PAGE SMXEM TM CAINADIAN STATESM, MW XMYITZflTAMI ________________________________________ T11Ul~UAT, MAiL 318!, lUS Births Carda of Thanks BELLMAN -G eo rgce and We wotld like tothank ou Jeanne wish to announce thc neighbours, friends, relatives arrivai of Keilh William on for cards, flowers and many Mlarch l9th, 1960, at Memorial kindnesses shown us during 1fospital, Bowmanville, a broth- our recent bercavement. em for Carol, Micheal and Jean and Carl Dcvitt. John. 13-1* 13-1* CARLINI-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Special thanks te Dr. Syl- Carlini (nec Peggy Barrctt) vester, nurses and staff of Me. are happy te announce the morial Rospital, relatives and birth of their son James Or- friends for cards, gifts anda lando on Februamy 20th at special thanks to my ncigh- Sisters Hospital, Buffalo, New boums for many adas of kind- York. 13-i ness while in hospital and at home. J. H. Alldread. Le BLANC-R ay mo nd a nd 13-1* Betty Le Blanc (nec Berrill) wish te announce the birth of We would like to take this their daughtcm Heather Eliza- opportunity to thank evcryone zcth, 9 lbs., 9 ozs., at the Mar- who helped in any way te make coni Hospital, Schefferville, the observance of our golden 1Quebec, on March 22nd, 1960. wcdding anniversary the very A sister for Cindy. 13-1 happy occasion that it was. Charlie and Hilda Wood. MARTYN-Bob and Lorraine 13-1 are happy te announce the arrivai of their son, James I wish to thank neighbours, Robert, 8 lbs., 14 ozs., on Fmi- friends, O meo n o Rcbekahs, dlay, Mamch l8th, 1960, at Me- Courtice and Orono W.A. anc niorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. Evcning Auxiliary for cards A brother for Donna and Rob- and flowcrs; nurses and staff, I. 13-1 Drs. Rundie and McKenzie for kindness and hclp during my POPPIN' - To Jack and Jili, stay in Memoial Hospital. a new offspring, Comnz A. This Luther Barrabaîl, Orono. mnost recent arrival may be 13-1J scen at the Town Hall on March 3lst and April lst and I wish te express my slnccre 2nd. 13-1 thanks te fiends, relatives and neighbors for cards, flowers, STEPHENS - Maurice and gifts and visita duing my stay Marion (n». Wynan) are in Memoriai Hospital, Bow- happy t. aimomice the birth of mlanville and Oshawa General their son Robert Dean, 8 lbs. Hospital. Special thanka tc 10 ozs., on Wednesday March D. Gill, Dr. Grant and Dm. 23rd, 1960, in Memorl HolIs- Ferguson, and also nurses and pital, Bowinanville. A special staff and Rev. Herbert. thanks te Dr. K. W. Slemon. Mrs. Caroline Shechan. 13-1 13-1* STRIKE - Anna and Alan Strike arc happy to announce the birth of a son on Wednes- -day, March 30, 1960, at Me- inoria1 Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Ronnie and Bobby. 31 Deaths * BLYTH, George Henry - At the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, March lath, 1960, George Hl. Blyth of Cacs rea, bcloved husband of Sophie Miller and dear father of Car- ol Diane. Rested at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Monday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Pros- pect Cemetery, Toronto. 13-1 BEED, Sidney Thomas Fred- erick-At the Toronto East General Hospital, Thursday, March 24th, 1960, Sidney T. F. Reed, beloved husband of Ger- trude Norrish, 847 Coxwdil Avenue, Toronto; dear father of Vivienne <Mrs. J. H. Meach- in) of Bowmanville, and loved grandfather of Reed Alexand- er; brother of Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. H. Bessent) of Toronto -and Edgar Charles of Schom- berg, Ontario. Funeral service' was held at TruUl's Funeral1 Home, Danforth Ave., Toronto,' on Tuesday, March 29th, fol- lowed by interment in Bow- znanville Cemetery. 13-1 Reception Mir. anid Mrs. Norman Down will be at home to receive t their relatives and friends on f the occasion of their 45th Wcd-c ding Annivcrsary at the homea of their daughtcr Mrs. Stanleya Loveli on Thursday, April 7th i: between the hours of 3 to h 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at 675E Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, cornera cf Rossland Road and Simcoe St. North. 