r - - '1UR SDAY. MAY' th t196n T'M 3CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMdANVrLLE, ONTARIO e OF ihad sbared the "Love of Je-,ac ae sus Christ and the Light of'te Costum e Education" and those stili in ýo e tr. m d re C T O Je eler Dreamns af Gallilee" by C. ) anties and flounced DUSTERS P. Morrison was the Anthem n rIf-slip. tn floral, checks and Lasting Gift for rMr' endered b3' the choir in the - Assorted colors. pastels Per ;etDay" by Donald HeNow underyi St.98-5 .98 and Miss Louise Osborne pue- 28 e Completely washdbîe North Nestleion Mus. Maleol.m Emerson is at- tendig tire Board of Ufrectois Meeting ai. the Aaricultural Coliege. Gueiph, Ibis week.j Mr. and NIrs. BRI Wallis.! Bowmanville, x'î:'ited Mr. andi Mr.Chas. Failis and Ivy Ho- oey on Sunday. Mus. Edna Gib.on visrted ber1 brother in Millbuook on Sun- dey, .Lester Graham. Murs. Annie Mackie attended ber sistei-in-iaw's funeral, Mirs. J'rn MaAie, in Oshawaj on Wednesday. Mi. and Mrs. Vic Malcolmns visited Mi. and Mx-s.LldI 1Cain Sunday evening. 1:20 o'clock on Saturday al. I Mr. Kilpatrick was taken te ternoon when a car driven by the Memorial Haspital by L. ,Mi. Kilpatrick and on.- drîven P. Dolan, 63 King Street West. by George Mutton, 22 Albert It was found tîmat fortunately St., age 32, were involved in he had not sustained any frac- a collision. Constable Louis tures. However he suffered Pbillips of the Bowmanville bruises and a painful neck Police, investigated tbîe acci- stricture. He is a patient af dent.- Dr. H. B. Rundie. (ilpatrick 1Neck >Iision PAGE »IVI WAA ry United Church. This was was brought to aur attention O h w i r s y e yfollowed by Holy Commun-1 and we gave a donation tn a t on served by Rev. E. S. Lin- l7 I f this ta buy books for the use Fie és À& in ai M eeting hemembers of the Blackstock (fote Y H u thre Wl.A. held a devottonal and Members attended the Di- H u S 'l'h âutz, jlI3 a' Ille -.rl ar o . rwhoini he .'.emorial service. By RluVaDsntrict Annua], Area Conven- j enfluil rnéetl!1 n 'he Oýh- o r o,. col-il iMs Rcad~nontkngVn ue tion, Summary Day. a short'I- :i. 'ýo hý.-. wecourse at Maple Grave on1n C ai%.i Pre.bx e' jný r- :cn Oe gr. r-tecaraanater thV.i 'Food Makes a Difference'. We i SoCtation ~edai Port P'r r.r a'. izeii, of the jý'alla1ioU of ofricers aflnounc- "HOBBY SHOW AND SALE" Do let us know what it is. We were guests a apo l Art Ki1pai reeth aserce-nt. ly.' H.ofGd.c tefolwigaS.ec- PLC0-Cmîuaiten resriigHahaeasmdpatoanSlnaWI.vsi it ge7, h ~-- Haîniltor,.of d -,. ed*n te feeting n u e2s. te . BeecPL AC E.. omnvil e. a are ty i o aexhbisasspwd! n ace . A ina .s joyed iguardathei ârecently retirec? fronti activc .Aîd oo c ~ti'.V.A.. and 2 .. in the Whitby United DTEue d.pris June by meînbers and a a enj Mparticipation 1r', : , Church - the Semi-Annual PROCEEDS - For Suopliesý If you are interested in this Christmas a turkey dinner.drnti WVork ini the Hlumîitoi1 , omro oni 0 -r of the Presbytery W. for Red Cross Loan Cuplard.1hobby project and have anY The Kopper Karnival was rntiv tery W.A. aid the Haniiltî'rl i .) i: *jc. oi t'li W.A.. A tS.Pu' hrh jx HOBBY SHOW is being or-1suggestions ta offer, please dolaga]n a very successful event rick sustairq Coitrfeece Wi,.A.. ad tie P rcý,ran ri1 - '. 'euershi , October 2 îh. and the next I ganized as a co-operative com- flnot hesitate ta let us hear from, and was ti-t Women's Insti- in a motor Dominion Council F. OI: ductc'. aiand othur subjects Animal meeting in St. An- jmunity project. .