?HEDAY, MAR. 3hS196 TEE AIIAIAN TATEMAN UnWAM~TT.T. tnWA ia PGE ,Local Kinnette Club Celebrate 4t1. Birthdai âmanville Kinette Club and wM lb. greatly mlssed. Inet March lth at the FI-vine Baby gifts were preseni, Dutchman Motel ta celebrate also ta Barb Connell anid G. fts 4th birthday as a club. Our Guthrie by Florence Grahai S uest speaker at this meeting IBuiness was conducted1 Pm Mrs. Jesse Van Nest, whoj President Helen Brown ail iemonstrated the art of mak- which birthday cake and cc 1i centre pieces etc., out of fee were served by Broche ai -viftwooa& and weeds painted. Jean. 34ars. Van Nest brought several Pieces she had made and On Feb. 17th our annu * *owed us how they were Mother's Night was held wi- constructed. A lucky draw 100 percent attendance. Th > was held on one of these pieces meeting was in charge af M and it was won by Lii Hoop- ry Syer and June McMuli *17. and they pinned an imitatic *Oui guest was introduced by rosebud on each motherc 'Brodie Sager and thanked bv guest's dresa. Jean Collacott. Florence Gra- Mary Syer introduced oi ham presented Normna Hoop- guest, Miss Marjorie Couc ei with a cup and saucer 'on who showed us pictures of!lh her departure from <ur club trip ta England a few yeai and Stated that Norma was an1 ago whi!ch were most intei excellent worker in our club esting and educationni. Mi, cSpect a/s /or iaster Boys' and Girls' J ACRKET S Choose froin zipper and button front Sizes 2 ta 6X $1.98 - $2.98 SLACKS' to match for boys and girls $1.59 - $1.98 Girls' Bengaline DUSTER COATS, Sizes 4to 6x..-$ 8.95 Sizes 7 to 12 ----____-_-__--__ $11.95 Pre-teenu, 10 te 14 $14.95 'John & Judy Shoppe 15 King*St. E. BowmanvIl RED SOLE RUBBER Youths' - Il to 13 $2.45 SBoys' -i1to à $2.98, Men's 12" - 6 to 12 $3.98.. Men's 15" - 6 to 12 $4.95 I SPecin's Oxfo rds Width C, D and E ini this group Sizes 8% to 3 1 Black and Brown Reg. $4.95 # 3.79 Clearance! MEN'S CASUALS CREPE SOLED OXFORDS Can b. used- as work boots or boys' sehool shoes. Reg. $795 to $8.95 CLEAlING AT 4.95 a'nd 5.95 Lloyd Ellis Shoes' 49 KING ST. W. MA 3-59411 Cauch waa thanked b~y Ju M'cMullen. Special prizes were won ,yguests Mms Morden, Mis. E Ytely and Mrs. Joluns. Bu.,ing was conducted by Preside Helen Brown after which social hourws enjoyed. ctd ail M. HMPTON by Mr. and Mis. Harvey B ttrson and ohildien were Sund .of superguests ai bis math, ind MsJohin Balson.' Mr. andi Mis. Donald Whi ual Oakville, sperit the weeke .th witlh bis m~other, is. 'W Ius White ainsi aurit Miss Nar a- Jobn. len Mr. and Mis. Bruce Caver. !on son Brent, ainsi daughte- She or on, Oshawa. accompanied1 Mis. Caverly's mother, M: )ur Warren Brown a! Sagina, ih Michigan, were F'riday eve lri mg dinner guests ai Mr. ai ar Mis. Ken Caverly. e-Mi. ansi Mis. Meiwin Maur iss joy in carnpeny with. Mr. ai Itv£a.lyx SaeUsandfan-i wOshawa, visitesi at Mi. Ke neth Samell's Nestleton. Mi. and Mis. Chas. FeTguso Oshawa, ansi Mr. andi Mis. Ri Sellers ansi deughtei Bieic Bowmanville, were recerit vi itars with Mis. J. W. Balsa Mr. and Mis. Kurt Losc Toronto, weîe recent visita with her parents, Mr. and iM James Sinales. Mi. and Mis. K. Cavei. were Saturdiay evening gues o! Miss Olive Barton, Bov mninville. Mis. iÏarod SaIter aind Mr Lorenzo Truil weîe recenit sul per guests of Mi. andi Mr RoyBarabalOrono. Mi. and Mis. Len Player an son Tommy, Bowmanville, vij