TM CANADLAN ATEMAW. fWAYL. fWAUI 'D:-41 -i w .1 7 . z l- £-a - . - -a le -.-- I , - l - .- .- Kirth-I 1 Nnir5j&T1'W 1IAv11qà er uI z làm 1lI 5I&mn »%w£. Wl.1 £ -- - i f .JI LilbA MOFFAT-Shirley and Bill are happy to announce the arrivai of a son, a baby brother for Stewart, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanville, April 26, 1960. 18-1* SPENCER-Rowland and Elsie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, April 28th, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. A sister for Allan. 18-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Erie Courtice, Courtice, announce the engrage- ment of their daughter Carol Anne, to Mr. Charles William Melon, son of Mrs. Charles Melon, Madoc, and the late Mr. Meilow. The marriage to take place quietly on Friday, IVay 27th. 18-1* NOTICE Regular Meeting )f Bowmanville Town Counclli of Monday, May 2, 1960, has been cancelled AND WILL BE HELD Tuesday, May 101h R. B. REYNOLDS, Clerk. 180.i Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Curtis, Pontypool, Ont., announce the OFQi engagement of their daughler ~ Beverley Joan, to Allan Daniel 0 Bazinel, son of Mrs. Bazinet and the late Daniel Bazinet of Poatypool. Wedding 10 lake- plaèc May 21st in Ponlypool United Churcli at 2 p.m. 18-1* TECUCLO H Mn. and Mrs. Hatcher Foster,,TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Rendal, announce the engage- ment cf their daughlcr, Patsy June, to Robert Russell Car- ruthers, son Qf Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carr ithers, Bowman- ,ville. The wedding wili take place on Salurday, June 4th, 3960, at three o'ctock in Ken- dal United Church, Kendal. 18-1 The engagement is announc- ed of Diana Grace, daughter of Mrs. Wingate, Islinglon, and the late Mr. Joseph Wingate, to Mr. James Madison Ardron,ý son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, Toronto. The marriage will bake place on Saturday, May 28, 1960 at 1 o'cbock in St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Luffman announce the engagement of their daughter Leslie Grace, 10 Mr. James Thom McDonald, son ef Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mc- Donald, Coyllon, Ayrshire, Scotiand. The wedding wifl take place on Friday, June 3rd, 1960 aI 7 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowman- ville. 18-1* Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Mc- Donald, Bowmanville, a r e happy 10 announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Ivargaret Elizabeth (Betty), bu Mr. Jon Ross Ellott, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Elliqt of New Westminster, B.C. The marniage will take In ~t Paul's Un4ýed Dowmanville,- on Sgt- > 2lst. at 2:30 o'cloçk wiii condueb a PUBLIC MEETING li the Communiby Hall HAMPTON Wednesday, May Ili, 1960, at 8:00 p.m. Mm. Eric Hardy, Director of the Citizens' Research Institute. and Secretary of the Ontario M4unicipal Association; Mr. T. G. Shield, County Assessor, represeatatives of the Publicý and High Scbool Boards, and others are expected bu be pres- cnt and address the meeting. A question and answer period will be conducted. Ail residents cf the township are invited to attend. GARNET B. BICKARD, Reeve. 18-1 BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGISTRATION 0F 9 BEGINNERS Children who neach their fifth birthday during 196Q and whu live wilhia bbc bowft ljm- ils are eligible for Kinçler&, en Clamses, opcning in Sen- ber. Al parents Who w"7 . 300 CEDAR posts. MA 3-33§4. TWO 9-fL. ladders Cail afier 18-1* 6. MA 3-3755. 18-1* GOOD quality baled hay. Tele- STRAWBERRY planta. John phone CO 3-2024. 15-tf Hooyer, CO 3-2229. 18-2 WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cui Pethick, COlfaxi 3-2131. 36-tf LADY'S black seal cape. Any reasonable offer accepted. Tele- phone MA 3-5403. 18-1* LAWN furniture for sale- chairs, $4.50; tables, $4; treilis $2 and up. Cail MA 3-7293. 18-1 AUTOMATIC portable Singer sewing machine, like new, $150. Phone Orono 1642. 18-1 BOAT, 16 b.p. molor and trail- er, one year old. Wîll sel separately. Phone MA 3-3736. 