uhat we wcre again reprodue- ing the Capital Punishment eoupon on the front page. But,1 comehow, in the lest minutet rush, lb was overlooketi. We1 bave matiecertain t is printetis this week anti rcquest any per- don, who bas flot filleti anc out bo do so totiay anti mail it so the. results may be publishedt in aur next Issue. A. O. Dalrymple, Agricul- turaul Representative for this ( district, bas returneti from Ot- 3tawa where he speni. lasi. week. Whilc away he attendeti the Short Course in Communica- tions gîven at the Ontario De- tpartmnerbt o! Agriculture, Ott- awa. The instructors for the course where members af the tcaching staff o! the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. The W.A. o! Trinity Unitedi Church holti its general meet- ing on Tuesday afternoon, March 8tih., in the Sunday School room. Mv.. J. Marr's group was in charge cf the Worship Service. Mvs. Mari' openeti with the singing o! hymn 388 !ollowed iby the reatiing of the Seipture. Mrs. L. Goddtarti reati a poeni ".Meening o! the Cross" anti M&s. Wm. Houslander gave a vory înteresting talk on Lent. Mrs. A. A. Merkley was guest soloist. The general business of the meeting was conducteti by Mrs. T. Buttery. FOUNDRY FUTURE (Continueti from page one) etion anti Han-y Linton, Or- ana. They moved tai their present location in 1920 andi sgratiually atidedti t the plant until ai. the time af the fire sthey hati about 40,000 square sfoot ai iloar space. They ticaît in malleable castings and other foundry work anti over the years have establisheti a 7reputation for service anti reliable produets which has rkept i.hem busy even whei, other similar plants were elosing tiown. Mr. Rebtier's i.wo sons, Law- ronce anti Tomn are associateti with hlm in the business. The many local people who have been hoping anti pray- fing. that the plant will rise fagain may take hope froîn Mur. Rehtier's statement that lie is explaring every avenue ta agein got his business back into production. Shoulti the "'yes" tiecision be reacheti soon, the plant coulti ho intoi production within thvee ta four mionthsa ai.heicoutsitie. RATE JUMPS (Continued from page one) 1960 i. 40.75; Un.ited Counties total levy for this year is 12.1 mills; residential levy for mun- ning the i.own in 1960 i. 26.5j which amounts ta 79.35 as the 1 total residential levy. The industrial and comn- merciallevy for the business o Bowmanville is 30.65 milîs, anti this plus a total levy o! 52.85 for education anti the counties equals a total indus-1 trial-commercial levy o! 83.50. "These figures include thol( tieficit from lest yeer. Thej Town Council has little icon- trol over educetion anti couni.y levios," Mayor Carruthors as- serteti. Ho rcmarked thet tho 1960~ mill rate for the Uniteti Coun- tics is 12.1 mills, an increese o! 1.65 milîs over the 1959 budget, anti .6 mnils over the actuel amount. paidti tathe Unitedti Counties lest year.S REHOBOTH CHRISTIANIl REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowinanviile MORNING SERVICE - 10:-00 a.m - English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch q Sunday School immediately after Sunday morning service, ""Back To God Hour" Broadcasi CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.a. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. Il ai MORNING WORSHIP - '""l None Other Is Salvalion" 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "The Protestani Teaching About The Church" SUNDAY SCIIOOL DEPARTMENTS 11:00 m.