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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1960, p. 14

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-t... - .- J] PAGE FOUJRTEEN TM CANADIAN WPA1ESM, BDWMANVILLUONTANI ____________________________ .LZUIOJJft, MAT lita, 19 Births ' lI Memoricnn Articles for Sale1 Articles for Sale KM*UMS-Ted and Diane are MARCHANT-In memnory ofJ STRAWBERRY plants. John ISEBAGO potatoes. CO 3-2675 happy ta announce the arrivai my dear son Richard MarchantlHooyer. CO 3-2229. 18-2 19-1 of a -son, Ronald, at Memorial wha passed away May 15, 1952. --SRWERYpats hn Hospital, Bowmanvile, on May Ot my thoughts do wander, GOOD quality baled hay. Tele- STABRYplns hn 3rd, 1960. A brother for Eddie To the grave not far away phone CO 3-2024. 15-tf MA 3-5976. 19-3* and -Clarence. 191IlWhere I laid my dear son 'REFRIGERATOR, gaod con- WELDING equipment. Phone - -i igt eas gotoda. dition, $50. Phone MA 3-5411. A33. 19-2* SHARP-Ross and Dorothy are -Lovingly remembered by his 14 ONE Western pony saddle. very happy ta announce theimother, brothers and sisteriWTRfrsl.Dhvrd Phone Newcastle 2130. 19-2* birth ai their son Gardon Rossiand familles. 19-1* PhoneRCliiale.Pethi Clf E ANocadspaega en Saturday, May 7, 1960, ati Po32131 36hikCofa MeoralHopîa, owan MKE--In loving memory of _- condition. Phone RA 3-9996. ville. A baby brother for a ersnadbohrOm LY ay carrnage in good 18-2 ,Kathy. 19-1McKee who passed away May condition, $25. Phane MArket BOX plants.MsWila , 8th, 1946. 3-371. _19-_cornrBas Line and Hunt St. kEngagementS lBeautiful memonies are ELECTRIC stove, heavy duty, 18-4 MI. ndMIs.Chrls enbftreasured ever 4-burner, good condition. Tele- RAGTEadmnsCCM Mri ng d lacsCanle teOfhappy days when we phone CO 3-2506. 1* bicyce Rèaan a 's. Me ningBlacstoc, anounc the were together.biyl.Raobe Mrt engagement ai their daughter, -Ever remembered by mother, SMALL kiddy car, srnali tri- 3-2326. 19-1* Joyce Leonate Rcad IDale bohr ndsses 19-1~ cycle, metal crib and mattress, QUNTT- a aa ue pn Gunter, son af the latte Mr. and'_____heavy duty stave. MA 3-3626. lumber. Phone Newcastle 3876 Mrs. Richard Gunter, oi Coe1 . ___19-1 o 18.1- Hill, Ontario. The f UTON Prc T-I l n STRAWBERRY plants, SenatorFU-urehavdtyM- marîa emor0y ai Percy T. u utt n îop and Catskihlst Mo will take place quietly an Sat iwho passedaaway May 12 1959 peri urday, Juned4thy1960,1in B9ac.-fat stove, Leonard reirigerator. stock Un thurc960, n 9.1*. -God saw you getting we'ary, plant. 125 Scugag. Phone MAIMA 3-5079. 19-1 sokUie hrh 9* SHeddwaHetogt3-3248.182 - __ __ ______ S He îd wat H thoghtNTITY oi choice mixed Mr.andMIs. ri CortceHe best, IIÇEYS cut automaticaily, while ihay, large bales, aiso aat and Mr.andMrs Ere CurtceHecarne and stood beside you yau wait, at Masan & Dale wheat straw. Phone CO 3-2075. Courtice, announce the en- And whispered "Came and Hardware, 36 King St. E., 19-1l gagement ai their daughter rest'". omnil.6- Carol Anne ta Mr. Charles you wished no one a last Bwavle 6t RANGETTE, good condition; I William Melian, son of Mrs.1 îareweîî, SAVE on lumber, direct from si.nk and laundry taps, car spot- Chrls ehon adcan te Nor even said goodbye, mitayu PhlpsLmeiight. 205 King E., MA 3-3186. late Mr. Mellon. The marriage You had gone before we knew Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 19-1 * ta take place quietly on Fri- i 17 r 11. 13-tf _____________- ELECTRIC range, apartmnent day, May 27th. 19-Ii And only God knaws why. GOOD selection used TV sets size; needs aven contrai, $20.00, Deahs ovingly remembered by9the for r onbe rcs. he, t *rangette.MA356 _______________19-___________________171 Bond Friday. 19-.* -- - - ___ CARR-At the Hospital for I Cards of Thanksî Sîck Chîldnen, Toronto, an -_______________ Whendav, May 9th, 1960, Bey-' I wish ta thank my friends1 erley Ann, aged four weeks, be- and relatives for the cards, loved infant daughtem af iBlîlvisits and ilowers which I ne- and Doreen Carr, R.R. 1, Ty- ceived while in hospitai. A rone; sister ai Brenda. Service special thank you ta Dr. Mc- was held in the Morris Funenal Kenzie, nurses and staff ai Me-9 Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wed- marial Hospital.1 nesday, May lith at 2 o'clock. Joan Skeldîng. 