PAGE sIXTEE -, U I AMATITAW flATI'PMAN. B UfLWNVY.T.UONTRIOTf A A ~W UA~ U -- ' - ' L~UZ~~AJ1~ Z, L~.AA~AAà 1U3 IWW n - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - . - - - Coming Events 1 Articles for Sale . Articles for Sale Easter Dance, Saturday, Apr. 16, Coldspnings, Ontario. Jîm Fisher and Orchestra. Every- one welcome. Dancing starts sharp at 9 p.m. Admission $1. 14-2* COBBLEDICK - Mabel andl The Bowmanville Choral Sa- Ross Cobbledick are plcased toi ciety aire presenting theiri announce the arrivai o! a Variety Concert in Hampton daughten, Brenda Lynn, Manch Sunday Scbool Auditorium on 29, 1960, at Memoial Hospital, Friday, Apnil 8 at 8 p.m. Ad-1 Bowmanville. 14-1 *' mission 50c. 14.1l Eucbne card game at the OOMS-Edward and MarilynMemoial Park Clubhouse, ~e AllUn) wish to announce April 14, 1960, 8 p.. Pro- eeani D othiann 8lb., htozs, cbos or and Cnic rGoodpniz- oani Suny s, 4Sn a M- s., refresdhrncoo pnize. oniSa Hospil Bowmanvie-e.As, erso nts 14 2iz Moril Hopitl, Bwmani14.Amsso*0c 4 LUNNEY-Bev. and Harv. arei hlappy to announce the birthI' otheir twin daugliters Sandra Jane and Sharon Lee on Wed- nesday, Manch 30, 1960, at Me-ý, i1horial Hospital. Twin sisters er Dary and Jeff. 14-1 ZADEAU-Roland and Vaughn (nee Stephenson) wish to an- nounce the arrivai of their son, Revin Edward, on March 20,1 1960, at Holy Cross Hospital. Calgary, Alta. A brother for Stephen, Roly and Terry. 14 1* Engagements MRr. and Mrs. Michael H. Nicholishen of Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughten, Vera Nadia, to Mnf. Everett W. King, son of Mr. and Mns. Daniel W. King «)f Bowrnanville. The marniage will take place on Satunday, Apnîl 3th, 1960, at 2:30 p.m. in the Uknanian Preshytenian Chunch, 488 Simcoc St. S.. Oshawa. 14-1* Mn. and Mrs. J. Van, Bcek, Pontypool, wish to announce the engagement of thein young- est daugliten, Jane Van Beek, to Mn. Jirn Tomlinson, son of 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomlinson, Bowmanville. The maniage will take place Apnil 29, 1960, in St. Paul's United Chunch, Bowrnanville, at 7 o'clock. 14.1* Reception Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Rundle will be at home to thein friends and relatives on the occasion cf their Golden Wedding, at Hampton Municipal Hall, Wed-! nesday, Apnil 20, fnorn 2 - 4 and 7 - 9p.m. 14-2* Deaths INIA - At Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, Apnil lst, 1960, Viola Grace Inia, 67 King St. E., Bowmanville, in ber' 22nd yean, beloved wife of George Inia. Service was beld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, April 4th at 2 p.rn. Interment Bow- mnanville Cernetery. 14-1 In Memoriam- FARROW-In lovîng memony. o! a dean father and gnandfath-1 er William Arthur, who passed away April ltb, 1954. Wbat we would give if we could say Hello father, in the same aid way; To bear your voice and sec youn smile, To it with you and chat a while. Sa you who bave a father Cberish hlm with cane For yau'll neyer know the beantache Till you sec bis vacant chair. -Always rernembered, Harry, Harvey and families. 14-1 FOWLER-In loving memory o! a dean mothen, Lottie Ann, who passcd away Apnil lltb, 1954. Tbough ber smile is gone foreven, And ber band we can.,notý touch StiR we have so many m- moniis mlit Of the one we loved so miuch. ldIQ yme and Mvoern Dance will be held in Newtonvîllc iHall, Saturday, Apnil 9. Spon- sored by the Handball Team. Music by Jake Van Dam andi bis orchestra. Admission, 75cl per person. 14-1*I Ladies' Major B o wlin g League banquet to be held ati Canadian Legion Hall-on Mon- day, May 9tb, 6:30 p.m. Ban-! quet guests are asked to tele- phone Helen Vivian, MA 3-j7244 before April 15th. 14-1ý Woodview Community Centre ' -Monster B in go. Twenty' gams-twenty dollars; five gams-tbirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots atý $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf )Reserve Saturday, Apnil 9th, E1960, 3 p.rn. to 5 p.m. for Me- monial Park Daffodil Tea and Bazaar at Memorial Park Club House. Home baking, candy, white elephant booths and fish pond. Door pnize. Evenybody welcome. 