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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1960, p. 7

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'I'WK r~ANADTAN gTAT~MAN. EOWMAKVILLE. ONTAIUO PAGE SEVEN ?H[URSDA'Y. MAY 12th, 1960 r -, with their paents, Mr. and I Mrs.AlbinClemens, 38 Con- di- U-'rsonal cesson St. Ms -SM.In wh r they vsie Mis i. Phne , 3-303 Mr. and Mim. Stuart Candier Midred Downey, a Patient in ______________________________________ Hamilton General Hospital. Miss Downey may be able ta Mr. and Mrs. George J. f-.ray,i Mrs. M. Conway. 133 Scugog leave hoepital this week ta go Toronto, were guests of 4,heirj St., were theicrdaughters, In- ta hier brotber's home i Galt. Scousins Dr. and Mrs. Georgei giid. of Western University, W. James on Sunday. j London, Ont., and Patricia, Ot- Di-. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon Mr. and Mi-s. W. Ross Si'aike1 tawa Civic Hospital, School ai motored to Niagar-a Falls lasi atterided the funeral servîi r f, Nursing. Thursday to be with their son Mi.Wm. L. Houck MI' in W- M- and Mr.BueClik n amily, Mi. and Mrs. Boyd -1 M. an Mrs Brue ClrkeSIemfon. On Saturday they at- gara Falls last Satux-day. and Glenn, Hampton; N&. and tended the funeral ai Mir. Wm. Miss E. E. MacDonald. P.hil-i Mrs. Ross Clark and Ralph, L. Houck M.P., father ai Mrs. edeiphia. and Miss Daw'î P tir- Bowmanville: Mi'. and Mis. Ah Boyd Slemon. Dr. and Mrs. oeil, Toronto, were Sunday rs-IEliatt, East Whitby, were Sun- Keith Slernoa ere in Niagara itars with Mrs. N. S. B. Jal.ies.! day visitai-s with their parents, on Friday. Mi.andMrs Jm Lx'k,1Mi-. and Mrs. A. J. Clar-ke, adMi.RneDhg 1%& an Mr. Jm Lle.- ,Bomrmanville. Mr. adMs ac il Larry and Rancly, Whitby. a nd M.H . son and Mi-s. G. B. Dilling attended bf-. and Mrs. B. Fi-y were Si tn- Mr-. and is.H . so , Ryerson Institute oi Technol- day guests ai Mr. and Mis 4oe i Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Qasborne, oysCnoao nTrnoo Leveti, Liberty Place, Mi-s. E. Varcoe, Mr-. and Mis. Frgy, May 6, wen otheiroan Ii-. and Mrs. Stanley Rî).- ei-b Goddard, Mrs. Ina Mc- ghter and granddaughter, Miss &ria, Edinburgh, Scatlan d, &jre1 Naughton and Mr. Bud Peth- Dana Diilinig, received hier dip- visiting their daughter -p'idi ick wei-e guests at the Eagle- lama in Furniture and Interior gon-in-law, Mi-. and Mi-s. WU il- son-Russell wedding in 0511- Design. Tbey also attended the iam. Laskar-is, King Street Ea'.;t.1 awa hast Saturday. tea iallowing the convocation. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moi-ris. Town, and their daughter,1Miss Mr. Norman James returned ooqnpaned y teirson ~.Hazel Webbei-. Toronto, at- home hast Sat., fram Queen's cm Mrs.errby tMi--is o. )1- j tended Ryerson Institute of Unversity alter completing bis tawa, have retui-ned îromaThaltogsevnt onvaca-Ma 6 wefirst year of study there. Mr. three-week vacation at Da y- thinon, Frid arveMy 6, Wen and Mis. S. R. James, Dougi tona Beach. Florida. hi oM-.Hre .Wb and Norman spent the weekend ber. received hîs diplomna inai their cottage i Haliburton. Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Cata r.j Architectural Technolagy. 1 Late Sunday night Norman1, aldo m~r. on r. de nd.Mris. Norm-ai' Cienli-1 left foi- Belleville whei-e he is1 Mi. .-at eon, an. ci'~ d Keti..Toronto; Mr.