THIURSDAY, MAY 1Zth, 1960 i -_ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL!, ONTARIO PAGE FII'rEEN Classif i Notices D.Storey's office will be .losed May 18 to June 1. 19-2* 1L.27C.Iason's Law Office Suntil Monday, May 30th. 19-3* 1-Picino Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telephone MArket 3-3900. 8-tf YEJJVERTON SoTry to report, belatedly, that Mrs. George Hcaslip isi currently unden docton's cane and bas been convalescing at her sisten, Mns. Eanle Ross of Toronto. We join in wishing her a speedy recuperation. Several Yelvertonians atten- ded the presentation in Beth- any on Wed., May 4th, for Al- ban Sisson., on completion hast December of 251,, yeans of service as Road Superintend- ent for Aiban. Our wishes go forward M~r a long peaceful retinement beyond car-shot of any telephone's beckoning cal anmd ratepayer's impatient quer- fes as to where is that so and so snowplow? Glad to repu,)t that Mm. Joe. Cooper is back home with his employer tho' stili wearing a walking carst.1 Mothem's Day service at the White Church was well attend- ed on Sunday with the Jun-E ions taking over this service iînI a Most competent manner, des- pite most nclement weather. Spning work was poceeding nicely in this community with a fcw with seedin, already completed or neanly so. 9E MOSTf HOT WATER LOWEST COST with a RENTAL WATER ONLY $ 1 ,I,7 5 Mo H La) FuIIy Guaranteed F R.E SERVICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION (in some cases, t here may be a charge 'or extra piping.) Water heats 3 trnes faster Costs Iess, Too! Toul Gas compauY dues 'lt employ doorta. do.r slesmenj sur telephvne canvassers. Ff Information about deale;s icensed by the Ontario Fuel Board ta sell and instal saturai eupet Cali or Write the sales a(tenof 59-37~ja PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 Support the Oshawa. Hospital Fund RECONDfflONED Used 1958 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr., Radio. Clean. Gre( 1957 SAVOY 4-Dr. 6-cyl. Radio, wvhite andj 1956 SAVOY 4-Dr. 6-cyl, Radio, black and ti 1955 PLYMOUJTH 2-Dr. Radio. New blue. 1955 FORD CUSTOM 2-1 One owner only, 26, Two-tone white and 1954 FORD V-8 4-Dr. New green metallic. 1953 CHRYSLER 2-Dr. Hl Automnatic, original smnall mileage. 1953 DODGE V-8g 4-Dr. Automnatic, radio, 2. A real good car. 1953 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. ýà Radio, 2-tone blue. 4ý51 CHRYSLEIR New Y Automnatie, radio, pc Good running car. 1951 DODGE 6-cyl. 4-Dr. 1952 FARGO 12-Ton PIC' CRYSLER - PLYM FARGO - SIM 26 ing St. L Bowr "I E t i s t t e b lý si r T a c v ti c c aý a: t( h oý 0 w a] a, B gi T Mvr. and ivrs. Werrylweu Luuduil'nank. lvi. Jouhn Sandra and Sharon, were Sun: Carnaghan, treasurer of theý day dinner guests of Mr. and Building Committee, presented Mrs Tom Sobi], Taunton, and the financial statement. The, were tea guests at Dr. and Junior Choir sang "Children of Mrs. Clark Werry's, Toronto. Jerusalem".1 Mr'. Walla.ce Stainton, Tor- The President of the Bay of' _____________________ Quinte Conference, Rev. M. C.1 Fisher, B.A, of Newcastle, de-i livered a fine sermon from the, - UARANTEED subi ect "Jesus the Good Shep-1 herd", stressing the need asi well as the opportun ity for ali Carsparents, teachers and churchi leaders of being "Good Shep- herds". Mr. Wallace Marlow, chair-' c a r s liman of the building committee,, prcsented the keys of the new: 6-cyl. building to the President of ýen. Conference, who, on behalf ofj theUniedChurch of Cnd, accepted them, and then deliv-1 ered them to Clerk of the Ses-ý gold. Like new. sion, Mr. Earl Dorreli. Mr.' Dorreli in turn accepted them; on behaîf of the Session and urquoise. Very dlean. Trustees of Blackstock United' Cluurch. Subuirban 6-cyl. During the singing of theý nrocessional hymn, the Clerk' -ind Sunday School Superin-' Dr. tendent, Mr. Ralph Larmer, ledý ,ooo iles.the Junior and Senior Choirs,j the President and Ministers andi ci green. ýthen the congregation in ord-I crly procession down through' the old Sunday Sehool roomý *Good running order. inito thle new roomo where theý Dedication Service w~as con- [ARDTOP, 6-cyl. ducted by Rev. Fisher. 