14-1 Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neiglibouns for thein beautiful gifts neceived on March 25th. Bill, Ruby, Willie and Linda Johinson. 14-ý1* I wish to thank the nurses of Memonial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville and Dr. Miklos and also rny fnîends and relatives for their lovely cards and flowens. Mrs. Mabel Cobbledick. I wish to thank my friends for cards, flowers and cails, also doctors and nurses for kindness while in Port Penny hospital. Mrs. Walter Lawrence. 14-1* We would like to tbank oun family, fniends and Nestîcton neighbours for the lovely gifts and enjoyable evening tender- ed to us on the occasion of our golden wedding annîversary. Mn. and Mrs. Ehi Mairs. 14-1* We would like to take this oppontunity to, thank eveny- one wbo belped in any way to make the celebration of oun golden wedding anniversary the happy occasion that it was. Eli and Ada Mains. 14- 1 1 wish to thank ail my friends and neighbors for cards, flowens, fruit, etc., and many kindnesses shown duning my necent illness. Also rnanyi thanks to Dr. H. Ferguson. Mrs. Percy Hayward. 14.1*1 1 wisb ta express my sincere thanks ta the nurses and staff o! Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manville, also ta Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Gi and toa ah those who remcmbered me during rny recent stay in bospital. Mns. Raîpli Lamb. 14-1 I wish ta say thank you ta Dr. Harold Ferguson, Dr. Sturgis, the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital and the many fricnds and organizations who sent flowers and cards ta me durig my stay in Memon- Hem memony is aur keepsake were mucli appneciated. With which we'll neyer part, Reta Dudley. God bas her in Mis keeping14* We have ber in aur heants.141 --Sadily missed by son Russell I wish ta express my sincere and daughtcr-in-law Goldie. thanks ta friends, neiglibours 14-i for cards, fruit and flowers and visita during my stay in WINTER-Iii loving mcmnory Memorial Hospital. Special of a dean husband and father, thanks ta Drs. Ewcnt, Sylvester Norman E. Winter who passed and Austin, Specialty Papen away Apnil th, 1959. Staff and Lions Club, also We think o! bim in silence, nurses and hospital staff. No cyca cari sec us weep, Fred Giffiri, Lions Centre. ]But rnany silent tears anc shed 14-1 Wbcen others are asleep. Sanie day, we hope ta meet I wisb ta express mysice again, tbanks ta nurses and staff o!f Sanie dy we know no Memoial Hospital for thein wben, kindness, relatives and friends To clasp bis hand in the betten for plants, flowens, candy, gifts, land carda and their visits; also Neyer ta part again.. thanka ta Dr. Sylvester, Dr. --Sadly missed by a loving Austin, Mrs. Dilling, Mrs. wife Ellen and sari Larny. Burnns Mns. Alldncad and Rev. 141Jackson. Special thanka ta Dr. Hubbard. Tenders Vanted Phyllis Maynard. 14-1' CLARKE Township School I wouîd like ta express my Area Board,' for sale o! site thanka ta fienda, relatives and and building, former No. 9 neighbours for the many carda, Scbaol. Higlicat or any tender baskets o! fruit, flowers and not necessarily accepted. Muat plants sent ta me while in hos- be received befone April 20, pital, also many thanks ta Dr. 1960. Mrs. V. M. Gilmen, Austin and staff o! Memonial Sec'y-Ti'eas.,' Newtonville. Hospital and special nurses and 14-1 ta Rev. Houlander, Rev. Stain- S-.No. 21, DARIýLINGTON ton and Capt. Cales for their Hay;doi, Ontaria, la open for cails while in hospital. tenders for the installation of R. D. Preston. 14-1', an ail fur.nace. Wrtten estirn- ates received frorn Apnil 9th Finatncial ta 23rd inclusive. Lowest or -N any ender not necessanily ac- UNLIMITED MONEY LOANS, cepted. For appointmeiits tele- T CiyudFmPok phone CC) 3-2439 or CO 3-2677. Money for anything and any- 14-1 where. Phone or write now. OFS INVESTMENTS LTD. Piano ~Tuningý 99 Avenue Road, Suite 310 ~ARTHUR Coilison. Telephane Toronto 5, Ontario. WA 2-2442 UwAket 3-3900. 8-tfi 14-41 WATER for sale. Delivered.* Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfaxi 3-2131. 36-tf WEDDING dress, size 14, $30; head-piece, $10. Phone MA: 3-5692. 