Lions Celebrate 25th Birthday Oshawa Wood Products Opens New Showroom We are pleased te mnclude in this edition of The Canadian Statesman a 16-page tabloid section in coler anneuncing the opening of the new show- room at Oshawa Wood Products Ltd., Courtice. Their many friends are invited te drop ini and s ee the magnificent addition they have erected. This enterprising organization had its start in 1931 under the guiding hand cf the present pro- prietor J. Cecil Found, a native cf the Courtice- Ebenezer area. We, at The Statesman, offer our sincere con- gratulations to a firm which has its roots deep in Durhamn soil, and. one which has effectively Durham County's Great Family Journal VLM1032Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1960 10e Per Copy NUMBER1i9 This huge birthday cake, made by Charles Carter Sr., was the centre of attraction at the Lions Club 25th Anniversary on Monday evening. President Glenn Lander, right, conducted the interesting meeting. Past International Presi- dent Walt Fisher of St. Catharines was guest speaker. He is shown cutting the cake to open the program. Raised, Spent Over $140,000 Grove Group Donates $517 To Easter SeaI5 An unexpected, but most welcome windfall added $517.80 to Rotary's Easter Seal campaigu for Crippled Children last week. At the Rotary meeting, Friday, it was announced that a cheque signed on behaif of the Happy Gro- vers group for that amount had beeen re- ceived. Eager to express thanks, the club and this news- paper started checking on the origin and activities of the Happy Grovers. We Iearned that they were a group of teenag- ers in the Mapie Grove area who organized for dances and other enter- tainment in 1946. They have not held any func- tions since 1948. Most of the group have married and many have moved from this area. The $517 was the total amount lef t lu the treasury. After many consulta- tions with former mem- bers, Secretary Treasurer Mrs. Wes Down (former- Iy Greta Snowden) R. R. 4, Oshawa, and the Presi- dent, Phil Finney, now iu USA, were authorized to donate the amount te .HEE A (REATES "HA After a one-day respite, rain that it had rained 40 days ad -____ was faiiing again yesterday to 40 nights, as in biblicai days. add more moisture to ground He doesn't recail the damage at already soaked to capacity. the time, except that every- Over the weekend, there was thing was covered with water. aimost continuous rain from At Vanstone's Mill, a day and Saturday to late Monday after- night watch was established floof. and al iogs were removed to Fiooding w as ge ne ra i handie the record flow. The throughout the area. Storm biggest problem was to steer sewers in town and drainage the huge trees, stumps and ditches over a wide area over- even a 400 pound drowned fiowed, filiing ceilars, wrecking calf through the miii gates so basement recreation rooms, they would proceed down- threatening miii dams and gen- stream without blocking the eraily creating havoc. water. They expect to spend In Bowmanville, basements several days removing the de- which owners had neyer known bris which accumuiated. to flood were covered with Downstream, the Goodyear three and four inches of water dam which was handling a which shot up through drains huge amount of water ail week- as the mains overfiowed. One end, finaiiy gave up when the manhole on Scugog St. gushed overfiow cut through the west water most of Monday, whiie bank, tearing eut a hydro pole, nearby, W. J. "Bill" Bagneli but releasing the tremendous reported more than 25 inches pressure on the rest of the of water in his basement. cement structure. Octogenarian W. J. Berry StiR further toward the lake, raid he vaguely recaiis a worse Roy Neads' boat depot took storm when he was about 20- harsh beating. The water was some 66 years ago. He was higher than they had ever seen ~&i working at the Enniskiiien miii it. Their boat docks were lit- and the popular comment was (Continued on page seven> a worthy ciiaritY. Lions Review Achievements Former Happy Grover Bsan1ÇPee Lion Reiew chiveme ts embers now away f rom tis area will be interest- O t n )e e ed to learn that the pro- 1 fits from their dan c U R T A K - T h s i th r t w e k o w r - 25 th Birthday P art y ~went to a moat worh 9Uy ng w ~ ~ Ste rs~5ekc A t 2 t it d y P rycause. ing , our new daln of usa at 4:30 for ________ _______advertising, classffied, cerrespendence and