?IIURSDAY. MAY l2th. 19M> THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOwMANVILLg, ONTARTO PAGE IWU I 4fusic, News and Views. I- imxFmÇhurI( nn Hcnrçl Tiiere s an ucehui er- currentix- in Eaton .\uditor- ium (iocated ;n the Coilege Strect _storc of thc T. Eaton Co. Ltd. Toronto). These con- Scerts are [rom the 'York* Ser- les, and are al uonducted by, Heînz Unger. I attcnded the Mlozart pro- Who Says Reducing Is Difficuit? CALGARY, ALBERTA. "f want to telils ou how 1iae ani with the Nai an Plan. 1 have neyer found it casier to take off those unvanted pounos. i feel so nîuch hetteî-. have miore enerzy and for the first tinie in vcars 1 don't have that heav v htnated feeling altr-i- cating. llie Naiýno Plan is truiv grandf for anynne who has triéed as I have to lose weighit and given up because of xtarvation (iets or tirinir exer- cise." D. A. lcîrgert, 22nd Ave., Calgary, Alta. WVh v suffe li e si ot and soial hatnliciapv o f over- weight ivhen it is 5 so tb) e- duce xith th(- a n11:11n. Try this simplte îa ifflandenjoy the flattering iooks vou %vil]i eceive from vyour friends as pounds and years seemn to nelt awav from your appearanre. (Jet the Naran Main f , m vour fiuggist todla '. it is souIpI anid sold on a money back guarantee. OBJTUARY ,, TeRUNÂTIONAIL HOOPI Jeee & Gift ý " e ~ SAMUEL W'. IMASON Follous'iig a brief ilhiîess t hie- '-iiih~ outdealli occui'necl ini XVsteri of Hosp~ital. Toronîto, on Fuidav. l- Apî'ih 29. 1960. of Samuel Wil- STERLING "sol' Masoîî. aged .57 ycans. Thle late Mr. -Mlasori uvas borniniiiBownianivlle. souni Mr. George R. Mason anîd lue ER S e attcrîdcd Boumvnirillv selînols anti for thie past :30 ý,ry -earný lias resîdeti in Toronito. ry OuOnDeccîîbeî' 3, 1927.lie uar- rieti the former' Edith Holti- ;hop r oydc. Thlicdeceasei, uvho liai becut 1 . y J Iy yqr % F %# %01 %d%0y % I %dE % PdIra %0%4Ir 0 Detaîls of New Shif t System Soon to Star t ai Hîgh School . rarn on Tuesday, April 251h. iand expericnced a deiightful evening of reai conducting and response. On Tuesday. iMay l7th. there wiii be a treat in store for Beethoven enthusîasts. namneiy the 0v. erture Leonora No. 3. The Fifth Symphony, and The Violin Concerto. played by Canadian Betty,-Jean Hagen. Frequentiy musîcians fail te realise that musical termý: hchare 'on the tip of the tongue' pose quite a myster s for the "man in the street.I often wonder why no effort is made to help interested peo- pie Io become acquainted witl' various expressions in com- mon use. Brief explanations could be inserted in Concert programs. 1 do net refer to the often complex prograin notesý which discuss the for- mai design of the music. and the historical background of the composer. For instance, ï Concerto is sîrnpiy a piece of mfusic, usually in threc movemoents*. or chapters. ini which a solo instrument hqý the chiet roie. and is accom- panied by the orchestra. A mnovement is to music as a chapter is to literature. The composer usualiy xvrites each movement iin contrastmng moods. i. a serions fairly fast movement. 2. a thoughtful slow movement. 3. a fast lighit hearted movemyent. As ail three m-ovements or chap- ters belong to the saine musi- cal story. it is therefore eus- tomarv and fitting 10 wait un- tii the end of the final move- ment before applanding. rfo explode a fallac.v. it is absolutely unnecessary to have formai instruction in music before one can appreciate It thi-ough listenling. The secret, in learning to en.ioy great classical xvorks lies iin oncs' approach 'proceed from the known ta the unknown'. Il we try to swim in the 'deep' end before we are al, home in the shallowen area of Or- chestral listening. we shail auickly flounder and be dis- couragcd. Let uis start out with the light heanted music of Rossini. His Overtures 'William Teli' and "The Thieving Magpie" for in- stance, abound \vith gay me- lodies and infections nhyth- mic patterns. One must culti- vate the art of listening to a piece in uts eîîtirety with un- divided attention. it is wise thereforc to choose pieces which ai-e short. Rememnben, one is neyer too old to start lîstening to music for iasting pica sure. Thle deatti occonreti ati lu- hot-e iii Brookliîî, Aprîl 24 of Edward Lec, behoved hîtîsard of the for'mer Catlîerne -Jaîe, Bnsliby. 