18-1* MAPLE syrup, $6 per gallon. A. Heaslip, l2th Concession of Manvers, East side of High- way 35. 17-2* STRAWBERRY plants, Senator Dunlop and Calskills, 2c per plant. 125 Scugog. Phone MA' 3-3248. 18-2* KEYS cut automatically, whilc you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E.,- Bowmanville. 46-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from miii lu you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone, 17 r 11. 13-tfZ GOOD selection used TV' sets1 for reasonable pnices. Thei Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St.1 East, Oshawa. 11-tfIý ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service lu electrical 1appliances, large ai-d small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43tf~ j PAINTING and Decoraling.J WEDDID .For quality materials and lerina I ,guar ant e ed workmanship. matching ýLander Hardware & Eiectric $35. Ph( 1Ltd. 9-tf VR DO your own floors and rugs hoganyc -Rent a sander, floor polisher inlay;b or rugs cleaner (shampoo meth- table an od). "We sand floors. Lander Orono 21 Hardware. -t INSULA' WORK boots and shoes aI bar- od, witl gain prices, brown and black, manship ail sizes. Bowmanville Shoe mates.1 Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- phone CI manville. East of Bowmanville Cleaers.Business CHROME bigh chair, Lloyd positions baby buggy, Lloyd stroller, istralions child's large crib with mattress, for fal smali extension gale. Ahl in Bowmani excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5434. 3-3257. 18-1 HEARING aid service. Testingi .sýervièe and complete stock cf1 batteries 'and cords. at Higgon1 'Electric Limited, 38 Kjng St. E.,, 'flowmiianViile.. .Ph9nie' MArket 34305.7-tf RANGETTE, 3 years old, like cnew. MA 3-5384. 18-1 QUANTITY of mîxed grain. FPhone CO 3-2109. 17-2* ONE DeLaval No. 16 separator. Phone 7 r 16, Orono. 18-1* BABY carniage, good condition, j$20. Phone MA 3-5259. 18-1* WEDDING dress, size 14, price $25. Phone CO 3-2579. 18-1 CEDAR trees suitable for hedges., Phone CO 3-2045. 17-2 LAUNDRY tubs, complete with taps. 2 Concession St. W. BEAN onchard sprayer, good[ condition. Phone RA 3-9996 . 18-2 BOX plants. Mrs. Williams, corner Base Line and Hunt St. 18-4 ELECTRIC stove, heavy duty, 4-burner, good condition. Phone CO 3-25016. 18-1* GARDEN tractor, 2% h.p.; cultivator, harrows and plough. Reasonable. MA 3-7040. 18-1 SPORT jacket, light grey wi1th charcoal, size 36 (18 years), like new. MA 3-3681. 18-1 ALSCO aluminum windows and' doors. Lorne Allun. Tele- phone MArket 3-3871. 18-1 CABIN trailer, 16' long. Any reasonable offer wiil be con- sidered. Phone MfA 3-7048. 18-1 RANGETTE, good condition; sink and lauadry taps, Cote- man lantema, car spollight. 205 King E., MA 3-3186. 18-1* ING dress, size 16, bal- Length, Chantilly lace, ag head-piece. Both for hone MA 3-5692. 18-1* nice Sheraton type ma- dining-room suite with buffet, china cabinet, id six chairs. Phone 182. 18-1 ATION. blowing meth- à rock wool. Work- pguaranteed. Free esti- Harry L. Wade. Tele- Clarke 2420. 39-tf BS at Bowmanville ;sSchool for office sof your choice, Reg- s now bciag acccpted term. Write Box 487, Lvllle, or-Telep4one MA 18-tf L.zAGEvariety of.zmxeci glmu- ioli bulbs, raspberry canes, ,per- ennial oubside plants, 'greeft- house plants, located fwo miles east of Twin Oak.â Motel, on Highway 115. Phone C. de! Mooy 18 r 0, Orono. 18-5*1 E»Cott strawberry plants, dwarf and standard fruit trees, shrubs, trces, roses, boxed plants, lawn and ganden fertil- W.l Rudl arden Cetre, A. Wrs, a lrenGaccensoCest ý1015 King St. E., Oshawa. 15-7, on re 0,MAy ertfic - (- , i(with or wý on ray, Apnil 291h, 16,ACri ct Brl 0t "ila ,JhAocrn, o- Icate, Passpiort, Etc.