TUURSDAY.V.MAT th. 190 TRlI CANADIAN STATISMAN, BOWMA4NV1LLE, ONTARIO PAGZ rxmuwM erborough and Mr. and !vrs resre i u Sothr Graham Rowat of Havelock. lF rm r Rn Lsi lb nai hpe Imr. and Airs. Frankc Marti-i(h ais 'xlayc h Hog Pro ducers Plan Several I~o dPEJ TJ~I RMM ekn ith Ms are X'Atheier pas~otoAscain T& T fflM-i chenko and famil pn h VMSPW eeken with'NIrs.Muced anMrH.e T. g IN4P~CT YOoa. ~ chus in Kitchener.Puict Mr.ayned'Mostgoheryan ont i Cu, hofpane Ttr'5ps to Pub licize Activif les Mr andUICIIShrmanMontAt a nqu eye surgery [n Civic Hospital, Frank Patterson,Agcu-rentdb eon Peterborough, last week. tural Representative o e uret (iss alBkr O f r P i efo u l tMiss Marie Carr, employed terborough County,atyDvsHenadPt 0f fer Prizes for Q uality; with the local branch of tPei guest speaker at the i~ fO)adRnBl 161Clarence Allin, Sec-FieId- to as mnany hog producers as c uhdeint ts Fair Display. be rnfreCt hi e-tonuet , Sot-guta---ur 1»Fedieration of Agriculture *î to avail themselves of Last year at ail the coufltv rou branch. corner of blia Cnut drcntyll Te etn1djund 'flhe Dir-etcr, of tue Dur- ûtut'.The second Eall Fairs the Fedieration had eorge andm iy enreSlwin a eprssonafap hamn Couit.' Hog Pro-d-î< (- - *--i n June was a suggested a very attractive turn-table Gog n iceSs Mr. Jack Baker itoue rcaint h paes met in thaneu emengdîplayng ts atiotfesane. -Mrs. T. J. Jackson and mrs. the speaker who hdbe uiin n omtesb met n th Agrcultral ff C F îE d'ler wl!1 be menl-t dsynosofts C-oacvtors ao- of ii cpl wllbemae a-ýtoseoftre o-neatrsIn '.-William Diîff represented the; agricu 11t u r a 1 repreettv h himn Bowniil[le, on Tie-day eV surance'Asmociation. This vear!'oDuhmCnt Womnen's Association of the!frDrîmCut n12. ________ ___ niteChpchia thePrey-wictues ad dicusson a-th dent Floyd Stinson in ti e 'e Gune tors present thought ýit is ianlned ta include ',leUntdCuh hePsy-itrsaddscs char.Spcil ues a 1*11tlre shou]d be a report made Hog roducers. Donald Sta- ter meeting in Peterborough variaus types of bee ate Cnda cetsia e meeting \vas "Mr. Ciare Cu:t Ielca rs ftepesadBueTyorwr:- ... Malcolm Bradt and hi% K. R.;ed the înieresting addes aeeprmnigwt h tain, Victoria Couintv., a dre-acli" ~Of the organization açppointed to work aong -With'RnhBy upidtemsc Tepeiet r Ryefc fhro~ltcne to o te ntri Hg rou-ard Cipren'-e Allun, Sec.-field- Clarence Allun irithis procut. nre mrussiesfl ac' T. hein. wshirmn M goent.ai rsachr cers' Asociatîon. The secre- niar of the Durham Federa- Election of 0ffcers teen: th e r'-s Halsl D ncSt. PauFsHaroD. vWhai rfGep eetata inaac" tary, Howard Mlonread tiont of Agriculture vias asked iook place with Mvr. Clare ' Ithe Prch oHFa ofgSi. P DsIaoin io t ecayi pk h nocie(utesga the minutes of the last regu- to prcepare tis release and act Curtain ac-ting jas chairunan.: i itrMansel right suffer 1 Da brielyon te beefcti sse ayhv om e lar director-' Imeeting.anth as corresondent. The îolboxvîig officers sdewhatataka isjcasiiaiolcime.