PAGY. fflmT , Tm' r'ANAfLYAM £'ATEUM. LflfWMAWfV1Uý.M UTAWTO T1IUP*WUAY, APIL 7th. lffl1L -- -- -jam ner thanked the Btebekabs OnH ie N w P behaif of the huabanda, for teinvitation andhoe t L Th ro o Ne swouldn't be too long Iunth . Orono PuW were inivited again. mildred Rainey, Noble Grand of Hea- orono-4&r. A. G. ZdcGee. Mrs. lamnes E. Richards, Editor ther Lodge, graciouslY rePlied. has beai hired asu te e There fallowed a short sineg princiWalof the Orano Public song led by Gladys Brown at colThcnta whMr Mrs. F. E. Rhodes has re- and -Mrs. Orville Chatterton1 and Mis. Milton Birch. the piano afer which Everett SchooL Theo stai et w ther àtrned home after visiting ber and fernily. 1%1. and Mr. Freemai Ede, Brown very kindly showed McGewoltaigoete non Major J K. Rhodes, D.S.O. Lyndu Barrabail was a pat-! visited Mr. and Mis. j. Payne, slides of bis recent trip ta Principal duties frein Mr. H. and Mms Rhodes in Oakville. îent in Memorial Hospital,! Pontypool. ubcadteMrims1eLo sinSpme f190 Mr. Harry Grady, Port Ar- Bowýmanvi]le, last week. M1 .Ni oft n ngv running comnientary was signed recently. thtur. spent the weekend with i Mrs. Jack Bryson and dau- David, Lakefield, visited Mi& of the slides and they proved Mr. MicGee has been prin- his mother, Mrs. E. Grady. ýghter Lynda, Bowmanville,,and Mrs. Wm. Moffatt and Mr: verv educational as well as cipal of a tvwo-room public Mr. and Mis. Abert Ran- Mrs. M. Sherwin visited withaý and Mrs. J. Moffat and family beautiful and interesting. school in Lions Head, Bruce« deil, Whitby. vlsited ber sis- relatives in Cobourg on Sun-! on Surday. Everyone enjoyed the pictures Peninsula. for the past four ter Mrs. Hextb. Murray on Sun- day. Next Sunday mov'ning at adw prcaevr uh er n a entahn day. Mr n i.Rg utnOooUntdCuc Everett taking tim rmi his for a total of five years. Mi. v Mr an Mr, Rg Suton Orno nite Chr Mewil very busy schedule ta spend McGee la married and has M.a.nd Mirs. Archie Watson. isited Mr. and Mis. Kennedy a Reception of Junior thMveig ih s Betty Ansi and Larry, Water- Gray and son David, Cadmus. bers and Holy Communion Tusse the enigw th ir t clown, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Wallace Barra- Service. E. Long wasd the aniesr f thre nstto M. Ih i, Mr. andi Mis. n ute Br uetspae at the Annivers- of Heatber Rebekali Lodge No.K E D Granit Bright, Seagrave. spent rabail. ary Service at St. Stephen's 334. We look forward ta many Kedrosi Couples Club met Sunday witli Mis. James Ginu, Mis. Ken Bail, Bonnie and United Church* North Oshawa, more happy and prosperous on Fricbay evening. April 1, in Mr. P-ir1 is. Glenn Tenniant Susan spent Sunday with Mrilast Sunday morning. years. the Lower Hall. Warship was and famly led by Ted Maiduisu with the Mviss Bertha Cain spent S=-. ",* hee The Cross". Mis. Lyle day witli Miss Edlth Dunn. Co- r s e S2 0 A tn Noble presided as pianist. bourg. Tru te s rep are2.0Atn A feature of the business DeJe Chflice a coowlescmgdiscussion on a alte he opraton ithherBan uetprobaibly Peterborough, in ear- aut r.Jh ilesadG ar a e B - ly October. Oher correspond- MT. Killeens, Bowmanvifle. F r ence was read by Mrs. William Mr. mand Mis. Roy McGill,'F rW r enRsik Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Ms. Mha . STaleonsuwasayË r O rono V illage Percy Township sponsored tMr.Stane geitoue Ms. MHa. STalonSunay opietr aqe ntepnladmdrtr o Patient in Mennorial Hospital, Tle Orono Police Trustees jM.r. Lash]ey re setting up the Warkworth town hall Friday tjhe topic of the evenin'g Chri- Bowmanville. for a few days on Monday, Mardi 28th pass- Municipal Hall as a Commun- March 25tb, to honor Reeve stian Education lu the Home". as a result of a fal lunber ed a motion to, complete a by- ity Centre. The chairman was Earl R. Nelson of Perey Town- Rev. H. A. Mellow, Oshawa, home. law in wbicb a garbage ac- authorized to contact Mi. ship, wbho as recently eîect- had as bis panel meinbers, J. