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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1960, p. 13

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THTXRSDAY, APRIL 7t1 1, 1080 ~UE CANADIAN ITATUMAXI EOWMAIIVULU, «~TMI!O PAIIE !PmW I ________________________________________________ 1Men's Major Bowlingl Bill Nicholào,> won ail top bowling games if 95, low foi' honors in the nien's major nîght. 143, 134 for a total of Ieague this week. Bill topped 372. Fred Cole had held the: ail howlers for high single record prior to this with 374.! wtlh a terrific 361 and then Elton Brock's team defeated added two more games of 230, their own record of last week, 256 for a total of 847 to win when they bowled a tripleý hi'i triple. of 3569. Brock also won high I ýte Dobbins had garnes of;single team score 1257 & 278, 222 for 828. George Aley Chatter P;i.)r came un with his best Pte obishsrpad Performance of the season with gamnes of 224, 283, 308 AI Osborne or. the top rung of'___ for 815. Elton Brock crasiiea the averages. Pete pushed his thetirberfo gaes f 95,avy-g from 236 to 240 whie 279, 2.38 for 812. Matt Harri- Osborne only went up one son had 777. Russ Halîman 'point to 238. Bill Nicholson is L a i s Mjo B w lni i 76,JeNwa 3,A sholding down third spot with borne 7'17. Dr. Keith Slemo.n 233. anîd George Stephens both had I h en tnig rc Bernice Buday*s bowlers Doris Joli 19 fB) 715. Doug Taylor 712, Frank 'sa<>rttop wth 22 ue lthd cut to ild rc -------- Bluint 702 and Bob Yake 700, George Piper's team stepping sw oitheirleague leday i HtOida Bhrck-----16:I into 2nd place ith 7 wloitV at odynghOi tihr.......1 .Mtt Harrison had a single' hr er.oere1~a Onie Etcher's teamn pulled Joyce Lyle . 16 game of 310 and Doug Taylor cr~bwe hswe hc off a 2-1 upset decision, while Norma Norris - 15E bwe30.the closest pursuers both won. Ollie Patfield . 14'5 ohnled 308. f broke the :deserve honorable mention. Doris Joll's outfît edged Em Bm Stringer 141 f schedule iow triple record Coulson Wooîner 267, R. Mc- Stringer's crew 2-1 and Dot Donna Preston -------- 12 Knîght 266, Bob Yake 270, Brook's club defeated Lola Lola Wright ------------ 10 Russ Halîman 271, Ralph Kel-, rgtspnsilr vteKyBapi,8 Ry ly 286, Jini Moorcraft 278, 268,,Wrighsoeplinilesby the Kay Beapres 8 Raye2 B antacms 'Dr. Rundle 270, Dr. Keith Sle- sai coe evm oh i-AergsWt 2 mon27. ifSamli 25. ners deadlocked in the runner-! Onie Etcher --------------- 212oern SeevouFriay igt-a Li- u slt.Hilda Brock-------- 208 phuntS A three way tic was creat- Kay Beauprie -----------207 cot Plrpar for e~~ h b third when Hilda Bernice Buday ----------- - 206 Team Standingzs Brock's bowlers teed off on Dot Brooks ----------- . 204 hr h HuntsvilleW il Ps.K.ay Beauprie*s cellar-dwell- Doris JoIl --------------- 201 whata H untsvdl Brock......21 9 2 erv, and Joyce Lyle's teama Em Stringer 191fra Bowmnanville Bantanis, Eass-;Piper ---- 17 'ý-2121,, 17 1 2 trounced Donna Preston's Ollie Patfield - 196 h is 5eco -rn Zoe'ti ...Osborne . - 1 3 sqUad, foi' three points apiece Joyce Lyle------- 194 bulged Champs, returned lo foirn Dobhins .... 17 13 17 and a share of third with Et- Ena Etcher__ 9 with a 6-1 victorv over Port 'Haîlman --. 