2-toe geen After the closing, lîght re-! 2-tonegreenfreshments were served byý ladies of the W.A. and ail had: the opportunity of a littie visit with the goodly number ofý -tone bronze. friends from a distance who; braved the weather. Among the visitors attending'; 2-Dr. this service were: Mr. and Mrs.i, Local wner.Edgar Emmerson, Peterboro;' Loca ower.Miss Gwenneth Griffith, Ham-! îfton; Mrs. Ena Herron, Willow- iorker V-8 4-Dr. <tiale; Mrs. Norman Malcolm, ower steering. Toronto: Mrs. H. Hawkin, Port, Ony$195.00. Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' Only Yellowlees and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leen-k and fam- Runs good. ilv, Solina: Mr. and Mrs. Mer- KU? :win Mountjoy. Hanrfpton; Mr. and Mrs. Warner Brown and Larry, Oshawa. iMrs. Bert Smith, Toronto,, Mrs. Elmer Archer and Mar- ilyn, Whitby, Dr. D. Bilby, Miss Df or Sales Pearl Wright, Miss Mable Van Camp Mis GerrudeHenry. [OUTH - VALIANT Toronto: Miss Doreen Van CA DELERSCamp, Cobden: Miss Helen Van' ICA DALERSCamp, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. nanville MA 3-5487 [Milon Fisher, Caesarea; Mr. Oscar McQuade and Mr. Edgar~ -a Gibson, Cadnius. I KELLY SAFE TRAC RAYON. BLACKWALL TUBE-TYPE guarani:eed by Kelly ask for details iW 6.70-15 PLUS RETREADAbLE TIRE LOOK FOR THE SIGN 0F WORRY-FREE DRIVINO Add Lif e to Vour Tire. by having yotar FRONT ALIGNMENT CHECKED NOW! RAY GIBBS SUNOCO STATION 181 King St. E., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3503 MAPLE GROVE Mns. L. C. Snowden visited Oshawa, on Sunday, when Mn. and Mrs. Norval Wotten their grandson, Dale William, at Solina necently. was baptized. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Snow- Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- den returned borne Sunday den and Betty were tea guests from a week's visit witb their of Mn. and Mns. Wes Down on daughten and son-in-iaw and Sunday. Tbey wene present famiiy, Hamiton. While thene when littie Scott was bap- they attended the Kiwanis tized at Ebenezer Cburch. Music Festival where their Mrs. Otis Pritchard and son gnandson, Bill Brown was a Paul, of Manotick, spent a few contestant in tbnee piano SO.. days with the former's moth- los, winning one goid medal en, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. and two silven medals. Betty Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beech Ann Brown and another con- acocmpanied Mn. and Mrs. Cy testant played in a piano duet Trewin of Bowmanville, to a getting 4th place in a class of pryi oot nStra .12 witb 84 marks.patnTonoonauda evening. Mn. and Mrs. Tnewin Mn. and Mrs. George Tai- wcre celebrating the annîver- bot, Ballantrae, Mn. and Mrs. sary of thein wedding. Erie Adams of Elmsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Smidth, Prince Edward Island, visited Brooklin, Mn. and MIs. Fred Mn. and Mns. Hanry Windsor Langille and family, Oshawa, and famiiy, last Monday. wcre guests of Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- Del Hendsbee, last Sunday. low, accompanied by Mn. and Maple Grove, Cubs beld a IMis. Wili Ashton of