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- count is determined and to Lashley in this matter. ed Warden of the United 'Hunt and H. Chesebrough terton, Carol and David spent set the necessary charges. The In connection witb sidewvalks Counties of Northumiberland' of Osh1awa, M-\irs. Derek Barnett the weekend with Mi. aud Mis. by-law is then te be present- a letter was received from -the sud Durhamn. About 250 at- leid1.11rs. Harold Werry. A John Cook, Soerborougeh. ed to the Township Council County Engineers stating the tended. p lea ;rt cial hour concluded Miss Catherine Power, Toi- to be passed. procedure ta be followed in It la 30 years since a Perey thne Apnil program. onto, apent the weekend with Wlith -cntuigthe passing of this by-cstuin a sidewalk aloug Township reeve bas be For thec Ma-, meeting, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power law every familv unit with in the County Rd. over Cob Hill. warden, the last warden beixîg Everett M1ountioy will show and James. the Village will Se obliged ta G. E. Simpson, lu charge of the late William Herbert Nel- 1pîctures and give a talk on the Mis. Ephîiam Evans fias re- pay garbage fees wbich are sidewalks, said he was wait- son, father of the present war- past months spent in Southein turned ta Miss Sadie Brown'Ys ta remain at 50c. a month. 'me ing until the snow was gone den. United States. ater a few days lu Memox-lal fee will stili be collected 'before making any inspection. The Rey. Leslie Hardy of There will be a Good Fr1- Hospital, Bowmanville. througb the Orono Hydro Of- The dogs running at large Brîdgenorth, brotheî-in-law ef day service for the charge in, Mr. andi Mis. Gardon \Val-i fice as bas been in the last then camne before the meeting the warden, said grace. Kedron United Church, an ker, Thornhili visited Mr. andinumber of years. A resideuce aud R. C. Foîrester said that Following a banquet seived April 15, at 7:30 sponsored by Mis. Ken Bail andi family on is defîned as a building or numerous dogs could not be by the ladies o! the blue ban- thec Session of theCOhiurch. Tuesdlay and Wednesday. ipart o! a building used as a caugbt. He outlined a proce- ner gîoup of St. Andrew's Kedron W.A. will meet on Mr. J. C. Gamey is now em-1Idomestic establishmnt sud dure used lu other centres Piesbyterian Churcb and the Wednesday afternoou Aprul 6, ployed lu the office o! Oronolconsisting o! two or more where a charge la piesented Women's Association of St. in the Sunday SchooQ Hall at Telephone Co. moins lu wbich persons us- thraugh the Justice of the Paul's Unitedi Church, a pro- 2 p.m. Mis. Thornton Wilson has re- ually sleep or prepare mieals. Peace. H. M. Mercer said that gram ivas presented with Ai- Coronation Home and School tuined home afteî spending A commercial building is de- somethixg bad ta be dlone and thur Wartmani, representative Association will meet on April two weeks witih ber daughteîs fined as a building with anc the chairman was asked to in- o! Percy Township. council, as 7, Thrsday evening. at the in Simncoe sud Scaîboioug'h or more rooms lu which vestigate fuither procedure master o! ceremanies. schaool. Mi. sud Mis. Simpson ç wholcsale or retail dealiug to issuing charges tbrough a W. Grant Allen, clerk of the Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray Mount- turned home asat week after are exercîseci. Justice o! the Peace. township, introduced the mem- ioy and Miss, Jea-niiîe Werîy Visiting with their family for In the new by-law residen- The meeting adjourned. bers that were scated at tbe