17 13 17 cher. Nora Norris' teamn upset Helen Dunn 191 9.23 to Hope, here on Saturday. The Bagiieli 16 14 16 Ollie Patfield 3-0 to move Mary Wilcox 1816 the taà visitors had upset the locals D. MýTcKnight 16 14 16 past the losers into fourth. Norma Norris 186 winner. in a previous clash. In this B. Oke ----16 14 16 Kay Beauprie captured both Peggy Haynes 184 "Gus game. Bowmanville were in f Samis--------- 15 15 15 high triple and high single Wilma Bates . 182 regulati command ail the way, scring'R. Oke---15 15 15 honours, with a 752 total and Audrey Biokeil 182 hat-trie twice in cach period, wh ile Janzen -.--i1 15 1,5 a 313 single. Helen Dunn had Norma Gay ----------------181 - Paul Teî'benche averted a ýR. McKnight 15 15 15 a 714 triple followed by Del Lola Wright -- --------_180 shutout in the final session. 'Larmer .... 14 2 151,., 4 1 Vinson 703 and Joyce Major Helen Gilhooly 180 i)ave Kerr was the top n3er-IGev . 10 20 10 670. Jean Evans ----- 79I former for the Fasterni titie- Perfect ------- 9 21 Other top single efforts wcre Pat Bartels------ ----- 178 holders, srorinz four goals and ILes!iP.....9 21 9 registered by Del Vinson 306, Muriel Holroyd - .. -177 nickinz "o one assisi, l3ooi Average% Dot, Brooks 272 and Helen Jean Sellers . 176 Bl Sleen sicored once and as't Nanie Ganies Ave. Dunn 262. Grace Black'burn ----t76 have 11 ed on three others, with thePt obis ~ 20 Gaines of 200 and over Kay Myra Hopps - 176 ael nther mrarker going bo "Buc- AI Oshornes ---- 30 238 Beauprie 313, 248, D. Vinson E1eànor Larmer -------_ 176 ail seas ky" Hutglies.AlObre3 28 306, 206, E. Larmer 213, S. Joyce Major ýý... _--------- 176 happens Bowmanvillc. prcppîîw for Bill Nicholson -2-)1 233 Bissonette 205, D. Holroyd Donna Preston --- ------_ 175 stake, tl à trip to H-Iun tsvillc and the Ernie Perfect ---_30 231 234, H. Park 200, H. Brock Ada Richards---------- 174 fect's e Little N.H.L. Ontario playoffs, Elton Brock 30 229 232, 219, 213, P. Haynes 229, Helen Nicholson ---- 173 the lead wil met Aax t te MrnRuss Oke ---- 30 '221 J. Major 261, 222, D. Virtue Shirley Davis--------------- 173 5-2. ThE wril metax reatuMem Doug Shirk 30 220 211, B. Buday 249, E. Holroyd Kay Stephens ----------- 172 Yeo mci oal rn a h'e1S3 trda Dr. H. Runde - 30 219 200, H. Gilhooly 226, H. Dunn, Nancy Bryans----- t 72 pack wi afeno i13..Bill Oke ------------ 30 218 262, 240, 212, G. Luxton 227,ý Marg Perris ..--- 171 Out W. Larry Piper ------ 30 217 B. Chartran 200, J. Evans 227, Betty Westlake 170 league-]E Air, Rail or Steamnship Russ Halîman . 30 217 0. Etcher 219, E. Stringer 233, Babe Brown --------------- 170 Samis'( T 1 C K E T S Raîphi Kelly .- ---30 217 205, N. Bryans 211, H. Sim- Bernice Terry------ 169 eo's ru TO EVERYWHERE Dr. K. Slemon ---- 30 217 nick 201, D. Joli 226, N. Nor- Marg King ------------ 168 seven po Consult Dave McKnight ----30> 217 ris 221, J. Mlmond 211, H. Em Bromell 168 mering J UR Y &L O VE LL Jack Gay ---- -- 30 216 Nicholson 243. O. Patfield 218, Helen Piper-------------.. 168 Bilh Bat Bill Westiake --- - 30 216 216, D. Brooks 272, E. Etcher Thelma Forrester -------- -166 Ernie 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Budi Moses------- 30 215 240, M. Wilcox 202, 201, J. Essie Cox ---- - .---- 166 Of 178, Bowmanville Frank Lewins ------- 30) 214 Sellers 203. E.Wonr23,abBtgte- ----6 tip, ___Ted Bagneli ----- 30 211 L. Wright 202, N. Gay 220, D. Lii Hooper ---- -----------.165 ours, bt Pat Yeo ------- --- 30 211 Mutton 250, B. Bathgate 205, Eileen Holroyd -- ------ __ 165 average ouBill Bates 30 '211 202, J. Lyle 226. 