itesi ber parents, Mi. ansi Mr S. Kersoy aon Sundiay. Miývaend Mis. Bryce Biowi Oha; Mi. Bill Nichols, Pei erborough; Mis. H. E. Tinl Saline, were Sundiay visitaise Peicy Deweil's. Mi. and Mis. Milton Gral Janetville, visitesi at Merw. Mountjoy's on Wedinesday. Mi. andi Mis. Gardon Wake ly, Ernie, Dorothy, John anb Catharine, Toronto, visi t eo Mis. Luther Allin andi fam-dl: and Mis. Sarah Allin on Sur day, Mardi 20tb. Mis. Gordon AkLean, En niskillen, was a Suridtay gues o! Mrs. Theron Mountjoy an( attendesi the Tbank-offerinq Service. Mir. andi Mis. Harlansi Tul Bowmanville andi Mi. andi Mit C. E. Hoin, Osh'awa, were Sun- day guests af Mi. and Mis, Lorenzo TrulI and attendesi the special chuuch service. Miss Masilyn, Wilcox, Bow- manivillo was a visitai with Mi. andi is. Gea. Arniaur and Bertha on Sundiay. Miss Mary Poters and ?ëMi Will Taylor, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitais with Mi. ains Mus. Samn DewelL Mis. M. Mountjoy speint a few diays ini Taronto andi at- terided saie spocial events. Among thase wbo attendesi the golden wedding enniveîs- ary ueception in honor o! Mi. andi Mis. Chiarlie Wood, Orono on Wedtnesdiay were Mr. amd Mum. Lorenzo Truil, Mi. and Mis. Haroldi Salter, Mi. andi Mus. Heib Rundie, M r. andi Mrs. Douglas White, Mr. ansi Mis. Austin Barron,' Mrs. W. G. White, Miss Narncy John andi Miss N. Horn. Mrs. Theron Meuntjoy ai- rivosi home at week frein a very enjayable plano trip ta Texas wheie she was a guest o! Mi. and Mus. Fred Mount- jay (o! Carlylo, Sask.,) et Wes- laca, Texas lor five weeks Rlis many friends are Dloased ta know Mi. Will Wilbuî is convalescing favourably sinice returning home froin the Osh- awa Hospital, lest week wlhere lie spent several weeks having undergone surgery. The ohm-oh 4rhanko!foiing service helsi on Sundey afteî- noon was fairly woll attendesi. Rev. F. Jackson o! Tyrone was guest minister and presentesi a splendlid message wbich was appreciatesi. Oui maie quar- 1 st A cnvz umodemn keep in form with lUght Afood and drink. Andt otay's Pepsi-Cola swings rigbt along. Never heavy, ncier t.0 aveet, Pepai refreshes without filling. Put scierai cartons on your shopping listl Bay it in the handy 6-hottle carton SMITH BEVERAGES LTD.. 124 Church St., DowmanvMfe, Ont. >t. 1 CeleOt h A nniversary [ra.wa i sa . WW r me**eW aÂUca..4nu1 S.VLLt ip- put on their St. Patrick's Con- cert, postponed by the snow- storîn. an Tuesday evening, '.-Celebrate Golden Mamch 22nd, toa large ape ls- Mr.Lewis Tinîl acted as Weddng A nivesarychaimman in a very pleasing rs- eddig A nivesar mauner ansi the meeting op- M, oued witu "O Canada", fol- ik, Mr. ansi Mis. Chuarles Wýood Crowther ansi sons, Charles iowed by two fine nfianno 'os at celebratesi their 50th weddiug ansi Jam-ie, Newcastle; Mi by Mus. Keith Biilett a! Bow- anniveîsary on Wednesday, ansi Mis. Roy Barrabaîl and inanville., ly, Maich 23, when friensis ansi son Willis, Orana. . A o-act play, "Net a Man ri acquainýtances callesi to offer A.lso presont with their In the Hanse", was splendid- congratulations. gransiparents weme Ur. andi ly performesi by Mis. Luther :e Iu houai o! the occasion Mis. Haroldi Murphy ansi fain- Allin, Mis. J. C. MacNeil, Mis. nd "Open House" was holsi et the ily, Mi. Davisi Phasey ansi .Mervùu Mountjoy, Mis. Bort Osisid Feliows' Hall. The table Wayne, Tyrone; Mr. anid.Mis Hoskin andi