PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, 13OWMANVILLE. ONTARM HRDY PI 7h - 1 ril lcl adneas. Soiînds impossible -eh?,I Pture and .ToenMrvnok*inaodofaewhdeê wefr ioetbtt r-Imagine if you will how big a over "~ Junior cau teei teor nte o fli C a c r a a g iefn o rifactory I would have il I1}iad was one birthduy o oueXB swresL ndeej C n e C mP aign ainl acrere elgo orT d ybeenmsmart enough to Dwent thet oflittle LhKaObon.abu 5 o $5,100 Objective He pointed out that ince Fashioning Yourr-Mm Hloydon. Paddys Market, cletgfrteRdCosMs ekt iie cer Institute of Canada 'wasF s i nig Y u in and around thiaim uny.aNeovilon edsd orgnied and becarne afilit -_____ Pop batttes werecletd ad Oh In This District edwi the Canadian CacerCM by Welcome ScoutsadCb u idt~ The Bowmanville and Dis-,26th, to raise $5,00 for the bas been made in cancer re- O w fl nt n nc ORRISH must have b.a v uces fin, n oe uhn trict Unit of the Canadian ýfight agamast cancer. The pro- searoh ini Canada. Today mrefut, day judgflg fithrat eraaytesaln. Cancer Society will open its vincial objective is $1,280,000 than a million dollars is spent A Weekly TaIk The long awaitcd repaix campaign on Tuesday. April c h atoa beciei ach yea y teIsut o work of the Sunday School __________________________ -$.750.In the rural dis- this purpose. More than go0 Re 'I Nicholson got under way on 'nursday, tricts the campaign will con- separate research projects are ac31twhnsvrlm - tinue throughout the month being carricd on in univer3i- The face ig the most expres- is a soul t.hat has been puri- Idom and the Spirit with which berh ofthen s. eeramch- of April. tics and hospitals acrosis Can- eve part of a man, for it re- fied by tribulation", or. "This he spoke". "And gazing atbesfth WA.mtath Marie tehes, loalad.fecets his thoughts, emotions has been the homne of ail noble him, ail who sat in the couin. S.S. to cîcar and make ready Marc tpes oa d.and feelings, which in time, thought." Other faces declare cil sa'W that bis face was lilce thc rooni for 'the men whoi campaign chairman, explain- The Canadian Cancer Sa- leave a permanent impression ta- the world that "Purity, thec face of an ange]." (Acts came on Friday. April lst, ta, ec thi ever e by Uicsdcic- ciety early took on the respon- Upon it. The soul looks out truth, honor and nobility reign 6 RSV.). tear plaster from walls and' Jeciv eerse b te 6ce-sibility of providing funds for through thc face ta tell men supreme in this life." Wordsworth in his beautiful cciling in preparation for thei ty since it began having na- this programme so that there of its inner life. It is said that Bad temper. selfishness, poern, "Thrce Ycars She contractor Mr. Croft and hclp-' tional campaigns in 1949. "The wGuld. be only onc cancer Gladstone in England, and meanness and passion ail leave Grew", speaks of the girli's crs of Port Hope. monev is nceded," he explain- campaign a year. At first its Daniel Webster, in America, indelible marks upon thc face. beauty as "born of murmur- There are many improve- ed, "ta support not only local share of the cost was com- in moments of exaltation, dur- Soalaso do kindncss. good tem- ing sound", and 1 think he mentis planncd including a new paratively light. but over the ing the mighty efforts of ara- per, generosity and love. Wc means that the girl's long love heating system combining OBT A Yyears it has increased until tory. worc faces transfigùred have only ta look at the swcet, of the flowers, the sangs of Church and Sunday Scbool, re- OBITUARY todaythe. Society providesasith face had been an winsome faces f some women the thrush and thc skylark, maval of pantry and platform c MRS. EMMA COPPINS cost of cancer research. within. suppressed and love is domin- rant fiowers in her garden, name a few. During this work Yo o plt1 rs maCopnagd9,"In fct," Mr tpes W bco lk the h .hi ant. Many faces express inef- and ail the beauty of the regular Sunday School wil] be <ied at the oeo brsnpinted out, "thc whole re- we love and our very faces fabic pecec and purîty. world around hier, had endcd heid in the Chureh until fur-la y",,~ ~~ hebr