211l., M. Per- Shirley Bickell ---- - -- 164 who ha( LOL Frank Samis----30 211 ris 205. J. Engley 255. Audrey Osmond _.---- 163 and 227 EL 01 Jack Bond-------- 30 210 Teamn Standings 1 Bernice Partner --------- -- 162 ArnoCld1 BINGS Hap Palmerî--------- 30 -)09 PIManion Slaght --------- 162 Bates 61 E 8 1 George Piper ..--.--- - 3<0 208 Bernice Buday---------- - 21 Dell Vinson-...- .... 161 nett 651. AT UlING RI4OME Murrav Tighe---30 208 Dot Brooks 19 Dore Mutton-------161 Other w.u _M ,rono Advances To Finals' rDowning Bancroft 8-7 Exciting Overtime Gameý e Gusty" West scored Robinson triggered a pair with as Doug Powell failed to clear ý4 seconds remaining in singles going to Dean West, a-nd McMurray dleked goalie me to give Orono Or- Keith, West and 'Clhuck" Arm- Vince Vanstione et 15:18. Rob- an 8-7 win over Ban- strong. inson ended the first period Saturday nîghi,, in the Wilson picked up a pair of scoring from a pile-up in front. excbarsg gamne played tallies to pace the loser's. the on a behind the net pass-out his season. "'Gusty" fired remaîning markers going to from Armstrong. appeared to be the wvin- Bill Bruce, Fred McMurray, Orono c'ame from beliind 1the 6.45 mark, when Jack M'arshall, B-redCi rouse th-ree finies inl the second per- ond siajp.ihot ini seconds, and Bert Commie. iod finally emerging with a 1 te twine. However, The West line applied the 5-4 edge. Dean West tied it for Wilson wcnt in alone at pressure et fie start of the the first time at 1:56, but play- knot the count, setting game, but Bancroft struck first ing five against four, Marshall age for West's climatie at 2:48, when Grouse intercep- made the advantage pay-off at r. ted a clearing pass and sent 4-12. Robinson notchcd his sec- sy" also scored once in Bruce in alone. ond two minutes and 59 sec- tion tinie to make it a A penalty to Marshall resul- onds Inter, but Crouse sent ck performance. Gerry ted in aniother Bancroft tally, the visitors in front again in little over a minute. With Ke- ith West off for slashig, Raye IWest fired an along fie ice Iscreened drive from the blue- Legion Bowling iIîn al, te 10,in4 frnThOr- pun atnthei0:5 mrk.ntfotheOr firt, imeasKeith and Junior Veitch's cellar-dwelleus IH.i Single b7roke away with one defender een having a tough finie E. Perfect 1 28 back. passing the puck back mobtals fe ligh Triple and forthi as if it was on a the jvit nothingPer E. Perfect- -- 723 string, before Keifh hoisted a chaes ofed Eri Per- geback-ander into the net. ~hancs o ovrtakng'AvergesWilson was assessed a mis- iders. upsefting Perfect Nanie Ganies Ave. conduet in the second for tos-1 .c leaders, Taylor' and sn i.ssiko h c nds oved well ahead of the D. Taylor 68 219 pute oflis stick o fsic ndis ith a pair of 7-0 sh ut- J. Marfyn .-- --- . 60 219 pute oi n thebvios osde au. wins. Doug Taylor's E. Perfect ------.----66 '217 Latew i tic peiogd Moura -aders trounced Frank A. Lobb __ ------ 63 206drwhg-tkigadou- club 7-0, while Keith K. Yeo ---------- 69 2-03 ing penalties and Mel Scheil a runner-up outfit stayed W. Bates --------- - 66 203 roughing sentence. MeMurray )oints off the pace, hamn- F. Saniis ------------- 66 201 was lucky to escape a match Sout a 7-0 win over T. Graham - --- 66 197 penalty as he swung bis stick ites' bowlers. W. Veitel--------------- 196 viciousiy et the Orono defence- Perfect rolled gaýines R, Wrightf 69 192 man- 217 and 328 for a 723 R. Stocker ---- ----- 69 191 Wilson' freshi