pArIr TmILvr!TECNDTNSAFMNEWAVLE1o'.~n Heavy Rains Cause Considerable Damage From Flooding 1<1 MDA, MAT 12th, lu0 J- Roy Neads Loses Boat Docks HAVE YOUR BEST SUMMER EVEF Beally live. Enjoy the fun o: going plaaesq doing things. It's so easy in Ontario.Starl your best summer ever by mnailing the coupon below. ONARO RAELLITERATURE L ~ ..Sios'ou whîe lotaRO, Viîele to stay ait te pruce you waiit la pay. maii a.-loyOtarua ra.'ei, 761 Paliarnent Buildings, ?avronto Ontaria. 761 Address ___________ ... Poýýt Otiuce .-, - ,- - - prov.-, - - KNOW ONTARIO BETTERI explore ONTrARMO Ci TArý DEPAPIý SE i 0F IRAVELLAND PUBAIcUY ion. B a,,L Manvers IRoad Subway Blocked -Igl'lese threc photos tell th&7--- igrimstory' of considerabie dam- r age caused by the history-mak- awa; Mr. anid Mrs. W. .lewellofM.nd rsEicMleh; Sauayveng but0 ing threc-day ramn storm o lver and boys. with Mr. and Mrs. DvdBueHi, O fM.rltve1ahrdtt the weckend. Residents of the Russell Wright, Sunday. lh a e oel fMr n M . .Prke area suffered flooded celiars ~* l ~Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- A rs. Raiph Hi s;n fPeter o nd rs. W. F. Prard and baseraent recreation rooms, Te OooNw joy, Diane and Dale, Kedron, anfid MKnowAltoed, so f to hoeMr n r er CronTay- f b t th e v x e s of t ewere recent visitors of M . and Ga n Dr. ale id n, o i'it o r f M . ndaMr. ron T ayi 2 - deluge was taken by the Good- Mrs. Ja es E icards Edito Mrs. W. Jewell rad r. Gordon l Milson nowlr fduinaik ontery 2t yerdam where thewaeM Ja e . aioMranM.sGrdnMionIwdigaiesay They L'boethog h rig tekMr. aind Mirs. Allan Moffatt, Caria June Phillips, daughter Were ýpresented with a plat- tboe ot hdro pote rgh an iek M' yi nihPle- omnile nMy7hi uda usso r e Bowmanville: Mrs. Art h ur of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phillips: form rocker and step table. Re- b debristsirainon of ers ston, visited Rev. and Mrs. lier 78th year. Funeral was on 1Junkin, Rev. and Mcs. Basil 'Wannayvtrnae. eigof r nd . eGr hia aesno r mnsw evd ea iSnavitrsoM.anMr.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker: tives attended from Toronto, ! Road were forccd Io detour- Basîl E. Long and family. i uesday with interment i the1 E. bon g and family. . Leon "Moore anid Mrs. V. E. Ruth Anne Marie Camerion, Suttoiî W., Brampton, Bolton, xvhen the ('P.R. subway be-ý Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor tain iiy-plot. Orono Cemetery. Dnad nldans or ut Milison. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Greenbank, Bowrnanvilie end camle tlooded to a depth ofl and daughter Nancy, Bramp- i Mr. and Mrs. B. Woolridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adamas, M. and -Mis. James Wood---_-__ *several feet. Onîe unwary car ton. spent Sunday with Mr'. Jim, Brian. Gary and Paul,lDavid Orvilie Chatterton, son ýley and children visited Sun-- drier idnt eedthewavngand Mrs. Marshall Chatterton Lindsay,M.d Mr s.Ca-o i. and Mrs. rileCa-,dlatyhî prns r n arms of toxvn workmner and and attended the mroning ser- ton Long, Willowdale Mr terton. Joarin Lynn Hudson,i Mrs. R. D. Hlodgkinsoîî, Aur- FrBs eut found hiniself and bis cari vice at Orono United Churchi. and Mcs. Crîsp, Port Credit, For BesofMr.andResuits ra ý stranded in the centre of theî Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Col- Mi. and Mrs. Donald Long Hdon.gtero r.Dan MLutimnra subway. Soine of the heaviest let, Janey, Susan, Stephen, and Wayde, Oshawa, g udon PtrciRDaaeluniaiI. damag orccccd t th eom Georetow, wee Sunay ~weredaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Mi». anîd M~.CenR damge ccure atthecolliGeogeown wee undy vs-vin e Lunoi, Evelyn Ann Mc-, and children, Haydon. visitedi lA GRE«QE FAT N bination home andi boat dePotitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-~ T UI Laren, daughtec