*), 511<> . tf ldiforC ed husband cf Grace V1rte. the child's date*of birth is- re- W -P cë hstemfieid, foami grass and bu dear father of Reid, brother of quired of all beginnerg. (Birth ribr nyloh, covezrs, $159; bighest qua: Aricay (Mrs. Whitney Boyd), Certificates for children bora tablé lamps, $4.95; chrome Visit youre Katie (Mrs. Hartwell Loweny) in Ontario may be obtalned kitchen suites, $39.50; ranch Slcwart's S( and Beatha (Mrs. Lyall Low- only from the Registrar-Gen- bouse tweed rugs, 6 x 9, $24.95; BowmanVillE ery> in bis 63md ycar. Rested eral of Ontario, 70 Lombard sPace-savers, $3950; used bed- For High Y aI the family residence, Kirby, St., Toronto. Cost $1.00.) chesterfield with une chair, $29. where service was held on Cide h ec hi Murphy Fumniture, MA 3-3781. Maturity - Mondy, ay nd a 2 .m.sixhirtn hda drng190 h GE T h upi181riBe inlrmntOrno emtey. have flot attended Kindc'rgarten nsme. See 18-1 in Bowmanville and who wish us for free estimales on "Car- (fiest lu enter Grade 1 Classes in hayes" Aluminum Combina- Phone Ci GRAHAM-At Memnorlal H0os- Septemben are alsu required tion Doors and Windows. You PLaza 3-2281 piaBowmanville on Friday, to register as outlined above. ill be aared how ecownom- ,PrtH Apnil 29th, 1960, George W. . tyar frm CwnePotH Graham in bis 82nd year, be- Registration forms should belEquipment Co., 134 King St. E., ARICAN v loved husband of Elizabeth obtained from, and retumned lo Bowmanvilie, or Phone MArket Rose Begor Ana Poolton and dear father of the school which the chitd will 3-5689. 15-tf beautiful William, Oshawa; Sarah (Mrs.atlend. Registration is lu be BABY carniage, like new; efec- Shrimps; nep Bruce Furlong)), of Toronto-, completed by May 6th. tric portable sewing machines, Ivies; ail va Thomas, George, Robert and Please pass Ibis notice a longijfloor potisher, set of encyclo- rons; Star Be John, Bowmanville and Albert, to any parent who requires rpaedi as, car radio, Marlia .22 Air-plants, e Prescoît. Service xvas held in. this information,« cal. rifle, portable radio, guitar, violet 1eaves te Morris Funeral Chapel, kitchen china cabinet and manyi1chase. Se Bbwmanville, on Monday, MVay A. M. Thuaipson, other bargains at Laverty'sl plants. Most 2ad aI 2:30 p.m. Interment Supervising Principal. Barrsain Centre, 59 King St. W.,in Bowmanv Bowmanvilte Cernetery. 18-1 17-2Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. ' 26 Division< TI.D-At 67 Division St., Bow- TfTirE1-DKABB ranville on Saturd ay, April 30, hL~±. oa-Babyev 1960, Olga L. Tod, agcd 66 OSetenwGra ya.File yè,,ars, daughtcr of the late Mr. Tfe h ewGrnn yar. ili yeE aid Mrs. Thonias Tod. Service fTROal wihaDve w,as held in the Morris Funeral .UU U V1O LlN SERE les ohavE. Chapel. Bowrnanville, on Tues- HI-FI SETS lets don hnd d a y , M a y 3 r d a t 2 :3 0 p .m . n- O w n e r s o d o g s l a t h T o w n - y) I c e i v e d H .ou r terment Bown-anville Cerne Beautiful j Sccd Cura, b ty.181,ship of Darlington are hemeby Swedisb Wainut age seed in __________ of some of the require- LOWEST PRICES plant DeKall A cin Sales ments of bbc Towasbip's TIIEcun H.J 'Fumniture sale aI the Dur- nc eCai Bwavle hkirn Countv Sales Aena, Or- Do ofol yLwý 3-91 171 Bond St. East Mao, this Friciav evening, nlaD A cibnjunction with our weeklv Each uwncr shall register ai'~HW RA 8-6051 Guarantced l1ý-etock Sales. Sale lime 81dogs uwned by him' BEFOREJ yHans10: ~cs18-1 JULY lst, la each year, at the International p.m _______Township Office, and aI that il-tf Scuffiers, Mv Consisting of leds and, time puay to the Clemk or Col- asyHri ï*ig.als7s hn aie etr, or his agent, the amouat ers B, Aiiis-C amil buffet, dining-room tables of the fees Payable, as set in scufflers, In and chairs, rocking chairs, stu- bbc By-Law. Farmail Cub 4 cuh csoves ý,,ing ah- Eacb person who becomes Lplow. Otaci 0 cokstve, ewngbich-ý owner of an unregistered FUE steel, excellei iecnoen1rs Haydgshall regîster same ihn Massey-Harri! &jty stoves. ciccks, dishes bi. 15 days after becoming theJch Dere eclce, vacuum ecaner. lama,ýs,,oivner. Eu . ubbcn; Case ýctues. antiques and miany Te seso o teTon 3-point bitch; other articles on Snt., May'14,'! sh w ss fhcnmkn seeon-sSoiler; CasE at 1:0() pm. 59 King St. W.ýi, 'fo 'bc foîoing arear may sbine; Case ai Bowvmanville. Dclivery servicellist dogs for regis-tration, but lb bn er;Nte Xvailable. 