from liis ten to sweep ail the hon- H. Bennett - 69 187 minute rcst evenedt the score but couldn't gain an J. Barclay- 63 187 et 6.21 of the final stanza, but Sleader. Doug Taylor, C. Trewin -- --------- 63 187 when Bancroft ran into'two id games of 262, 211 L. Wclsh - ---------- 60 186 tripping penalties, 34 seconds 7to record a 700 triple. M. Grant -----------_ - 69 185 aparf, Armstrong's% goal ait 8:07 Lobb bowled 697, Bll J. Geddes ---- ---- 69 185 gave Orono a 6-5 lead. 675 and H'arold Ben- P. Bafligafe --- 27 183 The Police were oalled tio 1. R. Perfect -----------69 182 ejcct a Bancroft fan who grab- rhigli single efforts R. Cale- 60 182 bcd Robinson'5 stick, and it's arnd in by Harold N. Adair ~ 63 174 jusf possible the fan's bellig- t297, Arnold Lobb 268, V. Connors - 63 173 erenit attitude mighf have ear- Il Veifch 262 and Bill I. Beauprie - - 69 172 ned him a night; in the locali ý2. R. Rogers------------ 69 166 jeul. «Robby" was sentencedý Team Standings J. Knight - 63 165 to a misconducf penalty. 1 PUs R. Johnson --------- 58 165 Vanstone pulled off a spec-1 .69 K. Davies - --- 12 165 tacullar stop on Conirie, who -----------1------ 62 R. Lockhart .. 61 162 was in alone, but on the nextý ..-.. - ...-..51 J. Newman --- 60 162 irush Con'ric found the sir - --- 45 R. Wheaton----68 15.3 aide 'from a bad angle, at 16:. - .-26 N. Mooney -60> 145 An interfe-enice penalty Io -.- .-20 W. Wallis- - 69 121 Powell, h1aif a minute liter, aI-,. XTlLEý L' 1 d Leslie ----- 27 20 - f Murray Larmer ---- 30 20 - I Bert Engley ------. 30 20 Ross Wright ---- 30 2>0 George Stephens - 30 2U Matt Harrison --3<0 2M S John Stainton --- 27 *20 Doug Taylor------30 20 Frank Mohun-. - 30 20 Si Trewin -.30) 021 f Don Bagnel -- .1»1 2 Jack Munday 30 201 (;,~HEAT1NG OILS a V GJASOLlNE-MOTOIl I-' Interested in a New Home? then make this comparison test a nd save .25% or more! Question: WVhich of these fine honmes is cuistoni-built? Answ-er: Neiflier. Ea-h is a stperblY mnifacttu'ed Moine b>' Sunnibilt. g'U NlBILT HOMES have t4iât Iook of lndividualify. Cîoome front a 'vide selection for erec- lion on any shape or mi'ze of lot. IqUNNIBTT [TOMES are -s.yled for attractivenema, luxury and efiiency of sjece. Tliey're arch- itecf designed, pI anrird for con- venient living, and available in Brickc Veneer or Wood exteriors. SUNNIBILT HO-MES are eco- nonmical. You get 25ý cta 30% raore home per' dollar than any eonventionaily bu It home Pre - planning and pre-t'utting elimin- ate 'waete, 5a%'tConimtructîon time. Yuu eau f uriher (.utt usts by du- ing nu('h of the work yous'self if you wîsh, or by acting as your own contractor dealing directly with sub-frades and nîaking your own price arrangements iitî fhem. * combemvt* Credit en: -K N.H.À. and VLA. approi..d I*100 mte«REdelim----t', ,,ic i j ~Guarntm! .ceet1oiatc THERE'S A SUNNIBILT STRUCTURE 70 SUIT W¶archotises. i'.nrkçhep5,. 5ernîr Mations. Scheo,u,' Sioîage She<i'. Iles whether you're reody to build now . .. or just in the planning stages . .. you'Il be dollars ahead if you -% mail thîs important coupon today! 0 H~,e Summer ( ottagi'e andl Ca<ror. SPREPA9 PRODUCTS LTD. - 1345 Dufferin Streset -Toronto, Ont. - LE. 3-8587 omUWNW IIPC - Saftftll4po. USE Hf!