omn i ethanson seOh rgam ecd r alc y te iel Margaret Bottome tells that in the saturation of ber own ther notice. prSunday, March 27th, foiiowîng upon our continucd support. which we entertain. Nwl she saw a waman with a face licate beauty. from an oid record book may! popgM @vy ff a lingering iilncss. public ta roidee unthe u fh n Kli wies: ta indescribably glorified by soir- Victor Hugo, in "Les Miser- be of interest to aur readers. Mrs. Coppîns, the former Em- pSic everonite f uss aidfaceowas t eas0f ac ha raw. At thc close of Uic meet- ables", gives a laveiy picture Morrish- Juiy 18, 1915. paymsnts f, ma Nesbitt. daughter of Mr. tremendous stake in finding ha.d se iso.S ln a ng, she went tao the woman of the iight on the face of "A meeting was beld*in the Pam ns, u an-d Mrs. George Nesbitt. was better cures and a means Of bis ir'ner eye been fixed upo andsi:" antelyo the noble Bishop. as Jean Val- Church ta decide how muchC N D A bornin hithurh tonshp, revntig ths deaddisasehow much vour testimonv jean. the burgiar. stands at money the class couid give ta- "4aw you cari pay for insur. bliin h iour ndtownpe.nI ng tbis candedisease.batyison slon had helongd heiped me." "Wby". said the midnigbt -rcady to kilihlm. ward the re-building of thei ance on your home, car, hlvig teare uo ntil four ame- I knuort,"weadped upnhat h viso end id. oitta og ran, "ildid not speak." The good Bishop bad fed the Sunday School. Mr. W. E. Lew- . business . .. on ail your prop.. ta Bethany ta reside with bier ol did bis soul take on the .Nlsaid, Mrs. Botta-me, "but starving man and had given is i the chair. Amount of mon-" I oni mntly inti-sn h aa ebroTh oéieso h ecnem1looked at you" Heaven's hlm a room for a night's lodg- ey on hand $50.00, cost of work ert .- tiChristintal- i an hurW h a e noite ovedinssob ht he c'olnem-Ofgiory was sbining in that ing and now the criminai on Sunday School $300.00. i ments. Get thie insurance Christian Ohureb.later Unitedbut TPVUTMosepasedndbut the "ci-v unes tfe Churcb. She was predeceased the oet' face weî-e chiseiled wh a' ae u ieMss.sad cd asrk h "Moved by Miss Uglow and ý---- - protection you nced an.d by her busband William Cop- into beauty, bv those scup-se 1new not that b er face blow of death, inaorder ta rob seconded by Mrs. Wm. Bee.beà ./ budget the payments. pnadas.Grn. S>iow is disappeaîrng on the tors called tiouhs 0-d hone. the house and fiee. But the thai. we give $100.00, carriedi p~UU . oa.insmediatson, Gurdion. r fields aiong the lakeshore road. idàéals."ht ad Whcn 1 was a boy 1 knew radiance on he Bisbop's face, moved byMsUgo thtw an daubtrGldy o So-but higb ridges of black coated a woman. who was an invalid the luminous g]ow of peace. gveth $N.0,n -nV&is uffviile; four sons, Roy an-d snaw banks remiind us of the Dr. Charles S. Minot says for years. She had been pur- startles the mnurderer's con- every member give $1.00 enci GeogeofClremnt Wllamtowering walls of a few weeks that. "After a considerable ified by sutfering. Her life science, and prevents bis strik- t-o make up thbe balance, thc,-~ Geeof phradrbe-toflBe- agio. Mud is dcepening, cul- period of life. the face refleets was yielded absolutely ta Je-. ing the biow. money to be handed in by Aug-, tfbanpyran 1HerbneîrBe- verts are suffering their usuai the qunlities moisi constnntly sus Christ and ber soul wns Secret prayer and daily ust ist, seconded by Mrs. B.I"- tan 24 great grandcidren frustration w'hen water runs in control of the individual." filled with the pence of God communion with God will Crossley. carried. The meetingý TUART R JAME andS24 e nera srvce held arouind and nat througb Vbem, The face thus becarnes "a map that passeth al understand- transform an), counitenance.wsadordwihpar yACN SSRWL CLLO YUk onT uesatervionefrom hed ainoae apa ars f character", which ai] can ing and a j-ùv unspeakable and Moses spent fortv days on Uthe Rev, G. arnett. Siged y AC ST A'NI.eAM S ilon unral henouf f-th the rond. But the upward look rend. In the hard lines of a ful of giory., which illumin- mauntain communing wt b Asst. Sect. Aleda Marvin. UIGTH OT 0 PI INUAC ELE' 