PAGE BIGHT tk6ore Juvenile Softball League Schedule May - 30-New. va. P.H. 31-Bow. vs. Oro. June - 6--P.H. va. Bow. Oro. va. New. 13-Bow. vs. New. Oro. vs. P.H. 20-Bow. vs. P.H. 21-New. vs. Oro. 27-Oro. vs. Bow. P.H. Vs. New. JuIy - 4-New. vs. Bow. 5-P.H. vs. Oro. 1l-New. vs. P.H. 12-Bow. vs. Oro. 18-P.H. vs. Bow. Oro. vs. New. 25-Bow. vs. New. Oro. vs. P.H. August - 15-Bow. vs. P.H. 16-New. vs. Oro. '22-Oro. vs. Bow. P.H. vs. New. 29-New. vs. Bow. 30-P.H. vs. Oro. P.H.-Port Hope. New.-Newcastle. Oro.-Orono. Bow.-Bowmanville. The Bowmanville teani this -- year is sponsored by W. A. Kîlpatrick Plumbing, and has, the appearance of being a' very strong club. Most of last: yers club bas turned out' again as well as a lot of new players. We hope the publie,; will support us again as welli as ihey did last seas9n. WeiA hlope to play Our home games! eitber at Central School orA Franklin Park. More detail next week.____j A&ttention! FROM THIS DATE ON PLEASE PHONE MA 3u2753 FOR Bowmanville Home Improvements For the Best in: ALUMINUM DOORS AND 'WINDOWS AWNINGS AND RAILINGS FLOOR AND WALL TILE FULL LUNE 0F INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTS Free Estimates on Ins talling Above Products The latet uM l'lusSpriflgse.CvICe... i desigflcd for Your addcd safety, coif0We and con- venlenncC. -VAU XHALL TmE CANAD!ANSTATmaNw, EOWMANVIL&OIfTAMO Ladies Major League Ends Season with Big Night On Monday, the members of the Ladies' Major Bowling League held their annual banquet and entertainment at the Legion Hall. During the evening, a special prize was presented by the league ta Doris Joli who rolled a 408 game for the al-time local high by a lady bowler. Sadie Bucknell's team received top Mixed Bowling Spicer and Brock awards, but, unfortunately, she had lef t for home by the trne aur photographer 1 0- arivd t hescne IAld ei hrsOiue are the remaining members of the M eet for T itie B out Brown, Helen Corden and Gladys Rahme. In the foreground is Doris Joli, lef t,' It wîll be Spicer vs. Brock bottom six teams, Jack Bond's, tomorrow night for the Mixed bowlers were the winners receiving the specialprizefram Helen Vivian,_president of theleague. Bowling League Champion- witb a 3089 total. Bob Mit- ________________ --ship, Friday night, Art Spi- chell's squad were the clos- cer's teamn, paced by Lau est pursuers, 97 pins behind at Welsh's 721 and Onie Etcher's 3032. Jim Cox's team rolled -687, ralled up the bigb series 2971 witb the others far be- of 3283 ta defeat Cec. Mut- hind. À'ton's club. wbo had 3001. El- The Mxed Bowling League îÀ ton Brock racked up a 773 Banquet wilI be held a week triple indluding a 328 gamleto from Saturday on May 21st, lead his outfit ta a 3108-280416:30 p.m. at the Memorial Park win over Fred Luxton's crew. Club House. Ail bowlers are In a play-off among the requested ta attend, Elton Brock's Team - Wins Men's Major Titie Over Murrov Larmerfs c ExIperlenCe GMC'I l' new torsion ba nid. ne^ comfort egn«red cab-, Plus thedoesf ohrfcatures. See your local Pontiac dealer BUICK CARS The hattie for the John1îAI. James trophy tank place on Wednesday with Elton Brock's teani winnîng over Murray SLarmer's in two straight games. The first gaine was a close one with Brock*s teamn win- ~S. ning by 3 pins. 1038 te 1035. The second gamne was neyer in doubt as Larmer's team only had 998 pins while jBrock's team had a big 1272 game. Elton Brock was tbe' top bowler with games of '241, 303, Frank Bluint bad 267, Dr. Austin 250 and Frank Lewins 237, 234. Jack Lander xvas top mnan for the lasers witb 222,1 230. The champions for the 1959- 60o season are Captain