-W- r >'ÇTAW y THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVIUILE,& ONTARJO TULrRDAY, MAR. Slut, 1980 FOR SAFERL STREETS Box 1388, 41, Centre St., Bownanville, Ont. March 29, 1960. flar ?&. James. 1 have just witnessed a near tragedy on Main Street ai Di- iuon. An old gentleman had ta run for his life while at- tempting ta cross the street. No consideration whatso- ever la given to0edetrians at this crosuing and we have heard many coinplalflts la this 'regard. it would appear that only the Young and fleet of foot may rLsk crossing the street here. Hiah school students are exposed to this danger daily, and older people have to walk out of their way to the four corners to cross the street in safety. Surely a fine town Uke Bowmanvllle can rectifY this rsituation. and inake Main -Street a safe place to walk dand &hop. Yours etc., Murdoch L. Boston DO JUSTICE TO THAT FINE HOUSE 0F YOURS BY DECORATING with utable Wallpaper and Enamels For a few extra dollars you can escape front ordinary appearances and give your rooms an air of elegance and distinction. . . by using Wall- paper and Matching Trlm from such folios as the» . . . "Where Beauty iu Sold by the Roll"! * ull Wall Nuralu Sirge "NMedallion" ""Preus" (with rnatching fabrics) *"Siripes Nilitaire" md îfesigneby SOXER and STAUNTON Be sure to »ee thes and many other special features at A BERNETHY'S PAINTS & WALLPAPER 33 iIng St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 i Religion for Ioday The Perfect Character of Jesus In ibis column, "Religion 11 amrnfot worthy to touch.6o! Ris enemles, that Jesus wos For Today", Feb. 18, we had thoe and thou art'tee holy to *"The Only Perfect Mon;" that a Talk, entitled «"The Only touch me." He was pure ano sinless, and Perfect Moan", and te support At Caesarea Philippi, whon had a charaoter without a our thosis that Jesus was the Jesus asked: 'Whom say ye fâult. He wos, indeed, the Son only perfect character la ail that I amn?" Peter mode bis o! God. history, we presented the un- greot confession: "Thou art We shail now coad, expected and amazing testi- the Christ, the Son o! the liv- brie!ly. the Testirnoriy O! monv o! bis enemies. In our ing God." (Matt. 16:15,16). Christ's Own Life and Con- TaIk today we wish te con- Later in life, ofter mature sclousness. Ho betrays no con- aidrfist,"Te vienc o rf1ctio Peter wrote in bis sciousness o! sin. Ho forgive the Friends o! Jésus", and se- First iplstle: "Jesus did ne the i o! others, but ho nover cond, the testlmony o! Jésus' sin, neither was guile found asks for !orgivones s.Ho calls ewn life and consciousnels. ln his mouth."1 (Peter 2:22). upon others te repent, but ho This is the mosi important cf nvr Tbtshmel.H ah the evidence, because tiheor e Apostie John had keen- noverrpet hmel.H charactor o! Jesus Christ l' r pirituailInsight, and en- neyer regrets anything; noe the ultimate factinl the Chris- joyed a deeper fellowshlp makos any mistakes suifera tion religion. with Josus than the other dis- nernms."Jsss edh ciples. Ho said: "We beheld thot ho- seemed te ou Now lot us consider "Tebis glory, the goryaso! the ethical perfection o! God, Evidence 01 The Friends Of only begotton o! the Fathor embodiod in au ideally per- Jesus." John the Baptist Was full o! grace and truth." feci manhood." the sevoreat and moat eut- (John 1:14). Ia these words Note tho izuperious words spokon critic o! contemporary "John the beloved disciple" of Josus. Ho soya: "I am the life, and even before the pub- gives the impression, whicb light o! the world." "I am the lic ministrv o! Jesus, ho re- the