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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 18

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ETGWI'!!W T2IE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANV!LLZ, ONTARTO CONTINUES UNTIL GREAT SPRI Here is just one of a big selection - Shirt dress styling in wonderful easy care Dan River Wrinkle Shed Cotton. . . by "Trupal" exclusively made for 'Leo Danal" a leading Canadian maker - and first in Canada at Walker's . .. sizes 9 to 17. " There is such a selection including other styles by "Leo Danal" and other top Canad- ian makers. " All in fabrics that mnean care-free wear from Drip-dri, Evergiaze, and embossed finishes . .. guaranteed washable. " There are sizes for almost everyon. - Junior Misses and hall izes. 9 to 19, 10 ta 20, and 14,à ta 22',. *Specially purchased for this Great Event to bring you newest styles modestly priced -Shop early for best selection. Candy Cottons Target Sale '0981 Each Guaranteed * Drip-Dri Evcrglaze and Embossed Cottons 6Washable Target Sale * Eleven Styles * Misses and Haif Sizes 10 (o 20, 16½/ to 244~ Sec this sparkling selection of styles in eacy-care Mottons and buy at leaSt tWo while there&, good sav- ings . .. they're from a maker noted for careful work- manship . . . top value at regular price 6.98. Exceptional at Target Sale, each 5.98; two for 11.00 Maker's Clearance! Save up to Haif! Girls' and Boys" Windbreakers Target 0 In tabrie.ol Sale, Corduroy, printedc or Plain Shecn. 0* ISanforized" 7 709 Kasha llninv ac 3 ta 6x. gj,±rde Windbreakers styled for Girls or Boys jÇ~orduroy, printed and plain sheen '.cttof-. . "Sanforized" Kasha lined for warmth. . Zipper front closing, some with knitted collars, sorne with contrasting color panels. Sizes 3 to 6X. Ail tremendous value -usually up 10 3.98. Target Sale, each 1.99 098 each l'kor 11.00 'Short Sleeve and Sleeveless Styles GIRLS' "'T" SHIRTS' Special purchase Target Sale tirst quality each kValues te 1.99 guaranteed washable *Sizes 8 to 14. 09 9 A, timely special purchase or a Calladian mnaker's clearing brings a variety of girls' better quality "T" Jerseys at a Iow, Iow price. . . Ail first quality with a choice of styles and colors design- ed for girls wearing sizes 8 Io 14. Values to 1.98. Target Sale, each .99. Springtime Mates for Slims and Shorts GIRLS' SLEEVELESS BLOUSES * Guaranteed Target Sale washable Each Rayon and Cotton fabrie. * Mhite and rasteis 08 * SIype 'Y Io 14 2 for 1.75 Favourite Go"&u or Pyjamas - Sale Priced OPAGUÉ NYLON NIGHT WEAR White waltz length gowns in medium or large sizes *Baby Doîl Pyjamas in %mail, miedium or large sizes TARGET SALE Each6 2 for 5.00) Whether you prefer Waltz-lengîh Gowns or Baby Doil Style Pyjamas you'1l love these new 1960 stylings . . . both in easy-care opaque Nylon Tricot . .. just wear. wash , drip-dry and wear - no ironing needed . - . Choose from colors of Barnboo, Pastel Pink or Fan Blue. Gowns in Medium or Large sizes. Pyjamas in Small, Medium or Large. Target $ale, each 2.69, or 2 for 5.00. *a,.h 900 Sale, pair .7 9 9 9 I - I. _______________________________ v.-',-. -*""~ I ______________________________________________________ *Imported (Cotton or WoVenl Nylons *Shorties or long styles - plain or fancy SSizes 6 to iA Spring 1960 Styles! 3.98 Value! GIRLS' COTTON SKIRTS Target Sale Each * Size% 8 to 14 Brightly colored skirts of floral and Parisiap x scene prints tliat will add a gaynerF-*.tn Gi'rls' Spring wardrobe - AI] frorn Lading Canadian Makers . . . Some with side zipper opening and elasticized hbNck insert for snug comfort UsuAlly 3.98. Target Sale, each 2.99. "Sanforized" GIRLS' COTTON SLIPS * Eyelet eînbroidery Target Sale, trm each * White only J 0 * Sizes 8 to 14 Three Styles! Save 99e COTTON DUSTERS tUsually 3.98 Target Sale each At home or away Cotton Dusters make such dainty cover-ups . . . these in three styles, al in embossed pririted cottons . Floral prints on white or colored grounds.. . Sizes Small, Medium or Large. lrsually 3.98 - Target Sale, B edford Cord Reverse% ta smart Gingham Check I Two-%vay front zipper Sizes 8 ta 14 2.