14-1* TYPE WRITER, Underwood, reasonable. Phone MA 3-5216 after 7 p.m. 14-1 REBUILT electric motors, new guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- phone Orono 14 r 16. 6-12* RODNEY oats and Herta bar- ley, mixed. Roy McLaughlin, Phone 17 r 3, Blackstock. 14-1* I GOOD quallty baled hay. Tele- I phone CO 3-2024. 14-1 QUANTITY o! cedar posts. Phone MA 3-3394. 14-1l CLOVER seed, hay and straw. Austin Wood, MA 3-2388. 14-1* LIGHT w o od, stovewood lengths, $10 a load. CO 3-2275. 8-tf GIRL'S coat, size 14, like new. Cail after 5. Phone CO 3-2342. 14-1 1% y-H.P. GARDEN tractor with six attachments. Phone MA KEYS cut automatically, while 3-5473. 14-1 you wait, at Mason & Dale HEINTZMAN upright piano, Hardware, 36 King St. E.,Ijreasonably priccd. Telephone Bowmanville. 46-tfjorono 3 r 5. 14-1* SAVE on lumber, direct from mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17 r Il. 13-tf LATHAM raspberry canes, $4 for 100, $30 for 1,000. Corner Symons Rd. and Higbway 401. Phone MA 3-5178. 13-2 GOOD selection used TV sets for reasonable pnices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. Est, Oshawa. il-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PAINTING and Decorating. For quality matenials and g u an a nt e e d wonkmanshîp. Lander Hardware & Electric Ltd. 9-tf 72 ACRES of dairy bay in the field for sale. Speak for it now and corne and see it laten. Pbone Columbus OLiver 5-3995 aften 6 p.m. 14-1 DO your own floors and rugs -Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo rneth- cd). We sand floors. Lander Hardware. 5-tfj rINSULATION, blowing rneth- .od, with rock wool. Work- manphip guananteed. Free esti- mates. Hanny L. Wade. Tele- tphone Clarke 2420. 39-tf WORK boots and sboes at ban- Sgain prîces, brown and black, ail sizes. Bowrnanville Sboe Repain, 80 King St. W., Bow- rmanville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowrnanville. Phone MAnket r3-330â. 7-tf FRESHEN Up for Spring! Large selection of Winciow Blincis, also free measunement and in- stallation on Venetian Blinds. Congoleum by yard. F. A. Kramp Ltd., successor to F. F. Morris Funnitune Co., Anket 3-7071. 14-1 GET the jump on old man winter. Sec us for free esti- mates on "Canhayes" Alurnin- um Doors and Windows. You will be amazed how economical they are from Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, or Phone MAnket 3-5689. 40-tf INew -Retreaded * Used JAàMSON TIRE 10-tf FREE Wlth the purchase of every New Television at regular list price, a 30' Tower wlth Ali-Channel Acrial Harry Locke MAPLE GROVE TV MA .3-2312 13-2 Sec the new German STEREO HI1-FI SETS Beautiful Swedish Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Dutch Nerchant 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA 8-6051 ONE Massey-Harris spreader, four-wheel, on nubben, good condition, $140. Phone Black- stock 14 r 23. 14-1 "BAB Buter" in good con-, rdition with chair to match, also ,one Lloyd baby carniage, in 2good condition. Phone MAnketi 3-3893. 14-11 SEE our large selection of Car- riages and Pont-a-Cants, all styles and colours. F. A. Knamp Ltd., successor to F. F. Morris Furniture Co. 14-1 LAWN and Garden Fertilizens (with on without Dieldrin or Aldnin for Cut Worms). Lawn grass and bulk garden secds o! higbest quality, lowest price. Visit youn seed headquartens. Stewart's Seeds, Division St., Bowmanville. 14-tf ON Sale - 3-piece sectional chestenfîeld, $169; 2-piece bcd- chestenfield, $99.50; 3-pcc .bed- room suite, $89; space-saven,l $44.50; Arbonite step and cof- fce tables, $9.95; spring-filled mattresses, $19.95; used refrig- erators, guaranteed; odd chairs, beds and springs. Murphy Funnitune, King W., Bowman- ville. MA 3-3781. 14-1* -SUMP PUMPS -Complete with 25' Plastic Hose f $50.00 PARTNER Plumbing & Heaflng Orono 1782 Tyrone CO 3-2281 Complete Garden Supplies LANOSCAPE DESIGN Lawn Ferfilizer 1 with ALDRIN 1SPREADER ON LOAN Van Belle Gardens 3 Miles West o! Bowmanville Highway No. 2 MA 3-57574 13-31 HOME FREEZERS 12 eu. ft. GENERAL $239.95 17 cu. ft. GENERAL $269.95 20 eu. ft. GENERAL $249.95 These prices Include signal 1 Iight, full warranty, plus food spollage warranty. Bowmanville Frigid Locker Systeml PHONE MA 3-5578 r 14-1 USED FARM MACHINERY, 2Guaranteed - Tractons, Mas- - ey-Hannis 101 Super; Massey- Harris 81, Massey-Harris 30, Massey-Hannis 22, Fard tractan witb Loader, Allis-Chalmens B, Allis-Chalmens VF with scuf!