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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1960, p. 13

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THUYRSDAY, APR. 28th, 196() THE CAPTADIA.N STATESMAN. NOWMANVIT.T.U! flWPA~Tfl m v, ~meeting opened with the theme ones mariagedbatru- Çlarke W iI Purchase t Costs îou uNorn ing song and MmS. Stewart (r. fonthe Nort r xen prayer. ed to Mr. aMr .Mior Next Wednesday you wil have a the bank's balance is dangerously Iow. Scripur was taken from White on thebitofaduh AyG.eme Dfcny chance to make a donation that costs The blood bank at many hospitals is in Romans 8, verses 1-5 anrd 12-17 ter Janet Louie itrfrPyetwl pl nyo you flot a cent. On that day the Red such short supply that requests for blood and read by Mrs. R. Sadier. the three boys Site For Garbage Dump Cross is holding a' clinic for blood n:y soon b: refused unless the people Devotional was gven by Mrs. Mr Geo. pjnji u l8th, the Clarke Township cil. o $14.18 a roll. Counicul auth- which wil be wasted uniess YOU are tecii nWdedy 0 a ug r.W eO eety Counei i met with ail mem- Mr. J. Carruthers represent- orized that another sinilar lot willing to co-operate. Donating your blood is not a pain- prepared and read a very fine Mr. and Mr.Steigtn ai hi osbe session met with representa- discussion, suggested that he posts is expected te amount Until a short time ago blood trans- fipoesado nry elh'd-ppronCrsinCtznhP- Cast1eton, witMranMs. CLET O t ivo Caterpillar at which corne back to the next meet- ta over $4,000. Councillor fusion purposes was a csl commoclity viduals are flot affected by the loss of Minutes were read and ap- o. Mecer recety tives costly ~~~~ ~~~bood. In addition to the service you proved. One thank-you note 3&. and M x.E EiotO - O r Re seei W reo o both parties discussed the new ing with a firm proposai. He Dent pointed out that this was -usually $25.00 a pint. If you, your cana render to others, you gain a distinct and several busness letters awa, with MandMslunro , etn nal grader which --was purchased aiso suggested that il; was pos- flot included in the budget. wife or your cblidren were taken to the yo,.whn were read. It was voted ta, give trili Sunday. mended that a Al used V stated that the srnal truck tai aur donationa5,00 Mrs Gea. areer, Oshawathe Port saeku aHospital Are You eaded sbe a i oud be rlaeOfrn- The od erntes ndies.t h osp nd a eies of transf wun lo stke n ye o regvnt h or er optlreturned lhoneSna ihwthu hret Aiwb one npaec eddnwbae n ie.wre fondneesar, hebi ud a card stating your own blood classifica- Auxiliary. We decided ta have Mr. and Mns. E olwe the present one. It was suggested that this be have been a staggering one. Recogniz- tion. Carried in your waliet, this card a supper on June 3rd, and the they took a diet saa ! Councilior Stone stated that ieft over tiil the supplemen- ing the great need in this field, the executive coinmittee was asic-anotepot. 01 F or a taIl . .. * io r d the Caterpil- tary by-law is approved when Cnda e rs Sceyetbihd might wel save your owfl life in case t re parapandfr up TheMdr o ~aa ho po Fora al . . ? la mchne ndha larthttmachinel b lt oandeCaahadRedCrseSoity thtlihe tenderst I prvcouanldmditbee, elet lasfor up Te bl they couid not go wrong on purchase of a new truck. a nuniber of "blood banks" from which ofacdn.s rvdsa rmdaepr were down ove u ekn.KNA Yeu could be if you haven't, this machine. He said that Councillor Stone said he you or your family niay be supplied i guide for doctors or hospital authorities Our treasurer reported a Mir. and MIs usi ht cheeketi araunti yaur farm toerewsn ai wt hiford ogtigaou h aeo you ever need