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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1960, p. 10

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:7,7 r". TM ! ANADLAN STATZSMA1X, EOWMANV=ILZ, ONTrARIO THURSDAY, MAR. Slst, 190 12.5 Members Attend i vvachi iThat oi: r:nlTalr 12 e b r t e dOeof the worlds lagest chute arangedBoes . Q uinte D istrict M eeting ~Kodiak bears in captivitv died never in the pi o r no.vstdM. n r.G FtLIi4aI&LiP/ ~~recentlv at Riverdale Zoo iii bull.a h .Bwa oe AN I..44.Y PC LN Torcinto. It weighed 1600 lbs.i Tie the bull up rpthmeelgwe h Yet a big dairy bull scaies 'in another Pen twieyuda O f B e d n s o .1My 94AR~, f74ATW NO'fl41NG. out. ai over 2000 lbs. and a out his stali. .Psosfml upie hr Arui 'llj2.î iciiioers of *lie Dr. Bruce Pa 1-liament. wlho sb Lp i5IISIIAà playful one needs just a mucil Put a strong. iea ig~o h ccso fter2t Quinte D 'rc Cattie Breed- is now em.plo\'ed with lhe J WO L/ YV T careful handiling as the big- the bull's noso'we e wdiganvray mn ing As,ýoc-iatio:i attended t'ic Association as a sterility &%Pe- gest Kodiak. %about a year old. annuai etn~hl nYr cialist. lo eote 'nthe "Most dairv bulls are even Replac e worn-utrnsa 23rd a, the C >"4.R.A Audit- activities in th' ied flC tempered. bu! thev pla,, the. bull gets oldeif n8t lcremxradlvl lw oriurn ;n Belv"ý lie. November Ist. 195!_9. g,"says HalWrgt farrn 10-in. chaîn îs attahdt h -e np - _1 "-1- rngthe bull i aîr~es h egbr lope the 19.59. Dr*. McLe3ii ternoon was Mr. CharWle3 Dprte t n e Ocu- ctb stated thal 40.3~29 first serv'c"e Krumm. Operations Manager, ue Tefr cietsrýDlona.-b cows bere br'd n the siX for the Tri-State Breeders' Co-î Brantfordshws tMr. Carl Sargentais rounties hf-trg ,erviîced. flot- operative at Wiscon- sfribankeen ath roste! af. Withuluv bhs aeMs vlnPso eebr stein sCI Vl(F> -,.ci theliîst l10 sin. His address xvas especia!-risan v dti ough: Mr.aff.Mrs.Keith Da taling O1û.wt he other 1%. appropriate in the ligi dary lehl." Whthirnetan uav2tasotn e n lie yoe r breeds i n e :oIoinjz order. that the Association fiad re- diybl. le o r Hereford 1.768. Shoîthorri. 2,- centlY re-organized their sel- He suggests these safetv, a bull. *miake çr e stedadMr.HghBaon a 006. JeirýE-.. 1.165. Dual Put- vîcing system., since hie d;s- measures: close] *v and cantgeromtBaoWrenS thMr.. pose Shoîthori. 1.106. Ayr-cussed the faci. that iin busi- Keep the bull in a si.rong, tho i egtaon.H aso n isBsi ace sbire. 475.G ne. 407. nescans renvibe could upset a tatradOhw.W xedcnrtl ns.cagswr nvtbeîweIl-constructed pen. trailer.atns-dwsh r.adM. More !-ix ad been bi-,d land without them pi'ogress Use a solidil'i-built breedin.4 Adds Wright: ~ar ul acehat oejymn in N,,r1thuibý:-1aîîd Countv ,-couild not be achieved. ichute. It shoue be Close tO are strong and myhv oeanvrais thaii in arîv other \Vth 1.0SReports were received fron-V the pen. i killinig instinctwhnhear first scrv!ce ~OS and thc-,the xarious sire selection corn-Haegtsnc pig olrud. other comnlies participating to mnittees, with Fred Hubbs. the bgat eand opedings oaoue the fo]!owiii, extent: Has- chairman of the Hostein Sire _______________ 235,î.77.urhîncc6.087, 6,'_ Selection Committee report- 23,Drai ,8,Lennox n the purchase of several ENFIEL ana Addington 3.255 . Frn- new Holstein