THUI1DAY, API. 28th, 1960 TUE CANAD!Mi STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL. OTAMUO #eixed Bowling League Orono Team battlfouth clubs will be cox 243, Dot Bond 2H andThan s -re a batlin ?rth second sched- Gord Wilcox 242. T a k r n Ul pn omrrwnight,, Te& niStandings inthe fial nxght of regular'TeamsTearns W L Ptste so bowling. Last Friday nîght's Luxton 24 15 55 For xte so rnixed action, saw Fred Lux- Nowlan -____ 23 16 531A etreprsigap dton:s team trounce Art Spi- 1Edmondson 21 18 50 A tio fter epr oessgapre- '"cer s crew 7-0 to take over Brock _____ 21 18 50catn o!te o-prtn the lead from J. Nowlan's teý-m Spicer _____ 20 19 48 given the Orono Orphans who dropped a 5-2 upset de- Mutton _____ 21 18 47 team, the Intermediate Hoc- cision ta Elton Brock's bowl- Bond 19 20 46 key Champions o! Ontario, bas ers. Spicer, tied with Luxton Cox ______ 19 20 45 been received by the Bowman- bef are the night's play, were Mitchell 14 25 32 ville Memorial Arena Coin- virtually eliminated when the Yeo 13 26 29 ite and Roy Neada, Arena tion. Onie Etcher 39 222 Hesper Dean, secretary trea- Bud Edniondson's teami de- Elton Brock ___ 39 218 surer of the Orano Hockey cisioned Jim Cox's club 5-2, Hap Palmer ___ 30 209 Club wrote as follows: 'II have keeping pace with Brock, with Hilda Brock ___ 39 208 been asked by the executive bath teams tied for third, five Bob Yake ____ 39 207 and players of the Orono Hoc- off the pace and three be- Pat Yeo --- -___ 39 204 ,key Club ta thank you for ex- Iiind Nowlan. Cec Mutton's Jack Bond ___ 39 202 tending the season for the club team jumped into fifth on a Duke Brunt ___ 39 200 ta finish their play-off series. '7-0 pasting over Pat Yeo's Joe Nowlan 39 199 Ail the boys joîn with me in last-placers, while Jack Bond's Jack Brough 36 197 thanks to you and ta your bowlers won over Bob Mitch- Cecil Mutton 39 191 commuriity. Hap Palmer shaded EltoniGordon Wilcox 33 188 Brock by ane pin, 708 ta 707, Dot Bond 30 117 B~ ta take high triple honours, Em Stringer- - 39 186 Bo\IVfanîvIill ta lock up the night's hîgh Morley Etcher 39 18 A single. Jack Brough was close Ron Mutton ____39 13A a n W n behind with a 699 total, fol- Mary Wilcox 39 183, lowed by Rick Gould 671, Lau Welsh 33 183 (ety A wa J Ron Mutton 666, Mary WiI- Howard Bromell 39 182S cox and Dot Bond bath at 662 Art Spicer- - 3 182 and high for the ladies, Onie Jim Graham 36 180 Word bas been received! Etcher 636, Pat Yeo 630, Joe Ken Luxton ___ 32 180; that once again the Town o! Nowlan 614, and Gord Wil- Jean Evans 39 1791 Bowmanviîîe will receive a cox 612. Mike Heenan - 25 179 pcaCitonA rdwe Other high single scores Fred Luxton ___ 36 178 speciCt at Award whreente were turned in by Jean Dorc Mutton 39 176,afte t Awards repesenthed Evans, with the ladies' top of! maBoel 3 7 Canadian Highway Safety 296, Carole Oke 282, Hap Pal- Doug Reynolds 27 -174 Council in Vancouver, B.C., mer 262, 279, Jim Graham Joan Brunt 33 174 o a ,3ad4 258, Rick Gould 250, 246, How- Jessie Heenan - 31 174 o a ,3ad4 ard Bromeil 248, Mary Wil- Carole Oke 36 170 The Citation Awards honor Essie Cox ____ 39 168 communities for the distinc- Pat Bartels-___ 39 168 tion o! having, by united Bill Charles - 39 167 community effort, completed Jim Cox_ _ 36 167 1959 without one fatal traffie Ada Luxton -- 33 167 accident. Aml y Winacott - 30 167 Apparently traffie clinics Audrey Sleep - 39 165 and rules of Elmer the Safety N E VN ' Marg Perris -- 33 163 Elephant adhered ta by school Carole Reynolds- 30 163, children are proving their fl Bob Mitchell 39 11 worthcin aur town. With a Rick Gould -_ 36 161 itti e re courtesy and comn- Don Bradley 39 160 mon sense by children and Ferne Bradley - 39 159 adults, drivers and pedes- 00W ei y Duaine Palmer 37 158 trians, we should be able ta Leo Cutin 39 157 receive a similar honor next Everett inacott - 27 157 year. et udetRuth Yake- 39 156 atb d9tWalter Runcile - 33 156Th e mined rics Evans .39 151 TreTeams 'Kay Luxo 36 146 r n Maieýxu"rnin 39 144To rPla y Bal Mre Curines __36 146 says y Rundie 24 122 V...hi Y a Off ceiKay Graham - 33 108 HhsId Ofic z by Sier -------36 107 Latest Information Is K ly Laies'ig Single - that there wiil be he Kelly Jean Evans.