blood ecd in your bank balance of $178.09; ail are keepingltteRyWhe maite sure tings are ingoodithere ws noTheylarethreaeyfandreownobody-somebohingh carehofhinkingheb sreeredypand.oItbowassmovedngtheirhgrandson bwhileereipamo- I ANADIANeCO-OPERATIVEs shake sre- Insa- A oo- grader but that the plow was %-~ton truck and purchasing waiting to serve those who need blood aot yMrs.T. alomsonethi n e OLGRW SLI TE flot heavy enough. Councillor a new gra'vel truck. He also by Macolth ho'tal Clarein t broken ladder rungs. ou lFoster stated that the present said that the use of crushed at any hour of the day or niglit. ab poutte bvrismetwh r dmis .Mon, m sbtt Ms asaga and MIs. Hie'sr left on the ground ta trip 1o oeu otesadr fcsl si a en ae Like monetary uanks, however, it appears in this issue of The Canadian Sainells be a cammittie ta lok over ...can ail cause bad iorsscorneomaup taetethethstandard-andmofeacdsetly asur- at wases bcing takenB. that on the Adams machine. out of the stock pile. He sug- 19 mosbet aerpae ih ttemnadmk aewt or ±dse oved by Mirs. B. fa1s Councilior Stone alsa said gested the use of sand. The drawais unless there is an equal number self to go to the Lions Centre on Wed- Heaslp, s ta esacn ineO Ifyudl :~a~el! areulthcy had been sold on tube- Road Superintendent stated of deposits. Right at the present time nesday, May 4th. c ter a-oemmttee select paEtteRrn1'IaId have had ta be put in two of of the pits at the present tirne. f M A B ne and Ronnie frunt the dishesi IfYuddhv uaccident, the tires. He said the machine Reeve Waikey pointed out BH AYE __ oiasseti ac- Harvey Rooke's group CIA's accident andi sicknesshas 8 inch rims instead of 10 that the price of a new truck ter M oid y pn nWtr was in charge of Program as insurance coutil hcip you payiinch rims. was not included in the bud- foi oows, readings, Mrs. MeCoy, the bilis and hire someone t The cmpany representa- get and aiso Council could ex- The Bethany Ladies Gond Church helcl a Pot Luck supper Master Vernon and Mark Mirs. Rooke and Mirs. R. Sadier. doth cors ora hie.tives pitdou0htnos ctson utercss' Luck Lodge held their final in the Parish Hall on Wcdnes- Malcolm spent a couple Of Hymn 384 was sung and the dothFor uA eas fojahtalA: macine aeot hequipspe octome wutthe new gra- social cvening of the wi.nter day cvening. Following the days in Janetville with their W.A. benediction was rcpeated. witathbess tres and aripe d cner. o it h nw season on Friday night in the supper progressive cuchre was grandpareiuts, i. and Mrs Ms .Wlo oe OLFEK . h utclrfns HIOWARD R. FOLEY 1proving satisfactory. It was The Reeve stated the aid Orange Hall played. Rev. G. E. Meades and Rae Malcolm. hearty vote of thanks ta Mrs. cent of the graders are equip- replaced this faîl and he didn't cd with prizes for high scores were welcomed ta, this event. cuchre played Friday night in home and Mirs. Rooke and ~ raceon the new township grader. vel truck. Roy Foster said if and Harold Kincaîde; consol- Minister of the Manvers par- men's score, Cecil Hill, iow ________PRO__ ~. u A Cons:rac ed wiTh e dsame ing a e :i w adtrcon th a gr owatioang izsoPta M:.Ad ison Sowi M. Mseshdbcnaoom retietonH ackon; high: ru o odmeig EPO U T .ontrlwofn c 1A Ascain1Chas. Stapleton, informed it wouid pyfor isl.Cut n Melvin Smelt. Mr.a r. Douglas Dcyeil women, Oral Tripp, low soe ______Council that 112 rails of suiow cillon Stone felt it was a fun- Mns. Gladys Malcomsoeu won of North Bay and Mr. Haold Grace Jackson. LZ B T V LEPYAKD ny thing if th Township the lucky door pnize Watson of London have been Mn. Bob Sheffield and Cleve, cauldn't get trucks. Earier tickets had been sold guests with Mn. and Mrs. Wal- Oshawa visitcd Mn. and 1&s. The Women's Institute met * *EA M C O O L EN YM R Councillor Foster stated an a basket of groceries and ter Neals. Wilfred Jackson on Sunday. on Wed., at Mirs. Clarence Be- "BEAUTY LA».. o uslahr .......................