Ennis- most successful bottle drive killen, visited Mrs. Fred Ash- on Satunday. Those wbo don- ton, Toronto, on Sunday. ated the use of their trucks Mn. and Mis. Evenctt Beech, wene: Akella Bert Snowden, Port Hope, called on Mn. and Mel Holmes, Jim Laventy, Ai- Mis. Gordon Beech one day bert St. Pierre and Bob Both- last week. well and Glen Rae Dainy. Mns. Robent Bothwell and Drivers and those wbo help- Mrs. William O'Neill, Sr., at- ed in the shed were Cecil Bur- tendcd the Arca School Asso- ton, Jim Henny, Tom Mc- ciation mneeeting at Hampton Guirk, Bruce McDonald and on Monday. Eugenc Dobbs. The Couples Club bowling Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beech night will be heid on Satur- and family, Mrs. E. C. Ash- day at Motor City Alîcys, Osh- ton attendcd the special Mo- awa, at 8 p.m. Members please tbe ' s Day service at Provi- note. dence Churcb wbcn Mr. and Mn. D. C. Laverty accom- Mrs. William Bragg's young- panied by bis mothen, Mrs. P.1 est child was baptized. ' J. Laverty of London, visited Mrs. Tom McGuink, Mrs. D. relatives mn Welland on Tues- C. Bailey and Freddy, attend- day. cd the Victoria County Musi Misses Bonnie Bcech and Festival in Lindsay las tThurssl- Dianne Hoar sang at the spe- day when John McGuirk plac- cial service for Girl Guides! ed second in the piano solo and Brownies, at St. Paui's ciass with 86 points. Congra- Church, Bowmanville, on tulations John! Sunday evcning. We Need You Cie Mrs. E. C. Ashton spent the The We Nced You group weekend with Mr. and Mrs. met at the borne of Mrs. Roy I. G. Travell, Oshawa,. Van Camp witb President Mns. Mrs. Charles Greenbam ac- 1 Clifford Swallow in charge. companied Mrs. Otis Pritch- Mrs. William O'Neil actcd as ard and four othen Women's secretary in the absence o! Institute delegates from Car- M ns. Jack Cunningham. Icton County, to attend thel Three new members were 1 Officers' Conference at the welcomed, Mrs. Lawrence O.A.C. in Guelph, last week. White, Mrs. Harvey Meteal! Mn. and Mrs. William and Mns. John A. Noble. Dur- O 'neil Sr., and famiiy attend- ing the Worship Service, a ethe baptism senvice at Al- Scriptune reading was given I ert Street United Chureb, by Mn.. Howard Cryderman, Mis. Neil Brownell gave aî readinq "Is There Anyone' There? ' followed by Drayer. The meeting closed with all repeating the ~~lCsL.i Next meeting will be held atj the home of Mrs. Roy M et- onto, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Stevens. ed Ads Mr.adMrs. Lloyd Semon Cartwright Takes Over Haydon; Mr'. and Mis Earl T win, Dre and Donald, ne1 nelp Wcnited Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mm. redToms. for dairy fanm Apply Charles MShn Ms .L.Wan irley Cemetery Grounds,ý Naylr, ampon.CO 3-2046. andSsn e wtMradl 182 ý1s.A.M. Wearn, Claremnont. i Naylr, Hmpto 18~[ iMr. and AMis. A. Huggett and UIBANK of Montreal has an op- boys, Maple Grove, were Sat-ifld n 30C ei -lIening for Junior Clerk - maie urday eveninig visitons at Mr or female. Apply in person at and Mi1s. E. McNair's. the Bank. 19-1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, The regular meeting of Cat-' School Trustee Rates - - High passed. Road Inspection was >LADIES-Oppontunity to earn~ Port Credit; Mr'. and Mrs., wright Council washedaScolAa,1mison$-pandadcrtnlctos extra money selling everyday' Ralph Lamb were callers at'1 8 p.m. on the evening of May 627,484 assessment; Central recorded for special attention. necessities (full or part-time) Lorne Lamb's.1 2nd writh ail members pres- Public School Area 12 milîs The Devil's Elbow Cause- to ou frens ad e*hbours Mostyn Howells and Neill ent. Minutes of last meetings on $1,563,784 assessment; wywsodrdsge o Apply by writing to Rawleigh'sWthabt ..1Cln eeapoe etrlP liSco Aa caution since one of the local ýDept. E-140-GA2, 4005 Riche: ton ,Ont., were Mother's Day Mr. M. H. Staplcs, Munici- Debenture 6.4 mîlîs on $1,563,- trucks went down some thin- lieu, Montreal. 