Elton! WESLEY VILLE We inlay need' boatq ta take tihe news to thie mail box soon, but at least wells shcould beà full of water, and ground bave reserve that folks will flot have k> draw, water forý farm use this coming seascn.I Some farmers have consider-1 able seeding done but others with Io wland have not started Spring work. Fiocks of geese nunîbering hundreds. have been resting on near by beaches and' provid- ing good alarm, cdocks for eary risers. as thpy leave the 1ake! to fly in broken groups. grad- ually taking *' formnation as, they head northiwar-d5. There were about 60 Oui foi, Family Day at Sundav Schooli with superintendent Miirray; Payne, conducting. The storyv of a family illustrated by thati maprvellous part of thle bod',. the hand, was told with as'sis4 ance from Gwennie and Leslie Ford, Linda Thorndyke, Larry1 Dinner, Garfield Payne,. Mar- sha White and Patty Payne. The special offering was taken, by James Nîchols and James1 Eyden. A lovely arrangement of forsythia, mums and gerani- iims, -another of daffodils, hon-j oured mothers in the church on this. their specia] day and a vase of Ontario's own white trilliums w&% there ini rem-ý embrance of the Mothers who are gone Mr, Hardings even-1 ing sermonn for the childrený and one for eider folkik as based on the story of Tîimothy and his Méther and grand-! mother; the choir's anther was elso a tribute ta Mother. Ho'ward Brooking of Bow-! manville is busy decorating the: interior of the church so il, will: ho spic'k and spant for the ren-' tennial services, Mesdames George Tuifford, L. Holdaway and E. Barrow-ý clough met with Mrs. HaroIdý 1Austin ai hPr ho-me on Tues-1 *day for arrangement of theý monthly meeting of thp W.A.> *which j.-,being beld <ine day1 later than usual.1 M"s. D. Vannatto who hasi recently had an operation on hre eyes, is convalescing withW 'daughter, Ethel, Mrs. L. Ough- fred. We are glad tr, have an loid neighbour back for a fev', idays. Manv eottagere braved the' deluge 'b spend at least part of the weekend at the Cotae Mr. Vogelgesang of Barie, spent the weekend ith his -fainily here.1 ps¶!. IO Lnnemied - GMC TRUCKS MA 3-3321 and 3-3322 Bî'ack, Bert Ergley, Frank Lewins, Dr. C.- Austin, Ken Luxton and Frank Blunt. The runners-up are Cap- tain Murray Larmer. Jack Lander, Bill Bates, Paul Chant, Bob Martyn and Bruce Vi- vian. The vnen's major Icagu tournament will be finished thîs week and the resuits will be announced next week. Don't forget the big banquet! this Saturday, May l4th at: the Canadian Legion Hall on Queen Street. TRTIRSAY, MAY tIM, 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPORTf'opucgi By Frank Mohun r 3.72341 i MEN'S SOFTBALL GETS UN. UER WAY Stephen Fuels, last year's. Town League Softbail Champs. play Ken's Men's Wear Io-night in a pre-season exhibition game, slated for 6:30 alî the Central School. The other two clubs in the league ha me already seen action, au Snuffy's Body Shop met Bowmanv ile Surplus Sales Tuesday night. The regular gets underway Tuesday, May 1 7th and agali on the l9th in a repeat of 4âý exhibition games, with Stephen's and Ken's hooking up i n the opener and Snuffy's playing the Sales on the second ni ght. Ail games will be played at f lie Central Sehool diamond on Tuesdays and Thursdays, wîtb a siarting timne of 6ý45. The line-ups of each team are niurh the saine as lest season, but only two managers, am b ack. AI Osborne will handle the' reins of the Men's 191ear, with brother-in-law Murray Tighe again in charge of t he Sales club. Paul Chant has replaced Jaqnk Cole as the Fuels' man- ager,, and Snuffy's wlll have Harrr" Akey