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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1960, p. 9

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TRV1ISDAY. APRIL 7t.h, 1960 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMAZiV~LLI, OHTA8IO PAGE ~m<U Many DeIe gales Attend (eWL Regional Meet Here Deïeaîe.s tram Peterbor.. giVeri by Mis. Bradger, toldIgether towards the goal of g«M Cbuguatn ado h sale of Christmas tad heaven. ort Hlope attended the Re- and calendars, gifts and treats: Complex probleni's resuit- glanai meeting of the Cath- for hospital patients, doils ing frein different phases ob O11e Woren's Leazue held ini dressed and ratfled, the earthly life contrent every- St. Joserh's Hall., Bowman.. Christmas pet-luck supper, one todlay, the speaker stated. ville, on Wednesday evening, donations to the Holy Name He explained that experts on March 'Oth. The session was Society and tô the Brewnies, ail aspects et lile will be the opened with a prayer by the the provision of altar liriens. speakers during the corning Most Rev. Benjamin Webster, a mother and daughter ban- conference next autumn. Atter D.D., Biý','hop of Peterborough, quet, Communion Breakfast each address the delegates the soir, tual direçcù,r of the and a turkey dinner on St. wIll divide into groups et 10 ergz;n..-at;on. Patrick's Day. to discuss these subjects. Dur- Present Annual Reports Expresses APpreciation ing these informai werkshop Mrs.. Galipeau, the Re- The Diocesan presizîenit, r discussiopis suggestions may be gional Chairman, called on the O'Toole, Peterborough, tixank- made, ideas presented, and Sub-Divi'rîon presidents to ed the Regional director and questions asked that will be present their annual reports. chairman, Mrs. Gallipeau for xcraae i h eota Mrs. Stewart Chishoim, Bow: preparing the meeting. She each grouip at the follewlng inanviLe, said that the local also eicpressed thaniks to Rev. meeting, Father, Coughlin CWL had held a day of spir- F. K. Malane and the Bow- sad Is bdt Action Itua] reparation, also a Coin- manville CWL for effering The importance ot implem- mnunion Breakfast on Novein- the new St. Joseph's Hall for enting the inspirations receiv- ber &th. She told of the re- the Regional Meeting.edtaSoilLeCner codd talk on the miracles of Father Malane, parish priest enoe was emphasized by Ris Fatima %vhich, was gziven at a of St. Joseph',- Roman Cath- Bishop Webster. recert meeting, and of the ex- olic Ohurch, introduced the He pointed eut that a person cellent speakers who had been special speaker, Rev. T. V. could be well informeti and beard at other meetings. Coughlin, assistant at the skilled in the doctrines ot Mrs. Chisholm also spoke Church et the Immaculate the church, yet stili accom- of the Open House held in Conception, Peterborough. plish littie, if not tervently Julie, the Membership Tea In Christian Family Apostolate inspired ta take action. the autumn, and the CWL's , Christmas party. She spoke etf "The Christian Family Apos- Report on Discussions the provision et milk and bis- tolate'I will be the theme of~ Bishop Webster asked the cuits for the Religiaus Suin- the Regional Social Life Con- ladies present at the meeting mner School, the Christmas ference te be helti in Peter- ta divide into groups et 10 'baskets distributed, and cloth- borough ini October, Father and have a discussion on dif- lng donated ta the needy. A Coughlin said. He eicplained ferent questions taken froin Bazaar wvas held in the fali, that at the saie tinie as this the Sudibury publication ot