?NURSDAY MAR. 3It. 1960THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, E3Ol7hANVI=L, ONTAIO PG E tkesoa1IIla w Society Fine Young Citizens I#Ocial tWill Makep IlPhone MA 3-3303 flain j___________________Deacain Russel] C. H'ney, of Port ,miss Ruby Aldworth. Tor- so long. iHope, President of the Law Dte, spent Tuesday of last, Are you a beast that scares'Association of Northumber- ek witii relatives and friends. the little birds away, ;land and Durham todav ad- bre. Or are you a friend-at mine ývised this apr that all de- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Good- t olday? falcatioàs- suffered by clients fellow, Toronto, were Sundayi Miss Madl Wilcox, Presi- Of the former Port Hope soli- tuets of Mr. and Mis. E. V.!dent of the Business and Pr-,citor, Homer Winston Aitche- Boar, King St. East. fessional Womnens Club. hasi~ wr o en adb Mr. L. B. Nichols spent the! been chosen as a delegate toi heLwScev o pe ,weeker.c in Kingston with histhe newly formed Ontario 'Canada. sonanddauhte-inlaw Mr ICommitte for UNICEF. -M issi Mî. Aitcheson was sentenc- lan Mr. Dugls Nchos. Wilcox has madle such an Out- 'cd 10 31- veai-s in a peniten- standing contribution te, UNI- litary when hie appeared before Mr. C. W. Varcoe. Roseneath, CEF in Bowrnanville," said Magistrate R. I. Moore in Po- Was a weekend visitor wifihl Ontario Chairman Mrs. Kate lice Court in Port Hlope last bis d'aughter, Mr. and Mrs. S-1 Aitken "we need the benefit week. 'The Law Society of Up- Ëlack and famîly, Liberty! of her experience in seîîing up per* Canada, wihich is the gov- Place.th erning bodycflw rsith nte ew prcWincial organfîza-rsinth Mr. Paul Wilson and daugli-1 ion." Delegates meeting in Pravince of Ontario, disbarred - Mr. Aitcheson last year when trs Sheila and Mldred haveý Toronto on April 2nd will bce oun beae inown tusthe- , returned from a threýe-%veek the guests of Mr. Louis E. Pro- lt he oragein histusthac vaàcation at St. Petersburg, bsl, President I.O.F., the T.Icoceysalios Flanicba. Eaton Company and P e le 1! M'-,o, ~.vs ta M.and Mrs. E. N. Wooýd,iCounty UNICEF Comrnittee l Wellngtn Sîeet reurnee. sme ears ago the Law So- Weîllingto Sridatast Friday ciety set up a compensation from a nionth's vacation aI I fund to which #ýach practising ieahning. iBloodt Clinac 1awer in the Province of On- 4i ,Blo d C inic tar*rjcontributes $20.00 per Mrs. A. W. Hammond. Tor- year. From this fund the Law onfto, Mrs. Rod McKelvey, Tim- Osh:Society re-inmbLirze arn-ci;- Mina, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon In O s aw~a who hias suffercd a rnonetarv y . Martin, Town weî-e Sunday .1 loss as the resuit of the dis- visitors of Mr.-. and Mis. Har- Iliar A rl7 ihonesly of a solicitor.k old Hamniond, Town. Jhu ~rs. Apii 7 The Northumberland and 1Recent visitors with Mrs. Durham Law Association is The handsome group pictured above are thE Perey Hay-ward were Miss M. During the next few days constituted of practising law- children cf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green of Bethany, Smiith and Mis G. Forsyth, residents of Courtice, Darling- yers in the two counties. Mr. The oider boys and girls take an active part in church Oshawa; Mis. Hesper Dean, ton and Oshawa will be re- Haney saîd that this Associa- Mrs. Abert West. Mis. Raye minded of the forthcomirg tion is very pleased to an- and community affairs of that village. The eldest West, Miss Darlene West, Raye mionthly Red Cross blood don- nounce that ail proper dlaims Patricia, 14, is a 4-H Club member, a member of thE and Barry, all of Orono. or