PAGE FOUR TEE CM#ADIAK STATEUMAIi, EOWMM<VULE~, ONTAIIO TmTRSDAT. APRIL ?th ion-' EDITORIALS T axpayer Can't Win e Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers of Bow- mnanville on Monday night joined with many other municipal heads in this province in decrying the recent changes i provincial grants for secondary education. Well he might, because this year and in the foreseeable future, tax- payers in this ares vil1 be suffering considerably from this new system which vas supposed ta provide a more equitable arrangement. The Mayor pointed out that wheri the Durham County High School Dist- rict was formed in 1951, the total pro- vincial grants amounted to about 70%7 of total expenditures. This year. they will be ini the 401,- area. While the dis- trict's budget will increase by $145,000 du.ring 1960. the provincial treasury will only contribute an additional $3,000, with the balance of $142.000 ta be raised througb taxes on praperty within the eight municipalities concerned. Secondary eduication %vithiti the district will cost nearlv UO0.000 this year with a considerable increase in that amount during the next year wben the full impact of a new teachin:ý staff will be feit. This \rear. teacher's sal- aries for the newx Courtice and Mill- brook schools will only apply for a four month period. While the total assessrnent for this ares bas aiso increased considerably. indicating that more taxes would be raised even by the same miii rates. the blaw wil stili be an extrernely heavy one for ratepaNers. Those renting pro- perties will not be hit so bard because landiords must keep their renta corn- petitive wîth other neighboring niunici- palities. In addition, in this section of the country we have a new. expensive hospitai wîng in the plans for this year and here again the provincial govern- ment and the federai government grants have flot been increased ini proportion to the sky-rockeling cost of new con- struction. The time is rapidly approaching for some serious discussion and understsnd- ing between ail leveis of governnient in an effort 1.0 find new and more equit- able methods of taxation distribution. At the moment. the ratepayers of the municipalities are certainly bearing more than their ioad of the expenses. Yet. we can understand the problems confronting9 the senior levels as well. They too are havîng problems as evi-. denced by' the recent information that aur federa] government concluded its fiscal vear with a deficit of over $400 million. We agree entirely wîth Mayoîý Car-- ruthers in encouiraging action ta brinp [lite mati er to a head. A general study of the enfire situation should be under- taken i an effor tot determine IUst wvhere we are heading. At the moment, ail leveis of government are grabbing for more and more with the general public being prodded into demands for extra public services, not. apparently, realizing- that these services wvill have ta be .paid for hy fincrpased taxes eaci 'vear. e:SUGAR and SPICE:4 Dispumed by B5W Smiley Tookpatn a debate on opinion, it should b. taught as you can sec, wc>uld b. a,. Caaianeuaion luat week only to those boys whose difficul oeursc, and woukI4' and it got me thinking about fathers have a workshop in ireq4uir. specialista ta t4$ the whole business. I'm afraid the basement. My Dad we parents don't give enough to turn out lovely bird.houses 1 thought to, the education our and things for me, whiie I For example, et homne kids cildren are receiving and stood by and egged him onl get the idea that (a) the world.:. how it lits them to> enter so- with admiration of bis skill. owes them a living and that ciety and look the world in But my son bas a father who (b) the oid man will aupply the eye. can't nail two boards toge- it until the world starts ta * *ther without