there have been several bake three day conference will be the last annual conference. sales,, a monthly euchre, and helti in Peterborough, one will H~e asked that after 20 min- a sale ot Christmas cards and be held in Charlottetown p. utes one mreinber ot each religlous calendars were alsa E.I., one in Iegina anti one in group give a report to the undertaken, the president re- Banff. meeting. ported. She also told ot the Delegates frein ail over On. Interesting, practical and mnass cards that had been -tarie wlll attend the confer- inspirlng reports were atter- àrnt, andi ot the flowers and ence in Peterborougha which wards presented by the fol- cards for the sick. - wiII be held in St. Peter's lowing on behaîf etfgroup The report for the Cobourg High Sehool. The numnber ot menibers: Mis. Bernar R. CWL was presenteti by Mrs. delegates will be limitedti t Kitney, Bowmanville, Mis. G. Leonard. Religious articles andi 800, and each parish will have M. Linton, Orono, Mis. Wil- 280 pountis et clotl-ing were a quota, Father Coughlin ex- triti McLean, Bowmanville, sent ta the missions. A large plaineti. Mrs. Thomas Pointer, Port quantity et useti stnmps aiso For the last seven years Na- Hlope, Mis. Burney, Cobourg, sent to the Redemptarist Or- tional ocial ont erences have and Miss Muriel Agnes Dob- der, Mis. Leonard said. She been helti annually. There son, Cobourg. rcported on visits matie te the were 1,400 delegates at the Bishop Webster thanked sick, gifts and cards sent hos- one helt int Sudbury in 1959, Father MValane andi the memi- pîtal patients, recitations et ant i t is.exipecteti that through bers et the Bowmanville CWL the rosary, anti guartisoetlhon- the four regional conferences for their hospitality. He coin- our. Donations were madle te be helti across Canada this plimenteti them on their beau- the Cobourg Hospital anti the year possibly 3,000 tielegates tiful new parish hall, and ask- Girl Guides, spiritual bou- wil benefit, anti the resuits cd ail te pray for the success çuets were matie by the mem- will spreati eut through thein et the coming conference. bers, anti gifts were made toanaad reach an even greater Following the meeting a de- the Sisters of St. Joseph, the nuniber et people, the speak- licieus lunch was serveti by Children's Aid Society, and er asserteti. the members et the Bownian- te Golden Plough Lotige for AIm la To Reach Heaven ville CWL. Mis. Jack Browni the ged "A ciizes o ths wrldwas fthe convenor. The lace the ged."Ascitiens t tis wrldcovereti serving table was cen- The Port Ilope CWL report aur afin is ta reach heaven, tred with a beautiful arrange- b>ut in the meantime we must ment of yellow chrysanthe- FINE QUALITY live on carth. We are not an- musanti ligixtet by tal MIONUMENT8 AND gels but human beings. We yellow tapera in silver cantile- MARERShave a dual nature, spiritual sticks. Mis. John Regan and MARKERSand physical, a soul and a Mrs. Bernardi R. Kltney, bath a"f Ol ntvaP body. While our primary con- ps presidents et the local .~ e ~cern is aur immortal sOlCWL. presitied over the tea ai mst TAFFORD htheanti cotte cups. STFOD body, therefore we must be ________ eRýOFXBROS. realistic about temporal affairs and pressures that they may MA L be propcrly integratet itta unuGR VEr .