13-1* Nursing Home ACCOMMODATION for ladies n and gentlemen at Lyntonhurst tJ Manor Rcst Home. Telephone Il Orono 1771. 6..l0* k si SOUTH Haven Nursing Home n -Accommodation for private t( a nd semi-private patients, E lounge TV. Fully licensed, L ncw building, modern. Visitors v welcomc. Reasonable Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf 1 - f wish te express my sincere thanks te ail my friends, rela-1 tives and neighbours for their many acts ef kindness, floral tributes and sympathy csctend- cd me during the iliness and dcath o! my beioved husband George Rarmer. I aise wish te thank the palîbearers, the Rev. Dewdncy. Special thanks te Mrs. Don Parker and Mrs. Allan Spencer for their kind help. I deeply appreciate al kindness shown me in my bereavement. Mrs. George Rarmer and Daughter. 13-1* We wish te extend aur sin- cere appreciation. te aIl friends, neighbours, relatives for their kindncss, floral tnibutes, carda and letters and erganizations during the illness of aur daugh- ter Doreen, granddaughter Elaine and the sudden passing of our dear son-in-law Donald W. Smith. Mr. and Mss. Richard Fowler. 13-1 1 wish ta express my sincere thanks te relatives, ncighborsj and friends who provided transportation for my wife and sister, during my stay in Osha- wa Generai Hospital, aise for the lovely cards, flowcms. and visits which heiped so much.i Speciai thanka te Drs. Ferg- usen, Gili and Rowsdll, and' nurses and attendants. W. G. Wilbur. 13-11 1 wish te express my sincere thanks te the many relatives,.- ficnds and neighboums and organizations for their many. acts o! kindncss, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy 1; in the passing o! a belovedc iusband and father, Donald W. Smith. They were ail greatlyz appreciated.É Mrs. Dorcen Smith, t Elaine and Karen. 13-1*1 I would like te express my sincere thanks te the many neighbours, friends and rela-1 tives for flowems, plants, cards, etter and se niany adas of kindness during my month's1 ;tay in Oshawa Hospital, ail the nurses on B2 who wcme se good o me, the Rev. S. J. Hillier of 1 3rooklin and the Rev. Ronald Love of Columbus for their visits and thoughtfulness. My incere gratitude te Dr. Claude - Vipond and his associate doc- I: tors. Sih TravelMs rhu .Sih ARE you intcrested in going to New York City Easter Week- Wc wish to express our sn- end. Reservations arranged. ere appreciation for the mnany Go by chartemed bus. Rowe acts of kindness shown us dur- Travel Agency, Port Hope. ing the illncss and bercave- TUrner 5-2527. Phone collcct. ment of a beloved husband and 13-r brother. To ail friends, rela- tives and ncighbors and organ- Piano Tuning iztions for the beautiful floral ________________________ utes and messages of sym- AIRTHUR Collison. Telephone pathy received; my personal MArkct 3-3900. 8-tf thanks to Dr. H. Ferguson, Drs. Gill and Rowscll, nurses and Crds of Thanks staff ofOshawa General Ras- pital, te the Rev. H. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.Brown and Capt. Norman Coles and the * ~family wish to express their Rev. Camemon Quigley and to heartfclt thanks te the friends, Northcutt & Smith Funeral relatives and various organiza- Directors. lions for the kindncss and sym- Mrs. David Armistead, rathy shown during the recent Mrs. Maud Joncs, iliess and dcath of a loving Mrs. W. H. Smith. 13-1 son and brother. 13-1* We wish to express our sin- I wish to thank ail my neigh- cere thanks to Donald's manyl. boums, relatives and friends for neighbors, friends and rela- *the lovely flowcrs, fruit, gifts tives for alI their loving kind- and cards receivcd during my ness expressed in so many: stay i hospital. Also to Dr. ways, to his wife Doreen who Keith Slemon and the nurses was i Toronto Gencral and iand staff of Memorial Hospital. daughter Elaine in Sick Child- Josie Maguire. ren's Hospital. Mere words 13-1 are inadequate to express our gratitude to' cach and cvery-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago one who have helped us i nd Mrs. Albert Crago wish to through these days of sorrow,1 thank their many fricnds for through the illness and sudden the farewell party and