other ________ _______- A glorious 25 years of ach-i missile, no astronauts, nothing d s, except last minute material. As this is being levement by Bowmanvilie I in orbit, hie said. The pace c rr written everything appears to be working much Lions Club was marked on of lifeis rapidly beter hanantcipted wih oRecofrddiappint H. Hedges Moncday at their own Corn- yet the basic principles ofB Frem netmer s calîing On Wtedt nla esdy.morn ing.Ma A lother clubs were represented. saine. They are flot oid fash- B ie e we express our sincere thanks te ail those who Adduresses A past international president ioned and we must continue hv oprtdt h ul nldn u w speaer nd o lve y tem.sav s om staff who have taken the adjustment in their stride. Iamong the guests were many Science has made many ad- v s H mt t t t t Teachers past and present international vances but the science oft t T t and district officers, as well men's minds and spirit hasn't Town firemen made a re- DOWN A LITTLE - Final results cf the ]Red "Science is a question of as distinguished local citizens yet been scratched. If men's cord run On Tuesday just be- what is right and not who is present to help with the celc- minds and souls are right, we fore noon to the home of Mr. Cross Blood Clinic last week indicate that they right" stated Mr. H. Hedges, 1bration. can achieve anything we wish, and Mrs. Eari Ross, 71 Brown were somewhat short cf the 250 pint quota whîch master at Toronto Teachers' Speiit Over $140,000 he continued. In Lionism we St. had been set. At the last clinic, there were 251 have made tremendous strides, It was just as weil they did, d stmtenme a 0,wt bu Coilege and well known TV Past Presiçient Andrew M. in the past 10 years 7000 2clubs because one bedroomr ariousnors. Th personality. By experiment-i Thompson highlighted the have been organized with two storey building was en- 20ntaoededntefrvrusesn. ing make science a "doing" evening by reading a history over 300,000 members, which gulfed in flames and Chief j subject for it is aiways with,.'lhe had prepared in his cap. is a great potential for good. Walter Hackney estimated CtL F FtL AY-theHt hSholtil us and we cani check the an-1 acity as club historian. He dis- He congratulated Bowmanviiie that the entire house might CA, FFFILe d AyesT he, hseen aeldf swer.! closed that during its quarter, Lions on their tremendous have been demolîshed had Day scheduldfrysea, sbencldof Mr. Hedges addreFsed the1 century, Bowmanvilie Lions success over the years and they been a few minutes la- for this year due to the excessive rainfaîl. Athlçtes South Dariington 1'~hcs Club had raised and spent on wished them Weil in future. ter in arriving. mahvet rci nmu nx y rbas, Association and tiL, s a host of community projects, Mr. Fisher was introduced by As it was, the furniture, a aet rciei u etyabcue from North Dariington ()_ the large sum of more than 'Past International Counsellor ciothing and the -balls were i we remember correctly, this is the second year Mayol 2, at Hmpton ublic $40,000 H. L. Goddard and thanked burned and scorched by the thus has happened. Scoo. tliSae rncpis by Past President Al?x Mc- flash fire which must have t. t. .t .t .t Four skills to be deveioped A reminiscent and inspira- Gregor. spread very rapidly. No de- in chiidren for scientific! tional message climaxed the Presdent Glenn Lander, finit e cause was given for the BIG CELE13RATION -- The Orono Intermediate thinkîng were explained as occasion. It was given by Walt ch aired the happy affair, as- blaze. Mrs. Ross and their two hockey titleholders for Ontario are holding a Observation, Open-rnindness, Fisher of St. Catharines, past sisted by Past Presidents children, Joy and Jeff, 4 and bnuto audyt aktegeteet theNee t Bae hînin oninerntinalprsidntwho James Marr Who introduced 2, were home at the tîme. Mr. Fact and an Enquiring Mind.: recaîied the many c hanges1 the guests, and Robert Kent and Mrs. Jack Hughes who Hockey notables from far and wide will be on In ciosing, Mr. Hedges dis-1which had taken place since who presented to the large live upstairs with their two hand for the affair, according te Dane Found. We played easy-to-make teaching the local club was formed.1 gathering the six charter youngsters, Darlie and Cindy, also hear from Orono that their amateur theatrical devices for use in classrooms., Even 15 years ago, there was i'members and