?RUEDAY MA î2h, gosTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMMqvHLLE, O)NTAMUO PAGE TBM KING - NICHOLISHEN White Eastei filies, giadia- 1IuÀ4IMNn themums and tin- te chrysanthemunîs flanked %with standards of ferins and pahins, formed the background for a wedding at 2:30 p.m. at the Presbyierian Ukiainian Church. Oshawa_ when Vera Naida Nicholishen, daugbteî of Mi. and Mis. Michael Nicholishen ai Osh- awa, was uxited in marriage witb Eveîett W. King, son ai Mn. and Mis. Daniel W. King af Bovvmanvii]p, Ontario. ,,/fledicaI Mirror INTERNAI PROTECTION Teethe 0. What is theme Zop vegaralng tihe use oft vaginal âmpom aand «epecially iheir aue duris wimming? A. This ia a rather delicate sub- jsct that might best be answered individually. For a bni discus- don ai this subject, write to SCIENCE EDITORS. #. 1 have been toldaltst mut- Iiple-vitemin producis cause ai ening o!t eeth in ehildrexa. Voulal you have an,' informa. g0,1l about titis? A. There scensa ta bc no medical reporta that mention staining of fteth by such products. Tt is very bard ta, stain taoth enamnel al- Uîough somne discoloratian may mulut from use ai iran prepara- dons. AUl chîldren should, ai oeurse, visit a dentist reguiarly. Any unusual condition such as Inath discloration should be dis- cussed with him at that timc. Quesiou directed to Science Edi- tati, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. &ta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. wiI be in- «PWated hI hretcolumns wheis The double ring ceremony was conducted by the Rever- end John Jacenty. The wed- ding music was played by Mr. Donald Stewart. and Mr. Dou- glas Ross of Windsor sang "The Lord's Prayeîr'* reced- ing hIe ceremony and "The Weddings Prayer"* duing the signing ai the register. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a full iength gawn ai chalk white peau de soie. 1'anning out ino a cathedra] train. The bodice featured a sabrina neckline coming ta a deep point at the back. Motifs of guipure lace enhanced the long sieeved bo- dice. and the billowing shirt ai unpressed pleats. A crawn af rhinestones held her eibow iength veil af tulle illusion, and she caîried a cascade af whi te stephanotis and ivyx. Mix,. Eclwhîd Zirukiewich wias matron of honor for lier sister. and the bridesrnaids weîe Miss La-verne -Tieschuîcx Smart Buy! 17 llewels *HiIh Fashion Styles ~f Unbreakable Mainspring 299- MARR'S ,ý%3-3361, JEWELLERY lEllg fois- 3UKing M -SOR*OWNAN4VILLE- U1A 3.54631 Special Offer HOME FREEZERS 21 CUBIC FEET $100-00 OFF W. H. BROWN CASE DEALER MA 3-5497 91 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE THMMAY, MAT 12th, 1980 AVAILABLE FOR IMGETGAGES RALPH S. JONIES I farrister and Solicitor ~130OKing St. E. Oshawal RA 8-6246 - v 'withiout filling T imM modems hrÎve <(mi ligJù food and drink. And today's Pepsi. neyer heavy, never tati sweet, keeps right alang ih this trenîd. Pepsi refreshes lithout ffling. Remembets t. piek up a aupply today. fluy it in the handy 6-hottle carton MTRBEVERAU~tLS Li'»., 124 Churcb St, Bewmanvifl., Ont of Grimisby, Miss Mariar Krawetz af Oshawa, and M~ Kay Dunk of Toronto, the li ter a ciassmate af the bri( IThey ail wore identical gow of watercress green nyl chiffon over taffeta. T sieeveless bodice featur rounded necklines coming a deep V at the back, and b. emn panels offset the shea skirts. They carried noseg bouquets ai mauve sweet peý Miss Dale Nicholishen, si sister of the bride, was flow girl wearin a similar go- ta those ai the senior; tendants, and she tao cari a miniature round bouquet mauve sweetpeas. Ail the tendants wore flower cîow ta match their gowns ai short white gloves. Mr. Kenneth King af Stou: ville was best man for his b: ther, and the ushers were Ti Carl Schwarz ai Maple Gro Mr. David Nicholishen ai Mr. Marshall Nicholishen Oshawa, the latter twa brot ers of the bride. The reception was held St. John's Parish Hall, Eho Street, East, Oshawa, whe the bride's mother receiv the 450 guests wearing a ni meg peau de soie gown sheath uines. topped witb matcbing scarf, a champag: beige hat, mnatching accessc ies, and corsage of bronze r ses Assisting was the bric groon-'s mother who