#a.AoiW our spiritual lite, "Father &d~fr Coughiit told the CWL mem- Mr. and iNs. Charles Dick- bers, son, Torontoa, were wcekend Stfford Bros. Dutles snud Responslbilitles guests with Mr. anti Mis. Har- Re spoke et the importance rY Windsor anti fumily. Nonumeual Wo of Ï?aIiy units, and of the Misses Bonînie Beecix and Di-. each member ot a family. Each WM.S. Service at Enrilakillen 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby has contributions te make to on Suntiay evening. Phone Whltby ' the welfare et the athers, hie Mr. anti Mis. Will Ashton, MOhawk 8-3552 saiti. A uniteti tamily has the Enniskillen. were Sunjcbay tea __________________great benetit ot working ta- gucats et Mr. and Mrs. Clifforti Fer Dest IResuts . . . Tii? OVEC 11E BRIDE 16 WALLY GI VIN AWA'V &Y HiR FATI4ER. T14HE GROON I VI WMIS KNEESP Automatic CAR WASI- The car w&-sh that gives y blit cleamIns wax fiit LUBRICATI01Y 011 CHANGE CAR WASU VISK TIRES an, BATTERIES I Be Prepared.. for Spring Thaws OIea tty SUMP PUMP ALREADY WIRED-FOK INSTALLATION #ONLY s4495s Wo' al"e carry complete lime of Plastic Pipe and Fittings for above. SMcGregor Hardware Limited MA 3-3386 s. :swul±uw. Recent visitera with Mrs. E. C. Ashton anti Mr. ant iMs. Gordi Beech wcre Mis. Stan- ley May, Mi. anti Mr. Fred BilletI, Douglas antiJin, Tom. enta; Mis. Ira Travdil, Osh- awa; Mr. ani Mia. Stewart Rodiai, Mr. anti Mis. Carl Grahamn, Scugeg Islandt; Mr. anti Mr. William Bragg. Janet, Allen anti Barrie, Providence; Mi. anti Mrs. Ramry Lammer anti Doree% ,South Monaghan; Mr. and Mis. 0. C. Ashton, Lois anti Charles, Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Ashton, Claie anti Do- uglas, Enniskillen. Mis. Rarry Windsor enier- taincti 11 littlc ladies ta han- aur et hem tiaugihfejrBetty, wha celebrateti ber 101h blrthtiay on Saturday aflernoon. MaPle Grove Unitedi Churcix service was conducteti by mcm- bers ot Uic Womcn's Mission- amy Society an Sunday. The guest sp3eaker, Mrs. Haroldi Hare, Whitby, took as ber theme "Feeti My FlockIl. Shle gave an, iateresting atidress Iouching on Mîssioniary work in Jerusalein, Palestine anti other far-off places of interest. Mrs. Charles Greenham anti Mis. Steve Doyle assisteti with thc service. Misses Dianne Hoar anti Bannie Becch sang a duel anti the choir rentiereti an anîhein, witih organ accoin- paniment by Mis. William La- irdi. This Sunday will be Com- munion Sunâday at Maple Gra- ve Church. Mr. ami Mrs. Mantord Gooti- murphy visiteti hem tather, Mr. Leoniarti Hindinan, who is a Patient ta Oshawa Gencmal Hospital. on Tuesday evening. UlWe NeedToule,"Cirele Thxe "Wc Neeti You" Cjircle met at thc home of Mis. Neil Browaiell on Thursday evenin-g with President Mis. Clifford Swallow ta charge. lIfthe absence et Mrs. J. Cunningham, Mrs. William 0'- Neil Sr., reati the Secretary's reports anti rail eaU showeti 10 members present, including anc new member. Membership tees were collecteti andi reports et different suppers calereti were given. Net profits on thc Iurkey supper wcre $396.60, the basebail dinner $110.48 anti Uic SI, Patrick's supper $165.63. MThe worship service was con- ducteti by Mis. C. Greenhani, Mis. S. S. Marlon anti Mr. Howard Crydermen with an Easlcr theme. Mrs. Grecniham openeti the service with Uic lit- any andi Mr. Morton reati frein Scripture. A pacin "Mary Magdalcne" was reat iby Mis. R. Cryder- main. The meeting closeti witi the Mizpah Benediction. A 1ev- ely lunch was serveti by Uic hostess. The nexî meeting wil be helti at thec home et Mra. J. R. *Metcalf. A MmafutOttawa Repèrt OTTAWA-Back ta September, 1958, Prime Minister John Dieenbaker turned his back on the CF-105, Canada's tastest and most expensive plece et military hardware, anti peinted the nation's detence pollcy itt the missile age. lInte the discard wcnt $400,000,000 wortli et research anti developinent, anti eut li- stead