Sires, niameh'T m l i sl. n r.RnOe n GE . of the Association can obtain saf H ptaand W ic Echo, - hlldrn er hewe complete choice 0f sire in anviwind .e etd ~ i r For Farmers NMrn. Ms .Sa and ' ISN breed for the regular $5.00 Th Directori elected for the finily visited atNSit', TLIAD sevc ee. This advantage Thin ea e sfolw:Club. fias been achi'eved as the re- comrg yer wee7asfouge": Keep the anti-freeze in Misses MyrtieTablnatU àiult of' estab!islinig brand1i Fronitenac - Joe Vrooman, ortatr rco a yMri mtTrntwr and Port Hope to service the jKingston; Lennox andi Adding- weeked viitoi entire district, 'ton - Clarence Baker. NaD-1 dîator hoses and clamps foriman's. -. ______Prnce______-____Scoch_____________ll s- Wright, fanm safety. special- Brantford; Miss EvlnPac1 Hubbs, Bloomfie*lt, Tom May, borne. Newcastie; D.P.S.O- Not Snaring in Prosperity isnt wthf the Ontario Depatr- Mr. Carl SargeniPtebr FARM SERVICE lPic-ton; Hastings,:-Allan Me- Scott Gilmour. Tamwortlh: fomn hdofArctrced ah o th e sce hoe. Comb, Belleville. John Caskey, Hereford - Harold Detlor, frpneeiorcakd oe tP,,,h, DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED Madoc: Northumberland-Ayl- Stirling. 1 and broken clamps. Drainth Mr. and Mrs. L otn FARM STOCK . nier Petherick, Campbellford, ________ 1~ anti-freeze, then replace any Oshawa: Mr. and Ms .Cw Remnoved Free of Charge IWaliace Buttai' Gore's Lana-i li a n y F arIV ELIIEII s worn-out parts. ling. Whitbhy, wErwihMs Immediate 24-Hr. Service !ing: Wm. Moore, Port Hope: ï:TTf * * R. Griffin, Sunduy Ask Your Operator For ;Dra - Wesley Werî-v, MIVIUffl1M Orphanied lambs rnay be Mr. and Mrs. V. edn n ;Hampton, Mel McHolm, Port i i a bottle feti if a ewe won't take famity. Beavertosite ih~IGOL U ih650 Hope. It was witih deep regret weM aJde by Com mEissone them. Ontario Departmnepi. of the F. Griffin's. SH L 4. Breed Directors appointed heard of the passing in Tor- Agriculture experts suggest Mrs. Floyd LloyisnMe- ~C SE O IL . No Toli Charge were:-Guernsey-Hugh Wil. onto of a weli beloved pastor - I this substitute: use, 13 ounces orial Hospital necvinfrn Nick Peconi- Peterboroughb;son. Kingston; Ayrshire-Don- of Weicome Charge, the Rev.' oa u f evaporated m-ilk, 13 ounces an appendectomy Wehp ___ -aId Kerr, Camopbellford; W. E. Honey. From 1927 to 1934/A t IVIen ' ..LJII iL I III C lubq<5J Of water, andi 2 tablespoons of she xiii be home on id - - - -- -- - -- -e was pastor and friend. s corn syrup per day. Warin -- -- -- i -- with th-e younger this to body temperature andi __ es f iscogrgaio Beef prices will1 be slightb1 eriment seriîce. He said thati uation is flot as bad as some fei .wihaipetbot. etestofdbsicre xvathat Iowen during the summer a. id Mc W atson is the best frienti peopie indîcate, but added that Tee or foura fepedngsare I they folwtfree great, prin- pok rieswClreai lv heliesoc ncusty of th the farmers are flot sharing i better than one large one fori j F E U ~ D~ 11iflsfor the founidtion of -sonrfr naîope-cw hv general prosperity. the first few davs. J. F ouTrduoa t h, Hoetn- ted îast week. Mr. Watson was Mr. Watson is a director oi' Mr Watson saîi that 25 per ' t ee th e peclseaker at the din- the Roal Winter Fait and oft en farm icm in Can- Keep brooder temperatures- DRL E ,Ilordeetsmah to i nec etn of te Bwa-teCiaoItentoa ar e between 95 and 98 degrees F. isons Mr.