--- 296 basebail teams here this Ladies' High Triple- year.1 Mary Wîlcox 662i Dot Bond _._----- _ 662 On Tuesday, a good Men's High Single - erowd was on hand at 1 Elton Brock - 309 Vincent Massey scisool s Men's High Triple - grounds, when it was de- Hap Palmer--------_ 708 cided ta enter a mielget, in te aesore group. The midgets wil ho handied by Bill Nichol- son and a sponsor ls being sought. Thse juveniles wili be assisted by players from New.castle. Their sponsor i9 the same as hast year, Manny Mangos o! tise Olympia Restau- rant, witis the manage- ment in charge of AI Rowe o! Newcastle, Frank Wright and Herb Moor- craft o! Bawmanviile. Tise juniors wil be spon- sored =.- --.- r-ý AI Ciarkie thse man*- ager and coaches Jack ]Park<er and Duke Brunt. This Friday lu entry nlgist when tise three teamns Wiil be officialiy registered. Scheduhes wili ho decided later. .ELLY SAFE TRAC RAYON. BLACKWALL TUBE-TYPE guwantoed by Kelly ask for dotails IW 6.70-15 PLUS RETREADABLU TiREl LOOK FOR THE SION OP WORRY.PRE E DRI VINO TiRE Corne in now and let's Check Your Tires and Brakes for care-free Summer Driving! RAY GIBB*S SUNOCO STATION 181 King St. E., Bowmanvile Phone MA 3-35'03 Attentior Fishermer Just Arrived ... LARGE SELECTION 0: Olive Green, good quaUi rubber, heavy sole, strap top ALL SIZES $9.9,5 Ellis Shoe Storg 49 Ring St. W., Bowmanvlhi MA 3-5941 Due to Inclement Weather eSou tlview Ç0/ anad CounrryC/ut WILL NOT OPEN UNTIL ri! ty le ( IT Goodyea r Plants- Play ro 9 -9 Tie Bowmanvllle and New To- ronto bowling teams battled to a, 9-9 tie, as the Goodyear plants met at Liberty Bowl, Saturday afternoon, in the opening match of a home and home series. The return con- test is slated for Long Branch Bowl, this Saturday. The visitor's number one team lived up ta their reputa- tion, rolling the day's high team total of 3386. Best for Bowmanvjlle was team five with a 3162 total. New To- ronto's Mike Prinsvisser led the 72 bowlers with a whop- ping 805, including games of 309 and 274. High single hon- ours also went to the New Toronto team, H. Freelen rol-. ing 323 which (just to show how games can change> was 34 pins better than his two other games added together. .Stu Carson paced the locals with a 718 triple, closely fol- lowed at 707 by Ron Maynard. Ron had Bowmanville's high single of 302. The visitors' Russ Clark also turned in a top effort, rolling 759 and 307. ,Other high scores were re- glstered by Pritchard and Blythe 685, John Stainton 691, and Ron White 679. Ken Gordaneer came up Ron White 289, Stu Carson 262 and John Stainton 253. Resuits New Toronto A2 - Bowman- ville AI. Bowmanvllle B2-New To- ronto BI. New Toronto C2-Bowman. ville Ci. New Toronto D3-Bowman. ville Do. Bowmanville E3-New To- ranto EO. Bowmanville F2-New To- ronto FI. Cet Cash Today For Old Appliances tb.rough 8 TA T E SM AN C LA 8 1FI1ED & Phono MlArket 3-3303 .1 Revive Skating Club With Shorter Hours Starting in Autumn The Recreation Committee Iwil be active in the autumn. and the Board of Directors o! The hours will be from four the Bowmanvile Skating Club ta seven o'clock every Thurs- held a joint meeting in the 'day afternoon