went an ortier for $125,000,000 worth et shin)y new Bamarc missiles, semi-automatic ground envireaiment directional equipinent, andi aew gap-tllling radars te plug holes in our continental air detence network. The switch brought cries et anguish tram tic Canadien aircraft tatiustry, and immeti- iate uncmployment in a vital sector et the economy. Il was a decision, howevcr, that had te be matie sooner or later, andi Canadiens looketi hopefully for a sane and sensible miti- twenticth century tietence policy at last. Despite the immense saving which re- sulteti tram Uic scrapping of the Arrow, however, detence costs have remainet i hgh -the highest of any brarich of gaverninent, eating up 25 cents et every dollar that flows miat the treasury aI the rate et $100,000,000 a wcek. Anti wherc are we today? We have - or aI this stage, plan te have -an anti-aircratt missile that has yet te pass a single test. We have aime squatirens et eighî-year-olti sub-sonic jet tigixters te guard the home front, anti an air division in Europe that bas aiew strike-reconnaissance alrcraft on eider. T~he army, 50,000-strang, has been swung over largcly ta civil defence duties, since the day et Uic foot-slogger secins ta be over. The navy is pursuing the specializeti art et submarinc-hunting, li collaboration with the air force. Capital ships and submarincs re- main beyend our financial rcach. And ta- day, 18 months ater the fatetul decision te eut back on Uic Arrow (it was finally killeti in Fcbmuary, 1959) andi the ativent et the Bomame, defence Is again aI thc crossroads. The plain tact is that we just can't afforti to defenti ourselves ta Uic style te whlch we would like te be accustameti. A tew miles te Uic south, we have a glant ncighbom who is reatiy anti willing te take over Uic job. But thxe price et this aid anti support is the loss et oui national iticnîity on Uic battletielti, andt tesaie extent Our sovcrcignty over oui own meal estate. Canadien governments, bath 'Liberal anti Conservative, have been treading this tight- rope ever since the Second Worlti War. The advent et the atomie bomb pointed the way, anti the simultaneous arrivai et the Inter- continental ballistlc missile and Russia's Sputnlk faceti us squarely with Uic dilemma. The Diefenbaker govcrnment's answcr has léen te provide the amount etftietence It tecis we cen afforti. At besî, il leaves us half-safe ta today's worlti et thrcateneti tastantaneous destruction. Parliament has been wrestling with this blggest et ail probleins since the Unitedi States took another step tomwarti by chopptag back its ewn Bomame prograin, anti spenti- lig Uic money instead on ICBMs anti Minute- man satcllites ta space. What aur Anieri- can frientis have tione, ta etfect, la ta stcp eut ot the ortixodox tietence tieldi anti con- centrale insteati on building Uie massive de- terrent. Insteati et protecting berselt tram Russia, Uic U.S. will threnten immediate re- taliation for any hostile move. But cen Canada affordti t play ta this league? The Governinent saystietinitely not, anti can marshall impressive tacts on Amer- ican tictence spentiing te prove il. The costs, te, a nation et seventeen million, are simply prohibitive. Andi this ls where our political, leaders 3 Split. 