'AT eil Fna oe, î ien toD.Davi is much bappier, t-be air is fil- face one may rend: "Here gen- ated ber face. One of bier God, and when he came downlSc.W avn U I INSURANCE RAL ESTA oflic Unshte brch DoDfist-led with sotind af birds a-Il bent erosity departed manyv ears 1rienîds. a neiglibor's littie boy, the mountainside from that Atct. . a in.ter sa ofte ntd hrhg.iia-o examining lest year's nest- ega." Another counitenance -was brought in to sec ber, and, august experierce. bis face Adut -btlhat ofme thex ean Rin S. . owan ic Paiarrwrealg'd stoioin franw with its sensual heaviness de- awe-stricken, by lber radiant was sa changed, sel radiant autbbecas ftft -jBo l chid r en, Douglas Coppins, one. timely deatb in me." A wom- "She looks like an angel." couid scarcely look at hum, oft he Sunday Schooi wasl *Murray Coppins, David Cap- A sm'aJl weasel wns taking an's face, in the look of pet- The human face reflects the!and we ai-e told that "~Moses braugh-t about by the untiring M .MM Officp IResidence; pins, Dristal Coppins, George adivanrta-ge of bare ground iast tishness, or bad temper-. fixed beauty of the soul and it is' wist not that bis face shanq." effor-ts of this ciass and their' A -81A 59 Vaugýhan and George Kester. Sunday miorning, when be therp. indicates that "ail picas- this "soui-beauty," which is It is the life, whicb bas yielt5ed pastar the 11ev. G. Garrett of j MA 3-581 MA -54931Interment was in the va-uit caught two mice as Mr. and antncss depnrted this Ife, the t-cal beauty. and the onlv itself utteriy ta the will nf Welcome charge. 1 BI for burial linter at Churchill Mrs. J. Walter watcbcd hlmi when tue first burdens and kind wbich abides. Wben Ste- God. anîd bas iost ni] thought There are vers' few in ouri _______________-Cemetery hunting an tibeir iawn. diSCOuIragements began ta phen faced his enemies in Je-,of itself in <bing its work,t aduit bible class at preseýntý T A I -~Foilowing a pastoral rein- cmen thesoerfas: "Herae uid notwi Thata the iwhinev shwas "The ligtr t and iethl b ermon ccshard- iuesd ir .~ ~ r tians comniitte meeting o a ondi -sm-e ce:"- e-r - _l ot-w-itsadth i-- n er-ws- ns-eao ad. rt riete oeyneesr I i iii Thursd-ay evening in We-lcome -__-ta pas' for work dane an ou ri Churc. a chl was isued t Leter tathe E itorjustice. T tbink be s _otld , School this time when~ it wilil 1pna Churh, acat washssed t Leter o te Edtortbe same treatment asth be thousands instend o few! 1111 Re E Nor-man af Ncwfound- loved one hie killed. Too maiv lundired dollars. Mnybc %orne -_______________________ h ,?jnn oun etn«er lanid, as Rcv A. W. Harding jf men and wo-men are in pri-- of oui- aid friends wili came, wil be retiring at the end of c r i e son now but TV le the w-hal3 te was held Iithis year. R a e r î* st edi o mi GERRY TEN INK congrtaî-îatixie ta Pal Aus- trube. he show ton much' Sunday Sohlool thr O JC IE N ITRC GE R E IIKtnwlio as Ïbeen made aa e C è ur nLei's have a debait- column. thehr h ast. Tis aji, as- - 5,10 ' Scout~ patrol leader. S tatesrnan C o u m believe, the Peterborough sistants Sundas' and the session, fiione h pnn ftenwTruman Austin acted a u paper runis a columui Saturday ivWas conducted by Mrs. Harryj - PLAS BE ENRU - nigbts. Possibly. yoil sec, j. Beckett. Ruthb Mai-vin accom-j annunes heOpein ofth ns if~pcrintcîdent at Sunday School A lc o s n Very interesting to rend tne panied the hymns on piano_______________________ on-iudy onig adMur- !anses hvnt Elaine Anderson rend the Scri -_______ Da dtrlesthe apnisur. IT-lampion. On M K E T îh hurch service was wit'h-;es1amur.H ptnOf MAM A R K E T ,11dxrawn, because of Rev. A. W. Seilding in mv subscriptian i1qulote fram ber lettet': "I Mai-ch' 3 , 96tb. rwlT hi',Dpateto tefre ing. W. «ere giad- to bear be a nicc compiiment for thet' for Today"' ta my sister woiP C f OE r Red & White Supermarket) i was able to carry on with the Statesman,ad for thic Rev- li is corifined In bcd, now, and-Vi-fin .N ors tevending service. crend R. R. Nicholson'% week- whose eyeis are vers' wcnk. ýwants the -people tatell im 'ifIVl' column, "Religion For To- Your paper is vers fortuntate if thes' know of any industry1 I Sittiated çonveniently on Higlxway No. 2, next Mr. aind Mi-s. Har'old Atustin day". 