- elnPlydb h naisy Day. Mrs. Catot' also rcceiv sd aerepye y hiita' Hy a pon cl] ron erctag,. -!and Mns. LvreCiemens,j dro for the summer months. aerphon.ev.Cali fro hC alifo 'I1Ron and Bars-y, Hanipton; Miss-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MeDon- ter Ms. v.Coi o Caifrsy-k"1 Carrol Wrigh t. Enniskillen.! ald and Kai-lyn were in Racb- Recent visitors with Mr. ac i wýere dinner guests Sunday ester, N.Y., hast weekend and _______ -on Saturday were guesis ai the iweddiag ai Miss Merle L. Lin- h gard, youngelr daughter of Mi. and Mi1s. Ernest Lîngard, for- Trinity United Churchmryo waniltM. meraly ai Bonwavîl M -.n jMnster-Rev W m. 'V,. fHusiandei. B.A., B.D. were weekend guesis af Mi-. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison. Mus. B.. L.R.S.M, and Mirs. Lingard. IThe Bowmanville Guides and - ---î Brownies 5th Aaniversai-y Il .r. -MONIN ~ORSII Tea ta be beld at the Lionsi CommnityCentre on Satur-1 "Fit a dFelig"dav afternoan promises ta e "'Fafh ad Feling' ia most enjoyable eveat. The p.m. EVEING VORHIP ownies will be in charge ai 7 p.. -EVENNG VORHIPthesale af candy, and the Girl Guides wl b ave a Sale ai "The Wise M aster Builder" Home Bakng. There will also be a Baby Sitting Sel-vice rua by the Guides ai the Commun- District NasonieC hurch Service ity Centre durin~g the ater- noon. Speaker - RE V. A. G. SCOTT 1,Wben Brian and Darla Ros- I District Chaplaju , Ontario District ane, childi-en ai Mi. and Mirs. Roy Stoneberg, and Mark, son1 - ------ -oaiMi. and Mis. Brentan Bran-1 igan, al ai Bowmanville, werei christened ia Newcastle United ~,,r~ID PîAàB hurrcbh ast Sunday, grand- REHO O TH HRIS IANmothers Ma-s. Lola Stoneberg, Toronto, and Mrs. C. Bran- igan, Bowrnanville, as well as 1great-grandimothers, Mirs. An- R tFUKMED CHU RCH aie Branigan, Coîborne. and Mrus. E. Broking, Bawrnanville, Scugog Street1, Bowmanville attende<1 the service. À Mr. and Mis. Bob Ember- son, Steveniand Terri, Guelph, speat the weekend with ber mother, Ma-s. Douglas Cale. X~&RNNGSERVICE . 10:00 a.m.- Englisb Mr. and Mis. Orville Os- EVENNG ERVCE' 7:3 p.i Dteb borne, Mi. and Muis. Alex Mc- EVENNG SRV'CE~.~- ~30 .m Dtcb Robbie and family, Town; Mi-. and Mirs. Fr-ank Prouse, Pick- Sundy Scoolit ~meditel af e aering, were Mother's Day vis- Sunday mox» service.Haiaad mly te itars aiMa.and as. Honldh and Sharonra birthday. Some names of ibose assiat-j -"Back To God reour-" Broadcast ing ai the Red Cross Blood1 Clinic held bei-e on Mlay 4 werei CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. e'very Sunday omitted ha the repart appearingi 8:30 a.m. every J 4unday, CFRB .i hast week's issue. Ma-rs. BillI Burk, Town, a'nd Ma-s. Nor- _________________ man Alun aofGi-ana (flot New-,i castle as i-epoited) were on'j duty ai the desk bath alt1er-j noon aaad evening. The nan-es1 'ofMrs Ted Tice and Mis. Tomn Rehder should also have ap-o peared ia the lisi of nurses1 wbo belped with the clanie. f Meimbea-s af the local B.