1 Interment Bowmanville Cerne- 19-1 tery. 19-1, MASON, Samuel Wilson-At f I wish ta express my sincere the orono WeternHosptalthanks ta Dr. Sylvester, nurses the Trona Wesern Hosp196a,1and staff ai Memonial Hospital Samuel Wilson Mason, belovedj o hi idessonm husband ai Edith Hoiroyd and and also rny fniends and rela- dean father ai S. Gary, Johnitives for cards, gits and fiow- H. nd obet D, Trono ad îens received during my recent H. ad RbentD.,Torotoandstay in hospital. dear son ai George R. Mason,, Bemnice Cochrane. Bowrnanville. Rested at hisi 19-1* home, 7 Mason Blvd., Toronto. ____ Service was at St. Clement's Anglican Church, Toronto, an We wish ta thank the friends Monday, May 2nd. Interment and neighbors for the iarewell Bowmanville Cemetery. 19-1 party, the gift ai a laveiy chair ________and table lamp, also those who McCOY, Wallace Percivai En- helped with this presenta- tered into nest suddenly at the haon, particularly Mesdames homeof is augterat Rose- Schwartz, Stinson, Passant, dale, Ont., on Thunsday, May Malolmmi. n ereBak 5th, 1960, Wallace Percivai Mc- lrianGegeBak Coy, in his 67th year, beloved 19-1 husband of Eva Henry and loy- ing fathen ai Theressa (Mrs. J. I wish ta express my sincere Woodward) af Downsview. thanks ta my frîends, neigh-, Maian (Mrs. N. A. Cox) and1 bouns and St. Andrew's W.A. Lloyd ai Stoufiville; Gwen ai Bowmianviiie for cards,I (Mrs. J. Oliver) of Rosedale flowers and ather kindnesses and Velma (Mrs. William Tay- shown me during My stay ini lor) ai Toronto; dear bother ai the Oshawa Hospital. Speciai1 Garnet ai Bowmanvilie, Lamne thanks ta Dr. Witzei, Rev. and of Brookiin and Vemna (Mms. Mms. Scott. A. Poulten) ai Oshawa. Alsoi Mns. Vannatto. sunvived by 17 gandchildmen.1 91 Rested at the Platten Funeral Home, Fenelon Falls until Fr1- Coming Events day a.m., thence ta the North- cutt & Smith Funemal Home, The Scout Mathens' Auxiliaryl Bowmanville, for funeral serv- meet in the Lions Centre,1 ice on Sunday, May 8 at 3 p.m. Thursday, May 12 at 8 o'clock.1 Interment at Bethesda Cerne- 1.l fir. 19- - ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to, electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PAINTING and Decorating. For quality materials and g u ar a nt e e d workmanship. Lander Hardware & Electrie Ltd. 9-tf~ DO your own floars and rugs -Rent a sander, faonr polisher gr rug cleaner (shampoo nîeth- ad). We sand iloors. Lander Hardware. 5-tf WORK boots and shoes at bar-1 gain prices, brown and black,1 ahl sizes. Bowmanville Shoel Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow-1 manville. East of Bowmanville Cleaners. 42-tf ï HEARING aid service. Testing batteries and cords at Higgoný Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-3305. 7-tf USED I.H.C. Thresher, M-H. 30 Tractor, Case SC Tractor, Studebaker car, I.H.C. Truck. Roto Hoes, Roto Tillers, Power Mowers. W. H. Brown, Case. Dealer, 91 King St. W., Bow-J manville. MA 3-5497. 19-1l I TIRES I New - Retreaded Used YAMIESON TIRE i0I-tï GET the jump on summer. See us farnfree estimates on "Car- hayes" Aluminum Combina- tion Doors and Windows. Yo-u- wili be amazed haw econom- icai they are from Cowan1 INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Womk- manship guananteed. Free esti- jmates. Harny L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf LAWN Furniture: Chairs, Ï4.56; Tables, $4.00; Trellises, $2.00 pr. and up; picnic tables, $14.50. Apply Frank Lewins, 48 Jack- man Rd., or Phone MA 3-5579. 19-1 COURSES at Bowmanville Business School for office positions ai your choîce. Reg- istrations now being accepted for fali term. Write Box 487, Bowmanville, on Telephone MA 3-5434. - 18-tf LARGE variety ai mixed glad- iol bulbs, raspberny canes, per- ennial outside plants, green- house plants, located two miles east ai Twin Oaks Motel, on Highway 115. Phone C. de Mooy 18 r 8, Orono. 18-5* RED Coat strawberry plants, dwari and standard fruit trees, shrubs, trees, roses, boxed plants, lawn and garden fertil- izers, ail garden accessories at A. W. Rundle Garden Centre, 1015 King St. E., Oshawa. 