18-2 lis bhe rcsponsibiîity of bbce' driven Baler; iAuction sale of high class-registered, and bu pay the fec Mil wit que fumniture, Lemougesbefore July lst. i ~ INL P.T.O. pmp; cil paintingis. gla-swareL PTOpu ;1 jîc, 0h estate of Helen Col- The tees provided for lI bebcEN dise fertlizer v'Ie, aura,1a',atO -Laware as follovs: For th,: SEVIc d, Iow whe< BylStudy ay7 tO -La1947 Ford ti cho Armouries, ain or shine. fimst maie dog, $3.00; for eaeh CIVE 1J dton xcl $O1e bu commence at 10 a.m. additionai maie dog, S6.00; foridtoecl apd will continue untit every-, bbch first female dog, $8.00, for A CJ.Aruc. 156 a tbing lias been sold. For further eacb additional temale, 812.00; Tuk.Cw ~ariclas cgrdnzths ý.fuma kennel of purebred dogs,l 134 King St. potnt Auction, sec bills. Pro- $100-__MA_3-5689_ ptysoid. Jack Reid. auction-1 Penalties of up to s5o.c0 ay eer; Lawrence Harris, clerk.1 be incurrcd by pensons contra-'A .SU R C Nursin Trerms cash. No reserve. iveniag this B-Laiv'. iA .S U R SOUTH Have 18-li S N T . -Accommoda ___________________For turther details, contact the SO SL I an d semi-p Piano Tuninq 'LR'SOFC, lPO ounge TV. ýý îû _ -- __-MA 3-5516 new building, ~~H R Coflison. Telephondi Telephone COlfax 3-2231 wclcomc. R liArket 3-3900. 8-à1 18-1t BOWMANVILLE Phone Newcai fj'imcULes zoir 1me ior baie I-TILE - WALLS FLOORS Any Kind Ceramie - Plastic - Eubber Vinyl * Asbestos H. G. MEAL COlfax 3-2531 IR-tf I. -~ FLOWERING sud TROPICAL FOLIAGE PLANTS ROSES - 40 Varleties SHRUBS - 29 Varleties SHADE TREES - 15 Vanieties EVERGREENS - 25 Varicties VINES and GROUND COVERS Van Belle Gardens 3 Miles West of Bowmanvilic Righway No. 2 MA 3-5757 Open Evenlngs 18-2 HOME FREEZERS SPRING SALE 20 Cu. Ft. GENERAL $329.00 17 Ca. FI. $269.00 12 Cu. Fb. $239.00 Bowmanville Frigid Locker Syslern PHONIE MA 3-5578 18-1 ARE YOU A Triple AAA Driver? 1 AM 1 have 1956 Chrysler Hardtop Coverage $100,000 Section A third party lability. Legal Llabllity for Bodily InJury or Death or Damage te Property of Others including Passenger Hazard _______$30.24 Rebate fer 5 Yemr Acci- dent free drivlng -3.04 gladt hnl orinsurance, insurance lu flot Cancelled after - you have accidents or for being over 70 yèars of age. H. C. BONATHAN NEWCASTLE Gencral Insurance Agent slnce 1920 6t Help Wcmted MAN for general work on dairy farm. Phone CO 3-2587. EXPERIENCED single man for dairy farm. Apply Charles Naylor, Hampton. CO 3-2046. 18-2, 1Garden Fertilizers vithout Dieldrin or Cut Worms). Lawn îilk garden seeds of ality, lowest price. seed headquarters. "eeds, Division St. le. 14-tf VIeldlng and Early -Plant PIONEER Grain Corn st by Test) ,olleet Welcome Uor write E. Ruth- [pe R.R. 3. 15-7* violets; ail coloôurs ias bouse plant; varieties Coleus; >hthytis; rare ferns; ,rieties Philadend- ethlehem; Fuschias; etc. Free cuttings, ýwith every pur- Sthese beautiful st reasonable prices ville. Mrs. Abrams, St.18* aby Chix and Seed Schicks are being emy week of the ,ur laying pen Ibis Kalb Profit Pullels. esome started put- Wc have just me- stock ut DcKalb botit grain and sul- Sa widc range ut S.More farmers lb titan any other Brooks, RHR. 3, -Phone MArket 18-3* LM MACHINERY, - Tractors, Mas- 01 Super; Ford 8H, 1Super "A" with Iassey-Harris 30, is 22, Aliis-Citalm- Chalmers VF witit ntcraational W4, )with mower and co Spreader, on anI condition; two s Drills, 13-dise; 3-furrow Piow on ;2-funrow Piow, LJohn Deene Sub ;e P.T.O. Com- otor drivea Com- tionat mobon dmiv- ew Holland motor ,International 22" Shredder; Massey er, 17-nozzle with TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Massey-Hannis 15- APPLICATION FOR rdrill, rubbem-tir- BUILDING INSPECTOR el, new condition truck, good con Applications cleamiy mark Lent farm truck; for bte position of Building1 ational 3% - t on specter will be reccived by t an Equipment Co., undersined up bu and inchu E., Bowmanviile. mg Saturday, May l4th, 19, 18-1 Appiicants ae lu appiy in w] ing, staling qualifications,e ag Home perience, and any other inf( en Nursing Home il. Salany bas beca set a: iltion for pnivate will be payable monthly. Furt ýprivate patients, cm details may be procur Fully lcensedlfrom. bbc uadcrsigaed. modern. Visitons H. E. MILLSON, Reasonable rates.I Box 37, Orono, Ontanlo asIlo 4441. a8 ila aby- Âlir NEW EDLN FORCASIID Tuesday :0pm Cars for Sale Rea.l Estate for Sale, '54 FR station wagon, good TWO choice Iota ini Village of running condition, Cheap for Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. cas~h. Orono 1642. 