PAGE E!GHT and parley causes ne pmople into autronamical heighta of success in as strong as *ver it was. 1 gues I had seen ton .0 many 'baz beens' try for à il lITcomebeck to worry much 1/ Vjy ~ about risking a bet on Pros- III> My Intuition should have Y;, Vwarned me though, that 1 hanttaken into aceôunt thei constant suggestion Col. Pr-~ ker had made In hi# pros e 13Y DO Offly ARKENleases. He- played up the oact, that this young men, at the 1 amnot s a ule wagr. to y arso service in Ger- height of bis career had bien! big waman. but being female 1 many. And what la more o pled tsrhe couintrUp !tid it bard to resst betting aarilng to nie, It jant tintHeor al itheascomptlsoer th recently an what I consider- teenagers who are clamouringfo litws orhvete ad a sure thing. John Pinck- and screaming every timeentire two years. He know riey, editor af the Rosetown Presley putt in a public ap- female emational nmachanisai Saskatchewan weekly news- pearlince. It 15 womeil In aSeter than I de apparently, paper, andI couldn't agree o much aider g bracket. i or he was banking on build- t.he power of the press and I saw my wager takîag ng an image of great sacri- t.he worth of a press agent.,wings when I tuned in a radio fice and staggering nobility John contended that El visprogram luIn- y hotel roonns htwe hshmngl Presley wouid have a Gold' while awaîtîng train connec-1mine was discbargod, it would Record within six months ýtions on route home from the:start producing immediately. j after bis discpiarge froni the 'casterui coast recently. In the! What ails women onyway?' United States Army. My ron- background I could bear a You neyer see picturea af min soning was that nothing la baby coolna while the Emcee or boys pusbinx and bolier- deader than a torgotten idol. of a prograni called "Ladieq' mg, uha h n nn Not even a powerful presàUboice" received a telephone of London Bobbies holding could resurrect hie popularity eall in response to his query, back a surge of femininlty in my opinion. "Do you think Elvis Presley when Ton yArrmtrong-Jones Now I quiver In mny boots, eaun make a corneback?" Mo- escorted hL fiancee, Princes for evidently Col. Tom Parker. ther of the infant, probably a Margaret, to the ballot a weok the lod's agent nnd part owri- former swooning teenager atter the announcemnent pi er, has done a perfect job of when Elvis was at the height their engagement. Surely keeping the gyrating, guitar of bis popularity, was confi- whiole nations of women can't plavng coone on is rock dent he could. She evIdentýv be so maladjusted biologfical. nplng rooer fl, ept hadn't lost ber allegiance to1.y that they seek eot~ianal býis appeal, even though m-irelease lu snch Idio'tic beha. mance had bloomned and mi.>- vlour. Is it mass hysteria, or 'o.had corne into ber just plain exhibitionism? Is it FAST R LIEF OR'lîe while ho booted it ou.t sex or sensationaflsm? Il 'lI'nre program fascinsted me. wben this almiost aninialistic ten women called the radio ent mi rock and roUl sessions, stati<n. They ranged in age, where youtb bas been Iu the mjud'ging from their voices, be- majority among spectators. *tween their early twenties to. They are notorlous bero wor- PA IN If their answers are any cri- the grandmothers are swoon- terion of the poptiIarity the ing now! youuig mari wil! again ata n,1 I' sending what's left of - I might as v'ell begin savingrmy bank roll west. I want ta pennies in my piggy bank ta buy space in Pinckney's es.- psyoffmywagr.teemed weekly to ralse fuuidsb Ii li think my argument i'for a home for the few af us KIN U MINW was ouind. do't o ancfemales who bavèn't succumb- netdisparage th ih ed. There miust be something f 0of publicity of any kind, orjwrong with us. Who knows, ? e4 ý zJ 1 tlc ,JS a ,,,,ofs ,J . we ayooosnnc an- -My editorial awareness of - ý'ability to sway publie opini VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QUALITY . FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA CLEARANCE ai The Caiadian SialeS NEW PORTABLE TYPEWRIT AND NEW OR USE ADDING MAC 2 REMINGTON BUIET-Il (Elite Type) Regular $137.50 SALE PRICE $91 o 1 REMINGTON OFFICE-] (11" Carrnage Pica Ty] 't SALE PRICE $ u i EINGTON OFFICE-I (13" Carrnage - Pica Tyl Reular $ 149.50 Regular $139.50 SALE PRICE $1039 1 RENIGTON ADDING N Reg"lar$145.00 SALE PRICE 1l02 Mxe~r4uu a6 ING ST. W. A phase of the crippled children's services, just as important as the actual diagnosis of the child's condition is the instruction of the parent an how ta handle these children. Shown above are parents waiting with their children ta talk ta the doctor, nurse and therapist at a travelling clinic. These clinics are financed through Easter Seal contributions. The aninual Easter Seal Campaign, which runs until April l7th, has a provincial objective of $850,000. is stitutional care. io K___________ HeIp Crip pied Ch lidren (neddfor last week) R tion attended the negular ser- ef n Pik E v l pNo vice at Kedron au Sunday. Rev. R. H. Lave used as bis of the Northumberland and more and more these dsys as sermon theme "The First of the late James Brown of New- Durham Health Unit gave an the Onitario Society for Crip- Christ's