15-7 LAWN and Garden Fertilizersi (with or witbout Dicîdrin or Aldrin for Cut Worms). Lawn grass and bulk garden seeds ai highest quality, lowest price. Visit youm seed headquamters. Stewart's Seeds, Division St.. Bowmanville. 14-tf ForMHigh ielding and Early Maturity - Plant PIONEER Ii-Bred Grain Corn (Best by Test) fPhane Coileet Weicame f PLaza 3-2281 or write E. Ruth- 'yen, Part Hape R.R. 3. 15-7* DeKALB Baby Chix and Seed (Cnrn-TBmhv phicks arehpir,çy _____ IU- Hard time dance at 'lyrone thiuplulL 1ý 'Ilé I.«,,acuil Bowmanvilie, or Phone MArket1 hatched every week ai te PARKER, Henry B.-In Otta Hall, Saturday, May 14. Clama 3-5689. 15-tf yean. Fi your laying pen this V2 ilay th,1960 Heny B Nesbitt's Music Makers. Spon- sored by Tymone19HallHBoardB. fali with DeKalb Profit Pullets. Parker, beloved husband ai disirdb ocnesal 19r.*Wc also have some started pul- Ci!,arity Dewdney, and dear Admission_7_._______________te ewGema lets on hand. We have just ne- fathen ai Mrs. L. F. Mundy, Came and dance ta Jake Van SetnwGran ceived aur stock ai DeKaib <Winnifred), Ottawa; Mrs. Alf Dam's Orchestra, Orange Hall, STEEO iseed on ath gerangndsu Shultes (Marjonie), Ottawa;Pontypool, Saturday, May l4th W S ET.g edi iernea Mns. E. C. Hall (Doris), Otta- at 8:30 p.m. Auspices L.O.B.A. HI1-FI S TSkernel sizes. More farmens wa; Mrs. M. Conway (Mildred), Admission 75c. 19-1 Beautîful plant DeKaib than any other, Bowmanville; Hanry and Arth- - dshWlntcorn. H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3, ur, Peterborough; Herbent, Bob- 2nd Bawmanviiie Troop i wdshWlu Bowmanville. Phone MArket caygeon, in his 84th vear. holding annual spring bottle LOWEST PRICES 3-3961. 18-3* Service was held in Christ1 dive, covenîng North Ward, THE Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontania ýMay 14, starting at 9 a.m. Pro- Il iLCh N 1 ARE YOU A on ' Friday, May 6. Interment ceeds ta help summer camp. BUUCM i'iercnant ' rvr Bobcaygean Cemetery. 19.1* 19-1 171 Boni) St. East Triple AAA Drv ? Anyone wishing ta go by OSHAWA RA 8-6051 hae151 AM SMITH-At Memoriai Hospital, chatered bus ta see tulips in1hae I5 Chrysier Hardtop1 Bowmanviile on Saturday, May Ottawa, Sunday, May 22, tele- Caverage $100,000 Section A 7th,196, Mtila Wodwrd honecolectPor Hoe T __ ilt hird party liability. Legal inh hem0 78t yeaWowie ad he 527.Rowe tTrave T l-fLiability for Bodily Injury or inater7t G eor M. Sm th er227 oe rvl gn-FEXBEnan-clagging har- Death or Damage ta ProPertY rmith ergeai Smth,1ea- Gie 19-2 nows, 10' sets, $67 and up; 3, af Others including Passenger HarvneTomnto Bowmanvilie lay and 4, 5 ton wagons, $139 and- up; Hazard ---------------- $30.24 (Han i eynBonfe GiadysopeBrownies Anmiversamy Tea, fencing wire and supplies, Rebate for 5 Yeams Acci- Pear (Mr. GergeBrown ;,Home Baking and Candy Sale, barbed xire, 75 lb. rails at dent free driviag --- 5.04 Peanl Mrs. Gorge nturday, May 14, 2:30 - 5 p.m., $8.75 a rail; 1 Ford tractor, and James ai Bowmanviile. tteLosCmui~Cnr. 55 akl ak 2 r p Service was held in the Morris tteLosCmui Cnr.$5;JaklJc,$2adup Funeral Chapel. Bowmanville; - Aynewshr t o19-i1'rubber-tired all-steei wheei- $25.20 on ueda, 0 a 230bybarrows, $26.95; cernent, $1.25; If you are paying mare than« p.m. Interment Orono Cerne- chartered bus ta Niagara Falls weîgte 0;aunnmteaoeamaunt I will bc teny. 19-1 ta see blossoms, Sunday, Mayf and steel moing, Hayovator1g1li) ta handie your insurance, -z--15, Phone Rowe Travel A e,,eevators for round and squarelal1so Collision, Section C. This Auction Sales coilect, Port Hope. Agencybales, 16' - 32' lengths; clathesîlasurance is nat cancelled after --S .5-2527. 18-2 line posts, 12' & 16'; other post!you have accidents or for being I have received instructions 1 8' - 30'; cast and ductalloyiover 70 years of age. iHome Economics Fashion plowshiares for most niakesl from Alex Monk, ta selli ow will be held in the High Kelly-Ryan spneaders, 100 andi H. C. BONATHAN public auction at his resideîce1 Sehoal Auditorium, Thursday, 125 bushels, single and tandem in the Village ai Bethany his May 12, 8 p.m. Industrial Arts axles; Choremaster garder til- NEWCASTLE household fumnitume, on Satur-1 dispiay in the Girls' Gymnasi- lers, lawn mowers from $45 up, Generai Insurance Agent D.S.T.Maer2scash.,at 0pme-ni Silver collection in aid Of.portable milker (double unit), since 1920 De.S. Wlters Nas, Noerk; HospitaAuxiliary. 