Sculpture pieces by 1%&f. E. B. A * cussion. She also requested lSrith, seconded by oncl ditnafeaeog$.Te Cox. formerly of Bowmanville. IA nappy Pair .uvO ngi that an RPA representative be lor Cornish, the conidemtonlsprvedha - <~~ > ' r ti: ? ion ex h ib itat th e R o b -c o n r nm itted to sit in on com - cid ed to raise th e d g t x a i e b i e o t e p b i C i j erts Gallery, Toronto. An art onei cO b e tmo mittee meetings as an obser- follows: firit malet g 3 htal osms ergs dailies wrote of the exhibit, ver. each additional maiteeathe onsipOfc i"The sculpture of E B. Cox has first femnale dog $1 fr uyltec cr Phon MA -33 3 cosisentl gron i quaity(Continued from page one) Reeve Rickard rephied that P h o n e M A 3 - 3 3 0 - co s s iygnce li i nquax ity Coun illor Co nish to give tw o, if anyone other than m em bers l ~Jack Brown spent the week- ther, Mr-. and Mrs. Alex Mc- ie"Tegleyi pnMn otsntc oRbr ok tee meeting it would no long-! day to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 laPbi eoltute Irb omte etný pi.with his cousin Peter Lake Neil, David, Robert and Jeff-.m. n h xii iIb ulcSho rset rb omte etn aNewcastle. ery of Ottawa. [ hr nilMy'n.have aIl the traîlers he hasi but a publie one. Reeve Rick-' .a ndts ila arýMs ap ms r.Af thre untW. Ayd. MisMa-for sale remnoved from his lard further explained that ac- M r. n d r s . ill a m a î r s M r s R a l h A e s , M r s il r s. . A E d e r, i s s M a d w a s d e f e a t e d b y a c o r d in g to th e R u le s a n d P r o - are enjoying a holiday in Mon- Samei]s and Mrs. Charles Bur-1 lyn Wilcox. Mrs. T. Depew, vote of 3-2. DeutRe cedures that are set dlown treai and Quebec City. dett attended the annual Home t Masters Bud Depew and Bob . p-ee Mr. and Mrs. Or- Venningl and School convention heldt James were in Huntsville lastBacadaere ht Mr. conmîttee of the whole in-' -.were Sunclay visitors with ÎMi-. last Thursday in the Royal weekend for the Provincial Cook should be allowed six uc ol ebrso on months to seli the traillers. and cil and no one else. and Mrs. Jack Pahm. Black.; York Hotel, Toronto. Little NH.L. garnes. Among . . Ž'R e e ane Ri ar s g- M s Bu i r mii e th stock. Mrs. H. R. Smithson of Cal-t those also in attendance were: R esed tatMr Ck er e u - MReeve of an ofer sedhe had Mrs. Ruth Angus, Toronto, dnwsavstrls ek r n r.E ude r urdtodicsth matter made to himn of a site free of, wasa eekndguet f M.1 h Mi-. and Mrs. H. E. Run-' and Mrs. Don Gilhooly and charge forus the nwDrigo and Mrs. Ron Hawthorne and; de. Bowmanville, and joined Jeff Mr. and Mrs. George Caw- Doc-whigheScol.the ns ai tosn HigCriticisrn 8ththa sh Barney in the celebration of thei- gol- ker and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Dg hd sedte evet hv Baitfi Miss Betty Ann Kitson ofý eniddnganieray. Arod lepcM. ole Oe o f the Darlington! it discussed in comrnîttele and Peterborough, spent Easter With Mr. and M. O. R. Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Nlichais, Dog Control Byîlaw was voi'c-;passed along to the Durham Mi- Bud Prfect, Mr and Mrlied by Mrs. B. Budai, secretary ont isrcCHgAFho boildays with her cousin, Miss lBragg for Easter vacation wereM."Pre c,1î.adMi 1f the DarDintticRatepayers' CARi AuTe Kton MssJanBrgg orh ~y rant Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- Aocie ain tnRteae Board for consideration. She and Miss Joyce Bragg, R N..,a aeadM- n r.~et] h on stated that she had receîved Miss Christine Samells spentý Pemboe oc srmiiiI Howard Burgess. cil that the executive of the alte rmtesceay0 yCutHlmr n utrf Easter ho]idays with h l mree oceirim î~' P s nnmasya ainst terig Shel Boar ofW. B.o grandpai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. at home furthering improve-i An ex,,ecutive meeting of the hrP suintat oul gs must b e ihSlo BadW.. Mitchll,, yrone mentof be healh. HoReandolds. Assniatiminhe herngthat owilmst expressIds, urorsentimentstwilon Mic el T r n .ment of hr he nalH m and Schaol Associatly in o nEl kept tied in the w inter m onths., the board had fot heard any- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker. Mrs H1 h MDoni n wshl r eetlinr l c- She also suggested that tlw thing of hier offer until it had Mte' pca a Karlyn were recentcentguestssofl rgin Sholth saneverlatsaco- township dog tax be increasedcmiteiteftthCur BrcviiweereetgussMrs. F. Swietzer and Cind, esi tedac.Pasfr oofe h cs flvs o tt eitse f h or rwith her sister, Mrs. Gus Baun --OnFiaHgh the forthcoming meeting were t fsttecs flvsoktc ie Willodfina FidyHu, is damage caused by canines. RS VA bowling tean-i won the cham-tr.Bda vsasociia Mrzn r.Dnl ob in en trxii e o hdatheThe RPA believe tîhat tîhere Ms ua a as rtclHandmaei heorni Mr nd M s D n l R b . pionship in the M aclean -H n i n e t e u h r d y shou ld b e a a e D g C n of the attitude taken b\, the :1 101g Street East, have return- ter Publishing Company lea-ý May 5, and wiil be of partîcu- Idtrot Offie fraeDrigtCon-'eadigareus e fe pnigtewne u.lai' interest ta parents from. Mocouncila in B a e tn lria o a vll n h u-Who should ave instructions made b.N her sister-in-la\.M t e' D y H n k r hif,0 nd i0) c t Mr. Badno, rda. eet A Spring Tea spnsred byi rounding area who have stu - ----- ony o pîî.k up aogs againtst ila oa otr ,N.10Gou f h WA odnt ntrng Bvnnvlèwhiclî there wcre logical [ ta be allowed ta build on a Ptey - ANwBc oeyLnn and faniily spent Sundav with 1Trinity United Church will be cihi ooIexlem.Ter hefrte etd ht am ed e r heThean Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald[held at the manse, 58 Division 1 il High S ehoateac hersicmlitMs Bdisae buese n e ubn a and family, Belleville, Ont. Street, on Thursdav. May 5, 1resnt 0 anwmust ction lef-tee yonisei-sthre-ver- tan ecesary nde theZon 7 Mrs. W. . McKinne who from 2:30-5:3 o.m. Mrsid.Donaldredags tmust be quettountiedsetaappyannedstta uilde-isrlargeronTheseivareoteusioa.fewn suecesary undfrthe the Ktand autline thîe High SchooaFs! Gordoni and Mariony give pratectietheoî1. enling By-law but the lot does larg ipa fgfsa Ms. W. H. McKinfMr ne d ho' from 230-5:30 .mMrs. W.aMai-ioaDnrleneteven, are he childre1 She asked il Darlington