makîng a hand kick through. At school thev Au long as our kids corne sandwich of it. The kid getI a would be taught that it is a. home with reasonable marks D in shopwork every. tern. priviiege just to be alive, and -, and their own rubber boots, and the house is filling uP that they owe thie world their ý> we are happy to leave educa- with half-finished wall brac- best efforts and the old man- tion alone. Adults imagine kets and half-iaced keY cases. something better than a rooni tbey have enough troubles * n a nursing home when ho with the economîc systeni, the Something 1 would definite- ý,can't produce any more. political system and the heat- ly chuck right out of the ** mng system, without taking on svstem is religloUs instruc- Ini this course, chiIdrean. something as co'mplex aâ the tion. It deâtroys the re-Pect lwoule. learn the rudiments of-, educational systeni. of children for their parents. kindness. generosity. trust and ' * * l'ni as religious as the next 'svn'pathy. To some extent And it i.s complex. Start alfellow. But it's a blow to'this would offset the themes discussion about it and you'l parental pride to bave the lk Nyrgv ukra find out. A lady who is 'kids quiz you and find you See brk." a "Ncergays known as a superb cook and cant get throughi the Lord's finsh l" and "DNtetrust hornemaker, for exan-ple. will Praver and know only about 1,n-onoi.'"and i"Ahvays look tell you flatly that teachiinglfour« of thr Týýn Conmand- otit f rr No. 1 . which are in*. doinestic science is an utter inents. stliP 11 .em i bv well-mean. waste of tune. that girls, mg pi.m.-_11. should learn it at home. Shell Uy prejudice against this * *1. bas forgotten that when she course %ras confirmed last CuGijs woldc be taught that was married, her piece de re- ilycar, wlheu my d-ugliter, iluY nore thnan a bust and sistance was mushroom souP1 aged 7, asked me how mnai13'ab-n o aea1el oz toast, and it took her alibooks of the Bible I could 'onîdwma.By ol rnorning to do the breakfast Iname. Sa help me, all I could lanUa oo anr r dishes and make one bed, rmme wr at ea mo"eimpant in a ian thare O * *Mark, Luke and John. There aood looks. Girls wouid be 1 think domestic science is Iwas an insolent silence whiie .toid that their Primary raie a good thing. But I'd make I groped. I suggested Jonah.lin life is not irnproving the some changes in the course. Rer lip curied and I had toicharacters of men, but having One thirg girls shouid be sit, shamefaced, while she, healthv children and a good tauhtistaget the tLop off a reeied themi off. from 1eni 'îringe. Bovs %would ~ta ation. in trîr îounîding. in te funidaren. 'gsong. itaLs of thebi lielong career- * * * irvig to handile %vomen and ing I would li-ke ta chiilriren wýithioit resoritat ed to he curriculum! vialence. public sehools is a - iethics and manners. A--ide fruon these ,few o Id cali it Social Be- points.. 1 can't fidnd uch or sornething fanc,ý, wrong with, our educationai t. It would start by sx'stem. Except that the arîth- youngs'ters that prac-, m.etie. science and graminar Verything they learn lare too diffîcuit. 1 can't even is wrong. At the same do it nw-self, I've discovered - ey would be taught!whien helping with homework, Leir parents with res- ýso how can the teachers ex- ;ad of derision. This, ipect the poo-r -kjds ta do it? ATURDAY EXCURSIONS' TORON TO ,od going ond returning same Saturday only. ION PARÉ PROM. leville . $4.65 Bowmanville . $1.83 bourg . . 2.90 Oshawa . 0 tt Hope . 