of Mr. and' Mr- and Mrs. W. Rabm, Sun-! * N ,of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neads~ man Kenniedy and Wayne. i Mrs. A. H. McLaren, ail of!dy IA SWNASDINruO faI nea te lke Thirdocs~Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cow- PESIG Orono, Wayde Allen Long, son, Mrs. W RaI .ni BUylNHAlRnTORE1 were torn away, picnic tables, nannd miJye: AFROli i0ii)i)~iM A ft&&t .D -11~ 'Joncs attended the inornin GI hidrn * wer whiub campelup o bcerviceat rooissn LlniteAgE of Oshawa and Paul Douglas 10 Peterborough on Saturdav DRUGGSTI "ICAR vyAJl wae hcscm pt hlevc tBoki Untdi Wooldridge, son of Mr, and visiting IVs. L. Wilson and An- 'fioor of theîî borne. Town1 Church and wece dinner gues ** fl Mrs. B. Wooidridge, of Lind-, ne. " Thca s ttgveyo ernploy ees. h ydro staffs and of Mr. and Mrs. Rob. MaW .WWUU say, were baptized by Rev. C.c careeing washdin that glemivea fsh.o evecy plumnber were on the job and daughter on Sunday. i Basil E. Long at the morning meeting was bl. Teld htha wa with as many ,uctioni pumps as evie ait Orono United te Sndy Shoo. he ym could be gathered together., Mrs. J. Noden and Miss Via- ~srie S and purpose were said. The -> Storm sewers proved enîiireîy la Noden attended the fun-,iCuc o ny Worship service 'vas led 'oy ii HAG S: nadequate to handie t erla of the late Mc. M. E. u- ILvnne Stainton and G..vARenS !4mendous f low of water. Nixon in Milton on Saturday. l Glaspeli. Busines.anid pro- FS IE 1 Mr. Nixon who was killcd in!I 1!fl.NL jects weî'e discussed, Biblean a car accident xvas a brother-; il study followed. in-law of Mrs. Noden. Famiv gatherings on Mot!l-ý We concîuded the ileet,igATERE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller ~D~were at Mr. and Mrs. wt erainadcoe visited Mr. aîîd Mrs. Roy Mce D. Davey, Mr. and Mrs. H-. "Taps".by Gi, Bowmanville, on Sun- day. HalM.anMi.Fak e- Tyrone United Churcbh was Mc.andMcs L.E. win' iy, Mr. and iMrs. Wes Taylor filled Sunday morning wben anddauMtr. roîîL.. sewnt g- and Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp. 10 chiidren were presented foc mother's Day with Mis. C. S. Lynda and NornaDvycirBpim ioh rnil MacLaren. tertained a number of tiîeic Byam, son of Mr. and Mcs. Mc.andMrs Ro Barabllifricnds Saturdav evcning. Grenville Byam: Bcenida Lec with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Hor-L r. anîd Mi's. R. Eddyvean, MPh Dâvy, atc' , G iid nec of Oshawa, visited rela-[ ,;~ ~Kar n aicSoae ard Coombes. son of Mr. and .~tives in Hamilton on Sunday. isingtn, Mc. nayMcs.RoDad Chas ey, GaRih *Congratulations ta Mr. 1. Waeshingo, Mre ndMonda 'Mr owad Gi Jame Stvenon ! Mntral . gest ofMc.andMrs H.Margaret Milhenicb, daughteri JamseSevnsoso notrelnlngnt Thr" ohiq formerly of Orono, on bis 951h! Br ndt.. odn i birtbday and to Mr. Wm. Da- Mc adMc.Cod vey vho celebratcd bis 86th n aîl, ann pn f bitbdy laI wek.Sunday witb bis parents, Mr. you get îrom our Mrn. and Mcs. Russell Van adM; A.Hus plC HonWbitby, visited hier Hr.W.. Merry, Mjss, Ka-2 Hoewesmother Mrs. Fred Taînblyn iii tryn and Bob Mecry. Milt.on. Yoca rlonthal-oud on Saturday. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mc. nd cs.Hacî WatsMrs. Ralph His. protection of our Home- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McArtbur,V Sympathy ta Mcs. Percy Me- owners Policy! In this one Oshawa, visited Mir. and Mrs. Coy and family, Rosedale. oil policy you gel broad finan- Tom Hardy and family on the sudden passing of Mr. Me-_«.... cial protection against losse s Manid.Mcs. Harold Awde, Coy, adsorne abis brhers. r tram fire, theft, liability 'Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. noetndrnead en (rs claims and judgmcnts. And D. G. Hooper on Sunday. 1113u11.r. dMs .Cobs you pay only ane prcmium. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings Mhile and rucL.Coombes. Cali us for marc information attended the fîea fthîe 1Siley a nd Bruce. Bowman- about thîs convenîentpoiicy. lt r m nh rgit1M.adMs .Cobs of Wcston, husband of the for- ~M.aî r.R onbs mer Irene Billings of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jirm Simpsa ~TII DT ll M. and Mcs. Frank Acdron, and farnily, Ottawa: Mr. Lean- MSTA R I R. JA E i Toronto, spent last Tuesday ard Bradley. BawmanviIle INSURANCE REAL ESTATEi Mrs. Ross Dickinson, Mîs. ton and boys. li G. Crowther and Jamie. New- Mr. and Mrs. b. Annis, BuI- King St. E. BowmanvilIei castie, visited Mr. and Mrs. an, Elaîne and Charlotte, wce 'noons. Wood, Sunday after- supper guests on Sunday of Office Residence no.1S T U Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Thomip-I : i Mis CaolynJoncs, Oshawasn otHol... . MA 3-5681 MA 3-54931 Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Joncs and BESÇT SU sonPrt he. a. Edd faiiy, Bowmanville. visibcd Ms alCat a.Tdy Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs and for and Betty, Bowmanville, atlen- farnly o Sunay.ded a birtbday pacty for Gai-, -Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell!c ome nStra hn weedinner guests of Mr. and H N US1E he was 1lyear aId. Tdy onM M ra n ayh Mrs. Albert Mitchell Sunday * *Mc. anid Mrs. John Beckett,Ie£17U eveing SegogIsand Mr an Mr.ýwife travel to town together6 Forh Oth Mr. nd Ms. HroldMur-Floyd Beckett and cliilcicen, pby. Margo and Trevor, Long mir. and Mrs. Don Lamb, En-'i journey to the office îs an every day ____________________ Sault, visited Mr. and Mrs. niskiilen; Mr. and Mcs. John Chas. Wood. Holdstock. Bowmanville, were , .gi' Mrs. Bworrnan, Mr. and - Sunday visitors of Mr. O. Bec- routine. For Mvary tvo enn p ca Mrs. C. Nicholson, Owen kett and Arvilla. Sound. visited Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Piggruîl. Os1i-i, an exciting early start to a days shon. M.CrslFedaby, c n awa, visited Mr. and IVrs. Jam-,a Ms. M. J. Tamnblyn, Mr. and esPggot Mrs. . J . Tamblyn, .and fm ~Mr. and Mrs, Ross McCoiiiî,ipn.Frbta uyd lea d. Mr. . C. mlYand c. obI Oshawa, Mr. 'and Mrs. Bll pn .F rb t us a isa e d . J( l n til isr.adMs.Rb.Hudson and Greg, Ottawa, Mr 1 gj~gi Tamblyn, Thornhill, t10 make adMr.S Rh al'Ca-1 O eduring whehthey¶ ai " e good us ti arrangements foi- The Tam- . ndMr.SRaaPuC- blyn ienieto b heldthisol, Blackstock, visited Mc.r. and! Isummner. Mcs. A. Rahrn.oftes mcs h irb k ovd . TeOrono Masonie Lodge yptitoteriil f ~~i bi ,~hebî;th b Lade icî d hstheDWN ylait hv Gore SraithYfo h srie h f b n rvd u li *1Banquet on Saturday eveninglN HI D W Bowmanville, formereidet Their rersonal Chequing Account at The I in the I.O.O.F. Hall. i Easy payments over of Tycone. Mr. aind Mrs. Chas. Wood r MrL. and Mi.s. A. Marshall-f" erevÉIk attendcd înacning churchl ser- 5 VEAIRS r'and Jimmy, Humber a vý Canadian BankofCo mec wIlrnk vice at Tyroîîe on Sunday aîîd r on mon1thly gas bis ited Mr. and Mis. T.St. werc guests at a famiiy gath- M.aîîd Mrs. Car~son setig îl es nd m n -a o ileigat the honme of Mr, aind iêoand Floyd. Dundaîk;M etig bt ay a d eo o ia o a p ; rs Howard Philp and Miss rae n cuding labour anmd nu. Ronald Taylor. Branmptaon, weîre V.ii.. ...l lTPO Jean Philp, Tyrone. teriaite £ornce iCth~ Sunday cal lers of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ay And when John drops In to madIe turedhoneonSuîday ftr meni ducts.1W.H alr 1vîsîtiîîg ber son.aSMandaMed. Chas 5.60 vi Jack Wlsoiand. anMiî ro-.$5.30 onerio nsIali axMdMr, Ca.Woa deposit in thieir Savings Account, he'II 11chester, N.Y. ttehm fM.akWlo n aiy o ofrae. Orono, wei'e guests on Suîiday ~ fl lMr. and Mcs. John Cook.- CHANGE-OVER CAN BIE H. Plîilp. TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILM ONTARIO qWME Goodyear Dain Breaks Ilnder