PAGE TWO TECKDA TTSAEWAVLE NAT For Twp. High School G;raduates hiia Tlclrcigpgo_1_ o alS u e t enthusiast, being a member f the local club some years past. ~~Besides his wife he leaveslGradu aie From Ryerson Ek daughter (Sarah) Mrs. B. Fur- xeintprfmacop S e v e n Y ear S c h ol rshi Pro ra m Toonto; six sons, dMssae aLouise Dilling, 1pefraneo - R.1SOm Geoge RbetJonal oIRnc Dilling, Alexander Ave., i Dplomas were presented to In u ra ed by Ba k of M ontreai Bowmanville, and Albert, received ber diplorna in Fur- the gaut by Dr. Claude 9Prescott; also 19 grandchild- V AN, P Inauguratedansnan ntue n IteiD esgnadBiell resident of The UiV renon te ndniur an Iteio Dsîn ndof Toronto. Montreal, May 9-The Bank, for outstanding Canadian tbroughout the plan, the bank high-scbool graduation to u-ao r onteday ofhis1 Mr. Harvey E. Webber, son ot ________ of Montreal today inaugurales i high-school graduates in ail will have provided a total of iversity graduation and on to burial. One grandson, Robert 1Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Webber, il seven-year scholarship pro- ten provinces, according to an $19,250 at the end of the bank- postgraduate study toward G r a h arn, predeceased his Ontario St., received his B.liS- gram to provide university i announcement at the weekend sponsored study. their doctoral dègree. grandfather last September,' loma in Architectural Tech- 41or~~\N I training in arts and science by G. Arnold Hart, B of Mi 13 Ontario Aw;èrds In developing the plan, Mr. to be the first death in the! nology at Ryerson Institute of B sD igW i presdent Har sai tha th ban hopd imediae faili Technology's eleventh convo- She attended hier first mee-HO EOL AD First project to be announ- The allocation of scholar- it wouîd help to produce scho- cto oot nFiaiga h rysHrorOFC UNTR TR G ced by any Canadian organi- ships by provinces was work- lars who will bring "a contri- Funeral* services were held May 6. They were two of 535: Light some time ago with a OFC ~~~ ~ zation for the observance of edota1a spsil1nth uino usadn auet orsFnrlCae candidates for graduation. i friend- they were both seek- Canada's Centennial in 1967,'i hasts of population, with a! the nation through scientific Monday, May 2, with the fam-11 nawyouofterdnk th lnpoie o 0tpminimum of two for each research and pursuits in the ily minister, Rév. H. Turneri In bis farewell addrcss to .n a u f hi 'i hgh-school graduates to en- province. For Ontario students public service of Canada, of St. Paul's United Church the graduates, Principal H. H. î ng problems. Months elapsed Specia1izing na . ~" " ~ j / rnierityonB Msco-passing grade XIII exams with thus providing a tangiblean offîciating. Interment in fam- Kerr dcscribed graduation as 1 before B. was heard of again lasip et uun.Te eodaysholgrdaio othhleosrvneof the ilY plot at Bowmanville Cern- crossin the border from aca- t.his time on hier officiai let-ll11717 'VRT"I wiiî i'1'~t T~dipiiias this June, there are national centenna ethe fu- etery. demie que to the work-a-d ay terhead, for this yourng, attract- TU--VA A L Â,±a' i O 13 B of M scholarships of $750 tu atonl dat A ol.Gautscud"e- ive business woman has her US Y U* 167,Canaa'scentnnil yer i Asin oherprovnce, ~ vaage. And Palibearers were lifelong clare" to the ",customs offi- owfl specialty bake shop and, FOR YOUR AUBEPOSSIN w and l5th anniversary of these awards will be divided uron iptat f:reds fth deceased:ials" these things: that eachi doing very well. She sent UESE MU establishment of the bank, Mr. orîes eqaîy btwen 50th anniversaryý Messrs. B. King, S. Leggott, J. rcl eved a sound euainaceu iharqetta, AS O MNIDSRA TR G Har sid wth hecoferig mreomore qualcelebration."o Goodal, . yl, M Wse: eluctA. ceLyleha eqeM.thtWiseOCO f o Hrtsai, it te cnfrrngi arts and science students.Hadok frcniats an B mavle adR' not only in the technologies