2.65 Whitby. . . . .5 Corr.sponding fores from intermediat. poinIs FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS DMAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC B. &W. jai --of pick-les without going ta Revel. ail feminine. The ' gix-e a cou- phant sini pie of inteilectual twists at the dilis, thei hand the jar Onet1hi ta big, strong ihusband. This ste addeý à,- is good for bis ego, bad for in ourr his biood presure, as he wiil course in 1~ro'~ or A-~ ~invariabiy hase his temper, We coul< nsprain his wrisi, and wind up haviourq pounding [lie thing on the like that. edge oftha cpboard, cursing tahn * *at home i D PA Domestic science, ta my time, the: STAN -PAT>UD ET? WELL- SOME mind, shouli 'oe a course ta treat h OF US ARE STILL GETTING T44E RUN- which 1.would flot oni>- teach pect iatei e ~ girls'how ta niake ain apron ^-RO ND!or a wh~ite sauce, but how ýo y ~make a happy mnarriage. They - ~ -.- ----. ---- ..-------sheuld be tautht: tolerance, e fos-beas-ance, na- bence. sile-nce, ,()J )I / )1 jtbsift and humility: howx lu C"i d oun stoker; that mione'- does not U J un ,irt ns J lu nor* * n oier oWer anoda Your scribe was privilegeci could be avoided bv eliminat- ing cancor, that, tvithi a littîthegrw ondes. hater d eid- ta attend an "Accident Con- ing a simple unsafe condition, forethought, som-e accidents, 'the first ten years of the mar- e i'rai" catiuise, week, under or refraining fs-arn committing undes- their particular juris- riage pounding these tbings tlhe instruction of Jilm Rux- an unsafe act. Our ciass was diction. c-ould, -,nid shouldid m themn, wben thcy could À on. a 'staffer" of the Deryt. of shaped like a horseshot, with have been avoided. leamn it ail i scbool? ri iLatds and Forests, whose a panel format. Eac.h man's Becaue there are six thou- Gf* e pleasant personality, os. 'm a o i esadsand empioyees in the Dept. Manual training, or sbop- *XCURS1 teaonfro-cofrinteisleath intuosw o rf Lands and Forests, engag- work, is anothes- controversial arnatIer ofrerasanaibie "breaks," would cal a narne, and pro- ed, frte_____par,_i___________i_______ol. I m l and interesting mei-hod of pound a question, which had arfo rt os, t r.isha-suecinorshl.Inm t iteaching, made the course a to be answered by the desig- oardusetiosialois rea- sonaleuccdeesea.lonaci -__________________ I ntl eroî atnd sch l ws ncuagnga d ent rate, which, in turn 0 I ni pro sutenseas. Itnated enrs ngan. e wd p y--'j','-edivides.... an affair, it is difficult ta freshing ta hear nembers afi y ulimipa asoe diinci @ relz that, many accidents the class admit,with diselimmatuig a cutain pre'- D Lrealize duct os, n ta ti srd fdependents of the i.njured --through loss of revenue. low, Si h iM inoale ;i, fei'n u'yeeb. I lu th Din and poor publ),ic relations. avN and gouor jindvidual.s. an,,-- -------- Di~/stantll aSL orus ban unsafe condition, or usaf ac, o bypersonal tom The Statema. 9ilett defeets. or psyciiological rea- j ~- - _ __sons, or unfailiacr w--%ith pro- erdetails oai,:,e job. ù ... les VEARS AGO #9 %VEA&RS AGO "don't cas-e" attitude, o n-, capabiity to do the job. in; Aprll 11, t935î (April 13. 1911) inost cases, there seems to be' St. n.drw'sYoun Pe- .u an Mrs Si Morisa sequence of five even'ts con- pi pî- e w'onge atheea om- T ason have ren o rbris.lnected with an inju-r. tbey ipl prsened thee ct or- Trono, avereiove heelare backgs-ound or personal,...... edy"Al antld p"Frday Mi, re Lleha ps-has- frame of mind; defectsa af per- ..... evening. Soue of t~ue d 1 tht Gales propert- on. such aspanesghet vee Bob Ikulent, Russell-Cuc tet f-r Miss unsafe acts and conditions; an venRa ~cJvenRuselMuir. accident and finally, the in-, ýOke. Ruthi Logan, Patricia jsv W1ilson, Eileen Hateiy and Misses Dora~ Prout. Greta Howard. MLaughlin. Dîs-ec- Scot, Lizzie Cannas-s and El- Il il iseeiS qtiitt simple tor-s were Mx-s. L. T. MlcLau- sie Coliacutt. af Tor-onto Nor- wben explained by a cleves- 1ghlin and Miss Flora Gai: mal School are home -for Eas- 1 insîruetor, who pointed out bs-aith. ter- Iolidays. lEiat, because uns-afe acts aidý M1iss Ariette Maynard epent i conditions are the "key" hap- the weekend with relatives in MissT)ororhr', Edsall, claugh- penings in the chain, theis- Tas-auto. tes- of Me-. and Mrs. S. S. Ed- elimiination couidotnpse *Miss Edn-ô Bottrel. Mr-. end sail, graduated April 5tIî from vent tht finalpae hc Ms-s. Norm-Lni Bolirîeil, Toron- the Royal Victoria Hospital, is nuy ta. pcn hc-vecknd ilhMontreai, with honars. being AjU-. ýt. peii;ýleýAecen it scod n cas o nnteen. lthoughi e t e pe _ their father, Mrs. 7Thos. 