~ Melville Honiey andi ville Men's Canadian Club Mr. Rickard said. He poînteti ada~ is lrom poultry, eggs, two inches abox'e the litter a' qiIî ev. Floyd Honey of Toronto, held in St. Paul's Unitedi out that Mr. Watson hadi joîn- dan-y products ai-id vegetables. the etige of the hover for first- N their families and otihen rela- Church Sunday School Roon ed the Livestock Branch Of He asserted that sheep amount week chicks. So says John oJbToLrg rToSnI iltvsin this 'bereavement. -on Wednesday eveing, Mar.1Ithe Department of Agriculture to less than hall of One pet, Walker, poultry specialisi. at Ili Congratulations to lVastetr 23rd. las a field man 32 years ago oin cent of the total, andti ttle is O.A.C. Reduce the tempera- IAllen Lee. son of Mn. and Mrs. A! Davis, the president it;f his gîraduation) from O.A.C fo h rein nitr degrees per week to Harvey Lee, Moraish, for suc- the club introduceti the heati He became associate director dae ofivet abthis0gudergula.te sthesoti- PhoneLi sa FA vew 4 08 lit cessfully passing the eight- table guests as rollows: John of the branch shoty aftrsale aboude:3 ELGIN STteLINDSAY 'i1-and mak-e tbem i week course aI St. Johns, Que- Rickard, Newcastle, A. 0. Da- wards, anti has helti office am Less Beef EXPOrted en temperature to a level bec, Allen wifl I-OW be station- rymple, the Agricultural Re- Livestock Commissioner for There was lemr beef cille where the chîcks appear 10 bc e tTi-enton Air Base. Well presenta-tive for 'the district, Ontario for the lasi. 12 years. expont in 1959 than in pre- most comfortable when they I cS uites ; ~? i' c /esAllen! at ac Joe O'Neill, club secretary, Mn. Watson poînted ouI that vious years, Mn. Watson saici. form a ring arounti the etige On aîrdayevnig.MachMr. Watson, Counicillor WeslevI although the gross national Because there is a langer sup- o! the hover. the level is right.- 'h 26s ' ý.ii d l s 1 ntria esening ac Fice,* Leonard Lucas, vce- product has iii reaseti sub- ply in Canada this year there *s[JA I pricipl o Bon-invsle igt- tantially durnig the last 10 wi lsightly iower prices I o ae1 u xr 1 ~ L Y ? J 1was helti in Canton Com.mun- Sohool the vice presidenî of year3. a great deal of this be-~ for cattie. seiti er r eitrt jhl iîy Hall for Mn. andi -Ms. Frank the club. and Dr. Ivan Wool- ing in salari2-s anti wages,'se hsya.tyrgsee Your Rexai Store I Bvers wh1o were celebrating the sey. Health of Animais Branch there has not been an equiva- Hog Embargo Lifted or certifieti. It's a gooti buy1 2àthi annivensary of their mar- os - eaten !Arcl ln nraein t-le net income Reviewing the situatio re when you think of it Ihis -ay:d P PE I JG D IE ofyfre t ndni h-ere. o! theofarmer. garlent pork, Mr.iWaionrex- cost of seeti is about 10 per- and r iag were prese dnfe co- tr.o h ame.grigpr, vr asne-cent of the total cost of grow- aîons to Iiseli knfr on rWirdCartesld 200,000 Fewer Farmers plaineti that unlike cattle, hoiys grtlaios.ohiwelkow ayr ilri aruter ld There ai-e 200.000 less farm- bhave to be solti at a certain ing an acre of hiay or gr-ain-,r~CfDkP J uJry ac n dl Lo V e II i coupe anti also presenit -emthe singiin o Grace and of ers than in 195o, Mr. Watson age. The embargo on hogs aneeth co t ino (oe rown>, - ef re R S Iwith a platform rocker ti mGot Save the Queen. A