1 The Ceaiservatives, umder Prime Min- aster Diefenbaker anti Defence Minster iGeorge Pearkes, aay we cannot abandon the Bomnare because It would leave our skies i nakedt teattack frein Uic air. The Liberals, under Lester Pearson, say ic eBomarc ba useless anti aboulti be abanti- *oneti, as Uic US. la dotag. Tbey say, i *effect, that Bomarc or ne Bomare, oui skies àare still nakedti t an air attack. Tbey offer ne alternative te Uic Bomnare au such, but ihave askcd that defence policy be exan-dned acrass Uic board by a Pailiamentary coin- mittee. This has se tai been rejecteti by thc Dietenbaker Goveraimeat.' The CCF has a policy, but UiceIoder iparties dismisa Il as impractical. Il la te place oui armeti terces under Unitedi Na- tions comnmandi, anti gel out et Uie direct tietence business altegether. The Saclalista woulti chuck eut Uic Bomare tee, anti re- ichannel the money Uiat we would save itl 1aid for untiertievelapeti counîries. i It's easy, however, te criticize aur wob- 1bling detence policy, but ditticult te take Uic rcspansibility et lcavlng Uic counltry witic open te attack. Detence Minister Pearkcs, wbe bas atimittedtheUicBonarc lo net ail we coulti hope for, says he dae net ichoose ta take that respensibillty. Trhe tact remains, bowcver, that whether he chooses te take such a esponsiblllty or net, Uic Bomare at best la only a deteaice againet manneti aircraft, ant islane detence at al against I.C.B.M.s. Whilc the Governinent, though Exterai- al Affaira Minister Howard Green, will benti every effort te make world tilsarmament a rcallly, disarmament la net likely te came quickly enough te enable thc Govermaent te avoiti somne fondamental rethliklng et Canati- ian defence policy. Holding on te Uice Bomare anti worklng for disarmament la perhaps net a vcry seli policy, but l terces recognition that whcn we talk about a "detence partnership" with the Unitedi States, we are really no mare then a very amail tail on a very big kite. The basic tact le that there la ne ecenein- le tietence policy wbich tviil enable Canada te tictent Iltselt. The only detence moncy worth spending bs money spent for a Canadien contribution te collective western detence. What Parliament andtihUi Governinent shaulti be deing, b ta spenti lesn time on Uie Bomarc, anti more time on a re-exarnlnation et Western, tictence strategy, anti what Uic proper Canadian mole ta îuch strategy shoulti be. If Canadian dependence on Uic United States Is net te continue te tacrease, Uic possibility et baving Nortb 'America detence covemeti by NATO muat bc exploreti. Il this were te bc donc, NATO would necti stengthenlng tram Its present weak position, anti thîs l an aiea. ta whlch Canatilan Initiat- ive ta past years has playeti a useful rele. It is aise probable that only a strength- eneti NATO would have any hope ot ettect- lvcly reconsidering current Pentagen-doin-i inateti defence stratcgy whlch la gearedti tea massive nuclear dtcerrent te make Up fer Western weaknesses ta convenioinal arma. As thitgs stand, a thrcat by conventional arms can only be cauntereti by nuclear wca- pans. The West coulti thus be comiiteti te use nuclear weapons tirst. We may face an al ar noltig tiecision on Uic use et arm- cd forces, rather than being able te tailor Uic size et Uic farce te Uic size et Uic thicaf. Untortunately these more tuntiamental issues aie net bclng deait wlthInt the Be- marc debates. lightful tiiuet. Ottemlng was re- ceiveti by Mis. G. Cabnan anti Mrs. M. Hobbs. A filmn on Af- rica, "Sec haw Uic landi lies", narrator being Mis. W. A. Lo- gan was sixown. This filmn de- picteti Uic peor living condit- ions efthfie natives ami how1 aur miisslonamies tmy te, over- came these. Benetiietion was proniouned by Rey. W. A. Lo- gan. Our regular C.G.I.T. meet- inig was belti on March 30th. Lauin Bewnaan anti Donna Yellowlees were ta charge o! Uic