beauti- passing of our beloved son,j fui gifts, also many thanks to brother, husband and father. those who offcred their help Special thanks to Mount Zion during the sale. 13-1 Lodge of Brooklin for their memorable tribute, to Rev. S. We wish to extend Our sn- J. Hilier of Broeklin, to the cere thanks to ail those who Rcv. Ronald Love of Columbus: sent flowers, cards or drove and Rev. R. H. Wylie of Toron- carsto those who acted as to; the nurses on 3rd floor of palîbearers and to Nothcutt & Oshawa Hospital and te Dr. W. * Smlth for their kindness at the W. Baldwin, Dr. Allan Stocks passing oT Wilma Leach. and Dr. Guthrie Grant. The Leach FaznilY. The Smith Families. 13-M, Li es ly gs -1i Memoriamn _jArticles for SaJi BRALYI ovn eoyQUANTITY of cedarp of a ermter agtPhone MA 3-3394. Bradcywhopased wayYOUTH- bed, also mafl What e wold gve ~ Phone MA 3-5048. could say * HeUlo, mother, i the san old way; jTo hear your voice, sec yoî e. smile, id To sit with you and chi a awhile. Syou who have a mother, Cherish hiem with came, ai For you'll neyer know ti heartache s* Till you sec hemr vacant chai -Always mcmembered by ti l famuly. 13. e'BRADLEY-In loving memoi ze of my dear wifc Margaret wl. Spassed away April 3rd, 1957. Y Looking back with memories Upbon the path you trod, I1 bess the. years I had wit you And leave the rcst with Goi s,-Lovingiy rcmembered b S, husband Leonard. 13-1 I COWLARD-In ]oving memor fof Frank Cowlard who passe )away April 2nd, 1958. ýY We caninot, Lord, Thy purpoc see; But all is well that's donc b Thee. -Marjorie and Family. d LUXTON-In mcmory of sdear mother Emma Elizabet yLuxton, who, passed away Apr P-lst, 1952, and a dear fathe iFrcderlck Luxton who passe o away April 9th, 1959. I. miss your smnfle and kindl, d ways, 1 miss the thlngs you used t. say; And whcn old tumes I do recat That's when I miss you mos of all. -Lovingly remembcred b: ryour daughtcr Ethel. 13-1 -LUXTON-In loving memor, 1of a dear mother, Emma Eliza 1beth Luxton, who passed awal April lst, 1952, and a dea& father Frederick J. Luxton wht passed away April 9th, 1959. They had a nature you couldn! help loving; 1A heart that was purer thar gold, And te those who knew thei and loved theni ?heir memory will nevcî gmow aId. -Lovingly memembercd b3 daughter Mildmed, son-in-lam Clarence and family. 13-1 LUXTON-In loving memor3 of a dear mother, Emma Eliza. beth, who passed away Apri' lst, 1952, also a dear fathez Frcderick James who passed away April 9, 1959. Though their smule is gonE forever, And, their hand we cannoi touch, Stili we have se, many memomies Of the ones we love s0 much. Their memory is our keepsake, Wîth which we'li never part, Ged has thein ii Ris keeping, We have them, hi aur hcamt. They are gone but not forgotten And as dawns another ycar, In aur lonely heurs of thinking, Thoughts of theni are always near. -Lovingly mcmembered by son Sidney and daughter-in- law Denelda. 13-.1* ILUXTON-In loving memory of our deamest mother Emma Elizabeth Luxton, who passed away April lst, 1952, also our dear father Frederick J. Lux- ton who passed away April 9th, 1959. I'here is a home net made by hands Beyond its golden door Piwaits the ones who're now away, Not lest, but gene before. Aind in that home not made by hands The Master will prepare Ai place for us, and when He calîs Wc'li mccl our loved ones there. -Sadly niissed by daughter )orcas, son-in-l;w Cccii and family. 13-PA M'cROBERTS-In loving me- nory of a dear father, Jamesl MecRoberts, Kendal, who pass- ed away Mamch 23md, 1955, alsoi our dear mother, Margaret Mc-,' Roberts, who passed away Avrily. 13 956. ORDIFF, Margaret Jessie- In leving mcmory of a dearl wife and mother who passed% iway March. 30, 1955. 