îg ntegrwho"iîlg Treasuer, Buce T~ tor pre- In order ta encourage the eiected: President. Lawrence hneon auryngtadiMsRyPiipScetr nntel. sented the financial statement. production of quality prk it' Staples, Bethany; Vice-presi-. i sddeheat atambuanticlsiiainsh bath of which were approx'edi. w decided ta offera prîze! dent, Arthur Rowan, Yelver- St.was seh Hopablaince t- Discussion took place on ho,,,. of ten dollars ta each Daram i ton: Secreiary, Howard Mai- î erborouS. gJ.seh*sHsiali e bestta ublnis tu w~ <~Couix Fait-, to be awarded!colm, Yelverton: Treasurer, Tite enhr rmB- the organizauion and asnere for a class ci bacon hogs and Bruce Taylor, Enniskilen ~ . /~Ii are santie avaial tnsa local directors were ta con- The breakdown of prices re- I ~ L,'~ wAtoSWYIAU hîvWmn stt t the prescît finie it was decid-1 tact their fair boards. Also as' ceived for hogs last week were ted. te umar Ahive ed to sponsor a bstp e ea rearis of advertising it was as follOws: 47.560 at $21.00; t _______________________ .- entDa atlSo]inaryon Tuedv Ontania og0Producers' Head dcddt ooprtiihle73 ts1i,74 i515,4-and exhibited hooked rugs theyl rin c lu d e d F a r m e w i h h e 1 7 1 lS 1 .1 0 , 7 7 4r e e d oeS2 1 .5 0 ;îî4,-î/ Office ta acquaint more pro- Durham Federation of Agri- (331 at $9-1.65. staved ait roughly the present , sb1n had made dtiring the winter. dueswihte ehdsue lvl li upuort pora Russ ll O bo ne H0d f the 50 rugs on dispiay, 11 10ucke lithe mthos uedwllO.otbyhae alrwere made bv the Bethanyv 10~~~~~~~n makîterhos.kjluencl 0e ,the price of i goupj planned Io be ieud tri t'le For inanceSiLo and dirv roduct. He added: ~ "wx isMast va trip wilI be a visit ta a Pack- *Q uintes orves he cse ten Fi 'grup-oasJenms in was suggestasedhas!Aatnewng wereuairheMahsus igPlant. The Presswood ive Ith frierevi1be 10m i assocition'ndhe farinfeer e rslarbeersellingt Wint T.ts. HThorman Patwssgetdaa e Heursa veiar kes twhere the price mi Lu i Osborne. a pui en ou h ear aOtaioPresident. Mhs. Rah3h Preston, Mrs. Glen! methad aof killing hogs is be- Proe.r t n ra etu î~ h~~stAîon S.Hcor Mo Gen'r? ngnsaedthere. The tnp E fi*,clf 'ver a îwelve month periocl. Newcastle hD ,--ni Coiity been a member oîte local Is dionSitiIrGe' will be financed by the localPi 1 Kcircumstancelvent as nained Preiden of the, school board and lias recently we«ti th Mrs. Clarence Ro- BATIU _____ the ilprco an Quinte District Cti Breed- :coiPlee two yeais as Pre- wan, Mrs. EiTîory Smith,. Mýrs»i "An Ontario fariner raising the sane total cost as an lowi cost of product o oe Il~V'cain at a Directars sirient of the Orono District! Frank Whit.e, Mrs. Earl Weaîhi- hags is in direct conetitian produer-the Iowa fariner! tla,,-ators. lie told the asMstnehlnviAni 0. Ceittni .er-ut, Mrs. Thoniàs Jackson and: OST with the U.S. corn belt farrn- lias corn available frSlablv. In viexv of the "anticipet.