18-1 7-t1 '1 CHEVROLET coach, g,,ood mechanically, reasonable. Tele- phone CO 3-2485. 18-1* '58 OLDMOBILE "88" 4 door sedan, 2 tone, power brakes, radio, 24,000 miles. MA 3-5910. 18-1 '57 BUICK hardtop, 4-door se- dan, automatic transmission, radio, $1,495. Terms. MArket: 3-3394. 17-2 1957 FORD Fairlane, automatic, radio, extras; two-tone white and blue. In good condition. Almost new tires. Price $1,450. Phone MA 3-3436. 18-1* 150 FORD 1/2-ton, excellent! condition; '54 Chev. 1-ton stake, good; '54 Chev. sedan, good condition. MA 3- 5035. 18-1 '51 FORD 1/2 -ton truck, '54 Ford 1-ton truck, '51 Mercury sedaa, '56 Dodge sedan, '55 Ford. Tele- phone MA 3-5756. 17-4 ALLSTATE Auto Iasurance. Save 20%7. Six months lu pay.1 For personat service at youn home cali Oshawa RA 5-:2802, collect. 2-tf USED CARS-1955 Dodge 4- Dr., 1956 Ford 2-Dr.;, 1956 Mer- cury 2-Dr. Hardtop, automatic transmission, radio; 1958 Me- teor 2-Dr., 1959 Ford Fairiane, fully cquipped; 1947 Ford 2- ton, good farm truck. Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowrnanville, MA 3-5689. 18-1 BUYING OR SIELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Liv'estock for Sale ONE. purebred Holstein hie caif, two Hereford calves. Phone CO 3-2768 18-1 ONE pony, western saddle, buggy and harness. Cheap. Phone MA 3-3402. 18-1 LANDRACE sows due to far- row, also cows with calves and heifers. Clarence Tink, Hamp- ton. 18-1 TWO registered Holstein heif- ers, accredited, vaccinated and listed. One due now, other due in June. Phone MArket 3-2283. 18-1 SEVERAL purebred Shorthorn bulis at a reasonable price. Cynil Mumford, Hampton, Lot 28, Fifth Con. Darlington. Tele- phone Oshawa RA 8-8960. 18-2 For Rent FtTRNISHED bediroom. MA 3-7201. 18-1 APARTMENT for rent. Phone MArket 3-3573. 18-1 FURNISHSD tight housekeep- mng room. MA 3-7201. 18-1 APARTMNT, three rooms, and bath. 219 Liberty St. N. 18-1 SIX roomed apartment, in Ty- rone, private entrance Phone CO 3-2506. 18-2* FOUR roomcd bungalow, new- ly decorated, soulh of Newton- ville. Clarke 2430. 18-1 TIHIREE rooms and bath, heavy wining self containd- May lst. MA 3 -3186. 205 King East.1 18-1 * WVELL looated 100 acres, faim buildings, write Advertiser 37, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 18-1 MODERN 5-room brick bun- galow, partly fiaished base- ment, tiled bath, etc., on land- scapcd lot in Bowmaaville. Phone MA 3-3440 for appoint- ment. 18-1 LOT for sale, 90' x 250'. Beauti-~ ful level and dry building lot on south side of Highway No. 12 at Maple Grove, Dariington Township. Priced for quick sale by owner. CaUl RA 5-8198. 13-tf Work Wanted DUTCH girl desires house- work. Phone MA 3-7291. *18-1 _PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing, free estimales. Han- vey Pantner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR 7 hp. garden tractor and Rote-tiller in spare lime. Phone MArket 3-5290. Wind, 351 Lib- erty St., N., Bowmanville. 18-1 * FOR chimaey work, new or repain or any brick, block orj concrete work. P.O. Box 1083.1 Caîl L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf COLLEGE student, age 20, de- sires summer employment. Any rea.sonable offer considered. Write Advertiser 36 c/o Can- adian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 18-1 * PAINTING and decorating, wallpapering. First class work-j manship. Free estimales. A1 fuît line of wallpaper. Cal MA 3-2584, Melle Rozema, R.R..1 NO. 1, Bowmanville. 