one member at were away. ru isde inoehaalfrti p dcin Lunch was served. ne atomic bomnb, ne space i (Continueci on page seven) Neither Mr. Ross nor Mr. gopi epit eerslfrterpouto - -Hughes were covered with of "The Terch Bearers" later in the month. Council News insurance. G. A. Peterson, R. t j- t t t _______________R. 2, Bowmanviile, who owns the property said that there FREE PUBLICITY - For some reason, The States- was somne insurance on the man has been flooded recently with many demands tbuilding which hie recently for free .publicity. To save embarrassment and renovated completeiy. annoyance, i t would be appreciated if organizations timd te bigde roi th iessis ellngadvertising. Without the revenue time the siren sounded until from this source, we could net continue te publish the first truck left the hall,. nwppradpyorsaf hna vn Work wili be started on the is classed as local improve-1whether the work to be done conds. has taken place. it becomes news - net before. new sewage disposai plant as inents and how are they class- should be ciassed as a local im- And even this rule doesn't apply te cards of thanks, soon as possib1i t'iis - . ed. He was informed b y the Iprovement or go on the general Club 59, whose 23 members birth notices, etc. Se, please try te bear with us. Norman Hannan, president of Town Clerk, R. B. Reynolds, !rate,"~ the Town Clerk stated. are ail Past Grands of Beehive We don't like turning down people who are trying the Bowmanville Ratepaý ers' that water mains, stormi sewers i Rebeka.h Lodge, ended their t rmt Association, xvas told Lit the sidewaiks, curbs, and road pav- rs. Neil Wilson, a member club actvities for this Spring t rm egood causes. But, we have te. Other- meeting of Bowmanvillc Town ing can lie considered local im2of the R.P.A. executive, ad- with a dinner and social even- wise, it would net be fair te those who pay their Council on Tucsday evening. provements by council, and a' (Continued on Page seven) ing at The Acres. - money for the same advance publicity. He aiso asked couricil if there portion of the cost charged Wo___ _________ is any chîanîceth "iiable booaea tne aouttîng property h-olders.1 men on welfare would be em- F Mr. Reynolds aiso pointedi ployed on the project. He wasout that people can petition fori assured that the contractor willila local improvement, and thel be asked to employ local labor,! town will asume part of the ~ and any men out of work wili ,cost. "The council decides have a chance of bcing engag-- Mr. Hanpan aiso asked w1hat type incinerator eoîîld heap-,e . .R e il proved by the Medical Officeî a of Health. "Would a 45-galio A d ese .)il drum with holes punched in "".ese te sides do, or would it have " ta have a mesh screen ever the T top?" he inquired. 'rint M Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hoblis stated that any incinerator The ladies of Trinity W.M.S. woulçi have to bie approved in and their guests enjoyed a: accordance with the Garbage sUniptuous pot iuck luncheoni: By-Law. Mayor Wilfrid Car- hast Tuesday, and later in the' ers informed Mr. Hannan afternoon were privileged toj: hewouid get the answer hear a splendid message from the question for hini. The the Rev. Phiiip Romeril of' R.P.A. President then requested Blackstock who was introduced that council then have such in- by Mrs. R. Strike, and took ag formation pubiished in the, his subject "Despise Net the local newspaper. Day cf Small Things". The Mayor aise promised te'ý The Trinity Ladies' Quartette obtain ail information for '-%r. consîsting of Mrs. S. James, Hannan regarding the regula- Mrs. D. Aldread, Mrs. L. Van tiens concerning the burning of Driel and Mrs. Richmond sang leaves and brush. The spokes- two beautiful numbers "The ànan for the R.P.A. asked if the Church of God"' and 'Biess the Rabage referred to on the back Lord, Oh, My Souil'. f the tax bill is food garbage. The offering was received by d was told that if definitely Mrs. J . Cox and Mrs. A. Brooks One cf the mostj is flot food garbage but scrap and dedicated by Mrs. Alldread. Club's 25th anniversari paper.. Reports from the secretaries Mr. Hannan's finîal que-Stion were heard. Meeting closed' the six charter membei lma what type of construction j wifh the Mizpali Benediction.J Also icluded waz one Oniy Six Charter Members Lef After 25 Ye RAIN VO-C I STORM q AREA Keep Close Watch on Miii Dam Throughout the