attended the presentation of the winter. ces and commnercial buildings Times. bead table. They weîc the "Cavalcade of Holidays" by Mis. Wesley Elliott is a pat- wl be obliged ta psy the 50e________ Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, M. the Ontario County Jr. Faim- îer! li M/emorial Hospital, a montb fee. Anyone failing P.P. sud Mis. Goodfellow, er's choir, in tbe Union'ville ]Bow'manville. to pay the fee will be charged Warden Earl R. Nelson, Mis, district on Saturday eveuing. Mi. . Bitanthe amount ou their tax bil.fl Nelson and daughiter Linda, 'The concert was sponsored by OhwM.ad_4s ]tn R. C. Forrester informed Arthur Wart- " h rFrnr fteUin Ohawa; ,Mi. and Ms. Mirton the meeting that the Recrea- Maurice Holt of Peterborough. vlle rea. Chalice anMi. anda Mil Wretn Comnittee was uow inu ilebrat Ben, M.P., and Mifs. Mis Ted Maidnan, Mrs. ai. -iitd Ms.Orileoperatian and that there wss Thornpsor i:)-'3righton, W. Frnk Newell an Mrs. S. Chalviie sd &.admily On- la need for saine mone~v toa a- ~ n Grant Alleýn and Mi&s. Allen of n d&,-. Mthllmto)an Ee thel D th a VOîrimet fCa-UcReeve of Cramahe Town- a rnd suMi s. Geav. iedG. E. Simpson an amOunt of ada" a toast, was proposed by Rehip sud Iv anvbb, Dey Mr. an i n sb. it edon$5.00 was allotted to assist Orono - Heather Rebekah Gaînet Ricikard, past wardenRev ofBw nvle r- Mi sd ir. m.Miehllonwitb the operation. R. C. For- Lodge bias passed another o! the United Counties. 'mis spouded. Sunday. rester pointed out that next milestone snd on Monday was respouded to by Ben The Bey. W. J. T. Hicks, a 1frs., E. Payne, Port Hope, vear theicocmmittee would be evening, Mýarch 28th, celebra- Tmompson. 'Mr. T'mps former member of Pereyr $beoth i.ecil n wilir self-controllcd finan.cially as ted the thirteentb birthday. paid tribute ta Mr. Nelson in Township council, welcomed wa i evý wol receive their Durîng thic past thirteen following lub s f ote' ost. the guests. onwa cratn i itday grants. yeaîs we have met sud spent steps aiter 30 years. Ccrey Grills, dete devefor on Saturday.~ Iii the correspondence a let- many happy sud busy bours. Fraudas De Carrol of Camp-Pectaedtelisfo iL Mis. Ross Gilbart %vas prc- ter was received f ram ',le On- Wc bave met an several veiy belîford, was guest soloist the banquet sud he also comn- -raented with a gift froni theitaîjo WaterRceýon-,cces stating sad occasions wben we shar- singing "The Rose o! Tralee", plimented the comnnittee lu staff of the Qrono Telephone tatts iiiugl raoia dsio u et epn m utd Cuties O charge of the êvening's enter- Ca.. last weck. I ta co Mmence late*i March hand. NortHunîbrlanid and 'Durham tauimieiit. M1r. snd is. Glenn Hog-ior earIv April. A letter froin The party took the faim o!f toast was proposed by Reeve son, David and Paul, P.îw the li Lake Ontario Develoineiît a pot luck supper. Husbauds Read Budge of Port Hope. Ville visited Mr. and Mis. D. '~ ouU'ned the date being thc honoured gucats. Warden Barl Nelson respand- T m G th i G. Hooper on Sunday. and time for the June Rally. Sixty-two ladies and gents sat cd. T m G th l rJack Hudson wlîa lias - uown sbortly atter 6:30 p.m. 'me toast to Uic ladies was been ill for the past yeai re- tative ta the Association, la ta ta a very deliciaus and plenti- proposed by Stewart Gray, H N i~1 turiied ta bis work on Monday. look after the arrangeiuci-s fui dinner. The tables were reeve o! Hope Township, sud H sN w Pos Mis. Orley OhaPman spent ta attend. A letter wss al$o apprcipriately decorated in Mis. Robert Carlaw of Orland, f ew daYs last week with M. received frm. thei Orona the Easter theme, bunnies sud responded. __________________Chainber o! Commerce coin- chickens with m-any coloured The gucat speaker, Ald. AI- At Goodyea r