&P. Club wbo attended the Region- al Meeting, District No. 5, of the Business and Paofessional Womea's Club held la the Gen- asha Hotel, Oshawa, an Satur- 4 Uni~. #Uday, May 7th., were President, r~i ~I~'Miss Madlyn Wilcox; in-com- ~ .A ng president Mrs. Mary Gi, 'i -. ~ ~ wboaT.Q e eleg;Ms WALL PAIN dries fastýer- î~ s wasloble. ýOr people ini loveWîl te J. H. Aberrietl Paint and Wallpap er Sti u King " wt ged fi-rn a weekly ta a daily.' MIN Like Dr. James, Mr-. Galbraith is a fariner president af the Canadian Weekly Newspaper 4 T Association, while Mr-. Chart- ers wvas a former inanaging director ai the association for ten years. It can be lmagined that titis tria did considerable reminiscing about the happy and strenuous days oai weekly journalism during lte past $8 .25 halfcentury. r.and Ma-s. Ross Stevens on April 134th attended the an- GALLON n iuai meeting af the Board ai Overseas Missions in St. An- drew's United Churcb, Tai-- onto when their daughteir, Miss Muriel Stevens R.N, was onme ofsix women, appainted by the Wonan 's Missionary Sa- ciety, wbo wea-e inli-oduced la a apachty cangi-egation an World Mission Nigbt. We quote as foilows iran- The Observer,: Miss Muriel Stevens, R.N., was the only representative and the speaker for the W.M.S. appola- tees. Site is a graduate of Toi-- i rh oÇ~~~O at Bellevue Hospital, New L t her daugitter, Ma-s. Ted Hutton, hlV were in Toronto on Tuesday, f May 10, aitending a reception ai lthe United Church Training ore Sch col in the afternoon la hon- jouaof the members ai the MA 3.43i Goeduatii4 Clua the e vm. SGrad uates Miss Doua Dhlling recenily received bier dîplomia in Furniture and Interiar De- sign ai Ryerson Institute ai Technolagy's 111h. convocation. Miss Dilling is the daughter ai Mr-. and Mi-s. Rance Dilng, Alexander Ave. -Photo by LeRoy Tofl Rom Stormu (Continued fi-rn page one) es'ally toi-n main theiî moorngs and washed away. Many roads wei-e ilooded, in- cluding the Vlanvers where several feet ai water piled up in the subway under the C.P.R. tracks on Manday and had tc be blocked by towa workmen. Sump puînps wei-e la greal demand by plumbers and resi- dents trylng ta find some easy way ai removing wate- fi-at- baseinents. On Moniday aiter- noon, no moi-e wei-e obtainable in the district s0 many citizens uiilized pails, mops. braoms and other utensils lrying ta stenm the flow. Undoubtedly, it was une ai the beaviesi continuons storms this area bas experienced, leav- iag ibousands ai dollars ai dam- age la ils wake. One odd caincidence occur- red. In one area ai the towa, the resideats petitioned couacil recently flot; la proceed wlth a siorm sewer ha thei- section. During the storrn, their ce1lars were amang those ltai really were filled whth water. Twp. Gavcage (Coatinued fi-rn page une) were nai; accampanied by bid bond cheques. Il. was maved by Couacillor Sidney Cornisb, secoaded by Depuly-Reeve Arthur Blanchard, and car- a-led, thal the tenders aiR.I1 ~ i Shoobrldge and H. Crosby be 1j O flot considered as they did ngi meet with the required spe- j o th o cificatiaits.1 Every aspect af the rernain- (Continued ironi page one) ing eighi tenders was thorou-j large wbo are stili active in ghly discussed and considee the club. They are Dr. R. E. bei are the tender ai Hugb Diniwell. Aubrey J. Smitht, Murray Limited was accepi- E. L. "Bill" Oliver, Stuart R. cd. Il was stated ltai every James, D. Alex McGregor, effort would be mode 'ta use James Mar- and 'Everett V. local sub-trades lanlthe work.' Boar. Nelson Rabbins approached, MyrDig reig couaicil ta ask if the townshipMyrCruhesb-uh would convey lthe road allow- - ao arthr ruh ance on lte east side ai bis j greeiings on bebali ai the cîti- property