bas flot extend ta the requiremen'. h als. been Roa guest ft r.and Houlnd cv ter rs.Jaes plansi. h oin coiof Mr. and Mrs. Arthui- Thompson, R. R. 1, Bowvmari nY police pirotectian, and vas in an agaricuIural zone of 37,- 'plane yesterd'ay for her home and meînbers of the Church. Ms . .Hlat -civille and graridchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, informed by the Reeve that 50suîefe.I a x in Westport, Conn.i Rev. A. G. Scott, B.A., min-t word last week of the death 0f and Mr. Leslie Thompson and the late Mrs. Thompson, the Ontaria Provincial Palic Mis ea Amtrngofise o S. nde'sPrsb-serve the township, and that Ipand b cuclta Owen Sound is visiting M l einCurh omn ie c usLaHa rCa. E. ho ad Bowmanville. - .-tetlphn ubri i-cammittee of ad.iustment xii Mis en rstag f sero S.Anre' Peby!he of usinbr, CMr. E. wMedld - ledbe set up xvhen the by-law F. S. hillip Who bs ýFetrn'-- ill tae the ervice next ecd in theig directarorin thedialsorvisSaoproved anbyve theyt Municipala f. S. P h i tal nh d h s r con- S will tk the servesy next ea e a iligH e a lt or se - f the Bo\v ativille W est-D ur- inquired about th e' i i u m B a d e d f o m h s p i t l a n i s c o n - S u n d y a t t h e r e s y t e r a n e a l v a r s . I - l w a s b a i - t h e 5h a r oa m A d v i s r y C o m m i t t e e t a t a x a t i o n s u g g e t d b h M rsval es at hoe . is arj C ur he i n Millb.G roak d E 1B a a lle knowe n dmiv iithe CNIB for several vear. previcusly. She was told tha tl Isaac Harding. another m em - Mrs We Je ell Mis M ry ent evile. Re . G rai E. Baw aîw l]e bef je nd fle gH is w ife is the form er Frances th is is being studied by coun- ber of the RPA executiv , JewelI, Mrs. Chas. Wight, M-s. Graham, B.A., Millbrook. wlll the tomn of the centurv, 1 lMi-o hý,!ibuta ltwldo ecamd tha ter ae an Meeoul eWihtunrne r:taeiheghtvcesatSndA- ndMis.Jon Ir-n, hoaSite a Anp-iî- adJoehclnutthf i wul nt e lame tattcriaeetyn takW haveerones son.. David d neý easy ta brîng some of thc people living in bouses that ~win Bragg are enjoyin~ a 1rwsCuc ee live d on Liber-ty Street in the daughter, Nancy. sinaller taxpayeî-s tp ta thle do not meet the by-laws rie- jMotor trip ta the Carolinas. Members of Bawmanville house opposite the Drill Shed1 <Continued from page one) : _______ I R3 minimum assessment. quiremients, and could theî-e-. Mr. and Mrs. Cîaie Gai-ton Rotai-y Club who attended the Grounds, naw Carlisle Ae.Major, Mrs. K. Billett. Mrs.' MriBdiasoakdIa foi-e lose their homnes. He à -an-d daughter have returned Rt-y Dsrc Cofrce0afmivoeigtbîdren' R. 1Haynes. Group 6. CaptainIa z, ci ï set soon for the pub- . urged Iliat worcis "or use" be UJ L *from a two-week visit with'at the Royal Hotel and Ar- there is now only one living, C. Bell; Mî-s. P. Tuerk, MWlrs. N ew casti.e laic meeting %vith the RPA, and'taken out of the by-law. B hissiser Mr an M-s.Thoasmouries in Guelph. Ont., an Charlie Medland, of Pasadena, N. Cann. Miss M. Aberneth yahpdfroudtbeis OnminbyCuclr jCable and family of Sacramen-1 Aprîl 24, 25 and 26 were Pres- Calif., wha was superintendent