cho royal blue silkz crepe. w] smail flower trim-med bat rose satin straw, matchinga cessories and a corsage deep pink roses. Ail the gowi were designed and made1 the bride's mother. Mr. Edward Zinkiewich wý master ai ceremonies at tl wedding reception, wbich fe tured tbe traditional preseni, tian, wbile an orchestra fu nisbed music for dancir White and green was the di carative theme. For the boneyînoon trip t: bride travelled in a black ar white cbecked Iinien suit, wbI flawer bat, corsage ai chry antbemums and black acce saries. On their return t] couple will reside in Oshaxw The bride is a graduatei the Schaol ai Nursing, Os awa General Hospital, Claý af '55. Out ai town guests wei present from Vancouver, B.( Grimsby, Lindsay, Wbitb: Bowmanvilie, Toronto, Han ilton, Oakville, Oakwoad. Prior ta ber marriage th bride was cuest ai honor several pre-nuptial eveni Mrs. Pearl Tresedukz, Grim. by, Ontario, entertained at miscellaneous sbower. A pieý entatian was made ta the brid elect ai an eiectîic vacuui cleaner by the Ladies' Aidc the Ukrainian Presbyterîa Cburch, Oshawa. A personal shower was givE at tbe home ai Mrs. Michael N~ cholishen. Ritson Rd. S., Os] awa, by Mis. Edward ZinkiE wich, and MViss Marianne Kra wetz, Oshawa, Miss Lorrain Treseduk af Grimsby, Mis Kay Dunk af Toronto and Mis Dale Nichahishen, Oshaw« who were the bridai attend ants at the wedding. and Mn Nicholisheni assisted the basi esses in serving the guests. A miscellaneous sbowe given at the home ai Mr Bpetty Fleming was attende by tbe bride's classmatesc the Nursing class ai 1955 o Oshawa General Haspital. Sei ving the guests were Mis.1 Fleming and Mrs. A. Gregý A presentatian and misceliar cous shower by the neigbbo wvas held at the home ai Mr Michael Nicholishen, wben floor polisher and money gifl were présented. A maisceilaneaus sbower wa held at the home ai Mrs. C Prout in Bawmanvilie, wii. Mrs. Horace Vetzei, Mrs.1 Masterson, Miss Linda Maste: son and Mis. J. MacFanain assisting the hostess in servinî Foiiawing the rebearsal Fri day evening, the bridai pat3 relatives and close frienc were enteîtained at the hom of Mr. and Mis. Nichoiisher Oshawa, parents af the bride L-be. Vows Exchanged ln St. John's nne niss at- ide. wns don rbe ýred Sta iai- !th gay eas. nai wci )wn at- ried aiO at- wns and .iif- )ro- Mr. )ve, nd af )th- in 'or &re ved lut- on 1a gne Lii- le- ose th ai- af i vils; by 'as the ea- la-' 'r- de- the ys es- the va. ai sh ass are s., s- at ýs- lde lm of an rl- mi- ;h- ie is r s' ed of Musical tria numbers werc' 01 Mr. and Mrs. Max Lycett are shown signing the given by Hazel Leger, Elma a7regse olwn hi arig nTiiyUie Freitag and Jean Crydermnan, B reistr flloingther mariae i Trnit Unteddaughters ai Mr. and Mis. g.1 Church, Bowmanville, an Saturday, April lGth, at Everett Crydernian, Enniskii-! i- 7 o'clock. The bride, former Carol Yvonne Hancock,, len, R. R. Several members I 'rs is the danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hancock, Orona) were calledbupon La speak and a Mr. Lycett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lycett ath oe espnsîbieortis ev- fts of Bowmanville. toersosbefrti v -Pooby Rudi Gerber eig pry. ras Whiie lunch was being pre- G. LSKAIS ROSRIO wil resde n Kng S. Estparedl, cards weîc again en- [ AtRh- OAI wl eie nKn S.Esjayed by many, also crockin- r. A pretty wedding took place Bowmanville. oe.e The youngsters were en- r-1 in St. John's Agicaiurh Oto towri uet weîe. tertained witb record music ne Bowmanville, an Saturday, present fromn Nestictan. To-ad nietlyhyeter 1. April 23rd, 1960, at 5:00 o'ciockrntsaw.TnonWa tained the aider ones as weil. i- wben Veronica Harriet Ras- lford, Hampton, Wbitby. Car- Everyonie enjoyed the deli- Laria. daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. leton Place, Port Hope and clous lunchi and ail too soan ds Stanley Rosario, Edinburgb, Edinbuîgh, Scotland. came the time ta depart, but ie Scotland, became the bride -tbey went home feeling tbe ', af Mr. William Laskaris. The evening bad been very suc-! ýe groom is the son of Mr. and cessful. Mis. ouisLaskris.Relatives were present fiom Rev. A. C. Herbert was th Paîry