- lens, International W4, Farm- all H, Farmaîl M with scufflers, Farmall Cub with mawcn and plaw. Delhi 81/2 ft. Cultivaton on steel; two Massey-Harris Dni1ls, 13-disc; International 13-disc Drill; International 15- manker double disc Drill; John Deere 3-furrow Plow on I rubben; Case 2-funrow Plow, 3-point hitcb; Masscy 2-!urrow Plow on steel; John Deere Sub Soilen; International H o r s e Spreader; Case P.T.O. Com- fbine; Case motor dniven Com- bine; International motor driv- cri Baler; New Holland moton driven Baler; 2-row Holand Mechanical Planter; Interna- tional 22" Mil with Shrcdden; Massey P.T.O. Sprayem, 17- nozzle with P.T.O. pump; John Bean P.T.O. Sprayer with 2- cyl. pump, delivers up ta 7 G. P.M. like new; 1947 Fond Truck, good condition, excellent farn truck; 1956 International 3%-ton Truck. 7 eu. ft. Freez- cmr, Cowari Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. MA 3-5689. 14-1 1Auction Sales 35 Beef cattle, hogs, 2 trac- tons, combine, ¾Y-ton truck, ful line o! modern implements, hay, grain, the property of Bcaton's Farm, one and a haîf miles east of Oshawa, frorn Bloor St. E. turn south and fol- low signa, on Thunsday, Apnil 14. Terms cash. Sale 1 o'clock. Ted Jackson, Port P'erry, auc- tioneer. 14-1* Auction sale of three Perch- eron horses, Holstein cows and calves, farm implements, Rod- ney otssoe furnitune, the pnoperty'o! )Mn. Arthur W. Hale, 2 miles east of Newton- ville, on Highway No. 2, and 1%~ miles soutb, on Thursday, Apnil l4th at 1:30 p.m. Murray C. Noble, auctioneer, Balti- more 34 r 2. 14-1 Durham Farrners 6th Annuali Spring Stocker Sale will be held on Thursday, April 21 at the Durham County Salesý Anena, Onono. Sale to corn- mence pnornptly at 2:00 p.m. This sale offers the best in top .jualîty cattie for grass. Also included in this sale will be a number of registered beef buils, senviceable age, and cows with calves at foot. Plan to attend this auction. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 14-2* Massey-Harris tractor, self- pnopelled combine, baler, trac- ton seed drill, International S- 110 truck, full lime of rnodern fanm machînery, the estate of the late Russell Virtue. Sell by public auction on Saturday, April 16, at 1 p.m. at bis late residence, Lot 9, Con. 7, DarI- Furthen particulars, see bills. Terrns cash. No reserve. Lawrence Haris, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneen. 14-2* IPORTANT AUCTION 30 Registered and higli grade Holstein bherd and farm ma- chineny, including 2 Interna- tional tractons; all macbinery in excellent condition. Loca- tion: Charles Frank Farm, 3 miles north o! Bowmanville, on Liberty Street N. and corn- er o! Taunton Road East, Lot 9, Con. 4, Darlington. Time: 1 o'clock sharp, Wednesday, Apnil 2Oth, 1960. Sec sale bills. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson, auc- tioneer; James Blair, owner and sales manager. 14-2 The undersigned bas receiv- ed instruction frorn the execu- tons o! the estate o! the late Chnis. Law to seîl by public auction on Satunday, Apnil 9th at bis late residence, Mill St., ,Nfewcastle. Bednoorn, living- room and kitchen furniture, re- frigeraton, sewing machine, .vacuum cleanen, nangette, 8- piece walnut dining-room suite, dishes, glassware, tools, etc. Real estate - 11-room double bouse, frarne constructed, with bath. Excellent location, Will be offered for sale subject to reserve bld. Inspection by ap- pointment. Terma on furniture cash. Terma on real estate made known day. o! sale. Lawrence Harris, clenk. Jack Reid, auctioneen. Sale to comn- mence prornptly at 1 p.m. 13-2 Old Orchard Henefords Ltd.- M'illbnook, Ont. Opportunity Sale, Satunday, Apnil 23, 1960, [:30 p.m., at Peterboroughi E~xhibition Grounds, offering 40 lots consisting of 14 bulîs; sev- eral are by WHR Lord Venn 8 which sined the Grand Charn- pion bull and lst pnize get-of- sire at 1959 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Others by WHR L~ord Venn 53, Old Onchard Avalon Flash 7 and WHR Cox- swain 7. Government Grant on 5 Tested Bulîs. 