'caceful be thy mest, dear mother, It la swect ta, breathe thy name; In life wc loved you dearly, In death we do thc sanie. -Remembemed by husbandl David and sons Don and Peter.1 WATh1R for sale. Ducuvf Phone Cliff Pcthick, CC 3-2131. - BALED mixed hay, quantity of Spy apples. P CO 3-2675. APPLES-Mclntosh, Spy La Salle, will ddliver. E Cox, MA 3-7189. BATHTUB on legs, wash b new taps and fittings. G. rett, 42 Liberty St. S. 1 REBUILT electrie motors, guarantec. R. D. Morton, phone Orono 14 r 16. E GIRL'S 2-piece coat, sizi Lloyd Stroller. Both good dition. Phone MA 3-3934 CHILD'S crib, 28 x 52; î spring coat, size 7, both in condition. Phone MA 3-.1 r ' C L V E S G r a s s e s , e tc ., cluding improvcd varie Ge Stewart's Seeds, BowmanN Y KEYS cut automatically, w you wait, at Mason &1 Hardware, 36 King St. Bowmanvillc. SAVE on lumber, direct i miii te you. Phillips Lum Co, Kinniaunt, Ont. Ph 17 r 11. 1 LATHAM raspberry canes IY for 100, $30 for 1,000. Coi Synions Rd. and H-ighway to Phone MA 3-5178. iGOOD selection used TV st for reasonable prices. Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond , East, Oshawa.1 l* ELECTRICAL Repairs. Proi service to electrical appliar . large and small. Lander M~ - ware. Phone MA 3-5774. ry 4 iriPAINTING and Decorat t For quality materialsi uar ante edilworkmans] 't Lander Hardware & Elec Ltd. nDO your own floors and r -Rent a sander, floor polis or rug cleaner (shampoo ME od). We sand floors. Lan Hardware. , INSULATION, blowing ME Ar od, with rock wool. Wo tmanship guaranteed. Free e mates. Harry L. Wade. Ti yphone Clarke 2420. 31 tWORK boots and shoes at b igain prices, brown and bla ýall sizes. Bowmanville SI i Repair, 80 King St. W., Bc manville. East of Bownxanvý e Cleaners. ý HEAýRING aid service. Test service and complete stock' batteries and cords at Higi Electric Limited, 38 King St. Bowmanville. Phone MAr 3-3305.4 GET the jump on old nr winter. Sec us for free e! mates on "Carhaycs"' Aluir uni Doors and Windows. li will bc amazed how ecpnomi they are froni Cowan Equ ment Co., 134 King St. Bowmanville, or Phone MArl s3-5689. 4 TIRES Used YMIESON TIE Save Money This Month o T IL E CERAMIC - PLASTIC Same Price FLOORS Rubbcr, Vinyl, Asbestos, Jasl Marboleum, Plastex Hl. G. Heal - CO 3-252 Sec the new German STEREO Hi 9-FI SETS fleautiful Swcdish Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Bufch Nerchaut 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA l-1 e 5 .tf A.R. STUHROCK & SOIS LTD. MA 3-55e6 BOWMANVILL' lvi .1.,... 5....... ~.....1... I ~ * e u~. . y. - - - - - - - - - t £Zl ULc.L lUr imeUL ab çp1TI WlI 1%0&~r - wuGf'ê -=v ievl ~ S~. PT--V-ýnpp fU D L ..I.. I - iNw .. - - i - V é f ~ AAljammLrbt teiur oJlA.L n L A .La i PAL .U b A Ust;w -oo, MA3388. l3-1*1 LIGHT w o o d, stcvewoo)d lengths, $10 a ioad . CO 3-2275. NEW boy's bicycle, 26" frame; girl's spring coat, size 9. Tele- phone MA 3-3224. 13-1* WINE broadloom rug B' x8', spool bcd, also furniture suit- able for sumimer cottage. Tele- phone Clarke 2430. 13-1 BALED hay, early cut, well savcd - fimothy, free from wecds. Russell Osborne, New- castle. Phone 3021. 13-1, r-lj le posts. crib ýered. )Ifax 36-tf aso Ihone 13-1s anda Mmerp -13 -2'1 asin, s Bar- i 13-1*c new1 tele-b .e 5. con- 13-14 girl's s good c 3400. i 3-îf in-C sties. c ville. c 5-tf r vhile f Dale I 46-tf b mber v , $4 Sner 401. 13-2 seta The E: 1St.1 iL-tf )mpt. ices, .ard- 3-tf 28 ting.- and ;hip. rugs her eth- der 5-tf eth- rk- esti- ý9-tf )ar-3 ack, ;hoe 2W- 2-tf zof ýon .E., -ket 7-tf nan >sti- .lin- You cal -ket )-tf iL ON Sale - 3-piece sectional chesterfield, $169; 2-piece bed- chesterfield, $99.50; 3-pce .bed- room suite, $89; space-saver, $44.50; Arborite step and cof- fee tables, $9.95; spring-filled natt¶,esses, $19.95; used refrig- erators, guaranteed; odd chairs, beds and springs. Murphy Furniture, King W., Bowman- ville. MA 3-3781. 13-1* BIG NEWS.. 20 % Io 50% OFF WOOLLENS Example: REVERSIBLE PLAIDS reg, $5.00 On Sale - $2.50 yd. Goodbrand Fabrics M King St. W. Bowmanvllle 13-1 Complete Garden Supplies LANDSCAPE DESIGN Lawn Ferlilizer wlth ALDEIN SPREADER ON LOAN Van Belle Gardens 1Mles West of Bowmanvillc Hlghway No. 2 MA 3-5757 ,13-3t Spring is Coming 80 SEED TIME IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER FOR THE BEST IN SEED GRAINS .CONTACT 'ERESMORE FARM R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7150 .3-] I GUARANTEED Used Equîp- ment-Ford Tractor and Load- er, Massey-Harris 101 Super, Massey-Harris 81, Massey-Har- ris 30, Massey-Harris 