a much needed reading lampI fo o cnenia wadso te ofbok fcendiaesmaennialll, ndR bt nthwardsie;tht e uonse ortthelita to sntist and the top bu- Sl aras lnis kowtheis ed- gB ogfulschoarsipplan, - btf ththmantis; ha bepurbaed orthepawita. scientist rSo pas is kowthe scho- givBnfui lpartiulaofe cin-o, saw.each developed a disciplined "Harbour Light'l from where1 1'I U STo be known as "Bank of cational scheme of its kind includirig application forms, are Batfl foa rbts es fvle oadi hp h a er emn htPHOE NAki329 Mont rcal Canada Centenni-al the world. It will take the, available at ail branches of were received from relatives, ing his life on high mora helped hier. B. has marrîed, too, ~~~ M ~~~~~friends, neighbours and Dept. standards; a disciplie ow-slctn sth etngfrt SchTN r ol24ards in " tî er ai otscesu tdnsfo thebak__________ 272 Goodyear, Branch 178 er to think, gained by wrestl- simple ceremony, the littie SaIlý H EAT I N ~ ~c~t s~ve~i~~ars ranging rom r a Legion, Kinsmen ing with assigned problerns vation Army Hall in the town~ oa reEtraeo Highly Compye tii eFu d o G n rl oos A- ech gied a frw r o k, trin u t oe b ke ei-P r on l A te to iv n Al o r Vau b S The A., C.K.D. and Sîck Benefit! stretch the students' minds; you B.! While you are busyý TheprI dtisa iglyawards bert Street United Church, with flexible attitudes that 1 cacies, may you paus are-i PronlAt petitive n~~ entirely n mer- <IlOshawa. The members of La- should mnake graduates eager: fiect on the words- "Bacýk AiGodFlyInud wilb asde tre y slton er- dies' Auxiliary to the Cana- ta cope with exciting develop- thet loaf is the snowy flour, it, s dtermnedby sleciondian Legion served tea in the, ments of the future; and stu- and the shower and the suri, committees consisting of fa- hall following the services. dents developed a desire to 1 and the Father's will". culty members of universities Sfrom coast to coast. The bank wIl take no part whatever in the decisions. The plan, which provides increasing benefits ta a reduc- D ' y DOROTHY *ARKER ing number of participants.- *IlP R N S -DD &A IIi U'UCIJ f I it iHN3D W lesthe most promising stu- In my botel room I1 read, In had convinced three of ber to aliP RE T andu FIIN IGHII-SiCHOO..L GRAD UA-I~-~aso ' NO Hde OW nts a series of scholarships a beautifully produced book- fellow workers that they could Easy payments over and fellowships in the pure let, that Edmonton, Canada's take advantage of the group S EARsiees r i the socal cince.r- gateway ta the north and the travel plan, and see the west YEA S tes r te scia scencs. ro-stra tegic Ala ska Highway, coast by train for little more on onhl ga bis fessional courses such as law, was first merely a fur trading than it wou]d cost them ta en mothlygas ills medicine and engineering are post. Originally Fort Edmon- stay at a summer resort for cludlng labour and ma-. choarhipd- the Fort walls when in season. teniais Io connent wltI, are successful in meeting the 19,teHdo' a on peareut 8existlng bas@- requisite standards in the se- 1 h usnsByCm expected to hear an ecsta- ment dua cond, third and fourth univer- pany established a post there tic account of the beauties of 0 O RA 560 InstalleA"~ sity years will receive awards to ttde advantage of the rich the prairies by mooniight,th MonstrsIon bora of $ 1,500 per annum, whiîe fr eohenrh Mount Robson, Stanley Park those accepted for graduate 1. knew, however, before 1 in Vancouver, or the mad CHANGE-OVER CAN BE study in 1964, 1965 and 1966 arrived in this western City, beauty of the Fraser River. DONE IN A FEW HOURS will receive awards of $3,000 that there are three very di- Instead the ]ass raved about IJntsforai tpesofhoe hatn~per annum for study anywhere vergent reasons why Edmon- train roomettes that provided Utsfraltpsohoehaigin Canada or abroad. ton has risen like a phoenix such luxuriant privacy for an ~K FREE BURNER SERVICE Then in 1967, Canada's cen- from the ashes of the North- afternoon siesta and the lounge c Your lias company does flot emplOY door-to- tenna er hntecr-ws eelot i mnn aswee, vdnly te door salesmen nor telephons cnvassers. For niiya.we tecm-wsReeio tatsenetar wheednly th information &bout dealers licensed by the petition is open toalal who status today, as one of this foursome had conducted a Ontrio Fuel Board to sali und Install naturel have participated in the plan country's most ambitiaus ci- bridge marathon across Can- as equlpment cell or wrte the Sales at any stage, the two final B ties. First, the railroad which ada from their embarkatîon LpaIrtment of593 of M Canada centennial opened up a more profitable point ta their present stop- #YJaaue,'ca, awards will be made-one in means of transportîng the rîch over en route home agaîn. arts and one in science. These resuits of a good trapping or Tourists' impressions and - PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 two awards will be in the, harvest season; then the mad their tastes in pastimes and N% M<. No Pymet 'II Spteberamount of $5,000 each, ta be military rush to develop the what ta see and where ta go, No Pymet 'il Spteberused for further study any- Alaska Highway during World are as varied as the colour of Supot hewhere in the world. War II, when Edmonton was their hair. I felt a littie sorry SpotteTo each of two final win- flooded with United States for this young Canadian cîti- To commnemlorate the Cenitenarv i-. \- Oshawa Hospital Fund ners, if they have participated capital and finally, the flow zen who had missed so much of liquid gold fromn the bow- of the beauty of our land as it t Canada's ConI7dertio q" els of the prairies that sur- passed by hier coach window. round Alberta's capital city. We had one thing in common and the I5Oth anniversary of II I~ _ When I arrived with my however, we were bath boost- % curiosity ail aflame to witness ers for the comfort of tra,ýel aaasFrtBn the results of one of the big- by train. a d'sFrtBn R oofing ee gest booms in Canadian bis- M "16 tI on tdfiuttin16 fami liarize myself with My suroudigs I pe-wr ay Mtcel'sA SEVEN YEAR PA ~fhIh~r+w~E .D ~ aeg I had visited this western city ***LE v Ve I1LughiIII an~d stayed at the very beau- tiful MACDONALD hotel. %.-.ormers When I entered ta register,14 C O A S I o $70t $5 00i V L tewrtofa remnemberedH.A 4SC OA S PS f$70t $500nV LU ALTPSGeorgian period had been H .ASSfn. ALL TYPESswallowed up in the modemn streamlined decor of the huge The April meeting of Mît-. . v r St te Elg b f It wasn't until I found the School Association was held N E a d R EPA lRS greeting roorn and saw the recently with Mrs. Williamý If you are a higqh-school student -wefl up ini your uitiversity training in the Arts or Scees thth eahetfomflorleelPelig eafteointe.o tuuelad onidntofgrdutug exPmnelihnegs ro tes 5asudnthee op t fndeihtoustndn ta a vaulted ceiling, that I last meeting. Mrs. Harry Oy'- great opportunlty for you. young scholars for Canada's Centenna n16.Te iIb began ta feel at home. I open- 1er gave the treasurer's re- young Canadians of exceptional schoaF catimn el ed the French doors and step- port. I o r a e t i h à s n o a g t r r a y f re u p e n n i u o b a e n ped out on the terrace that Mr. Mel Smith was guest I uni rt e araret, withoa snto agte ed eupe adaxos abae e ris h bnfto S ELBY ~ ~ ~ ~ overloot<s the winding Sask- speaker for the evening. Mr nvriyti erhr sipatnw. Canada ..-. in scientific research, in h oilsine ri S ELB Y G R A N T atchewan River. This beauti-Smith spoke on the progress eaesrcigfr5tohg-soosudn rdaig tehmnte. fui view hadn't changed.I being made in the help of re-Weaesacngfr5tohghshlstdnsrdutg tehmnies H eaingrick or a U.S. lorrie was in dren. 6 MILL LANE BOWMANVILLE sight. I honestly believe I M.Sihssec a n had expected ta see the placelMr. Sit'saseech as ein- (Off Seugog St.) inundated with this evidence.lghei50sSeCHsOeyLn bI1Ï~ ARSHLIPS OF $750... 