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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1960, p. 13

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THURSDAY, MAY l2th, 1960 TDE CAKADIAN STATESMMi, EOWMAIVULE, ONTA1UO PAGE T~RTEUW The cantraversial Zanlng (By-law was severely criticiz- ted by Mis. B. Budal, secretary of the Darlington Ratepayers Association on Thursday ai- te«noon, May 5th. Mra. Budai : roached Darlington Ceun- ron te matter durlng the tinte reserved for delegations at the meeting hcld in the Townshlp Hall, Hampton. "The Zoning By-lmw is warth nothing", Mrs. Budai asserted. "It la worth $1,000,- 0)00 ta the people of the town- ship now," Councillor Fred G. Smith claimed, "If we dîd nat have the Zoning By-law wc would need te build $1,000,- 000 worth of schools within a Cfew yearu," ho added. Reeve Garnet Rickard pointed out proceedings must b e conducted in an orderly .manner. He dfrected Mrs. Bu- idal to ask questions and said ceuncil would answer them. Mrs. Budai sald that a re- quest had been recently turn- ed down for permission to build a 1,550 foot house on a slot with a 100 foot frontage, iand wanted ta know why-this was done. "Ask the solicitor. It is up to someone ta interpret the plan," Reeve Rickard said. "It is a fine thi.n that no one understands tL plan. LYou cannot make a move [VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QUALITV FUEL OEL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Defivery PHONE OSHAWA DU 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA ______ma__1 withaut golag ta a lmwyer", Mira. Budmi remarked. The Reeve then asked her te repeat lier question. Mrs. Budai then asked if a lot is situated -on a good road mand the peopie comply with al regulatiens of the Zoning By- iaws, could they sdi fthe lot. "If you Io net understand, it ia not my business ta giva IDouble lb 37e lb 67c 'Is Worth Nothing" Mrs. Budai Z'Aning By - Law Causes Ruckus At Darlington Coun cil, Session an laterpretation," Reeve Ric- kard stated. Mis. Budmi thon stmrted ta give the measure- menti af the lot she was dis- cussing. The Reeve asked bier what the by-law says ini this regard. Mrs. Budai then read fram ber copy cf the Zoning By- 1mw under Generai Provisions: (e) "Lots having lesa arem than required. Where a build- ing lot having lesser frontage or area than that required herein is held under distinct and separate ownership front adjacent building lots at the Urne of the passing of this by- 1mw as shewn by a registered conveyanee in the records of the Registry or Land Tilles office, a dwefling may be er- Weeds Darlington Vote Ends in Tie Over Change in By-mLaw Reeve Refuses to Cast Ballot A streng plea for an in- crease in the amount of mon- e- te be spent on weed spray- igwas made by W. R. (Wal- ly) Pickell, the Weed Inspec- toi', at th-e meeting e f Darling- ton Towvnship Council on, Thursday, May 5th. Reeve Garnet Rickard said that ho agreed with Mr'. Pick- cl. "Wo spent a fair amount during the winter cutting brush, and At should be kept down by sprayîng." Ho added that ho thought it would bo wise te spend a bit more and extond the weed spraying pro- gram this year. Councillor Sidney Cornish said he Adr Fancy Quality Rmg. ton 27ba-SAVE Se TOMATO JUICE 214"OZtins 49C CASE 0F 12 TINS $»I9 - SAVE 3Me A.IP Fancy Quality Rg. 2 tins 27o-SAVE 5o APPLESAUCE 4 1-z is49C CASE 0F 24 TINS 82.9 - SAVE 0oc A&P Fancy Quality Whol. Reg. 2 tins 35e--SAVE Se KERNEL CORN 214-oz fin29C CASE 0F 24 TINS PAS - SAVE 72e Ann Page (Alil Varieties> Reg. 2 tins 37o-SAVE 7r PORK & BEANS 3 20oztis49C CASE 0F 24 TINS " -fl VE 5Me Extra Specials ut A&P Ann Page Reg. btl 25c-SAVE 20o CHILI SAUCE iloz btl3c Succes Heavy Duty Reg. tin $1.19-SAVE 2Ue LIQUID'WAX yi99 Nabisco Reg. pkg 21c-SAVE Se SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs3 9 Solo Regular Reg. 2-Iba 47oc-SAVE 9o MARGARINE 4-lb pkgs 845C Jane Parker CHERRY PIE BEEF ROASI Trimmed, Short or ~,CROSS RIB ROAST lb 49C Short Cut PRIME RIB ROAST lb 59e Lea n MINCED BEEF lb 3&< Boaling Cut$ LEAN BRISKET lb 23c ,S iîeed 1EEF LIVER lb 49c Sliced PORK UVER lb M9 Fancy Quality OXTAILS lb 29e Choice.Quality BEEF HEAýRTrS lb 35c Lean Meaty PORK HOCKS lb 23C *Essex Brand SMOKIES 8-oz pkg 