26 Females; nany have calves at foot by WTHR Coxswain 7 and some will be rebned by sale time. Hend Accredited and Fedenally Listed. Auctioneer: W. S. )'Ncil and Son, Denfield, Ont. Fon catalogues write M. W. Cornish, mgr., Millbnook, Ont. 14-2 Notices NOTICE TOWN OF ihuýVMANVILLE DOG CONTROL OFFICE HOURS EFFECTIVE APRIL lat The Dog ContraI Officer wlll be lu bis office: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 a.m. ta 9 a.m. and 4 p.M. ta 5 p.m. SATURDAY 8 a.m. ta 10 ar. ,Other hours: Phone MA 3-111,1 for information. R. B. REYNOLDS, Clerk. 13-2 1 For Rent TR-EE roomns in Tyrone. Tele- phone CO 3-2645. 14-1 STORE at 55 King West. Apply W.Prower, MA 3-5907. 14-21 FARM bouse with barn, $50 monthly. Phone MAU 3-3394. 14-11 FURNISHED r o o m, light housekeeping. Phone MArket 3-7201. 14-1 TWO heated apartments, four roorns and a bath. Phone New- castle 3136. 14-2* FARM house for rent, vicînity of Enniskillen. R. Stenger & Son, Ennîskillen. 14-1 THREE-roomn apartment, cent- ral, heated, :heavy duty stove. Phone MA 3-3801. 14-1 SIX-roomed apartment, in Tyrone, private entrance. Tele- phone CO 3-2506. 14-2 TWO-bedroom apartrnent, priv- ate entrance, clidren wel- corne. Phone MA 3-5798. il-tf THREE rooms and bath, heat- ed, heavy wiring, seif-contain- ed; May lst. MA 3-3186, 205 King East. 14-1* WOULD rent 50 to 100 acres of pasture. Norman Down & Sons, R.R. 4, Oshawa. Phone RA 3-4259. 14.1* APARTMENT in Newtonville three rooms and bath, pnivati entrance, beavy wiring. Phon( Clarke 5 n 03. 13-21 FIVE-room bouse, abstainer: only, one mile east of Bow manville. Phone bctwcen 4:3t and 6:30. MA 3-2865. 14-: FIVE-roomed apartrnent anc bath, heated, heavy wiring nivate entrance. Availabl( May lst. Phone CO 3-2692. 14-1 FURNISHED apantment, thre( rooms and batbnoom, availall imrnediately. Phone MAnke' 3-3591 after 7 p.m. any evening 14-1 POUR-roomn apantment and bath, beated, newly deconated,1 tiled floors, heavy duty wiring.1 Apply Samuel Annis, 10 Di- vision St., Bowmanville. 14-1 * TWO large roomed groundi floor heated apartment,' priv- ate entrance, toilet and basin. Immediate possession. $55 per month. Phone MA 3-5813. 14-1 MODERN apartment, 4 rooms, kitchen and bath, heated, soft bot water, garage, garden sup. plied. Sepanate entrance. Avail- able imrnediately. MA 3-2841 after 5 p.m. 14-3 APARTMENT foxÈ rent to a middle aged couple, abstainers; 5 rooms and sunroom, separate entrance, running waten, bydro and garden, I ½2 miles from town. Phone CO3-2015. 14-1* THREE-room beated apant- ment, central. Business or mîidle-age couple. Abstain- ens. Write Adventisen 30, c/o Tbe Canadian Statesman, P.O. ,Box 190, Bowrnanville, Ont. 14-1' Cars for Sale 1956 FORD 4-dr. station wagon. Good, dlean condition. Custorn radio. Phone MýA 3-5115. 14-2* 1957 BUICK 4-dr. Handtop, automatic transmission, radio, $1,495. Phone MA 3-3394. 14-1 1960 VAUXHALL. Excellent condition. Able to finance. Phone MA 3-3776 after 7 p.m. 14-1* '54 CHEV. one-ton stake, good condition and '50 Ford haif-ton. Excellent condition. Telephone MA 3-5035. 14-1 1951 ¾ý-TON Chev. pick-up truck, 1949 21/-ton G.M.C. truck with 16' body, new tires. Phone MA 3-3394. 14-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For pensonal service at your home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1958 1/-TON Fango Express. Punchased in '59, $300 down; 1949 Dodge sedan, good body, fair motor, $75. Phone CO 3-2509 aften 6 p.m. 14-1BUIGO SLIN SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-55741 607 King St. East (Jnst East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf USED CARS-1955 Dodg-e 4- Dr., excellent condition; 1955 Pontiac 4-Dr., automatic trans- mission; 1956 Ford 2-Dr.*: 1956 Mencuny 2-Dr. Handtop, auto- matic transmission, radio; 1958 Meteor 2-Dr., 1959 Ford Fair- 1Work Wcmted GIRL desires housework by the day. Phone MA 3-7075. 14-1 -PLUMBING, heating, eaves- )troughing, free estimates. Han- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 13-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimney work, new or repair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Call L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf MAKE youn cottage ready for summer now. Carpenter wonk, new and repains, noofing, cup- boards, also cernent work, base- ment an'd garage floors. Free estirnate. Phone MA 3-5212. 