19-1 visitors at Mr. and Mrs. W. pal Auditor, presentcd the 784; Devitt's Public School S. t etoe h de e ---Howell's. 1959 Audit Report and went S. No. 3 Rate 12.6 milîsos outyietover the sedge res- POSITIONS in offices open tol Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gett- over it with Councîl. He sta- $63,700 assessment; Federa- soion waspssed ruesti- you after completing a coursel ms and family, Caesarea, were ted that the Municipality was tion of Agriculture rate .5 ing thieUn to aauntyO- at Bowmanville B u si ne s sl with Mr'. and Mrs. P. Elis. in a very good financial con- milI; Fire Protection at igeupett gi n School. Registrations for Faîl Mr. and Mis. Carl Brunt and, dition. 2.50 per each Assessment;deaeth To sip iin ter nw bmg accepted. ,aiY, Bow nvlewihM. esr McudadLw Street Lights at 2:50 per programme. Write Box 487, Bowmanville, and Mrs. A. Brunt. of the Oshawa Presbytery each Blackstock Assessmnent; tioforinghdiscusship on al or Telephone MA 3-5434. 18-tf Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wright. were present as Carctaker Garbage Collection at 2.25 per Tiondr for h ftoni ocai S.S. NO. 16 Darlington, Dur- Barrie: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truîstees of the Shirley each Lakeshore Assessment. ters fothth r ea aîft oneîcku ham County, requires for Wright and famiiy, Bowman- Church and Cemictery grounds Taxes due in two instal-tucwîhherentoea school terni, Sept., 6, 1960, a ville; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tre-~ and requested th~e municipal- ments lst on July 2, and 2nd trade in was carried. Also to principal, protestant, exper- sise and girls, Oshawa, were, ity to take over the responsi- on Dec. lst, 1960. Tender for Garbage Collect- ience preferred, for senior visitors at Mr. and Mrs. N. E. bility for samne as weîî as a The Road Superintendent or for summer cottagers to be room. This is a modemn school Wright's. Mr'. and Mrs. Edgar credit of better than $300. The presented two Suppiementary in by June 3rd. with ail conveniences. Apply Wright were Sunday callers. Deed for the' lot describes it By-laws for Road Expendi- Bills of $1,170,81, genenal stating qualifications, exper- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry., as being 165' x 132' and was ture - $10,000 Construction, accounts, and $1,945.81 Road îence, and name of last in- Were recent tea guests of Mr.. registered in 1861. Council Sraeteteto od conswr asd d spector to Mrs. Ralph Virtue, and Mrs. Glen Van Camp, Port accepted the responsibility. No. 1053; $2,000 Maintenance, journiment until next regular Secretarv - Treasurer, Ennis- Perry. Mr. Jack Hamilton wýas Snow Removal No. 1054. Each meeting at 8 p.m. on June 6, killen, Oint.______ 18-9- Mrs. M. Davad and Rick, present on invitation to giveweeea thetmsan 190 TOWNSIP 0 CLAKE -Long Banch; Mrs. FredDaI his interpretation of the pro- idsin, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. posed Building By-iaw. WithA APPLICATION FOR AlnDa n mdnc fexv alterations he approvedH M BUILDIG INSECTOR Dixie; Miss Shirley Mills, R.N. saine and Council expressedp o. Applications clearly marked Kingston, were weekend guest., their appreciation. The pro- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith,[guest. for the position of Building