*88 * _______________ J MA 3m5451 SAVE OVER 20% ON WALKER'S OWN BRAND Top Quality Nylons Walker's own brand - amang the finest of nylons . .. produced exprelsly for Walker's - ,ý Top .,vM -ttU regular prices, and exceptional at Carget Sale prices with savings of over 20%.. Thase who, know Walker's Nylons will want to stock up while the price is low ... Thoge who have neot tried Walker's Nylons are invited te try them while there is good savings FULL FASHIGNED SHEERS Ligbt or Medium Beige Tones Sizes 9 to il WALKING SHEERS 45 gauge 30 denier DRESS SHEERS 51 gauge 15 denier Better Wearing Sheers 60 gauge 15 denier leu. 1.00 Target Note the Features: Sliml smartnesý 'flssured with fine, fine seames. *New non-run top and toe feature. *Seaiess micro-mesh last longer because they're run-resistant. *Seamliess plain look emarter because they are crystal clear. Seamiens full stretch tops give new comnfort. SEANLESS SHEERS Light Medium Beige Tone Sizes 9 to Il NICRO-MESH 400 needie 15 denier PLAIN KNIT 400 needie 15 denier Reg. 1.29 Target 'Santorized" Lining! Washable! GIRLS' CHJINO CAR COATS *Shawl Coilar style *Loden green, Red or Blue. Target Sale, * Sizes 4 to 6x. each Styled with little girls in mmid witli features like Mom's - cross tie back treatment, shawl collar and houndstooth check trim .- - . lined with "Sanforized" Kasha ... guaranteed wash- able. Colors of new Loden green, Red or Blue. Sizes 4 to 6X. Target Sale, eaeh 3.59. Save on First Quality Nationally Known, Snow White Wabasso "Family" Quai!y Plain Remmed Sheets a'nd Cases SINGLE BED SIZE 63 x 100 inches Reg. 5.49 TWIN BED SIZE 72 x 100 inehes Reg. 5.79 DOUBLE BED SIZE 91 x 100 inches Reg, 5.98 4,o59 PAIR 4e79 PAIR 4099 PAIR Wabasso qFml"rualîty plain hemmed Shleets and Cases have been the favorite of many for their î'eliable quality and years and years of wear.. they are favorites too for their smooth sleeping comfort... Wabasso is a naine Nou know and trust . . . xvhethetr vou need sheets or not sec these fine sheets top value at regular, price anid exceptional at these Target., Sale Prices. . . eachi pair neatly cellophaned for- storing or giving as appreciated Gifts ... Try them now and save. Save too on natching Quality Wabasso "Family" PiIIow Cases Cases of the same fine sturdy cotton in standard 42 x 36 înhiii sie o ital tadadpillows.PAIR Specially purchased ta bring you fine Iam Fevst Quality Nylons Low, Low, Pvilced FULL FASHIONRE» Dress Sheers *51 gauge, 15 denier *Beige or Taupe tones *Sizes 9 to l SEAMLESS Micro-Mesh '400 Needle, 15 denier *Beige or Taupe tones *Sizes 9 ta il Target Sale, pair Target Sale, pair 039 Ob69 :î pair 2.00 Target Sale, each 88e 'I - ______________ I Target Sale, pair 2.49 Target Sale. eaeh -- 1.39 i. E I - - BSSanforized" Gingham 'SPORT SHIRTS * IVoven fabrie. * Full eut. * Sizes 6 to 16. Target Sale, 088, Each Short sleeve style for Spring and Summer wear. . . In woven "Sanforized" Gingham that keeps its size . .. Popular check patterns . .. Sizes 6 ta 16. Imported Lirnen! Tea Towels Reg. .591 Pastel stripes with wvoven cross border * Big sizes 2V" x 32" Target Salp each .441 2For 79c Dry dishes anid glassware sparkling dry with big linen tea towels . . , Walker's regular .59 quality priced for Target Sale Savings- eaeh .44 or 2 for .79 ,Save .30 on Two! Piliow Renewer SFine WVhite Cotton *Zippered end *Fits Standard Pillows Reg. .59, Target Sale 2for 88 Replace worn pilloxv covers with these fine