ýeC U-O !Write for FREE HOlM E I LITERATtTRE ni- send 25e for 1 complete Home Catalogue. I ,;,Inlmer Cottage Catalogue 25c-) f' C arate C&Wanvir e). P1ro% ince BO- - -- - -- -- -- -- ---- Mixed Bowling League 3 1 Fî'iday riighls action saw performances were î'ecç 2several upsets change the by Joe Nowv1an 280, Essie 1standings mbt a real toss-up. 273, Mike Heenan 271, 1Only ten points seperate the Hilda Brook 261, Ron Mi 1first eight teams. Art Spiccc's 259, Bob Yake 257, Amv. outfît after being bounced out acott 254, Elton Brock Iof tirs) last week. made a 241, 206, Emma Bromel] compicte reversai bo take over and Em Stringer 249. the leegue leadership again. Elton Brock's 698 was Joe Nowlan's club were ivp- high triple, followed by"' set to the tune of 6-0) by Bud Palmer' 688, Hilda Broch' Edmondson's crcw to slip f0 and high for the ladies, second, a' point back of fhe Bond 667, Joe Nowlan leaders. Two more utmets Arnold Slcep 660, Onie E created a three-way dead- 643, Amy Winacott 632, hock for third, when Fred Evarns 630, Em Stringer Luxton's feem trounced Elton Ron Mutton 624 and Bbb« Brock's bowlers 7-0, and Jack 612. Bond's squad decisioned Jim, Tcam Standings Cox's feam 5-2. Luxton, Cox Teani w 1 1 and Brock arc the three Spîcer'-'-18 1J tennis on the third rung. Ccc. Nowlan . 18 1, - Mutton ticd Bond for fourth, Luxton --------- 17 u winning 5-2 over Bob IIlteli- Brock --- ------ --- 16 P ell's ceilar-dwellers. Cox - ý ----- ý,----.- 16 1I- Dot Bond and "Heap" Palmier Mutton .... 16 Iý tied for high single honours Bond -1,5 1. with scores of 286. Other top Edmondson-----14 If YeoIl 1' IM . MvcKniaht Mithell-.. Averages 9 21 I ers iLnd T r 'lIon Brock - 30 Presdeni Bob Yake . -30 As --a Palmner----30 As re id nt Hilda Brock--- 30 Asscitin Duke Brunt Io AsaioneMnu Bsbi e c held their Spîing Jack Bond _ -.-.3o meeting af flic Elml'ursf Ho- Joe Nowlan ...... 3< tel on Friday ngît in New- Jerk Broupl ----27 castle. Ceci] Mutton ----- ---3:w .Minutes of thc las) ineet- Arnîold Sleep - ------<I Si ng were rcad by Sec.Treas. 'Louî WelsI ---------24 C. R. Cerveth Of Newcastle. Em Stringcî- -------- 3o Af the hast meeting the Morley Etcher ----3<i) leegue decîdcd 10 send four Gardon Wilcox ---24 Idelegates to the 0OB.A. con- Dot Bond --------2)1 vention in Sarnia, March lBth Howard Bromell 3 A repart was lîerd frin Ron MoutIon ----30) President Murray MicKnight Jean Evans 3<> and by Fred Lycett. Orono, Jim GrahamnL)27 on the changes made to the Mike Heeni 19 O.B.A. constitution for thc Ken Luxton 23 yeer. Al eges have been Put Mary Wilcox :10 back f0 1958 classes. Pee Wee Dore* Mutton 30 13, Bantam 15, Midget 17, Ju- Dou.g Reynolds ----- 21 venile 19 and Junior 21. PlaY- Fred Luxton -----30) ers can be any of these ages Emma Bronel-- 2Lý7 on Mýay 1, 1960, or after to play C'aroic Oke-----27 in anv lass of bell yaui age Jessie Heenan --2,5 feuls ini. Lest year florec was Essie Cox .' -30 no Midgct bail in Ontario. Amy Winacoft 24 1fl-he election of officers was Marg Perria -'2 7 lid amd Murrav McKnight of Joan Brunt --------24 Bovma.rville. who said tif. Carole Reynolds 2 4 would serve thc league for Audrcy Sleep . 