fora 20 weeki committee room, at the Town season. Hall on Monday evening. Al- There wil be professional fred Samelîs, president o! the instruction for two bours o! Bowrnanville Skating Club each three bour session. T.he was chairman for the joint fee for all members will be meeting. - $6 for the seasan. Individuai Members o! the Bowman- instruction will also be avail- ville Skating Club Board o! able from the professional. Directors present in addition There will be skating for ta Mx',. Samelîs were Frank Tots on Monday afternoons Blunt, Mrs. Ross Richards,' the from three a'clock until five secretary, Mrs. William M. Ly- under the supervision o! mem- cett, the treasurer, Dr. John bers of the Board o! Directors Hendry, James Martyn, Mrs. of the Bowmanville Skating Jack Leddy, Alec Anonichuk, Club. Children eight years aId and Charles Burdett, and for and under will be included in the Bowmanville Recreation this section. The fee for each Committee, Don Stutt, the child will be $3 for the season. chairman, Paul Chant, treas- But any cbildren in this age urer, Councillor Glenholme group wbo are advanced ska- Hughes, who is also a member ters may join the Thursday1 o! the Bowmanville Skating group. Club Board o! Directors, and The meeting decided that the Doug Rigg, Directar o! Re- present board of directors of creatian for Bowmanville. the Bowmanville Skating Club It was decided that the1 will continue in office for an- Bowmanville Skating Club other year. May - 17-Stephens vs. Ken's 19-Snuffy's vs. Surplus 24-Ken's vs. Snuffy's 26-Surplus vs. Stephens 31-Stephens vs. Snuffy's June - 2-Ken's vs. Surplus 7-Surplus vs. Snuffy's 9-Ken's vs. Stephens 14-Stephens vs. Surplus 16-Snuffy's vs. Ken's 21-Surplus vs. Ken's 23-Snuffy's vs. Stephens 28-Stephens vs. Ken's 30-Snuffy's vs. Surplus Jnly - 5-Ken's vs. Snuffy's 7-Surpîsu vs. Stephens 12-Stephens vs. Snuffy's 14-Ken's vs. Surplus 19-Surplus vs. Snuffy's 21-Kcn's vs. Stephens 26-Stephens vs. Surplus 28--Snuffy's vs. Kcn's August - 2-Surplus vs. Ken's 4-Snuffy's vs. St.ephens Ai games ta be playcd at Central School grounds on Tuesday and Thursday. Start- ing time, 6:45 p.m. Playoffs-Teams No. 2 and No. 3 play best 2 out of 3 ser- ies. Winner pînys Team No. 1 best 3 out o! 5 for champion- ship. Teenage Boys 1 Don Oke's outfit appear cmn- cbes ta capture the second schedule title, knocking off Tom Mason's tcam on Saturday ta mave 18 points ahead o! Jim McKnight's runner-up, who lost 4-3 Ia John Rundle's club. John Phillips' squad sur- prised everybody, defcating Larry Thompson's crew 5-2 for their second straight win. A~ pair o! 600's were bowl- ed, John Phillips with 638 and Don Oke 607. John Carter's 254 game took high single bonours, followed by Randy Beauprie 239, John Phillips 237, 209, Gary MacDougal 234, Don Oke 203, 226, Tom Mason 220, Dan Marshall 215, Howard Rundle 201 and Don Brown 200. Team Standings Pts D. Oke ____-68 J. McKnight -_____50 L. Thompson -____42 T. Mason -- - 41 J. Rundle - -35 J. Phillips --_____16 Girls In a big first place battie, Linda Brooking's league-lead- ers repelled the efforts o! Vin- ginia Brown's bowlers 4-3, to hold a six point cdge aven the lasers. Helen Vanstone's club remained La third position, cdging Brenda Oke's cellar- dwellens 4-3, while Marilyn Moore's tcam downed Connie Osmand's squad 5-2. High single went ta Linda Brooking at 232, with other good efforts being turned ia BURKETON Plans have been made to hold our Sunday School Annî- versary on Sunday May 29th. Practise wlll commence on Sunday after churcli and Thursday cveflings. The Bunketan W.A. wil meet on Thursday afternoon, May l2th in the church hall. A cor- dial invitation is extended