35C Sehnider's Country Style, Pure PORK SAUSAGES lb 49c Tray Paec, Pure PORK SAUSAGE MUAT Sniokmd, Cooked, Vie Pue COTTAGE ROULS Tee' agio 1-pbF*49e thought il advisable te in- crease the ameunt te be spent. On a motion by Deputy- Éceve Arthur Blanchard, se- cended by Councillor Fred.G.1 Smith, it was decided te in- crease the amount te bo spent on weed spraying fi-rn $700 te $1,400. It was announced that a meeting of the Rogionai Plan- ning Association will be hold on Wednesday, May lBth. The Township Council decided to send a doiegato te 22nd Con- vention of Ontario Municipal Association which is te be held in St. Catharines freai August 28th te_3lst. _____ 9«f BOLOGNA 2-lb net chub 59c Sliced Shopay'a BOLOGNA i 2-oz pkg 39c Sehneider'a PEPPERETTES 4-oz pkg 37c Swift'& Premium, êmoked SIDE BACON 1-fb pkg 59c Ail Good, Smoked, Rindles% SliedT SIDE BACON 1b47c Taaty Brand, Grill STEAETES 5-oz pkg 27c Banqluet Brand-Twmkey, Chicken or Beef MEAT PME 3 8-oz pkgs 69c AN Pue.. la 'Mis Ad S0 .d Vh.I SoLMay 14th, »W0 The counicil reccivcd a sug- gestion from Derek Little, the Municipal Consultant, that the word "'unsuitable" on page 12 of the Officiai Plan be revised te read "land net as desirable for agricultural production." Reeve Rickard said that the Committee of Adi ustinent c!nnot be set up until the Of- ficiai Plan is approved. Coun- ciller Smith moved that- the words be changed as Mr'. Lit- tle had suggested. This was seconded by Councillor Cor- nish. "Either the Officiai Plan will be approved with miner amendments or wc could start ail over again. Se far ne one has offered a workable alter- native plan. if we start over again evýerything must be held la abeyance in the meantime, and we must have some type of zening,"1 Reeve Rickard stated, «'If we are net in favor of passing the Officiai Plan we are only delaying by passing amendments te it. The situa- tion is more serieus every day. People waiting te buiid can- net receive permission until we reach a certain stage," the Reeve pointed eut. Mrs. Budai, RPA secretary, interposed to say "<If the council cannot assume the re- sponsibility why cannot it bring it te a public meeting. Yeu promised if clected te keep the public informed. You have waited this long, se you could now bring the matter in front of a public meeting." III have tricd te keep the public informcd. Ever since I came te council we have giv- en a fair hearîng te li Who approached us. More people cpliing approve the Official Plan. We have waited five months te see if anyonc couid bring in a workable alterna- tive plan; -but folie las been suggested," Reeve Rickard said. "'You have net reaily given peopie a chance," Mrs. Budal chailenged. «IYou bring up a better one and we will adopt il,"1 the Reeve answered hier. "«You want te go ahead. O.K. but you take the consequen- ces," Mrs. Budai warned. Mirs. Budai also asserted that the council had paid cnough fer the Officiai Plan. "It Is not worth the paper il la writ- ten on. You nýean we should take aIl the time and work out a better plan free af charge. We try something and you wili net listen." Counciller Smith pointed out that council had been eiccted by the majority af the township net of the EPA. Reeve Rickard said that the best way te find eut how good the Officiai Plan is would be te put it te work. "If it is net suitable the Municipal Board would net aiiow ilte con- tinue," he added. Mira. Budai remarked that she had asked ceuncil at a previeus meeting what the penalty is of contravening the Zoning By-law. "To get something official I again tell you te go te oui' solicitor", Reeve Rickard stated. Mira. Budai asserted that a penalty of $300 maximum is shown in the Zoning By-law for ecd offense. On the motion of Ceuncillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Cernish te, change a few words in the Officiai Plan as had been suggested by Mr'. Little, the ceuncil vote was tied 2-2. Reeve Rickard refused te vote. His refusai had the same resuit as if he had voted against as the motion was lest. Three readings were given te the amendments te the Deg Control By-law which chang- ed the fees and require al owners te register their dogs at the Township Office by July lst. STÂRK VILLE Mr'. and Mis. John Stone spent Sunday with Mis. F. Stone. Mri. and Mirs. Grant Sylves-, tci- and Julie, Sarnia, spent the woekend at Mr. Jiai Sta- rk's.