ta him. Hie pointedi zens ai Bowmanville, express- oui that hie had always ing also thei tltanks for the thaught ibat he had ownedi wonderful camînunity service ibis land, but apparenily ihere the club bad given the town. is no deed showing ltat be He paid special tribute ta the daes. c lub for its wo major pi- Mi-. Rabbins stated that ihe j jects the care ai the bliad and raad allowaace on the other the establishment ai the Coin- side ai bis land, lthe west sîde, muaîty Centre whicit is use *d is being used as a raad by the, extensively by mnany argani- township. lie asked the coun-1 zations. cil to close the portion ai road! Entertaînment was provid- allowance (which bas nýeyer e d by soloist Frank Palmer been used) an the east ai his ofa Toronto with Ross Meicalf farm, and ta cede titis 40 feet ai lthe piano. The sing sang of land ta hint. Thtis malter was i charge ai AI Cut- was referred ta lte Roadý berisan. Tail Twister for the Comniîttee for investigation evening was Jack Roughley, and a repart. assisted by special deputy _______Jack Ross. The deliciaus lui- key dinner was sei-ved by the ladies ai L.O.L. 1291., Baw- «Çewogananville. Special prizes were won by Raiiy Crydermani, Bowrn an- P oeanvville; Morice W. Tamblyn, Lindsay, Chai-lie Megit, New- castle; Glea Mai-tyn, Bowman- (Contailued trani page iLe) i ville; Bill Delaitrentis, Toron-1 dressed counicil. and protested! ta Central andi Tomn Brandon. that she abjects ta some criti-j Port Hope, cisin that site claitned had beeni Rotai-y Presîdetl George made ai people who bad ap- Vice, on behaîf of othe- local peared at the Court ai Re- service clubs expressed best vision. Ste asked thal councili wisites ta Lions and cang-a- bave lthe criticism stopped.1tulalions on completing ibei- Mayor Carruthers said that' fia-st quarter century. siace neither hie or the mem- Part Hope Presîdeat Frank bei-s ai cauncil itad heard any Deveraux: presenied a bang- such criticism hie did nat see ing bai-ometer-titermometer ta whal couacil could do about il. the club as a birthday gi Mrs. Wilson was also critical fram lte sponîsoring club. of the fact thai the Court ai Many Service Pro Jectu Revision had been teld in the The bistory as read by Mi-. Town Clerk's office. Site ak- Thompson nfot only dealt wiih ed that la the future Court ai the many projecis which bad Revîsion always be held in ttcý been iauncited la i-aise funds. Cauncil Chamber.î It aisa recalled the services Len Downey, East Beach, rende-ed by tbe club includ- 1 again appeared before council ing the Lions Hobby Show and compiaiaed thai he had which vas an annual event been reiused a building permit. from 1938-42; lte Lions Bicy- He said that Don Thaipn cle Safety Club, the fi-si ai had been givea one and haî its ktnd arganîzed in ibis pro- this man had less land than he vince; the War Services Com- had. mitee wbich ati us peak in He was tld that Mi. Thomp-l 1944 was sending 29,000 cig- son ad eenissed pemitarettes a moiti to 320 t-aap son ad een ssud a ermt joverseas; a Blood Donors coml- i ta replace a verandah wbîct miîîeelthe help ta farmers by was pei-fectly permîissible under donatins 10 lthe laie Ed Sum- 1 the by-law la farce at the lime, mers' Swine and Potato clubs; the support gîvea ta sigit ing, Mr-. and Ma-s. Robt. L. Ste-. conservation agencies; the T. .yens, Mis. Rex