24IFELLOWSHIPS OF $3,00.HOW .T..TSI thatis eputd t accuntforteresting. He played some tape ~~' PHONE MA 3-3771 the city's amazing growth. hse hi tenmusic abiiyo In a nation-.wide comnpetition opening this ln the Spring of 1964, the top eight of theseON A O It is sometimes strange howtes chdrn wihmsnjee,0oftems on16sdnt iIahbeaaedaBoM nicely relaxed in one t o hs of George W. Graham, beloved In the Spring of 1961, the top 16 of these H W SHLRHPSUET ________________________contortion chairs witb the hushanti of the former Eliza- 50 stdent wil eac be wardd a of HIGHWA No.- back of my heati craoked beth Ann Poolton. Mr. Gra-50suet ilacbcwrd aBoM H HWYo.2over a basin, when another bain was in his 82nd year, and Scholarship of $ 1,500 for second-year uni- ARE CHOSEN ... beauty aspirant in the next had resided at 29 Secandi St.. versity training. Scholarship students are chosen on rnerit C, chair began ta chat with the Bowmanville. I 92ad16,poie tlaigo ln cdmcsadn n hrce FMNj~ operator. The deceased was born a n16 n 93 rvdda es od - nepedee9t sSeein ndCmmitte "Who, me tîreti? Heck no. Wliga uy-o ye second-class grades have been maintained, -by idpnetSlcinCmite After two weeks travellingEnad, he ercivt these samne students will each bc awarded of faculty members of Canadian universi- *mostly by train, I'm as fresh his education, Inter beîng a a B of M Scholarship of $1,500 per annum ties. The Bank will have no part whatever ~ as a daisy." Anybody mention horse-keeper with variaus es- î.~-, trains and my ears stand out tablishments including the lea. ngtoaduaio in 1964. in the decisions taken by the Committees. ___________________________like an eiephant's. coal mines.U HIGHWAY 401 1 couldn't crane my neck and get a good look at this He immigratedti t Canada In developing the plan, the Bank of Montreal is in no way seeking personnel for its own staff, litte wid fower formy n 193, hs fmilymavig abut meni and women who -through scientific research and pursuits in the public service - - T -Adam's apple was having a year later. Ht was employeti ATtussie with a too tight coilar in the building trades, work- will contribute in some notable way to the common good of the nation in the years ahead. on the plastic cape that en. ing at the Ontario Hospital p velopeti me. But I cauldn't until 1924 when he came ta G r ge help averhearing ber exciteti Bowmaiivillt anti asem Gra am' Ga a e tale. I hoped the legenji that ployed for many years at the SEE YOUR BANK 0F MONTREAL BRANCH AND MAKE YOUR ~ women tell ail their secrets ta Ontario Training Sehool for A PLCA INvNrOU ELAY...%,DO aOr CYIa T ILC Oss STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICEbeauty aperators would prove Boys during its construction. WTH U L' mI. .LIJI.I WIl UIIL J U > >orsfrheaîn .. STDBKRSLS&SRIEtrue, for even the hot spray He was on Waterworks staffTI' ' thso&ecoîisouaw e. COlfax 3-2233that was biinding me coulti of the Town of Bowmanville H-AVE RECEIVED VOUR X M N TO RESULTS. ACT NOW. h COlfax 32233 , not drown out the vaice of the for 12 years, and before re-,u p p Haydon R.R. 1, Bowmanville girl in the neighbouring chair. tirement at the age of 72 was I learned that some weeks, employeti in construction Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories before, the large office in work with J. J. Flett. 1 which she earned her weekly Mr. and Mrs. Graham hati Co Ued Carswage had offereti its employ- celebrated their golden weti- ood sea ars es three weeks with pay if ding anniversary in 1955, andi they would take their hali- he hati enjoyeti fair health tinys in the early spring. She until his recent iilness. Manyl UMDAT, MAY 12th, 1M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BONVIXANVILLE, ONTARIO m