PAGE TWELVI H AAINSA!MNIBWAVLE NAT ley, Newcastle, visited Mr. and$3Q~Edfc Mrs. Gordon White. $3000Ei c TYRONE Douglas and Terry Brock. MUrs. C. Stokes. Miss Helen, ed home from Memorial Hos- Brîwmanville, holidayed with Ppe-cott, Mi-4. Lil' Prescott,ipital, Bowmanville, last week. Ricky Smith. Oshawa, were Sunday visitorsi Quite a number of 4-H boysý r n r.A ilmm of Mr. and Mrs. John Malette. were guests of Bowmanviile Mr n r.A ilmn Joy Chamberlain, Oshawa,, Rotary Club at their luncheon and ciilen illbTe missed spent a few days with Bonnie last Friday.frmtevla.Tey ovc ivi-uini. ilfed Hll olidyedwitîh on Saturdav t0 a faî'm home' Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiessen and bis brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ross otofHmon children. Mrs. S. Walker. _Mrsý.! Hall. and Joan Hall with Faith Mrs. E. A. Virtue accompan- K. Rjhinzon and Michael. Mn.ý Thiessen, Bowmanville. I ied Mrs. C. Shaw and Ralph,:1 >,nd Mrs. Ros.s Hall and Steveni,! Christine Samelîs, Bowman- Oshaxva; MUrs. H. Wonnacott Aine;M-. and Mrs.1 ville, spent a few days wvith and Ross. Miss Vera Carr, Tor-j Chas. Terrv, Osha a. w.ei'e, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. oto. randnt s.Atudvwt ,veekend visitors of Mr. and'l John Mitchell.terantMs . Bolton of H. Hall. eaford, who celebrated ber Mrs H Hal.Mr. and Mrs. T. Phillips and 83rd birthday. r.Bert Stewart. Calgary, Randy, Miss Florence Gard.n-i visited bis cousin Mrs. Flor- er visited Glenverdean, Hall's!Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue ence Scott. Lake, on Sundav. xere Sundax' dinner guests of Symnathv is extended to0 Wayne Hilîs, -Hannon, hoi-' Mrs C. Shaw, Oshawa. Mrs. Editb Murohy on the sud - aedwthi rnaensM.nd r.K.HdM' -ras':in' f erb h'r: ad wMr s.rHindps. and,, M . Prai-tiad Mis. arv 7î Tohn Acheson, New York., adMsA.HlsladMsE.Pcotan r. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain-' Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood.Ace'Abbott visited Mis. R. fon vited bis father on Sun- GaÀ' and. Sandra. Lakefield1 Murra ' and daughters. Toronto da" n te OsawaHosptal visitcd on Sunday with Mr' Gerry returned home. 71Irs. F. B. Glaspell, Mrs.; and Mrs. David Pbasey. M\1. and Mrs. M. Hamilton~ Alex McMaster and children.: Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Mis' and children visited Mrs. Jam- Z:on, were SundaY visitons of iJean Philo visited Mr. and ýMrs.r es Clarke, Keswick. M-. and Mrs. R. B. Glasoneil.ý Gerald Philp, Morganston. Marilyn and Lorraine Whitu Mns. Russell Wright returnn M'.dand Mrs. Abner Lang- BowmaniladKtyHa _____________________________________________________holidax' ed wUt their grananai'- ents, Mn. and Mi's. F. Werry. ManlLne Taylor spent Easter VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. Mrs. Don RaGenak ',\r Carl Sargeant, Miss Ev-1 elyn Pascoe, Peterl bruracg :, BEST QUALITY . . . wene Saturdlav everiing visitoi's of Mr. and Mrs Keith D:vex'. IMr. and Mrs. J. MuMalon IFU EL O IL and child-ren, Toroniu. .speiR FUEL OILSundav with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoail 4-H girls enjoyed a bus trip STO V Ew O ". i to Toronto last Thursdiv andcic visited the Imperial Oil and S, Christie Biscuits and had lunceh AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES in.the Georgian Rooin at E21- s, on'S.W For Delivery On Fniday 4-H girls visited ci Good'brand Fabi'ics, Bowman- la ville and enjoyed an informa- ]PHN E OSH~AWA RA 5-1109 tive taîk coi cottons and wr served a dinty lunch. 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahin were Of dinner guests on Sunday of of IMrs. Melville Jones, Omemec. Ci Hi t h PC l'a Cz MAKE ,- THE rrWe like meeting Peo pie" Service is a specialty with Russ Collier, the genial fellew pictured hiere. As Manager of mIie of' The Toron to-Domin ion Bank's busiest branches -at 25 Adelaide Street WXest in Torontto--Rtiss. aund bis staff, are f'ully aware that the banking businiess is a service business. Thie> know that it's dieur job to serve you.. . and it's a job they tborouglv enjoy. A 27-y'ear-man with "The Bank", Russ Collier is an avid golfer and curler during bis leisure liours. He is typical of the frieîîdly, efficient people Nyou'll ind at your nearby branch of