'Bat- scnpnacas unn tl pe wlio should be concern-, treli. F. 11. Kidd was appointed ed with tbe pi-eveuition of ac- Ms-. Jack Living attendedltown auditor by Lindsay ridents as-e, satety counicids, the Rayai 5th Battalion s-e- Council at a salas-y of $300. managers. supervisors, main-: union in Toronto Mlonday' tenance crews, and workmen, nigh an metman 0f is a ss. William White, Toron-satybac.ilev--od' i wartime comrades. , 5vîsiting Ms-s. Jos, Fiel-isft s cu.yevrbd' Ms-s. L. W. Dippeil and Alan cher, Chus-ch St. businesofs-ma <Grazîe!» says Ugi Qasborne won the mixed dou- 1MX-L. John S. Moorcraf't. Di- ihas o ppartunity, authority ai-d C nd.W e bits champioiisip at Central vision Court Clerk, lias. been1 responsibility ta cut down onCa d . hn e Ontario Badminton Tous-na- appointed oensus commnission-1possible accidents. It bias been' m.ntheld in Oshawa last es- for lte Counbv oi Dur-hami. scienîiiîaihv esimated that hielped him with f, iweekend. Alan Osbor-ne and wcre:MsH.Ddtyota hit hnrdad Jac.k Brouigh were ritnueî-s-Lap'fonepsrst !iii the ineii'e double-s, islian'inga visitfr her par-. tbirtv îpouect n.ury. the friendly, court -. ents iii fthe absence af Mr .twerty-ninie peopie wculd rse-, *Ebenezer: M 7-s WE. (oit1- n«Ilev070 s i aOk:nnefari of madra Istind,(a tice. who [bas stCt n4V 't- - , ,-,,e (tll sinirese-aide ao latnd. a tel. su'. lionlier in i rýi tc, equi-e fie- Coîu.luce atid inS Cout- ce, e ho lad he;iuu~~~~~~ 0( 1, L: o~n ii~ ';~.vîn -m ~ntentia H en nriC arriere,s son lias put a iLW -gi\-kiiii..ed -i~C ~01<Oi i ~'dit (~i(& [La rai' on his I-min.t: .. cotîditious -ca irip~' nakes use of the be lVraple -\il- ~Thlo. Etfic-k: li. flov a i htb- dned iiox-nu parts o i. a- d Hab-'e"- î- unt. x te<- Snowden aito \Lr- . C t. Fk-u i- bir r>az otu ani . '.v'svjU Ihnd- non pea Fiew('.::< ~ S ~n< M.......usiness day., And làtrs. D1. H. Coates alla Di,. iiajinakiîug extensive rc-pairs to prcl itne xdes 'M-s L . oae, rator. erbrn o erfa. sharp tools Iying untderfoot:, h a ksp le Trone: I1.Woes e anc o rd s-. lerhm n e frdefective equipment due ta hoak sp le W.rne a W' r eand S. Ms-Hampon: A train s-an inta wear. erosion ou maladjust-, rvies'ceus ta . rg aOTfind is. RnfMrEga iorsswagon at ment: ship'pery spots on floors;,taelesceus I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c ra ncae o .i Bsketon last week, breeking nat wearing safety helmets or Laughlin's farin. an axie and doing othes- dam- safety-, boots; weas-ing tas-n ori Newcomers and lo Sale-n: M- F. Honey and age. 1i flapping clothing as-ound nia- I Mîi-, 'îlarian '.eî-e ini Toronto Mý,anie <.hove. :-Ž~ R. R. chines-y: improper illumina- men .. people fromn aI Wtcinesé 'Stex ciiý i-,d V . lte atiended tian wbicb co'uld be tao bsigbt lHaydon: Mr. ai-id MrLs. MAer- tht Holstein-ïriesjaît sale at or not bright enough; impro- sm vin H-obbs anîd baby Joan vi. Beileville lest week. per ventilation when usingý the e capable ited hier parents in Lindsay Cous-lice: Mis. (Rev.) T. dustY mates-ls or chemîncals; recently, Brown. Lindsay, is isiin~fg uiisaft design or construction! at The Canadian Be >Hamnpton: Ms-. and Mrs. hes- father Mr'. Jas. Cons-lice. of machinerl-. buildings. baolsi etc. There as-e mn naie vice which makes1 Widdico'mbe have been mak- Dariingbon: Ms-. Es-astus