sing- aserte11ati h gralet tha tr(homeeUS whch ws î puise of mgney. A very pleas- song was enjoyeci with Hanryagiutr sic simoanefc rm192nh bn and registereti or certifieti 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Iî anit evening was spent and V- Cryderman as the leader. economicaîly as 10 yvears ago. takeni off. hie atideti, Mr. Wat- ofee toaloduti o en t osî. il rouht ahapy cncusin Ws ollcut ws paniL.Noxv agriculture cannoi be son saiti that the pnice of hogs jwith lunch at-d well known Guests at the dinner meeting -used as a barometer of thc this Yeac will be îargeîy de- Says Glen Anderson, crops re- Reasonable Pie reEtrae ê< - -' ___ rfrai "Fo Ihe are 'ohwere Reeve Garnel Rickard.- ~ u searcher at O.A. C.: "It's like -~~~ ~~ Couricillor Ross Stevens, Nel-.cirYseoovheemr-tmîeii e ne *as buying insurance. Poor seeti AslkfoOu WalpeBok __________ -goti elow" ati"Alti Lngson Wilkins and Murray s 4ot'hr. Poprt Deficiency Payments coulti cause a 40 percentdo R:gîa CxuchSerbcorsne. Bes Fied D tcShng Pth e tlok or He pointeti out that tue vielti, but goond seed willM L E ReWatsrghircn SericetetOuiBethaien 1fedteral government has dis- proteci your inivesIment.~' 1960 Mr. Watsn__ ROZEMAha hel at10 .m.on Sunday, ¶î'i nrotiucing thie speciall vsokanti îivesock Lcontinued the price stabiliza- E March 271h, with the Rev. A. speaker, Mr. Watson, John duet-. comprise 75 pec cent 0f tion policy. Tlis wiil make a Dice are thouglht tb have PA]NES&DCRTR W H . B ON SW. Harding in charge. Thleon Rickard told the nuembers o! ithe total tarm 'icone . He ex- great differenice iin regard tu ibeen inventeti about 1,244 B.C. 3-2584il gregation was smal but wt hîs ustnigcre in gov- plaîneti thal the farming sit- price setting. Mr. Watson Cto utrii huh t BowmanvilleA choir to assist in the singing, ottnigcre _________saiti. The Ontario Livestock .otîn cutue nis bout 1 this lack o! worshippers was Commissioner exp3laineti that have oigiaeinInaabu not so noticeable. The sacred __ a system of deficiency pay- 1500 B.C. number '*Alorte", given y theF aety OUflCIi iments would go into effeci. CA SE SH O W ýchoir was very sweet. Mn.Frrft but that, this will not aff:cit nsranA chlde. ee ee omenForOntario Formers vrokn Fnaeti ~- ~ present so the collection w TeFr aevCucl0fîssfeeiadmdca usIMîvpol i Durham de-1 n u a c itaken up by'îMusùer Jimmy M-TeFrnSft orclo e ufrdadridclbls Miv-epei - Hl.M-Ontario, composeti of farni incurreti by injur'ed persons. pend on the clair.) industrv, people from thue counities anti A total of 179 accidents 1tfeicsoeake ttei e de ': Mi'. Harding continued e districts in the province. was wene sufleret in the three- that hhe believe:s fuiîdamentals m eans - " seiles of Lenten Ser-mons: the formeti recently in Toronto. montf penuoti St)me 287 acci- are being overlooked in t1ils subject. The Betrayaul of jes Te C clwil co-ordin- dents occunet i n fieltis alone. industry. anti the situation is h%,y3Judas annni his ýreoe, St. A anioraethe eco-op- anel the5e resltetiiun 40 nper- not as prospercus as iairy- e - - Sat'ety uouîîcî of' ont. ioowsj I Mn. Davidi Addison o! Por-t the Provincial Farrm Accident iIflcome May' Be Dowfl Hope visiteti with Ms m uvywihwsutetkn Faî'M incomne in 1960 in On-,4 . Mcolm on Sund'ay, r4a~rch by Ifhe Ontario Depacîment ou aîowf D U Rkeyb hgî 