13-2 flerman Van De. Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and Carpentry New Work and Repairs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mill Lane 5-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK 54 Kin R. L. TAFT Ing St. E. MA 3_50JO 16-tf1 rKEITH DAVEY it- Livesfock Shippers AND GENERAL TRANSPORT SPhone CO 3-2639 46-26* Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf (Ted) Arends Electnie Moters REPAII4S toalal your electricai equipment REWINDING Sales & Service MA 3-93058 43 Third St. Bow.manville 1-tf OSHAWA TV TELE VISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & REPAIRS Phone flowmanvllle Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tf .Help Wanted YOUNG mnan for genenal work at Cream of Barley. Prefen-ý ably with some interest ..n animaIs. To bc'gin April llth. Apply Cream o! Barley Park. 14-1 B. . STURROCK & SONS LTD. MA 3-5516 BOWMANVILLE Sow Pedigreed Seed TRUE TO VARIETY- FREE FROM WEEDS HIGH GERMINATION - TREATED FOR DISEASE Garry and Rodney Oais Brant - York - Parkland and Herta Barley CERESMORE FARM - Bowmanville, Ont. PHONE MArket 3-7150 14-1l jReal Estate for Sale Real Estate for SffleS# J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Bowinanville Prince St. Wchl designed brick bungalow, modern con- veniences. Asking $12,500 with $5,000 cash. Liberty St. N. 9-room home with 4-rooni apartment. Con- veniences. Four fruit trees, on nice lot. Asking $11,000 with $2,000 cash. 27 acres east of Newcastle. New five-roorn brick bunga- low. Asking $12,000 with $5,000 cash. Anxious to sell. Inspect and make offen. 7 room insul brick on bigh- way nean Newtonville. Con- veniences including new oiù funnace, aluminum windows. Priced $6,500 with $1,000 down. Quick possession. We need listings. Buy Easten Seals. Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Lovely 3-bedroom brnic k bungalow close to school. Lange living-room, dining area. Tiled kitchen. 4-piece bath. Oul beated. Attached garage. This is an exceptionally well built bouse. Priced to seIl. 3 bedroom bungalow in Maple Grove, veny near school. AU modern conveniences. Pric- ed very reasonably at $9,800. Terrns. 6 room h I -stoney home with aIl conveniences. Garage. Nice ýlot. Priced at $9,000. Terma available. We have several other pro. ýperties for your inspection. List witb us for better re- sults. 14-11 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER The ownen's bass can be your gain, if you purchase this al- most new rug brick bungalow! Loaded with extras. Three bednooms and ail the usual appurtenances o! a modern home. Only $3,800 down. N.H. A. mrotgage. N.H.A. resale, Liberty St. N.,i 5 roomed bungalow, garage,1 beautiftilly landscaped. Extras.1 $3,900 down. We have an exceptionally1 large selection of good bornes1 fan the Spring purchaser. Sec us before buying. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! To an ambitious couple, we offen this new frame borne, split-level design, attractive appeanance, presently liveable,s but needs intenion finishing, for oniy $500 down. The ful pnîce 15 - believe it or nat - only $3,900! Act quickly for this one. 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453 - Evg's CO 3-2397 CAN you use $35 - $50 a week Saesman - Clarence Soper 'in addition to your present M~A 3-2624 eannings? Supply consumersý 14-1 in Bowmanville with thc lange Rawleigli une. Stant earnigPedwell Real Estate im:nediately. Write Riwleigh's, Dept. D-140-902, 4005 Richelieu, Farma, 50 ta 300 acres, froni Montreal. 14-I $10,000 ta $60,000. - Supertest service station on uifT?1TI35 Highway North from id TEAC ER W NTE say, lange gallonage, only re- NEWCASTLE pairs for 5 miles around, no op- PUBLIC SCHOOL position in village. Living quarters and snack bar. Will Requires teacher for Sr. Grade, trade for farn or good bouse. salary sehedule in effect. Min- lO00 acres choice land, 7 roorn imum $.1,000. Experience ai- brick bouse with conveniences, lowace 200per earfor bank barn 40' x 60', ail seeded lownce$20 pr yar ortwO down. Only $11,000 witb low years. Annuai increment of down payrncnt. $200 ta maximum of $4,000. 