Miss Darleen Hall. y was beautifully siecoratesi. Fred Parish, Mi. ansi Mis. Bobý Two sinaîl chîlsiren in !ancy n-centresi with a tbree-tierecl oRaner, Oshawa. costume, Doreen ansi Davidi weding cake, golsi cansiles Misses Gail andi Sandra Bryant, gave a fine exhibition andi yellow daffoduls. Gits o! Woodl attendesi the guost book. af tep dancing. A monologue. ,st galsi cups andi saucers andi Pouring tea ini the afteruoon "Lufe Pets Tee-jus, Don't It?" Id golsi creains qud sugars wero weme Mis. Alex Watson ansi was gîvon by Janet ansi Sheila gdisplayed on the table. Mis. Luther Barrabail, suring MacNeil, also in costume. thdedin ansi neer Orono ail andi Mis. Carl BihingS. with a couple o! piano solos. terlives. Throughout the visitinglA second, eue-ac_ play, "Re-t .ST-;hey wore happy ta ha' 1 as ie family present actir, ashastesses-Mr. ansi Mr ,e Neil C. Wood andi caughter Gail ansi Sandra, Lakefiel( -Mr. ansi Mis. Fred Brooks ai Chris,. Oshawa; Mis. Georg *BLACK< At the Farnueis' Bonspii fru lackstock namrely: - Keith VanCamp, skip; Haro] S13wain, Roy and Neil Werry won first place. As prizo eaci man receivesi five pounds o. obeese ansi a pineapple hem. The Couples Club etjayes ar evening o! Curling et fthe ai. Anm Thursday nigiat. After al wore tiiesi, hot dogs ansi coffe( toppedi off thue evening's fun. Congratulations ta Muýf. and Mis. Harold Hamilton an thE birth o! a son andi ta Mr. and Mis. Don Pargetei on the brth af a daugliter. The O.N.O. belsi their lat] aniiversaiy dance Frisiay n-ighr in the Recreation Centre, wbich was beautifully decora- ted witlu artificiel spring flow. ers. Music was puovîdesi by The Sevenaiies Orchestra fias Peterborough. The spot donce war, won by John andi Mildied Nesbitt ansi the elimination dance by Dave Kyte ansi Don- Hea lth Unit Plan sNew Hearing Tests An impraved, mare precise mothod af testing hearing will new be available for the school childien a! the United Coun- ties, Dr. Charlotte M. HRner, Modical Officer of Healtb, re- ports. The Board of Health for the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit bas purchasesi a pure tan0 audiometer andi ap- praved the appointment of Mis. Carol Doyle, Cobourg, a3 audiometer technician. Mis. Doyle, wha had been a clerk-typist an the Health Unit staff for the past thiee yeaîs, is et present taking an lintensive Vwo-wook training course at the School for the Deaf, Belleville, the Toronto Departinent of Health and Elalton County Health Unit. Until now all hearing tests by Health Unit staff have been bythe spoken voice test. This nothod wil still be used, par- ticularly for the schoal begin- ners ta, whom, the audiometerý test is nat; so weil suitesi. ,The audiometer hearýing est will first be given ta, chîldien in grades 3 and 7, as! well as ta children referred by thoir teachors ai physi- cians because af apparentý difficulty in heaîing, leaining,1 speech problems or cas feu!