27giçluewtthea.ii er, anti may no,. be as f igh as iSpîing is vecy reîuotuant taneo!lca ol anti or . it, was in 1959, Mir. Watson, 1 T hat Corner". How eag- gaizio ns. gFo ur eoeyea29,saii. "Frmers howeven. cD I- - ~ ' "~. ~ erly we watch for signs, but 196. Fgures en9 wnotvhnefrVne-eaoanng year-lotîg ut take the long view. yet il 4 j t- bdate the only signs we nte faim accident picture are 110w Mcoutd1 be dangerous to specîl-i ~ ~ v- ~ ~ Iare stili higher snow-banks bein.g analyzeti, anti these yill Ilate on1 what is fiable to haP- - -- an ams empty ceai-bin, a assist the Council in drawing Ipen 10 years from now." r timinishing wood pile anti a Up a safety educalion prograinp .'~.~' miser-able looking ash-pile. Our for Ontario fannu-people. Guard Agaiiist Controis friendly birds stifl corne to "The Ontario Deparîment Of With 25 ft. Of 1I4" plastie pipeý The farmers stitl have a3, The above photo shows "Mick" Brown wondering feed. Tfhe only bright note was Agriculture is proudtitehave 1 ia eloffedm u whats gone %irong -- everY time he has planned bis the ciy o! a kildeer today at playeti a part i drawing at-grt e a ol cf feeon . ut noon. so pei-haps Spring is lot tenti-on l thie seriousness of ianthe he sl ,ord be tonofgur- annual show., it has had t» bc postponed because or bad 10tooai axvay. the farnu accident problenui n 1; Hier controls of farnu produc- weathcr ... but he is tryint &gain, and the new date la - t o Aicuturetheio n s- re htal amr upr, . h oewe: oaisrnel iW. A. Goodfelow, when adi- ureiIai. rgiail îmes.spotFrteHmoni oa.isrnel otnsa.aeutl urdaa dressingDLStheOM arm orgnialon. making it possible for more Canadian fanui- sde a.rpae or ihPaec FR 1., A PR ILitSthrmNtion.E"Irdre THEng theLFarnOM W. Manseli tcy ogu Couci0onitffomatoy tulateti the executive on th e lien than ever before ta enjoy the security aof md Dprt oete Coges is su tvchoice o! speakers for theLoterh opaeswtqfxeauo 8:00 P.M. I AVAILABLE FOR pr !teCuclssft $43.00 'pmeeting. He thanketi Mc. WiI- home ownershlp. 8:00 P-X eduation pragran, anti will: snfoUi xclet drs 'help i ny w4v Possible anifo'hO!labeisih Without the protection of insurance againt mbl n aulyinsurnepidotmr Town Hall, Dowiuanville NOETGAGES take inaen t n plesreenarc' 'iiito the ipresent ancutra ire and other disasters, probably few of ta- ta 0 ilo Dlasiica2 fon our farm people." C K BROVGH situaitioni that lie ati given dysnwhmscudee aebe FUN FOR ALL . - FREE PRIZES ~ g'~-Release o! the fan acci- tecu c es asnwhmscualdeve abnd Cnd- elevdne htinsan uRALPH Se JOUES dent figures for the monthç i PLUMBfING and HEATING Thei- presideuit. Mr. Davis. started. Knowledge thatahm n t edmasec fid REFESH ENT SRVE - aristr sd eliite -o! September. October, anti1 saiti that it gave hîm special REREHM NT SREI Brrstran Sliitr Novemt'er o! hast veac show-' Division Street Southb pleasure to pa3r, on the vote Aà" cmNIA WSu mA cZ E A 130 King Si. E. Ochawa cd that the fai! three-month M4351 BW AVLEo!f fhanks 10 Mr. Wat:-on. He M uhio moe hn 2compeiqmoIswlu FREE ADMISSION -8-6m41i penluti led comîparable penioti-MA3515 BWANIL also 'thanketi thie kdsof St, lZue. Automobile and Caauaity1P5I8 lin pring andti runer in thc Pau!'s Church foi the tielicious pwmanmmidimier they bad, served. pAcE 'rr!i

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