mending the Orono Trustees Eastcr eggs with yellow snd eue Hait oft Peterborough, was on thîe efficient m'auner lu pink candles were aîtistically introduced by the Hou. W. A. Torr Gatcheli bas succeedcd hii thcy bad the Main iplaced along the tables. Goodfellow, M.P.P. Haîry Snowvden as Supervis- J.S( IE street cleaied o! snowv. The lucky prizes werc won frs. Hait spoke an 'la Can- or of the Merchandise Distri- 1Bruce Mercer, Orano Fire by, first, Tow Lewis vehase adi-an at thc United Nations," bution Departmneut at the CHARTERED Chie!, piesented his budget birthday was nearest March , she hiaving attcnded as a dele- Goodyear plant hiere. Mi. Gat- ACCUNANTfo jb fre eprtent for the 126th. Se--cond i -%ve'euIotahie ga4-e ýt the UN. She gave an cheli bias been a meniero year. $11 00.00 lias been ai- hiusbar w: ývo tdo eaoen thiree aoco' :r. o!flc United Nations thc staff since he entered the EvrYStuda u roo lowed t,'e Departient of ue -j . h gChud. C,1arter, si-d paîd tribute ta cniploy o!fihec canpany on EvrySaurayhiOrno which S340.00 lias alreadiv !Watsim (Caiifideîitiallt- Gord1How' hý-ê Greeni, the Minister May ath, 1941. a..-~ .. been speîît for a îîew self-coli-,to'Z -.s that lie hai eat ý1 fi.'n XL- fl fairs sud bis Iu bis eaîly years at G.oo4- 9..-5 .. taiued oxygen uîask. The fire Ipieces of cake too1 year Milý. Gatcheil spent saine1 elief's budget was accepted 'h' n wearing a ied necÉ. ac De Carroll sang time on Production Contrai, LYCETT'S wlilch left an expectcd bal- ie w'isthe winner of the -thiirci eCme Streamt" wltb but tnost O! bis service bias ance oft $170.00 whicli wofflr prize.this was Perc. Lunn. M'-% i. Hardy, AT0M, Of been in Merchandise Distribu- INSURANCE OFFICE le iu-ed Xr- - v rt." - îcikv cai prize was wvon by ý1cvo1aiisro, the pianist. tion. He was barnin luBow- Orone Phone 12516 mert at the enid o!flice yepr.S. Ed. \Younenian. A tot new niembers Of manville sud is a graduate of The chairinan soei t everyone lîad partak-' the caui-ties couuicil was pro- Bow'manville Hîgb 5chool. Do0 You Need i 11 hlsan fe n teMao Lodge. Some HeIp?ZONtr 34.adMmhis. inSo and BuceIslington, visited Mi. adMrs. Nor-inuLeacb' delpWaned? If on hve jo to Visited at John Kivell'sansd ilei Waîed? If ou ave jo 10 Douglas Fletts, Solin ant and Ken visited ah William aller, or need any type af help your- Mrs:P M. Hed Enulakillen, visited at Ray Caniero'son self, fîrsi loIo t he WANT ADS! Mansd Mvn. Ray at ers weekcnd guestsata R. C. Stainu- 11ton's. Thisnewpapr'ý clssifed ds re he estMi. aud Mis. Tom Currie Thisnewspaer clssîîedadaarethebest Iand !Tnmy Hamilton spenjt a1 iew disys at Robert Killens. 'l'il aie helpers" in town:; They'll fînd just the George Sonley, Taranto, vis-ý ited at Fred Cameron's. ~"~ . file clerk or salesman you may nced; merely Patsy Fisher attendcd thc HOmne Show at thc Coliseum. state your requirernents in the "Help Wanted" Taronto, on Monday. ... Ze caînmunity gatheied at colmns Or- i YO ned hlphel in HansGeissbergei8 on Friday coluus.Or -if OU ncd elphcl lu night for a presentation ho mi. sud Mia. Fred Dait wbo aie selling or buying or help in fixing Up the moving ta a fanun near Wood- ville. During thie evening theyý house. then first look at ail the offermngs in i weîe piesentcd wii a china cabinet, a lamp aud two asb- Q ick Ationich listings in our WANT ADS! tisys.Tii ladies servcd lunch U1C& Clfl, gasd the social turne was enjoy- Af ed by ail. Bet wishes ta Fred Fast Resulis When an onei hernwh'me. ýDonnie, Bowmanville, vislted Yo Rad an Useat Ray Cameron'a on Sunday. Mis. Hans Geissbergei visited Our Want Ads! Read by 25,000 Prospective Customers Smait hygoes oMr Tom as Martin and fanily, Nortbh DIAL MAnket 3-3303 Ow uUcsde passin g Of Mis. Martin. The familYý 1lived