30 another vear, goes back in for Jim C Ox ----- 27 lis, second tcrm.'Pwo vice- Ada Luxton----24 tîresirleit.s will srrvc this x'ear, Bob Mitchell Io3< Percy EIdher. Port Hope, and Pet Bartels - -30 -Fred Lycett. Ororia. C. R. Car- Bill Charles - -30 vethi. Newcastle, remains the Ruth Yake 3<0 old s<endbv as secretary for Duaine Palmer - -28 1960). Leo Curtin -30> .Theîe xsas a raiî- turnout Don Bradley --- 3< and fhe nexf meeting will be Walter Rundle-27- i entrv nigîf and dues paid. Ferne Bradley 3<) April 29th was the night cdo- Everctt Winacotf 24 ,:en, 8 pin, et Newcastle. Any Ciiff Evans ----- 30 town. village, etc.. desirîng to Ruth Mitchell»---30 enter' a team of env sort, have Marie Curtîn - 27 a representatîve et the nexf Marie Yco --------- 27- nmeeting for sure ahong wifl Rick Gould ---27 the entrv fee whicl is $15.00 Kay Luxton ------- 30 for Pec Wce, Bantam, Midget Betty Brough - ---- 18 and Juvenile. Junior fee is Dareen Charles ---30) $20.0)0 per tcam. Ivy Rundle ---.24 The league will also trv b IRuby Spicer--------27 'have ail-star Prc Wce anid Kav Grahami 24 Batitaixu tearmu.; îicked for flic Ladies-' l-fgh Single - - 1-i'e.sIîur tb-'m'ain -~ n Dot Bond teani <moin somne aller e'tv or!Ladies' High Triple association durîng Basebail i Hilda Brock-._ 'Week this summer. Ganîca ta MNen's HigI Single - be bî'ought up and discussed Hap Palier eat the next meeting. PlaviMen's HigI Triple >baJI" 1 Elton Brock . ......... o-ded Cox 236, f tton Win- 251, 1251 'Hap"l 673 Dot 663, were tur Bennett 253, Bill Bates 25: Teamns Taylor Yeo -- Perfect Bates Samis- Veitch Teenage Bowling fDon Oke 's Icague-leaders' The fiont-ruiniers in 1 Ci trouicied Johin Phillips' win- girls' longue jumped n 62,less celear-dwellers 7-1). in pointb ini front, wlien Lii fie aurday afternoon's teenage Brookings league-leaders wý action to pull 20 points in fhe only ceam of flic top thI front offlice pack and just to win. The leaders blasý 1, Pts about climîch a firsf place fin- Helen Vanstone's teini 7-0 2 43 ish. Jim MeKnight's teamn a baffle for fîrst, place. 'V 2 42 downed Tom Mason's club ginia Brown's bowlers mo', 3 38 5-2 to vault fioni fourth ta from.fourth fo second or 4 38 second, while Larrv Thomp- 5-2 win over Marilyn Mca: 4 38 son's crcw were upset 7-0 by club, and a duel for tIec 4 .36 John Rundle's tcam. lar cnded with Brenda Ok .5 3 6 Thirce bo\vlcrs luit the 60>0 ouffit losing 7-0 fa Connie 6 3ý3 mark, withi Jolin Rundies 636 mond's club. 9 2)5 settîîîg the Pace. Tom Calien Virginia Bro wn bowled 21had 623 and Don Brown bowl- fa take high triple honors, ed 618. lowed by Connie Osmond Tom Callaii's 282 Plaine took and Karen Beauprie 550. hîgh single honours. foliowcd 25by Don Brown 268, John Run- Karen Beaupnie led the 221 die 248, 202, Don Oke 233, bowlers wi'th a 221 effa 25Bob Mc'Manus 223, Ted Gould with other 200 scores going 20217. John Carter 213, Howard Virginia Brown 220, je )05 iRiundlc 21<). Alan Plumnuer 206, Thertell 219, Linda Brooki 2103 Lee Rackharn 202 and Rendy 218 and Shirley Coombs 2<0 1201 ýBeauiprie 200. 1991 Boys' Team Standings Girls' Team Standing 197Ps 191 ' O- 5 7 L. Biookiuîg J. McKiîighi 37 V. Browli <89 T.IVason - . 35 H. Vanstone- ý89L. Thonipson - - 35 M. MWoore .... --- - 8 H. Rwndle ..... 3 C. Osmond --------------- 187 J.Phillips -. 2iB. Oke __- - 187 _ I83 SLadies' Afternoon LgE 181) Bct<v Richar-ds rac-ked uip Mai'ion Gibson- -- 18) a nice 280 game oui Friday et- Marg. Coyle'- 179 ternoon, April lst, to give her VlaKto 178 high single for the aftei'noon.Vlmiito 177 Alyve Hodgson lad high dou- Hilda M'ooney v 177 ble witîî a 430 total for the Marg. MoDonald - 176 two games. Other 200 gemes Aura Trewîn . -~ 174 wcre: Alyce Hodgson 251, Bea aeWilms--------1 174 Sellers 241, Rose Cowen 221,Mae Wiim------ 170 Meta Moffatf 217. 