-! ire. Dr. Hainer states tha tis audianuetry programme will assist teachers, parents, and dadairs, and will no doubt, md childien wbo may havel unknown defects or who arei border-line cases. A cbild' with an abnornial audiogram will be rofeiresi ta the famîly ýhysician for fuither examin- iion and treatinent, or for siferial ta a spocialist If, ne- .ssai-y. Experience has shown tha if iculty in hearing may ie: te cause of speech pieblemus, ack o! attention in sohool, x>or school grades andi beha-' or difficulties. This, pro-, amune la being set up ta, as- ýst those concorned with thé ialth and oducation of the hilsiren in the 224 schools in îo United Counties, andi it is1 It that it wili be a veiy val- tble addition ta the generai chool health programme. - t c: d ti fi ul b at r' ce di th la PC vi, ig hi- t l' ve1hours deicijous reýfreshmet s quired, One Man,"_was weil ng were served by Orono Heather put on by Mrs. Wilfrid Smale, rs. Rebekah Social Club. Mis. Ted Chant, Mis. John rs, Flowers, cards, telegrams Burrows and Mis. Dave Hall. Id and gifts were received from The program closed witli id friends, relatives and weli "God Save The Q.ueen". ge wishers frein far and near. The Institute are grateful for the help of autside talent, ta those who helped put on the plays and also ta Mis. 16,STO CK Keith BillettofBxuvle [el na McLaughlin. Ail report a were very satisfactory. k ploasant time. -Mis. Wesley Beacock and d Mrs. CecilHill spent Tuesday EN SK LE 7, afternoon with Mr. A. W. Pic- N IKL E h kard Bawmarnviile. Master David and Bryan of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston Ferguson, Bowmanville, were retuarned home from Tilbury,wihhergadretsM. in Thirsdny. wand M i rsWate Feguson. Donna and Billy Pargater, adM. alteMr. Oaeruo 0., UPort Perry, ave visiting heiî Oshawa, were recent visitors ýe grandlParents, Mi. and Mis. with his father Mi. Albert Oke Marvyn Grahani. and Miss Elsie Oke. d'Mr. and Mis. Bert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Preeman Rey- le Toronto, and Miss Marilyn Ar- nard, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. d cher, Whitby, spenit the week- Clarence Yea and Stanley, h end with Mir. and Mis. Wilbert Hampton were Sunuday visitais Archer.1 at Mr. an,dMis. Gordon Yeo. h Mrs. E. Murphy, Tyrone. is il ad rs. D. B. Key. Tor- t visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me- oflto,"witih Mr. and Mis. Adam e. Laughlin and fanilly. Sharp. - Mr. and Mis. Ed MeNel, Mi.'-and Mis. Dave Corneil, r- Dougie and Donna. Toronto, Mis. Jess Morgan and Donald, ýy visited the Frank Hoskins, Brantford, were Saturdey vis-, n Sunday. itors at MT. and Mrs. Jo~hn ýe Sunday guests af Mr. and Griffin's. Mrs. E. Ben!nett re- i Mis. Carl Wiight were Miss turned home wiVh thein for a il Pearl Wright and Dr. D. Bel- visit. Lbey, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Mi. anid Mis. Fred Dayes, Wallace Holines and family, Blackstock; Mr. and Mus. Mal- Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Daltoi colm Elford, Bobbie. and Barry j Dorreil and ýfamily, Mr. and -Port Perry; Mr. George Fer- Mis. Jin Marlow and Anne. guson, Mount Forest; Mi. andj Mi. and Mis. Percy VanCamip Mrs. Jack Hendeishot, Mi. and Mms. Leslie Mountjay vis- IHaxry Ferguson, Oshawa, withi ited Mr. Leslie Mfountjay and Mi. and Mis. W. Ferguson. Mis. Bewman in Southhaven is. T. M. -Slemon visited Nursing Homne Sunday. Glad ta Mis. E. Tyers, Toronto. l'astj report a littie iinprovement in week. Mr. Mountjoy. Miss Clara Page, Toronto;i Mr. and Mis. Bruce Ashton Mis. Etta Page were visitais1 and Mr. an>d Mrs. Bert Gibson o! Mi. and Ais. Arthur Brunt.1 attended the Warden's (Mr. E_ Mi. andi Mrs.'Stanley Turner,j Oshawa, were Sunday visitoîs o! Miss Elsie Oke and, Mi. Al- bert Oke. LJ..,~ Miss Lorna Wearn andi Miss 1 t ediml 