In- at Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley's. posed Building By-law No. Oshawa, spent the weekend In spite of very inclement spector wili be received by the Mrs. Will Forder, Blackstock, 1055 was then given two with their daughter and son- weatben on Sunday the chunch uringn a urday, andl4t 160 spent Menday with Mr. and readîngs and Clcrk ordered to in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Lewis services were fainly well at- Ai ats are toapy in wnit60. beî. ed Toms, the occasion forward samne to the Munici- Truil and family. tended. At the morning wor- Appicnt ae t apl i wrt-bengMrs. Forder's birthday. pal Dept. for approval. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Widde- sbip service a baptismal service ing, stating qualifications, ex- Teetv aishpe o Clerk xvas instructed to caîl combe, son Bill and daughten was conducted by oun pastor, perience, and any other infor- be t saiesge witb o Tenders for a Municipal Karen, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. wben Gregory Harold Balson, mation which may assist counc- bdfhf' * . .it 4 ay Building Inspector. Doug. Nichols and children, son of Mn. and Mrs. Harold il. Salary bas been set and difelence in their birthdays The Mill rate levy By-law Bowmanville, visited their pan- Balson, and Joanne Holroyd, will be payable monthly. Funth- and were school day pals. No. 1056 was thon read twice ents, Mn. and Mrs. R. Widde- infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. en details may be procured C..ongratulations to Mr. and and discusscd at length and combe on Sunday. W. Holroyd, wene baptized. A from the undensigned. Mrs. Ross Sharp on the arrivai finally given the third read'- Mn. Charles Briggs, Toronto, very fitting "Mothen's Day" H.E MLSO, of a new memben of the fam- ing and passed. Tax Bills to spent the weekend witb Mr. message was given by Mn. Reed Box 37, Orono, Ontario issrLigtnB be prepared as folows:- and Mrs. Cecil Siemon. which contained h e 1lp f u 1 18-2 Ms lnrLihoBw County rate 13.4 milîs on Mn. and Mns. Franklin Truli, thoughts on "Home Life". An - manville; Mn. and Mrs. E. A. $1,627.484 assessment; Town- Oshawa, with bis parents Mn. appnopniate anthemn selection, Werny, Grant and Betty Jane ship Commercial rate 23 milîs and Mns. Lorenzo Trull. "Show Me My Task", was rend-. were Sundiay tea gcuests at Dr. on $47.289 assessment; Town- Mn. and Mrs. Chnis. Chant, ened by the choir and added in-!~ E NNISKILLEN and Mis. Clark Werry's, Ton- ship Residential rate 17 milîs Millikin, vîsited bis brother spiration. onito. on $1,580,195 assessment; Ted and Mrs. Chant on Sun- An open session was held in Mn. Wallace Stainton, Ton- Mn. and Mis. Harold Ashton day. the Sunday School and was onto, Mn. Herb Rogers, Bow- and boys were Saturday even- Miss Nina Hodgson, Wash- conducted by Gordon Smale. manville, were callers at Mr. ing tea guests of Mn. and Mrs. ington, D.C., arrived on Sun- The special orden of worship and Mrs. W. H. Moore. S. Kemsey, Hampton. 'r day for a visit with ber pan- prognamn was used, the theme Mrs. Gordon MeLean visitedi onWskn1saw;Ms ents, Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodg- being "The Family as a at Miss Rose Mountjoy's, Nes- Mary Griffin, Bowmanville. o.Christian Community," with teo.werc Sunday afternoon visitors Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, the leader reading the eall to Mi.Anletitono e at R. Griffin's. spent the weekend with ber worship and invocation. Scrip- er.rhursentMonday Pet- Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue ')JARAWE parents, Mn. and Mrs. Roy ture passages were read by JaeroogspA