16-tf Flerman Van De Bell1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and Carpentry New Wonk and Repaira PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mill Lane 5-tf, Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WOEK R. L. TAFT, 54 King St. E. DU 3-5030 16-tf KEITH DAVEY Livestock Shippers AND GENERAL TRANSPORT: Phone CO 3-2639 46-26*, Plumbing - Heating Eavestroughing A. BAARS 66 King St. W., Bowmanvllle Free Estimate 18-tf BACKIIOE WORK iTrenehing - Backfiling jSeptic Tanks WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville 18-1 Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres with 10 room brick bouse, oit furnace, bath, L- shape barn, very good location, very productive larm. Owner will seli or trade. 6 acres with 6 room stone bouse, large barn, suitable for poultry farm. Price $10,500. Easy terms. 13/ acres with 5 room miod- erna bungalow, nice view. Ai reat buy at $11,000. Low down1 payment. 50 acres betweea Bowman- ville and Oshawa, 6 room mod- ern bungalow. See us for in- formation. Il acres facing Highway 2, with 4-room house. Price $7,500. Terms. 4 acres with small bungalow. Price $3,800.00. 6 room split-level home ia Bowmanviile. Many extras. Priced to seli. 6 room bungalow Ia Orono. REAL ESTATE BROKER Scmi-detached brick la love. IY condition, 3 bedrooms and bath up, living-room, dining. room and kitchen down. Hall. way, vemanda, fuit basement, new oit heat. Oniy $8,000. $1,700 down, one easy mort. gage on balance. Homes of ail kiads Jtown. SPECIAL 1'AI Summen cottage, View Lake, oaly 3 years old, 4 large nooma ait fumaished, even bu boat Mn~ motor. Priced to sell at $3,8004 Income home, lovcly con- dition, the spacious grounds, the layout in general, would, make this an excellent nursing home. Price and termsaramang- ea. 1 ', acres with 4 roomed home in town. Bathroom, furnace, etc. See this and make an offer. 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453 Boivmanvllle - Ontario Salesman - Clarence Soper MA 3-2624 18-1 De With Real Estate mng, wIieL Imust, eil. rrice $l2,5uu. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 140 aone THREE-roumn apartment, beat- New Equipment Ternis. arswrkable, river, 75' x 401 18-1 cd, heavy duty stove, bot water, IVAN MOUNTJOY Lot between Oshawa and bank barn, bulk cuoler, lien pen- $65 month. Phone MA 3-3.3 Bacstc 8 rb 8x . Beautiful vicw, size bouse, cement silo, etc.; 8 ruom- ýO tobefore & a.m. or after 5 p.m. Commercial lot on Highway Icd ick bousier nngatte. Ap- APARTMENT for rent. Suit- 15-tf 35, permit granled. P Incluigmahnryadcat man able for couple Centrally lu- $5,000._________________ Piprice $30,000. Termis. ý81* cated. $50- month. MA 3-3394$,0.Es m. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM, L- c lu 18- 1' Save Money ai 191 Seugog St. Bowmanvillc shaped bank barn, imptement ýurse PASTURE, room for 10 or 12 T% Call MA 3-3644 shed, ben bouse, silo, mitk Fail Neasl. A hBon24, RNe , Dave 's Shoe Repair Salesman: G. Blyleven bouse with bulk tank couler, e s sNecasAteBhoew14, R.R.- Phone MA 3-5300 etc.; 10 roomed hume with ahl îted. castle. 1- FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 18_1 modern conveniences. Asking ____2 OtroStBwanil $30,000. Tcrms arrangea. 8-fBNwtOWll, mdeon a nv earCRN-KNG& NA Pedwell Real Estate 50 Acre farm, 45 acres work- .8 If CORNER modern ONTARnO able, stream, 70' x 32' bank aan icaces. Phone, Oshawa, RA 24-tf Famms, 50 lu 300 acres, fmom bar-a, 2 garages, etc.; 7 roomned i bu 8-1525. 18-1* (e)Aed 1,0 o$000 home, heavy wired. Pnice ýws FRMbose egh rom, ý___ Electrie Motors Supertest service station on $10,500. Ternis arranged. bel- dro, furnace, water. School bus REPAIRS 35 Highway North from Lind- .13 Acre farm, ait workable, , t avallable. Phone YUkon 5-7859, bu ail yuur say, large gaîlonage, only ne- s'x3'bn aa rv hd >Pfly Port Pemry. 18-1 * electricai equipmcnt pairs for 5 miles around, no iten bouse; 8 roomed brick 8-if FIVE rocrm apamîment and REIVINDING opposition in village. Livinglbouse with ait modern con- tra- bath, beated, heavy wiring, Sales & Se-rvice quarters and snack bar. Will veniences, extra 5 ruomed bun- DW-pniateentanc. Clitrade for farm or good bouse. galow with oul furnace. Ask.