Sound, Toronto, Osh- ofcaigclergyman. HOT ATE awa, Bowmanviile, Newcastle, Tebride. given in mar- a Orona, Hampton and Sauina. niage by ber father, wore a __________ bridai gown ai white bomba ziesl.The bodice, fash- LOWEST COSTGudFlg ioned wîth long liiy-painted sleeves and a scaiioped laceG ud lg ncckline inset witb pearîs with 0 and sequins; topped a ful flo-egh sit- sweeping f ' Dedicated back into a long train. Her E F 1 I1~~ fingertip veil feul fram aa peari and ibinestone crawnAt S .P u s an steanoti andogreen ofi. » &L F *A very interestmng service stepanots ad gren -liae. R N T - was well attended at St. Maid-of-honor was Miss Paul's 'United Churchl Sundayl Gai- Gray and bridesmnaids W T E vening, May 8th, 1960, when - ere Mses Helen and Mr ReT. Harold Turner weicom- Laskaris and Mrs. Lenard e~~ d the Girl Guides, Browniesý Lyons. Ail u7ere attired in H EA TIE U and their Leaders. shirtwaist dressesoai roi- \rTrnr'opefihs dered French bliie organza - Air.s ron was "Keping or over silk taffeta ?eatturing puffisro a KeigYu sleeves. They wore blue or-Ha" i f s on r ganza picture bats with -o ai, have possibilities and streamers. and white -loves. pawers. Oui problim is neyer' Their bouquets were ai wbite lack af pawer but need ai di- 'mum cenere wit tited 'trection; when yau have pow- blue 'mums. er ta direct, you need a clear I fMn. Ronald Burgess per-hed Ifrmed the duties ai best nman The big thinig is deciding! and the ushers were Messrs. wbat you want ta be or do John Barton, Cari Vesna and and then have the powen tai Jack Baars. 1 withstand distractions in at-1 As the couple left the GNLy$MNTL taîning your objective and' church, the bride was pies- 17NHL with the aid ai Divine pow- ented with a silver horsesboe! **,97 (gas extra) ci this can be donc. and anc ai white beather faor: ..fl....~ Misses Diane Hoar and Bon- good luck by Miss Susan Bar-ifl'eIyGucIiritee nie Bccch ai Maple Grave ton.1F R sang a duet. The receptian was beid att , At the close af the service thc Flying Dutchman Mataitenw r opayfas Hotel whcrc the biide's ma-1 VCMAINTENANCE the nio n Jackmpany flags then received the guests in 1 ndINAAI ON, ic nion Jackthich wsiereofI and ISTlameION presetpalbethepresîent i gold lme wib pai pi0kbat 1U SOMeCas, there May be the Ladies' Auxiliary ta the adgoe.To assist, the a Chamf«fO extra piping.) Canadian Legion, Mis. Win.I graam's mather chose beige, green flowcîed silk with ma: Vater heats 3 times faster Bates and the Company flag chngbeg bt.BthwocCmat-ss To prcsented by the president ai chin bege at. othwor Cos leso oo! Brancb 178 Canadian Legian, corsages af rases. fo UirOs copaoy dmes fot employ dm-rto. weîe dcdicated. The wedding cake, brougbti 0«aOOisn¶5IDhrç O O Pilag beaen and sconts« froi Sotandby hebiie~s ar uelBuard to selfnd install natural for the Union Jack weîe, Di-'; parents, was made by the as equupmeut cail o«rWrithe esales bride'3 uncle, Mi. Samueli a ff anne MeMullen, Shirley Fat- 2ýochrane ofGai gw ct field and Johanne Beinatt;i ind. lsoSo- ~ i.v. for the Company flag, Linda The bride donned a black Steel and Raxy Yeo. tialler suit, blue flowcned Mra. T. Buttery, Districti tat and gioves. and corsage af PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 Camniissioner; Mis. A. J. stephanatis and farget-me-: Frank, District Camp Advia- cyoo by otor eariound ake nSupport the er, and Mrs. D. McDonald, Di: eymon y mtorarond akevision Tramner for Guides, also j Brio. Mr. and Mn. Laskaris Oubwa Hospital Funi attende&. _____________________________________________________________ I Pat Rudell and Kathy Love. kin sang two duets on the spring theme.t Garnet Rickaid was guest I speaker for thc evening.; Shaw's section is honoured ta have anc ai its nesidents as present Reeve ai Dariington Township. Mr. Rickand gave us many interesting iacts and figures about aur township and the piobiems pnesented by the rapid gîawtb in popu-1 lation ai recent years. Lunch was servcd by Mrs. Elects New 0f ficers Shaw's H. & S The May meeting of Shaw's Home and Schaol Association was held at the school May 4. President W. M. Rabb conduc- te-I the business period. Mrs. Austin Wood acted as; secretary in the absence of! Mrs. Bill Rudeli. It was an- nounced that $93.75 had been collected in the community Cancer Drive> convened by Mrs. Byron Cryderman. L.AV Wod ndh cauitc.