1Wi15o Ranci Watson, Toronto, were weekend guests of' Mi. andi f Mis. A. L. Wea!rn 3 Mi. and Mrs. A. Telfer, 1 IA.le to UfhlO Janet and Paul, Toronto, visit- nu ed the Wearn's on Sunday. ery adfml eeSeturday visitais with Mi. and Mis. Cameron Oke, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Clem Rahm and, family, Haydon, were Set- urday eveninig visitxrs at Mi. and Mis. Ross Sharp's. Pleased ta report Mis. R. Rowan and lier baby 4:oy are home frani Memorial Hospital, Bawmianville. Mr. and Mis. H. Stainton, Hampton, were Sunday visit. . itwith Mi. andi Mis. Leanard Q. peuple e.a*lus suthaStamnton. a Easy persn. sa llergie ta Dr. and Mis. Clark Weriy, work.» Comiu ahi be possible Toranto, were weekend visit- trons a reedical sandpoinap ors with Mr. ainsiMr&. E. A. A. Yes, ini a way. Allergy ta Weriy. effort i kind af physical ai- is. A. L. Wearna, Susan and lergy. Any doctora recentlY re- Misses Laina Weain and Honar ported such a condition in a Wtsnwî audyvsti Fart Knox, Ky., soldier. The man with C. B. Waggs ansi Mis. R. broke out in welts after indulg- Acton, 'Uxbridge. ing in' any strenuaus activity. Mi. and Mis. Floyd Pethdck Symptains were lirst noted whcn he was 14 years aid. An cininent and Robin, Toronto with Mi. specialist confirmed the diagnosis ansi Mis, S. R. Pethick. of an exerci6-type' reactian. Ai- M. and Mis. Adamn Sharp, though the man was otherwise Mr. anid Mis. Ivan Sharp and healthy bc was released froan Linde were Sunaday guest4 of military service. Truc allergy ta Mi. and Mis. Ross Sharp. effort a rare. For nicet af us ifsa Miss Elenor Leighton, Bow- just lazincas. nville, Mr. J. A. Werry, . were Sunday dannerguestao! dmk ab"duu -le0 fi!U MT. ainsi Mma.E. A. Werry. M"480; âe h.wordisUdUIDi-g Reguler C.G.I.T. meeting hIy pwludmiw precription was helsi on March 23. Kathryn s11110 la d 0<011111 Oi est and Shirley were ini charge o! fflimy 1S 0 s " iCIEoCula the worship. Oui next meet- 111111lah.ming will be March 30. W.A. Meeting The Merch W.A. meeting was MA à- R held at the home of MrsEA. Werry on T'hursdiay evening, Maîch 24tËi. Mis. G. Yeo op- ened the meeting with Motta ~3~iu~&sw!4viL~ n. Z dPffl gave the je-. Wade. t( ti tr il bi es t' by lu A.] FIRI BROSO ALrrr MEATS G I K I N G S . .-M 3 5 8 REound SekI 9 une by Ha- less lent 1a Bl- dey LOi, lite, end îii r1y, LSi- by grs. aw and rit- ily, en- tay Xa, As- ;n. ;eh, ors irs. rly M V O E ARDTHIiOE? lu case o!fire read the sentence below: laPj Io Oslo nUT <pdu;s ALSU IOm Well, I got stuck on that anc mysolf . . . s50 I just coulsin't resist passing it along! But it's no jako ta got stuck on a poor dry cleaning job. Ansi I can assure you that will nover bap- pen ta you when yau trust your dry cleaning ta us. Every pic- caution is taken ta see that your garments are returnesi ta ,you spaikling dlean ansi so!t, --as new. BOY SCOUT PUPER DRIVE FRIDAT, APRIL Ist Nowff§here! 