THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWfMAIqVI=L, ONTAIUO Matr a ohsesfor the ron h i m Masters assisted the wouldn't k~N ' v I -pJ dc ta be wben tIe many playoff! e ersiJ(lazl lavely gifts were opened. By il: showing Phone MA 3-3303 ldec Mayor Wih so Mir Alvin Dowson, Town. son Charles of Ann Arbor, not ahri.B away for three weeks on ai Mich. were weekend visitors ~ i okd Uness trip to Phoenix, Ani- with bis parents, Mi. and Mis. ners. zona. Walter Rundie, Wellington St. (Continued froin page one) AU lia Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Rundie, Hobbs, scconded by Coundil- .'r preciatioi Campbeliville, were Sunday sons Dean, Scott and Gregg lor Presson fhIs communies- for sucli çests o! ber mather Mrs. L. and litt1g daugîter Leighi Des- tion was referred ta the Plan- adla Williams. eronto visited Ra's mother, ning Board. far : omu Mis W. Watson, Bîockvillc.'Mrs. Frank Rundle on Sunday. Two copies of a plan show- Cmu apent thie weckcnd witb lierý Misses Dot Pederson, Dor- ing thc proposed location of arents, Mir. and Mis. C. E. cen Hill, Doris . Vienneau and a buried cabie on Bowman- kter, Becel Avenue. IMr. George Morrow, ail o! the ville municipal property were Walking ta work one mnorn-. R.C.A.F., spent a weekend received from the Bell Tele- C l ing this week a very Spring-1 witî Miss Evelyn Luxtan and plane Campany. It asked for Mie scent wafted on the ligît 1lier famîly. Evelyn lias been the approval a!fIe TownTo breeze toward us- essence ofi ho me on fwo wceks leave Council. Reeve Sidney Little T skunk. from fIe R.CAF moved that a Bell Telephone'6 Mr. and Ms Harry Aln,1Mr. and Mis. James Black,lIengineer be asked ta confer Edsall Avenue, lad as a weck- Campbellford, Ont., are "keep- wt Thomas K. Stewart, the 6 Bowmanville Warks Superin- end visitan tîcir daughter. ing house' while fliir son and tendent, rcgarding the cabie. Little Ernest McKenzie, who was two years old A mee Mrs. M. (Pat) Proctor. of daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. This motion was seconded byt on March l3th, seems to be seriously thinking about 8:00 p.m. Brackville. S. J. Black. and Mr. and Mis. Councillor Gienholme HughesOon o M. and Mis, Don Shay, Gog ht r nWahn-adcrid the problem of the marnent - whether ta smile for the 20thtoc 8im0eOnt, wre eeknd!tan, D.C., attcnding the Pru*- A notice was received re birdie or keep his solemn pose. Ernest is the son of Mr. Clubs fol eusimcof Mr.Ontd, w r weeken dentiai Insurance Company garding the coming meeting and Mrs. James McKenzie, Odeil Street, and grandson 4-H JCI, XcIntyre and attended the Sat- convention, o! tIc Ontarioa Municipal Pur- of Mrs. Sturley Pake, Division Street, and Mrs. Eva of rural umday evening performance of' lier many Bawmanvi île chasing Agents' Association MKni fOhw now cari Camnz A Poppin'. fricnds and business associates convention ta be held in Wind- e nz oOsa . countries F/L William Murdochi Mrs. will be sorry ta learn that Mrs. sor on August 28th ta 3lst.j princiPie Murdochi and baby Lynn. Cen-' M Brcslin o! Bîeslin's Ladies Permission was given fhe j, . , ...L ... to "Lear tralia, are visiting with is Wear is a patient in New Bowmanville Town Cicr k, R Four-een firoiiu D ur IU II As s me, paet,1Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toront o, B. Reynolds ta attend this con- ithe your paetMi. and Mrs. Peterl falaowing a lieart seizure early vention. ~mr4 . .oe ;lu wi Murdocil, Martin Road. 1lst un'a moning Wesin-Rec ive iti eDsh ppcunsil Oastaruoday mornin'g. The monthly report o! thec onibl Onaro iicMashi .'. cercly hope sIc wil make a Northumberland - D ur ham sincte ,Scott and Mis. Scott and Lin - speedy recavcry. Heailih Unit was rcceived and Fute e aain iiest atflyosre Ayy iton, To to eir unda vis.B.