Clinic for Oshawa and aieF against Mr. Aitchesan are now Junior Auxiliary of St. PauI's Anglican Churci Mis InridConay nd r.slated for Thursday, April l- being paid from the compen-Bh adpasahm inBtayBn.Ewr Mis InridConay nd r.at Saint Gregory's Auditor- sation- fund as soon as they Beany,an lyaho iBeayBnd Ewri Bob Love Of Western Univer- ium on Simcoe Street North. are properly established -for 12, and Brian, 11, both have paper routes, play in thE sity, London, Ont., spent the An all-out drive te enroîl payment. band and Brian belongs to Cubs. Barbara Ann, 10 on Ms. Maurke Cnw ay. Missan volunteer blood donors to keep Good Friday, and Diana, 8, are also members of thE Mr.MieConway.iwa ses this vital life-saving service N w Junior Auxiliary. Heather, 6, just commenced schocl $100 prize for General Pro- out costs hias been under way N w S re last September. The wee lad with the big smile iE ficiency by Western Univers- for the lasi week and will oryaol Dwgt Pou ganm he isM . Mrityr. Roy unney n t o ifew days.heO n hlo op y Henry Rusk of Port Hope. Their paternal grandpar- 1 tr.endg th Roy wed'eing o Mis fe and65wo r oo1U e w ayents, Mr. and Mrs. Heny Green, are deceased. They twere in Kingston lasi Saturday Persans between the ae lived in Sussex, England. Their foster grandmother Vera Jansen to Mr. J'acob De- heaîth and have nai suffered I Ct t r is Mrs. Gordon Stinson of Cadmus. Vris n heFirt hrstan Rîecentîy from malaria or jaur.-1 have a rare treat in store tformed Church. Mis. Wilfrid cice can give blood saiely ale- for them. Siarting last Carruthers accomnpaied them cording 10 medical authorities. night, Mr. E. J. P. Merley Olga Cummings. awa offices cf the Red Cross discussions at the LionsH I S r i e Andrea and Richard Bell cf at RAndolph 3-2933 will dem- Community Centre ona A t S .J h 's C u c London, Ontario, have beenionsirate hew quick and easy subject about which few tI a ra ekfi hŽiecoro t ere visiting their grandmnother,lit is bo make ani appointment of us ko-ton much, twsage ekfoteth coi ofS.G re' Mrs. Harry Rice, Concessionîloi the up-cairing Clinic. namely 'philosopiy*. members of St. John's Angli- Church, Peterborough. On Street. while their parents.' The îsubject of tiiese can Church who took part in iTuesday evening Ail Saints' Mrs. Rice's daughter and son- discussions is 'Philoso- j the special Lenten Seî-vices!Churchi, Peterborough, male in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walteir pÇrhy,'u in the Mass Age", held lî-om March 111h ta 18th.,choir was in atlendance, whilE Bell were in Atlantic Ciîy. Mi H S p ak r he ilu be heîd every TeSfîgî ihpo ~ on Wednesday evening the la- anid Mrs. Bell retuî-ned here ~.1 ~ Wednesday evening, start- ronta, the Right Reverend H. des' chovii ofTheAi S'ing aL few d'ays ago an'd toclay they fLji 1)CPIC ing at 7-45, until May R. Hunt, M.A., D.D., viiidCc iited.Tesgi andthir am]yretrntO ~ "25h.St. John's Church on Friday lhg utaild erices wasfo London. ~ I l Mr. Morley'. who is ern- evening the 1llth. At a special ;hiehqLty, Sasn itigf In conjunclian wîth Canadian 'Ch.id ana T. inîtly qualified te dis- service 'lie Bishop commnission-,teLne esn Library Week. April 3rd ta iV. cuss this topie, has con- ed the Rev. Maurice P. Poole,i Following the Mission Soi. Sth.. several displays will ýbe An outstanding program ha,-, ducted reading groups Reciar of Ail Saints' Church,1 vices a Bible Study Group mel on view in local shop ,\ilndows.ibeen arranged lcr the April previously wbich have Peterborough, ta direct the in the panish hall to colsd On Wednesd'ay, April 