-AR H S O EP ix wa aecieUi t UniL "me One day two partners ln bus- annual picnic at Waltona Park, Inbess agreed that whichever June 24. A sumn of money was one dled first the other would voted ta heip the pupils of junior and senior room take ýplae $,00 ln the coffin to their annuai eduicationai bus cover expenses in the next trip before summer hoiidays.'World. Soon. after this agreemnent one The report of the nominat- of the partners passed away.! ing committee was given by Mhen the surviving partuer re- Mrs. Kenneth Werry and the turned from the funeral his officers for the caming year wife accused him of flot plac- are as foliows: mig the money as promised. President, Ross Lane; Vice Indignant - he replied. "I president, Ray Smith; Hec.I certalnly did. Here, look at Sec'y, Mrs. Geraid Brown; Imy cheque book!" Treas., Bob Stacey; Carres., Oepoiew AEad Sec', Ms. lme Co; PessKEEP is ta restore your garm- Sec'y, Mrs. M. Rabb; Pianist, ents and househoid furnishings Mrs. O. Bragg.' like new. Oniy the iatest and LuneCi Coîniinittee. .Mrs. FU. most scic-iiifjýc nm thods are RuCteli. Mrs. E. Browes. YJrs. used to treat ail the various R. Smnith, Mrs. B. Brooks: Pro- ýfabries that pass through our grain Cominittee, W. M. Rabb. hands. That's a promise! Ken Bragg,. Mrs. A. Wood,: Visituing Comi-ttee. Mrs. T e alKEon AAIî7 B. Crydernian, Mrs. S. Price, Mr.B. Ripiey. Mrs. C. Dow- May 2rn ne3,, Mhs. J. T. Brown, Mrs. Ken Werry, Gift Camnmittee, Mrs. G. Riekard. Mrs. R. Lane, Mrs. L. Ayre. Mrs. Eliier Cox was chair- man for the pragram. Piano instrumientais were piayed by Ray Rip-ley and Glenn -Rabb. FIRTH BROS& QUALITY MEATS 47 KING ST. E. - MA 3-5081 SWEET PICKLED - LEAN PEAMEAL Cottage7 Rails lb. 3 c GRADE "A" LARGE - FRESI Eggs doz.45c ('arl Leslie *Red Shield Appeal dIo 3Isi No. 1 GRADE CRE AMERY BUTTER lb. 5 9c 2 Lbs. ta a Custamer LEAN, FRESH Hamburg 3 lbs. s BURNS COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE - L.39c LEAN. STORE B A CON SLICED, SIDE - Lb, 45C MAY-TIME is . LIBERAL ALLOWANCE On Your Present Chestn-rfield Big Selection . . . Fruit fMani. %Well-lkîîo%%n MaufaLîiî À Cali to Our Store . . .Brings a Car bo Your Door to Appraise Your Old Sel Special! DELTOX RU G Suitable for Living-rooms, Bedroonîis. liens, Stin-romnîs . . . Ree'~Lrsihle. Made from a Hard Fibre. Two Sizes Only For 6' z 9' - s o $12.95 For 8' x11V $17.95 TERMS AVAILABLE- F.. KRAMP LTD. HOXE FURNITURE AND FURNJSHINGS (Successor to F. F. Morris Furniture Co.) [37 KING ST. F, MA 3-7071 M\/r. and Mrs. William Laskaris are shown signing the register as instructed by Re,,-. A. C. rbn who officiated at their marriage in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmnanville, on Saturday, April 23rd, 1960. The bride, former Veronica Harriet Rosario. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rosario, Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Laskaris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laskaris, Bowmanville. Recently Wed in Trinity United 'Cryderman FamiIy Meet In Hampton Avery happy famîly gath- ering was held in Hampton Comm,-unity Hall an Saturday evening, April 30, 1960. About 80 descendants and theîirfamilies of the late Mar- Sshall Cryderman and bis wife, Ophelia Ruse, enjoyed the re- union. Sare were detained at home or in hospital because of illness. Marlny were being introduc- ed to near relatives for the first tinme, while others were just catching up on the hap- penings since they last met. As ali were gathering, same enjoyed a game of cards, while the rest visited. Mervyn- Crydermnan, Osh- awa, -was master of ceremon- ies for a short programme. He weicomed ail, ai-d hoped they Swould el-joy this get-together wbich had been planned by bis fathier. Mr. Lew Cryderman, witb the assistance of athers. Piano solos were given by Jim. Crydermari. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crydernian,, Bowrnanville, R. R.. A humor- aus reading was given by1 SMrs. Lewis Trui. daughtero Mr. and rs. Chas. Smt, SOshawa. r, --Y ( OPe zý i