'New Samson ite Stratford Newtonville W. I. helsi its pastponed meeting on Thursday afternoon, Marcb 24, at the home of Mis. Fer- gusan in Newcastle, with an attendance af 16 members andi thîoe visitais. President Mis. C. Brown opened the meeting ansi con- ducted the business. Mis. M. Samis, secretary treasurer, reasi the minutes, fmandial re- part, andi coriespondence. The question of election a! aificers came up, andi Mis, S. Lancaster ansi Mrs. Fergusor wore chosen as a nominating committee. Mis. Lancaster thon miovesi that the present executive, who liasi done such fine work, sheulsi be re-eleet- esi for another yeaî, and this motion was secondesi, and carried. Mis. Mlian offeresi her home for the April meeting ta be belsi an April 20, ansi there wilU ho a pot luck lunch. Mis. F. Giliner, leader a! the greup, thon took charge and called on Mis. Ormiston ta intraduce the guest speak- er. Mis. M. Wiseman, oui dis- trict prosident. Mis. Wiseman expiessed uer pleasure at being piesent, and brought greetings from tho district. She gave a veiy interesting talk, witu glean- ings froin the Toronto canyon- tian's Wodnesday round-table [iscussions, espocially the fact baet oidinamy mentheis aie th backbone of an aiganiza- tion. She tolsi o! the Austra.an "Branches of the Air" wbero te W.I, members, thougb many miles epaît, are able ta carry en their meetings through radio. There, when a uotion is ta ho votesi an, ail In favour, keep quiet. Mis. Wiseman concludesi oer taik with this aid Chinese roverb: If thore is rightoous- 055s in the heait there wili oe beauty in the character. If here is beauty in the cbarac- er there will ho harmony in îe home. If there is harmony n the home, there will ho Prder in the nation. If there is )rder in the nation, there wil )e peace in the world. RO ail-l1, "The naine a! an rish sang", showed the Pop- Laîity of these aid favouritos. Mrs. Gilmer couduotesi a ird cautest, witb the pîizo Ping te the group of four, irs. Wiseman, Mis. R. Far- vw, Miss 0. Johnston and Irs. MlCOulaugh. The hast- ss ansi ber gioup servesi a ýlicious lunch, whule all on- Dyod the social hour. The prize for the birthday earest March 17, was won y Mis. F. H-enderson andi the lkv cup prize wont ta M&-s. -Whion rh..~i' ~ ft~Xi7>--made with Magneslum the jet plane motal New, diatinctive Canadien Iuggage styled with sleek exteriors coversd in wear-resistant vinyl that reaih scuffs and scratches. Famnous Samiaonite ComfortGrip handies are shaped to fit ycur hand. Colour co-ordinated lininga In specially selected fabrics, comnplimented with handsomne exterior hues of White, Blue, Tan and Grey in Ladies' sty lea; Ton and Grey in man's styles Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Sliop a9 Kng St. B. -BOWManVIll DOOGZ PRIZE RED A» BLUE BRA» LEAN, BONERLESS Round Steak CRouNSeak lbGR6DE BUTTMER e.IL 67c BUITER lb. 67~ LEAN, FREBH Hm burg 3LFti 1.O0O STORE SUCE» BACON 16. 45C w - LEAN PEAMBALED Cottage 1b. 43c Roll FIRTH BtS NOW DELIVER WITH A SMALL SERVICE CHARGE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood of Orono, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, March 23rd. Their children and grandchildren were present for the "Open House" held at the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, wheue the happy couple received best wishes and congratulations from many friends and relatives. m t 1 t lis R. Nelson o! Northumberlandi) vational ausisted by Mis. M. J. banquet et Waiukworth, Friday Hobbs who gave the Soripture evenirg.ieading fromIn l Cointhians. Mr. Hrl Stevquson andi An- nitation was reasi from H O B dl.were Sunday guests o! bazaier andi tee on Wednesday B ee' Mr. ansi Mis Haroldi Martyn aftcrnoon, Apuil 2UtIu..1..B euN andi boys. - 4nutes were rend andi ap- Miss Helen VanCeanup sh- prpved. Rail oeil was well ans- The information anc