ftUESDAT, APEIL ?th, INO CANA~ZAN STATUMAN, EOWMAI<VIILE, PAGE ELEVEN _______________________________________________________ the Mmrch l4th hearlna. MAEi NDRA a i l 1 ~~~~~~oppoing ratepayers, said they A pussy wlo ed costefne D U D * E ~~~~had no shortage of water and The Robit ig gi hpoy their were 13 tan.ks in the vil- Rain falsgetyeahisfotne <1/w 'v ~~~~w w lage for fie protection and But filledwt h oyo eoy said evidence given by Dr. Sap runs rmteMpeap Mikios and Mr. Waters of the GodnA nw dfrPhone 3621 Health unit were oeily opin- Is the squresaani ep ions and that they didn't give . Across th1 ubaimytrosy Godn nw dlr. any specifie evidence. Re said r- The creekrn at atotcep the wl might not supply suf.. To catch agipeo 1eoc oe ficient water. He said it wasAYeM Fre sa nd sofor acase of commercial vs. res - A, Yes Board Gives Approval todontial, his clients were most- God readtomascrdpanAMN Bo r i e p o a oly retired and they had an When Aprlcmsaant uhm adequate supply for their re- sidenoes. - ainFr After hearing the sumsnar- ies of the two lawyers the New ater orIc Pro*ectBoard members called a re- Newcastle - Resuming the and the by-law prepared bv y c health, tire protection and the their decision and on their bearing adjourned in Newcas- council to set rates of collec- The hearmg was resumed general progress of the com- retura to the room the Chair- tlo on March Ath of an appli- tion of the necessary funds, in the Ontario Municipal Board munity and the plans that had man, 1%&. Kennedy expressed cation of the Ontario Water the Ontario Municipal Board, Chambers on Friday after- been made by the council in his sympathies to the persons Resources Commission ta en- on Friday afternoon gave its noon, April lst at 3:30 p.m. cooperation with the consuit. on fixed incarnes whose costs ter into an agreement with approval to the installation of with two Board members, R. îng engîneers and the Ontario are continually rising but on the Village of Newcastle ta in- the s-.ystemn and the suggested L. Kennedy and A. L.McRae Water Resources Commission. the evidence presented ta the .f gumernts presented by E. R. to the evidence given a suit- approve both the application f.I Lovekin, representîng the vil- able water supply had been of the Water Resources Corn- *% lage council and A. A. H. found to supply the needs of mission and the Rate By-law Strike representing a group of the village for tho present of the village cauncil. Thus ratepayers opposing the appli- and for years to corne and that when the approved by-law has meeting were Reeve D. j. of financing. the project had and given third reading the 0 . unningham and councillors been worked out. In speaking Water Resources Commission . ....... c3ocial and LI-'erson Frak Hai andof the petitian that had been will proceed by calling MtadernRchr-anlro RR e ert Walton. cations, Mr. Lovekin pomnted try ta keep our readers in- castie, were honored on March 8th, 1960, when their Mr. Lovekmn reviewed the out numerous discrepancies in formed of the progress of the relatives gathered at the home of their youngest . e- * Mi. and Mrs. Walter Haigh when each girl will bring some evidence presented at the the petition and said ho doub- system which should be ready agtrMs.AciBow ofRR.2Ne atlo Of East Kildonan, Manitoba. food. At the close of the meet- hearing setting out the need ted the value of the petition for installation in the lateda htrMr.AciBow ofRR.,Necslo Vlsited with relatives in New- ing the girls enjoyed sof t for the system mentioning las shown by the attendance at sununer or falL.' offer best wishes and congratulations on their 55th YorD c r' çastle while enroute ta Beau- drinks and cookies. Wedding Anniversary. Y u o fort, South Carolina for a hol- Mr.Rhasnafmr ii Iday.rs.ien hoaTrono andfore. Mr. and Mrs. H. . Britton INN iUIIfEofUTorontoruand moreI.were ilustrated by Utcelbeau. Prescriptini spntth ween i Bll-recently of Florida, was flownM ïnor ockey roph*rriefluiIp tifully coloured slides. vileviting with ndl-f rom Florida on a stretcher onM r IubMrs. Storks also displayed eie o ill.e il itgtn M and Friday evening and is now a - ',.mrany articles of interest a "Recp Mrfa rs on mîly.