& - Nursery - Beginners :20 a - Kindergarteu - Primary 914 >.m - Junior, Intermediate, Senior 8:05 p.m. - YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION EVERYONE WELCOMEC THE. CANADIAN STATESMAIq, BOWMANlVMLLI, ONTAIRIO Wash-O-Mat Opens This Weekend On Tuesday night, many citizens of Bowmanville and several business mon from the town were given a pro-oponing tour of the' now Wash-O-Mat building on Church Street. The officiai opening days are Friday of thîs week for town folks and Saturday for the rural citizens. This photo shows Mm-s. Clary (Marg) King, Station Road, Bowmanville, and her two daughters, Donna and Dayle, roceiving instructions on the propor use of the big dryers f rom Keith Kingsland, President of the company which has installed this modern service. ýMany Win WlI. Koppei Bowmanvý,ille Women's In- stituto annual Kopper Karni- val was hceld et the Lions Centre on Thurstiay, March 10. Favouroti with fine wea- thor the crowd was excep- tionallv large anti proceetis very gooti. The main hall was a busy place throughout the afternoon anti ovening as man.y came ta place their tickets on the various prizes. The home baking table con- veneti by Mrs. A. Richards, MuIrs. L. Runtile antiMrs. E. Passant anti the candy table conveeneti by Mis. S. Buttery anti Mrs. L. Hutchinson es- sisteti by Mrs. R. Davies were soort soltiout.. The tee roomn under con- venorship of Mrs. T. Buttery andi Mrs. G. Richards wes vory well patronizeti. Tee ta- bles in the green rorna anti main hall weve decoratoti with forsythia anti pussy willows anti bouquets o!ftieffodils anti pussy willows gracoti the twio largo tables. Pouring tee throughout the afternoon were Mis. M. Colwell, Mrs. L. J. Gootiman, Mrs. F. Jackman anti Mrs. B. Metalfe. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers officiateti for the dvew et 8:00 sant. Mrs. XW Corden. owing ments1 andi Mn tricti draw. Thank sident l ail whir this Ko success. 'mmd. closing wt h olw P u esating verse- "Peace de e mean the aid aal oui' striv- r Karnival Jmnge, ntmean the dyn crib quilt, Mrs. Ledd. Pence is the powei- thet comes Uncleimeti numbers -21,Ita seuls arîlivinig 276, 286, 1094, 1234. 17 12, Up ta the ligthi. where Godi 1795, 1939, 1728. These prizes Himself appears." may be pieketi up et Mrs. S. A reading was giveni by Glati-I Corden's, 14 Brown St. ys Yellowlees. Contestswere en- At the conclusion of the joyeti anti lunch was servetir by draw for the prizes,. five lue.- the giroup iin charge. The next ky draws were helti, Mirs. W.meigwl oMac28 Cardon, Mrs. Martin, Mrs.meigwl ea ac 8 Keith Bickle, Mrs. Cordon, The Explorers met an Set-J Mrs. Wright receiving $10 urday alternooni in the church eaeh. Two bouquets ai flow- basement. As meetings since ors were won by Berniece the Valentine meeting have Cochrane andi Mr&s. Tkatch. been postponed the roloeil was anlswered wîth a Valen- tino. For next meeting the raol cal] wil] be answerod with e E T Vice loti in the stutiy perioti on Si aoutNieria. TMuwrs M. R LIEIF a odce yMsB.Tn (Coninud fom pge ne)with Dianne Darch reatiing the (Cotinetifra pae oe)seripture passage. The .gis Mutton, a director o! the thncn.ne hi raiota Bawmanville Ratepayers' As- making drums. Lunch was en- societior, said. jyd May.P Wilfrid Carruthersjye. stated i 15 Up ta the engin- 1 Vrs. Stan Milison prepareti cors , say what shoulti belI the missionam-v progiram for' donc. Mr. Muttoni assertect Sunday School Suinday~ morn- that the bouse sewors that ing. Reatiings were given by bave been put throughi the John Wevry anti Glenn Milîson. starrn sewer shoulti be cor- Diann0 Tink favoreti with a recteti before the roati is fin- piano solo antiMrs. Frank isheti. Westlake, Jr. mati the stary a! assistcd by Mr. E. Pas- Dog Control Costs VtiI. Gift convenors were Mr. Hannan on behaif of A representative of the Tem- X. Corden and Mrs. S. the