- Cîauffeured 'by Mr E. J. filed. A repart was also re- itrsa!thirautMr. . .:Faircy, Mis. Fairey, Mis. Ar- ceivcd from the Bowmanville fromn Durhiam became Cana- the laws o! Canada. "If you 13e tweI' Bicke, ibery S. Noth. chie Masters, Mis. Ted Fairey, Traffie Advisory Board. dians at the citizenishi-p cere- hktelasren jtMyte Miss Diane Nihili n is isVrnaBon andMs ayhldi lcCu t i sup ta you fa use your has not Carol Plummer, ToronfoMei-ssaisnd a adBrotorend MtasCourt, CbourgisteFriday vote fa have tliem correeted. twenty-fi chr'ClI e-SnraCnlrmtrdt out oorls rday One must neyer defy flic judg- ember Is cesColege, spent fthc weck- Newmarket last Tucsday ev-jfD Judge M. A. Miller pi'sice ment of the court, altliough enter in end with the iatfer's parents htd oie . and prescnted citizenship pa-anma apeltsdcin, Th p c nîng where ftey atened i5 ic USY opers ta fI s e 14 *on, ganihec Mr. and Mrs. O. Plummer. sîower for Mr. Fairey's sister, anerstao thers rom t1'lo rtflieYu, n s Canaians an urha Dr. F. W. (Bill) Rundle and Miss Joan Fairey. Mrs. Terry aLend rng O 13 othe s fro Norh- ake contributaions fanficDurham ttR.Wilms ws ls*o reen.Commonwealth. Somne o! you Hope 4-E Thc Durham Counfy new a aspire ta political office 4-H Swir 'TP l !' ZZNSa ety Cndan h b m Iti admaa ohihi hs o oC CaaÇan Toecmecti ad om my ohiliinfls ottzens are Mrs. johanna Vene- T-tp »t-.,r- â enn.rl.aLe Cori *Ma 0e E Zl &0 W % UNITED CHURCH Minister -- Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9:50 arn. -SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - PALM SUNDAY SERVICE Reception of New Members and HoIy Communion 7:00 p.rn. - PUBLIC WORSHIP Moving Picture, "NEW FACES 0F AFRICA" The Junior Choir will sing. COME AND WORSHIP IEHOBOTH CHRISTIAN] REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutcb Suaaday School iînmediately after Sunday morning service. "Back To God Hour"" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trin ity Un ite dCh urch Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Hausiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. Il a.m. - MORNING WORSH1P The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper "The Revealing Christ" 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper "Caiaphas" 8:05 - YOUNG PEOPLE HoIy Week Service, Wednesday, 8 P.m. The Salvation Army SPECIAL HOLY WEEK MEETINGS COMMENCING APRIL l2th Tuesday, 8 p.m.: Speaker - Capt. R. Zwicker. Whitby. "The Cross - Disgrace or Ornament?" >% ednesday, 8 p.m.: Speaker - Lieut. A. Oliver. Trenton. "Blackest Night to Brightest Dawn". Thursday, 8 pan.: "Moments Around the Cross" A Half-Night of Frayer and Meditation. FRIDAY, Il a.m. Speaker - Major M. Rankin, Oshawa. "Gold at Golgotha"'. Sacred Musie - Oshawa Vocalettes. Public cordially invited toalal these meetings In conjunction with the On- tario Hydro Safety Program, Chie! Constable Bernar-d R. Kitney and Constable H. R. Corneli o! tIe Ontario Pro- vincial Police, tIe Bowman- ville Detadliment Safcty Of- ficer, are giving a Traffic Clin- ic Course ta the Ontario Hydro Emplayees in the Bowmanville area. One hall o! the Clinic was given from 8:00 am. on Mondaî-, April 4th, the second haîf o! the course xii tec given on Monday. April llth. In conjunction with flic Bow- manville Kinsmen Club,.flic same two officers are making their annual tour flirougilithei Bowmanville Public Schoois and the Knox Schoal. They are sîawing twa films. One con- cerns street safcty and tIc other Bicycle saf et y. A 20 minute, talk invoiving the Kinsmen- Elmer fthe Safety Elephant program is given. Stress is te- ing laid on the fact of the iow lying areas bcing fiiled with water and flhc ditches arc ru-- ningi full o! water. This also coincides witl fhe Easter Holi- day Period whidh begins a week frorn