actas, scb m siga ntnin' ing alterations in their bomne Burk and daughtes- Birdie a iugacn whîch they pus-chased froni spent a week in Toronto wth a electrie fuse box; opts-atng, has made the Bank ,Ms-. A. Wakely anddae-e OW bis sister. M14s. G'o, Fitzger-nahne-wtobauort- moigin. ald. . usirng s'hatnp louis cas-elessiy. and fin l ato EnnsilaMr N. Byn Space dots not permit full' bas returned to bis home Ïfter Tyrone: Ms-s. W. H. Hicks 1 discussion bts-e, of the many lTpendling 1t1t winter i is Il, as clected president ai thtej phases of accident potentiali- J'-.A 0W Chiarelli, newcomer to efirst arrived, the bank his financial affairs. And ,teous way he was served iourabie impression of hi& successfu1 restaurateur, ýank's many services each when he travels abroad, him with rurrency anfd 'ng established business- ail walks of life... receive and courteous attention éank of Commerce ... ser- banking a pleasure and of Commerce an intimate the Canadien Yw jof f« ,ANADIAN C0MMjý Rcg bofr , White-pigrnmented penpIl i nSouth Africa and the southern areas of the United States. in their efforts ta defend a thesis that color alone is the mark of the superior man, are doing bath the white race and cbristianity a dis- service. savs The Meaford Express. South Africa, -wvhere the white mari moved into the southern end af the con- tinent and look over. are creating a record of brutalitv and murder which is going ta make il diffîculita sympathize with tbem .sbould the Mass majoritv of that countr v retaliate in kind and match massacre with massacre. and brutalitv with brutality and intolerance .with in- tolerance. In the southern states. where thec Negro menace was created by south- erners themstîves when they brought in slaves as cheap labor, thie present wave of intolerance and hate of white Americans against coiored Americans îa making a mockery of President Eisen- hower's boastinga tà the worid af the freedom, demnocracy and opportunity for ail wbich marks the American way of life. It dulîs the edge of the message broadcast by the Voice of America try- ing to seil subjeet nations'the ides that repressian and persecution la ta be found only under communismn. With the noble-sournding messages j£ World Brotherbood Week stili fresh. One could be quite gloomy about our economnic position in the future, *xcept for the fact that sornehow we always seem ta manage ta meet the obstacles which confront us and- over- corne them. - But, we wonder sometimes. Jiow long we can go along witb such a high standard of living in competition with other countries of the world wvho are now just beginning to bit their post war stride. For quite a number of years foIlow- ing the war we had few worries about disposing of our production. As an exporting nation. devastated war-torn lands were eager ta take almost anv- thing we could send them, especially our steel. newsprint, lumber. f ish and xnany other produets. Now, the situa- tion bas changed and publications. even from the United States, are worried about competitiol) froin foreîgn lands who were aur best customers. In Baw- manville, just last, week we heard of a cbap selling products from a European country which %vere not oniy far su- perior ta a sirnilar product made bere. but could be sold chleaper -while giving the retaier LSIas nuchrmai-gin of profit. In the United States. the magazines are urging restraint by unions in their demands for hi.glier wages for fear the., may, by sa doing, shlow a flood of im- ports and as a resuit find themselves a É rf"E'slets of the southern states. fror unwvashied crackers ta members; of'th, Senate are leai'ing nothing undone tý seeto it thai ;eeod-rate status is th( continuted loi of te growing negrf poputilons. Iii Soutili Africéi. \vliere the whitt înotitv is sI owl v