6th.,'i61h meeting of the Home and!I aroused considerable in- Parish Mission, and also com- the Gospel according to St crafLs vl1 be on display in the Schaol Association.,being held 1 erest locally. missioned the Rev. Harvey j. Mark. On Tuesday afternoei Librarýýx',s well as paintings at 8 p.m. in the Lions Centre. Registrations for this Scuse, Rectai- cf St. George's ýMrs. Barbara Poole visited thE by Mrs. W. L. Paterson and air- 1 Mr. David C tee, a script ne gruaenwbig Church, Peterborough, as as- i ladies Of 5.1. John's Church teles from Indonesia, Africa.jwriler for C.BC.-TV and ra- j accepted by the Recrea- sisiani Missioner. ;and spoke on the meaning o ttîe Arctîc ai-d other counîries.! dio and foi- th'e past seven'ý tion Dîreetor. Mr. Dont. n i ades isîp ut I word onvoi sien as ser e"a will bc served at "~Open iyearsi lias held 1. e position ai Rigg, MA a 3335. 'in the life cf the Apostie St inone . ic-ial studies master ai To- I poîntcd oui that the Lenteni iPaul. lhouse" i teLibrarýonFî- cna eceî: Clee Season was a lime ta keep'ý day Ani 8h.2- oclck be the g-uest speaker. silence befare God. so ithat the'Mîypol eebs We recently le'arned that' i lecm aaa J V 1 people may corne near ta Hin i making ibis important occa- ?Ars W. L. Paterson. Conces- M. Ceecam t Caad. m -' and renew their strength sion a real'ly wori'hwhile one ion St., well-kniown for her inpior t his peetta he Gospel af aur Lord and. and toa ah the ladies, the Guilà artistie talent, is an embryoiapoeto he îaught i al- Ir Saviaur Jesus Christ. Bishop Guildettes, the Aftern'oon and writer as well. The flecemberiburton and Forest. Hill. He, Hunt urged the people, ev.en veing Branhens for prc isue of "The Quarteî-lv*'. Pub-lis a noted ½ritcr of sotsa- (Conlinued frum page one) though -their lives arc quitc iigrfesmnsfr1 lished by Ontario Northland îsfi hide'-sr t ree. hi mgh o men and a fully occupied, ta different occasions, especial Transportation Limitecicon- writer fir TV school sri*a fIp$1t(i)ailteerl thevisibng paes, ince boc-10 e aplrprya, Missioni Services, if they would gratc-îulness is expîesse' tained the firsi cf a twlo-parl 'casts: foundex- of Junior Ma- *utpedjple in the LibertylaUiiafcs a hi c- Ti'ekaItesrnt article. "Foobloose on James lgazie and resuonsible for the Street aeahave t aso pav sponsibilities and duties as eninig of the spiritual lives of Bay" by Mrs. Paterson. Sec- IMickcv - Moust- Club pro- for froniage anci sideage on members of the Christian the iinembers of St. John's ond portion of the article, bas- gramimes. From the University 'the street under Local lin- Church. Ini an age cf uncer-: Church will long be spoken of ed on hier experiences during'aI Wales he holcis a Bachielor pravement,- the Bowmaliville taintv il is the daily faith af and i-emembered. The adven- a vacation in the James Bay cof Science and taser-cf Sc- R.P.A. presideni siated. teCrsin xeine ytr fCrsinFihh aiea last Sommer, appears iii ence Degrees andi from Toro>:Que meînbe'- askcd howi prayer and penitence, thai can 'Proved most worthwhile. the March edition. lt- University hielhas obtained sideage could be classed witil give thai inner security fram Although confined te bed his B.A. and General Arts de- frontage. He added thalt te which- the Christian draws recently by an illness. utie ies. tpefrti etn storm sewer does net go past isrength as a living part cf A d eight-year-old Donald Huglies, will le."Your Child and the srehande, herelies o aseve îs'sBd, h huc. Std e son of Fred and Lillian Hugli- TV" and he will welc-ome y treet, an therHe is nt event Foiwn teSric os, Toronto, and grandson oflq oesions. adthIee esae ht ooigteSrieare Mis. George Pritchard.M. urTowneaon,,rc-at the time cf publication cfiception was heid in the Pai. - ceve kei i md civlyTwn: M usic forBaowmanilethe notices only froniage con ish Hall foi- Bisliop andi Mrs.