erry. da wt attended the christening of Knox. Enlyne Barron, Kathy Hall and JmA.n te ihuerbl their little nephew, Trent Jam- WE KNOW OUIR CTtFF. Jackson Wray and daughters Linda Smale, and Ruth Turner thenngtedtonurble ga es Masters and were guestsYOPU'ETIFD Maxine and Debora, Oshawa, led in the reading of the ne- ens was one for M'rs. E. C. Ash - with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. ORefljMr'NOT ENo(>Ui vîisted bis parents, Mn. and sponses. The address, "God Earl Masters, Bowmanville. Mrs. T. Wray on Saturday. Setteth the Solitany in Fami- ton wben 28 members of ber Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. , -$~Mn. and Mrs. Ken Poolen lies", was ably pnesented by imedat fmilyoberedthswere Sunday tea guests of Mi'.g and family, Oshawa; Mn. and Mary Niddeny. The offening special day in a celebration at and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, the home of bier youngest dau-Bacsok Mrs. J. Lyon and family were was neceived by Gene Baison ghte, Mn W. . BaggPnov.ç, Sunday visitons witb thein pan- and Bill McReelis, and ciosing idece.Mns. AllenBraigonrat- entsMn. and Mrs. S. Kensey. prayer was taken by Harold tdende.d All enThs wa a obleMn. and Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI. Balson. Douglas Dewell pre- evetalsoit was s a cdrstuBL CKTeC were recent gests of Mr.and sided at tbe piano for the enmng pat o isJnt Atog ttee an lMns. T. Salten is with ber (Intended for iast week) Mayrene Bragg, wbo is the day Sunday, thene was a good daughe and ns. HiltonMPetens and nd dag Atnnletty nn ite younges't gnanddaugrt ern o attendance at each of the tbre, n r.Hlo e'sadadduhe et nLtl lVI.s. E. C. Ashton and Mrs. services in the United Church Ralpb, Toronto. Britain, visuted ber brother and Inwin Bragg. Little Janet was At tbe 10 a.m. service th( ~.MIGIIEATIN 1Mn. and Mrs. W. Harrison wife, Mn. and Mrs. Ted.Chant baptized by Rev. Wmi. Hous- Sacrament of Baptismn was ad- U - and Kim, Colborne, spent the and son on Sunday. [ander at the Sunday morning ministered to Beverley Ann, :îio EEWALE(s.o weekend with ber parents, Mn. Mn. and Mns. Joe Gallantàand service in Trinity United Chu- infant daughter of Mn. and Mrs. ____________ and Mrs. G. Adcock. Ronnie spent the weekend in rcb, Bowmanville. Don Sinclair, and Roy Fred- W _ - - '0*0*[# Miss Marie Pnescott, Toronto; Tononto. Mns. John Siemon and Miss enick, infant son of Mn. and Mni. and Mnis. Herbent Prescott Misses Lena Taylor and La- Lois Ashton accompanied Mr. Mrs. Fred Cowling. and Roger, Enniskillen, with verne Orchard, Bowmanville, and Mrs. J. W. Bownian to' The Special Family Week their parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. were Tuesday evening visitons Convocation Hall of the Uni- Service was observed In Sun- L. Prescott. with Misses Florence Werny versity of Toronto to attend day sebool at il a.m. On Friday evening a sbower and Lulu Reynolds. he annuail Victoria University Miss Helen Van Camp, Osha- was held at the Prescott home Hampton C.G.I.T. and their Convocation and Emnmanuel wa, in ber usuai pleasing mfan- for Miss Evelyn Pascoe, R.N., leadens were guests of the College Graduation ceremony nen, told the story "Phyllis and. 5~~ Peterborough Civic Hospital. Nortbminsten United Chunch and reception as guests of Rev. the Baby Monarcb". Ms a dmBwavle .... saa nFia nd when Mn . Green ofeceighed1DeicatiSice of e n and and Miss Marie Prescott wene evening wben a veny enjoyable to d e Mrs. .Green0f Bigh- hetoffeice o e nadco-hostesses assisted by Mns. evening was spent. Othen C. his degnee of Docton of Theol- Christian Education Building John Carnigan. The