tod'ay. Tucsd'ay nigîf is the regular Traffic Clinic niglit at I Town Hall. There wili be cor ses in May and Junie before flie summer holiday period. Tonigt tic same two off i. ccrs will tic the guesfs of Mrs. Bennett's Girl Guides in the Rose Room at fIe Lions Com- munity Centre. Safcty xill be tIc theme o! their f alk and films will 12e shown. Wc are approaching flhc summer holiday pcriod. Wc ask ail motorists ta le on tIe look- ouf for chiidren playing. Our t illeme in talking fa flic child- ren is Careless and Privilege; thec privilege o! walkin'g aur streets, îiding aur bicycles and driving automobiles. How this or these privileges arc lost tîrougli carelessness. Picase hp us as Safety is everybody's business. Woverly tRond i(Cantînued from page one) mnaintenance of tIc Lions Community Centre during the last ciglit years avcraged $9,- 245 a year. Incarne for the last 1 six years from fthe Lions Com- niunity Centre amounted fa only $1,213.86. This was de- rived from certain donations and charges for some itemis used," Councillor Stevens sta- ~ted. Among the arganizatians listed by Councillor Stevens that use fthc Lions Cornmunity Centre free o! charge are the Bowmanviiie and Disfrict Council o!flice Boy Scouts, tIc Bowmanville Branch o!fIe Canadian Cancer Society, the Bow manvilie Division a! the Canadian Red Cross, Girl Guides Association, the Soft- hall League, flic Scouts Math. crs Association, flic Hockey, Moflers Association, several i gnoups connccted wifî tIc Bowmanville Recreatian De- partment and obiers. Nat Subsidizing Centre Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers remarked fIat fIe information concernifiR tIc Lions Com- niunity Centre pravided by Councillor Stevens refutes the allegation that the town is subsidizing fIe Community 1 Centre, and the figures show fIat flic reverse is truc. Using Hotel Lot IDeputy - Reeve Hobbs said that flic Burley Bus Comipany is using the Balmoral Hotel Parking lot, and fhIs is good because if gets thic buses off the road. He point cd out fIat il is important flat when en- tering. or ieaving tIe lot, tIc lot, tIe buscs use the drive and nat go aver the curb. Continucd bus passage cauld break the curb, le asserf cd. On motion o! Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, seconded by Counili- Ilor Hughes, if was decided ta have fhe Works 5uperinten- dent, Thomas K. Stewart con- tact flic management aofIe Burley Bus Company and bring titis matten to their at- tention ma, R. R. 3,Bowmanville, Mrs. but their services as volun. Teatske Qegema, Courtice,lteers in the many organiza- Beat Widmer, Rîkste Fiokm tions that perform so many ,and Miss Anne Fionk, al Of wonderful services," the Coun- Orono: Mrs. Catherina Brink- ty Court Judge stated. After mani, Newcastle; Mr'. and Mrs. the cerernony ihe- new citizens Eugeniusz Majewski, New- were the honoured guests at tonvilie; Mr. and Mrs. John a reception. given by the Co- Oldejans, R. R. 1, Bethany; bourg Busines and Profession- Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Selent, ai Women's Club, and the ar- R. R. 2, Janetvilie; Mr. andEgnization presented goid ma- Mrs. Gustav Scient, R. R. 1,'pie leaf pins to the ladies. Al Janetviiie, and Mrs. Helu the new citizens received Bi- Selent, R. R. 1, Janetville.bles from the Canada Tract Judge Miller unged the newland Bible Society. __ IMagistrate's CourtI April 5th, 1960 street after coming Io a stop Twenty-three speeders paid: was withdIrawn. a total of $346. Eight persons! Three persans paid $24.00 for with defective liglits 'brougitý allowing their dogs ta run at the remark from the magis-j large. Another man offered trate that there seems to be an1 the excuse that the dog came unusually large number of 1ta his house and he fed, wat- people in this