- ccl- GO al afler 6, MA 3-3058 100 acres choice land, 7 room ing $18,000. Tcrms aranged. ,ect- CO 3-2692.18-1 43 Third St. BowvnanvileP 0 cefrnrhË irer. -11tf brick bouse with conveniences, 10Ar am oltBw sid- APARTMVENT 3 rooms centralj- bank barn 40' x 60', aIl seeded manville, 98 acres workablc, h's, iy located, $65.00 per month.j, ~ down, only $11,000 with lowpod Lsaedbn ba, liuPnn creo ar ae WHIEWS[N down paymexît. lwater on tap, drive shed, new i18- hoe McÏeo MAra TEWAS6.H1NG 5 acres on No. 2 Hitlhwav inigarage; 9 roomed brick homne L81M -36 81STABLES, ETC. village, wilh beauti fi uigawthl mdrcovnees iteéd FIVE roomed, self-contained 1b newolga-c. sig 2,0 lisapartment, separate cntrance, E T O PKN low. Alrmodern conveaiences. w $,00 don.~ka 2,0 960. modemn convenicaces, clean. ]PHONE CLARKE 4721 4 room bouse, East of New-1 50 Acre farm aI Tyrone, on ied. Abstainers CO 3-2015. 18-1 NEWTONVILLE castle, $4,000, wibh amail down paved road, stream, large L- la FURNISHED bed-sitting room 16-bf payment. shaped bank barnlien bouse, Ow- and kitchenette. Available im- 6 room bouse la Omono, ail drive shed; 9 roomed )iome For mediately. Phone MA 3-3591n' ' T conveniences, 1 acre of l'and, with ail modemn coaveniences. une any evening aflter 7 pm.î8-1 OS AWA TV 7,500. Terins. 'Price $13,500. Terms arranged. i PATUR, 10 an 12 aces, ELEISIN AEIALSALS 16 room bouse with acre of 5 Roomed brick bungalow i .7-2 PATR,10ad15ars EEIINARA AE and, bath; une mile from No. Bowmanville with two extra -2 miles east of Newcastle; lots INSTALLATION & REPAIES 2Hgwy,3mls>rmNW- lots, ait modemn cunveniences, >ir- of water lte year round. Ap- Phone castie. 4,530mesy brmsNe double garage. Asking $11,000. for piy 741 King St. E., Ositawa, BwavleOhw ate 450,es ens em ragd ,a RA 3-4471. 16-3 * vleO w 2 acre vacant lot suitable forTem aragd er- ATATV MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 building, on a good road in a 8 Roumed frame borne in iior AieTRCTV basement apart- BILL AND BOB LEASK fast building section. $800 or' Pontypool with 4-piece bath, oui i Oshawa. Heavy wiring, 39-tf best offer. running water. Price $4,000. pîl ady tubs, al conveniences, 60 acres pasture land with Easy terms. cm-y heated. Cool in sunimer.Pi grC n ruto river, close tu Newcastle. $5,000 2 Bedroom bungalow in Bow-' - ae arac. eepoe2228,al ii eas manville in excellent sae 'U.Orono, Ont. 18-1 200 acres on 35 r1xghway, ihal oencnvnecs ais- SIX room bouse in Black- CONCRETE - BRICK $30,000. Ail working land and fi acinhrwo los ý8-2 stock, g-axage, garden, bcavy - up bu date buildings. Double garage. Price $10,500. à- dutyý wining, immediate pos-ELOCK CHIMNEYS 200 acres East of Lindsay, 2 Bcdroom wcll buill bunga- session. Apply Donald Fonder, $15,000. low in Bowmanville with al Port Pcrry. Phone YUkon RO AN E 100 acres, good buildings, on modern conveniences, full ba- ed5-229bfefre .m YUo 50 acres eary land, good $8,500 with $2,000 down. Ind -229al6 18-i1A 327 buildings, $12,000. 13 Roomed brick home in th M -27 New brick bouse la New- Newcastle witb extra lot. New- Lite Financial castie, 3 bedroonis. ly wired. Good well. Asking )60. FUNDS AVAILABLE 5 acres on No. 2 Highway in $8,000. Easy terns. rit- ANYWHERE IN CANADA V ate toR n village, beaulifut bungalow, Contact: ex- Money to Loan te Farm and W me t e t al conveniences, reasonably or- City tolka on fîrat and second pJochnwit. Doodterms ric- mortgages or any other securîîy APARTMENT for two youngl 10 acres witb trout stream, Jon F DeW h nd N EANRFE teachers for Sept. lst. Pitone!close to Bowmaaville. Resîtor and General Insurance Ph- O ANE riteE MA 3-3088. 18-11 Several smalt bouses with Newcastle Phone 334h ed DANNING INVESTMENTS THREE bedroom bouse in Bow- as tMs. S lanDoalsMn &yBo LTD. manville, on or afler July ist. I MnylubnDnad:1tjy omavM~ 99 Avenue Roati, WA 2-3662 Write Advertiscn 27, c/o Thte' HAROLD C. PEDWELL MA 3-3950 82 Toronto 5. Ont. 181 Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box1 Broker Roma Davidson, Bethany 184190, Bowmanville. 13-tff ewcaste Phono 38561 Phono 21 r * GIRL or woman to do ba sitting -and light housekeepi in Orono. Live i or out. Pi Orono 2221.1 STEDMAN Stores have op iags for young men 17 to 3 train for Store Managers.à ply through your local Sted: Store for full particulars. 