18-2 $95; box trailer $35, trailer ______ _ 16-tf R. J. Payne, auctioneer. 19-1 Woodview Community Centre axie with 14" tires and wheels, -Monster B i n g o. Twenty $35. Hoskirs. Phone Black- ]BE WISE Consisting oi beds and games-twcnty dollars; five stock 2- 19-1 springs, ahl sizes, china cabinet games-thimty dollars; $150- Buy yaur steaks for summer and buffet, dining-room tables jackpot, and twa jackpots at naw. Grain-fed beef is now at and chairs, rocking chairs, stu- $250. Door pnizes. Next its best. Prices on hini) quart- dia couch, coal and wood heat- Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn. er bec! always soar when the er, cook staves, sewing mach- Oshawa. 46-tf C I . weather warms up. Vour ires, congoleuin rugs. Heavy R IEL~-1 home freezer or iocker will1 dutyr stoves, dlocks, dishes bi- Ennis ien save you many $$$ by fillllng it cycle, vacuum cleaner, îamps, 0 1 Lb now for summer use, with the pictures, antiques and inary Sundav Schonl best grain-fei) bec!.r other articles or Sat., May 14, S at 1:00 pm. 59 King St. .,Anniversary Services YOUNG BEEF Bowmanville. Delivcry service . gvaiable.__1_-18-2 Sunday, May 22, 1960 Fots -35C Lb. ___Finiancial 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. D.S.T. eO ~Hns 5 b FUNDS AVAILABLE e.F htly ioOn.3 ANYWHERE IN CANADA R, . . Wltley Pcta, nt City folks on first uni) second Eiuiiskillen Maie Quartet SERVIELJJIl LPEILLIL aiortgages or any other securlty MONDAY, MAY 23, 1960 QIEu HOME-CURED BACON 49e lb. d NO, RETAINER FEES Sports Programme ut 3 p.m.c Phone or write Races for chlldren under 12 yrs., CAC.H aICeNefPIREY_ or 7h DANNING INVESTMENTS Junior Football Game - 4 p.m.' AIU TAS 5el. LTD. Leaiiue Football Game - 6:30 HLBTSEK --5el. 99 Avenue Road. WA 2-3662 Supper - 4:30 p.m. until ail are, SMOKED FILLETS -.-_39e ib. f Taronto 5. Ont. served. Concert ut 8 p.m.: BARBECUE CHICKENS 1.49n 18-4 Oakwood Young People willl'A H TJR O9u Pets for Sale__ Entertalament between acts ON1L owmanville __________Admission: Aduits, supper aniy SOS-'D TËWO female, puebred Boston or wlth concert, $1.50;, Concert ï'.--ix ' TerrierMiups, 2 months old.'only, 50C. Childrcn: supper MA 3-5516 frig~iU JLocker S~ysIemn' lp~y eald Black, R.R. No'onJy, or wlth concert, 75c; con- PHONE MA 3-557 ony Ol nt. 18-2icert .niy, 25e. 1- BOWMANVILLE 78 .- j Articles for Sale CLEARING sale of chester- fields at factory cost - 2-piece ,green, nylon caver, foam rub- #l'ber with zipper cushions; two- 1piece Danish style, foam rub- ber, zippered cushions, beige, $110; 2-piece daveno bed, brown, nylon, $129; 2-piece brown chesterfield, nylon, foam rubber, $139. 25% discount on 1aUl lamps; Axminster rugs, 6 x 9, $35; 9 x 12, $68. Murphy Furniture, King W., Bowman- ville. MA 3-3781. 19-1* S PE CI1A L DRAPERY MATERIALS Now in stock Reg. te $3.98 value REDUCED TO $1.89 -and $l.98 Yd. at Goodhrand Fabrics 28 King St. W. MA 3-55511 -11 - TILE - WALLS - FLOORS Any Kind Cerarnlc - Plastic - Rubber Vinyl - Asbestos H. G. HEAL COifax 3-2531 FLOWERING uni) TROPICAL FOLIAGE PLANTS ROSES - 40 Varleties SHRUBS - 29 Varleties SHADE TREES - 15 Varieties EVERGREENS - 25 Varieties VINES and GROUND COVERS Van Belle Gardens 3 Miles West of Bowrnanville Highway No. 2 MA 3-5757 Open Evenlngs 18-2 USED FARMI MACHINERY, Guaranteed - Tractons, Mas- sey-Hamnis 101 Super; Ford 1951, International Super "A" with Scufflers, Massey-Harris 30, Massey-Harris' 22, Allis- Chalmners VF with scufflers, International W4, Farmaîl Cub with mower and plow. One Massey-Harris Drill, 13-disc; John Deere 3-furnow Piow on rubber; Case 2-iurrow Plow, 3-point hitch; John Deere Sub Soiler; Case P.T.O. Com- bine; Case motor driven Com- bine; International motar driv- en Baier; New Holland motor driven Baler; International 22" Miii with Shredder; Massey P.T.O. Sprayer, 17-nozzle with P.T.O. pump; Massey-Harris 15 - disc fentilizer drill, nubben-tir- cd, low wheel, new condition; Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. East, Bowmanviile. MA 3-5689. 