'Ple tieceased. uvho was ini lis 71st yean. tîad beeuî siek sirîce Acrg. 1, 1959. A son oi' tue laie Williami Lee andi Jane Elicri Hardy,ý Mn. Lee uvas boni iin Uxbridge Toxislip Jan. 27. 1890 anîd uvas marniet i a Uxbridge Oct. 23, 1912. A rienien o! Biookiin 1 Uni- iheti Clînni-li, helichad fart-i in tie district foi' a miniber of yeai's. More ncccîîhlv lie liai worked ini Wlitlîv' Besides bis Wifie eiS So- viveti by six daughtens. M's- George Skeu'ratt (Dolla), o! Prince Albert: Mrs. Arthurn Sominenville (Millie). of Seti- ley, Sasl,.: Mrs. Jolin Btin- ham (Lulire,. of Scngog Is- land: Mrs. Hanry Gibson (lia- zel), of Ajax-. Mrs. Nornan Wilsonî (Eunîice>, of Brookiro anti Mrs. Bus Eunpiriîl-in (Blanche), o! Seugog Islandi aîîd thnee sons. Hloux-ai. of Nestietori: Ralph anîd Clifford, boili of Kinsale. Also surs iving is a brother,. John Lee, of Marengo. Sask. Thue funenal service was held ti atie Robinîson Fuinenal Horine, Bn'ookliir, Apnîl 27. Rev. S. J. Hillien. omistcr of Brooklin Urnited Clînrch, cou- duched the services. lnhermeuit wvas in Pine Grave Cemetery, rPrince Albert. The palibearers were Neil Lee. Lorne Lee, Ted Gîbsoni. Charles Empringliam. Robertj Gibson and David Wilson. ICOATS -SUITS RAINWEAR Here's what the ladies have been waiting for ... Coats, Suits and Rainwear . .. especially styled to fit and flatter you ... you'l love the latest styles, vibrant colors and fine fabrics. Alil at Greatly Reduced Prices! Cornein and look around, O* -#à Il Nakes a Big Difference e ini Your Favor! s.ý The expert workmanship we put into cleaning your clothes makes a big difference in the way they mî'l1 look onl you. Try us and see! Clif fcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. For the Besi in.. P AI1N TING and DECORATING QUALITY MATERIALS GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP - see-ý Lander Hardware and Electric Ltd. MA 3-5774 BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. MAV Ifh. 1.99ft THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTMO An inîformnative discussion of - vears receipts aniounted ta, School. annonnced the ques- eurriculum. the book ex- S395.31, disbursements were, tions which had been sent i n change. the shift system. ex- $206.67. leaving a balance of by members of the associa- tra-mural and minra-mnural $172.97. ti on. The three members of spor-ts w-as given by a parie] A report on the 4lst aninual the teaching staff. Mr. Staeey, s of Bowm-ativille High School convention of the Ontario Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Mun- teachers with Leonard Lucas, Home and School Associations dav îeplied. the vîce-prnicipal as panel uvas read by Mrs. Samnelis. The audience was iîîform- -chairman. at the meeting of Three delegates [romn Bow- cd that the new shiff system the Bowmanville Home and manville, Mrs. Aines, Mi's. to be in effect in the local -School Association. It was held Burdett. and Mrs. Samnelis, High School building in the at the Lions Community Cen- attended. autumniî as clearly explained. tre on Thursday evening. May Mrs. V. Mvathie\soni. the pro- Two Schools. Bowmanville 5th - grain convenor. intî-ocuccd the and Courtice High Schools will Moethn20 eel i-Bowmaniville High Schnol be honsedi here. Each will tenestedi parents. many fî-om Darce Orchestr'a which !has have ils own teaching staff out-of-town. attended the met with consiicrable success and principal. There will be *meeting. The inembers of the under the direction and guid- týv o shif t s, one for