same- awa, spsthte weekensi wit.h weresi with suggestions to aid turnes accumulates wben mak- b =er trMiM. W. W,.Va 50ut-ins. It was agreesi that ing a collection malces collec- Camp. wc give $100.00 toward duurcb ting marc interesting. Thie Motiiers' Auxlliary helti expenses. Treasuei's ieport Thore was a radio pro- their monthly meeting ait the was given by Mis. Hobbs. gramme a number o! yeais home, or! Joanly xtherThe collection for thue United aigo, I tbink, was cellesi the 2rd, ituol i oh Nations Relief Fund will ro- "01<1 Curiosity Shop". It star- preseit open for an&ffier montb. ted with the sounsi o! a doar Piesideut Flamenco Callins Mis. J. Siemon took charge of opening, thon the praprietar presidesi. Decidedti t have th~e the prograin wbich openesi wauld, apparontly in answer Father andi Son banquet, April with a piano sala by Betty to an enquiry about soinething 23id, hoping for gond weather Jane Werxry. Mis. W. A. Logan on display, tell an intoîesting andi iaads by that time. gv odru eotoitr bu o eaqie Mothers aie asked ta binggaeawneflrpr ontrybutbwh acuid ane article each for the Insti- bier tip ta Five Oaks. that particular article. tute bazaar April 13th. Bean Mis. Slemon intiaeluced thue COloecting heirloomns or bags are ta be made for the use: guest speaker, Mis. J. Van curies. with interesting stories ai thxe Cubs. Nest o! Bo'wnanville wluo gave canneotesi witb thein, coulsi Next meeting is ta b. belti a siemonsti±îton a malcing b. ai !ascinatiug hobby. If di!- April 2OtJu et Doa Martyn's. table centres ansi decorations, forent people madie this kinti We hope for a botter attend- wbicb was very :interesting. of e collection amang their ance wben duivin., conditions Mis. Slenion thankesi al who own relatives andi friends, inipiave. Meeting closesi with hiat taken part ansi the meet- ansi evon if they diti not get coffe an cooies.ing closed. with thenue sang possession o! the articles, tbey cofce ini cokis.andi prayer. coulsi write down the story andi rake note o! wbere the Lunch was served by thue article is. Saine day this coulsi gropin lrge.al ho a great source o!fima- Hampt n W ]tonial andi information foi ex- Presents Fine Newtonville like ta part witb a family beirloonu or kee'psake but they would bo pleaseti to Irish Concert WlI. Hears ko hti ol elf plao e that t oul o et The Wamen's Institute who * sned pl ace e it of. h have bougbt the stage praps D s President Ptoras onia cre o!. far. +t .p..,p ,v.P.*'Peraps aineone a alead 1- 1- - 1 1 - Il Il Il m m m m a m THE CANADIAN STATESMM. BOWMANVMLE. ONTA1:tTeb CORN ERJ Tan Dusen maklng a collection of thia sort. If so we would l1k. very much to know about iL. Tak. ing pictures of articles or aid buildings could very wiell be included ini a hobby of this kind. For information about the spring "Hobby Show and Sale" Write to Hobby Corner in care of The Cenadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, or phone MA. 3-2587 between 3.00 and 6:30 P.m. ARE ALL FUDUPI Whou hej r b"ed hy bacmacle, that tir.d out feeling or dlatul>edreat ammai1my womn« Imte Dodd'a Ktdiiçy Pill.Tisa. conditionscam b. caused by exoeaa&ci&dd aswatesain the systeinsand Dodd' a illa atioulate the kidneys =amii normal action of reinoving thea. scesa a"id and vastmen lII. seag brighter, houaework lihtel Wh, dont Pou, 100, tb7Dodd'? a uleeI eouy Cmi ak U25.00 Carl Leslis FREE