19-1 Cars for Saile '57 BUICK Hardtop, 4-doorl radio, $1,495. Terns. MAnket 3-3394..-- ________19-i '51 FORD % -ton truck, '54 Ford1 1-tan truck, '51 Mecury sedan, '56 Dodge sedan, '55 Ford. Tele- phare MA 3-5756. __ 17-4 1957 PONTIAC Laurentian_4- door hardtop, automatic trans- mission, radio, extra sharp con- dition. Phone MA 3-3408. 19-1 1949 CHEV. '/2-tontruck-, otor fuiiy reconditioned, new brakes, new clutch, ready ion the noad. Reasonable. Phare MA 3-2305. 19-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurarce. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For persoral service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. ________2-tf USED Cars-1956 Ford 2-Dr.; 1956 Mecury 2-Dr. Hamdtop, automatic transmission, radio; 1958 Meteor 2-Dm., 1959 Ford Fainlane, iully equipped; 1947 Ford 2-ton, good farrn truck. Cowan Equipment Ca., 1.34 King St. E., Bowmanville. MA 3-11689. __________19-i BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Jnst East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 0t Repairs RADIO and television repairs, Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MAU 3-5713. 29-tf ÊÎUARANýTEED television and radio service, to ail makes. vVUont anVUiQ PLUMING, heatlng, eavee Ltroughing, free estimates. Rai -vey Partner, Tyrone. COlla: 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-t FOR chimney work, new o repair or any brick, block o concrete work. P.O. Box 1082 Cail L. Turner, Phone MArke 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-t COLLEGE student, age 20, de sires summer employment. Aný reasonable offer considerec Write Advertiser 36, c/o Tht Canadian Statesman, P.O. Bo 190, Bowmanviile. 19-1l PAINTING and decorating wallpapering. First class work. manship. Free estimates. A full line of wallpaper. Cal' MA 3-2584, Melle Rozema, R.1R No. 1, Bowmanviile. 16-ti flerman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and) Carpentry New Work and) Repaîrs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 MlIi Lane 5-t Plasiering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO ANI) NEW, WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-ti Plumbing - Heaiing Eavestroughing A. BAARS 66 King St. W., Bawmanville Free Estirnate 18-tI BACKHOE WORK Trenchlng - Backfilling Septle Tanks New Equipment IVAN MOUNTJOY Biackstock 87 r 4 before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.rn. 15-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowinanviiie CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf WHITEWASHING STABLES, ETC. BERT TOMPIKINS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VIILLE 16-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION & REPAIRS Phone Bowrnanvilie Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tf Anger Construction CONCRETE - BRICK BLOCK CHIMNEYS ROY ANGER MA 3-2273 15-tf Agr. Custom Sprayersl Weed Problems?1 Lawns (Crabgrass) & Broadleaf Parking Lots - Drlveways Drainage Dîtches Field Spraying: Corn, oats, etc. r For particulars contact AL QUINNEY- MA 3-2976 RUSS DOW- MA 3-2160 ARENDS ELECTRIC MOTOIRS REPAIRS and) REWINDING to ail your Electricai Equiprnent Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowrnanvlle 19-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - <Rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. Tl-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1-52 'Same day service. -Tele-visiîon GROUP ai people who Service Ca. Phare MA 3-3883. cd fram piles (hacma: 49-tf discovcred an exceilen- REPIRSardrewndig, rm-ment called Pylatum a] REPAIS andrewidingarm-formed an agency oi atures turned, toa ah makes ai from Englard. Each] electrie motars. Higgon Elc- contains pilules ta relieý tric, 38 King East. Phone MA tptoadonmn 3-3305 7-tfplicator, ta melieve pain REPAIRS toanai makes ai scw- and gmadually shrin4 ing machines. Free pickup and $1.98 by mail fmomi dlivery. Laverty's Bargain Bmanded Pharmaceutic Centre, 59 King W. Telephone ency, 71 Wimbleton Ri MA 3-7231. 