worsbip. Buiketon C.G.I.T. wcre our guests,. Twe films wcre shown, "The FImcightera in Angola" anti "Angola Awa- kes". The nexl meetInàg will te helti April 27th with Lintia anti Mary Yeo in charge et Uic worship period. The C.G.I.T. girls belti a showem fom Miss Linda Stainten at fthe homcet Linda Veo. Mi. anti Mrs. Donald Ellis, Buffalo, were Sunday visitera with Mi. anti Mrs. P. Ellis anti family. Anaiiversex-y practIce wMl be- gin nexl Sunday momning. No &bange tIn line et Suaitay Scbool. Mr. anti Mra Rosi Lee, Keti- mon, were Wed!nesday guesîs at Mr. andi Mis. Allen Werry's. Mi. a9iMis. MX J. Habba virecd with UrW. andi Mr& W. G. RodaenLhlsay. Misa Doeen Trerwin spenit Suaiday wiih Miss Betty Jane Werry. Mr. and is. MIlten Stain- ton, Mr. andi Mis. Alvin Boyti, ?&. anti Mis. EaerTrewin,4 Doreen andi Donald, attendeti the Stacithomai Banquet et Sol- ina Wéddneday cvenIng. Mr. andi Mme. A. L. Wearn andi Susan were visitera wIi i. and Mis. A. L. Wewn, Cla- Mi. andi Mis. Fmenk MeGIII, Misa Clara Page, Taronte, were with Mia. E. Page. Mi% andi Mia. G. P. Beeda anti Bonde Mple Grove, weme Snayvlalters wlth )fr. andi Mis O. C. Aibton. Mmr. anti Mm.r Ivan Sharp ad Linda weme recent visitera at MT. and Mra. Cecil Robin- son's, Newtonville. Miss Elsie Oke anti Mm. Al- bert Oke were recent visitora at &.& M.nisr. Frank Dom- land's, Bowmarville. ?&. andi Mmi. Bail Trewin and Donald wee Sunday callers wlth MT. andi Mis. Walter Loy- erldage anti Jo, Heyon. Mr. M. J. U be t Peter-8 * r More than anc householti insurance ta the torm io! a stays on anti on in Uic same policy Uhat covers you troni * ad bouse or apartinent be- thc lime the first piece la cause et Uic work ant i tuti- ouf until the last picce is culty thal a move entails. mioved itl the new abode, * No Simple Chore you know you'me propcrly Mfoving a householt is necovereti. simple chore, but wilh wise , Dollar Per Pound 1planning, mucix preparatory A rougit insurance estîmate wark anti trank discussions works out at arounti a dollar with fthe moving coxnpany per pounti. seleclethfie whole job isn'l Inspeet youî new home un- se bati, afler ail. Andtief be tii you have a goo i itia et any in a tresh, newly built or me- difficullies thal Uic movers decorated home is surelyV will face, sucix as stairways worth al ,.he effort entaileti. anti landings. Once il has been tiecitiedti o Draw rougix floor plans Ita make a move, give yourselt make yourself familiar with ample lime te select a moving the main rooms sa that the campany. movers can be tld where cach Ask your trientis about their piece shoulti go. Usually, experiences. Gel esîlmates lhere's movtag arounti after- front several companies. Any wartis, te be sure, but placing firmn al akirts the itica et the piecea for fixe lime being giving a written estimate isa a big hclp. shoulti be eliminateti. Doui't "Boss" Movers Be Frank Don'l "boss" thc movers Be frank with the estima- since Uhal aoncet their big- ter, because very etten extra gest gripes. They know their items make a magic appear- job. Whaf they don't lcnow ance as Uic moving truck mOUs about your -particular problein, up, items thaf wcre net on the thcy'll ask. liaI or visible wihen thc arig- Try te be aI yeur ncw home inal estimate was given andwell aeto the novera. approveti.. Check against thc original Wi thas eut et the way, list thaf you have matie up. starI planning for the big Anylhing missing should be move aheati, especiafly if il notiuicti on your reeeîpt as entails a long joumney. A local shoulti any extensive diamage move is always simpier for