5 ac'res on No. 2 Highway in village with beautiful bunga- Apply stating full particulars, low, ail modern conveniences, to E. S. BARCHARD, Sec'y, cbicken pens, good terma. Newcastle Public Sehool 4 noom bouse, East o! New- castle, $4,000, with amaîl down NEWCASTLE, ONT. 14-i payment. _________________ - à6 oom bouse in Orono, al cnveniences, 1 acre o! land, AVON NEEDS $7.500. Tr 6 nooni bouse with acre of Capableland, bath, anc mile fnom No. Capable2 Highway, 3 miles from New- castie. $4,500, easy terma. R la l WT e 2 acre vacant lot, suitable for building, on a goad road ina ta service custoîners In estab- fast buiding section. $800 or lished temitunies in Bwa-bs offer. ville, Clarke and Hlope Town-j Money ta boan ships. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Excellent Earnlngs, Part-tume Brokcr Write today ta Newcastle Phono 3856 %ý00 ý14-1 MISS K. IVacKEANX 528 Gilmour St., Peterborough 14-1 Teachers Wanted McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Membens o! Oshawa & District lane, fUlly equipped; 1949 Ford R eal nscate Board 2-tan, goad farm truck; l952S.S. No. 5 CLARKE requires W aebe pane x 1-tan Stake, goad cattle truck. teacher in Septemnben for W haeBrn apnveAgEnts C9wan Equipment Ca., 134 Junior Roorn, 4 Grades. Apply, for Modelaine N.H.A. Homes King St. E., Bowmanville, MA statîng qualifications and sal- planned for Modemn Living by 3-5689. 14-1 amy cxpectcd, ta Mrs. June Wil. rdR oc Ld onpy ____________________Osnt. -Tes, ecsle,ý ments as low as $2,000. (Your Rep&sOn.1- prescrit lot may appiy on this PROTESTANT teachers ne- down payment). RADIO and television repaira, quircd by Clarke Township Central located 2-stoney Prompt service. Pick-up and Area Board, for rural achools. frame house on large lot. Ask- deliveny. George's, 85 King St. Duties ta commence in Sep-lj ng $9,500 with neasonable E. Phone--MA_3-5713. 29-tf tember. Apply stating quali- 1 dowri payment. Ura eie televisionan fications, experience, namne of! Orono-New brick li/-storey GraorNTe, e l ands last inspecton, salany expccted, home, $8,000 with $ 1,500 down. Sae aysevie.ta h es. onte Mrs. V. M. Gilmner, Sec'y-' 80 acre farm an bighway, Sam da sevic. Tlevsio Treas., Newtonville, Ontario, close ta Bowmanvilhc town SericeCa Phne A -883 14-1 lîmits. Brick bouse, barn, ex- 49-t ______________________-cellent silI, tile drained. Ter- REPAIRS and rewinding. arm- SS No. 16 DARLINGTON, rific investment at only $30.000 atures turned, ta all makes a! Durham County, ini the Vil-,with tennis. clectnic matons. Higgan Elec.j lage o! Enniskillen, requîmes SumrRston Rc tric, 38 King East. Phone MA I for achoal tenm beginning S ept. Lake. Must be sold te close 3-3305. 7-tf 6, 1960, a principal, experience estate. Full price including REPARS a al mkeso! ew-prcfenred, for Senior Roofii,Iall furniture, boats, etc., only ing machines, Free pickup and G radme 5 6,730. pupil arat$15,000. delivcry. Laverty's Bargaîn enace onte3 pplalary eu.B Cottage at Bowmanvilie West Centre, 59 King W. Tlcphone Tachning a sadarn cheule. Bheach. Furnished pnice $3,300 MA 3-7231. 44Thllis sadsc hoonece. plith with $400 down. REPAIRS tealah makes o! ne-1kindly state experience, quali- Cal fnigeratons, domestic and com-Ifications and namne o! hast in- WVALTER FRANK mencial; mîlking coolers. Hig-!spector, ta Mrs. Ralph Virtue, 171 Church St. MA 3-3393 gon Electric Limited, 38 King, Sec'y-Tneas., Enniskihîcri, Ont. Bowmanvile St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-til 14-1 14-1, TWO choice lots in Village of Hamipton. Phone CO 3-2672. 7-tf Births ADAMS-Fay and Glory <nee Pigott), are proud to announoe the arrivai of their son, Donald Gien, 7 Ibs., 13 ozs., April 3rd, 1960, at Memroial Hospital, ]Bowmanville. 14-1* Sales Staff: Mrs. Ralph Ames - MA 3-3406 14-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROiR 100 acre fanm with 10 room fully modern bouse, L-shape, barn, excellent location. Will sell or trade. Pniced tù, sel]. Sec us for information. 