Miss L. Luffman, Mrs., B. Sta-ý ta, Calif. idient and Mrs. George Vice, of a daily newspaper there be- pleton, Mrs. C. Taylor. Miss L.Gl___ Secretairy and Mrts. Ken Mor- fare his retiremnent several Abernethy, Mrs. N. O'Rourke, Mr. Fred Vanstone has coin-Iris Mr. and -Mrs. Water De- years ago. Charlie semved bis Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. H. De-, (Con tinued from page one) .pleted bis second year at 1 Geer. Mr. R. P. Rickaby and appi-entic-eship as a printer man. Miss M. Abernethy. The big lavent of the niglit,, COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Queen's Univer-sity. Kingston, Dri- andi Mrs. W. M. Rude]]. with the West Dur-ham News, Group 7. Captain K.M air- t which evcryone haci been and lis thhsprns r -. edited by the laIe Jamen aeii:Ms A asn r.P waiting for accui-red about' and Mrs. Morley Vanstone. Mr. and Mi-s. E. J. Fairey, acJtebcm e aeei e:d Mrs. . Saeson Mrs. P. i i-itC hOil i h Bec v.Mr. andi Mis. Terry Masters w -crea xe, Ldy r.C lmnMs 23 -'.th hoigo te t Ms. . . LkeBil J.,anc Ki. i-.anc Ms. edmechanical supeiintendent à W Firank, Mrs. H. Goddard, Queen anici ber four Princess- Mrs-W. . Lae, ill r.,ai, Ms rnia rown e the art preservative field i tmiss-F. Gardner. Group S. es. Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. AI-. several large cilles in the Un Captaiti H. Potteî-. Miss R.:AIl niglit the judges liad had, fre Brwn B-w-aniîeandMi. Bb airy ereinted States. ni Herbert, Mrs. A. Spicer, Mrs.'the opportunlt fsen the, were Sunday guests of Mi- fNewmarket last Satr1 N. Luxton. girls while thcy danced and SO > - and Mrs. R. R. Shaw andin am-whe rE. attecistewed- DeaîHosiaslecdciatSn- Those aî-îanged bythie Sun- .Iust befare lunch theybad! ily, Toronto.dn fM- .J arys itifvro opt] Toronto, on iiiGIOP CaanMm the Gr-and Mai-ch. Then during - ~~~Miss Jean Fairey, and Mr-. April 4 of Charles A. AdamnstStan McMurter: Mms. Glen lnhte ide md hi Recent visitor3 wiîh M r- anci Floyd Hale. Mrs. Termy Mas- inibis 751h year. with inter-- Lancer, Mms. J. Elson, Mrs. Tde fisanes. unh M rs. Gordon C. M ai-lin , and ters %as matron of honor forî ment, in Graveside Cemetery, p . Pass oi-noe. Mr. P Kelly, the f onet dncii te a f ur chU S N E M N E S, F R TH S W E Doris wer1e Mrs. Martins bro- ber aunt. Bi-ooklin. Many older citizens!Mrs. S. Trewin, Mrs. H.Pa wsthaninbihtefu- S CILV UE AN RE NESFO TIS W K - - -----~ --in Bowmanville wilI recali thaîlel, Mrs. H. Rundle. Ms .pice were i chLnd oethe,i Mîr-A dams, better known astTrexvin, Mrs. O. Plumme re-is iss LindaRaberMss,, "Chuck" tobis many fiends Mrs. R. Mclntyre, Mrs. E. J. Mei Ina oA Rand Miss i __________________ hbei-e, was a baker for a nurm-IGîbbs. Mrs. Gamnet GolheenMriy Mtuiad Ms T 1 1 L r L . br -- b b I Mms ay ICharlotte Aus'tin. ~Gl beiy ~ n ,e ~ u crofmebîas Wl hthe atetMms. J. Van NsMr.Ry The netdnewsisp- T4 i y U i e h r h Thomnas Tad. He will also beîWebber. Mrs. W. Corden. Mvrs. ext . h dance' a pot- .Y N ED9Ai reirbee sa member afiG. McMurîer. Mms. S. Corden ,light t'le Qcn h ac the Bowmanville football ta s L. Dexveli, Mrs. T. Ga-vas ams oe he hy h e p m&oe-.a- Mînster-Rev. Wmn. K. 1-ousander, B.A., B.D. arou<id 1908 wiîen "Scotty" chou ,Mms. J. S5 msMrs I spaîlighte isSao a- Aqua Seal Baby Pants 39,cý Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. Brown. anaîher baker with Mr.I E. H. Ballantine, Mrs. w cocdau Hîe-af c1. newJ ay' w* *lt 4c Tod was a membeir of the Shotter. 