Bowmanville R.P.A. askediperance Federation a yaung 1.t Mayor Carruthers, council for a financial break- b sines an from Toronto toprevious commit- down of Dog Control expen-1will speaký ai. the chureh ser- hdto leave at 8:30 ses to date and referred tolvice next Sunday morining, rs. Mel Wiseman. Dis- the building, t.ruck, gas, andlMarch 20. President, finished the general expenses.Th ac-meigote The building cost $8,035.54 Them amensIiuetingatheü iks were given bv Pre- anti operating expenses haveWmesntitewshl n Mrs. George Alîchin taO been $1,606, R. B. Reynolds, the hall on Thursday night, o, had helped to, make who was ca-leti upon by the March 10. Several husbantis opper Karnival such a Mayor ta give Mîr. Hannan the were present a-t this, open mcci.- information, stated. H1e also ing. Mrs. F. Baker president Prize Winners pointeti out. that the town xviîî opened the meeting and wel- )w qilt Mrs H.De-save $1,100 this year as it had coifeti the guests. The treas- w quî, Mirs. P. Ge- dispensod with the services of urer's report revealed a bal- pron Mr. P.Gre nean member of the Dog Con- ance of $476.81. The roll call after-shave lotion, Mrs. trol staff, anti that next year "What I would do if I *were ker; $1.00 Mvs. Wilbur, this would save an expendi- reeve'of Darlington Township" n, bracelet, Mrs. G. ture of $3,000. pi'oXed that Sauina would real- s; table centre, Mrs. "Con-pared ta Dog Control ly be on the map if any of the aie, Ncwtonville, rnl: costs in other centres theI members were electeti. Mrs. oes, Mrs. A. Pluinmer, Bowmanville dog pound is opj- Spires requested those sending )wI andi candie holders, crated economically," the woollens away ta have theni 1Kemp, Oshawa, toy, Town Clerk saiti. As Mr'. in as soon as possible as the nn Buekler, Osthawa; Hannon had asked for a next meeting will be clection tet nr, Mrs. Fgsa breakdown of expenses In of officers. A nominatin-g com- tabe cnte, rs.F.writilng, Wi. Reynolds offer- mttee was namced- Mrs W. )wel, Mrs. Robbins; ta- cd ta give him, one immedi- Ashton, Mrs. Ross Cryderman i.Mrs. Mahooti; saw ai.ely after the meeting. adMs .Vc.Tedsrc /vs. F. Battie; cup ant Storm Scwcr Asscssmcnt adeeae Mrs. E. Ric . T ayoisrc Mrs. R. Halîrnan; en- Mr'. Hannan asked if any wlîconcuct ts paR.T aylthr det pathlowcaels Mrs price per foot was assessed to meig ct; athtowlsAnntaxpayers in the area for the meig shawa; sauce pan, Joan storm sewcr anti iberty Street. Two memibers who are mav- Lie quilt, D. j. Mount- ipaving.1 ing away, Mrs. Radovie andi îaw~ iserionpilow Mayor Carruthers replied Mrs. E. Vanco, were remcà, ;haa, nsrtin "'.>wthat a portion--of the storm beredi with giifts. Mî-s. H. Yel- \Irs. . Oke, grocerios, sewer cost was assessed to the lowlees, Mrs. D. Flett and, Mrs. urgsma; pink bed jac- Liberty Street property hold- Charles Langmraid were ap- âncy Jackman; gloves, crs with the town paying a pointed ta, purchase some need- Jamieson; man's shirt, fair share. Paving eosts are ed additional equipmen't for Hanna, Toronto; pl- assessed ta the taxpayers af the hall kitchen. As Helen! ses. Mrs. S. Trowin; the town as a whole. he stat- Knox andi Barbara Hooey have 1saucer, Gail Preston, cd. The owners share ainounits won Provincial Honours in the and cloth, Josie De- ta $24,942 and the towfl's to home-rnakinig course of 12 un- men's garters, Mrs. C. $21,139.18. 