ýe eie kethsmn cieyenag- toc i. fmscf 'B'AmaiilLiberty Street was menîioned. Hunt on ihis their firsi visit hI er ri cd and wrote Rie following Publie Schools, will have hiF He asked if the work on Lib- ta the Parish cf Bowîn'aiivill e. poem: THE SNOW ~special Girls' Choir in attend- erty Street road is toaiaso be Aise at the reception were the K lhM m ra THE NOWance and parents are urged 10 chaî-ged against the Liberty Rev. M. P. Poole, and Rev. H. On Sunday, March 2011' Oýh snew thaýt blows ail d+rs h-eicb 1f +lýAis date--T anc. take ad - weeali te+jr-n srv c i S lasked. If was asseriteci tha, ors and thie teachimîg staff. _____ _____i Liberly Street residents were Mesevcslîl a ie -R t wors offtha belre, imaing for the ciîildrciî were cen- te an -al vateoff. b ,thusiastically attetided witiî (Co îîinued fr am page one) Mad ioedExtoff, ge about 80 pesent at each ser- James Bell, Bowmanvile, MadeExta Lrge vice. Mr. Scuse verM ablv in- manager cf the local brandi REM uBuIrl CHRISTIAN Mrs. Wilson remindcd the structed, wilh the aid af Ca- ofthte Bank of Monîreal, was laudience that liiose present at ihedral Fîlmstrips, thie Story presemît ai the meeting and the astTow Coueilmeeing f te Lfe o Jeus.discusscd matters of finance woulca recaîl that Mayor Wil- fridCaruihrs led aidtha The nmain Mission Service,. and debenture selling with ScuogStret Bwmavilethe Liberty Street sîormn se w-: were well attended each even- the counicil. Seugg SteetBownanvile ing with an average attend- There was a discussion of or had been macle extra large se thatith couid take care o ance of over 100. The happy the Dog Controi B.y-làw, and future drainage from sub-di- feature by bliose who attend- i was uiîanimously decided vison ad 'ed the services was that. the ta doler the matter ta the viin ndohe tat U greater nuniber of the same next meeting of council ta teope cme or lieLx nabe fnthr sudyprii t % ORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. Englisb feeder streets sliould aiso eopecm o h nbefrhrsuyp rt s hare in the special cost. nights. Mr. Poole presenied makîng several amendm-nnts. EVENINlG SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. Dutch 1 S .If a 12-imicn drain is the mess3ages with great depth an After consideration cf ton- sîze normally used, Liberty such subjects as Security, Ac- ders for gravel a contraci was Sunday School immediately after 1 Strcet residejîts slîould onlv i cepiance, Pra.vper. Guilt ana awarcled ta the Highway Con- have ta pay I ,r a 12-inch iForgiveness, Our Worries and structian Company, Limited, Sunday morning service, size, not the 36 inches there Christ's Peace. Each message with the praviso that crushing now because of future needs lefi a greatimipression and is ta be completed >y July lis. o f other parts of the aiea," impact on the listeners. Seven tenders were recoiv- Mr. Hannan said f irmnly. He! WM. Scuse was verv adeptied regarding a grader. Theý suggested that $1 per foot of and capable in leading the ,ceuncil sbudicd the offers and ~ T Go fur" Bradcst frontage would be reasonable1hymn singing. 