area drivingý ered and sheltered it. He was without lights. "I dba fot think convicted and paid $14.00. the maximum fine of $5.010 and1 At 11.41, April 4th Mr: T. costs of $2.010 is having the de-;N. Hunt of 263 Gordon Street, sired effect 1 think 1 will have1 Guelp~h. Ontario, re.ported the to write the Minister anid Te- I theft of his 1960 Volkswagen. commend that tihe maximum He stated that he had left the be increased." This was atter keys in the car. The informa- he heard evidence that thie! tion was given ta the O.P.P. oniy iight on one car xvas one! for a province wide alert and headiight on higli bearn. at 1.00 a.m. police recovered One person paid $12.001 for 1 a 1953 Chevrolet that had been failure to have an operator's stolen earlier in the evening license and another $12.010 for 1 frorn Innisfil Township. failing ta have license 'plates At 1. 10 arn.. April 5th, 0. on his car after the deadline. P.P. reported lihey had recov- Aniother local man paid $2à.00) ered the Voikswagen at Have- for Careless Driving. He had lock and had an 18 year oid been involved in an accident youth in custody. on Liberty Street on M'arch Bowmanvlie Police brougfht 22nd. He had ht a parked car. the youth to Bowmarrville and He been drinking. he appeared in front of the Another local man paid a Magistrate an April 5th. He fine of $25.001 and costs of pleaded Guilty to the charge of1 $9.010 after a conviction for Car Theft and the Chief Con-1 Careless Driving. He hiad been stable gave evidence as above rnvolved in an accident at and to the ef fect that the Police Wellinîgton and Silver Streets had been in touch with the on March l6th. The man plead. boy's mother for a similar ed Not Guilty. lie had hbeen charge in Barrie and that lier charged with Failing to give' son had been a good boy until the Right of Way at a through lie met this girl in Perth. Hie street after coming to a fui! wants to marry this girl and stop. He objected because the was on his way ta Perth when Chief Constable advised the in-. arrested in Havelock. vestigating officeî' to charge The -boy was remanded in hlm with Careless Driving. custody until Police make a His defence witness stated further. investigation. Hie will that hie was surprised when appear in Cobourg on Mond'ay, his client moved out against April 1lth for ýý!ntence. the car that wvas proceeding Ano ther man pl aid $12.001 for west on Wellington Street as jon hog h red ligit, he saw the car 400 feet be- I at Liberty and Kiîng Sts. Two: hind his client. The accused in others paid $43.010 for Having' his own defence stated tha't lie Liquor in a place other than a didn't see the oncoming car.,.. residence. The Chief Constable told the court that in his opinion. whenl the man stated that lie did-i't see the other car, it wasn't a H onoir case of failing to yield the riglit of way, it was a case or Careless Driving. "Unless the, tevens accused has done something! (Continued fromn page one) which the Iaw says lie should the gathering ta order. He ex- flot do, there is fia offence. InIpressed his pleasure at seeing this case hie didn't see the other 1 such a goodly number out, car, in rny opinion, there is nlo comparirig the evening with offence under the rules of the other atternpted gatherings road. If there is an offence. it planned in the winter that is the offence o4 Careless Driv- .had ta be postponed. Wesley ing". concluded the Chief. tIen called on Mrs. Roy Lang- The magistrate agredad 'ad for a few remarks. the charge of Faiiing ta yiedd Mrs. Langmaid fittingly the right of way at a through paid tribute ta the late Mfr. B. G. Stevens af Solina, who had given the corner lot of land E v rei K ng and aile fourth of his ett Ever tt K ng ta the Sauina Comniunity Hall. 1,n appreciation of this the Hall