Walters andI B. Seal campaigns and su- ,Dr. an-d Ma-s. K. Taylor (for- veys; the Lions Concert Scr- mer Gwen Chatterton, Orono) ies and ha 1945 the purchasej ,oied them ai Eglinton Uni- of the Senkler praperiy for ,ted Churcht t attend the Con- $3,500 and the beautiful audi-. ivacation and Graduation Ex- torium and Scout bahl which ,, -cises when Muriel Stevens was added ai a cost ai $40,- .1wsone ot the 20 girls ai the.. 000. At the present trne. the ! GrduaingClass and site ao1centre la casiing tte club about - notived à 3aholwaahiP Awed. 1$6,800 aa U£ta maitain fori wm ~-39e i 1.75 suze Dreck Shampou 1.49 Belene Curtis - 1.50 Value SprayNHel,* - -- 1.19 Lustre Creme Shampos Reg. 65e d. l â . Reg. 1.10 IMP tub,,-Z- "rOi- Reg. 2.50 A3 Halo Shampos Melene Curtis - £er. 69e Suave - - - TRIE ID E AXTIE FOR CHILDREN CASTRIA 49Y 79Y Ne i&Tonyom ui s aUu RxiNopwdeoew creaiay draps on ~5i~fE>~OJie.euh.cach cuti do the trick. T anmd oly wMralizer that's pro- fmonaly pse-micd to give you Profes- tioma wave rcus at bore Nomooe measuring! No messy mixing! No àhaps! bNcw No-Mix Tom h sthe a m... oeue .-.-. most fool-proof P.Oub, sàqw roe G b... PRESCRIPTIONS 23c 33c DELSEY* TWIN-PACK, laagi m UI COLOMR 1.98 _ 319e antd 69e size 2ROL Bath for 7c2RL PINK! YELLO 35 2 Foy'q> 98C AQLJA! WHITEIt *e $2*00I Ilelene Curtis - Reg. 1.64 Enden CILEAR or CREAMN "tee Comb witb '"C- 'tise Hollywood Wave Sel Regular 15r White Rain LOTION SHAIMPOO(2 kor 99C .4 49c Sîze Plus a 75c size lquid or lotion Lustre-Creme Shampos Bath for 89c' Other Specials! I.D.A. Brand - 4 oz. & 143 oz.. reag. 98~c, Stomach Powder - 79c, 1.89 Evelyn Howard Theatrical 1 Ilb. r-eg. 89ù Cold Cream - - - - - 69c NqODESS BONUS PACK Deluxe by MODESS 6 mapkins free wlth regrular ?4 napkin> 99C Teen-age by MODESS 24 NJapkins plus Erce Beit and ilookipt 96C Rair Brush and Corni with 98e miz.' Pepsodent Tooth Paste ASPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 1.50 - - 29c 98c many activities which it ac-! was destroyed, the report sta-Tat5pecntoai nesjGraCigLsAgesC- - I ommdats. ed.Eigt dg lcenes erereceived for the sale of lots.iai-nia, on 'Mother's Day. IioMr.e Thompson gave detailsi sold, and seven investigations 'and single graves be set aside: Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton Counflof th original charter night, were made. Twa dogs were !for perpetual care. 2. That and family were Sunday visît- held on Monday, May 27, 19351 boarded. Money turned overj an addition be made to anoth-! ors with her sister, Mi-. and Br et i the Badminton Club. Char- ta Bowmanville amounted ta ýer paragraph to make it readý Mrs. Bruce Little. Agincourt. Briefs ~ ter Officers and MAembers in- $65.50 and ta Darlington S35., "and such stone or concrete. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sharman. cldd:Peidn r.W .ýTereport af the Building base footing". 1Mr and Mrs. E. Sharman and Clarnce theAssesorBirks, lst Vice Cecil H. Dud-, Inspector, Mel Moore, showed he riff rates were chang-, îanmilvM.A.Sama n was given authority by Ton Smith, 3rd Vice D. Alex Mc-: issued in April. The amount depth burials, and the second; friend. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Coucilon uesay veing Gregor, Seretary Charies D. f the construction planned 'ta the e price. . B. Henderson and familv, to attend the Municipal As- Searle, Treasurer Frank G.; was $55,000. also several other minor chang-1 on .Nr and miy, sa, .re sessment School ta be held in Jamieson, Lion Tamer E. L., es in wording made.oreadfniy ,hw ee Peterborough on June 2nd!Bill Oliver, Tail Twister Stu- I -_______.Sida iioswt r n and 3rd. Ail members of Bow- art R. James, Directors W. H. i . Mrs. J. Burgcss. manville Town Council were Hill, Percy R. Cowling, Dr. R. C hI1ON y 'lALEM R iards ta rertesr eng present at the meeting held E. Dinniwell, Joe O'Neil-~Iaj' ihrs shm fe en in the Council Chamber. Members, J. J1. Brown. Wm. : a»atient in Oi;hawa Hospital. On a motion by Councillor J. Bagneil, Ted Chant, Em W. iD There was a good attendance I There mrere quite a few at- Keith Lathangue, seconded by Crawford. Lyall Crabb, Geo. at our Mother's Day service on tending the -'Open House" at Reeve Sidney Little, Branch L. Davidge. E. V. Hoar, Alan (otne o aeoe Sunday. Rev. F. Jackson co- the schoois last Thursday v 178ai he anaia LeionKnihtBet H Motlok, imducted a baptismal service ening. The pupiLs;' art, writinig was given permission ta have Mair. Roy W. Nichais. Vern the Liberty Street Storm Sew- wîhen the foliowing childreen and other work was on displa>. the 1960 Olds "88" two door I Ott and Maurice Breslin. er; By-Law 1749 for the issue, were pres#rted for baptismn: Lundh was served by inembers hard top car ta be drawn ai' The 25th Birthday Party of debentures amaunting ta -pandolph Scott, son of Mr-. and1 of the Home and School Club. the Legion Carnival this sum- concluded with a social hour $45,000 for the maintehance and Mrs* . J ures Lee Ann. dau- mer, parked next ta the Pub- and members and visitors f-rn LtatiNon a762the rea;By-È~ e r.Ki lic Library during the ticket near and fair had an oppoLr N. 72tarpalB 1a Maynard; Lisa Marie. daughte:HAFPIT sale. -u . arne cuit No 1746. This will reduce the1 iM-adMs o ri tunity to renamunt ai nterestbeing pIofMs dMs obCag YGEýRI AR Councillor Lathangue, sec- made at conventions in tnany aintofa intances.Thben ahe ondd y ouniforRoss parts of the country.ItoBLasasd eN. scrîpture lesson. The offeriný Stevens, moved the adoption tio Bsent ta the ll b of the report ai the Board af 1764 for the issue ai debentur- soni o etgoutheducaio Works meeting. Councillor 1es af $41,958 for the construc- onifrregiusdcao. Glenholme Hughes, seconded w i a r tion ai the Liberty Street Storm A numnber fi-rn this com- by Dput-Reee Ian Hbbs W el o re Sewer, and No. 1763 for the munity attended the schoolj by Doepuy-vean amnmn hobbs. issue af debentures amountingl meeting at the Township Hall, -movedanpoaie aet theAna ah (Caîîtinued fi-arn page one) ta, $13,100 ta pay for the lire1 Hampton, on -Monday evening fcharged ta the Mrena Man. Aprîl were eight unemploy-, truck. IlJr. and Mrs. W. Craig w.ere agernent Committee, but out- able heads of families with' Councillor, Stevens, chairmani pleased ta receive a telephone fside police thiere be charged1 22 dependents: Ihree sîngle'ai the Dog Contrai Committee.1 cal,frian their daughter, Miss s1 ta the town. This was carried. persons unemio.yed and i-e- reported thai this coinrnitee had - _____ On motion of Deputy-Reeve, ceîVîng niecical care: ane de- heldi a ineeting, with the Dal-ý lHobbs, seconded by Council- j serted case xin tour depen- 'ington Dog Contrai Committee. FINE QUALITY