0111e pat- Marion MacDonald ----- 1 169 field 209, Doris Holroyd 202 Ann White ' -1 168 aind Cozette Neads an evenl 200. Nance Calmet'- -1 168 Thc Robins and Wrens clash- Agiies McColoch------ 166 cd ta a 2-0 Mihutout for the Cozette Neads- -------1: 166 Robins and the Bluebirds wo Barbara Collison - .I: 166 ouf over fIe Canaries for 2> Bea Wilson-----1: 165 points. s0 thcrc's a 3-way tie Nellie Me-Feeters- 1 16 or first place. Sparrows and Ruth Goodwin------ 164 Blucinys split tle points for Daphna Spragiie - 163 i leach. Marion Wiseman -1 1621 >Rose Cowan- --1 162, Team Standings ;Jean Lobb 159 'leai i1i Rcad 159 Wrcns 12PsEli ihad 1.58 Robins ---------- -- 1 Millie White - 157 Bluebirds - --- -- 12 157 Canaries------9 - Am.cording to a survey 156 Sparrows - ---- .... American Indians sponsori 156 Beas --------4b the Canadien Cancer Si 154 Averages cicfy the mortality rate fro 154 Ollie Patfieid- - 190> cancer among Indiens is on' 152 Betty Richards-------- - 186 about haîf as great as wil 149 Ena Etcher - - ----- -- 180 whites. 149 Bonrîje McDonald - --180* * 147 Doris Holroyd --- -------178 Cancer is fhe dîsorganize 147 Shirley Devis -------1 72 unreguiated growth of boÈ 144 Alyce Hodgson --- -------- 1651relIs. Although a great de 122 Sadie Buckncl --- 161 ýhas been discovered about t. 107 Helen Nicholson,- - 161 nature of this growth, t: 10/ lMarion Crowe 159 cause is still unknown. 28 NuilCrough -1,59, * w* 26Bea Seller.s 1,57 Accordîng to Canadiati Cai Helen Rogers --15î 'rer Society officiels, no drt 673 ' Hilda Simnick --------- . 156 îles vet been found whi( Beth', Kelly --- ----- 152 icures cancer. Thc most effe 286 Daisv Bel] 147 tive treetmcnt for thc diseaý rZerb Colîrtnev 145 is ýýur2er.- or radiation in fý 698 Helene. Rundie - 145 eeî-lv sta-ges. mont resuited in 4 a ncrof t win. McMurray missed the' open net, and seconds later a shot which Vanstone didn't sec roi. led along the goal une. In the overtjye, Raye West's point blank drive was stopped in tihe opening minute of play. Bancroft did everything but score, seconds before West's firsit goal with Comrie hitting the post andi another aiot deflecting off Vnsbam'% baek. Robinson wau 8itUrU out a chewap fripping penalty whes Wilson scored. SWeclnesdiay night ln Have mom * Bancroft carne from be. hind a 3-1 first period deficit to, win 6-5. "Gusty", West gcor- cd twice for Orono, singla. going to Gerry Robinson, Jun- ior West and 'ýChuck" Arm 8trnt r I BUY theBS FOR LMS alirT COMMANDER -FJor those wl-o demand the u1mos i"n soloet, mîleoge and value. A premîium tire thot's equol in quaimýV ta Natuonally Advertiscd bronds selling for up Io 50% more. Lite- time Maniufacturers Worronty plus Lifeuime Rood lHazard Worrority. Coniventiorîo! or Tubelets. MARK 111 - Economny and quality combine to bring tile average pleosure driver good mileage and maximum sofety. Lifetime Monlufacturers Worranty plus 12 morith Rood Hazal'd Insuronce. MARK 1 - A "big bLIV" for thie smoi> budget. Highest quolity materiols and workmionship yet just a fraction more mn pnice thon re-treods, Lifetirme Monufacturers Worronty. Convenfional Rayon as Low as $ 12.95 Conventional Nylon as Low as $ 15.95 600.16 and 670.15 ai the Amazingly Low Price of $1 1.45 OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT is FuIIy Equipped to Serve You. Use Our ... EASY PAYMENT BUDGET PLAN TI4E wA àAUTO SeuPPITLideff - omWM. 85 King St. W. 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