- i uces1lrl eir Teecmru~î cîîisMs ec att M S er. It is doubtful if hie cai bushel-buf, with high grad-ie deiclne i beef prices' t-le of Stirling,. wýho lias been Pre- point otut that the new Presi- Mrs. Finrey gav.- the comCOTT.HALMR OT W T Rproduce a oound of lean truîw oPr irlurn from canners andthe past two years. ity imorker. He hias been a Di- course and Mr.s. Jennings took 1 pokOtTa t WmA.TER vrte elfw h e reiei. saPs rector of the Quinte District 1Part in the prograin. Next vearl uvil] e:pesyu etmnso lin il coqt or even lovýer thauî hli,,vs 'h will affect tiie ta-!Pre:identi and Director of the -Cattie Breeding Ass'n since'th group wiH o articinate in: Quin e wi" Iowa comnpetilor,." t'rxîi ar aes Dr u out hrhr 951. and lias served coin-le orse an Wir.dovTet ohe' pca a IThiat was cari of the houe- XII .Benel etu lht tîuat cost: fii a Pa:-t President anîd Di-,iuous]Y as a nienber o!fh ict LOW EST COST Bu s Sie filed address that Ralph 'K. 'rrudo an i-tekvrcof the Northurnbnasîd1 Shorthorn Sire Selection Com- - At the regwî.ar ieeting a!' BRASS VASES-]WS - S RY IBennett, Canadiaft Depiantî.-îî Jarlor ti beef ràtuder.,. & 1) 1rharrn Apple Growers' imittee. tl etayClb and ScoutHnmd ntevlae fIîi la 'l efîîn' U."a Past President and Elected tua*the office of. 1,t Mothers' Atixiliarv held at the adm 'fAgriculture ei farm in~- ecien I çi- ireto fo the Dunliani Ct-ri. Vice Presideiît. xxas Aylnier, homne of M.frs. fiurgh Degeer. a' with a In Aibertapnt av naroDeatnc 0 i it'. Cattie priceý: in Cun- tral Agricultural Socnid Pet1îericiý of "Camrpbellford, surprise baby shower xvas heil Motber's Day ndrcif 0an 1.0ah Apnictlttîre. rei ni2flitenced direcîtl.v b haz servied as aPDîri etot un O itao iîox for 1101o!:for one of tiip inothieys mrs. ,vek.u tng terypof i eeri dtr 'S0iin. ch' al !!le, . tns r i e DramFrer*Cotd Ai hricarrving the prefix Bert Durhanm. Shle was present- Potteri e ok - oeyLn ~irs hve ee y i Hreordfani inace cioolaI ieWlînîî thin is a sortage ln Coo-neratîve Boardi. vliricrson". The 2nd vicei ed wilhthrinuovey guIiftQet, Hsi o te Quinte ssbried byj ýscO.l a.C. an nurposo e 'aiad ti p eIlesatT ) uaddiiîio'î lie lias aven a I'uesident is Allan Vconha Ase imeeting was held lreig oiaDtitt. col a lnwys0 Ot ri1 til atile and bee*. 