ail that you note. concerneti. As fer tipping Uic men, if Packlng Problems they have donc a goti job, When packing, ticcide what yeu'll doeas moat househelti- yeu can pack anti what shoulti crs do anti that la reward be lefI te Uic novera. Uieïm accordingly. If your bousehold. goois li-. clutie valueti heirloins, an- tiques, fine china, statuary, EN S ILE valuabie glass anti sucix, il 15NSKLL N cheaper anti better ta have these items packeti by protes- So>iry te report Mia. leyti sionais. Beckefltt Uic heOshawa Geai- If yen are datag your ewn cral Hospital. packing, don'l use those car- The W.M.S. heldt heir East- tons trom Uic corner grocer. cm Tha'nk-o'ftcring Service. Ap- The mover is not responsible mil 3 with Mis. Fred Toms anti for diamage te anylhing you'vc Mis. Ralpix Virtue ta charge packeti andi your insurance et the service. Spring flowcra eontpasxy will have ils <>wn gracing Uic pulpit were Ibro- Ideas on Uhal score, fao. ugh thc oourtesy ot Enniskillen Se be wise anti ent con- W.A. Meinhers et the W.M.S. fainers frein Uie nover. Whbat compoacti a special choir with Uic conxpany renta las streng, .Mis. M. Stainton, erganisf. sturtiy anti designeti for Spd-, Guest soloists, Misses Bonnie cifie items. Do this anti then, Beecla andi Diane Heur, Maple utien you buy conwrehenhve1 Grave, tavoured willi a de- A gain the Crossrôoads I Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Store, Newtonville 1 C. Pethick, Enniskillen J. H. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone H. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Buîlt R.R. 4, Oshawa -Bowmanville - Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smokg Shop Pearson's Smnoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovel Oke's Sinoke Shop The Flying Dutchman Wessels' Store Crystal Dairy The Statesman Office borouh and Toront1o Teaciera' Cofleges. Mrs. M. J. Hobbs spent a day in Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Ken Pooler and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Len Player and son, Bowmeon- ville; Mr .and MTs, S. Kersey, Mr. &mû Miu. J. Lyoni and fam- ilY, HaniptOn, were Seturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. and Mis. Fred BiUlett and beys, Scarborough Bluffs, with Mr. and Mis. Roy MoGIII. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grawford anid boys Orono. were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Butson. Mr. and Mis. Leonard Schell and family, South River, were weekend visitors witlh Mr. and Mis. E. McNa jr. Mr. and Mis. Allan Wray, Bowmanviile; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Laimb, were with Mr. and Mis. Donald Lamnb. Mr. and Mis. E. Carlson, Toronto; Mi. and Mrs. E. Stainton, h1b. R. Stainton, Bow- nianville; Keith Cryderman, Solina, were with Mr. and Mrs. Leenard Stainton and family. Mi. and Mis. Ivan Sharp and Linda were recenit guests with Mr. and Mis. Allan Wer- ry. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Lois, visited with Mrs. E. C. Ashton., Mlaple Grove. A number from here at- tended the Regionial Quartette and District Chorus Competi- tions at O.C.V.I.. Oshawa. Miss Florenice Werry, Hamp- ton, is spendidng a f ew days with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Orm-. iston. Miss Joyce Grahamn, Brook- 'Un spent tihe weekend with Mr. andi Mis. F. Toms. Miss Betty Wright was an over-night guest with miss Betty Jane Werry. Miss Mary Griffin, Bowman- ville, Mi. John Wiskin, Osh- awa. were SUnday tea guesta et Mi. and, Mr. R. Griffin. Mrs. J. D. Cole end Jean, Bow.manville, were callers at