Board thouglit it only proper H onoured by hat hssolbercgie ,His Friends abu hsgfan vleit Everett King, whose mar- :ity for years ta corne. riage ta Miss Vera Nicholisen, A beautiful plaque was un- Oshawa, is ta take place on veiled by Mrs. Langmaid Saturday, Apnil 3fth. was which was suitably înscribed. honoured at an enjayable Mrs. Langmaid also paid tri- party heid in the Legion Hall bute ta the hall boards and an Friday evening. More than committees, past and present, 75 friends were present ta who by their efforts have kept offer their congraitulations and jour hall operating successful- best wishes ta Mr. King. ly jýboth in &ocial and finan- A purse of money was pres-cl ways. ented ta Mr. King, the gif t of The reat of the evening the large group, by Carl was in charge of Mr. Jim Schwarz, an behaif of the Holtby, with orchestra, wha guests. Arthur Sheehan, Ken kept a lively time going WCt King, Tom Masterson, and Edi modern and aid time dancing. Zinkiewich, Oshawa, were in At times, children from fourý charge of arrangements for the1 years nd up enjayed the thrill successful event. of their first dance when During the evening cards moins and dads helped thein were played, and a deliciaus 'ta jig to the lively tunes. ibuffet lunch was served. The card games ini the back Forage Tractor Durhamn Machineci. The Di Cýlub, the Club and Grain CIL ized. Ho' 1 1 DRYORWET! ;. 3c Your Family's Healhk is Important TAKE VITAMINS NO0w ! Vita Diet Capsules $1.95 - $4.50 Vitenra "Plus" Capsules $6.45 Pardec. P.D. $9.85 lî EW! ONLY 139 âad radio accoman- istill be taken in the. Poultry so the hackey fansliand Grain Club, if anyone la Imiss the Mlaple Leaf' interested. game.i For further information con- :30, when many were tact the 4-H Club Leaders As- ,signs of cailapsing, sociation or A. O. Dahrymple. ,nded ta the lower Agricultural Representative, ýa generous lunch. Ontario Department of Agri- Dmany boys present culture, Box 730. Bowman- umb was left ta carry Ville, Ontario. Irian Knox and Eileen ywere lucky cup win- Lan enjayable ' i rt L n pwe'il have manvCar.- rnily nights at Sauina dity Hall. Operation Meet i gThe first man ever ta have M eetng a lung eoe br-u i J ung cancer i alive and heal- thy today, twenty-seven years O rg aniz aterth prioahug ,,the surgeon who performed 4H Clubsthis history-making job lias 4-H C u ssnce d.ied of Jung cancer. The patient's naine is Dr. eting wvill be held at James L. Gilmore of Pitts- 'in tIc Town Hall, burgh. In 1933 lie went ta sec en Wednesday, April Dr. Evart A. Graham of St. organize the 1960 4-H- Louis ta be trcatcd for wliat )r Durham Caunty. he thouglit was a lung abscess. lub wark is that phase X-Rays showed a shadaw on 1youth work that i thie ieft lling that laokcd like ried out in aver fifty cancer and a bronchoscopy sin the worl. Th . which. rernoved a small par- 0 f 4-H Club work is tian af lung for examination rn ta Do by Doing". by tlic pathologist confirrmed 'rnber of a 4-H Club that Dr. Gilmare did indeed ;g persan entering a have lung cancer. ilpersanally be e There was only one chance, efor a project which an operation. Dr. Gilmare went ýl an the home faim, home and, ta show his optim- o n ism, bad some necessary den- ~u 9 Persan W110 will tal wark donc, lie also hedg- Ive years o! age by ed a bit by buying a cemetery elst, 1960, and who plot. Sreacbed his or lier When Dr. Grahasn operated irst birthday by Nov- lie discovered that the cancer st, 1960, is eligiblf ta had iinvolved the branchial L4-H club work. tubes as well as part of the Projects that will 12e lung, and nothinig short of Id an the 2Oth are the complete remaval of the lung 4-H Beef Caîf Club. would have any chance of sav- 4-H Dairy Calf Club, ing lis patient. Althougli this, H Caîf Club, Durliam had neyer