'D -irectoTr 11 i liyearSý of tiie Glenalcomb Hoisteins at!at the home of! Mr. and Mrsý - T .n.veiàfo hiao hsDturitaiam û. "Coid Stor- Belleville. Ontario. Mransel Svright to uirrcuss reigAscain î amr ovn ete[ufo~Ciao u These are staewsgsiosfo th iPrevious ta this year, Here- Mn. Beiirtett addeo Xii'ai 0i1- î?i, iliai. when txe are on ag oî 4 " .Pas; Pre.siden!i1 Quher F.xecutive Members Cub and Scu ampi for the.,ag ipa fgfsa fardseme hadbeensuppiedlanafarters ad 'o o riera i'uîUbasis. the Tororoof he 1)urhain C(oiiiil Tru.s-!are-Wesley Werry of Hamii Betlhanv troop, also nkc W A T E Rdn Assthe iatinon trinCtle fcor elfpol av :ail aahi t ti"îarktbeote t Cl' te 'ri Rateayers' Ass'n. ton, andFre dHubbs af Bloom- plans, ta colleet aid papers and Bredig AsoiaionatKetpt, aru blturoucrs:a uautycao eh- nes iet ' tdurirug - ich he serxîed forlfield. bottles on Saturdav, May 71.h. ______-"- Mrs. Wrighît served__unch. un the Hereford business in Ied the urice ~norogiàn-.1u. (ioun the I- E TuinRtileDiteiconîliasued in!Iliwthd "h att A adicrà s~ î~îri hition" (e:ei3 ns, Union :Mr. and Mns. B TH N Qunt Dstic. asreule i le ai! Th Cnaijili,'~ i i:~î x-~iR. ccwling, Wlhit'by. E H N llîe decision ta niaintain a bat- prodocer is in the- sain t " 11,1),i 4(- 'ile pi'c -an s.C et A- Mci0AI E VC l-t cf buls o! this bneed, at tion as the cattleran lia, ne(' i aitadM C eA Cri "'i t SEcoVIeE Belleville. for saine tintie--- tt ie t'ct i'n -' ' mpkte onds, lvere at E. Iàis Mr and Mrs. James e Twopoled1-lreordaues s iedtatheprce e l n1' ih . î- i't US Paîiie Mr. and M-s. Ron Oke and non and Mrs. Vincent Jacksoni DEAUO01,D & CRIPPLED W'ere purchased several çweek5lU.S. Hie is t00W n"rrt ;'--ct- ei"-.tesipn children were at Napanee for motored, ta Mintreal on Fr- FAI. STOCK anc onApil 3r. ta NothAinnian coomy~ t l'the weekend. day. remiaining for the week-, Removed Fnep of Charge 'Hereford sires selected in ATI-Jar as prive;: are .-oncer. ed. 'i î"i edrby Miss Evelyn Cun'ninughamî, end with Miss Evelyn Mi finmediatp '4-Hr. Senrie -benua were delivered ta Belle- Howii -%er, ' rce~no'fe(,rîuti catfle il carinpetitionj Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Keith non. A orOeao o ville by rail. noi" udr i c-îir.'ti th.- cdeniand froîn the Un- Davey and Elaine, Tyrone, Ms hre enlsi ' A~ orOeao a !Dominao Mixer 7N,.lhas one of On lie totalI -et;eniue 'bat a oen t h saine econanîy, lie said. f. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, erboe-ough. HoptlPe- Z nh655B G the hiliest gains o! aîuY bull 1109 prduc-or fnîa"Pci" T1- i-e paid for Western -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott Weekend guests with MIr. and No Tot) Charge everr of!ered for sale utteii et îa adfemeen " 1aii cale depends upoe and childreti, visited with the Mrs. lMurnay Wilson were Mr. Ne eol Ptraog $'~ 5 MNT LY X ~.I A 23 îonhs g ae, h e eati!19 habits hexx-veei r-du t ip-onptiton from United Harris faanily ut South Mono- and M~s. David BrouilofaiPet- tcighi 1.910 an . ' th a,' na te S a itten te iei operatans and gitan. 1 5 (tas extra) ax ru f lii tre --ii ri JhS.sotaine cct1,uî'tciur -vho-tfat feedlot operatarsi This year wll be one of the >ull Guaanted !