\ivone mnay you. i tute's only m-oney making ef- St. last Sai Znany ears he v,ý chariria 'ýhecoin- irew' ChurC.ur sawa. OshanrabuInantrhnbuintheanythio infomattoewrinetoFort.infohimation ntWritee taa pa of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~0d argaizaton Ic D-r- stock there w ~ ibethlo a hobby for exhibiting. de- "Hobby Corner" in care oa iOoofi n eea a-Hsia.a inion Council. I.Odv lateci ticOlrç. Presbv.ýtery Jmntaig rs]igi he Ti aainSaena.Rettes were sent ta Unitarian cellent progs a Most intereStiiog -oeaker. on t- f:îne rr-cci and ee tian Education centre on Sun-lwish. O. Box 190 or phoneMA3 Sevcs ed he will1 With her wealt1h of W. A,. e x- allcitht large nuynber da.Ma t at3 p.m. WHAT'S YOUR HOBBY? 13587 or MA 3-7264. hAomeServices erience. Rer' topic tvat large- of 1 mrnbcrsin aitte'dancp.akers Buzz Sessio endance. Hold Buzz Sessipekerti e .rveM r'.K. The ci ly, corîcerned with tN- xe 1iCn'-orL-.oe0f Abz eso va edfrISc members sent fruit orCorieoTB.sreM. eac present renewa] of the Church ti)e hpcrr residents. ti-l a shért period with Mrs. OIds W.i~lfItC fowers. Christnmas cards wereA.ODaymeontefr and of our o3irit. ,tew itlle( i te ofticers for the asking for the resuits of thif .C m lts " safety program, Mis. K. Hop- said Mrs. Oid. tk lc etva.alîîanigi usin"htaetemi sent ta variaus members also. kins on Citîzenship, Miss Lii- ever.O' v- oi<jfice'trom lrn.t ,-ear except'features which make a very uccesstuaelivn ac ofit-in orev, and in OU'ter(odný ,cear.y. MNrs. interesting W.A . meeting?", iu ce su year in Grade 8 ta, students nutrition, Mrs. P. Boxven on organizatiorir. 1HIria RserhMs.M of each leader ta multipîv bei -r ïdired. Mrs. A. E. Ham- 1Delegates were namned ta a s cnois Brhaigfs eeWiseman,' District President, b endsbý- ilon, T,-rotit. was lectedtoattnd theBay ofQuiutehtn- )rappedrkanduhtakenppetaadr.akBell MonBe bannkbservicescs, Mrs edge and experience wtil-iîh i hi- oîîîc. Mrs. L. F.;ference W.A. annual meeting Bxmn'leýoe'In h odnPog og B. Syers an cancer with two A3 d~don.Whi'.bx. xilî con- --Mrs. Clayton e ad? 1. home for the aged. Some fls tCrsms eea troe s ro ien v ih heW. Teeple. in May.. istitute has just completed a imembers astee aeo mmesld of Christmas in folloxvîna offîcers,;-Vîce-pre-, Mis. A. R. Colwiii. Whitby, very successful year. Ten re- a tour of this new Golden, ditferent lands. si ents. McCharnes Naylor,' gave the report of ther- gular and six special meetings Piough Lodge. Oui W.I. roam' Entertainment was gîven by E Zion. Mrs. H. W. Blakely, Osh- I lesy commîttee thankin alweere held throughout the in the Hospital is taken care Mrs. A. Merkley, Mrs. K.Bil- awa: Correspondîig secretary. toersosbefrmkn erwt naeaeatn-o and home made jam and lett, Mrs. C. Langmaîd. La- MJ\'r.. J. C. Naý-ion. Coliiînhius:,the meeting such a success. anciackgulemetigsgiven ta the Hospital. dcies' Quartette composed of jreâ.uî'ei, R.PossDicki -he W.I.is responsible anefVnDrl.Jae * w r!uson. Newcastle.I 36. Six new miembers haveithe upkeep and care of the IRichrnond and Alldread, Mrs.