three days cf rain, these two men and other members of Vanstone's Mill staff kept a worried watch as water in the pend kept rising higher and higher. At left, F. Morley Vanstone, with brother Byron at right and in the background Stuart Candier and Fred Wright. Mr. Candler who ha. worked at the mill for 26 years said he had neyer seen se much debris in the stream. They have been busy since Tuesday remcvmng full size trees, stumpa and other accumulated items from the sluice gates. At one time, a dead caîf, estimated to weigh about 400 pounds went through the gates, but the dam held firm as did others in the district - except for the one at the Goodyear plant._ Toss Tenders Out Award Belleville Fîrm $23,9 83 Contract for New Darlington Twp. Garage ---- -At the meeting of Darling- froîn the Cornish Construction ton Township Council held in Company was returned to the the Township Hall on Thurs- firmn unopened. 48 Re eiveday, May 5th, the contract for The 10 tenders considered Ifthe building cf the new town-, were as foliows.: Mel - Ron W elare Mee ship garage was awarded te Construction $23,567,pu 'vS ~~ ~ hi ItHf ury irnistedelle- $746 additio'nai for the pit; $23,983 for the construction1 Hugh Murray Limited, $23,534 During April o h garage inlue te p Plus$489 for the pit; FdLgan !Construction Limited, $24,517 The report cf R. G. Weish, doors. ;pu 28frtept oa the Welfare Administrator, George Totten, the County Contracting Company, $24,- was submitted for the month Engineer. George Footitt, an 565 Plus $604 for the pit; D. of April to the meetingo fiiio h iiinEgn R. Hubble Company $26.718 Bowmanville Town Cg oun e' ffic of the DeparientEgn plus $448.50 por the pit; Craw. at the meeting held in the of Highways, and R. M. (Max) tord Construction Limited, Council Chamber on Tuesday Short, Township Road Super- $27.112 plus $500 for pit; R. evening. It showed that there intendent, were present for Shor iWdg, $2621 anplSo$57 were 48 weifare recipients in the consideration of tenders,. o i;W anodadSn the town during the month. The Township Council re- $23,874 plus $650 for pit; The people on weifare for ceived 10 tenders for the con- Lghtfoot Construction Limit (Cotiue o pae evn)struction of the garage. An- $32,261.60 plus $594 for pit; (Coninue on age eve- otheî, the llth, arrived at the Hugh Crosby, $22,522.50 PlUS Township Office seven min- $600 for the pit. ,arsutes after the ciosing time for Two of the tenders received a rsthe tenders. This beiated one (Continued on page seven) Proclaim June l9th interesting portions cf the Bowmanville LionsI large. They were presented by. Past President Robert Kent. From iry on Monday night was the introduction of1 left te right: Mr. Hoar, Aubrey J. Smith, Stuart R. James, Dr. R. E. ers cf the club who are still active in the club. Dinniwell, EdsalI L. "Bill" Oliver, D. Alex McGregor and James ie member, E. V. Hoar, who is a member-at-IMarc. As Decoration Day At Local Cemetery A proclamation wili be issued!at three o'clock that afternoOlL naming Sunday. June 19th' It was announced that thera. Decoration Day, it was decided wiil not be a second meeting ot at the meeting of BowmanvilleBowmanville Town Council' Town Council held in theýthis month. It was decided Council Chamber on Tuesdaythat the meeting of the Boa4j evening. This was moved by of Works wiil be heid on Tu.èA-. Councilior Ross Stevens, sec- day evening, May 24th.- onded by Deputy-Reeve Ivan Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers au Hobbs. ýpointed Councillors Mayor Wilfrid Carruthersi Hughes and Ross Stevens ta be stated that he wouid like asmenbers of a committee to many members of the Towiilcontacitfhree possible membèri Council as possible to attend' and a secretary-treasurer f«, the Decoration Day Service in th-e zoning committee of adjust-- the cemeter. He pointed out m ent. Mayor Carruthers of- that~~~~~~ Coni a agi efered to help the two-man corIL sponsibie with the co-operatiotn mittee in any way regarcli. ef Branch 178 of the Canadian' tuhs matter.. Legion for havîng the DeQora-ý Five By-Laws weregij tien Day observance continued.'tencsaytreraig Se urged ail the members toaIend passed y th eawan 'kcep the date open se tkat they' Council. They were By-LuWV wiil be able to attend the Dec- o 71frtecntuto oration Day Service which willýo 71frtecntuto' start in Bowmanville Cemetery (Continued on page uv*nî)" I i » -. 1 1