'interviewd representativsof g'-' 3 an. Suuay 1 streets also paying etthRej the services, St. Johns choir,'dered. The matior will b. dis-. CKLB ~ t eerysamne rate, and the additionatýworc in full attendance et cussed further ai the meeting 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB 'difflerence beîween these four of Rie services. whie on cf Darlington Township, 1,rates and $3.50 couid ho splît the Monday evening the con- Council ta> ho held on Thur&-, between the lwo grofpa. ', gregation were ably led by day afternoon. ÀA&ril 7tb. 1 HOSP t«l M1* . L.W. ippeliand Mrs. Hospno. ruce Mutton were the ush- ers. Those wio assisted in *~ .Userving were: MIs.- W. A. B I*r J..oy Courtney, Mrs. Jacob Uitvlugt, Mrs. John Regan. Mrs. B. L. Burk, Mis. Keith Siemon, (Contmnued fromn page one) Mrs. W. Van Belle, Mrs. Har- cloth, centred with an exqui- old Lake, Mxrs. C. W. Trewin, site arrangement of massed IMis. F. H. Kooy and Mrs. G. yellow daffochls and mauve Witvoet. iris in a silver bowl, and light- 1Mis. 'Harold Gibson, _Mrs. ed by yellow and mauve ta- ij j* Brown, Mrs. Aubrev pers in two taîl three branch- 1Srnith and Mrs. Everett Hoar ed silver candelabra. Ireplenished. Those in charge The tea tables were charm-!of the sandwiches and cakes ingY arranged. HaIf of the tea were Mýrs. Stanley MeMurter, tables were eovered with yel- Mrs. Tom Rehder, Mis. Reg- low cloths and had mauve inald Cranip and 4ifrs. O. J. serviettes. The others had Presson. mauve cloths and yellow ser- viet.tes. Ail were centred with a crystal candlestick with a mauve, or yellow. taper sur- T p rounded by tiny dainty flow- w l ers with a contrasting gauzy ' butterfly. MeetIng Is. W. M. Rudeil, assisted by Mi.yAbrey Smith, was (Continued from page one) thie decoration convenor. They were congratulated bv every- the situation, as thcy as well one for the cxceptionalîy' love- as the council must accept the ly resuiýts of their work. dictates of the Municipal Mrs. A. G. Scott, Mrs. R . G. Bad Oowie, Mrs. Evereft Hoar, and After a lengthy discussion Mrs. Wallace Holmes were in Of the proposed changes, most charge of registrations. At Of the Planning Board and1 the donation table Mrs. George Council members agreed, that Young and Mrsj.~ Duncan the proposais are conistructive Smith were in charge. ideas and the present severe Mrs. Wesley Cawker and restrictions are false economy. Mrs. Leonard Hooey presided However. a few members were at the Tuck Shop table. Mrs. stilîl unable to cornprehlend W. M. Rudeil was in charge the significance of eit'her the of the table where pretty hanci present predicament or the knittcd b9otees were dîsplay- Ratepayers' recommendations. ed. A pair of bootees are to be Aý public meeting will be given to each baby born in called in the near future and Memorial Hospital. Ôn this interested parties are urged table a life size baby doîl to attend. Council was reques- served as a model for the at- ted tu investigate the possibil- tractive knitted articles. ity of having a minimum as- Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, the pub- sessment, as the present way licity convenor; was in charge Of taxation is outmoded and of the display of gift station- unfair to many, while others ery and cards. She was also are flot carrying a fair share convenor for the draw. The Of the load. t was agreed, winner of the delicious cake1 that more open discýussions made and iced as a replica of lshould take place than was a yellow lamb with a mauve the practice formerly. iribbon around its neck was.L t is possible, though at this IMrs. H. Ferguson. The attrac- jpoint uncertain, that if a de]- tive cake was baked by Mrs.,egation of Planning Board, M. L. Roenigk. Council and Ratepayers were1 Wives of Mejuorial Hospital