ta Anyone having articles suit- able for the C.G.I.T. rummage sale next month, leave them at the homes of Mrs. L. R. Argue or Mrs. J. A. Turnbull. Don't forget the last social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson on Fri- day night. Mrs. Harold Larmer spent a couple days in Peterboroughi with Mir. and Mrs. Kenneth Larmàer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker, Janetville, were Sunday guests of Mr. an-d Mrs. George Allison and family. Miss Lynda Slingerland andi Mr. Alden Hubbard are spend- mng a couple weeks vacation with relatives ini Hermnosa Beach, California. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waddincg- ton and family, Toronto, visit- ed friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and girls, Oshawa, were Sun. daY guests of Mrs. E. Bryan. G'lad to see Mfr. AI Reid from Ohio visitin aOur community Nain. Stephen Fuels-Bob Abbott, Harry Snowden, Gea. Steph- ens, Lamne Crago, Jim Allia, Frank Mohun, John Miller, Don Masters, Don Gilhooly, Ted Dadson, Fred Cowling, Jack Bond, Vince Vanstone, Launie Garbe, Paul Chant. Snuffy's Body Shop-Setb Hunt, Pat Cornell, Mel Bur- gess, Bun Welsh, Percy Jack- man, Ted Bird, Terry Mas- ters, Russ Lane, John Fard, Bill Nicholson, John Bird, Barry Steven, Gary Tighe, Jim Olinski, Harry Akey. Ken's Men's Wear - Cli!! Trewin, Ross Richards, Bob Williams, Bruce Cale, Gerald Cox, John Mason, Bob Mar- Jernison, Lloyd Hamilton, Ted Fairey, Bill Cole, Bud Perfect, Ken Kelly, Sam Piper, Jim Castle, Ai Osborne. Bawmanville Surplus Sales -Red Davcy, Fred Cowle, Ron Pollard, Ted Hoar, Gea. Jones, Dan Girardi, Pete Stacey, Ar. chie Crossey, Maxie Yourth, Clint Ferguson, Jack Parker, Irv. Brooks, Bruce MsDonald, MurraY Tighe. Spares-Bill Laskaras, Mor- ris Richards, Ev._ King, Reg. Afternoon J I I i ] ZION 1 Willatts, LJuke Brunt, <.ori Mr. and M.xs. Gerry .Glas- Bail, Jim Clarke, Bob John- peul Mrs. F. B.- Glaspell Mr. son, Ron McLean, Grant and' Mrs. Carl Bradley attend- Wright, Bob Leask, Howard ed the Spek-Talsma wedding Mashinter. and reception at Bowmanville on Friday evening. sIMaster Brian Hrok Osh- Iawa, spent the Easter holidays B w ng at Fred Cmrns B o wling rs. Elmer Down and Larry, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Chuck by Helen Vanstone 230, Den- Terry and Laurie, Oshawa, ise Wessells 218, Mary Ann were Sunday visitors at Percy Lymer 216, Virginia Brown Davidson's. 204 and Berta Higgon 201. Mr. and MlIrs. Arthur Young- Team Standings Pts man and sons Tyrone, visited L. Brooking 57~ at Normian Leach's on Sunday. V. Brown ._____ 1 Mirs. Don Prout and Donnie, H. Vanstone_____- 48 Bowmanville, visited at Ray M. Moore -________ 42 Cameron's on Saturday. C. Osmond__ ____ 25 Mr. and Mrs. Perey David- B. Oke -________1'son visited at Ben H-ubbard's _ _ _PAGE us VOUm BEST BUT for HOUSE HEATING NOTHINO DOWN Easy payments ovor 5 YEARqS en Manthly gas bis $14-60 rn i fasC tealals te Connuat with céarest sxistlng base. menIt ducts. *5.00 ~sa At CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for ai types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Youw Cas Company dos nfot employ door4o. door saiesman nor tolephone canvassers. For Information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board ta ccli and Instail natural p a r t i e t o f o e l9 -38S l e ]PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 No Payment 'til September Support thse OshawaHospitMmen Scwrough, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin,: Thornto.n's Corners, visited at Ray Cameron's, Sunday. Glad ta report that Mirs. Otto Strehi is borne again after sur- gery at Oshawa General Hos- pital. Little Soott Staintan has been a patient at Oshawa General Hospital for a week with bran- chial pneumonia Mrs. Wes Canieron visited ber sister Mrs. Stanley Cover- and Howard Abbott's, Burke- tan. Miss Doris Dart, Woodvile, q>ent the Easter isolidays wlth lier grandparenta Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fiee. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Itir- cock, Oshawa, were Sun., vis- itors at Fred Cameron's. Brian returned home wfth themn. Mrs. Perey Davidsan visited ber sister, Mrs. L. Mecenna, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sleep and daughters Coldwater, were Sunday visitors at Frank Pas- coe 's. Mir. and Mrs. Maurice Prout and Marilyn, Nancy Brown, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitars at Ray Camieron's. Paul Moffatt Oshawa, visited at Percy Davidson's on Mon- day. Russel Perkins returned home on Saturday from Mem-. anial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mrs. Jim Stainton, Davy and Doug- las visited Mrs. Roy Thomas, John A. MacAulay, Q.C.. LL.D., of Winnipeg. ls the ffrst Canadian to be elected Chair* man of the Board of Govera, ors of the League o!fL. Cross Societies. When the Canadlw ee4 Cross canvasser cails af your door remember he la a volun. teer. Tbrough the Red Cross you help yaursel! and heli Really live. Enjoy the fun or going places, domng things. It's so easy inOntario.Start your best s. me ever by mailing this coupon. -Shows yau where to go, wliere Io sfay ai UMe prie yau want to pay. Mail bu:o Ontario Travel, 759 Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Addresst Post Office.. ay 759 K NOSW ONTARIO BETTEft explore ONTARIO . .. ..n .the highway it cruises comfortab1y a.t sizty with mileage checks as high as 39 miles per gallon,, Aroun4l, town I figure about 34,, 1 wantedl a car that was economical ta operate, roomy to ride in and at a price that ±f±tted. xny budget and that'1s what I got . 13 MU CUMiM M - .f...M... - - * Mai U à ,U somM ROBSON MOTORS 166 King St. E Bowmanville LIMITED "a Saturday, May 7th. MA 3-3321 - 3-3322 -il 1 Town League Softbal Laciies- League On Friday afternoon Apnil 22nd, Betty Kelly took high double honours in the After- noon Ladies' League with a lovely 483 total. She also cap- tured bigh single with a 247 game. Other 200 games were: Marg. McDonald 240, Betty Kelly 236 Bea Sellers 218, En Ethr 209, Nance Cal- mer 208, Mabel Williams 206 and Shirley Davis 202. The Canaries scored a shutout over the Bluejays, as did the Rob- ins aven the Sparrows ta tie again with the Wrens for first place as they split the points with the Bluebirds. Team Standings Team Pts Wrens __________17 Robins __________17 Bluebirds _________15 Canaries -_______13 Sparrows 6 le 1 1 1" 1 Averages Ollie Patfield ______188 Betty Richards ______185 Ena Etcher 185 Bannie McDonald -____178 Shirley Davis _____175 Doris Holrayd ______172 Betty Kelly -- -_____162 Alyce Hodgson 162 Marion Crowe ______160 Bea Sellers .______157 Helen Rogers- 157 Muriel Crougrh _____156 Sadie Bucknell 155 Marg Cayle _____149 Helen Nicholson _____149 Hilda Simnick _____145 Marion Gibson -_____145 Marg. McDonald ____143 Daphna Sprague 143 Barb. Courtney _____142 Helene Rundle _____142 Hilda Mooney 141 Mabel Williams ______140 Velma Kitsan ______140 Daisy Bell _______139 N~ance Calmer ______137 Aura Trewin _____136 Lýarion MacDonald- 134 Rea Wilson ____132 Agnes McColloch ____132 Jean Lobb -______131 Ann White _____131 Barbara Collison _____130 Cozette Neads -___129 Ruth Goodwin -___ 129 Sellie MeFeeters ____128 Elsie Richards -______126 Mlarion Wiseman _____126 Vlllie White _______122 Rose Cowan _______121 1 Avou beneaule HAVE YOUR DESTISUMMER EVER, Il- 1 1990 fÇehpdnla