10 have those article.- eacb wishing ta locafe. Here's one to the Eastway Bowling Alley. nyafw attcnded ladies' night ailM-as- ofi nasriiioeng lu anheri k. These -inspiingmes tip worth thinigaot Onyafw ortie temple on FPriday even- prta nai eets n sages beip verv mucb in the Reading tis wcek's% States-Y himiles west of Bowmanville. Mg. adMsl.Be n etawmnwoiqieihectie life anc lends in these man I find Dariington Town- i (.adMs R 3tt n about Mrs. Wagar and Mi-. Urnes. ship bas put another commer- i 1111 Bern'iec, visited witb their cati- Nicholson. She nad grown up , We are saying them and ciel establishment out of busi- 35 YA SO X EIN sin Miss Annie Little in Pet- an a fnrm adioiningý their,' wili rend tbem over agnin. ness. Thnt's one out ai-d three COMPLETE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED erborough laist Tuesday in Western Ontprio. !and 1 wiil write ta aur olinot aliowed in that I bave iiiThere wcre 49 at SundnY When 1 got home, 1 sentt lielr fiiend at-d tell him how mnucb Ipersona] kîîowiedge of. Ail be-i Schooi wîth another happy new haif a dozen of Mi-. Nichai- we have enjoyed bis couumn."icause of a by-iaw tue' ai- fc ttebeginners' tal.sns-icisfo TeSae-ý ind nss 'but not for a smal anc. Teh Yur FORed AbL ou hs detie t hei f fj irvst wason presntfo27. n Hr ---k._he--- ppec-ive--sciber ndehow mans' we don't N W.9spigtn6 hae Ùaîw'o .rc! FORALLYO R c atti, tble ~coî~s i-m Te Snts Sgnen-w ofing ta 9nîter for a big busi-ci MEATS AND SANDWICH SPREADS SEEMgi ea odie o hi, t -- ,V eue'rs (o t/te @ d~tô r' Mr. Morris ta go to the Dar-- PICK aut EXTENSION PH-ONE in yoiir o al oe)csaol l2 £ et elrý I 1 h - C 1bn uni meetingsan vort colotir. . . yellow, pink, bitte, vn1mlcmmnte.Adna' peruae te nesthJi ont white or ivory-red, green, beige or grevi ..oluî poe r vdbl'a h l' flursng the past weck and Bothans', On t. Il think the speed is realis' toniwant ta Ibeate in Bowman- Introduce a touch ao' spring wherever yna aoe-ýn hre f$ o ar oo, ni ~thrf pre-sohoolers from Be-1 Wuy don't vau riu A coluin lages wherc there ai-c fa po- mini you. but so was General iratection, privacyf i nargrc rc" hi ~~~~~~~~than are appenrin.g on thelof questions and ]et people lice sedl'epoc. Mtr n extentilon phonoe Cm wali '~~~.YU u UAY0 AAA hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m G E R Sii X Tlvso rgran cdyuthe answers, 'A-Jik1-4- de -,AotIbtc mnsoldA Some-Ay a1s-a arrived h-ome tram Interces- sion City, Flortidia, on Thurs-. ST A M P S Clay................ ........ This community was shock- with very d to leain of the sudden deatli wit evryof William Mark ofBe,,than, puch s ,#Wedriesday. Mi. and Ms ak purc àseof g s cee spending winter holiday- 'bere. The funeral is being hekç at your rrom thc Mackes' Funera i 'fame, Lindsay on Monday. iympatby lu extended ta is UN M ~~~~~~~~vite, the. former Dorotthy Siz- 'A Sum air Oons VALUE E~T 2 -oeRveaS Jigr 0 * r. Auxillary(1 The Junior Auxiiîary of St. 0UaL-e s.LVU _ SERVICE STATION Paul's Anglican Church met on IU3Uy e MANVERS ROAD Folloing thieing Hae-, "We Specialize in Personal Service" with cleven members present. da 1- CORNER 0F ~~vtional period Miss Roberta& E ~~ - E~ f AND FIFTH CONCESSION Scott rad the'Bible story of Ilb ea ue tstrie Phone CO 3-2631 h 'The Ten LepersW'. Mrs. Noci . Wood read the explanation of j Day Evry Tusdthe storyr as contained in thec Double 0f aEp DyEeyTedy study book "New Magic", ta- Core utand Se. Our Display of Gift vwin map and pictures of AIf-i Corne Strîca. This ws followed by a' BU Ck icBL 97 ]DEm uEl4 Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price question andi an6wer period. &11M __________Sm___________________la___ ASKABOIXf - R.,C ON-IRES For bnwdwork tiiegirls made OURSECII~ PICEON TRESattractive work books, the cov-1 QUANTITY AT TUAE SAIN ebinginte um'rZ O B S uM O T R SL ITE iary colora green and yellow, 0 3 O NMTR OPEbookENINGS AItSIJIDATS harts 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 -332 i clo@edc with "Tapa".