lu Zion for mauy ycars before moving ho Norths Oh- ___________ ____ ____ ___awa. ýrincipal ic School been Uving in W*urton. He wus ohoaen by the local Board froin fourteen who applied for the principalship of the Orono School. Mrx. Hubert Lowes who basi been principal of the Orono! school, for the past two yearsI bas resigned as principal as of June, 1960, when he enters the ministry. Mi. and Mrs. Lowçes and family are movmng to Missouri where Mr. Lowes will study for the ministrY and also hold a cangregation. -Times. RON Conuneriord îvere ca-hostesses at a sboweî sud party honour- ing Miss Geil Hamilton, bride- ta-be of Barry Cockburn. 'me guesta wcre ueighbours, sud' Mis. S. Commer!ord'a home was Uic setting for thc pie- sentation of gifts. including a coffée table and ihoning board. Mr asud Mis. Ronald Weriy wcre*Sunday gucats of Mi. sud mis. Sidney MacDonald, Ster- M%&. aud 3Ms. M. Wialters and Dorothy ietuined recently ai- ter a vacation speut ln Floridla, during taie past few weeks. A visit witb Mr. snd Mrs. A. T. S-tain-ton was a bappy icature of the holiday. Mr. sud Mis. Mark H-ancock. 1Jean, John sud Donna were recent guests a! Mr. sud Mis. Robert Hsucoýck, Toronto. Mis. Hanrold Weirr with Mis. Robert Hanicock o! Toronto, Lspent thec weekeud, gucats of Mis. Milford Shepherd o! Pies- tan. BURIKETON We were very pleasedto bave Mis. W. A. Logan takingý charge o! oui îîorniug Wor- s-hip an Sunday înarnininl the absence o! Rev. W. A. Logan. Mý,rs. Logan gave a very inspir- ing sermon wbich. was great-. 13? endoyed by ail. Next Sunday le Palm Sun, day Aprîl0lth. Holy Commun- ion will li observcd. Plans have becun made ta hold suother social evcning ait thec homeof Mr. and NMus.Way- ne Wcston ou Fiiday cvenaug, April 8th ait 8:15 pn. The Burketain W.A. wlll meet on Thiursdiay afrernoon, April l4th, ait 2:30 p.m. in the church hall. We welcume Mr. sud Mis. Howard Davis and diaughteî af Clarcimant ta oui commun- ity. Mrs. Esither Carnochan Mi. and Mis. Stanley McCulloug and iauly spent S-aturday with relatives lu MIIbiook. Mr. sud Mis. A. E,__Rlbey 1 North Nesileton Euchire party held lu Nestle- ton bail Fridiay nigbt played four tables. Winners were: High mn, Mr. Carl Wright; Consolation mn, Mi. Doug Bilby; Higlh w"nen, Winilda Malcolmn; Consolation women, Miss Pearl Wright. Miss Susanune Wilson visitec. Miss Susan McColl. Caesarea, for the weekenc. Clifford Jackson a! Toronto and Marilyn oit Oshawa, were -hainefor Uic wcekend. Mn. Franik Emerson, Peter- borough, visited bis parents an Suuday who are just getting1 over Uic 'flu. Mr. Wni. Steel was a gucat a! bonoui at a steak dinnuer held ai thUicEhuhurst Hotel, Newcastle. by t-he Goodyear Tire aud Rubber in celebration o! completion o! fifteen years at Uic Bawinanville plant. A rockinig chair was the rcting gifit although, Mi. Steel bas no intention o! becamiug inactive for a long time yct. Congratu- lations. Mr sud Mis. Bail Brown Hamilton, vlsited Mr. sud Mis. Ralph Sadlcr and girls on Sun- day. W.A. and W.M.S. The March meeting ai W.A. -aud W X.S. was helci at Mis. Geo,.Bowers. The meeting op- ened with theme sang. Mis. Carl Adamns îcad -thec scripture and ftic devotional Hynin 351 wss suag. Oui roll SUNBEAM ELECTRIC FRYPAN G.E. ELECTRIC TOASTER SUNBEAM PORTABLE MIXER SUNBEAM STEAM IRON SKILL Y/4 POWER DRILL COLEMAN CAMP STOVE Met Sturdey oeumng in Tor- enta. Mir. Ceins Lavery Mr. sud M"s. James Lavcry, Toronto, visited Mis. E. Carnochan sud Mi. Thomnu Trick on the weekenzd. Messns. Berniard Spcn ce, Glen Ljawrey sud Wayne, Wes- ton, spcn't Friday lu Belleville and Bloomfield, Miss Gaye Hubbaid célebra-: ted ber lOth birthday witb !iieuds sud relatives frein Nor- wich. Toronto, Bawmsuville,, Oshawa and Buiketon. Mr. sud Mis. Rass Hubband