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruthven.I Zion, and Mi. mand Mrs. Alf Dobson wcro recent guests with Mri.and Mis. Clii ford Fonk. Mri. mand i-s. E. Shier, Tor- onta, visited at Mr'-. Lloyd Hal- lowell's. Several froni hei-e attended the Miasonic banquet in Orono Saturday evening. Mi. Dan Shutka, Mira. Albert Rogers and Mirs Brownlee vis- itcd their parents, Mir. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr. and Mira. Jim Stark and family, and mir. and Mirs. Grant Sylvester attonded a wedding in Castieton, Saturday. Mi-. Lerne Todd is improving and is ploased te be up a litIle emch day. The Mother's Day service at Sbiloh was well attended S=n- N VILLE Churcli mwavel filled on Sun- dmy, May SIli, for the Fanuily D»y service,.lbe pastor Rev. R. C. White wS amsted by Mir. Sid Lancaster. ?&'.-Grant Wade read the lesson, Misa Dorella Lancaster presentod the story. The folow-lng were presented for Baptisa- Evelyn Marie, Allen Earl, Garry Paul mand Arnold Rosa, children of Mr'. mand Mira John Huggins, Ken- neth Philip, son of Mi. and Mirs. Kenneth Clarke, Paul Ed- ward, son of Mr.mand Mis. Jas. Casweil, Cathy Lynne, daugh-1 NEWTO, MusaDorothy BSapeton of Kingeton with he parents, Mr. mand Mms.CGm. Staleton. Miss Alile.Neshitt et Tor'- conto, witii her sûgter, Miss Au- ne Nesblt. Mr. mand Us. Clarenice Roay- wood of Orillia, with bier pr enta, Rev. anid Mis. R. C. Wmi- te. Mr.mand Mrs. Roy BZ and f aaily of Orono; Mr.maidMirs. Ronald Burley mand fmmilly Part Hope and Mr. and Mis.i Donald Elliott and fauigy with ?&'. Dave Denauit. ected mand used on such smail- er building lot provided Ihat It conforma toalml other re- quirements af this by-law." ««Yes a building cm hoe erected if th. Planning Bard cansents, but it wifl not con- sont ta anything thal contra- venes the by-law," thec Tawn- shi p clerk, Walter Rundle stted. Mira. Budmi asked if ml the council are la favour of this. Reeve Rickard sald '<That is a Planning Board question." Mrs. Budai then asked the Reeve if he ia la favour af retairnlag the Planning Board. 111 do not speak personmlly, only for the policy af the council when il i. decided. Personal opinions are only given la committee," Reeve Riekard replied. ____ Canada's best car for the best resenst Get the big, famLty-sized comfort yeu need. Get thc industry's peppiest, savingest engines and transmissions. Got a ride that rivais that of costly car. Get ail the safety features, al thc dependability and value, that only Chevrolet la its field can aller. Head for your Chevrolet dealcr's NOW. Get the keys and put this superlative car through its pacea. BUYS ARE THE YEAR'S MOST EXCITING CAR VALUES I Chevrolet is Canada's fastest-selling car. . . 1,7 thousands! Its looks wiil wow yen. Its big car per- formance will delight yen. And its practical, tbrifty ways wiil SAVE YOU MONEY cvery happy =Île you drive. Yes, your Gievrolet dealer can save you time, worry and money by servicing your present car right now. Guardian Mainten- ance servicing is the best care any car can have. Now's the Urne te arrange for happy aumuer motering. The place? . .. your Chevy dealer's. GREAT DEIALS ON NEW CHEVROLET TRUCKS[ Whtdeal What trucksl They're rugged, ndalrevolutionajy. And they'll boost your pnuffb as no aiher truck can. Put ama Io va& fur YOU ao«M M16OL Mr. and Mxs. Bryan Noble of Toronto with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. der.nand Mfaiumiandn Mer. nand Mft.runi, randn Mirs. Fred Hendersoin and fam- ily, Mr. and Mis. Jim iGllner and family of Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Bil1l Wade and son, Me. and Mrs. Raymond T;riin and Mr. and Mis. Roms Brown and son wîth MT-. and Mis. Clînton Brown. Aiso Mrs. Bro- wn's sister and biother, Mrs. Bertha Dean of Toronto mand Mfr. Herb Heard of Port Hope. Mr a*nd Mirs. Wilbert Han- cock of Peterborough, with Miss Olive Johnstonmand Mr'. Tupper Johnston. lIr. and Mrs. Keîth Stephen- son, Debbie and Jill of Clark- son with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade with'Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Browni of Scarborough