44-tf hington, Ontario, or as druggist ta order for yc R EPAIRS toalal makes ai me- Drug Trading Campa frigenators, domestie and com- Ottawa Drug Ca. merciai; milking coolers. Hîg- gan Elcctmic Limited,' 38 King Nusn o St E. Phare bA 3-3305. 7-tf SOUTH Haver Nursini Wanted -Accommodation for a nd semi-prate DEAD and crippled iarm stock, lounge TV. Fuly picked uppromptly. Telephore new building, modemn. COifax 3-2721. Margwiil Fur welcame. Reasonable Farm, Tyrone. 37-tf Phane Newcastle 4441. V. Malcolm. 19-1 Department of Public Works, Ottawa TENDERS SEALED TENDERS address- ed to Secretary, Departrnent of Public Works, Ottawa and en- dorsed "TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY 0F COAL. COKE, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILDINGS THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE 0F ON- TARIO" will be received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1960 Specifications and forms af tender can be obtained at the office of the Chief af Purchas- ing and Stores, Room 503, Gar- land Building, Ottawa, Ont.; District Manager, 225 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont.; District Manager, Dominion Public Building, Landan, Ont.; District Manager., Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. Tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordarlce with the conditions set forth therein. The successf ul contractor may be requested to provide security, before the award of the contract, in an amount and form acceptable to the Depart- The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FOR'TIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Wanted to Rent GOOD thrce bcdraom house with modern corveniences, Newcastle, Bowmanvillc or Orano. Phare Newcastle 4486. 19-1 THREE bedroom house in Bow- manville, on or ater July lst. Write Advertisem 27, c/a The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmianviile.__ 13-tf )ur Lost ___ or INi vicinity of, Happy Valley, 4* small light brown, male, Ter- - rier, answers to name of "Tink- er". Wearing red coflar. Phone g HomeI privte! Pets for Sale HIGHEST prices paid for live ~atent, i______________________ pultry, poose feathers, feath- fcensed, FIVE seven-week-old maiejer ticks, scrap iran, rags, Visitors puppies, black and white, ta; metals and raw furs. Phone erates. give away. Phone CO 3-2140. IRA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 8 -tf 119-1- '48-ti Blackstock 50 r 13. 19-1 SEVERAL purebred Sharthorn bulls at a reasonable price. Cyril Mumford, Hampton, Lot 28, Fifth Con. Darlîngton. Tele- phoneOshawa RA 8-8960. 18-2 HOLSTEINS If you are la the market for High Quality Foundation Stock or Profitable Miikers for dairy herd replacements, I arn sure we can assist yau. Always a number of SPRINGING COWS and HEIFERS te, choose fron.1 Drop la at Trewhaven Farm 1/2 mile South of Blackstock on Scugog Rd., or Phone BLACKSTOCK 29W for HOWARD TREWIN Wc are aware that Quality Is aý must for your success and ours.1 We also BUY - SELL - TRADEI S pe c ial PUREBRED HOLSTEIN COW 6 years old. Vaccinated, ac- credited and listed. Fresh May 9th. Priced to seil. This cow sound and nice te miik. 19-1 Wanted to Buy SPRAY gun for orchard spray- er. Must be in good condition. RIDING horses for children, must be gertie, reasonably prie- ed. MA 3-2924. 19-1 eFIFTY cords ai body hardwood. ;George Heaslip, Janetvillc. rPhone Bethany 37 r 33. 19-2* TWO dressers, two thrce- 1quarter beds, complete; ane -piano bench. Phare MA 3-2761. ALL kinds ai live poultry cwanted. Highest prices paid. fM. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, tele- vision, sewing machines, etc. Also seil and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MArket -1- For Rent Recd Estate for Sale Real Estate for 1 s- FURNISHED bedroom. MA MODERN 5-room brick bun- BUILDING lot, Second r- 3-7201. 19-1* galow, partly finished base- Phone MA 3-2023. lx LAG-airai ero ment, tiled bath, etc., on land- -t LAGEcoSrtbl --oo.scaped lot in Bowmanville. LOT for sale, suitabie fa, DrANU 3-86. 19' - Phne MA 3-3440 for appoint- ing. Phone MA 3-2963. ,r APARTMENT for rent. Phone ment. 19-1 TWO choice lots i Vill 3.1 MA 3-53 19-1 FOUR rooms and bath, base- Hamiptonl. Phone CO 3. L' FURNISHED iight housekeep- ment, furnace, pressure sys- :f ing room. MA 3-7201. 