each panel ini addition t Mi'. Lucas ance of B. E. Cornish. The or-- si-hool. The mno'ning shift * xere W. Màanseil Stacey. tea- chestra is composedi of Dixie xiii be [rom ciglit o'clock to *cher of agriculture and science- Gi, piano; Karen Ormîston, 12.4) p.in. with a 15 minute, C. J. Munday. instructor of saxophone. Ra v Ci-ombie, break at 10:45. The afternoon physical edutcation and math- drumrs: Lee Raickhanî and shift will be from one o'clocki -ematics. R. W. Sheridan. Kingslev Van Nest. trtum-pets; until 5:40 p.m. However,, Greek and Latin teacher. Terny' Black aînd Yloiit. Eni- slightly eiffer-ent arrange- * Te p-esdet o hi aso-merson. saxophones. and Doug mients will be made for Grade' James. trombone. 13. t ciation. Mrs. Raiph ines, who Thle orchestra played in lper- Infor'mation was also givent 1presided at the meeting. ex- fedt tempo and the audience î'ega-ding agriculture. agrieul- -pressed pleasure at the large was delighted with tlhc riîyth- tural science, the general aca- attedanc andstatd tht ms e m r endition of "Autumii demie course, the commercial, - was certain ail would [mnd the Leaves.'"-Little Browrn Jng." course, the subjects required' -panel discussion both inter'- "Tuxedio Janction.' and "On for those planning certain ca- * estitig and beneficial. the SunnY Side of the Street". i-enrs, guidance service and Mrs. Robert Kent prcsentcd Mi-. Lu*cas, the vice-princi- extra-mural and intra-mural th flcnommnating committee's pal of the Bowmanville Higli sports.____ repor't. Other members of this-I committee were. Mrs. V. Ma-il hthexvson. Mrs. A. Samells,1 MisM. Coucli, Lord Elgin, tSchool. Miss M. Somerville, One of the -lief topie un- age î-sidents were rudcly aw- 1,Ontainîo Street School. Niss -'sostevr'îan knd .fi 'igo h tM. Cote. Centr-al Snliool. andr der discusoni tvevrinY. - edbv h jggo h Mrs. V. Barries. Vinîcent Mas- weekend svhich lias again t'ais- geercal ali-aionthie phone.' -evSchocol. cd the water level iii inain As cenîtr'al lad placed no eall' f of the clars which wec-e more this uvas cvidently the work of Ofîcers anîd executive elcc- or less getting back ho nornmal sîrme pnankstei- on aur village ted for the comîîîg yeai' are: afci the waher risiîîg ini tlei ilne. Witlî 50 few lights on iii preidîî, îs Rlp Ane,'in the Spring. Ilic village il, might not be secretarN. Mis. A. Samelis, and treasurer. Mrs. C. Bon- Mr. anîd Mi's;. Wiifred Rough- liard to dieduce wlîence it caine. -dett. The past pi'esicnt of hie lev- spent 'Mothiei-s- Day wth Who knows w-len they miglit tassociation is Mi's. Doit Mc- Mî's. Alva Sxsarbrick. Congrat- b>--rcaliv in need of neigliboni--! Donald. l'lie executive mein-ý ulatiorîs to Mi.î svrbrick on lv assistance- bers [or the coîning year svill the birthi of hier great gi-andi- Mis. Neya Little le-fl Friday' bc Mrs. Gordonî Stunrock, Mrs.* daughter. daughter of Mn. anti to spenti a few days wuth Mi'. William Cowan. Mrs. George Mrs. Freddy Andterson, Tor-, anti M's. Axlward Little and! Moi-ris. 'Mns. L. McFeeters,,onto. fam lix at Markliam. -Mr's. K. Suioî-sford, Mrs. A. Mî's. MrvLîxon, Mn. aliîr Mr. aîîd Mî's. George Clark.' 1Luc!as. Mrs. A. King, Mrs. W. M's. Ray H-hes and Ghoia Toronto.' speit the weekeîîd at, Cobban. Mnrs. K. Shemioi, and, spelît the wekenid aithie for- their sunimen home here aîîd Mis. G. Landier. mer s cottage on Lake Kn5shog. visiteti Mrs. Alexander. Tlîe secnetary Mrs. Samelis. Kendal Yilasons anud wîvesý submihted lien aînual report. athendied Ladies' Niant iii Or -g Saturdaycver i -,aîd Lio nettes > the holding o successful Openi joyed the die iîîîîcr and e- House on two occasions, theý tertainnmentuvhîcli folocd. execuitive and general meet- Mr. ati Mi's. Pe-i-y Br-he1 ing leld. and of the excellent isite r n r.l(nOg speakers wlîo had addi'essed vtred Mi'. ad Mrs en Ou g. th sscato ti saonVannatto who is reCuIpcratinigj:h i H bbies Mrs. Sameils