~ .that the Township was awayMrGogeWdelwst is.FdW.Ryoswh Master Mark Malcolm spent atty's home. We had a good uhltrec MreheorndWdthe wstime.Us. Deputyeynldseeveph ......... >v ery urhced tep th-eme lucky winner of the draw, has been in Peterborough Hos- Friday with Trevon Nesbitt. turn-out of membens. MIs. sayig tey wre ehin 25 Theworty mstres, rs.pital for sevenal months, re- Mn. and Mirs. Frank Emen- Quantriil presided over the VA PA VANSE ...HIO OL F an~~~~s. We haen'ben aEn 2u5 seoesd b ure oe nTusdy <n, Mary and Paula, Peter- meeting. foot of p avera n' he hanka o tum exodesmembte r n.hoLlo CapstikSairnbr ,vste n ndMr.Re-election of offîcers was SOINJ .th core wodpsrvie th an s o th lod e m mb e s M r . L oyd C ap sick S h ron M a colin E m erson on Sunday. carnied o ut and tb e follow irtg Tounship." t i h a sitdi n n oeto xndehv Gail, Bonnie, Glen and Bar'- menrbers elected ta office. Pre- nio unncst in the Road Super- progna.m. stick's mother, Mrs. T. Mi Wea- their Easten holidays. lst vice president, Mirs. Jim 'M N H UST PI 52 -72-93 intendent using his own tuck Ladies Guiid therilt. Mn. Stanley Malcolm and Robinson; 2nd vice president, Ge hm ian ay oea and feit that othen trucks , MrndMs ap Mul r.IaTyorwe should be hired. He moved The Ladies Guild of St. Paul 's an.adMs ap ul-Ms d alrwr at Mr. Mrs. V. Peacock; Secnetary, gand daughtens Connie and and Mins. Laurence Malcolm's Mis. Wheelcr ivith MIs. Quan- FIRSAUD- -- AS" "EX per houn be naised from $3.00 OBITUARY with Mn. Muiiigan's parents, Mirs. Margaret McGil ad er is absent. MIs. Quantnili ' I L tIAH ~ TA»M an boni' to $3.50. This passed Mr. and Mirs. Gervin Mulligan Mins. Helen Campbell accom. was made Hononary President. GAUZE '~"~" Quiekly rele* counicil. The Road Superin- UH eASE during the week. Charles Wea- pantied tbe latter'8 pairenta toe gruledsM. cA-P NT &W LPPE BANAG ~ ~ tndntwa*ifomeaitna UGanMAdE theilît returned home fnom Tonanto, Sunidiay. lister, Mirs. R. White, MIs. C. ster.lmzed, interwoyen,, tflt ,. eod syunoma. 5 gr- use bis own truck. This was Floiga lns foeCvcHsiaPtroog ..adWMS etyadMr.D oel 3 ig5 ton gaute. A miedicne chest must. lmnof 24. Reg. 30 .... 2 for 3W< backed by council, even tbough yFoîloheng an ilnuess o n anc Cîi osal, Peteroi'onghWAcayon M.s Beatt yead r. D PL3chgS.W oeMA353 1.10~d R~ é 2 3Botle of 100. Reg. 79e ... .2 for g~ trucks are not available. Dent ya b et curdi nFia.NsltnWA and W.M.S. cryo rmls en uc 1 x 10 y<Is.R&2W. f3« Botdeof2oo.Reg 8] 39.Ifiyr L40 suggested that trucks be bined Oshawa General Hospital on Mir. and Mirs. Lewis Sander- had thein April meeting at tbc was served ait tbc close of tbc P.S. - SecorBrgnCotrfrmay iesta r 0yi e, 3 2frS Botleof300 Rei.81.79,2foe *LS@ for at îeast anc on two weeks. Tbnrsday, April 21. 1960, of son of Toronto wene weekend home of Mira. V. Mvalcolm with meeting., Drastic e ucon eorbyigeew r. uO-tRAIN TAW.8 Councilion Fosten said now is Hugli MeMasten, R. R. 2, guestsa with Mn. and Mrs. Han- 19 memfbens, twa visitons >and Sunday school and ch.uncb Rouleof100. Reg 81.39,2 for OL40 the time ta fi bcthe hles. Wbitby, aged 49 years. old Sandenson. sevenal chldren present. Thelwas hcld as usual. The West RUXALL Reeve Walkey snggested The deceased was born in The Teen Town Club beld a NYDROGE that a reqnest be made ta Belfast, Ireland, on Dccem- successful dance in tbc Tawn PEROXIDE SULVER ~have a pivate -phone lime for ber 23, 1910, a son of bbc late Hall on Fridaiy night. AlFoiFaue fetv PEROXIDE the bbc Raad Supeintendent Hugh and Agnes McMaster. Rev G. E. Sneed, Peterbar-AiFodeausEfctv »Luioncither at bis home or at tbc In 1944 he mamicd bbc for- ough, was guest minister at the April 28, 29, 30 SOLUION ~ f~7 AU barn. Chas. Stapletan is ta mer Helena Riedel at Niagara United Chunch service on Sun-Rgh (USP)OCCASiO seek information on cast and Falls and tbey have nesided day monning. eRsr teig t ........ Dîsiofecusanmd y possibility and report te bbei Whitby area for thc past Miss Laura Hutchinsan left LmtQatte ¶Ml eanscetLs S next meeting, six years. an Satunday for a six weeks saihe. CaRSCuncil wvas informed that A sailor for 30 yeans, the tour of the British Isles. 4 rnce Reular 30e. 2 fer 310 B&z of 14 âtaored cardsanad the CNR bas appraved bbc by- late Mn. MeMaster was first Bethan>' Athletie Meeting 16 ounce Regular 75e,.:à for 7« Uucing enveAopmc Reguar $1.00 law for bbc erectian cf, bbc mate witb tbc Uppen Lakes Murnaiy Wilson was elected 2 boxes for $LOI averhead bridge in bbc sauth and St. Lawrence Transporta- President of the Bebhany Ath- ii~< e ~~ofh Twsbp tion Ca. for five years pnuorîtcAsoiinatismeig TIFNYDODRNT ~ ~ -~Reeve Walkey informed ta bis netinement a ycar and lTbnssa onight Otet ins RANwould pay this year $42,900.- Of bbc Presbyteriain Church sn ertrMs icn Anî.pesr-r~tandAMEIICAN BIAUTT Ut b ony and an active member of thesosctay n.Viet sceni:ed, long in ROSE FRASANCE Council passed a Supple- Whitby Curling Club. Jao;tauer, Gruen Wcnty alodarocion. Mm <OLOON mentany Road appropriation ' Surviving are bis wife and wrb uioBueRly 1 âprim regular 754 ..... 2 for 760 eitîfla, as >, ta increase the Road mainten- a brother, James McMasten of Park cammrrittec Robent Ryley, 3Se, regular $1.50, 2 for SI-S 1 8 o end s3.7S o 37. ance by $7000 for winten work Toronto. Do)nald Scoat, George Scott and 3__or._Reg.__ 3.75_2_for__3.76 done. The by-ia.w was passed Rev. D. Marshall Of St. An- Robert Foster. aind wiil be sent ta bbc On- drcw's Presbyterian Church. Plans wene made for the an- LAVNDR IROOI SAV CRAN2~JO taria Roaid Department for Whitby, condncted bbe funeral nual Victoria Day celebration LAMIDERà%ERSOLSNAV CR Ieo '$À9 2wL» tbeir approval. This snm is service beid in tbc W. C. Town ta, be held on May 23rd The PEA IKO MGEI f m 0.Me.si276 needed ta paiy for snow ne- Funeral Chapel, Wbitby, oneenswibgnwtbaf- . REXLL ULK0FMAGESI (Pé, ~ 2.6< moval. Saturday, April 23. Interment cy dress parade and pnizes will REXAIL REXANT TOOTII FASTE ~21-704 A motion was passed by wai5 in Groveside Cemetcry, be given for floats, deconated -' MdclyStone and Fosten thait bbc Braoklin. cars, trucks., bicycles, etc. REXAU. KLIIZO TOOTI I RUSflESIMIg.Puoo"2h 51< Roaid supeintendent aidver- Palîbeairens were Messrs. Thene wiil be ai full afternoon - MoEXALL Mi-,1-SOLUTION . 1 tise for tenders for the pur- Joseph Guest. Hampton, Gea. sports pragnaim of races, bal REXAL M 31SOLTIO 0 impc. 1 caus.effl« J V, W chae of graider tires. Savery Wolfe, Biackstock, Howard games etc., a concert aind daince lexitsimeRe Gl. miin fr ri ReedCu Cnd. 4ac, aly ukin aind Stone moved that Coun- Jeffery, Bowmanville, Jack in the evening Ernest Young- storng rh.m8e.. eg. 1.5o..._h2ioIr $1.6 a..u d cur. R&0. ~.......2 fr-64 cil also tender for bbc wire Collier, William Langford and main, Creîghton Cari' and Vin- Be»ch Modcated Skia reem. Heahong for taaitCod ivr obeh needed for snow fence along L. Tbrashen of Wbitby. cent Jackson wcne appainted ta cul,, b.rns, braeio 9, iinor ,kin irrit.t,ons. 100, regular $1.75............. 