19-1* tem, garage, large lot, near FOUR-room bungalow, Dutch schoal, $750 down, bal- end ai Orano. Hot ai >IN Newcastle, Sully modern ance manthly payments. MA water. Ken Adams,i ýy one bedroom apartment. Tele- 3-2433,9 Bowmanvilie. 19-1* Phone 219J. . phone MA 3-5589 Bowmanvilie ie 19-1 ' ' LOT for sale, 90' x 250'.E abefrcopexenrhyl Peter K.owal fui level and dry buili APARTMENT for rent. Suit- REAL ESTATE BROKER on south side ai HighwE ,atledf$50conthe. JCf 3394 ENERL SlRN-E 2 at Maple Grave, Daml cate, $0 mnth MA3-334. ENEALISURNCE Township. Priced for 19-1 99 King St. E. flowvranville sale by owner. Cail RA --HE-oosadbth etd Telephone MA 3-5868 THReav rîo nd ebfcthaned. Box 817 'j MA 3-3186. 205 King East. Salesman J1. A. Barton 1-CEBIDN _____19-1* MA 3-3098 between - -OSHAWA & BOWMANI GO0D pasture or would take 5 room semi-detached brick tin cattle ta pasture. Phone home in very good condition Close ta Highway 401 Orono 12 r 10. G. Kayacs Oul heated. Located in a veryý New Golf Course. Tyrone. 19_1* nice neighbourhood. Owneri $4,000 with $1,000 do, FOU-ROM aartentintransferred. Asking only $9,000. Contact Haon. OM Parte entaneTerms. 141 Hamto. Pivteentane,6 room aider type 2-stomey Lloyd Mvetcalf $50 per month. Available July home which has been beauti- f16. Phone CO 3-~2213. 19-1jîulîy and artistically remod- REAL ESTATE LIMII FOUR ronms and sunroom, jeiled. Oul forced air heating. 40 King St. E. 01 ground floor, separate entmance,I Large modemn kitchen. Priced RA 8-4678 modern conveniences. Low'at $10,900.00. Ternis. ______________ rent ta couple ai middle-aged $12,900.00 wiil buy you aEs abstainers. CO 3-2015. 19-1 beautiful 3-bedroom brick bun- Leask Real Et FOUR-room apartment and galow. Ail modern appoint- bath, heated, newly decorated, ments. Only $3,900.00 down. 4 mont modemn buný tiled floors, heavy duty wîring, 6% mortgage. an deep landscaped 1<, immediate possession. Apply 5-moom bungalow at Maple furnace, h a r d w a o d1 fSamuel Annis, 10 Division s;t., Grave. Ail modemn conven- $8,000.00. Ternis. Bowmanville. 19-1* iences. Oul heating. Needs a We have lots, bungý ÈËÀj -D atrativý -3ïrgelittie finishing. Hurry for this houses, etc. F EAED ttaciv lrgone at $9,800.00. Termis.M.E AS partly iurnished rooms with We have sevérai ather goodM.ELAS private entrance. Ail modemn buys. Real Estate Broker conveniences, 3-piece bath, List with us for better re- 65 Ontario St. Bowm& heavy wiring, large kitchen SURtS. 19-i MArket 3-5919 with dinette. Nicely decorated. Curtains and floor coverîngs. Sales Staff: Vacant June lst. Quiet aduits' Pet er Feddemna Mrs. Ralph Arnes - MA home. Private 'phone. Phone REAL ESTATE BROKEh MA 3-3807. 19-1 10,acres with 10 root. brick McQuay n i Tenders Wanted house, ail furnace, bath, L- nd î shape barn, very gaod location, REALTORS Tenders wiii be received by very productive farm. Owner Members of Oshawva & Di the undersigned until Monday, will seil or trade.RelEteBor May l6th, 1960, for the care- 6 acres with 6 room stone RelEteBor taking ai the aid school at house, large barn, suitable for Farins - We have ove Hampton. Duties ta begin in- poultry farm. Price $1.0,50(). exclusive farm listingi medîately. Particulars as ta Easy terms. choose fromn. duties may be obtained from 13/4 acres with 5 room mod- 275 acre dairy farmn, 1à Secmetary M. J. Hobbs, Ennis- ern bungalow, nice view. A hause with ail conveniE killen. Phone CO 3-2608. 19-1 real buy at $11,000. Low down Barns 50 x 80 and 27 payment. Good milk contract. Si The Corporation af the Town- 50 acres between Bowman- Asking $45,000. Terms. ship ai Cartwright caîl tenders ville and Oshawa, 6 roam mod- 112 acre cash crop fart for: lern bungalow. Sec us for in- paved road. Good buil One haîf-ton pickup truck, formation. stream. $19,000, $5,000 dc equipped with Heater-Defrost-1 il acres facing Highway 2, 200 acre stock farm, er Unit, and Snaw Tires on with 4-room house. Price $7,500. buildings. Consider tra< rear wheels. To trade in - anc Ternis. town house. Full pnice $21 used 1955 Ford F 100 pickup. 