beîims.mothered b:% a black rnopîtialion explosion the meth. odsaraie more brutal. This week tht frighienecl ulules of Souitl Afrîca turn- ed police -ahn uns, rifles, ~ 'planes antan iýks oni blacks who werE protesi ing repressive measutres laid upo'i them. Conditions in, Souilî Afica anîd thE United States are sornewhat difleetet Negrots in the African nation bave been repressed and. segregated. wilh mnorE drastic measures. Tui the UJnited States the racial hale is flot as unifdrmly gen- eral. But in bath instances the fear that a race wbiclh bas beeni downtrod.den and persecuted for decades may rise up in wrath and return evil for evii is a pres. *nt and. growing thing. It is loo late ta do ta the Negro vhat was done ta the Indian when the red man, défending bis bomeland. almosi followed. the passenger pigeon into historv. Now~ that we know we are go- ing ta have ta live with. negrots It seems togical ta start trving to he friends, witliouît uýe profitable work tbey seek. Tht United Staîts, witlh onty a smal] per- cent af its products gain.g ta the export mar-ket is. in a snuch happier position than Canada whieie we depend much more on exports. They can apply restrictions. quotas, eté. ïreely but wve have ta sel] aur goods abroad. Frankly, we believe w-e are facnîig an inevitable ad ustment period which Might Well cause uis considerable dis- tress. Als-tadv manv of aur companies are establishing factories overseas where they can produce ari-i ies cheap- er than on t he Nor-thiAmet-ican col itu- ent and this pî-obably uvili continue. It is a ps-oblem xvhich sooner or lates- we must face and solve. The oniv solution %ve can set is that there lias la be a levelling off in the standards af living between i11- ay Of life and thue rest of the world. Either itheycame up ta us or we go clown a lilîle ta meel îhem halfwaxr. Me lusi can'i go on forever being tht rich relatives andi expecita dea] on e\ven bei-ms wiîh thlose we've heiped ta adopt Oour prodiietion melhods -or know ho t 1 lie point w hon- they cati produce betîci- and cheanei tht producis thai ar-e nleeded hY the ivorld. Capital Hill Capsui How rnuch did y-ou speuîd last Yeai on postage. garden supplies, bab)y îtters and diapes- service? The bus-eau of statisbics wantà ta ýkiow. DBS. which. hias an insat- iable appetite for information of all kinds, ils circularizing 3,000 -Canadian hiotseliolders ta find a .peiiiiv-ly-penny 'breakdawn af how they earned and spent theis- incarne. Object of the sus-vey: Ait ove-h aul ai the now,% outdated consunmer pite index, Ln uts tus-n the successor afthie old cost-of-tivig index. Parfiaiînt takes a holiday riexi week, and chances are you'll be getting a visit framn your local M.P. By the timne the 12-day Eastes- holiday begins April 13, lie*lI have been sitting i the Communs (if ht's a conscientiaus meîuîber) for 65 days and nights, with only wtekend breaks. B! that tume. lie'll b. ready for ilsest. An uiîîtruth a day aid is calied a lie; a year aid, e falsehood; a century aid, a legend. Life is lie a has-ness. There are tr-aces af cas-e. lines of tr-ouble, bits af good fortune. breaches of gond mannes-s. bridled tangues snd everyone has a tug to pull through,. White Christian Inhumanitv That Foreign Competition &hi" t1Ianai~îxaîî Estabhsfled 18,S4 w1mi which il incolpc'xatea The Bowzanviiie New#, Th. Newcastle independefli and The Oxono New% to6th Year of Continuous Setvic, ta th* Town of Bowman ville anmd Durham County Ile a.Ob% SUESCRIPTION RATES $4.00 0 Y.aR, stnctly in advcince s5.00 ac Year in the United States Authonized as Secind Class Mail Poo Ofio» e partmont. Otto-u Publhabâd by THE jAMS PUBLISHIG COMPANT LDGME Sowmanyille, Ontarso JOHN M. JAMES, EDrrop TEX CAMADL« STATEMUR, BOWMANVnJJý ONTAMO PAGE FOUR TRUPMAT. APRM 7th. lm: -1 RL-