~Ïnî 'ut id "'-i ~,j uitriijitks e1! t a -et innru n\i ihaie w[lling ta bid Iatest seedings in years. There >uie -u.P ' i : ' le el:. ige !.4 v'Iinl te 17-- or iiie aa rible 'llppi-." are stili a fe-w large patches1 ('t e ~ 'titis - ri-. ilr 'i'- nt' liýlal"-'itît "e ~-~ ofsnow lyLng in the open FFR E E ici! 1 e14) 1 1, e 1T'r- .S. r-' "- "À%vh* rbiciisrniosIt tnusuai for Ma. MANTNNC ] 4 tr x re Theîf-pvi'lrnt n-îei roi 'r ' N IL erau are stili giving trou- SERVICE, MITNNE brec! bv P,.. N ûutir 0rf H½em i e (ltn' " he and manv ehurchen s and INSTALLATION Ri,' eî. Alber a. 19[519 it)?t' r,t .nJ had Io deltur, Sinay <jr~ *. ~ Tue~cond Sur. St u iOft cus ~ n~ - i ue vasxtrl*,fiultedil M. and Mrs. L. Cochrane s Seî rilice -N -,vos bred b,, Jaunes averaed alto'» S,,Iýi r-r the Dedication Zlp a> e.~r e u Watî hats3 rne fater~Hlr-0f a1ary aid tis bull. pound-U peu t- ~" n .- '"r ia'uy former,.LeDn rmnadus Wae et ie atrir !age. weighed Bennett tc, tiiîF o 1 à g e cwor - Mir. ariciMrs. L. Step72,enc»tt-î Costs Iess, Toc! 'Pi.01'. abî'gFrro Fi:utneltl auu-S u nl!-r' ' -i s 'on uci Rauattendi a tot Iii aditin ta " ngusec in gioutthe vYtr nd o 'atc rr n-. r. rouf Gae. corl«pàr.' sei o enp o o '00 0tlo ' Quiture District. these sires, Lt- irii te*le ra'ti u- 11n --'- n-.If.C x'r itlerne' - goor saesmen roi toephone zanvass For " i \ t- t & WH'.-v Sa t-Cye hiformation itbou'ee prc vi1:ei-sei r, te . iill le uscît il' breeniers ;.iel u> th ie M* n -tDe-d c "a, 'i U t--ýrý v eV Otario PUe! 80aitto .etî? md 'tua?. raturai Weit.as aDpri-ximatelv 12.000 tteen !hue o e i et Tt, îar 11[-1î -,-ý"i - e .,.,-a 'ru Equ!Pmen1 affle x ivil e red lucre b0 mro and '. [i,-(;1co partentc-fsemen oroduced il Belleville [[e fel ript 'i'~ thsyear. Io \eep n ù,*' Duriing tt mw1îof Juxîç-. ho T' A ýOIeii Ho~is ; being plan' 6 PHfOM 1UE-NITH 1-1700 bý; fic, A'roci2;di. lo be hield ïl ' n Sundaafterrnons. such og .Support the tltitr~ Doarties xiH be \J o Wda1ý arle to spe the esablis'inent Bemre- -said fihat (Dsha%%a Hoptal Fond Iîd t.e sires that are in use. ooiri nand :v Enjoy Sprîng Drîvîn g.Q,. * Corne inIo b ur used car lois and ask the salesmen for a dernonstration ride in the followinq Guaranteed O.K. uSEDcAES 1958 OLDS DYNAMIC 4-DR. SEDAN Hydranialic traiisnissimi. p<.mer hrake's. windshield washe-r. Oiie 0v. ner car. 1958 DOUCE SEDAN One owner car in beautiful dlean eondition. Gj"rey. 1957 OLDS. 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatic Tranismissionu. Grey with ired trim. 1956 FORD DELUXE SEDAN Custorni ilt radio. 