22, Allis- Chalmers B, Allis-Chalmers VF with Scufflers, Internation- al W4, Farmail H, Farmall M with Scufflers, Farmaîl Cub with Mowcr and Plow, Delhi 8%½ ft. Cultivator on Rubber, Massey Cultivator on Steel, 2 Massey Seed Drills, 13 Disk; 1 International 13 Disk Drill, 1 International 15 Marker Double Disk Drill, 1 1947 Ford Truck, good condition, excellent farm truck; 1 1956 International 31/2- ton Truck, John Deere 3-fur- row Plow on Rubber, Case 2- furrow Plow, 3-point Hitch; Massey 2-furrow Plow on Steel, John Decre Sub Soiler, Inter- national Horse Sprcader, Case P.T.O. Combine, Case Motor Driven Combine, International Motor Driven Baler, New Hol- land Motor Driven tler, 2- row Holland Mechanical Plant- er, International 22" Mill with Shrcddcr, Masscy P.T.O. Spray- er, 17-nozzle, with P. T. O. Pump; John Bean P. T. O. Spmayer with 2-cylinder pump, delivers up te 7 G.P.M., like ,new; 1 cu. ft. Freezer. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St.! E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 13-il Spring Clea rance SALE GENERAL ELECTRIC DRYERI Sale Price $199.00-- GENERAL ELECTRIC DRYER Eeg. $369.00 Sale Price $269.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIO WASHER Reg. $469.99 Sale Price $365.00 MOFFAT ELECTRIC DRYER Reg. $199.50 Sale Price $157.00 ALL 78 RLPM RECORDS Sale 50c each HIGGON ELECTRIC, LTD. DO WMANVILLE O1?TiI Phone MA 3-3205. 13-1 HOUSE i Tyrone. Inimediate possession. Phone CO 3-2087. 13-1* FURNISHED r o o m, light housekeeig Phone MAmket 3-7201. g.13-1 TR-REE-room apartmcent with bath. Centraily locatcd. Phone MA 3-3740. 13-1 FARM house for ent, vicnity et Enniskillen. M. Stenger & Son, Enniskillcn. 13-1 APARTMENT, heated, 3 roama, kitchenette and bath, $60. Tele- Phone MAU 3-5996. 13-1 TWO-bedroom atiartmcnt, piv- ate entrance, ' childmen wel- come. Phone MA 3-5798. il-tf FIVE-rooni house, abstainers only. One mile east of Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-2865. 13-1* THREE roonis and bath, heat- cd, heavy wiring, scîf-contain- cd. May lst. MA 3-3186, 205 King East. 13-l* APRMENT in Newtonville, thrcc roonis and bath, private entrance, heavy wiring. Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 13-2* FARM house, city conven- iences, Scugog Road near Hampton. Available April 25. Phone MA 3-5458. 13-.1* AVAILABLE immediatcly, 5- room office, 2nd floor, main street. S. R. James, 24 King East, Bownianviile. 44-tf TWO-room ground floor apart- Ment, heat and hydro, two- picce bath and private en- trance. CentraL Phone MA 3-5183. 13-1 MODERN apartment, 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. Heatcd. Soft, ,hot water, garage, garden sup- plied. Separate entrance. Avail- able April 1. MA 3-5875. 9-5* Livestock for Sale, FIVE pigs, cight weeks ald. Phone CO 3-2425. 13-1 HOLSTEIN heifers. Close springers. G. Knox, CO 3-2198. 13-1* HOLSTEIN springer, due April 13, biood and TB tested. Bill Jewell, Phone CO 3-2019. 13-1 REGISTERED Shomthorn bulis, polled and horned, 12 months aid. Priced easonable. R. Osborne, Newcastle. Phone 3021. 13-2* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Are yau lookfng for smre ,quallty Stockera, or sonie good vace. Holstein Heifera, open., Came and see us, we have them ail at iow prices. Speclal! One Fresh Holstein Heifer, a real bargain. We Buy - Seli or Trade SCHWUTARZ BROS. MA 3-2895, R.E. 3, Bowmanvllle' Pets for Sale YOUNG pups, Shepherd and CoUlic, cight weeks old. Clarke 1640. 13-2* IMALE Border-CoUlic puppies. Parents good cattie dogs. Suit- able for children's pets. Harvey Malcolmi, Janetviile. Telephone Mlackstock. 13-1 Art icles for Sale GAS stove, two ycars old. MA 3-2353. 13-1* 1SUMP PUMPS ,Complete wlth 25' Plastie Hase $50.00 PARTNER Plumbing & Heating Orono 1782 Tyrone CO 3-2281 FREE With the purchase o! every New Television aI regular lisI price, a 30' Tower' with AIi-Channel Aerial Harry Locke ýMAPLE GROVE MA 3-2312 BE WISE Buy your steaks for sua now. Grain-fed beef la ne Its best. Prices on hind qi er beef alwayu soar wher weather wanns up. home freezer or locker save you many $$$ by f1111 now for summer use, wItl beat grain-ted beef. Young Beef Hini 52C Mi. OTHER SPECIAI HOME-CURE» BACON 49 Maple Leaf STEAK-KmD PIES __ __- 3 for Naple Leaf TURKEY OR CHICKEN PIES - 3 foil HALIBUT STEAKS U3 SMOKED FILLETS- 391 at Bowmanville Frigid Locker Sysi PHONE MA 3-5578 PICK-UP and delivery. If you have the business we have the ie. Call MArkct 3-3842,1 Dunn & Goodall. 