Next Stop Calgary. Beaver Lumber Co Cciler Bernice Bowmanvlle. tario o.- - uiys P.operty Here Bowmanville is to have a new enter- prise of considerable size -in its midst in the not too distant future. 0f ficial word was received this week that the well-known* Beaver Lumber Com. pany has puxchased property and plans' to open a lumber outiet here. The location is directly across f rom the Brewers' Ware- house on King St. E., on former Brobkdale- Kgsway Nursery property. i.Brookdale officiais confirmed that thçy had concluded a decil with Beaver Lumber for the eastern part of their large block of land at this point. Walter Frankc of McQuay and Kidd, Realtors, was li charge of the transaction. 1No information has been released concerning when construction will start. *Larry Piper Hils many friends here were thrilled late Satur- dày night ta hear that Larry Piper, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Piper, Ontario St., had won a place on the XAstern Canada bowling team. They leave shortly for Ç~ary where they will encounter the Western ~amn 1 ns for the Canadian title. Larry, still attend- ighig school here, is the youngest on the team. He bpwlec6 10 pins in 10 games for an amazing average .4 -over 260. Right behind Larry was former Bow- a-nvilleite Bob Gallagher, now of Oshawa, who will ô make the trip as a teamh memnbér:ý VOLUMEDurham Couuty's Great Family Journal VOUE106 18 Pages BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1960 10e Per Copy NUMBER 14 MAYOR FOR Welfare for March Costs Town $544.18 The Welfare Report for March submitted at the meet- ing of Bowmanvillc Town Couilcil held on Monday even- ing in the Council Chamber showed that the net cost to Bowmanville for the month was $544.18. The total cost was $l,876.88, but the expect- ed recoveries fram provincial subsidies and chargebacks amounts ta $1,332.70. During the month there were nine families, four single persans and eight Nursing Homne patients receiving wel- fare assistance, a total of 248 indigent days. Three new ap- plications were filed, two were accepted, and cmploy-j ment procured for one. The patients receiving Nurs- ing Home care numbered cight, two male and six fe- maie. Other recipients werej six unemployable heads *of1 families with 26 de-pendents, three single persans medical and unemployed. one descrt- ed case with orne dependent, and one persan on post sani- torium care with anc depen- dent. A total af 47 wclfare re- cipients for the month. WiII Write Minister No Indication Received If Waverly Road Cloverleaf ~Planned for This Year Visit Library On Friday Afternoon SAs part of the local ,celIebration of Canadian _ýL b ra ry Week, Open .,ouse wiil be held at the Bçwmanville Public Li- brary on Friday afternou-n trom 2 te 4 p.m. Tea will be serveil and everyone ,wili be giveii thc oppor- tunity to ilispeet the aduit inti junior libraries. > :On Saturday marning frein 10 to 12 Mrs. M. J. ors andtheUi junior iibrary Members cf the many 1a teresting books on the shelves for cblidren. - At the meeting o! Bowman- ville ToWni Council held in the Council Chamber on Mon- day evening Councillor Glen- holme Hughes spoke of thc undertaking previously given by the Ontario Department o! Hlighiways that the Wavcrly Road cloverleaf from No. 401 highway would be construct- cd this year. Councillor Hughes stated that thc Wavcrly Road claver- leaf was nat încluded in the 1960 Budget of the Ontario Government. He moved that ,council write ta the Minister of Highways, and to Alex Car- ruthers, M.P.P. for Durham urging that action be taken on the matter this year. The mo- tion was seconded by Deputy- Rýeeve Ivan Hobbs, and car- ried unanimously. Qualificti Relaxation Councillor Ross Stevens drew the attention af council to a recent newspapcr reparti Cracked Insulator Cuts Power Io Area During Hockey Game ~ ower falure that inter- Itied in Newcastle, Oron, tp the last few minutes elleville and Peterborough. fte Toronto-Detroit fina Varicus routine procedures boey game on Suriday was werc followed on instructions csauscd by a broken insulator! and atter consultation over olt f Bowmanville. the private hydro phone sys- uralHydr maagerRextem, until the section bctween 41tcrs said on Monday tîhatBwaviean Necsl hEÏ damage couid have bcenwas pinpointed as the trouble' caused by a rifle bullet shot zone. When a switch was cut b. smeon whoconsdere inat the sub station in Bow- D. e large brown insulator a ic, the operator noticcd abiliant flaro beiow on the di»d target. Due ta the hea- Gyar fasad içt- moisture content in te theGoudycar fiats andsipctt aron Sunday, Uic crackcd the ren tatha spotte h rk r shorted and threw hrctesptdth bo- thswith a flare that en iftsulator and soon had it seen in many parts replaced. efr