2. Captain, Mrs. 6 I Mrs. Ma'lov anoc. ex- fiabaî tem wen l ws nWiliaîs:Mi-. R Oristn.casîle. and announced that - ils prime wilh the Mîldlanid Mrs. K. Porter, Mms. K. Rawe, shewasfoer uee1o60e. Castoria---5c Il am MORNING WORSHIP 'Football League ai also the Mrs. D. J. Rundle, Mms. Earl tTw o 90 Darlington Football League. Thompson, Mrs. S. Dunni, Mms. Wbien slîe xent foî-ward ta ýHeiz SMELOBONDED!os 3fo "Burden Bearing is a Lonely Business" Mr. Adams j.?ned Forence R.Bat~e, Mrs. Bev Burgess, cion t bv M s h e ay J& J Baby Powder 45c, 75cSiz 1No. 66. 48 yeaî-s ago when he[cott< Mrs. Hitgh Murphy, Mrs. (Donna Ake ilico haci beeîî *mm _7 9. ff 7p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP lived here. Members of the fC. Bradley. Mrs. Lary De w c for 19a5P. Muoo ifsTenüc Im J & J Bab.),Ou---------- 5 cu i o-cvisiteci the Auï~Ci,-!elMrs. K. Suinemstord, M S. Tw n fra99 i ssenHanbouqe ko "Th Poietai iewofih Bile 'ra the night before lie was C. Oke. 3. Cap.aini, Mrs. Bcrrtwstngîabuet o ~D PRMcad's Pabluin - .--- ---25c,4c LS Y re yr r.Roy McMullen, ioe x WlîdCr p ta Ib eir last me'-Ms. L. Welsh. Mrs. C. Mac: i ruthers, wife of the Mayor- oft Menîten Baby Magic 79c, 10 8:05 - YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Mr Aaî ivdiiWrdDnad r.F ae r.GBowmnanville. Jim Mastcrson,: WAdlanms f r e -s Warlti al, Mrs. . ote Mrs .president of Teen Townî, p War1 nd ormany er wWorhnMr.J olse M sented lier willh a white tr-ain SitsBb et o emiiplo. ed in a bake shapini V. Mill er. Mrs. Ivan Wosy Aurora. Mrs. J. Cuddahee, Mî-s. L.,[c ase, a uI rn hapTyo n d!wy - Van Driil, Mrs. B. Evans, Mîs. Sh va 1xm R. Lunney. Mrs. K. Nichais, srieci Nofi lady. -< OOR Mî-s. B. Reid, Mis. J. Bryson, Teîext dance was thon. Baby's Hair Brush with 2 oz. R EOBOH CRISIANSchool NxOM.hoaAMs Jtm foumG1 69e Nestie Baby Hair Treaiment 1.2 Mrs.N. ibsn, rs.N was escorted by Mr. Gary Me- 2ROL R EFORMED CHURCH ' S tsWoods, . . Biggs, Mrs. N. ulul ~ dîc Elcirige, Mrs. P. Murdoch, Mis1 thiîîgs mtui-ned ta tnormal andi NURMSR39e 2 Bath Size Palmolive Soap with 98e size . . Scugog Street, Bow-manvilleCotnudfmpaene M. Puk. 4. Captain, Mrs. Heeyn otneih ac .T w e 'Dna ra IK ELW (ContinuedOlgaoe page one)QiA- WHITtIl 1:00 d a and each case will be'decided: Mrs. C. Scott, Mî-s. D. Higgn Ms Hnok1eeie sev- oni its owfl merits. Mrs. Eric Calwell, Miss Lin' leral lovelv gifîs. The follaxýv-; For some time saine oulside 'al oe&Ir. ioe-Paikrin ie lîerîchaîîts of Bow-r qui 0f ,. -11temer. 1956 anai sevoci piShop,"Bre»-n's Dress Sbop .