12-2*e .IPLUMBLNG, heating, cavres- troughing, free estimates. Ram- vey Partner, Tymone. COlfax 3-2281 or Omono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimncy work, new or repair or any brick, block or cencrete wprk. P.O. Box 1083. Call L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf MAKE your cottage ready for sumnier now. Carpenter work, new and repairs, roofing, cup- boards, aise cernent womk, base- ment and garage floors. Free estiniate. Phone MA 3-5212. 13-2 Rferman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and (Jarpentry New Work and Repaira > PHONE MArkct 3-3694 7 Mili Lane 5-tf >Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO ANI) NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-50301 KEITH DAVEY Livesfock Shippers ANI) GENERAL TRANSPORT Phone CO 3-2639 46-26* Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvllle CORNER KING & ONTARIO (Ted) Arenda Eiectric Motors REPAIES to ail your electrical equipment REWINDING Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowmanvlilce 1-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SAL ES INSTALLATION & REPAIES 3-99Phone Bowmanville Oshawa MA 351 RA 8-81801 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tf Painting & Decoraii"ng' PAPERHANGING GARRY and WAYNE' VENNING 1 Blackstock, Ont. Phone 56J Help Wanted EXPERIENCED pruners. Ap- ply George Wallon, Newcastle. Phone 3261. 13-1 SINGLE man, must be cx- perienced milkcm, by hand or machine. Good wages. Phone CG 3-2768. 13-1 SALESLADY for local store, some knowledge e! bookkeep- ing. Write Advertiser 29, c/o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. 13-1- WANTED: Man for stcady travel among consuniers in Dur- hami County and Bowmanviile. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Oniy ne- liable hustier considercd. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C-140-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreai. 13-1 WAITRESSES FULL OR PART TIME Apply FIRESIDE BAR-B-Q o! NewastieThe undcrsigned auctioneer TV Please apply after 4 p.m. or wiil seli by Public Auction for any evcnlng. the estate o! Mss. K. Winter- 12-2 burn in the Village-o! Hamp- 132BE your own boss and make ton on Saturday, April 2nd, al mone! Bst ualiy o hose-hem household effects: kitchen rnedne! Biiesqality o! pos- cupboprd, 2 smaîl ceok staves, hd sneessiiegs nd f )to-table and 6 chairs, cupboamd, nmer dut4nldn omtctn rocking ch airs, Singer sewing ows ics, vitamins, etc. High ceni- uart- mission, bonus. Join now aachine, Astral efrigerater, 2 the progressive company and be- dressers and washstand, 2 coin- You coe a$uce$$ul ealr. qm-plete beda, couch, mats, drap- .11 ilex, Dept. M-10 1600 Delorim- leaf table, 2 teilet sets, bedding, iem, Montreal. 13-1 pillews, 2 tans of ceai and sonie ing it wood, lange quantity of dish- h the ATTENTION! es, pots and pana and other What Township do you live lu? articles. Sale at 1:30. Ternis Do you have an Avon Repre- cash. Clif! Pcthlck, auction- id sentative caîîing on you rg e.1- ulaIily? If you don't, perhaps_____ 11 It In an open Ierrltory which The undersigned han receiv could offer you a good earning cd instruction frai the execu- opportunltY. If you would like tors e! the estate of the late To~ te mll Avon, please contact Chris. Law ta selby public J.aj M4iss K. MacKean, 528 Gimour auction on Saturday, April 9t Street, Peterborough i3-1 at his late residence ill St., De lb,- Newcastle. Bedrooni, lving- WEY WTated moom and kitchen furiture, e- r 69c - frigerator, scwing machine,, DAILY ride froni Bowmanvllle vacuum cleaner, angette, 8-i r 77c te Oshawa (Fittings, 7 - 4). piece walnut dining-roemn suite, M l. Contact Gond at Canadian Tire dishes, glassware, bools, etc. Store. 