Mr. and Mis. E. A. Werry's. Mr .and Mis. R. J. Ormis- ton with Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. The Stafesnian Sold Ai Following Stores: 48 KING ST. B. and ACCESSORIES te match Further honour wu brorgt4 te Branch 178 ci the C Mdm Leglon on Saturday when the thirti District Trophy te be won by one et ils teans" this season was captured by the branch's Cribbage Teain. The District Buchrc and the Dis-i trict Bowling Trophies were also reccntly won by the Bow- manville Legien Brandih. Memabers ot the winnlnx teain on Saturday were EfBi Mairs, L. Kimnble, Jim Firth, Jack Knight, Ab Mavin, Art Brooks, Glen Virtue, R. Cale, Ron Johnson and J. Wood- ward. Twelve tea!ns tram all over thc district took part lni the District Cribbage Tournament held li Port Hope on Satur- dey. Teanis reppescnted the followtag Legion Branches: Bowmanvile, Desorento, Hast- ings, Peterborough, Port Hope, Marmora, Brighton, Trenton anti Oshawa. Several branch- es hati two teains in the tour- nament. Atter seven gaines thc Bow- manville No. 1 teain, andi the Trenton No. 2 teain were tieti, andi had te play off for the District Trephy, andtihei Bownianville team wen by 26 points te 25. The tennis that will go te the Provincial Cribbage Play- , 1 p "D#C! FEA TOREf Texas, No. 1 Grade, New Spring Crop, Washed, Trimmed, Roady to Cook, Curly Loaf SPINA(H I Watson Tailored Underwear 1 lni Cotton and Rayon DRESS and -COAT ENSEMBLES *$ 19.95 up "CANAD[AiAN BRARY WEEK" Extra Speclil: Parkay ,Meg. R-ibs 490e-SAVE 10. MARGARINEd4 1-1bpkgs 89e Pato Wax Rog. lin 79o-SAVE 10* JOHNSON'S KLEAR 1-6 tin 69« Coioured Cheddar Reg. Va 490-BSAVE 10» NEW CHIES§E 139« Oheaco Halvas Reg. Rt tins 9o-BSAVE 4or A&P PEACHES 215.oz tins 35e Case of 24 tins 94J» - SAVE 48o C ChoicesQueity lise tin 26o-SÀ&VE 10. L-ozo00%basLJ A&P TOMATOI S 3 28->z tns65. OmofM tins 06JO - &AVE 60. rnifou atit shon Dprlh et PORK RIB END 3tes'*mfl 1334 TENDERLOIN END #3%,b ne p1439 LOIN HALF RIB LOINva3 9c SAE!TENDERLOIN L 9 49c SÀ' E!CENTRE CUIS or (HOPS lb 59< SMALL LINK PURE POUK SAUSAGI ray Pack P0,3 9C r jLIN MINCD PORK 49c Super M rkets,'Fan.y *uaity 49 HAMM TSTEAKS 49 8« SS.akd Ooen, Ail PriceuIn This Ad Guarantesd Thrmuéh BBD EIT Saturday. AarQ Ith, 1M00 rRa E u m - rà3l« downs are Bowmanvilie, Tren- ton, Hnitlngs and Marmoera. Sports Off icer 'Bml Bates in justly prouti et the fine re- cord achieveti this year by Branch 178. The Zone F Dart Tournainent at thc Sports- mens' Show was aise receitly won by a Branch 178 Teani cQtiwosed ot Jin Fair, Rosa LfrKnight, Ernie Perfect and Clifford Anderson andt Uey re- ceived the Molson Traphy. The Canadian Redi Cross will have te collcct 500,000 -bottles et blotinla1960 ta meet transfusion therapy demande et Canadian hospitals. BACKACH E May b.Warningl DWacchale oten caused hy iny M"hsaciio..Whenlidneys get out of orde, sacs. acids and vastes remain inth l sysi.ilion backache, dis- bgWbre or t hat ired-out and heavy- hoadod féeling anay soon foilow. That!à the lias le take Dodd's Kidney Pilla. DOdd'a kelilthet .kidasys to normal acti .Thon y"uféel btter-sirop botter-work botter. Get Doddsà Kidamy PlaMoMW..59 Legion Cribbage Team Wins Third Dist. Titie WIDEMAN'S LADIES' WEAR BOWMANVILLE Give Your Wardrobe That 'Ilew Sprinq oo, . with à NEW HAT le BENGALMN DUSTER 1COATS ftIly Llned Pleed fr-om $17.95 Here' s How To Solve Your Moving Problems 95 King st. W. ý,7"e- ý , , '. - - -- . -- t --- 777 1 .THMSDAY. APRIL 7th, 1960 THE CANADL4N STATESUM, BOWMAliVnl,.& CWAFJO PAGE Nnu

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