18 POSITIONS in offices open you after completing a cou at Bowmanville B u s i nE Scbool. Registrations for1 term now being accepl Write Box 487, Bowmanvi or Telephone MA 3-5434. V APPRENTICE- We have opening for a young man learn the printing and neý paper trade. He should beb ween 15 and 18, willing work and eager to learn. Apl at The Statesman office. 18 WANTED: Man for steadyt vel among Consumers in Bo manville. Permanent con ion with large manufactur Only reliable hustler cons ered. Write today. Rawleigl Dept. E-140-131, 4005 Richeli Montreal. l JANITOR for Trinity Uni Church, Bowmanville. Dul to commence June ist, 1U Unfurnished residence suppi Applications to be made writing ta P.O. Box 394, Bc manville, by May 9, 1960.1 further information teleph( LMA 3-3964 after 5:30 p.m. S.S. NO. 16 Daclington, Dk h-am County, requires school term, Sept., 6, 1960, principal, protestant, exp ience prreferred, for - sen room. This is a modemn sèh with ail conveniences. ApI stating qualifications, expi ience, and n-ame of laýst. specton ta Mrs. Ralph Virti Secretary - Treasurer, Enr killen, Ont. il PAGE SEXTEEN MM-wUý 1 - --l 1 IIULlq--tm - 1 1.1 ; 1 'l- - 1 11 1 1 àj 9 e Real Estate for Sale 'Real Estate for Sale PeterKowal LOT or sale, suitabie for bulé REA ESATEBROER ing._Phone MA 3-2963. 18- r EERLINSURANCE J. Van Nesi 99 King St. E. Bowmanviile REAL ESTATE BROKER Telephone MA 3-5869 Prince St., 4 yea-, 2 bedroomi BOX 817brick bungalow, ln better tha* Salesman J. A. Barton new condition. Shrubs, awn. MA 3-3098 ings, aluminum windows, cop. Lovely 6 room brick bunga- per plumbing, oii-heat. 5 1,&.% low for quick sale. Truly N H.A. financing. modemn throughout. Inspection Liber'ty N., 9 room, oider by appoîntment only. Low home with 4 room a partaient, down payment. 6% mortgage.' ail conveniences. This is a good 6 room brick bungalow with investment. Low down pay. attached garage. Bufit last ment. year by expert workmea and Queen St., 7 room brick, in bas ail modemn conveniences. good condition, hot-water heat. Priced to eld at $14,500.00 with ed, garage, and central. terms. No. 2 Highway, east New. 5 noom bungalow la Maple castle , older 7 room, new oul Grove. Near school. Full base- furnace, tiled well, water un- ment, oit heating, etc. Only der pressure reasonably priced. $9,800.00. Terms. If you are selling, please, 5 room furnished cottage atl give us a caU. We appreciate it. Cedar Crest Beach. $4,000.00 118 King E. MA 3-3230 buys the works. $1,000 dowa. Bowmanvle Whatever your requirements 18-1 in real estate we shaîl be pieased to assist you. List wîth us for better r e- Lea sk Real Estale suits. 18-t New, modemn 5 room bunga« Ioon 1- acres, 4-piece tiied McQuay and Kidd bath, soft and hard water,ci furnace, planter, many extras. REALTORS $1,500 cash, balance easy terms. Members of Oshawa & District Summer cottage at Cove, Real Estate Board Lake Ontario, fully furnishcd, beautiful roomy lot. Immediate $100 per acre with good bouse possession. $2,000.00. and barn near Orono. 200 acre Lots on Liberty St., water farm. Very productive. $6,00and sewer. May be bought in down or trade on bouse iniblock of three lots or as sep- town. sei arate lots. Tcrms. $1,000 down buys s nc Business Opportunlty trout stream with 10 acresý 3-room shop suitable for land near Newtonviile. $2,200 barber and hairdresser, 5-room full price. modern bungalow, sunporch, $9,500 buys cenlrally located hot water beating with oil, 11/2 -storey home with attached bathrom modemn kitchen. garage. On large lot. Easy Extras mLow taxes, $1,500.00 terms. icash with low payments on Brick aparîment house ln balance. Bowmanville. Priced for quick sale. M. E. LEASK Modelaire Homes Lbd. will Real Estate Broker buiid you a modern 3-bedroom 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville brick bungalow on your lot for MArket 3-5919 $10,990 with easy N.H.A. terms.1 Cottage at Bowmanville'1 Sales Staff: Beach, $3,300 with $400 down.1lMrs.Rai ph Ames - MA 3-3406 We have a large selection of 18-1 *amms, acreages, bornes and ~ R nrn businesscs.1 Cals akn