the town. This particular oer was restored at 2247 C lator'w on a Pole be-' . r, which is the hydro ne owa vic ttinequivalent for 47 minutes '_ .highway 401 in thc flats after ten o' The men b.Iw Goodyear on a 44,000 continued working on the pro-1 Volt ower ine.jcct until about 1 a.m. when« volt owcrune.they rcturned, muddy, wet --he automatic breaker !and weary. a~'thmade two attempts ta While many folks here were power but cach time Most annayed because o! the - ~ unsuccessfu]. Hydrn interruption and their failure Ir mn wcre on the'job îm- ta sec Uic end of the hockey E ately attmpting ta a- game, Mr. Walters and hi .s the break. Oshawa sta- staff who aise were watching, acted as control fer the were just as iapntd s r h which followed and ,anY anc. dspoitda that tendcd ta give the im- pression that the Dog Control Officer, Archie Hoskins, re- comménded that Dag Contrai be relaxed during the winter months. Councillor Stevens pointed out that he had been informed by Mr. Hoskins that he had told Darlingtan Coun- cil that only if the Health of Animais Branch gave the 'ail clear' rcgarding rabies, there could be same relaxation of regulations for dogs in th e winter. ', OnIy $1.00 a Day It was aisoecxplained by Councillor Stevens that the Dog Contrai Officer had an- nounccd that whilc the By- law calîs for a charge cf $2 per day at the pound, the practice in force there has been to oniy charge $1 a day. Couincilloar Stevens refcrred ta the questions asked him at a 'recent meeting of Town Cauncil by a member of the public regarding the epera- tion o! the Lions Community Centre. H1e told council that he had gone te the treasurer e! the Bowmanvillc Lians Club for the figures. "Improvements, repairs and (Continued on page seven) Family Night Honors Late B. G. Stevens The memory af the late B. G. Stevens was honourcd at Solina Community Hall on Saturday, April 2nd. The Community, as a wholc, was invited te thc Hall for a Family Night Social sponsor- cd by the Program Commit- tee and Hall Board. Although Uic special pur- pose o! the gathcring was the honouring o! Mr. Stevens' memory, also it was for Young and old ta enjoy Uiemsclvcs in pleasant recreation in truc community spirit. The hall was weJI fillcd with families from babies one month old to grandparents. Many o! the Young and old o« the male sex already wcrc in the back room playing 1 st heir, others were visiting with each ether in Uic main audit- orium. Wesley Wcrrv, chairman o! the hall board for 1960, cale (Continued on page seven) 'CRITICIZES REDUCI, -NG SCHOO0L Regrets Sunday Use of Arena Min isteriaI As sociatîà'n Disassociates Itself With Cemetery Decoration Day The Bowmanville MVinister- ial Association held its Sprinz Meeting in St. John's Parish Hall on Thursday, March 3lst. The Reverends H. A. Turner, A. G. Scott, G. Leno, W. K. Housiander, A. C. Herbert and Captain N. Cales wcre in at- tendance. The meeting was presidcd over by thc Rev. H. A. Turner, the Presîdent o! the Association. The Rev. A. C. Herbert, as Secrctary-Trea- surer rcportcd on the Inter- Church Week of Prayer Ser- vices, held the first wcek of January. . There was a unani- mous expression of apprecia- tion for the worthwhilencss cf the Services, and the force'ful-1 ness of the messages as pre- sentcd by the Rev. James D. C. Jack of St. Andrcw's Pres- byterian Church, Cobourg. As a director of the North- umberland and Durham Child- rcn's Aid Society Mr. Turner reported on his attendance at the annual meeting of the So- ciety. Mr. Turner also report- cd on his bcing the iv»nister- ial .Assocîation's representa- tive on the Bawmanville Mun- icipal Cemetery Board. There was considerable discussion regarding the holding of the Annual Cemetery Decoration Service each June. It was ex- presscd by ail present that the occasion had sa sadly de- tcriorated that the Service did not convey much rcligious and spiritual significance. It was rcsolvcd by the R.ev. W. K. ..Bis anc1 £Iieceýç TAP CH'ANGE BOX- Customers of the Wash-O- Mat on Church Street have had to carry their own change the past few days or obtain it from Care- taker Jerry Westaway. Some person or persons with taking ways pried open the box with a bar and removed most of the change as well as wreck- ing it for use. A replacement is on the way and police are attempting to locate the cuiprit who may have been disturbed in bis dastardly theft. There was some small change laying on the floor after he had departed. .