~~ ~ ~ ~ y ~j ~ ~ ~ * - '-'~ i~~ ' h e a d mr a s îci- u n til is a p p o in t - o u c n H n y S to re , J a c k 'sjH le u ti eg 9 The report of! Mi-. Wilkins men ta tlte office of Super- S9moke Shop, Sexvemn's Baken~,I Wt iISiIaI IIU UUIUL' SZ 8 th optlintendent four montils later. D3'kstra's Variety Foocis, Me- rSuave the hopial administrator I Nulty's S por-tsSp.Lde' ý;howed that admissions during Originally from iWinnîipeg Hadsre So.ELanrsGf NPOFT ~2 r~SUZ Sunday, M ay 1sf Mai-eh nurnbered 235. andt whei-e he attended pubile Shop .Ok&s4 okS1o.Re-«OFdJUta Hids ui71,111:g 2 98 ad Dale. fi l selo-Noypo65 or so Il am. Brth nûmemec 35durig rMorrisan received hi5s Bach- Kuarnp's Furnitui-e St<iie. Car- t ~i~.wa to bothorwitî. îrthe- - Guet rechr:the month, the number of pa- elor of Arts and Bachielor Of ter's Bake OShop, Murphy's GustPeahe.tients in residence was 59; Education Degrees from thOFmniuroStre THE REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON number ot patient days am- University of British Columbia Teen Townî wishes ta thank FIRST and only neutralîzer that*s pro-Ool-oDedrn B.A., B.D. ounleci ta 1,685; the average in Vancouver He later receiveci ail the merchajîts mentianeci Iessionally prc-mixed to, give you profes- SPRAY - S CR M- of lbet tret nitd hurhOshwaof patients daily was 54.36: bis Master of Education De- above for theîr lovel', dona- sional wave rcsuits ai home! Reg. -_i150 Rgi2 cf ibei tret nltd hurhOshwaaverage nuinocu- of infants grec from Boston Unjveisit,-. tions and we hope that ne'.J No more mecasuringl No messy mixingt -ýâisic by: ~~~~~~daily 6.68. andi the average Mr. Morrison andi bis wife. year Miss Hancock Mayv omsas e oMx oii h a' li number of adults daily was wlbo is a qualifieci physician. crown a Queen for Teen Town N ahp'NwN i aii h a lI rs ih6esz THE JUNIOR CHOIR 47.68. Wîi eotc have made many friencis in as Iovely as heuself. Pcaalsîproo iMr. Wikn eotdta omnil and the district. home permanent ever' and there were 52 major opera-t They have one young son, 8hltn e THE PRIMARY CLASS tions, 82 inir operations andi John. Mi-. Morrison is an active $2 0am -2 15 51 emergencies, during last j mber of the Bowmanville a."Regular, Super or GenUJe -~- I W. D.CARRUTHERS K. E. BRAGG month. Out-patient visits in Rotarv Club. $2,0 Uuperlntendent Se'y-Treas. MAarch numbered 219. Don Williams is the son o f MA3 30 ___________________Mi-. and Mu-s. Frank Willia MA3s30 EVENING SERVICE 7 ~P.M. Cet Cash Today ,168 Chrch reet.anaHisfate -WPRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Tii. inutr wîî prach pp1i~ves Bell Telephone Company bei-e. A Forinse wl pec He is a veteran of World a Fo Od[ llanc . He joined the Training u I T" BeUwmanville and District Nurses Association tbrouth ShIo staff heu-ei 1945, and Ii iX wil anî erlc. SAT Ibecamne assistant superintenci- Ix McG regor rg willattnd tis ervce, T T E8 ]q Aent in August 1956. THE REV. B. A. TURNER, B.A., BD., Miniter C A SFE S Mr-. Williams is apast pu-es.. We ei rYo L cl .D ru St e Phon MArct 33303 ident of the B.eimanx'ille Lions Phoe Mrke 3-303 Club, and huaî been Chairnu ýYýDAY, APR. 28th. 1960 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWL&ýLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN