THIJRSflA!. MAY l2th. 199(b Afternoon Lai *1Friday atternoon 'May fth, all teams in the After- mion Ladies' Lea.-up split the points again Ipaving the, Wrens and Robins stîl i ted for first place and the Wrens stil leading in pins. Hîgh dou- ble went to Shirley Davis with 413~ for the tLwo games and high single went ta her also for her 250 game. Other Us Y@uRt BEUT BUY HOUlE HEATING ?"tITHING DOWN ùasy payments over 5 VEAIRS en monthly gas bis $14-69 forced air furlnace, gIii cllding labour and Ma- lerlfihs te cannect uih neommt oxiing baie. ment ducti. * . 0 conversion burne. Mst furnaces. CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS lints for ail types of home heating FREE BIJRNER SERVICE Yor Sas rompany doe ont employ door-tc. door sa lesmen nom telephone canivassers. For Information about dealers irensed by 1he Ontario Fuel Bo ard to seli and instali niaturai So qulpment ril or write the sales PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 N'o Fayment 'il September Support the' Oshawa lospiitai Fund - THE ~~~ADLA3 STAT!SMAIi, BOWMA1iVJLL~. 4~NTARIO PAGE d e 'jwas a capacît crow d whieh ide'League enjoye 200 games were7 Velmla Kit- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson visited with friends Mr. and son and Sache I3ucknell 221, Mrs. George Lawrence, Merrit- Marion MacDonald 214, Mar- ton, Ont., from Friday to Sun- ion Crowe and Barb. Court-1 a ney 212. Alyce Hodgson 24i;MMs Mli onrck and Marg. McDcinald 203. Ms ileVfdaePt erborough Teacher's College, Avera&Ws spent the weekend at home Ollie Patfield -------- -- -185 with her parents. Mr. and MrS.1 Ena Etcher . ---- 179 E. Vondracek. Betty Richards ..~ 178 Mr, Neil Brownell ind Ted Bonnie McDonalct 178 1 are% were at Mink Lake on Shirley Davis ---- 174 auay Doris Holroyd ---- --------- 166 Saturam nwdn r.Hr Alyce Hadgson 165 ol---165 kcin, Mr. and Mrs. Nob- Marion Crowe 162 l Betty Kelly ------- 161; le Metcalf, Oshawa, were Fr1- Sadie ucknel - -19 day dinner guests with MT. Sadi Bucnell159and Mrs. Roy VanCamp. Helen Roers .- - --157 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright MuelRogh - -- - 157 and family were Sunday visit- Huel n Nichlson- -1,46 ors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hilda SiNiclon -----153 Wright, Enniskillen. and also Daphna Sprague. - ---- 5 called on Mr. and Mrs, Norman Marg. Coyle 1491Wrgh Barb Coirtny î4 IMr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Barbon ibsny145 i Bowmanville, were Sunday ev- ljasv ell144, enmng supper guests with their Marg, MBoel] ---- 143------ son, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fol- Velma Kitson -- --------141 ev and family. Hilda Mooney ----------- 141 Helene Rundle ----- - 140 Mabl Wllims 39ELIZABETH VILLE Marion MacDonald --- --13 AacTrewin-----------136 Sunday School and churchi Aua rwi ------------- 36 services were held as usual. Augocoiloh-------- 132 During the Mother's Day ser- Agnn White . -----132 vicc. christening services were Ban Wison ------ ---- 131 held and baby Bonnie Powell, Bearbaiasoliso----------- 130 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- Jeban Lob o --130 ald Powell, was christened. enLe M ------et -rs --- 129 Not too large a crowd due ta Elsie Richards 126 the rainy weather. Marion Wiseman --------- 126 On Friday night betweenl Ruby Munday ----- - ------ 124 250 and 300 boy scouts gathr Cozette Neads --------- ---- 123 ed at the coldspring Forestry Millie White - --- 123 Cam? just. northof hlere forý Team Standingie W remn ----- -- Robins--------------- Bluebirds ---- -- îCanaries ---- ------ --«--- -- Sparrow s --------- l----- Bluejays- BASE LIE Mr.Cyril Luke, Oshiawai was a Ma-n-day afternoari cailler ai. Mr. and Mrs. Rvy Vanî Camnp's. The executive (il the Mapie G-rave Women's lnstitte met at the home of Mrs. K. C. Hop- kins on Monday eveni*g. Mr. and Mrs. Norrmn n ea- itch, Highland Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Leaitch, Ajax, were Friday evening caillers at the home af Mr. and lMrs. A. Barnes. The' Bowmaiîville Home and School Assoc., invited lhe fa- thers aîîd motiiers o! Ofrade 8 pupils from. the surround-ing jdistricts ta joîn t-hem i-n a spe- cial meeting at the Lions Cen- tre on Thiuîr!d av ren i n. There servi ces , tree planting, etc.. but since it rained most of Sat- urday and Sunday, I don'l ex- pect they were able to do much o! anything. On Friday. Mr. aoid Mrs. Orley Mercer attended the Convocation Exerci-ses held at Yorkminister Baptist Church in Toronto when 500 students graduated from the Ryerson Institute of Technology. Alan MVercer, one of the students, graduated in Mechanical Tech- nology. The Wornen's Institute lield Aheir meeting at Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Smith's home on Wednesday. A fair crowd with president Mrs. C. Mereer pre- sidi-ng. The minutes -were read and a'pproved PIlans weî'e made to attend the District Annual at Mount Pleasant. Mrs. C. Mercer played an in- strumental. Mrs, Peacock gave current even-ts and, Mirs. Quan- trîll had a palper to read. Lunch w-as served - Miss Carol Gordon, Port1 Hope, with Mss Gwen Mercer1 Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Koh":-ki and chiidren o FOR LASTING BEAUTY OUTDOORS M-t&ifr- EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT. Beautiful ion for your home. Especially formulated towiIh. stand the extremnes of aur Canadien cimats. (Pr.ce leil coer t ibes.) $1,65 Qt. $5e75 . one Coat Whfte $1.90 ot. $698 So FOR A NEW LOOK INDOORS -Mri. LATEX PAINT. A cinch f0 aplyflows « smoothly, quickly with brush or roller. Drins in minutes to a simofh subdued sheen. (Price lois coer tub»..) $1,65 Qt. $5.750G01. Semi-Closs $1 .65 01. $5.75 Oui. FOR A CAR PET 0F COLOUR 7t~l1.-FLOOR ENAMEL. Simply defie.samuffins, ideul for any high traffic coce, floors, stairs, etc. Dries quickly f0oa tough, colorful finish. iPrioe less colo tub«.) $1,65 Qt. *BASEMENT WALLS (LATEX) $1.65 0*. $5,075 0. $535 Gad. FOR LOW COST PROTECTION ~ii4-UTILITY PAINT. Protect with color. est longe M !.from youi' fanes, barn end .utbuilfings. la ex- tenior green, red, brown, or white. (Cot tubes exira for ot4er e'oou.) .99C ot. $3,39 rai. FOR SEAUTY ON THE WATER i&~BOAT ENAMEL, Skm over the wateeuweys in a corefr. flash of color - assured fliof Western ,jBout Enumel protects as if beautifies. Dri» e at.ban.d ploss-Iike, long Iosting finish, 69C 1/2 Pint $2.20 cle. Spa,' Varnish $1.95 0f. $655@. 4 'IRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO.- ASSOCIATE $TUE Phone MA 3-3134 1;5 Kilig St. W. A. Boyd, Prop. Nice Catch of Trout shaw, bed lamp from Kramps Furniture Store; Lorraine Martyn. set of mixing bowls from Mason and Dale Hard- ware Ltd., and Molly Mairs, evening bag from Maher's Shoe Store. A most amusing entertain- ment was presented by thel Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion under the direc- tion of President Millie Bates. Those who took part were Margaret Lawrie, Loretta Kil- gannon, Frances Bruce, Gail Downey, Ruth Osborne, Grace Downey, Millie Bates, Mary Westover,. Elda Brown, Au- drey Fletcher, Mel McNulty, Florence Knight, Anne Dili- ing, Amy Tait, Annie Wright, and Gladys Etcher. An excellent pragramni f rhythmie dance music 'vas played in perfect tempo by iBud Virtue and his orchestra: Joyce Virtue, electrie gui ai', Bud Virtue. rhythm guitar, and Dave Garrett, Oshawa, drums, The festive annual banquet Attractive cups anîd saucers -BueHgr- held by the Bowmanville La- for games with a score of 300 Bruce Hogarth_ dies' Major Bowling League and over were received by in the Legion Hall on Mon- Bernice Buday, Dot Brooks, day evening was an outstand- Hilda Brock, Margaret Perris. S RE C ing success. The president, Joyce Major. Peggy Hayries. C E C Helen Vivian, welcomed the Grace Blackburn, Barbara' toast to the Queen was pro- tels, Onie Etcher, Eleanor bar- yDvdM. 