- private patient in the neClub EDjj which she had brought home Mr ndMr. onMee-renovated and enlarged SQ t L E with her froni Mexico. During U a . exyadsnWyefGenHavn Rest Home here in New- P e se heeenENa 81ro r-Igat L. Agnew of Peterborough, castle which is now conifort- A cords of Mexican music wr wero Saturday visitors with ably equipped with 40 hospi- wA played by Mrs. Storks on hier Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnw.tai type beds and modern fur- /~ / a Ufh r i N e w c a st 1 e-irty-tve record player. W e Friends and relativesfMs.ntr.14 fl c IWE IEm bes of thMFiedsi The appreciation of the club We ordco rtsapecito n John Garrod gathered at her A large number cf hockey Club gathered in the Sunday for efed ente rtaonws w rpr tfryu o a easrdta home for ton on Friday, Mar. fans ail the way from Bow- Newcastle - On Saturdav Murray Paterson. The miost they received Crests donated School room of the United Gxryse bM.rs. Gork a dn r etn 8lst to honaur her on tiieoc- manville to Port Hope miss- evening April 2nd the coaches improved player trophy don- by H. J. Toms of the local Church on Wednesday even- Gry t r. trsanma- arelgtig hsui.eeito Mdcn'(iai casion of her 79th birthday ed out on a lare part of the and players of the Newcastle ated by th Newcastle Spots-IG.A. Surmarket whih mg, March 16th for their r eavl.Mdm rg n niioisaegat onniversaiy. Stanley Cup Playoff game on bünor Hockey League gath- man's Club was presented to were presented by Mi. Murray gular meeting whih open:d At the close of the meeting sized "bargais o eanngo anann -The regular meeting of the Sunday evenîng when power ered with their fathers in the Jimn Baskervillc by Mr. Stan Paterson. wîth the singîng cf the hymn iail present enjoyed a delîciaus C 1.IT. was held at the home was interrupted by a break in auditorium of the Community Hockett on behaîf of the club. The boys were then shown "There is a Green Hi Far lunch of fruit salad, relis and g9od health.Caiousnxtpecpintre" iii M&is. Bruce Tilison on Mar. thc main hydro line and con- Hall for the presentation of The liighest Scorer Trophy a very fine film cf the 1958- Away", followed by medita- tea by memibers of Mis. Char- 28th. Twa new members, siderable work was requîred the annual awaîds won dur- also donated by the Sparts- 59 Stanley Cup ?layoffs tion led by Mis. John Scott, lie Aldread'à group. A vote*I J pi _ p*i Joan Martin and Julia Bezu- in switching before power ing the past season. man's Club was presented to through the courtcsy cof Mol- and prayer by Mrs. Seldon cf thanks ta the group in JU I - blak weîe welcomed into the could be restoied. The power recara i ~ PtrMCouh ~ ~~ snsB~~adM i- Parker. charge was moved by M s. w group and the girls made was off in the village for anc The Ria o it e et.ettraClog b r o.sn ses eryan r. Bis M Cî M d~ Murray Paterson for the veryYOR EX LST E s fr po lcksuperandan hll ous.Mi. Sam Brereton acted as The Most Valuable Player sincere gratitude ta Mr. Jack troduced Mrs. Bill Storks who 1o5cyKevning ('i * of Prt Prry vsitc wit Mi.master of ceremonies for the Award consîsting of a Scroîl Eilbeck of Toronto for piocur- presented slides taken on hier 1 IGS.W O M N IL ofesPoeto honr Hîisi nd thMr evening and welcomed those and Tiophy is a new award ing this fine film for the New- recent trip to Mexico with her A persan can get just as Netltn ttin and Mrs. Jas.Harsndo present to the get-together. presented this year for the castle Minor Hockey Award daughteî Candy, operating the drunk on water as on 1ad Sunay i. nd rs HAebrtHelold s