Miracles". Soloist was castle. WIuen a child wiuo lives fan pied Children, along with the M.Fe ese hsag Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, Mr memnbers of some 222 service Mr. Fret D u e t".wBosan r. .F Wr attend-:from any large oriihopaedic clubs througbout the province, kets of flowers iu memnory of ed the funeral service last rentre 15 crippled and cannot sponsor more of the unique the late Donald Smiith lent week ofi the late Mrs. Bert walk ta a clinic because o! mobile cilinies in which the their beauty at tht altar. FC>ster, formerly Edith Pear- polio, cerebral palsy or an lu- doctons, nurses and equipment The Officiai Board met on don, wba for several years jury through accident, he is go as close ta the young pa- March 2lst iu Kedron Lower made ber home with the H. flot forgotten. As a matter of tients' homes as possible. Hall. Sacrament o! tht Lord's F. Werry family. fact be 15 being soug<bt out Financed by tht Easter Seal Supper will be celebrated enl Mr. and Mrs. Clarence We-Cmagtelnisrehd April lûth when the new ry altended the memorial ser- o! tht program and gave a in a hospital-if the town is mnembers w2lI bc received i vice in Toronto on Sunday af- humorous reading, "My7 Fi- large enough-bu't have been a bref ervce f cofira- ernon fr te lte rs. ancaI arer".heldf quite suocessful lu coni- a bre! ervce f cofira- ennon fr te lte rs. ancal artr".munity centres, town halls and tion. James Southcornbe, formerly Miss Flaxmnan,,healtb nurse other buildings. For several Many Kedron iriends at- Margaret Washington. interesting talk on "Health". years large numbers of crip. tended thte mnial service John K. Glover of Strathroy A film on "Social Develop- pied children-soanetimes as for tht late Donald Smith o! visited' bis parents Mr. and ment" was shciwn and a ques- many as 100 a day-have been Columbus. and the service 1fo iVrs. J. Gkver, on Saturclay tion and answer period fol- exarnined by specialists in this and with'them attended th.- lowed tht film wi'tb many type of portable clinic ai Tam- funeral o! Donald W. Snmith. helpful answers. Miss Norah mins, Cochrane, Kirkiand Horn played a piano solo Lake, Haliburton, Sault Ste. Many Kedron friends paid wbich was much enjoyed. Marie and many other cen- tribute to the memory o! tht ,trs *S A L E C a Lusar of Thtdmaeeting Queen" and Whefl a day and place are Toronto, and mother ai Mrs. lun.-h served by Mrs. Farrow esaefrs andl'aio ttlocal RH.Lv.and Mns. Luke and conrmitteenespesadriottos the absence o! Mrs. Gerald usually advertise tht details. Frank C. Lee was a recent Balson, lunch conveno*r. Doctors within a 75-mile ra- visitor wi'th Mr. and Mrs. Max dius are a]erted and send ne- Ballard af Lucknow. The next meeting will be gistration cards so that crip- Apnil 13th, wîth 1&s. Gerald plled kîddies wisbîng to at- Mrx. and Mlrs. J. H. Pascot, Balson in charge, assisted by tend might do so thnougb Mn. and Mrs. Grant Pascoe Mrs. Don Adcock and Mrs. their famiiy dactors. and Douglas were gues'ts of Wifni4 Smale. I a transportation pnoblem Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Scott, Columibus, ai a family party --- Mrs. H. L. Pascoci, E 1< ~who recently celebrated ber Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, Frank C. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. -'. . . . . . H. A. Worry were amvng Fni- r day dinner guests o! MT. and Mz's. Bert Luke, Toronto. LEMr. J. H. Pascoe and Ms r, ~~~H. Croasman, were among the hit ~ *.. V EN prize-winners at the St. Pat- " rick's Bridge beld by tht Hospital Auxiliary on Wed- LITERSnesday. IITERSAbout 20 Holstein farmers from Prince Edward County visited at the farms ai Rob- ert Flett, and Harold and Ron Werry on Friday. >0 CASH Fine Program CASH Presented at lITER Hampton H&S 'pe) The Hampton Home and Sebool Association met Wed- ..« nesday, March 9, wîth Presi -- dent Mrs. Coutts present. Thte meeting apened by singing "0' Canada" with Mrs. Percy iDewell at the piano, followed ~ -. by the Lord's Prayer. ~ -.... - 00 CASHThe minutes of tht Febru- ary meeting were read. Let- ~ ters o! appreciation were read - ---- ------Dil- froni Harry Adcock and Mrs.VitrDlx RITER ~~~~Prescott. A lte a eev lIA LEed fnom tht chairmnan oi Ru- pe) ral Sehools at Woodstock in- e) foringn tht a mobile libnary TM TO CALL IN AT YOUR VAUXHALI le available. A letter fnom the Ontario Medical Association stating thart wo cari get films for progranus. LOOK OVER TH BEST CARS IN THEIR C It la hoped that soveral Lama -wil attend tht convention in -0 0 - CASHToranto,. AprIl 20 and 2 1. Edu- CA Hcaton Week 14enouragecl; PARE THEM VALUE FOR VALUE, WITH teachers and be interested i your children's educaition. ACHIN at ~IN THEIR FIELD. IXERE NEYER WAS Miarcb 24tb, frani 2:30 te 4:00 p.m., At tht New Schoal Mon. T O JI A X IL A U day, March 28th, from, 2:30 ~ T ON T E V U H L A U ta 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Hall's room won the ,&0 0 CASH attendance prize witb 14 par-- Sey ents present. The treasuren's report was given by Mrs. Kil- Ip lens. The door prize was won by Miss Kellar. RBO lens wene appointed ta buy a , t schoolr Uic 166o KingStE o 7-