~ t t t t ORPHANS RE 'ADY FOR FINALS - Last night at Memorial Arena, Bowmanville, Orono's famed Orphans opened their Ontario Finals against Port Dover. At the moment, there is no word on the next game or subsequent games in the best four out of seven series. There is a possibility they will play here again on Saturday night. We sug- gest fans watch the bilîboards at the Library Corner and look for handbills which will give the complete schedule when, it bas been settled. In the meantime, let's give this fine intermediate squad from Orono our very best support. They put on a great exhibi ,tion last Saturday and will be a bard team to eliminate. t t. t t. j EXPANDS STORE - Visitors to Dykstra's Variety Foods on King St. West will notice quite a differ- ence when they enter the store the next time. One wall bas beeni shoved back about eight f eet, new counters bave been built and an addîtional freezer for meats installed to make room for more business and more stock. t t ..t NOT FAR TO GO - Wben the fire siren blasted on Wednesday mnorning, tires screamed and fire- men puffed as they sped to the bail to get the f ire trucks on the road. Ev,-.rything slowed down quite quickly however, when they found that the blaze was in the town shed directly across the street from the fire hall on Church Street. A tin of gas being used tô cdean paint brushes had ignited, thrawing up :a large volume of flame and smoke. Nearby fire extinguishers were brought into play and put out the blaze in quick order. The f ire trucks didn't leave the hall. t t t j. j WE'RE NQT ALONE - Residents in this area should not feel too burt about the 10.5 mill increase in Bowmanville's tax rate or the 8.8 increase in Darlington. Cobourg's mill rate jumped 12 milîs this year and Port Hope's went up 8.336 milis. Almost every exchange paper we receive from many parts of Ontario tells the same story, so we certainj1y are not alone - and there appears to be no place else to go' to get away from the pesky taxes.; Guess we'11 just have to make the best of it,, aqd hope those scbools that are costing $0 much money will turn out graduates sufficiently well educated to take on jobs at enough money to carry the load we'll be handing onl 10 them. tt t j .tt BUSY, BUMPY SEASON AHEAD - The Town Works Departînent, will have a busy time this Spring, Summer and Fail, repairing broken pave- ment, filling in pot holes and in many ways restor- ing town roads to normal. The winter's snows and frost have taken their toîl and motorists can look forward to a bumpy time ahead until the work can be completed. Rural roads are not in good shape either and undoubtedly will require a great deal of work once they dry up enough to get at thern. Houslandcr, seconded by Rev. A. G. Scott, and unanimnously carried, that "the Ministrial Association disassociate itseif from participation in the Bow- manville Cemetery Mémorial and Decoration Day Service." There developcd discussion regarding the use o! the Mun- icipal Memorial Ice Arena on Sundays for hockey games. Disappointment and regret was exprcssed that the Arena was used so extensivcly for hockey games during the heurs af Church Services on Sun- days. For Uic observance of Good Friday the Ministers decided ta arrange for services in their own several churches, rather than hold an Inter-Church Service es had been the cus- tom for some years. Approve, $50POOO Addition B o wma n vil le Public School Board at the recent meeting of the Board of Works explaineti the reas- ens that a two-room ad- dition te Central Sehool in required. The building costs will be approximate- iy $50,000, it was stateti. It was moveti by Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, sec- onded by Councillor Keith Lathangue, and carried, that the Public School Board be given permission te buiid two rooms at Central Sehool if the mcm- bers feit it absolutely necessary te do se, and that the board be request- ed te defer any other building until 1960. W. H. Brown Holds Show Friday Night Just one more try, bs the way W. B. «"MIck" Brown describes his often deiayed effort to present hi. annuai Case show to the people of this area. At the moment, unies. heavy snows come again, or the mud gets much worse,. the show will pro- ceed as pianned at the Town Hall, Bowmanvilie,, this Friday evening, April 8th, 8:00 p.m. Friends, customers and those who want to watch some interestlng exhibits and a fine program should be on hand eariy to en- sure getting a good seat. This occasion will aise mark MIr. Brown's 2Oth anniversary as a Case dealer in this area. GRANTS Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers Ontario Municipal Associa- was emphatically critical of tion. the reduced grants fromn the Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs provincial gavernmcnt to the agrecd with the Mayor, and Durham County District High said that it is important that Schaol Board. His Worship at this matter be followcd up. the meeting of Bowmanville H1e moved that it be referred Town Council referred to a ta thc next meeting of the letter