guests were G.I.T. gnoups were present also. ogy. was beld at 3 p.m. Rev. J. E former teachers and sebool- Miss Helen Allin and Jim Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Horn GriffithB.A. of D fdunsfor ,hw mates of the guest of honon. Widdecombe attended a Young Oshawa; Mr'. and Mis R. Tic- was paston in Blackstock at e elsMn. Verne Chant is spending People's Conference at Queen's vin and Carol, Mimnico; Mn. the time of Union, 1925, con- bde four days in Ottawa this week University in Kingston, last and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd ducted the finst part of the atbde in the intencst of "Adventunes weekend. and Eanle, Mirs. Albert Wright service. The ladies' choir ofl in Citizensbip" and was the In the recent canvass for the Blackstock, were Sunday tea 21 voices sang the anthem "I bigh sebool student who had Cancer Fund, conducted by the guests with Mn. and Mis. Earl Will Extol Thee". mînaeaDPr«cS 1 the bonor of being selected by Ladies Service Club, $145.00 Trewin. R . . .1ev. P. omeril gave thel the Rotary Club to be thein was collected.____ HAYDON FAST RELIEF FOR The service on Mther's Day Sunday evening was well at- illed and the speciati programn-R me was used. The Junior girls sang. Duning the service, Canm- Mlla JoW auter Lof Mn. eadHOA christened and Alexan d r a Mary daughter of Mi. and Mns. - S David Mornow anmd William Clem, son of Mr'. and Mis. "U Fw RMN Clem Rahm. ~u MN W.A. meeting Thuirsdaya- tennoon at 2:30 at the manse, Ty'rone, Mrs. Arthur Trewin's gnoup in charge. HILLER and FURROWER Attachments................ isach , 75 TINE EXTENSIONS- Mammki orelg surafom fm221 te 32". MASTER ll~~ Eloctrio Foncer 10l9 More fectures, and at a Iower price, too Pire-vides un! aiiing service under al **< weatben conditions - and does it con- ' tinuously up te 5 months with one fencer battery (see beiow). Charges more miles o! fence. Low maintenance, easy installa- " tien. Use for temnponary purposes or per- manenthy ... te save time, work, money, . by keeping livestock on pastune, separat- .. ing stock, protecting crops and other uses.~ Heavy-gauge auto-body steel case. Baked enamel finish. 6-Volt. DELUXE MODEL - As above but with 10 ground rod affached te base; und flasher12 8 Mor-Power FENCER BATTERY Par PAIR 10075 6-vot. 3.69 Eoythe. <onvenience of a Water Pressure Systrm <'s '~ .».,~.,: RUNNINO WATEM ALWAYS ON TAP __Savings Prioed JET fi .5 PRESSURE SYSTEM9AS .~'I .* Convertible for Ihollow or Do.p Wells SUse at cottage, suburban home or farm. De- s igned for compactness, top operating effi- ciency.. today's outstanding value! Sturdy pump body; abrasion-resistant nylon impel- withoutut f u to535gallons per hr. liep-wilto 0-t.,caaciy,425 gallons per hr.Speialadater(litedbelow) converti 70-t.exta eepwel pmpwith pacity moor 0-yce .... . ... ........ 92,50 De..-wou ..... ........18 FLEXBLEPLATICWATER PIPE Ligweihtflxibe. seonly a hacksaw and scrwdrverto nstll.Noneed to lay below th frs ie.10 olGrdc abore ** erepedbehloelui o2- . 679/15%Il B-80a.los 7-0-0f f i a m. A COMPletO linovoffplaoniotherdua von u. UsrEjo te Xta a e laadof SubE o n hiel. SI AT___THEX OWET ;RCE I9TO5 %WÈoMDIrn f"A,, 160 Church Street Bowmanville 1 Girls 4-H Club The third meeting of the Hi- Teens was held at the Sun- day School rooms on Saturday afternoon. The girls started their project "Cottons May Be Smart" by pinnlng the pat- terns on their materials, and are to have their garments eut out by the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Dubeau on May 11. Leaders present were Mrs. Ron Brooks, Mrs. R. Du- beau and- Mrs. Ken Kuhnke. PAGE FUTEM ýlv