50 acres with 5 room bunga- low, oiù funnace, bath, 6 miles fmom Oshawa. Owner must scîl. Give us an offer. 6 acres, 6 room atone bouse, large L-shape barn, north of Bowmanville. Price $10,500. Ternis. 2 % acres with 4 rooni cot- tage, never-failing streani, hydro, well. Pnice only $2,500. Don't miss this one. 11'/2 acres witb 8 rooni brick house, fully modemn, near Bow- manville. Price $12,000. Easy ternis. 1 Acre, 6 roorn insu! .brick hause, oul fumnace, bath, cing Highway 2. Price !500. Down $1,000.00. Orono-Two apartment bous. on main street. Large lot,.1 Price anly $5,500.00. Ternis. Bowmanville - 6 room bun- galow, fully modern, near scbool. Price $10,500. Terms. 191 Scugog St. Bowinanville Cail MA 3-3644 Salesmnan: G. Blyleven Phone MA 3-5300 14-1 De With Real Estate 95 Acre farm, on highway, 1 mile froîn Lindsay, ahl work- 1able, 100' x 30' bank barni, 10 years old, steel stanchions, water in barn, drive shed, etc.; 9 roomed brick bouse, ail !urn- ace, munning bot and cold wat- cm. Asking $20,000. 100 Acre farm, 85 acres womkablc, well, L-shaped bank barn, watem on tap; 8 roamed home witli all modern con- veniences, ncw ail fumnace, etc. Price $15,000 with $5,000 down. 150 Acre farm, near Lindsay. 140 acres wonkable, moderniz- cd 85' x 40' bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 8 roarned home with aIl modemn conveniencea, new ail furnace, etc. Asking $22,000. Take bouse for down payment. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM with open milk quota, 150 acres wonkabie, streani, 100' x 40' bank barn, bulk cooler, cernent silo, etc.; 10 roomed brick home, running waten. Asking $25,000 with low down pay- ment. 100 Acre fanm locatcd 5 miles fmom Oshawa, 95 acres work- able, stream, 80' x 36' bank barn, water bowls, mik house; 7 moûmed home, heavy duty wined. Price $25,000. Ternis. 33 Acre farm, north-west Bowmanville, ail workable, 54' x 30' barn,lien bouse, etc.; 8 roomed brick home with ail modern conveniences. Extra 5-roomed bungalow wlth cil furnace. Price and ternis ar- ranged. 2 Bedroomn home in Bow- manville with aUl modemn con- veniences, full basement, mod- ern kitchen. Pnice $8,300 with $1,500 dowri. 6 Roomed brick bungalow witb 27%k acres land, located near No. 2 Higbway. Price $9,000 witb $2,500 down. 8 Roomed fmame bouse in Pantypool witb 4-piece bath, heavy duty wired. Pnice $4,000 witb easy terms. 2 Bedrooni bungalow in Newcastle witb ail modern conveniences, full basement, garage. Price and ternis ar- ranged. 4 Roomcd cottage in Beth- any witb running bot and cold water, full basement. Price $2,500. Terms. 3 Bedroom bungalow Bowmanville wlth ail mod&jl conveniences, full basement hamdwood and tile floors, mod- emn kitchen. Asking $13,500 with $2,000 down. Contact: John F. De With lealtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone &SU1 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowrnanvffll MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phono 21 ri4 - 14-1 LOT for sale, 90' x 250'. Beauti- ful level and dry building lot on south aide of Highway No. 2 at Maple Grove, Darlington Township. Priced for quick sale by owner. Cail RA 5-8198. 13-tf BUNGALOW, four rooma, full batbroom, sun ponch, oil heat- cd, attached garage, double lot also extra two car garage, central. Full pnice $9,000, ask- ing $3,000 down. Write Ad- vertiser 23, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 13-2* Leask Real Estate S6 room bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, furnace, excellent gard. en with fruit trees, garage., $8,500 with $2,500 cash. New brick 5 room bungalow, 3 bednooms, hardwood and tile floors, 4-piece bath, oil furn- ace. In Newcastle. $3,000 cash, balance easy tcrms. Im- mediate possession. 4 room bungalow, in excel- lent condition, compact, easily heated. Full pnice $8,400.00. Choice building lot, 100x150, near school, on surfaced road. Foundation now in for bouse. Terms. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle MArket 3-5919 SEED GRAIN -1. -1. - 1 - l' - 1 - 1- -1- -il .1- -1- : 11 -- -- 1 -Ji Il: - 1 -'l Aý f 1 -- --l -1ý LP ,Il -il 1 Il meqwrmcnlv Alynir- omlh lý y FI