Discuss Fire Demonsiration Effective next% for classified and dispi back one haif day. 7 necessary because of for this paper whichh In future, ail disl ing, with the exceptic notices, must be in1 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, will be accepted on Wi VOLUME 106 Large Crow Second Bloc HeIp Red C The Lions Community Cen- tre was filled with well or- ganized artivitv 'vester d ay for the Red Cross Blood Don- ors' Climce The response from the public was excellent as was shown by the steady stream of people arriving there to give blood donations. Mrs. W. M. Rudell was the The physicians on cali were Dr. E. L. Ewart, Dr. H. Fergu- . ...son and Dr. E. D. Hubbard, The nurses werc Mrs. A. F. McKenzie and Mrs. S. Ruth- ~ erford, Orono; Mrs. T. But- Deputy Fire Chief Lawrence Gaines of Newcastle, left, and Secretary tery. Mrs. S. Graham, New- Albert Naylor talk over details of the fire demonstration at the former Dudiev andle Mrs. . C. eter, Bow. homestead on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Naylor, who was one of the main organZ- manville. ers of the event, had a narrow escape from injury at the start of the afternoon. Those 'at the desks were He entered the building and lit gasoline that had been placed earlier in one of the Mrs. Norman Allun, Newcas- rooms. The blast drove him out the front door, scorched his eyebrows and burn- tle; Mrs. R. Spry, Tyrone;, Mrs. George Young, Mrs. R. ed one hand. Fortunately, he suffered no serious injury and was able bo carry Bate, Mrs. Don Marsden, Mrs. on f or the balance of the program.-_ _ __ Ralph Ames and Miss Lynne ____ ____ - -Bagneli, Bowmanville. The OId udle Ho e Buneddrivers were BHi Wallis, Fred _____Dudley ________________ Griffin and W. W. Bagneil. The refreshments were don- ated by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. Edy- the Rundle was the hostess Given Thorough Tests at Kinsmen Plan Dmonsfration in Newcastle Bk oe Som'eof teu eeîitC fir 1hselne, o nzlewalkie ley homestad. Hwvr.af- Here June lst was given a thorough test on Much of the equipment wvas was decided to proceed with Bowmanville Kînsmen Club SSaturday afternoon at New- supplied by Wilson & Cou- original plans but change th:~ held their annual Nomination castie. sins Co. Ltd., of Toronto, one date. Night dinner meeting at thc District firemen used it dur- of the oldest suppliers of fire Over 60 firernen were on Flying Dutchman Motor Ho- Ing one of the largest mutuel equipment in Canada. hand frorn Newcastle, Orono, I tel. President Murray Larmer aid demonstrations ever held The event, originally sched- Bowmianville, Cobourg. Col- presided. in this area. The equipment uled for Sunday, April 23rd, borne, Hastings, Millbrook, The members of the nomin- included a -portable Coventry had been postponed when lo- Bewd!ley. Camphe]lford, Bal- ation committee were: chair- Climax fire pump which was cal objection arose over using timore and Port Hope. Ar- man, Dr. Charles Cattran, stationed at a nearby streamn the Sabbath for burning of an' rangements had been made Don McGregor, Art Hooer, and supplied wa ter for four oldlandmark, the former Dud- locally by Secretary of the Lionel Parker, Jr., and Jack association, Albert Naylor, a Lander, some of the past pre- pla member of Newcastle fire de- sidents of the club. n Sp cia Ev nt t ) prtmnt.The election of officers for y of starting thc blaze. He e t the next dinner meeting of M a k a ne m . ne~ tered the gas soaked house, the Bowmanville Kinsmen M arlk Fath r M a ane S but literally shot out the front Club at the Flying Dutchman Jdoor after he had ignited the Motor Hotel on Tuesday even- gas. Apparently, due to an ing, May i7th. thegashadformed, creating patrick, co-chairman of the Rev R. Conway, C.Ss.R.,1 of the Holy Name Society this a 1o xpoinwhn peilcmrnittereore il. Staff Presents Clock to Sùperintenclent A large crowd of spectators and firemen f ram, tried out variaus pieces of their equipment. This UOverai munîcipalities in this district wvas on hand on,ý picture wvas tak-en after the main experiments were %atulrday afternoon for a Mutuel Aid Fire Demonstra-' concluded. Thre hases at this time were merely keep- tian at Newcastle. This 13-room, two-storev, solid ing tflfire fr-om spreading beyond the doomed brick house. owned by the HighwaNs Department. wvas, structure. carnpletely