4 acres with small bungalow. $5,000 down. May be seen at Township Gar- Price $3,800.00.1 14 acres, coner pr-op age in Blackstock or 'Phone 6 room spiit-level home in level garden land. 17 r 11. Bowmanville. Many extras. Termis. One rear mounted, hydraulie Priced ta seil. controiled, power tractor mow- 6 room bungalow in Orono. 10 acre etreat with er, with heavy duty 5' cut bar, Owner must seil. Price $12,500. temnarNwsl. ta mount on an A.C. WD trac- Terms. $1,000 down. tom. Lot between Oshawa and Summer resort on Rice1 M. Suggitt, Whitby. Beautiful view, size Fully equipped. A rare i Road Superintendent 78 x 200. only $15,000. Also calling Tenders for Commercial lot on Highway Retirement home in C1 Lakeshome Garbage Collector, 35, permit ganted.' Price $8,000. Full price with tE ta collect gambage for summen $5,000. Easy terms. Modern brick 3-beci months - total af 25 trips 41/ acres with 2-family house 'homes on Southway Drive stamting June l3th, 1960 and between Bowmanville and Simpson Avenue, pricec until September l3th, 1960. Oshawa. Price $15,500. Terms. quick sale. - and -19 eggS.Bwavl Cl A Building Inspector for the 11 cgo St M oAa3-3644 aî forenamed Municipality aiofiM 334 WALTER FRANK Cartwright. Details available Saiesman: G. Blyleven 177 Church St. MA 3- at Township Office, Blackstock. Phaone MA 3-5300 1- omnil Clerk, V. Malcolm. Phone 6191owavle Ail tenders ta close on Fri- day, June 3rd, 1960, and the Livestock for Sale De Wiih Real Est lowest or any tender nat neces- sanily accepted. TEN pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 100 Acre farm, near Lin( 75 acres workable, flowjnï spring, 60' x 42' bank barn, running water, drive shcd, ga- rage; 10 roomed brick home with ail fumnace. Price includ. ing machineny, $15,000. Ternms. 100 Acre famin near Oshawa, 95 acres workable, cneek, 80' x 36' bank barn, water bowls, milk house, etc.; 7 maomed home, beavy wired. Pnice and terms arranged. 50 Acre ianm, near Enniskil- 1er, 45 acres wvarkable, strcam, 70' x 32' bank barn, watem on tap, 2 garages. etc.; 7 roomed home, heavy duty wimed. Price $10.500. Terms. 130 Acre fari, 120 acre,, womkabie, streain, L-shaped bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 7 maomed home, running water. Asking $12,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm, 60 acres w'ork- able, 60' x 30' bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 7 raomed home, heavy (iuty wired. Price $9,000 wilh $3.000 down. 100 Acre famin, 85 acres work- able, streain, 60' x 40' bank barn, large bier bouse, etc.; 9 naomned home, heavy duty wim- ed. Asking $io,500. Terni1s an- anged. 2 Bedroom, well built buniga- low in Bowmanville with al modemn carveniences, full base- ment, modemn kitchen. Ask- ing $8,500 with $1,500 down. 5 Roomed brick bungalow in Bowmarville with 2 extra lots, ail modern corvenieces, double garage. Asking $11.000. Terms. 8 Roomed marne home in Pontypool with 4-piece bath, . running water. Price $4.000. Easy terms. 3 Bedroorn bungalow in Bow- manvîlle with ail modemn con- veniences, hardwood and tile floors. Asking $10,500. Tcrms aranged. 13 Roorncd brick hom Newcastle with extra lot. N1 f ly wired. Good well. Askîr# $8,000. Easy terns. Lots on Taunton Raad. Pric- ed at $600 per lot. 100 Acre land, approxirnate- ly %~ mile from No. 35 High- way, with stream, some wood. Price $6,000. Terms. Contact: John F. De Wih tecultor uni) Generai Insan Newcastle Phono 3341 Suiesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bowmunvfle MA 3-3950 Itou a Dvîdon, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 W' NEW DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday. 4:30 pm., 1Street. 19-1* )r build- .18-20 inge ai 3-2672. 7-tf north nd cold Orono. -19-1* Beauti. Jing lot vay No. rlington 7quick 5-8198. 13-tf LOTS V ILLE l>wn If ITED Oshawa 19-5 faie agalow, t, ail floors, galows, inville 3-3406 19-1 District ýer 106~ gs ta à ooin ences. 1x 60. ;ream. 'rni on .dings, aown. ;0,000. Dperty, $3,000. trout $2,200. Lake. buy at )rono, ;erms. Iroom ;e and Id for 3-3393 19-1 tdae ý 1 -i-_ 1 : Il qwwTnenàlw lwÀkgw imas. qAý - 4 1

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