3-l* Real estate - 11-room double c lb, _____________bouse, frame canatmucted, with DEAD and crippled terni stock, bath. Excellent location. Will1 piced p pomply.Telenone b. oftered for sale subject te Colax3-721. MaI-gwilFfe reserve bid. Inspection by ap- Fan, Tyrone. 37tfpeintment. Ternis on turnitureà FURNISHED room, down- cash. Ternis on real estate1 tem stairs pre!cmred. Write Ad- made known day of sale. vertiser 28, c/a The Canadiam Lawrence Harris, clcrk. Jack Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow-,Reid, auctioneer. Sale ta cern- 13-1 manvilie, Ont. 13-Inience promptly at 1 p.m. 13-2. LOT for sale, 90' x 250'. Beauti- ful level and dry building lot on south side of Highway No. 2 at Maple Grove, Dalngon Township. Priccd for quick sale by owncr. Cail RA 5-8198. 275 ACRE farmn for sale in1 new tobacco district, 9 room frame bouse, 5 room cottage and L-shaped barn, hydro and 25 acres rye, 30 acres plough- cd. Bruce Armstrong, Morg- anston, Ont. 12-2 Pedwell Real Estate Fanms, 50 ta 300 acres, frein $10.000 te $60,000. Supertest service station on 35 Highway North froni Lind- say, large galionage, only me- pairs for 5 miles amound, ne op- position in village. Living quarters and snack bar. WiSU trade for farm or good house. 90 acres, ranch, close to Oak- wood; well fcnced, lots o! watcr, barn 40' x 60', cernent floors, steel roof, no house. $6,500 with $1,000 down. 6 mooni house with acre o! land, bath, one mile froni No. 2 Highway, 3 miles froni New- castle. $4,500, easy tcmms. 2 acre vacant lot, suitable for building, on a good moad in a fast building section. $800 or Money to loan HAROLD C. PEDWELL Broker N'ewcaste ]Phono38U69 13-1. Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER 52 King St. W. Semi-detached brick, 2-storey 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs living-room, dining-room and kitchen down, new où furnace, full basement. Full price $8,00I with $1,700 down. You will love this aimast ncw 5 rooni bungalow. Mod. ern, convenient, iovciy lot anc garage. $5,000 down required. Ranch rug brick bungalow, 6 roonis, double garage, on No. 2 Highway at Maple Grave. Dewn payment $3,800. New brick bungalow, Duke St., N.H.A. resale, easily car- ried. Be sure te sec this ane before you buy. Priced ai $12,500 with $3,500 down. Highway farm, 150 acres, 2 bank barns, modemn home, choice soul, a top -quality tarin, MA 3-2453- Evg's CO 3-2397 Salesman- Clarence Saper MA 3i2624 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acre tarin with 10 mooni fully modemn house, L-shape barn, excellent location. W mll sel or trade. Priced te sell. Sec us for information. 50 acres with 5 room. bunga- low, où fumnace, bath, 6 miles frai Oshawa. Owncm must sell. Give us an offer. 6 acmes, 6 moom atone house, lange L-shape barn, north of Bowmanville. Pnice $10,500. Ternis. 2/2 acres with 4 reom cot- tage, nevem-failing streani, hydro, weli. Price only $2,500. Don't miss this anc. .1 'yý acres with 8 rooni brick house, fully modem,, near Bow- nianville. Price $12,000. Easy tennis. 1 Acre, 6 moomn Inaul brick bouse, ail furnace, bath, facing Highway 2. Price $6,500. Down $1,000.00. Orono-Twe apartment honse on main street. Large lot. Price only $5,500.00. Ternis. Bowmanviile - 6 room. bun- galow, fully modern, near schooi. Price $10.500. Ternis. 1191 Seugog St. Bowmsnviile, Cali MA 3-3644 Salesman: 'G. Blyleven Phone MA 3-5300 Auction Sales I have receivcd instructions: from Msrs. Tenchia Malley ta, sel by public auction hier en-1 tire household effccts includ- ing new Frigidaire at hem tonm- er nesidence, Village of Ponty- pool, on Saturday, April 2ndt at 1:30 p.m. This is a good1 Jlean sale and nienits your at- tendance. Ternis cash. No resenve. R. J. Payne, auction- cmr. 13-1. TWO choice lots in i llag9oi Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. BUNGALOW, four roomnsfi bathroom, sun porch, où heat4 ed, attached garage, double lot also extra two car garage, central. Full price $9,000, ask. ing $3,000 down. Writ'e Ad. virtiser 23, c/o The Canadiau Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, Bow. manville. 