sud Janice, Trenton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Ben Hubbard. We are pleased ta bave Mis. Greta Bailey borne again. Mi. sud Mis. Eduwaîd McMa- hon sud. faimily, Blackstack were Sunuday gucsts o! 34r. sud Mis. Harold Larmer. Mr. sud Mis. Frank Allison and fanily, Oshawa, weie Sunday guests of Mi. and Mis. George Aflson and family and Mis. Pearl Avery. Mi. aud M=s. George Allison sud iamily visited Mi. sud Mis. Aflison lu Port Hope. Mi. aud Mis. Orvus Smilth aud Chrus, Oshawa; Mis. Susie Van Volkenburg, Mr. E. Van Ludcun Peterborough. visited Mi. sud Mis. Jack Smith on Suunday. OSHAWA M a nvers Coun cil Meeting Accounts amounltinx ta $10,- 383.32 werc passed for psy- meut at Uic Mardi meeting of Manvers Township Coun- cil held in Bethany. 'mis to- tal iucluded road accounts of $9,03 7.67. A By-law ta piovide $25,- 000 for road expeudituies lu 1960 was given tbree readiugs signed, sealed sud numbered 1367. It was pointed eut that it wiil be ncccssary at a later cail was au item for thc touch and buy table sud wc made $9.40 from these items. 'mere werc 21 ladies pie- sent. Wc received several very gencrous donations towards the Silver Tes we bac! lu Feb- ruaiF. Mis. B. Heaslip gave a masit impressive peiper on Christian Education. Mis. A. Williaui's gu-oup w'as lu charge of thc prograin. Readings were given by Mis. D. Thoinpson "The Great Tes- cher" anud Mis. A. Hyland "Parx- ents. Collection was $4.20, Hymn 148 wss sulng aud the meeting closed wîtuh Uic Mizpah benediction. Mirs M. Neshititmoved s vote oethainiks ta Mis. Bowers for the use of ber home sud Mis. A. Will- iais' gioup lu charge. Mis. Samelîs moved a spcc- ilI tbauks to Mms Heaslip for the splendid palper. I TOWN 0F 1lmnw'%'AN VILLEI GARBAGE usually picked uip on GOGD FRIDAYY APRIL 151h wiII b. picked up en THURSDAY# APRIL 141h R. B. REYNOLDS, Clerk. RA.3-301 i HAVE YOU GOT THE KEY TO THE McCULLOUGH TREASURE CHEST' if you have the Iucky Icey that opens the Iock on this treasure chest pleas. brlng it te the counter ...your key must match master key ah McCullough Lumber, 1270 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa; Aduits only allowed to participate. To be cligible for Grand Prize you must fi li Register Form sund deposit at McCullough Lumbes.. One key only per person. Our Treasure Chesi Contaîns: GRAND PEIZE - ELECTROHOMqE STEREGPHGNIC RECORD PLAYERà G.E. ELECTRIC KETTLE PENQUIN WRIST WATCII HUNTER LANTERN COLEMAN SNO W-LITE JIJG TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK AND MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES CHEST TO DE GPENED AND PRIZES DIA WK SATURDAY, APRIL 9th McCULLOUGH LUMBER 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. 1 - - , 1 ý date ta seek a suppementaiT amnount ta meet road requin.- ments ior the year. The coundil decided thst the; collection of thc 1959 tax rol be continucd until May Ist. 1960. Aspects MoUihe muny probleins caused by cxcess snow were thoroughly discuss- cd. The Reeve and Uic Town- ship Clerk weîe autboîized te ssgu an casernent granting thue Outari Hydro Flectiic Powv- ci Commission permission to, place a pale sud anchor an the townsbip lot wbeîe the mun- icipal shed la located. The clerk was inst.iucted to infor'm the CPR that council bas no objection ta ftic rail- ways rcquest to move a sinal building at Fleetwood Sta- tion. 'me Township Clerk was also instîuctcd ta place no- tices in promineut places throughout Mauvers calling for applications for two posi- tions o! warble f ly inspectais. Commnications wcre re- ccived from Uic Ministen ai Highways and Alex Canru- thers, M.P.P., regarding the. proposed devcloipmenut of Uie road from iB*lydufi ho Cait- Jwright. "e3 IU 3 330ir 9 fer L- ýF - offl»"Mb"V% . - . -- --- .-- 1