earrs fateeinefirtftmehne asiontedNigt.jrojcto. rs.Stoks old0f her sre re lo offel-________sure___are___a___lot___of________ ~re. Water Dtrs wtnweMr. drethyndHanri aof M dsbuoin ted oau halsenoy-th the Robin H-ood Qats Ca. At the conclusion Of thc the many places of interest lows Who can't Play the gui-. Z& s. ltroDuPrsterMss were guesor tHarrsof e Toronto, ebt itd u oteT hîs award is gîven ta the boy film a draw was made on tiwo they had visited and which tai, who do. éndMrs Ro Poter Mesrs wee gest oftheHarris. seemîing lack cf enthusiasm on who is judged ta be the most hockey sticks autographed by Tbmnmy Moore, Fred Hart, The Lloyd Béacock childien, the part of the parents of the valuable member of the tearn Maple Leaf Hockey Players Mike Donohae and H. Blair Glen and Gordon are recover- boys saying there just doesn't for his character, his attention with Dell Rudman and John ail of Reaboro and the Durs- ing from thc chickenpox. scem ta be anything ane can to studies and his personalîty Cunningham being the lucky tan.dauterMs . all fa~jmi l stbscuin hBomoepaetstnspor he g ame f hcky.ourP oys the gtheîigthnajoî ~* m o R Eim m kr r tan aughersand amiles, Merrilil Elford, Port Perry, say or do that will bîing out adhsablt epa i inr and Mis. R. Simpson al o crs. coaches and the boys at the were picked for this award, ned ta the Lions room. where ..P Toronto. arena. Ho said the coaches onceinember from each tcam sandwiches, chocolate nillk E~paig ter tut i i&.-anCI Mrs. R. Prosser, Weloeo tMis. Jos. Forder spc.nd a lot of time and put a in the league and after careful and coffee wcre served by C Eicy ndRedyviitd erwho rcturned this past week lot of effort into their work consideration Peter McCul- nine cf the mothers of the TablRt uliy M as paren Mr. and Mis. Keith t e oei i ilg f with these boys and deserve lough was judged the winner boys and a srhmei h ilaea-ocial time was on-______________________ Rooey~Port eriy.ter spefliCinlg the wintei with far moespotfo h f the awaîd which was pro- joyed.. Bull Scott on behalf of N M Mr. and Mis. Harry McLaugh- parents than they receive each sented by Mr. Brereton. the boys and mon expressed Mis. Roydian Currie cf Rich- U.Mr. Brereton then called on their appreciation to the mo- V~E e-ýervisor. lunohed with e i eg i bet e Members omteembeig r snt f t sheha ith hweemith rpl. gCniha your mny *AlIG alRt brother Grant Thompson while about again since his stay inl staff af Uice Ivinor teams, mme of Ui ha whewitm rs Du Cningbteampy bnkn er inspection cf thc Port Periy Hôsital and ail Messrs. Irv. McCullougb, Mur- Blackstckofie hope he continues ta improve. ray Walton, Tracy Embleyat Mr anMsti Buce. Heasîip . Sna visitais with the 01- Doug Waîton and Bud Wagar Rr s a v s Visited Mi. and Mrs. Rupert iver Rohrer family were Mr. wieîe praised for their fine Red r ss C nv Byers cf Bowmnanville. and Mi. Norman Rohier, Ken, work during the season and M. and Ms. Russel Sonley Barry, Barbara and Ray, Mr. appreciation was also express- m oi~v 1 11 family and Mi. and Mis. Joe keeper, scarer and press re- *. .y~lA etaeaeu ism ce Heckriell and family of Kitch- porter and Larr Pearce for Newcastle-The Rcd Cross following ladies who assistcd *------ ener. bis wark in rcfereeing tbrou- Canvass carried an in the vil- with the canvass: Mis. Thos. fo h Mi. and Mis. Harold . out tesesn n a ge over the past two weeks Brown, Mis. Herbert Gibson, and family, Leasd<alc, wEliotheFosterwh ee d ou wihlageproved ta be an outstaid- Mis. Bu ilsn Msâi Uic baurngins rc iI n r. l iest govrm n ppo e et M -33Snyget ihteC rit e ayfcrenf dtesunn.n success with $230 bemng bert Peai-ce, Mis. Geo. Kim - _________________________ fer.333 Sndao usiswthte al the playfs Presented realized by the Society. b all, Mis. John Northrup and frMr. and Mis. R. Davison Mrs W.M.Rudll Vice the following members of the TABLERITE RED OR BLUJE