13-20 Leask Real Estate 4-room modern bungalow, oil furnace, hardwood floors. Easily heated, low taxes. Suit. able for retired couple or smafl family. We have houses under V.L. A., choice building lots, bun. galows, farms. Consuit us before buying. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bownianvllle Sales Staff: rMrs. Ralph Anica - MA 3-3408 13-1 McQuay and' Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Modern 3-bedroom ranch type brick bungalow, built on your ewn choice of lot. Price only $10,950 with $2,500 down. 112 Acre tarin on paved read. 2-stomcy house, barn, 105' x 301 creek. Price $19,000 with meas. amiable down payment. We have a large sciection of tarns, homes, cottages and Cal WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville 13-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BEOKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville* Telephone MA 3-5868 eNew 7-mooni brick bungalow Ion a nice lot, close te schoel. Ail conveniences. This is a 2first class buy at a meme $12,900.00 with a low down payment and only $78.00 per month which includes interest, 7principal and taxes. WiUl con. aider Irade. Homey 6-rooni aid r type bungalow on a ~utifully landscaped lot.M water heating. Hardwood floors. Garage. A real buy aton $10,500.00. Ternis amranged 5-rooni fully fumnished c& tage at Cedar Crest Beach. Only $4,000 buys it all. $1.000 down. Buy now before pricea mise. We have sold a nuniber of preperties mecently and have tclients for more; sanie with ai) cash. List with us for better re-ý suits. 13-1 'De Wifh Real Est aie 130 Acre tarin, 120 acres plowable, 10 acres wood, cmcek, L-shaped bank barn, drive- shed, garage, etc.; 7 moonied frame home, running water, heavy duty wired. Asking $12,000. Teris arnanged. >135 Acre farm, near Port Hope, .100 acres workabie, crcek, 100' x 30' bank barn, hen house, 8 roomcd brick 'home, newiy wired. Asking $17,000 with $6,000 down. 87 Acre fan on No. 2 High. way, near Port Hope, 76 acres wonkable, streain, 122' x 30' bank barn, water bowls, drive- shed, hien house; 10 moomed house with ail modemn con- veniences. Asking $35.000. This is a good farm. Make an offer. 100 Acre farm, 65 acres workablc, 10 acres hardwood, L-shaped bank barn, drive- shed, water in bann, garage, e.; 7 roomed franie home, 3- piece bath, running water. Ask- ing $13,000. Terins. 100 Acçc tarin, 85 acres work- able, streani, 60' X 40' banls barn, large hien house; 9 room- ed home, hcavy duty wired. Price $ 10,500. Ternis. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM, ap. proximately 10 miles froni Oshawa; 2 crceks, L-shaped bank barn, steel atanchions, ,vater bowls, bulk tank cooler, silo, drive-shed, lien house; 10 roomed home with ail modemn conveniences. Price and ternis arranged. 10 Roomed house wlth grocery atome and post office in vilage near Lindsay. Price 0 $10,000. Ternis arrangcd. 6 Roonied home on pavcd road in village near Lindsay. A.sking $5.500. Ternis. 6 Roamed brick bungalow with 27%k acres land, located nean No. 2 Highway. Pi4 $9,000 with $2,000 down. 2 Bedroom bungalow in Bow- nanville with aU modemn con- veniences, full basement, mod- er kitchen. Pnice $8,500 wlth $2,000 down. 13 Roomed brick aider home in Newcastle, close te main treet with extra lot. Price $8,000 with $2,000 dawn. 2 Bedreoom bungalow in tlqw- castle with ail modem r*on- veniences, hardwood floors, fuIl basenient. Garage. Ask- ig $10,000. Ternis. Contact: John F. De With Realtor and General Insuranoe rewtastle phone 33M galemen: Donald Momatjoy, Bow aiW MA 3-3950 RamDavidson. Bethany Phone 21 r a td e, MRAILER -with hait-ton steel box and racks, at Lavcrtys Bargain. Centre, 59 King W., Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. -1 iqL.iývvx-n seeu. nav ana Straw-IZS£ak--UUNTAIMED Anftrtmà-"t 1--- -- - - -. 1 i .>~1 TWO boys' navy jackets, sire 4- and 6; i pair boy's grey pants, size 4; girl's navy ceat, size 8; lady's maize shortie coat, sire 16; goed condition, cheap. Phone MA. 3-3959,. l3~1* 1 Iz il- il 1. 1-- i. .1. -1« ýi- - V 1-- . - __ - ---- - __ -Ji -11 q- 11 -- 1 ý Mi-l - il. -1 k 1 . V, wM»V»MvAý MMA- - - 1 For Hent 1 Work Wrrntp-d l' IROWY1 r-qfmàu frir 1 1