cotton re- newers . . . Sized 10 fit standard Pillows and corne with zippered end for easy insertion. Reg. 59c cachi. Target Sale - -- 2 for .88 Save up to .41 Pair Imported Nylon Gloves S40 and 15 TARGET SALE denier N.ylon PAIR Big selection sizesq 6 tIo Xle M5 9 Makes Ironing Easier Pad & Cover Scorch proof Aluminum coatcd cotton *Guaranteed S54" lfits standard boards il'argrt Sale i Eaeh 1.27 Easier and faster ironing cal) be yours with Alumn- nized Silicone Ironing Board Pad & Cover Set... they reflect more heat . Fits ail standard boards 54 inch size ... Target Sale, ea. 1.27 lmported! Hand Made! Pillow Cases " Cross stiteh hand embroidered designs " White only multi- eolored designs " Sizes 22 x 36 inehes Target Sale Pair New pillow cases, especially hand embroidered, can give beds a new Spring look... these in f irm cotton corne with a wicle variety of hand embroidered cross stitch de- signs . . . and they'll make such handsome gifts. White with colored embroidery. Target Sale, pair --- -- 1.77 3emi-Boxer Style BOYS' JEANS *Sauforized Deuim or Drill. *Double Kuce. *Sizes 6 to 12. Target Sale, Boys' jeans in hard wearing striped Denimi or Drill in Tan or Black . . . Bar tacked at points of strain . . . "Sanforîz- ed" to keep size after washing. Sizes 6 ta 12. Imported! Sale Priced! Place Mats *For easy-care table setting Inl turquoise, coeaa, raid, coral red or grey *Size 12 x 18 juche. Reg. .49 Target Sale 4forl.57 Imported place mats of woven cotton with fringed ends . .. Size 12 x 18 inches . . and ln colors to compli- ment your china, of Tur- quoise, Co*coa. Gold, Coral, Red or Grey . . . Reg. .49. Target Eale - 4 for 1.57 Target Sale, paIr 1.88. I __________ L _________ I __________I _______________ I I I E SpeciaI Purchase! Values to 2.98 BOYS' T-SHIRTS Fancy Cotton Knits SVariety of Collar styles. aSizes S A special purchase af British, American and Canadian mak- crs ends of fines . .. Ail known for styling, quality and fit.. Ail first quality. . . Sizes 8 ta 14. Usually 1.79 to 2.98. Target Sale, Preshrunk! Guaranteed Washable! BOYS' Cord or Chino Regular waist style Cuffed legs & Belt loopu Boys' pants in sturdy Bedford Cord or Chino -both favorites with the Young men... and Mothers will like the pre-shrunk guar- anteed washable feature . . . Note the other Young men features, then choose from Wheat, Black, Charcoal or Antelope. Sizes 6 to 16. Target Sale, 1.88 Save .20 to .40 yard ! Cotton Prints w 350P - 36)t " Big selection of patterns and colors " wash-fast Colors " Usually .59 -.79 yard TARGET SALE, yard Gay lîttle patterns for children's dresses or larger oncs fori- mn and girls' blouses, skirts and dresses are here in soft and brighit colors- ---Choose fram aothers ta make colorful aprons or bright newv eurtaiîîs . . . Whatever your need there's a hast a! patterns and colors -all at good savings . . . washable colors of course . . . i.suially lhese prints are from .59 ta .79 yard . .. Through a special purchase tramn onc of Walker's large suppliers. You gave .20 to .40 Yard. Target Sale Price, yard ~39, E TARGET SALE EACH I 4' -4 0 15 KING ST. EP -111 G *Floral and Parisian scelle prînts. *Guaranteed vasha bic *Embossed printed Drip-Dry Cotions *Guaranteed Washable *Sizes Small, Mediuim or Large 1.e771 Save on SLpplier's Clearing First Quality Gloves Coinpletely Reversible Low Pricéd BOYS, Bedford Cord Jackets TARGET SALE PAIR 099 -j I I of Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 19OWMANVMLE, ONTARIO SATURDAY MAY 7th 0 1 ; m Enchaning New Cot tons In Exciting New Sleeveless and Short Sleeve Styles Specially purchased for Young Moderns Sparkling Spring and Summer-time Wear - Sale Pricedl 0 TMMSDAY, MAT sth, igeo :1 pair 2.00 i9ý a 9 #4p% 079 P NTS

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