personality o! Josus mode broad o! life." "I arn the Way, cognized Ris moral pro-emin- uon hi. Dr. W. H. Griffith the Trutb and the Life." "I once. One day as Jeaus was Thomas bas said: "By 'Grace' arn the resurrection and the possing, John pointed ta Hlm' we are to understand the gra- life." "Ho thot bolieveth la Me and said: "Behold the Lamib ciousnoss o! soul, mannor, at- though ho were dead, yetJ of God that taketh away the titude, speech, and action. Wo shall ho live, and whosôever sin cf the world." con 500 this vory plainly i iveth and believeth la me Tho dictuni of the cynical His influence on the daily life shaîl nover die." I will draw Frenchnian that a mon ia ne- o! those disciples who were ail mon unto me." "Coe ver a beoeta his own valet, bis constant componions. It is unte me ahl ye that laor and bas been put te nought by the writ large on every page of are heavy loden, and I wl stery o! Jesus and bis diaci- the Gospels that ho was at- give you rosi." pies. These disciples knew tractive te people generally, These werda foU naturafly Him intimately. For three and net least te littie child- frein the lips o! Jesus. "lIt years thoy bad walked la Ju- ron. It la a fine test o! por- nover occurs to us ta blame dea and' Galilee with Hlm. sonal power te observe how bis conceit, or the egregieus They had salled la the same lîtile cilîdren regard a imanf, vanlty of! hic pretenuions." little boat wlth Hlm ou the and Jésus Christ answers this But, if any other man uttered Sea o! Galilee. They bad slepi test to perfection. Grace was theso words, we weuld ho in the saine bouse and caten manifestinl everything thot amazed ai his prodIgious pre- ai the same table. They had Ho was and did. There nover suniption, andi would look listeneci te bis private couver- was such a Ille o! grocieus- upon him as o who was sation and te bis public dis-.iiess te those arounci. dementeci. courses. Again ad again they "Truth" is ao another Mon today are attracteci te bad witnessed bis miracles. marked eharacteristie o! the Jesus Christ by the perfection The btter they knew Josus, life o! Jeans Christ. Reality o! Ris character. the mnore they admired hlm, waa stonipeci on everytbingi loveci and believed inlaHim. about Hlm. Ris life wos holyv, There la the testimony e! Ris word was true, Ris wbole Awoys do righi. This wil Peter, w'ho was tbe leader o! character was the embodi- grotify some people, andi wil the Apostles. At the tume o! mont o! truth. There nover astonish the rest. the miraculous draught o! bas been a more real or gen- Some people néver bit the fishes, Simon Peter foîl down ulae mon thon Jesus o! Naz- mark becouso -they nover pull e at the knees o! Jeans andi ox- areth." the trigger. clainiod. "Départ frosu me, fer Thus, we lear. from the Hîstery has a way e! repoat- I amn a sinful mon, O Lord! evidence o! Ris friends, as ing itself. But gossip bas bis- <Luko 5:8). By this ho meant: well as romn the Testimony- tory beat to a razzle. 'i I MAPLE GROVE çt ro 0y new Spriug £ashionsi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hage- dorn and family. Petersburg; Miss Sandfra Snowden, Kitch- ener, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowden and daughters, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison and Bily, Bisckstock, were Saturday evening guests. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milis and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Shunk, Port Perry. They elso called on Mr. ChraTles Mills. This Surnday serylce at Maple Grove Church wiil be in char- ge of the Afternoon and Even- ing Auxiliaries of W.M.S. Mrs. Harold Hare. Whitby, wiil be guest speaker. Mr. anid Mrs. Robert Rogers, JTr., and family, Bowmanrville, were Sunday dinner guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wald- roff aind !amily, 'renton, were weekenid guests of! Mx. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke. Mr. anid Mrs. Cecil Mills vis- ied Mr. and Mrs. William Perry * North Oshawa on Sat- urday evening. Country Couples Club wîll maeet a Courtice Church on Mention Hatchery In Bulletin Little Sîster Sires 4 to Oz G irls' Lined Car Coats 398I WÀ *CHECK TRIM *GUARANTEED WASHABLE Girls' Car Coats in durable cotion Chine . . . guaranteed washable ..lined with "Sanforizeci" Kasha cloth te chase Spring chilis . .. note stylish back . . . Colors Loden Green, Red or Blue. Sizes 4 to 6x. SLIMS . .. . to go with coats, in washable cotton. !gach _______ 1.98 Big Sister Sizes 8 to 14 - Girl' Reversible Car Coats * TWO TRIMS: PLAID OR FLORAL *GUARANTEED WASHABLEC EACHI 5098 2Stylish new Car Coats in plain Bedford cord cotton fabrie, oeeaide and prlnted floral or plaid on-the reverse, guaranteed washable . . . Coilar aud pocket trim matches reverse aide ...- Style as sketched . .. colors, Loden Green, Antelope, Red or Mldnight Blue . .. Sizes 8 to 14. Topaini value. SLIMS . ..-d In floral or plaid print. Bedford cord cotton fabric in niatching colora. Sizes 8 to 14 Pair -___________ 19 8 To complete your Childreu's Spring Wardrobe we have a large seleetion of: BLOUSES SHIRTS JEANS TAILODED SLINS DMESES -ETCO - Welcome Spring With Style - >Of ~ Bowmanville S RING ST. K. MA 3-5451, Thursdlay evening, April 7. Mr. ad Mm. Steve Deyle attended o convention lu Tor- onte during the weokend ad stayeci ai the Royal York H-otel. Mission Band was helci ai Maple Groe Church on Thurs- day afternoen. The purpese andi hymn were memorized. Secretary Rancy Snbwden re-ac the minutes o!fithe Mareh meeting and tihe roll was caîl- eci by Mrs. Fred Gaw. Treusur- or Don Munday receiveci the collection. The progran consis- ted o! a stery reaci by Susan Mayberry andb a sang by sev- oral Grade 3 pupils "Hark? Hark! Hark!" A ehaptor e! the Study Book wos rend by Mrs. Robert Bothjwell. The WorshiP service was condueteci bY Mrs. Fred Gow. The meeting elosoci with a hyma with Mrs. 'tv Doyle at the piano. W.M.S. Evening Aux. The ladies o! Everning Aux- iliary met ot the home of Mrs. D. Bailey on Tbursday evon- ing. President Mms. Steve Doylo opened the meeting with prayor. Secretary Mus. Perey FlIntof! reaci the minutes o! the pro- vieus meeting ad roll cal showed 14 membors andi two) visitors prosent. The April meeting wiil be twa diays oarly, on Tuesday, April 26, andi will bo in the ferm o fa pot luck supper la the church bosement. Troasurer Mis. W. H. Brown gave hier report. Birtbday gre- etings wore sung te MIrs. Mor- loynlte!!, Mms. Lloyd_Snow- mons is issued by the Durhamn WorshIp service was in char- County Club of Toronto to its ge of Mrs. Jack Hurrie and op- members an interesting his- ened with a hymn. The theme torical article about Durhamn of worship service was "The County appears on the back Lord's Prayer". Mrs. L. Snow- page. The past season most of den read fromn Scripture. Read- the series bas been written ings were given. by Mrs. W. by Inspector Alan A. Martin, I-. Brown and Mrs. Harry a pont president of the Clubo Locke and the Lord's Prayer and a well known native of was repeated in undson, foll- Clarke Township. The lost owed by a hytnn. article was about Canada's A chapter from the Study first fish hatchery at New- Book- "Radio