6 cyl. Nice and clean. TRUCKS We have 3 good ½i-Ton PJCKUPS (oocl for Farn or fieneral UT%e 1955 STUDEBAKER 1953 FORD 1951 CHE VIOLET -and- 1950 2'/z-Ton G.N.C. TRUCK NICHOLS Oldirnohile *Chevrolel -Corvair and Envoy (British Bull) Cars COURTICE Phone MA 3.3922 -isnuker. Ebe,' SLE nomnbers by A E an "i-iud four ýen-ý ail ut estîbrrs of- Don 't fe-t "e4 Oten H lIoi. Rev. Mellowi at the scitools tDdat, Ti ' Heienit BaWunanMav 5, fro'n7:30-9:30. Acidiutg ta thel Theue wil, be a speçÎaÏ Mo- tMitcltii organ! tl'er's Day >%ervve e lxt tdu ci lttiir'l hv "ee at 1:30. kltwtt!l e a conbin v f- ules antd Mr. ch'urch anîd Sun4îa" e olse -of 1'te ci-gan arnd Ibe beiti. eihe-ie. Mr. and M':s. E. Twi- s e i i -t :îîn'rv oresenitedISîîinda-, vis:ýtorq ', ~N Mr. and. v v r lut "den rîeni- Mîs. Fred '2xxist. MWitot. 'D ie ;:Il(-MNb. Ja-mes Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Reyîîiolds., Xir uiMr. red Sain- Ciare-mont, xt'ere Sundayvvisit-i -ur1 the Pîtpit 'andi ors t.it'Mr. and INmsDoug.i T"-te x 'iîaepiec-î Reyno.1is. 'u'-rrtx--epi oncts "[r Faî.exeil B1ai-kuurn ard, ut -ut ie'u<'d ia etib'- sev-eai oInu rs f n -',h r-: nin-; mcxxVi aieuideti l111e > , iii :,~ ": )ot" n:g tout ru-a -n,ptai Peer-, 1V. Bx'.'nt'irt bou-or't'. o Sat ýer-l' Ile '.OF o3H tf:1:i . nveu" ren irr ,I c e' - -. T '.' x i- 1..E foi- eal a M ' kc:'ijr, a.jd'oirLitpreýsadta .î h î~n Mtr Edwl:' in po BBty oW!Ni'S W. tHam'ton, i.ththe e Bs.Ta -. u îssRoei '.qri - 'ucotl o I 0". 1 F e \- <. "J t th. alits- 1.anS.ui-Celrubni ' tile rconu r"'ud. 1! rrfen M. audonenriat rs.uH.s-îdtoe .: llcr-1.,C. Flr edwii chargeiyofv'.'îî -'ut.v',%Ir. ndMr&.E.-: M r.ond wor and Bduc-.gr? . '. W. P:'tet, HrnptonA.! ith Mhr.actr.ss Tea autt ',Er. -nere i teE.ani.j H.anyad S linb 'vii. vneco-h andeoni::Toôho;:-e veror, ftfrs. . Mî-tlrov "iý Rex_. . B P7!nMr : M.1C. FiB.! chre ih Nc'î-ti: r. îî Ms.EA.îW,!,Mn. and Ms. J. ' aiV t Betty Jane,'nbati Toro n topeilstekerl Oint itn, v. J.A. xvt M 13.513y P,), d Ro.ts Bov ,'-Ir-i -Roie. 1s. V aneyd fL i ind trt . .xfrJ n, t'With îici RornSie. Ta, r.1;ad nbeen holidaxet a hrni lin. BVLrs e.. Siponf: Ms B» turne-davixon te o o n 'ida M. an1"rs.-i. AanJ .Miss. andi ,fs.àW.Hut er 'v S T-ut i-'?Osaw. -aîd M.rWilson. ci -i-d'i a anid'r -r.H.AM hew M-,,a aster Bor Bi tteu'a- fin- t:et Roie ictiediPayneofnhis tte fendi 11t1 Uie od Sm5so , 1M. ani nieoge Srson aparin aNtLrs. Do. D. Sm ndson, justi on Siaturday on*tHeoccsionl qo1tnâr Ld [rom winteTironioaforis isw barthfai, ~'oiA . ani MNr. aM la.1I MIrWeanddJ.Maustr L, Wr- atiebeand Oslaxva. - u-uuuiey ilsoontteendti a aHa:'. auid M5. H. A. Meih- bfis.dJ. paty for Mate rs.- Dnj;'rs . ei-e. isn.esÂelfieve alneon thismeseventh P':-ce, : neawa. aI G. Bow-tebieîdthe U. rMss GlrgirSi Msonsses W1 Doi-t ylrad Lahili- il-e Sick Chlenfs Hospiai.J C,-, oi1e wre:at M, . GSri- hi- erto. Hope she[ys soon AI F, M. SandsXMnz . Gand Mn' r n ad MIrsi. J Cro 1« -B L Iu~iT t a tujieprestig ~aed 0d5'f and , a tI A GENERAL MOTORS VALUe - '<«' ROY W. NiCHOLS COURTICE BOWMAN VILLE >1 ROY we BO WNAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks Phone NA 3-3353 1