ý 14S W SIU Head Table Guests * joined Ibis year.loa Rest Rooni. Donations G. fritchard, Mrs. W. Roberts, 1Seated aithtie head tableM r. olin Members were rernember- were given ta the Red Cross, Mi. R. Metcali. Mrs. E. Per- B BT UY ýdrîring thr' luncýh hour weîe: ed with birthday nieiaySlvto Ary Thserfc ndaiu te nm- for Nay loi'. ýin«. C1,n'. tor L'e Mrs. d r sses-"e N O U S E Crs. .Blakely. UrsRo Dobb, Blleille Re. E S. Re. H A.Turner, mninister Linseadand r@.Linstead, 0f St. Paul's United Church, mnseoftePort Perry jsaid Sunday April 241h it was~ ýchuch.Rev J.M. Smith, Jan honour and gave him much Presden of thre Oshawa ileasure ta welcome Mis. R. 1 Preshytr. and Ms Smith. IR. Collins ta share the pulpit brouight oreetings f'o the an behaîf of the W.M.S. Mrs. jBay of Quinte Conference W. Collins was Professai of Eng- A., and Rev J. M. Smith from ,lish when Mr. Turner was a . J the Oshawa Presbytery. Rev. student at McGili University. S. Lnsted wecornd Mai Turner told that Mis. L IEUU Clishad spent many years S rn i i oinnaiittee Reports in Angola giving leadership in p Duî'ing tire day. rptskndergarten and Sunday n Pr ,nit tee chirîren. the treasur- last ten years in Africa Dr. er iertry and the heacl of ýand Mrs. Collins had been in- NOTHNO OWN the bursany fund. Mrs. A. A. strumental inAuTig h Eay ayetsivr Drumrnond. NMrs. Drummourd fEmmanuel Tel clSernîn- Easypayent ovr ýas ale O rPOr tht tollay aComondngoandcom- ,iris Irom ire Oshawa Pres- prised the teaching stâff. Dr. M gE R jyerv were now attending 'and iVs. Collins are now liv- ' fin on monthly gas bills ;t he training scirool and that 'i-ig in Ottawa, but do not miss '. o A*~InSalOoneJet ga 0udent [romanother area 'a chance ta share their con-.- MEUEli cuIs ' labd be vev*glad fl- the 1cern for their African people J tnv negarest eistinsg base. Ihe report of the literature jchnc fliîyi.hma dg ment ducts. ertynt. $5.60 Menihiy Installs ag "Whe .ld ecrearyLon conversion berner. Fit, 'r', s. E. Kennedy, Port Per- J Weil obe oLn Most furnaces. 1r sang "I Cone To Thee" byJ ger Speak," was the tapic cho- CHANGE-OVER CAN BE tire piano iry Mrs. Marie Tav- strate the confusion and dit- Boan il h t yAxCo UN NAFWHUS lot'. nrgamist af tire Port Per- ficuity expeîienced in inter- f-. ra Iiitslar ail types of home heating - ------jitn tenwadcnie-silk %,kE BURNER SER VICE mînvoiesta aveus~theiro'" ;FLOWERED Voir tiiCmany does mot rmpioy joco ra if fsng hi lu IY toor saiesmen ror t"Iepirurrv anva -, .gratgi.o- sng teioru Infcrrsionabot dulor I nulir~l'oghter, theii eapacuty for for- 0 r.îâr o F el B o.rd b o eI ra n id ir i i n tral . g iv e n e s s, th e ir in d u s t y , th e ireu p m n li r wr t SP al '-p a s n f o s a i g t h ' N e '- enarîment cl r 0f ie Sle ~~~~those stiil living in the sbad- »finrneadspît -,- PHONE ZENIIH 1-1700 . 'Their heauts would not sit No Paynient 'tilt Septeniber -. ' ., . down," wvas tbe way one, cou- il pledescribed their desine ta Nie4it Support the e- be sent ta serve a tribe. wihere 'f* Oshawa Hospital Fîonid 9eý' they had visited anrd who had i F a 'shionable, beauti- - - ------- Ino share of thre Kingdomt ofj u an prcca Light and Love". An African J " an'w'cicl proveîb was ouoted and tran- 1 - toa new scarves slated "When the Drums beat. ï.mae iî Mmw 'Dance". Afnica is cailing NOW b - foi aur love and understand prciate and Q- îng. If we do nat respand i hitpIhe mk .98~~'t drums may be sîlenced for- turypres ae BEA TTI tT[ever. it easy for you ta - "~..The children were moved 1 Ï gve her several. Swith the story of a littie girl, ,~ Choose he"""nç S -, ~ ~ js ie yeaîs aid, returning F.~flW ~~LdTtOtn.,! mother to expresher thanks 10 ta29 kept ber alive when a wee baby. In token of ber thanks, she hiad brought a smaii bs- .. Jewelry gifts always make ket, ailbiei' own, but for schjP r e wee hands it iepîesented hours iP r e MohrsDyhappyl and bours of tediaus work.' (I Dre.sy -. This token of thankfulness. ty- '