't h onnsIsiuewI ipillow cases, L.Mc- The Mayor also oxplaineti recognize their fine achieve- 4o; piathwtcaes, Cr. that i.he Liberty Street starm ment andi continue ta do so as L; btath towesaC. sewer had been engineered lI cd girl receives ber honors. teia kones ando-ta have a sufficient capacit 'v The programi was in charge dana ooln; Di- 'ta take whatever water can ai Group 4. In the absence of Ina Brmoîl; hild' be channelet f rom the areaj Mrs.VaeteldrMs * M~rs Te Buteiy;should drainage be needod Chas. Langmaid took charge. towels, Edna Baker; froni other development there. Everyonc joineti in singing hIr- ish, Nesta Honeyman. For this reason Liberty Streetj e yMr.WsYl I oiis, Kae cBa- proe r an r t adonlyt e lowlees with Mrs. Don Taylor, ncushion, EsieG.Mac- bc hreia oto fteat the piano. Comments an the cu so. M.rs.G. LewT- cost of the storm, sewer, hie1 motta "Be patient et a cross- slndpe, Mrs. uhn o sai. ________ ing anti avoiti being a patient" mis: cup andi saucer, were prcparod by Mrs. R. Best P.Williams; earrings, 'lTT anti read by Pearl Leach. Di- nn Buekîci': wall pla- SOJLNA anne Tink favoureti with two s. A. Lane; child's py- 'pleasing piano selections. Mrs. Ruby Kowal; The Thrce M's meeting was~ The main feature of the cv- Mrs. L. MeFeeters; held at the home of Harvey e ning was the showin-g of sliti- od, M.rs. Brown; sport anti Lois Yellowlees on March es af the Bowmanville Cente-n- &rs. V. Frank; ruffleti 7. The vice-president, Stan ýnial 2 years ega. These werc fi-s. B. Milce: pini cu' Millson, presided in, the absen- shown anti explaineti by Mr'. xs. O. Richmond; i.ray, ce of Wes Hiils, president. 'Mhe andi Mrs. Chas. Greenham. .vlor; man's 5hirt, Mrs. group remembereti Trudy and These splendid coloreti pic- 'les; pillw cases, s Martin Radovic with a gi. as tures owneti by Mr' AI Fiecl- crks:n;pilaw M they have leit oui' community i ci of Bowmanville recalleti Broks;try, vs The leader of Group 2, Lois l that historical day tai many ult. Mrs. G. Richards; elleshdcag [t, Mrs. Wright; pla-Yioweshaicrg of the and especially ta those. o! oui' rs. B. Hoavysege, gro program. Joyce Taylor led In community who participateti in Urs. McCoy; thrce han- the worship service with the it. Mrs. Bruce Tink extenticd Irs. E. Passant; tray, themne being "Pence". A most' a vote o! thanks ta Mi'. anti ay Williams, 'Port Pev- ifltoi'sting tapie '"Peace of Mrs. Greenham. is pyjamas, George 1Mind" was prosentetib Lois* The record books o! the 4-H :ry pan, Miss Bartlett, r Everyone joinot in a discussion, Club girls were on display anti acket. Mrs. Roland' as ta dcciding whet peace o! 1 evcryonc founti pleasure in ex- .kitchen towels ant ind is, anti how do we attain amnining them. On the lower vrs. Mantle: buffet set, it? In summing up, Lois gave hall a deliciaus lunch was ger- ne; socks, Helen AI- ane writer's ton gifts of prayer yod by the group in charge t MIL. A. McGregor; as the answer to oui' peace o.f ÏIrM. anti Mm. Bruce Tink and',I Il PAGE 8W/EN family visiteti at Bruce Orm- tee guest on Sunday with MËr. iston's, Columbus. landi M. Roy Langrnaid. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor' Mr. and Mms H. Knox andi spent thie weekend with Rev- sons, were Suréday visitors at erenid and Mrs. R. Sherwin Mr. andi Mrs. H. Tink's, Eben- and attended the christening ezer. service for their son David The 4-H Club girls were in Robert, on Sunday. Orono for Achievement Dayl Several from Solina attend- on Saturd)ay. Barbara Hooey ed the Co-op dinner at Orono andi Helen Knox are ta be con- andi the Junior Farmer'5 ban-, gratulated on receiving pro- quet at .Bowmanville. vincial honors having complet- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor! cd 12 projects. visited Orono relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Large and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- ehidren. Bowmanville, visited gomery were Sunclay tea gues- Mr. andi Mrs. W. Parrinder ta of Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce Tay- andi Helen. lor andi family. Mrs. W. Parrinder recently Mr. Edwin Cook, Bowman- visited her sister, 1\1s. L. BMI, ville and Miss Viola Zachano- Taunton. wich, Courtice, were Sunday Mx' and, Mrs. J. Dyci' and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elizabeth. Oshawa, were Sun- Westlake, Jr. and family. day tea guests of Mr'. andi Mrs. Mr. andi Mrs. N. Fice and Rae Fascoe and eidren. Douglas, Taunton; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor Mrs. Percy Westlake and fam- andi ehildren visited at Mr. A. ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abernethy's at Menilla on Sun- West'lake Sr. day. Mr. John Broome and farn- Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer,j ily, Tyrone; Mr. Howard BTO- visited on Sunday at T. Ba- orne, Patsy and Dianne, Con- ker's. cord, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome's. James Baker xisited Satur- Mr. andi Mrs. D. Flett and day afternoon with John Til-ý cxildtren were Sund'ay dinner ley, Enniskillen. tuests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy, Langmaid and -family. Mrs. Joe Snowden and Buce. Mr. ant Mrs. Lloyd Broome visited at Mr. Chas. Knight's, anti sons were Sirntay supper Oshawa andi Mr. Harvey Har- guests of Reverend and Mrs. dys, Bowmanville. Stanley Snowden and family, The Solina Good Neighborsi Miflbrook. Club will meet Thursday night, MT. L. Squair, Salem, Was a March 17, when the annual Public apeeking contest wil1 be visitor. with Mr, and Mns. IL helti. Cryde.rvnan. Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Glover Mr. andi Mmi Wm KmoN, andi chiltitren, Kedron, were Brougham visited at George Sunday visýtors ai. John Knox's. Knox's.1 Helen anti Pat Knox took Mv. anti Mvs. J. Leger anmd Part in thc Onitaria County chi1&en Osh~awa, wcre Sun- Junior Farmer's choir con~cert day guests of Mr. andi Mrs. ai. Brooklin, Saturdey ight. Ross Cryderman andi chiltitren. Helen Knmox was a weekend M.adMs O eea guest of Marlene Graham, Or- and fani Mva Boy Mrman Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Larmer ofuM ru. and Satuss eal anti family, Blackstock; Missirguents o v niM. uaf Jean Cryderman andi Gearge ice Bittner, Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mr. 1Mr. anti Mrs. Wcs HUlIS wel- anti Mrs. J. Loger anti chilti- r comoti a little baby girl Jane ren, Oshawa anti Linda Ste in- Marilyn into their fanmily on tan, Enniskillen were Sunday t.his leap ycar, February 29. - a a a - a a a a a a a a - a a - a a a a E E E E E E E E E E 4 CAPITAL PUNISHNENT SUR VEY Please fi in this coupon and mail to The Canadian Si.aiesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, as soon as possible. I * h g I * DO YOU FAVOUR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT? YES YES (with reservations) -- -- -- - -- - -ne-- -- COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE jA TOR1'ý SPECIAL VALUES AND RElMNDERS FOR THIS WEEK MARCH DRUG SLE Monday to Saturday - March l4th m l9th Special Iniroduciory Offer! "SNOW WHITE" FACIAL TISSUES 8/'x 9Y" sheets - MIS' Regulaî ly 29e a box 27C I.D.A. Brand HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES An excellent source for Vitamin A and Vitamin D 1001s, reg. $1.15 -------- 89c 250's, reg. $2.29 - -S1.89 500's. reg. $4.29- $3.49 I.D.A. Brand A.B.S. & C. TABLETS A reliable remedy for relief of constipation - 100's, reg. 35e 29e I.D.A. Brand BEEF, Iron & WINE With Vitamin BI- 16 oz., reg. $1.25 ----. -81.09 Proteet your bands while housecleaning! LATEX RUBBER GLOVES with Suction Grip Coral colour Small, medium and large sizes. Marked sub standard because of minor Imperfections but wonderfui value at this low price 39e pair Economical, positive protection against moth damage! PARADICHLORBENZENE MOTH CRYSTALS 2 lb. bag 59e Store garments with assurance. Ideal for use ini vacuum cleaner spray attachmcnt. A wax you can re-buf again andi again! I.D.A. "Easi-Gioss' FLOOR WAX IMl. Lin. Regiïlarly .59r 45c 2 for 89e Inexpensive washing compound to belp clean walls, floors, ceilings. Ask for... TRI-SODIUM PHOSPHATE Use it on floor tiles and any painted surfaces. IL removes wax, cicans Paint brushes. 