at the helm. i.i LAKESHORE DEADLINE T(>.NIGHT To-nîght is the deadline fomv eniries mbt the different divisions of the Lakeshore group- After hearing many dif- ferent stories regarding the teétilis ho would represent Bowmanville, we shaîl finally hbeve the truc picture afiet' to-night. We have heard that only twta juvenile entries and thrce midget entries have been receivefl. If that is what the final outcomne is, it would appear to this reporter that the only solution would be the forming of *a midget-Juvenile league. A junior entry from Bown's.mville doesn't appear to be forth-coming, leaving thîs town -%with three basebaîl teanis: pee wee, bantam and mîdget. fDOi ly Port Hope bas entered an intermedfate club ta date and they will play in a' leaguie with junior teanis from Newcastke, Cobourg and Oshawa. We understand that the ?o e Wec loop will have six entries, with eight entries in ýtb-e bantani division. The Legion wîll sponsor a Bowmanvf lie teani in each division. Although not in a sponsor's raIeb. Bill Steven has offered tn help the midgets out of financCél difficulty. We'll knowr to-night wvhether or not we shal.'have a juvenile tea.. GOLF COURSE IS OPEN Bowmanville's Southview K.olf Course was open for play hast week, as many local enthusiasts got their golfing swing in form, after a long winter- of hockey, badminton, bowl- ing, basketbalh, etc. The course steadily impro#u."- lest ycar, and now et liho beginning of a new season, it ils tin the best shape yet. The greens are in aniazing conditioi., paricularly wben you con- sider that they are little over a yi4iar old, and tbe fairways are filling in well. It takes quite a while ta 'develop a golf course, but if the sanie improvement is show th as hast season (and there'uç no reason why it shouldn't), tb e Southview Club will be asç gond as most that have been in, operation for a niuch longer time. i. -t 1 BADMINTON COMEBACK: When the local badmint ein seasoiq ended a eoupiA .MI weeks ago, it marked the endi'jng of a period of badmintoni playing, that a year ago, was <te emed impassible. When the building was condemned as tpiisafe, the cost of repairs, couphed with a current debt, ha d everyone believing that bad- minton in Bowmanville was at â, end - at: least at the Bad- minton Club. 1-lowever. it now appeaîns that diue ta the efforts of President Keitlit Siemon and a he~rd-working executive, along with a boan from several interveaýted people, the Bowmanvilloe Badminton Club is making a c'bvneback. -~ -. t i ti MEN'S MAJOR BANQUEIr Don't forget the Men's M-à jaî Bowling League Banquet, Saturday night, 6:30 o'cbock. al. the Legion Hall. MIXED BOWLING BANQt JET The Mixed Leaguers wilq be holding their Saturday, May 21st, 6:30 p.m.. at the Memorial House. I Are YOU... LOOKING FOR A GCw"OD USED Good Selection CAR - Models front 1959 Down IT PAYS TO DUY FIR0s1A CERTJFIED DEALEII I Ail Used Cars are thoroughly checked through q ur Service Departnient and are ready to give you many miles of tim ble-free driving! Ask any of Ihese salesmen Io give yon a demonstration ride EARL McQUEEN. Sales Maruigeî' WELDON BROWN MA 3-7288 HARLEY HAYES MA 3.7218 flUTJFOGCG SMA 3-3688 JI M CROMBIE MA 3-3862 We are Norry to report that Bill Fairhead qI)f aur Sales Staff is convalescing at home., MA 3.3321 RA 5-2712 Robson Motfors Ltd. PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUXHA1,j'- - GMC TRUCKe. 166 Ring Si. E. Dowmauvale Air, Rail or Steamship TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 flowmanville banquet mi 'Park clîî j Robson PO)ntNTIAC 166 King St. E. Motois Bowmanville bàlmo&o*jý id p mmm%ý." nwloqe"