written recently ta the Board of Works for discussion Minister of Education. for On- and action. This motion was tario by W. B. Reynolds, se- seconded by Councilor Wes- cretary of the arca High ley Fice, and carried uniani- School Board, which disclosed mouslY. that while the board's budget A letter from the Lake On- had incrcased $145,000 over tario Development Associa- last year's the grants from tion, stating, that a meeting of the province only amaunted the organization will be held ta $3,000 increase. Per pupil in Brighton on Wednesday grants wcre rcduced by $12. cvening, Aprîl 6th, when an this ycar. clection o! officers and re- presentatives ta the Regionai When Bowmanville first will be held, was rcad by the joind te Drha ContyTown Clerk, R. B. Reynolds. District High School Board On motion of Councillor O. J. the provincial government Presson, secancled by Reeve paid 70 per cent of the cost a! Sidney Little, this letter was secondary education in the reccivcd and filed. arca, and now the gavernment Areuswarcevdfm contribution has been reduc- AtheqWoostock Muncicipalom ed ta 45 per cent, Mayor Car- Ctuncilaskuforcsppor lo ruthers stated. The number of!oni sigfrspoto High School students in the a resolution asking that Sub- araha increased 15pe cent sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario ars ear as e M r i Planning Act be amended so thisyea, th Maar sid. that notification of the pass- His Worship urged that a ing of a By-law can be giveni resolution deplo*ring the small ta property holders by suit- provincial contributions be able newspapcr aclvcrtising in- drafted and forwardcd ta the stead of by individual notice. Ontario Association of Mayors On a motion by Deputy-Reeve and Reeves, and also ta the (Continued on page seven) Two Lots of, Debentures Worth' ýOver $ 100,000 SoId to Toronto Company Town Council at the meet- ing hcld in the Town Hall on Monday, April 4, accepted the tender of Bell Gouinlock Com- pany, Toronto, for the pur- chase cf Bowmanvillc deben- turcs. This was the most ad- vantageous to Bowmanville of the several bids made. Twa lots of debentures werc pur- chased by Bell Gouinlock, one for, appraximately $58,000 worth o! debentures at $101 per $100 and 6¾/ per cent, and the other amounting ta about $46,000 at 99.20 per $100 and 61/ per cent. New Cemetery Group -Councillor Ross Stevens, Councillor Wesley Fice, and Reeve Sidney Little wcre av- pointed mnembers o! a com- mittee to look after the a!- fairs o! the ccmetery until the new Cemetery Commission is set up. First and second reading was given to Uic By-law ta define th e duties and powers of the Bpwmanville Cemetery Commission. It will be sub- mitted ta thc Department of Health for approval before the third reading. On a motion by Councillor Keith Lathangue, seconded by Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs, the council decided that work will be donc on Concession Street, Southway Drive, and Qucen Street between Liber- ty and Lambert Streets under Local Improvements. Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, se- condcd by Councillor Lethan- gue mavcd that the matter of a Town Map be lcft in the hands of the Public Property Chairman, Councillor Glen- holme Hughes, for study. Autharity was given to the Roads and Streets Depart- ment bo gather, crush and stockpile approximatcly 5,000 yards cf gravel as soon as pos- sible. Counciflor Lathangue, sec- onded by Councillor Wesley Fiýce movcd that residents of Bowmianvillc West Beach be noti!ied of the investigation that has been completed in regard to garbage removal in that section. This was car- ried. Former Editor Receives- Masonic 50 Year Jewel Former Statesman Editor Dr.' Geo. W. James was hanared on March 301h when he received bis 50-year jewel at Jerij.salem Masonic Lodge in Bow- manville. The presentation was made by Lorne Mc- Coy, P.G.S., Mount Zion Lodge, Brooklin, the home lodgc of Dr. James' father, the late M. A. James. To mark the occasion, Dr. James, in bis comments follow- ing the ceremony, made a donation of bis father's parchment scroll to Mount Zion Lodge and another donation bo Jerusalem Lodge ini memory of bis brother, the late Norman S. B. James, who was going through t he chairs aI the lime of his death in 1929. He also read a letter received from Frank H. Kydd of Ceballis, Cuba, the eldest living Past Worshipful Master of Jerusalem Lodge, having occupied the chair in 1909. Mr. Kydd sent greetings bo all bis Masonic brethren of the lodge and expressed regret that he was unable bo attend the jewel function. In the photo, from left to right: Jerusalem's Worshipful Master Lloyd Ayre, Mr. McCoy, Dr. James, two 50-year jewel holders who atîended the meeting, T. Wesley Cawker andc Sici Scott. PROVINCE .1.