lai- Lathangue, the counicil en-: den-ts, onîe case on post sana- The Boivmanville Dog Canti-ol MNMNT N dorsed a resolution ai thei toium care with one depen- Commnittee was inforined thati MN ETSAD City ai Peterborough request-1 dent, and i eghl patients in Darlingyton planned ta changel MARKERS ing the Government ai Can- Nursing Hornes. the township's Dog Control By- ada ta take immediate action Total indigent days for Lam, ta read "a charge for 4 go* ow b n t W*, q for the solution of the seriaus April were 1-40. Expenditure baard af $2 an the first day, 0eULI[ unemployment problem in the for the month was $847.82 for and $1 for each additional day OF STAFFORD V i country. direct welfare; $732.50 for: or portion ai a day".. BROS. %.ýhoee t the OS1, Councillar Lathangue, se- Nursing Home coi-e; excess Councillor Stevens rnoved ..haretqsvo conded by Councillor Hughes, and medicines. $40: a total that the Bowmanville Dog ________ umladra jmoved that a sîgn marked cost of $ 1,620.32. Exoccted i-e- Contrai By-Law be amended Our Aikond crvor "West Beach" be installed ai caveries through provincial, ta have the saine charges pi-e- afArtosiflv. the corner ai Wharf Road and subsîdies and chai-gebacks vail. Councillor O. J. Pressoni Lthe one leading ta the West amaunt ta $1,264.25 sa the ac- 1 secanded the motion and it wasi Safr rs *Carlton be notified that ber fare in April wili be $456..11 A motion that the changes Bah n htMs lrneta ott h onfrwl aild o Drequest bas been granted. This The repart ai the Doc Con- recoînmended by the cemeteryl M nm na ok t. was carried. trol Offieer for April showedi committee be made in the t A request fi-rn Edward that 17 dogs wei-e picked up. Cernetery By-Law was made by 318 Dundas St. E. WhitbM.-54 -Rundle, Jane Street, ta have Six were destroyed. and il Cauncillor Stevens, seconded Phone Whitby________________ ra tree removed fi-rn the bau- were returnied ta their awners. by Councîllar Ken Nicks, and MOhawk 8-355? -LNRE T- GO' jlevard in front ai bis praper- One cat was picked and one carried. The changes were: 1. ty was reierred ta the Raads and Streets Committee. Coun- scillor Lathangue reported that 1he bad received a couple of 1calîs regarding the possibility COMPETITIVE PuICE PLUS PMEESNAL SERVICIE oi abtaining a road ta the Burgess and Leddy praper- tles that are situated across sthe railway fi-rn Chapel -Street. This was reierred ta FT the Board ai Works on motion of Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, se- conded by Councillor O. J. 1D A@DUq TIE 1Presson. 1Counicil was informed b the Mayor that Lyle MeMa- hon, the present owner ai the sformer Williams praperty, Scugog Street, is anxious ta SPECIAL VALUES AI> RE INDEs FOR TIIS WEES clean up the road allawance there. The Mayar feli that it Iwould flot be gaod business __________________________________________ ta bave the town deed him the road allowance. On motion ai Councillor Lathangue, seconded by Caun- Money-SavingSPECIwe« cillai- Stevens, it was decided ~~ ta have the Public Praperty jWd~ Cammittee investigate the On~f HAI R CARE Items! matter and present a repartou. __________. Baby Brush with 2-o. size NestIe % ea1900 *~j M OO B Baby Har Trealmen 1.-- 29 «wufloitDRY BEC PAGE SEVM THE CANADMN STATESMAN, BOMUNVMIX, ONTARIO 1 -

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