2 for $1.76 with 1000 fenice posts. Coun- arrange the pragramt. Robent iuounce, re' lar $1.Z. 2 for $1.01 Lades' end Me'. -Z-Cite Sumplasea. cillar Stone stated that he fa- Foster, Gardon Smith and Mrs. 10esait Adh...v. Tape. WaterproofM' a G reen lense,, Reg. $398. .2 f,$.9 vue edr for an u- en Mlia aete pr' ,0 - 'Reg 9 ..._ ' ý1..2 for 604 RBeall Duby Oit. Reg. 75J ... 2 for76t oured tendenig or amy0pur omte.GnWnwrh Adene,.Cald Cmemea,. Omseo hSmaes. aeheIar Slming Cruesu, rgetube. ~ce~i vn$0 r MOVIE VreMlia r pn' 3 ounce regl.r $110. .--2 for $ 1.11 Itegular 650 ... ..... 2 fer 6"t $500.Tedr are ta close May wais appointed ta look after texait Lqud Saccharin Das. '>ý -k. IIky's Aérosol Air Relresher. IM..h l3tb. E II IA advertising aind Mirs. Vincent aqumeze cont.inlier r 89e. . 2 for 904 odours. 11 or. reg. $149...2 for $1.30 Reeve Walkey inforimed W W Jackson bo arrange prizes. itexait Mi 31 Tapt, Past. For op.king Helen Cornait Bobby Pins. Brownon ' i ha h Dprtet E I W Pasr.. l ae o clean Iceth, Large tube, reg. Ô902 tom 704 black. rubber.tipped. 50 pins on cary Couclta h eatnn liswr iomd o acehetor Deodorant cream. Lastng pro. Regular 250...,........... 2 cards for 264 'of Heaith had approved bbc April 28 - May' 4 some renovaition of buildings tecto,. nc00e, rguar 69J*.... 2 for 70o * l Die ind Invelopes, Regu]ar Hale six acre site ais suitable Matinee Sat., ADr. 30 th at aind spectator benches at thc 2once jar,*reguiar 98e...... 2for 9fl 150 pkg ......................2 fr 64 for aan sbLuýip up.T- Ali- ni2 .. Atltc ak come the.apprentice of a7fast- mie view of the city end were Etrti otn tyu G tr.Scti eui ilMAKE A DATE NOW TO ATTEND talking circus vendor, played Iie eosrto fte flSerig abRto ipa utesoe ne byBbSeny h atrpradncts of crude cil which content now - you Mar' be a winner - Contest closesPakg exploits bbc lad at evcry 0p-icne eegna an Stra' ph Oh RD C OSpotunity. inldsdtretp ins audyApl th RED CRO S 1, 1In bbc scrcenpiaiy by Bill dyes, lucite, nylons, cosrnetics ýWlhadLli awrminerai ail. etc. Thcy were1 RS ROE ACHIAS A GOLD bMIE0 IAI LRD frmtebo oftesretknthrough themr modern vvw UA. nmre by James Otis Kaler, bbc cafeteria and served rers- RUIEY UW TV SHOW VALENCIA RNE 3iz 9 BLOOD ONOR C INIC lad meets many people in bbc ments.OZ circs. Tere s hue, mseu-4 Ti 98C ROMPER ROOM U.S. No. 1 T 1,11 on tbc outaide and soft on the North Nesileton GOLDEN DEW APPEARING DAILY NEW POTAGS --5LI 9 tco.Sam Treat, ana ber Ms acomEesoNpn ARGARIE CHECK TOUR LOCALAION.iISH OSLb c ( ( U I i filya fiedofth adtlas hecp f dy uig telà. LISTNGS OR5TME L TEU w e a ii s a a y ,head clown and ai medic i.>eklo kig ,'I' Irgrnd 3AND CHANNEL. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~~~~ail wbo have aijîmenta. tawe lokn afebegrn -__________________________________ ____________ Chief amomg Toby Tyler's children in Toronto. friends is a niiscbievoua cbim- Mr.k errySadler, Kiriclan d painzee namcd Mir. Sbubbs. In Lae pent laist weck with Mr.- OP A D S VE AT. LIONS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE the climax oftefl TlradMrs. Ralph Sadler a .Mrejain bis bard-prcssèd guar- Mn. and Mnr. Sid Powers, B wî n iI G a i e bunter. In bbc finale, bowever Fraink Vlciger visited MT. and brnprainbrvddtechcimp not only recover; Mrs. Wni. Armstrong on Sun- NlNB AI Traspotaton rovdedbut becomes a part of bbe cii'- day. Call MA 3-3585 or MA 3-3882 cus act. Mri anud Mrs. H. Aimas M' Ij1 Charles Barton haindled the anid Mina. Chas. Aimas and dir' ýon Pnd WTiMam Snyder1 Karnen staiycd the weekend rs IGMke Iwith bath doig a -akilliul job. âhaU when theàr returned Way- TEM CANADIAlq STATESMAN. BOWMANVffý= ONTARM rw

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