The Toroiit-Doîniinioit Bank. Drop in and see for yourself why. . . Pevplt make the dzffn'ence at - £ Over 1600 Attend 7th Day Adventist PReeve and Mrs. Garnet B. the opening of this new church leikard of Darlington Town- the denominiation. had climas:- ;p with other civîc and rel- ed a multi-million dollar pro- gious leaders .ioined over a gramme of cburch expansion hocîsand worshippers w h o and building froma coast to ,rowdedi into the College Park coast in littie more than a yeaî'. eove-nth-day Advcntist Churr'h He observed that the two new )n King Street East for the churches that have been bcîiit olieni service of £onsecration in Oshawa are typical tof the vhich niarked the official op- denomination's determin3tion ming of the $350,0J00.00 edifice to'keep pace with the country's ast Satcîrday afternoon . growth and development. Eongratulates Congregation Mayor Brings Greetings President Walter A. Nelson, rf Oshawa, national president dthe Scventh-day Adventist 'hurch prcached the sermon. e congratuzlated the congre- ration on. the fine building hat bcd hi-en erected and ointcd ocut that il now. enjoy- ci the distinction of being the argcst Adventist Church in 'anada. Pastor Nelson said that with 1-is Worship Mayor Lyman A. Gifford of Osbawa extended the City's greetings and com- mended the cong-regation for ils faith and devotion repre- sented by the new churcb. Rev- erend N. T. Holmes, minister of Harmony United Church and president of the Oshawa Mifisterial Association broughit the best wishes of the city's religious community to the,, MORRISH The regular monthly meet- ing ofthie W.A. was beld on Wýcdnesdav April 201h, aI 2:31) p.m. at Mrlis. Lloyd Marvins. There were 16 mem.bers, 5 Juniors, 5 visitoî's present. The presiclatVrs. Helen McHiolm cordcicted the meceting xvhich xvas oPenled iri a rather uncîsual wav hy a selection 'In a Gar- den" on Hi Fi. Prayer followed by the presiderît. Two bymons, a Scripture reading b v Mrs. Harold Os- borne, Lesson Thocghts and prayer by Mrs. M. J. Osborne eronclcîdedl this devotional pro- grain. The roll was called and min- utes of the March meeting read bv assistant secretary Mrs Harry Beckett. The min- utes wcre adoptcd as read. Reports in conneetion of al- terations to Sinday Sehool were given. The old chimney was taken down, a nexv one to be but of cernent blocks; pantry recmoved, also platform at the east end, the prescrnt kitehen to bc enlarged The pro- posed lowering of the ceilinc was voted down as it was fear-' ed this wocîld ei'eate a probîcîn of acousties. Whcn i'eady foi' painting, seveî'al ineînbers of- fcred their services when given the "go ahead". Anoîben oil heater is to be inslalled to pro- vide extra heat needed. The chureh steeple after inspection -%vas fiund to be in good con- dition so we kecp our steeple. Tt was dccided bo again give awards for exhibits at the an- Il YOIUR BEST BUY for HOUSE :EAfl. Easy paymnents over 5 ES on monthly gas bis $14-60 ~fnrced sair furnace, in- cluring labour and ma- teriais ta connect with neareît existing base- Ment ducts. * .0 convers! nlàurn s Miot furnaces. CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DUNE IN A FEW HOURS tinits for ail types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE Yoîîr Cas company does no, ernploy doar-to- door sa!esmnen for telePhone car-vassers. For Info rmai cri about dea!nrs iiensed by the Ont3r o Fuel Board t seli and ins a i aurai Z gas equipment cal or Write the Sales Deparimerit of 5938 3 oauu'~a K-82 PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 No Paymcrnt 'tii SePtember S. Support the Oshawa Hospital Fuand aual Port Hope Fair in a class for Womans Associations. Ar- ticles shown will show Christ- mas ideas. The date of or Strawberî'y Social will be Jcly 6th. A com- mittee was chosen to take over alI arrangements. The date of the Anniversaî-v and Thanks- giving Sunday bias been chan- gled 10 October 23rd. when il is boped to bave the Port Hope Men's Choir supply mnusic for that Sunday. Three collections were taken cp- regolar, Red Cross and W.M.S. Easter offening-, this concluded the buîsiness, tbc meeting xvas then turrîed oveî' to Mrs. Dawson Beebe con- vener of program. Misses Joan and Ruth Mar- vin sang a duet "The Old