BRAND Prices Effeciv wer i Wacroo e isi Dug e R. B. Rîckaid trophy President of the Bowman- Newcastle Lionettes Club, UwN'I'ADn Wnaelo. vstD foi the winning teamn in the ville and District Bianch Of Mis. Frank Hoar, Mis. Jahn Blade- blade bon. removed or April 7tb, 8th au t on iends il epeac.t ymi. league a prcsented the Red Cross and Chairman Riekard, Mrs. Ross Dickinson, *~ SEIVICElbepeae t y r Rickard te Fred Ail- of the Newcastle canvass is Mis. Chas. Knox and Mis, know that Mis. Walter Law. dread on behalf af bis teamn most appreciative of Uic won-~ Brenten Rickard. SH O RTW. Reserve tii he rence is home froni Port Pcrry "the Cubs" whicb was coach- derful support given by the operatian and gaining steadily. Couples' Club Tropbv for the bers are at present busy pro- Mi and Mrs. Jas. Harris vis- bcst gaalkeepcr in the league paring for their ncxt Blood R Blb.c ited in Lindsay with Mis. Ru- was presentcd on behalf of the id s H1'Dnois Clinic bcing hcld in SAVE 4c ON SUDIHT pert Morris on Thursday. club te Eric Bernard by Mr.i des HU May for anyone between the U ~ ages of 18 and 65 and who 7-OZ. haent ufrdfrein jaun- Sa iCo IS uccesstul <ice. Citizens are urged te EA IC D D E - L.3c* " I &JA ~~~~~~~k this in mind and are ur- Làl ECDBE b 9 JJJSr a 2 15 oz.e ir 196SIE2D.BRTPGuides looking very smart inMiï'lnBsevle23and---------------- TinsU.S. N.IGAERD IEDATE 196 UIK -R.HADTPtheir navy uniformas and yel. Charlotte Hendry 201. Tn Dyna-Flow transmission, custem-built radio. White wall tires, low tics served the guests. * CHEESE No.I Whiteo Save 10e CELLO TOMTE 5 two-one On ownr cr wth 3,16 mies.The Newcastle Guides along Men's Leffguc-Slim I&23Wil- twoton. n. wnr cr wth30,60mils.with Guides and Brownies liams, 310, Brian Rowe 285, s OZ. 1958 cHEV. 11H. STATION WAGON ~~~~bîating the Golden Anniver- yen 275, Bert Mcvor 266, Al-. 2 c BEIT OE 15 o GRE RS AG One owner car. ~~~sary o Guiding. Wît thisinbr Pearce 261, Bil Lake 2L.Tn4Cn RD On. o~er C~m n:'the:Gides mdeyh eaî cGO~2L.Ti LORMIDANE LEYSTL ' 3 coratons or deirt h- 254, Wyn Clir253, Bl 198M T E E4-DR.SEA table bad as a centre a d%1en Harisone245, o rwnGar- Check your local listing for Uime and chanuel of IGA's GL IE0 IAI V-8 with Power Glide transmission, windshield washers.On.e cratiaGfrite i e.EaHrr Knine245, o rdwn 238,FLORIDAORNE * 39 owner car. 22,M0 miles. aoter cut3 and serviette ie e iCmball 28 rse ud nfr o 3,TayEo 228. Rom per Room TV Show ADD AN ELEGATTET OENA ing the golden annivcrsary iGrd-L. S1959 CHEV. DISCAYNE 2-DR. SEDAN were useci. iU îa- Thursday xe League- It'a Loads of Fun for the Kiddles. lia. 1 NUSEDNS49 TheGudesan terled-Brian Rawe 255, EdMngm On. owner car with only 8,153 miles. A-i condition ers were very happy te have ery 244, Dorothy Whitney 234, as their gucuts, Mmrs Thos. Ruth Couch 232, Art Dubeau * -~~~ Buttery commissioner frOis 223, Marilyn Coucb 224, Bill am U Bwaile andi Mrs. D. G. Harrison 218, Eleanor Pernn -O ND S VE A i ~~~~~~~~cmpany cf Guides in Bow- Montgomery 204.21,os SH P A 4L JD VDI e avle Bomanville IAare fl1L..~L3la * Cevroel CoraîrMuch credit fer the. success Oldmobile Chevrolet - Corvai f tue tea is due te Mis. How- Friday Mixed League-Ron omn fl e I ID'iL 'ia a'aid Quinney, Mrs. Ken Ste. Munro 289, Ted Belscy 286,' aEnfvoy (Britishifi) Cars phenson and Mis. Ralph Wln- Mary Dewdncy 282,KeWht Br tenGu icehlade hrsancf s Deki8,Trcyn y243 ai, O WNAN VILLE *aGETAII cap Un ic uid learanofMos. ey21i csn4,Bley 24 BOM UM E Chvrolt Trau CORTIUicheLocal Association and Mis. Alldread 231, Jack Lees 232,: UOWNNYILE Chvroll TrchiSici Lancaster adMis. Henry Stan Brown 229. Helen H.ifa-TM e ?hffl NA 3MM53Phonoe A 3.3922 oe memibers of Uic local cock 226, Albert Pearce 224, To m s' IS M a rketASLONAX assoiaton h elped witb Gee. Kimbaîl 220 and Ross the tea. Montgomery 207. TM CANAMM STATZSMM, BOWIL&IfVll= CMARIO IMUMWAY, APRM M, IM PACM =VM