also reportedi there after' het' recent opera- that lthis year bhe Grade 8 Pu- tion. Cccii Vannatto visiteti Mn. 0n Apt-il 19 the Lîoîettes puls of the local sclîool will -t and Mrs. Bui'le- Sunday. Club eîîtertaîned their hus- take a trip ho Nia gara Falls Visitors with .1Mns. W.. Mei-' bands aI the Lions Centre. inseadof o Troîto s ii ,cer Motlîer"s Dav- were: VI-s Lionebte President Edith Cole 1 prev ions yOiii. Mrs. Bui'dcbt. the hîcasuier. Ted Coatham anti faillîi[-v r. welcomed the guesis. and Mî's. Vauu-e Alil.is. After a delicious tnnkey, preseîtedtihie fiîanical shate-, Bih n]adhnaîdBhMa-ý dinîuer a toast ho ithe hus- - mnt vhclîshovei tai iedii . Mns. Eddie CounusiX aiud ibandis was pnoposed by Pal. famils-, Mrs. George Melcer, Bunk anîd îesponded to by in thie etail tîade for 15 ad aiie-,Fr'cd Cole. yca ns. usas with John North -addugtes- way Sot, orono, or 7 1George iViereicer- hati the' gro- Lionette Mldred Bell andj i ers nd i te lme fi- undi excavateci lasu secnk for hex- husband led in a sing-1 deatli uas Manîager and su- epuvniig oo l i song1 while the tables were pei-visor of Hout Renfr-ew& ing in for' the fainilv this soin-bin -e'd.hyhno- me ducteti a contest of songs. The Company. Toronîto. xith which me. '- wiiiners of' buis were Jack1 [i h lie ai becni assocîated 'Tihe Fainils- as a Christian 1 CninLiiiy"wa th teir oýiRoss and Buti Moses. foir flicpasb five years. Conumunity uvasthetheîcine of i Mn. Masoii was a meînher thie churnnl service Suîî dy epiguit u Ese l te psto. Rv. . C 1seasoîî.Itle husbands were' of Je-usaleni Lodigc, AF.-& wlinteîo- e- . A.M.. Bowmaîivilhe. and a, White, was assîsted 1 ie provîcd %itli materials tai menier f te Adisoy Bardsupernteiideît of tie Suiîtidav mnake Easter bonnets, afler menibei- oMi-ie Ads'isoralBoard whicli îhev modelled their r of St. Cleînenb's Churcli. To-: Sehool, Mn. Leonarti Falis. 'M roîîo. Mother's Pnaveî-" bv thlic ci Racrehi.lie no ers,,werl Sunviving. besides lus wife, with Mrs. Swai'hnîck a IlleRneDilng o Kn,,Cl are Ilirce sons, Samiuel Gary, organ andi "Motliir" bu-lMiss'ý The winîîers of the big Eas- John H., and Robent D.:ilus JdyFitr aceoipaiî.d hston cgg centre piece was Ralph father, Mr. George R. Mason'1 M iss Phyllis Jacksoîî on thel Kelly. of Bowmaoville;1 and five, piano wene both pleasinugaliti An lîllanious gaine of court grandehiltireri. . ppri'Oiite'. 'Filie addness was ,vhist foilowed. Mn. and Mrs. TPie maiiy beanhîful floral givon by Mrs. C. Catlicari OUl Cliff Samis and Mr. anîd Mrs. tributses from relatives aîd; "Goti Setteth t'le Soitai ' l Norm'nîAllun had the higli- friends. Bowmanville Senate' Familles". At. luis service ten est score. Club, Jerusalern Lodge, Bow- chldren wene piesenteti foi- - --- manville, varions clubs and Baptism- Rov Alen. son of organizations in Toronto, were Mr'. anti Mns. Rov Fosier: Roui- cvideîîce of the lov'e and es-' aid Davîi, sont of n.aîilr tecîn ini which the deceased, Ray Marihjiell: Lyiin Jov. d-- was lîeld.: ghter of Mrù. andtiMns. Roy1 A . L I~ Venu. Terrence Ci-osthwait, r Little, Neisha Annie aîîd Ken -~ Bishop Snell anud Rev. Fred-1 neth William Albert.,(-hildi'eOl erick Cross officiated at thieof Mi'. anîtiMî-s. -Jack Neal;fs1 u funeral service lîeld ini St. Gary Ariel, Cairol Joyce l,ou- i OU Clenît's Chur ncli otioîda-y, ise. 'Wayiîne Allen. aîîd Sheilaý May '2. Dnî'ing tlie ser'vice a Elizabeth, ehiidmciîni'rMn. anti1 BEST BUT favonrîte hl'ymun. 'Tle Lord Is Mrs. A. Lan.igstaff1 and Daiel!c My Sheplierd. was played. To- George. iîîfaiît son of Mn. aîîd for ternienît was in Bouvmanviile Mrs. GordonLaîhff Cemehery.1 Ii the stili smaill louî-s of l I 'Pallbea'eî's wcre Messr's. Sunîday mornnig, Kenîcal viii- W W W Patr'ick Flynîn. Carl Lyons, Michael Henry. Roîîaid Gor- do.John, Rutictige. Harry, O IU R A I Saucions aîîd thinty honorarv pallbearers. Advisony Board EDW ART) LEE a a rAGIS PM