2' posed by the vice-president, mer and Lydia Baten. BDavid the eed oth Nyhl Sheehan. Prizes were presented toafthe 29th of April, Bawmanvillt,i The head table was centred first and second sehedule win 1eietswr nerandb with an exquisite arrangement ners as follows: Fîrst sched- the Sait Fleet Band, Theyl of artificial pink roses. Those ule, high single, Bernice Bu- firsi lydfrth tdns at the head table were Presi- day. xvho also received the on pliayed fote sintudet dent Helen Vivian; NyhI Shee- prize in this schedule for the gynsium. They were ex- han, the vice-presidetit and high triple and the high aver- cellent! treasurer Mabel Wiliams, age. Prizes for the' next fîve That night they were guests the secrctary;, Ivy Coverly and highest averages. One Etcher, Gladys Rahme, averages con- Hilda Bîock, Kay Beauprie, venors-, Esse Cox, replacement Doris Joli ani Em Stringer. manager; Doris Holroyd, sun- The second schiedlile prize shine convenor; and Jean Sel-- winners xveîe: fligh single lers, publicity convenor. j and high triple. Doris .1011; M Pretty corsages of pink hîgh averagp, Bernice Bilday, flowers and green leaves each and the nexilfive highesl av- adorned with a dainty yellow erages, Onie Etcher. Hilda bow marked the places of' the Brock. KaY Beauprie, Dot 110 members of the league- Brooks and Emn Stringer. and their guests. Anather fa-! Velnîa Mytes was presented vor at each place was a bowl- with the' Lemon League Tro- ing tumbler. Every lady pres- phy anîd ashtra.vs were the cnt also received a wvatch and1 prizes rectcived by the Lerilon ring holder donated by Marr'si League members: Dorothy- Jewellery and Gift Shop. Virtue, Dolly Brooks. ,Ioan A deliciaus turkey diniier Engley, Shirley Davis,. u ... . was served by the Ladie aine Palmer, Millie White, Auxiliary to the Canadian Le- Meg Gibbs, Evelyn Embly, gion. Comrade Millie Batt's, - Dot Fair,. Em Bromnieli, G.- the resient andComade! Buis. D. Holroyd, G. Rahine, ~the p asienan oi re Hele n Gilhooly, Mary Harri- Florence Knight, sonGret Luxon, yhi hee sident, were the catering co- sonGc. Wouonr, NJ. Hcs, convenors. Ivy Coveri), moved Bcn, Chartlira, JhirBrok a vote of thanks to the Aux- ehCarnSilyBok iliary for the preparation anud Nn~BynNraGy serving of the delectable (lin. Ivy Coverly, Shirley Bîckle, ( ner.Stella Brown, Molly 1-ender- nec. son. Ruby Woodward, Vivian Vice-president Nhyl Shce- Cowan. Helen Vivian. Pcgg han on behaif of the league Hayres, June Baker, Dell Vin- We Re e members presented Presicln o onLuu abr ah the Rîght tet Helen Vivian with the beauti-- gate, Hilda Simnick, Velma Limit fui floral centrepiece from the Myles. and Alice H-odgson. Quailtities. hcad table. The president pre-, sented a special trophy ta Dor- Eleet New Executive is Jol for the 408 gamne that Th'le executive of the Ladies COMBINATION Mi ee had bawled. Major Bowling Leaguefte TABLE RITE Trophies were presenteci to caming year was electd s1 the winning team: Sadie Buîck- follows: Mary Harrison. Wîl- W E Si-b. nelI, the captain; Onie Etcher. ma Bates, Helen Dunn, Vivian! IN R Ada Richards, Eleanor Lar- Cowan, Kay Stephens1, lHelen TALCITe mlle l mer, Babe Brown, H-elen Cor- Corden. Bernice Buday. Elea- TAL RIE-SalLn den and Gladys Rahme- nos- barner. Beth Chartran, PURE PORK The members o! thc l'un- Dell Vinsan, Molly H-enderson, ne-,p team, Bernice Buday., and Thelma Forresier. Offi- S U A E Pg the captain: Eileen l-olroyd, cers will be chosen at the first 1 Helen Piper, Thelma Forres-! meeting o! the new executive.