and films - castle and reads as folloWvs: Music and Folklore". was pre- The Newcastle Fish Hatchery sented by Mrs. Jack Hurrie, Beldens Atlas of 1878 says Mrs. Harry Locke and Mms. in part: The great Dominion W. H. Brown. Fish-breeding Establishment,- Danny McDonald favoured situated near Newcastle, is de- with some guitar selections serving of speFial mention, as arnd Mrs. Howard Bradley led a new national industry, and a recreation period. one Illlely to become i its de -_______ velopment of first importance toteDominion. BREO From a very sm.all begin- MAE O ning, originating with Mr. Choir Practlse will meet at Samuel Wilmot, the Fishery the home of Mrs. E. M. Ad- establishment at Newcastle ams. Thursday evening, March bas ossumed large propor- 31st àt 8 p.m. fions. On the edge of the Plans have ibeen miade ta stream near Mr. Wilmot's re- hold a Social evening at Hub- sidence, the building, called bard's Store on Friclay even- the 'Reception House' is sit- ing a 8:15 p.m. This la ta be uated. Here a permanent weïr in a form of a funny costume. is thrown across the streamn Don't forget the Ratep'ayers' which revens the eingr Meeting on Saturday evening, passage o! the salmon. Ari 2d t pm thu stppd i thirprores Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard up the main channel, they are attracted by the rapid out and Janice, Trenton, were'Sat- flow o! water comning through urday evening guesis of Mr. the reception house, and rush- and Mrs. Ben Hubbard. ing up the current they pass Mr. Benjamin Hubbard cele- an lngeniously eontrived tri-birted his 65th birth&jy on angular wire and become en- Saturday. trapped within the house, Mrxind Ms. R. T. Harvey where they are kepi until and family, Osha'wa, were they become ripe for spawn- weekend guesis of Mr. and ing. Then they are taken to Mrs. J. A. Turnbuil. the breeding room. Here each Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ceom- female fish la lîfted fromn the mack and famiily. Oshawa, tank and gently pressed, caus- were Sunday guests o! Mr. and ing the eggs to flow freelv Mrs. George AllUson and farn- froin ber body. A maie fish is ily. handied in the same manner, Sorry ta report that bM. extrudingf the mili. Then the Charles Gimham la in Moanorlal eggs andml r mxd Hospital, Bowmanviile. We genile stlrring with the hand, hope bis condïion wlll omeibe causing impregnation. iinproved. In 1876 1,500,000 were thus Mr. and Mis. Leslie Taylor preparod for hatchln& amd faznily were Sunday guestu 1 1. IDITOR MIX'EM AND MATCH'EM MUSHROOM, VEGETABLE BEEF, CREAM 0F CHICKEN, CHICKEN WITH RICE, CONSOMME, CHICKEN - VEGETABLA, bMINESTRONE, OR TURKEY NOODLE 10 oz. CAMPBELL'S SOUP TInq MIX'EM AND MATCIFEM - NORFOLK APPLE & RASPBERRY or'4OZ APPLE & STRAWBERRY, JAM BISCUIT FEATURE - MIXEM AND MATCH'EM COCOANUT MACAROON, OATMEAL OR RAISIN1LB PARTY RA OKE CELLO BAO LUNCHMASTER WAX PAPERECNMALSRD KRAFT - REGULAR PARKAY MARGARINE SERVE CHILLED MARTINS - CHOICE APPLE JUICE REAL VALUE SUNCREST - UNGRADED CHOICE PEAS SERVE 4 IN A JIFFY MACARONI AND CHEES KRAFT DINNER TENDER AND SWEET, FANCY QUALITY - CRÏAM STYLE AYLMER CORN ADD ZEST TO YOUR MEAL REAL TOMATO FLAVOUR AYLMER CATSUP YOUR DOG'S FAVOURITE GOLD RIBBON DOG FOOD JUBIEE PURE POI. SAUSACE SPECIAL SAVE 2.5c MAPLE LEAF THINLY SLICED COOKED HAN KG ALL THREE MAPLE LE"F1'o DINDLESS SIDE BACON FOR1h. FOR lb. 'Ic 100 PT. ROLL PAGE wNnu o! Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Aii Mr&. Peter Gletcheil and faaiilY sport the weekend in Torointo with relatives. Mrs A. Carter vlsited rela- tives la Torontoerecently. Mr.. E. M. Adams attexKledé the blrtkiday party of her gra- n&Iiaugliter, Lee Adam in Bowmanvlle on Saturday. Rev. W. A. Logan has givon Religious instructions twico anthly ail winter, la spite of stormy weatber at the Publie Sehool. The dhildren look for- ward to, the. tories and pictur- e. Mr. Fzred Carter, Toronto Unilverslty, spenit the. weekend ai home with Mrs. A. Caerter. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton; Mr. and Mis,. Robert Carter and farnily, Whiiby, were recent guesia of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams. Mrs. Effle Lukes, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and f amily, Oshawa, were Sat'ar- dlay eveninig guosts o! mm. E. Bryan. Mrs. Esther Carnochan ai- iended a birthday party on Satuxday evenng ai the home of NMr. and Mrs. E. Howard in Oshawa ini honour o! Mr. Law- ronce Carnodhan. Wo extend sympathy 'te Mrs. J. Hogervorst who rèeived woi'd of ber eldest sister's dooth reeently from Helmond, Hollasid. Aniethor sister and f amily are leaving Lindsay, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanderburg anid faniily are talcing a business lanrmarket gardening in Vancouver. B.C., and will be rnaking thoir home with her sisier and husband ini the Market Gardening busi- ne-S. OBITUÀRY GEOIRGE HENRY DLVTT1 Ton days after suf!erlng a stroke whie at work la his store at Blackstock, George Henry Blyth died la Oshawa Hospital, March 18, 1960. Deceased 'was bora la De- venport, England, Dec. 10. 1903, a son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. John Blytii, (nee Bessie Greenwood). He received meat of his edu- cation in England, comiag to Canada ai the age of 16. He workod with the T. Eaiten Ce. for some trne, tiien joinod the Air Force Numbor 1 EquiP- ment Depot, Toronto. After that was closed ho workod wih Massey-Harris Co. Inl 1945 he was united in rnariage with Sophie Miller. In 1949 Mr. and Mrs. Blyth and a brother-in-law, Mr. and M.rs. Chas. Miller, purchased tho store in Coosarea from Mr. and Mis. Russel Harran and aise took over the post office. Threo years aga Mr. Blyth took over the Red and White store la Blaeksiock, but stiil resided in Caosarea comrnuting back and Mrth each day. While Ia Toronto ho was -a member of Maple Lea! 600 A.F. & A.M. and after moving to Coosorea, ho offiliatod with A.F. & A.M. in Port Perry. He was also aoat Master of the orange Lodge. Ho was an eider and enthus- fiastic worker in Caesarea Un- ited Church and Sunday Sehool; aise very intorestod and hplinalal carnmunity 4 welfai». Rev. p. Eom«M .lateraent The deoed lu Survved by was ln Prospect emetery, To- hlm wlfe and one daughter, roato. Carol Diane. His only brother Paflbearers were Messrs. M predeceased hlm la August Fis, 13 . Serran. & Hsin 1959. D. Pargster, G. G.ti A Masonic service was held A. Rach. 1 ln McDermott-panabaker chu.- Ibohe Wârous beautful pel Sunday afternoon and the floral tributes o fo!the funeral service there Monday, f gh esteem lIn whlch deceas- Maroh 2lmt, was conducted by' edwnheld. 6for for. ' 3for 4for ?KG. 4 for TINZ 4 for TIN 9 for( ~K.7 for 15 Z. 6for il OZ.6 for »5OZ.1 f TMI2No FIRM GOLDEN ie Values effective in Bownîanville until closing timne, Sahurday, April 2nd, 1960 DODMON STORES LIMTED AU Merehandise Sold ah YomurDominIo StM LimiteS ln uncondtomaly guawmteed te g9W 100 % esatlatlm Tii micoeoe 14K NM POmNu1$LTO ÀU& op m 1»»N AUS U Mo Abom a" M'y ou*1 Automatic r 1 CAR WASH "b a rwma esal gve.y"0 Biginumtogw w tfli LUERCATION OH CHANGE «AR WASH au A Weekly. Talk By 2ev. IL EL Nicholson d - a ý-- m wj ;0-1 - - - -------- 1 - 6L