on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mifl. and Mrs. Chas. Gray of Bow'manville, and Miss Gai' Cooper of Orono with Mr. and Ms-s. Clela.nd Lane. Mms. Joseph Dubeau arrived home Saturdiay from her vis- it to the west coast. We wish Johnny Milligan good luck on joining the Army. He leit on Monday for Gates- town, New Brunswick. A number of aur sehool children with theïr teachers- went to Peterborough by bus on Mondiay to taice part in the Music Festival. The Newtonville Un 1 t e d day afternoon witl a setting of spring flowers. "When Jésus Cornes Into Your Heart"I was sung by the choir with Mrs. Llew Hallowell pianis't and Charlie Trim giving the ad- dress. For the baptismal ser- vice, Bev'erley Anti Caswell, Lorelei and Allen Lawrence Farrow were presented by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Mr. and MIrs. Lawrence Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Rx>bert Brie, Margaret and David, Port Hope; Mis. Harold Caswell, Zion; Mi*ss Gwen Star-k, Miss Norma Hallowell, Mr'. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and faxnily and Mr'. Maurice Hallowell were Sunday supper guests at Mr'. Llew Hailowell's. ter of )&. mand Mrs Francs chulterid by th. pealor, Rev. Tufford, Cynthia Louise, dau- P. C. White. Those preuent giter of 3&. and Mrs. Sidney were: Mm. Cecil Malley, Or- Brown, Mary Denise and Edna ono; Mms W. Brunt and -Ma Darlene, deughters of Mr'.mand mand Mms Thai. Wilso andi Mme Donald mUaiot, Murtin famàly, Newcastle; M)&. &M~ Wayne, son of Mr'. and Mss. Mm. Elswortti CasweUland Roms Brown, Robert Kenneth, daughter, &&R Port Hope; Mm son of Mr'. and Mis Donald Alex McLead, Toronto; aira Andrews and Kevin John, son munI, Mr'.mand 1&s. ECrnestL. oi Mr'. and Mis. M. McCulloah.oa great aunt anunmcle. The flowers gracing -the F.-,Douglas anid son, Oshawarý chancel were la loving memory MiUs. Gerald Rose mand son, Lon. of the late Rev. Thos. Wallace, don; Mr. mand Mirs. Douglas_ thte guIftai the f.amiiy. Wagg and farnily, ".. StoufWr Mr'. and Mixa. Sydniey Brown ville, Mira. V. Wagg,' gruudc' entertained on Sunday folaow- mother, Mir. mand Mira. Le* ing the Mother'a Day church Green, Highland Creek; Nmine service wben their second dau- Blanche mand Margaret Flume.- ghter, Cynthia, Louise, was feit, Toronto. w. NICHOLS Tif! DMLf*.fE~EW~7C/ I Make the CIaî test I Aclamed ei /car of theYeu, CorVair in bis à roem, pep and value but small in cou. Smc it ... drive it... price it sconi You'l love ih. A GENLRAL MOTOiRs VALUO k.v aiACCESSORIES 1001 Cet added pleamure Iron yoar drivia8 thi "mmr wth new accegsorie. Whaiev#P mc- THE MARKET'S SOOMING 1 THE BUYS UNBEATABLEe..AT YOUR CHIVROLET DEALER'S RIGKT NOWIl MeU COWCM ROY W. NICHOLS COUitTI.CE BOWMAN VILLE ROY Amount for Enjoy Spring Drîvi ng.. Comm ila esur a:od car lais and ask the salosmen for a ulenuraion ride in 1he following Gnuaa.lw OI L1 uSE DCRS 1955 OUE. CONVERTIBLE Red and Beige. New top and eustom bult radio. 1956 FORD DELUXE SEDAN Custom buit radio, 6i cyl. Nice and clean. 1957 OLDS. 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatic Transmission. Grey wlth red trini. 1958 DODGE SEDAN One owner car ini beautiful dlean condition. Grey. 1958 OLDS DYNAIC 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatit transmission, power brakes, windshield washeu. One owner car. TRUCKS W. have 3 good %/-Ton PICKUPS Good for Faru or General Use 1955 STiJEDAKER 1953 FOZD 1953 FARGO - and- 1950 2'/-Ton G.Nl.C. TRUCK Oldsmohile - Chevrolet - Corvair and Envoy (British Duili) Cars BO WNAILMLE Chevrolsi Trucks COIJITCE Ph.n. MA 3-3353Phonas 3-M2 Piroduce Feafuires TIME FOR CANNING - NO. 1 GRADE, CUBAN, RED SPANISH PINEAPPfimeLES m& é3 5c ONTARIO GROWN, FANCY GRADE, ATMOSPHERE CONTROLLED MWcINTOSH APPLES 3-lb oelb b." 3 9C FANCY GRADE, CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES FULL 0F JUICE AND FLAVOR, à5- eU@b" 545 c R.g. 59e--SAVE Se .ch 53C Super-Right Quality Meut àFeatures BLADE oeM muu«mm SLKED LIIKEONAàIMA a BainisMacaroni end Chees. Lod Pliie and Pimento bLo Mock Chicken Lod Olive Lodf . Il 1 -1 TRURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1960 TUE CANADIAN STATISMAN, BOWIL&NVILLlr4 CUTARIO PAGE TBMTM 1

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