- TABLE RITE ter, Vivian Cowan, Mabel Wil- First schedulc lucky draw RINDLESS - SLICEI) SIU liams and Alice Hodgson. \vere winners: Octobeir l9th. H-ilda presented with bowling broo- Brock 241: October 26th, He- BACON1, l. ches. -- len DLinn 117; November 2nd,, B C NPkg. Kay Stevens 234, November Ail above 3 items only Hamilton, visited at Mi. a nd 9th. Emma Bromell 187 - Nov- -Mrs. Woolacott's and Mr. and' ember i6th. Beth Chiartran LEAN - M1LD CURED hi-". Hana-ka's. 122: Noverniberi 23rd. Stella Mr. James Robinisoil. M Browni17; November "(oîthi Peameal Collage1 Milford White, -Mr. Stoii n Mabel Williaîus 121: DceM-1 Miss Donna Mercer have ail. ber 7th, Donina Preston 204; FRESH, LE AN, âMEATY purchased new cars iin the' re-: Deceiiber l4th, Dot Fair 102. IDEAL FOR BARBECUIN cent weeks. Hope the bad ~d December 21s1. Nyhi Sheehan .wnimprove sa that driv , ]P aury4h.G.Bis17;0 K SPARE RI themn will be a pleasure. January Il ti. S. Davis 101;1 __________________ Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Osh - adJnayltDrsH awa, visited ini the village Sun-, royd 131. OU) SOUTH - FROZEN day evening. . Second sclhedule lucky draw' Mrs. Victor Peacock. 0s-1,!nies January 25th. Helen O A G UC awa, i spending a fwdy Pr 0;Fcbruary lst. Bar- O A G UC with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 1Pea bara Bathgate 175; February cock. 8th, Eleanor Larmer 135, Feb- SAVE 10e - MONARUN IM Young Peoples beld fîir-, ruai-y l5th, Dorec Muttoîî 133; meein o Snda eennginFebruary 22nd, Eîîa Etclîer MARGARINE mh eetg ntSundathevcung 245; February l9tlî. Myra he asm ofthe chrchHapps 119; Marc-h 7th, Ruby he ona.nd i iMe-Woodward 117, March l4th, JIY HNS N E Misss Dona nd Rt-h er- Norma Norris 196; Mareh 2lst, cy THNSIN cec, Toronto, were at home forU Babe Brown 112: March 28th, the weekend. Es o,10:Arl4i er U l s Miss Darlene Thicksoîî re- Eice Terry 10: Aprl 4Il, Der- u lî t C turned to Toronto Su.nday, - - T, ry 165;Aril i 11, li Da _____________ - -- - Simnick 132-, Aprîl 25th, Sal-i ly Bissonette 123.Do The winners o! the, Special ie 3 flraw for the' many attractivei ~ prizes donated hy local mer- chants were: Ada Richards, set o! Melmac dishes froin FLORIDA -US. No. 1 CRI wuv MONT Western Tire: Bernice Terry,E E imd tunY" vu, giýt certificate for shampoo j!r URAI miro and set from Wanda's Beauty S tali .r Salon: Shirley Biekie. neck-1 1 -- IMS«. lace and earrings fromi Marr's VACUUM COOLED. GAý Jewellery and Gift Shot,: Ma- L~1 t'y Harrison, pair of gloves! ETTUCE cead froîn Jac-k Child*.sý Clnthingi Store: Stella Brown, bQx o 1 UBAN - PEAK OF FL. chocolates from Pearson s! Smoke Slîop: Li] hlis-s I E P L troni Rickabys; Nyhi Shet'- 1 ]IN M L han. evening bag from Bres- lin'.,; Jean Staînton. Ttveed ______________ cologne and talcurn from Mc.- - 1rooks, Blue Grass lotion and SHO0P AN -)ap from Jury and Lovell's rug Store-, Marion Gibson, __ pr__JeweAery ad Gift of honour et our school dance centred ini different parte! On Uaturdey the Salt W1..t and aur dance band played the hall and this gave he Bmnd played et the 3o3's for un there. Everyone enjoy- Lroom a warm cheery atmon- Training School and later Ia ed dancing to the "Bel-Aires".1 phere. night at the Town Hall. 'l1 The auditorium was gaily Our congratulations te the was a fine group and I'm ure decorated in pale yellow, students of 12C for a fine job1 that anyone who billette blue and green. Colour- done in decorating and man-J themn for the night were mor ed fluorescent lîghts__were aging the dance. 'than happy to do e. . ID SAVE AT.a0 mnanville IGÂ Market DGWNANILLE-ONTARIO IGA Market nEwcàsTL, oGIleS THE CANAI)LAN STATESM", BOWMA"MLLfý ONTAIUM W - -~ In the Ediior's Mail Box 1901 Pickering, Ontario.! This is oui, first f ish photo of the season, showing 1 Dear Johin: Ted Buttery and son David with 22 speckled trout and! 1 enclos~ herewith Motney one spiake. The young lad is holding the splakc. They! Order ta caIver aur year's sub- were cauglit by Ralph Fryand Ted inPigeon Lake. scription ta your valued paper. ____________ _____We look forward ta this "let- ter fromn home" each week. The news coverage is com- , w ard M any Prizes ipîte, bth for the rural com-. inunities and the urban cen-i tres.1 follaw with particular, interest the reports of the var-î 'A t adie M aj r jus meetings of the munici- At Ladis Majorpal councils. O owiin Lg. Diner inepublication and best Bow fng ge. înn r 1wishes for continued success. 1 Yours trulv- 1 PAM IM