1 lb. pkig. 19e "Econom y"I MOTII BALLS OR MOTH FLAKES Fresh, full strength. One Pound packages 29c each 2boxes d49c Save $2.00 on good qualiiy Bathroom Scale A smartly-styled, accurate scale. Particularly useful for anyone on a diet or for noting the weight progress of growving children. Magnifying lens for easy read- ing. Guaranteed for one year. REG. $6.95 SALE PRICE ONLY $4.95 Make cleaning easy wlth Super Soft CELLULOSE SPêNGES Five handy sizes with 101 uses: Kitchen - Bathroom- Cars Apply Polish Bag of 5 for 29e One time offer! MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS Bottie of 500 tablets only 98e Save lle WHITE BABY PANTS in pliofilm bag Small, medium, large and extra-large sizes. Reg. 25c_- - 2 for 39e Large Colourful - Good Quality DISH CLOTH 16"1V' by 161,V. Bright colours in cheeker-board design. Open weave for best cleaning action. You'Il want a, good supply at this March Sale bargain price. Choice of red, green, blue or gold colour -. 2 for 29e Priced te Clear! MEN'S CLUB BRUSH AND COMB SET Modernly' stylcd 2-tone brush with nylon bristies; matching comb. Lijnited quantity 98c AVIATION STYLE SUN GLASSES - 98e Solidly constructed, attractive- ly styled glasses with metal frames; in carrying case. Ter- rifie value at this price. Box of 16 Assorted "AIl Occasion" GREETING CARDS with Envelopes You'll appreciate the con- venience of having these "Rad- iant Pastels" ready to use. $1.25 value - 59o Save 10e I.DA. SHAVING CREAM Smali quantity brushes to thick lather. Reg. 49c. Excellent water-holding ability. Large tube............-- -__ ------39e SAVE IN TWO WAYS ON CoId Cream Soap *It's an extra-large oval cake! *It's at a reduced price! Family favourite for daily use and for baths. I.D.A. Brandi - irn creamy white or pink. Regularly 2 for 29e or 6 for 85e 2 for 25c 6 for 73c; PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We__Deliver Your Local I.DA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 J/t ese 3 Specials ONLY 9 c EACHF LADY'S PLASTIC BAIN RAT Folded into a plastic carrying pouch Smooth-writing, Retractable BALL-POINT PEN FIRST-TIME OFFERED 2-COMD SPECIAL A bobby comb and a curl comb - each a different colour - in a polyethylene bag. pF. I.D.A. Heavy Grade, 100 ft. roll, reg. 31c WVAX PAPER ------ 28c. 2 for 55c I.D.A. Brand in YelIow, Pink or White TOILET TISSUE, reg 2 for 29e ý ... 4 for 49c 1.D.A. Heavy Grade, 16 and 40 ounce MINERAL OIL, reg. 65c, $1.25 53c, $1.019 I.D.A. - White, 70's. Reg. 19e PAPER NAPKINS -------------17c, 2 for 33e I.D.A. Brand - 16 and 32 oz., reg. 45c, 75c MILK OF NMAGNESIA ------------------- 37c, 59c TOP QUALITY TERRY CLOTH WASH CLOTHS An extra supply of wash cloths neyer goes amiss and we're sure you will appreciate the j quality of these cloths. They're approximate- ly 12 inches square; in assorted colours. You can't beat them for value. REGULARLY 19c EACH4 2 for 25C CUTTING DOWN ON CALORIES? USE,- EFFERVESCENT FAST-DISSOLVING I.D.A. BRAND SACCHARIN TABLETS as a sweetcner! 1,j grain ½grain l0's 500's 1000's lOO's 500's 1000's reg. reg. reg. reg. reg. reg. 20e 55c 19c 23c 65e 98C 14c 39c 59c 17c 49c 79c w, i. -F -..a a NO ý Z--j iPAGIS SVM