itt approach the Municipal staff doctors, Mris. H. B. Run- Board, a more realistie solu- dle, MIrs. V. H. Storey. Mrs. lion might be arrived at. In i W. H. Birks, Mrs. Ailan B3.1an -v event the Association wilI - Sylvester, Mrs. H. Fergusoil, 1 not cease its efforts in oppos-i and Mrs. L. S. MRikios, presid- ling th~e zoning by-law in itsi ed over theteacups. ___present state. =ribmvyraryand eiior a c 8,667 Volumîes The library at the end o&Ê W eek 1959 had a total of 8,667 vol* umes, and new books are b. (Continued from page one) ing added each month. Thé many fascinating books la the growth of xnerbership since Junio Lîbary.Association set-up to a free- An Arttel Display publie library in March, 1957, A highlight of the Wednes- moviflg into attractive quar- day afternoon and ev'ening ters in the former post office event, April 6, willb te building in March, 1958, h»c ArctiecUdsPlay. A number of been startling. paintings of the Jamies Bay Increased Membership area by local artist Alice Pa- 1n19 60 there are more thaiv terson will be on view, and four times as many aduit Dr. Doris Tremeer will be at members-567 compared with her spinning wheel, demon- 129 in Apr. 1957. And juvenxile strating the spinning of hair membership has jumped frorn fromn the Samoyed dogs which 85 n Aril 1957, to the thrill- she and her husband Fred ing number of 778 in 1960. In raise at Norwood Place. One the one room which the libra-_ of the beautiful Aretic dogs ry occupied for 55 years in wîll accompany Dr. Trerneer the Town Hall. the children and she wil show a variety had only one section of books of articles made from the because there wasn't room for wool. <You read about bothja ny more. Now they have these women and their hob. their own librarv wîth lots of bies in recent issues of Cha-radnromscead207 telane mgazie.)books. One Saturday morning, Souvenirs of North recently 104 books were 15s- Also in the Canadian Arct'r sued to juvenfle members. disp)lay will be souvenirs of Membership and circulation the North brought back by figures show that Town Coun- the Rev. A. C. Herbert and cils judgment in sanctioning Mrs. Herbert who rninistered the free library set-up and to the Eskimos for 16 years provicling new quartors has at Port Harrison on the' easL beena amply justified. Bowv- coast of Hudson Bay, Pangnir- iranville Rotarv Club mnade a tung on Baffin Island, and Es- 1 wonderful contribution by fi- kimo Point on the west coastI nancing and taking charge of of Hudson Bay. t the renovating, decorating and Another interesting display frihi fteros will be of South African sou-1 Bowmanville can and should venirs belonging- to Mirs. Bow- be proud of the present libre. er, and driftwood sculpture ýry, which had its beginning* from the collection of Orvillei over a centurýy ago with a Osborne will be on view. Mechanics' Institute in 1856. This is your library. ûei Indonesian Articles land enJo.y it. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Rinl< are bringing from their home in Courtice a. numiýber of fas- cinating articles from the' Dutch East Indies (now In- donesia) where they spent 26 I- years. Open House On Friday Open House on Fridaya- ternoon, April 8, will afford an opportunitv to inspecý, ' aduit and junior libraries. Mrs. Margaret Arnott. head of ,iý Home Economnics Departmcnt --- of the High School, and sev- eral of her students will serve tea and cookies. Corne and see i______________ Gel WMPOLEFxtu l 'DA We Deliver Your Local I.DA Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 w TRURMAY. MAR. 31st. 1960 PAGE SEVEW