razed durîng the afternoon, while f iremend; ew Advertising Deadline week, Statesman deadlies ýlay advertising will be set This move has been made revised printing sehedules have corne into effect. play and cIassified advertis- on of last minute funeral The Statesman office by s. No display or classified both adver-jugtisetrandio praest a ihu Durham County's Great F1amffy Journal 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1960 10e Per Copy NUMBER 18 rd Attends, c i Ad Clinic ýross Bank AudreeyMaFletcher, Ruth Os- borne Mrgaret Lewrie, Jean Firth. Mona Swann and Gwen Gibson. It was announced yesterday efternoon thet returns to date for the Red Cross campaîgn for funds hield recently amount to $2,515.65. Curiosity Costs Drunk Real Money Curlosity cost an Osh- awa mian $50 on Tuesday in Magistrate's Court here. Hie wandered into the town hall to flnd out how bis partner had made out in an assault case. Uinfortunately for him, he hadl been doing battie himself, with a bottie. Chief of Police Kitney saw him lvandering around in an intoxicated condition and had hlm locked up. Later in the day atter the muneicgifluhoeceof At an informai reception Thursday afternoon, express a fond farewell and best wishes to John Mor- be was brought into court the staff of the Ontario Traininý: Sehool for Boys, here, rison, who is leaving the superintendent's post to be- and fined S50 and costs were introduccci to their new' Superintendent John corne a member of a three-man parole board. Mr. Mor- for bis second charge since February of intoxi- Bain, formerly of Guelph, who h, shown in the centre rison is at lef t, receiving the mantel dlock fromn staff cation in a public place. of the photo. They also took tni9s eîprtuity to member AI Cuthbertson. PROMOTION -. Our congratulat'i >ons ta'D'on ald G- Mason, son of Mrs. alid the late Charles H. Mason, Bowmanville, who will head the new three man Ontario Parole Board set up last week. Mr. Mason was born here and educated i local schools. He joined the staff of the Ontario Training School for Boys and more recently has been working from Toronto headquarters of the Dept. of Reform Institutions. Also on the board are John S. Mor- rison, who has been superintendent of B.T.S. here and a former mayor of Toronto and ex-M.P.P. Wm. Stewart of Toronto. . j. t j. t 1t CROSSED UP COOKIES - Our apologies to the Girl Guides and their officiais for neglecting to provide a last minute reminder to our readers that Saturday was Cookie Day in this area. However, we feel certain that anyone who missed this event and the pleasure of munching on the delicious tid- bits, could obtain a supply by contacting one of the Guides who would be happy to rush a box of cookies to the prospective purchaser. t t FIRST WITH THE MOST - Our hats off to Sam Black, early rising insurance agent, who was the first to appear at the editor's door wîth a trou t on Saturday morning. He caught quite a few, with the largest being about 14 inches long - a beautiful speckled specimen. We understand thiat Ab Stur- rock and quite a few others ended the day with a quota of the piscatorial beauties. The Goodyear dam was jammed ail weekend, and, from what we hear, there were some fair sized steelheads cruis- ing around, but ta date, nobody lias pulled thema ashore, at least, not of a size that compares with the stories. t t. ~.t tt PAINT UP WEEK - Jim Collis electric and the new Wash-O-Mat have taken on a new appearance due to a coat of paint which has added much ta the appearance of the properties. Sheppard & Gi have also started some changes by tearing down the fence on the east side of their yards. In the next few weeks, the local painters and carpenters wiil probably be going strong on their early sum- mer restoration programs. CONGRATULATIONS TO ENFIELI) --- "le con- gregation of Enfield United Clhurch is due for con- gratulations this week for the great improvement they have made in their church. On Sunday afternoon, they held an officiai dedication service of a new chancel, pulpit, etc. Unfortunatel * , we were unable ta attend ta pictorialize the event, but offer sincere congratulations andi best wishes to the members and ta Rev. Walter A. Logatn, t heir minister. WELL DESERVED HOLIDAY - Ilis many read. ers will miss one of aur mast popular coiumns this week, Religion for Today. Author Rev. R. R. Nicholson of Bowmanville is taking a few week'; weli deserved rest and holiday. We hope tb resume publication of bis helpfui, interesting articles in the not toa di stant future. SILVER ANNIVERSARY - Next Monday. I3ow- manville Lions will celebrate their 25th birthday as a service club in Bowmanville. A specia] event is planned with top officiais from many distant places on hand for the grand occasion. Lion- ism has meant much ta this comniunity and xve feel certain that our readers would like to îoîn with us in wishing the club a "HaDI 'v Bîrthdav" and mnany more years of warthilile community service. "a lý 1-3. 1 , .- Thie-ves FdIJ Vault at Orono Go - Steal Tools, Appliances During Sunday night, or in the eerly hours o! Mondey morning, there was a break- in and attempted sefe robbery et the Durham Fermers Coun- ty Co-op, near Orono. AI- though a quantity o! electri- cale applcnce thoe tools er wer sole te tiees er The Honour Roll for World Honour Rol of men who unsuccessful in their ettempt War II and Korea is ta be fell in action 1939-45-Gordon to oen te veît.Allin, Tommy Bird, Norman to o en t e valt.added to the Bowmenville Bruton, Erie Cheetham , Ken- The assistant manager of Cenotaph by Town CouncilnehCe.GnnClW. the Co-op, Gordon Simpson wth te oop rai n f hm olle, Alen Colv il.e found thet there had been wt h ooeain o imClilAe ovle a bteak-in when he arrived Brnch 178 of the Canadian John Colvlle, Gordon Cowl- at the building t 8:10 a.m. on Legion. The members of the ing, Wm. John Fewster, Wil- jMonday. He immedately tel- special committee for the Le- liem Fair, Edwrd Flaxmn, ephoned to the Bowmanville gion are Ed Rundle, president G. T. B. Honeyman, Ronald Detachment o! the Ontario o! Branch 178, Councillor Hooper, Peter Hughes, Fred Provincial Police. Constable Glenholme Hughes. a member Jckman, William Jollow, Geo. Fra ci D yde , P P is m a - forthe Lt o n end e orgv a e nnAr h rd i n, J ohn Mlatthew , Fn cishe Di ye ntigat ion. k- f h e Legi o n eeuve o e nd Kenny e , H aro ld gang o , ing ~ ~ ~ fo thtnetiainhema , n dPubicoroeGrta- rhrLeei,HJohdn wrthw, ores thC-prepotedmathe h am.n koin ! Fow .ootnRCiha rds uto, Jocn Erntesto-op r, th aaet em her noigo aBw o les MuayRitond, John had been in the building on menville man who gave his Roech, Sidney Rundle, John Sunday afternoon and ahI was life during World War II or in Taylor, Norman E. Thompson, in order, so the crime must Korea and wîhose neme is not Eric Swindells, C. E. Somers- have been committed during includcd in the Honour Roll sceles, Dan Sheehan, William the night or in the earlv hours listed below pleese send this Smith, Robert Woodward, o! Monday morning. Èntry to information to the Editor of Kenneth Wyse. the Co-op had been forced.i the Canadien Stetesman for jKîlled in Active Service, (Continued on page seven) 1 the committee. 1952, W. J. Hutchinson. Queen Chosen at Blackstock Dance Ask Help in Preparing t-i I I It was a big night at the Blackstock High Schoal Dance on Frîday. Over 200 attended and not only enjoyed the fine music, but were thrilled by the beautîful decorations. Biggest feature of the evening was the selection of the Queen of the Bail. This year, the judges chose Miss Shirley Prasser, 15-year- aid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Prosser of Nestieton. She is shown here in the centre with her two Princesses, Miss Laurie Mackie, left, and Miss Donna McLaughlin. -Photo courtesy Oshawa Times We regret any inconvenience which this will cause our advertisers, but there is very little we can do about it. In fact, as time goes an, we may find it necessary to d.rop the deadlines back to Tuesday noon, if this arrangement stili leaves us too littie tirne ta do the type setting and page make-up required. It shauld be nated that rnany papers have a deadline for advertising which is two days before publication day. We would also request correspondents ta earlier. Due to the change by the past office froni train to truck service, much correspandence is arriving in this office Wednesday marnings which formerly came in on Tuesdays. Under the new scheduling, correspondence which cames in on Wednesdays will risk being left out until the followving week. Lt undoubtedly will take a few weeks to become adjusted to the new system and we ask KBits andr 9)ieces l'