been done before1 [e Club, Durham 4-H except on animais, Dr. Gra- lub, DJurhamn 4-H Si- bam, after consultation with i rn Club, Durham 4-H a friend of the patient, decid- Club, Durhiam 4-H ed ta go aliead witî the radi- Maintenance Club, cal procedure. r4-H Autornotive and It was the first pneumonec- ~y Safety Club. ýtomY in medicai historýy and Durham 4-H Poultry lit waq. cornpieteiy successful. ýDurham 4-H Sheen 'Dr. Gilmore lias lived and ,d the Durham 4-H1 workcd for twffnty-seven lub have been organ- years without a Jung, and >wever, members will without cancer. K O USE ToCelebrate.. CANADIAN LIBRARY WEEK The Bowmanville Library Board cordially invites the publie to visit the local Library FRIDAY, APRIL Sth 2 Io 4 p.. Tea and Cookies will be Served. Absorbine Jr., 12 oz., 2.39 Dufferin 100'% 1.89 Clearasil 1.5 oz., 1.19 Dettol Ex-Lax Larvex Listerine Lysol Suave Twin-Tots, 4 oz., 1.10 - Save 1.18 12'% 39o - Save 1.36 .7V os.. 69C - Save28 15 oz., 2.00 17/ oz. 45e - Save 36's, 87c 6's 2le - Save 32 oz., 1.69 16 oz, 1.09 - Save 22 oz., 1.29 3 oz., 39e - Save 1.57 12 oz., 1.50 2 oz., 45e - Save 1.20 4 oz., 1.25 2 oz., 69e - Save 13C 360'3, 98C 10', 39o - Save 32e ?HURSDAY, APRIL 7tb, 1969 Reg. lOc ""Economy" Envelopes 8c, 2/15c Gleem Tooth Paste Reg. 5e 2 For 55c Reg. 65e Hinds HOYND Cream 2 For 98c 59e Moisture Cream with 65e size Jergens Lotion - -- 65c Helene Curtis - Reg. 1.50 - Regular or Super Soft Spray Net - - - - - 1.19 75c Giant Cream Veto Deodorant - - - - 59C 60 Tabiets - Reg. 1.23 - For Quick Relief of Pain Buff erin --------98c 2 Bath Size Palmolive Soap wlth 98o size Colgate Dental Cream 98 Sc DUY the LAIRGE SIZE and SAVE! Look at the first item as an example of how you save by buying the Large Size. Three 4-oz. Absorbine Jr. ivould cost $3.57 but one 12-oz. size is only $2.39 - a Saving of $1.18. On some items you save more or others flot as much but stili worthwhile. embt - g 1 e muth udadm qmb Z.81t 'No' ZUT W Iwod -0-rn 10 CL .oeITALm69 ~u 339e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECiALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 l Efflmý- aîimîý- NameWinners Seed' Judging Com petition The Durham County Seed Judging Competition was held in Bowmanville on thie even- ing of Friday, April lort, 1960. Contestants judged one elas each of oats, wheat, barley, alfalfa and red clover, giving reasonis. They were also asked ta identify ten weeds, five samples of grass and claver seeds and five samples of mounted grasses and clavers. The high contestant in the competition 'was Don Welsh of Bowmanville with a scare of 568, with the runner-up being James Coombes, with 565. Don Welsh receives the Lloyd Kel- logg award for the higli con- testant. In the Junior Section, Ken Knox o! Hampton was first with a score o! 503, while John David AIfin of Bownian- ville bad a score of 495. PACZ E - Two temm w. 1_ptered the CompetitioIn. ie tmmn consisting of James Ricktard. Douglas Jos, Harold Yellow. lees and Lorne Tink coached by Donald WeLsh were winners of the team, competition. Don- ald Welsh will receive the A. 0. Dalrymple uilvei. tray, to the coach of the winnlng team. 1The runners up in the teani competition were Jini Rowan, Alvin Quinney, Glenn Quin- ney and Donald Welsh, toach- ed by James Coombes. The contestants with theil scores were as follows: Seniors-Don Welsh, 568; Jas. Coombes, 565; Harold Yellow- lees, 564; Lamne Tink, 5641 Bruce Stainton, 554:. Jim Rick. ard, 552; Doug Jase, 552; Bill fTamblyn, 549; Ken Bragg, 547; EMarie Kent, 545; Helen Knox, 544; Ron Welsh, 543-, Pat Knox. 541; Fred Hoskin, 539; Alvin Quinney, 523; Paul Tamblyn, 519; Glenn Quinney, 512; «Jas. R,,owan, 511; John Boughen, 468. Juniors--Ken Knox, 503; Joh-* »David Allin, 494; Bill Kent 406; Mervin Smith, 383. OPENi