Rcg- ged Cross" accompanied on piano by Mns. Helen McHolm. Mrs. Norman Genow was then introduccd by Mrs. Geor- ge Harness and for the next 30 minutes we followed with great interest thee many beaci- tiful coloured films of places1 visited by Mr. and Mrs. Ger- 0W doning a recent trip t Cal- ifor'nia. It xvas a great pleascîre to see these colourful pictures and listen to Mns. Gerow's de- lightful description. A hearty vote of thanks was given to our guest by the president. The program concloded with a piano duet by Mns, Helen McHoim and Miss Mary Beck- ett, bym,n 15 For the beauty of the Earth and the Blessing. The social haîf bour was then enjoyed duning xvhicb bhe lunch committee served dainty refreshments. The presideiitý proposed a vote of thanks to' Mrs Lloyd Marvin foi' use ofý ber home, the lunch commitîe and ail wbo helped in prognrani - carried unanimously Regular Cburch service xva. held at 10 a.m., the Rev., A. W.1 Harding in charge. There was a fairly good congregation. The special selection of 0cr mixed choir wa.s "Look to the Light- bouse'. We cenbainly appreciate baving a choir again. The text of Mn. Har'ding Is sermon 'vas sumnied up in verses 15 and 19 from cbapteî' 21 of St. John's gospel. Suilday Sehool was held at1 il arn., Mr. George Harnessi supenintendent, conduat i n g. There were 32 present. Mn. Neil Anderson returned to Windo on Sunday after spending bis vacation witb rel- atives in Detroit and the latter part with bis mother Mns. 1 Frank Anderson. Mrs. Cavan of Pont Credit, returned home on Saturday, Apnil 241h, after spending Easter week with ber fricndQ,ý Mrs. D Haines and Mns. M. J. Osborne. Mrs. William McHolm was' the guest of Mn. and Mrs. Han- old Casweli, Zion, on Easter' Day. Miss M. Beckett returned home Tues., Apnil l9th from1 a visit with ber sisten, Mrs.ý Mary Simpson, Toronto. Mrs. Frank Arnderson, Mn.1 Neil Anîderson, Mis. Wrn. Mc-1 Holm and Miss M. Beckett! spent Thursday the 2lst in Peterborough. We are sorry 10 report the, senious illness of MNIs. Johni Mitchell- nee Jean Manvin in Peterborough Hospital. Jean îs ver yull -we hope to hear of some improvement soon. provement soon. A friend knowing our love of birds made a lovely feeding station, tray, roof and stand., We certain'y aippreC.iate thisý th0u:htfuI gifts with many' ithanks.Ni icongregation. Present Churcb Keys C. Dunker of Kitchener, On-' tanlo and president of the Dun-1 ker Construction Company Li-! mited, general contractons forý the projcct, presented the keysý to the church to Pa.stor Henryi D. Henrikscn, of Oshawa, pre-' sident of the denomination'sý Ontario-Quebec Confenence. Iný accepting. the keys, Pastor Hen-i niksc.n observcd that the keysý symibol ized the good relationsi that had existed between thei contractoi' and the church as' well as the fî'iendship and goodwill the church enjoyed i the community. A Puinit Bible A pulpit Bible was presentedi to the con gregation by Pastor' Eldon L Green, Genenal Sec-1 retai-y of the Seventh-day Ad-, ventist Church in Canada. J.1I Leonaî'd Leatherdale, first ei-ý der and chairman of the build- ing committee accepted thE gift frorn the organization's fational headquarters staff on behaîf of the pastor and con- gregation. Pastor Robert J. Radcliffe. recently naîned to the church's international headqua rt er s staff, read the seripture lesson and Pastor Leonard Mînchin. associate world youth leader currently viqiting Oshawa Mis- sionai-y College for a special religirius crnnhasis week, offer- ed the consecration prayer. Demands Es Price In his sermon Pastor Nelsoni EDs 1958 OLDS DYNAMIC 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatic transmission. power brakes, wrindshield washers. One owner car. 1957 OLDS. 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatic Transmnission. Grey witb rcd trim. 1956 FORD DELUXE SEDAN Custom built radio, 6 cyl. Nice and clean. 1955 CHEV. 2-DR. STATION WAGON Onie owncr car. TRUCKS We have 3 good M/-on PICKUPS Good for Farth or General Use 1955 STUDEBAKER 1953 FORD 1959 CHEV. One Owner - and - 1950 2'/2-Ton G.M.C. TRUCK Oldsrnobile - Chevrolet - Corvair and Envoy (British Buill) Cars NICHOLS ROY COURTICE m m BOWNANVILLE Chevrolet Trucks Phone MA 3-3353 Corvair was unanimously named "Car of the Year" by the editors of Motor Trend-world's Iargest general automotive magazine. And it's easy to understand why .."the most signifieant engineering advanoe" of 1960 .."four-wheel independent suspension totally unlike 4 CProve any other North American-built cae'... a rear engine and transaxie "allowing a flatter floor and lower roof- Iine"--these are some of the praises the experts heaped upon Corvair in announcing the auto industry's most coveted award! ~proved ~pOKO__ The resuits of two major economy tests run by ini- dependent organizations* prove beyond a doubt that your Corvair will deliver 25 to 40% more miles on a gallon of regular gas than you can get in a conven- tional car. Add to this, the inherent dependability of an air-cooled engine, the savings on anti-freezes and anti-corrosives, and the fact that Corvair is easily and speedily servioed, and you'll know for sure that Corvair is your best bct for economical transportation. *PureOi11 Eoawmy Trials and Mobilgas Economy Run. Mère are thse tIaigs Corvair gives Éiatne a ethea' ena eau touc*k: Pr.ctiug fla lo ...... front eud nua. Ro.m fer your 10e84 aeu if you're sitting'in the muiddle. Who but Crà .. »Bombera y.w f Bd? No fussing with ami- 4-whee! indepondent freeze . .. or water or suspension . . . that radiatot repairso a oer gvez each wheelitis Vamps Corvir's ir- cwn coul spring and its own knee action. 1E,- cooled engine ba gota- STLT: a smoother, fiat- ing ta do wnth 'o. ter ride. Almost instant heat ... FoId-down raar seet -... from an airplane-typC iIat opens 17.6 cubje hecater. You don't bave font of siorage space to wait for the engine bas/des what's in the to warm up - Cor- frun/c. Standard/in every vair's heaten wanm u p model, Iwo and four- Coi,, e see it! Corne drive it! Corne pice it! WflýXX car of the year riaj y Chevrolet» ýý,fl Rear angine traction... tuat cornes witfi the en- gine's weight bearirig down on the rear évheels. Why be a stir i n 'te MuA (or sniow or slusl, with any. tlrng euse when you cari See your local authorized Chevroiet dealer for faut delivery. favorable deals w. K-î 126C > ICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE TORONTO-DOMINION TNE BANK( THAl LOOKS ^M'EAD 3. L. BURK, Manager, Bowmanv ilie branch ROY COURTICE .......... declared that, "the Church de-I and proclaimed ini and out of conceal the baptistry. The ' e mands its price in human toil1 the pulpit today as it should windows are of amber tinqi and sacrifice for there is no be we would see littie or no glass and the front of the i- juvenile delinquency and a rch is dominàted by a easy way to build a church, sharp drap in our crime r 'ate" stained glass window flanked I. .1p e rllf l not even by prayer nor wish- Less Than a Year Ago by two long curvir.g covered i ng does a church corne into ex- Sod was broken for the newý porticoes. istence." He \vent on ta say. church less than a year agoi Each evening this week spec- s I I that the "humblest place mark- with actual construction get t- l services are being held in EEV ed by th~e presence of>God and Éng under way on June 1. 1959. the church foaturiing Paistor E. C h uEr ED dedicated to worship iî, as sac- The church is 88 feet xvîde and Leonard Minchin of W ashîng- red as the most beautiful tem-ý 13,5 fect long. The contempor- tonD.C. as the guest preacher. pie' ar-t brick and concrete strut- The services w~iii mar k the ob- Pastor Nelson wxarncd thiîtîî tre utilizes lamîinated wood servance of da ,pecial youth "upon th e Church and its min- arches %vhich permit of a com- week of piaN er for college and istrv falîs the sol eirn respon- 1plcteix unobztructed v i e wl communitx \ oun.g People joint- sibility of prench ng the Gos- from an point in the lairge 1 lv sponsored by the Oshawa pel as it is found in the Scrip-i saîictuaryx Above and behind Missionary College and the ... ~turcs. He pointed out tha~t, the ch o)r loft wood panellingý College Park Sex.enth-da.ý Ad- "were the law of God accepted- and blue and gold draperies ventist Cluiich. Enj"oy Spring Drî*v*n g.. t,': Corne in Io our used car lois and ask the salesmen for a j denonsiration ride in the Iollowing Guaranleed O.K. I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO TMTR-qnAV i APR. 28th, 1960 tv-le