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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1960, p. 9

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TIRSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1980 TEE CANADIMq STAT ~ VTN. E W IAMI. T.. f , I'-, out the next two batt aMRMecreatthn iÇJev.ews ters thoBatams HeId Hitless 9ýeceat0fî ýevewsIn te tp ofthe5thBow- manville had the bases loaded ta, score. In the meantime PiL seoCo o rge-t Dance Recital i parents wha co-operated ta Classes will b. conducted'kard, the Bowmanville pitch- The Recreation Depart-1;mk ti rori possible., for Tadpoles (Non-swlmmers), er, retired six men in a row After holding the apposition tied the gaine in the bottom inent's Dancing Classes wil.1e1aî Rdro egistnerosfo th ast on strikeouts ta set Cobourg ta a sigle ht in their first of the holdthei Anual anceRe'Terni will be held on Wednes- year's Tadpoles who swam at down in order. Bowmanvilie'gneftesasBona- GadHres edCa holdthei Anual anceRe'day, September 2lst, 1960, at least anc length of the pool), went ahead 4-3 in the 7th on'ville were the victims of a bourg hitless until the final citai in the Town Hall this the'Lions Commuraity Centre, Junior, Intermediate and Sen- Ray Crombie's double driving nohit effort, in dropping a frarne as the pitchers wagec P riday, June loth starting at 26 Beech Aye., Bowmanville. iRdCosTss h Inl twa runs. In the top of the2- tilt in Cobourg, last Thurs- a tight battie, allowîng a ta- IV 8:00 p.niirRd rs ets i. 8th and last inning Bowman- day niglit. Deianey and New-. tai of but one hit for both 'w. Swimmlnx Lessons I imum age for trying the Sen-towoto vrhefuh'lbsTehmsesbok The program wili include Swiznming classes for the'ior Red Cross Test is 13 years ville scored four more runs t tonwot vrte orh lb.Teirhomnaste rok bcide nBwavlewl fae oaed8 .Jh ws shared the no-hitter. loosekthrfiatmei baton twirling, tap dancing, of The. gcals gat8the3. runnkTwist wit h theesftstaps ballet and a speciaiBowapresenta- ýsaved the day for Bowmaft- The oasgtheruni1; t e aftst ph aio o t eciStrausn al- begin an Monday, July' llth. In order ta take part in ville in the last of the 8th asth first, when Mike Johnson across the wknning marker. tio ofth "Sraulad Bl-at the Ontario Training coo hese swimming lessons yau ie made a fabulous runn walked, stole second and third, Jerry Fails relleved Harness let Clb,u the diraection cf'et for Boys' Pool. Registration. must compiete a registration catch in centre field ta iuaekean scored when the catcher i the seventh.R Clu", nde te drecionofforms are available at the Re- farm. The minimum age for the îast out for the Caobourg tdropped a third strike and 12 34 5 67R Mliss frenie Harvey.j creation Office in the Lions anyone wishing ta take les- team. threw ta first. A pair of walks, Bowmanviije 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 The Bowmanville Recrea-1 Centre or through the Public sos i seven years of age, as Speclal metin hol be an error and asingle byflrett Cobourg 1 000 00 1 2 4 tiosneparvment aongdwithschos.aeîw of June lst, 1960. Each SWIM- given Blaine Pickard, the Baw-StL MissIrene Hrveyand rs. W. W. 'M" B l w mer must supply his or lier! manville relief pitcher, as heen sie S u y s Shirley Fowler wish ta thank again be the chief instructor,ow towel and Swimming aliowed aniy one single in IE the pupils for their regular. assisted by Murray Walkcr, suit. 42/3 innigsraid rtiuedyth attendance during the season,1 David Milne and Miss Doris 4____2/3_____ ma ing nb e treig he end ta the Class Mother and 1Martin. I ka row nmstr o ikeotmene g MdesW* n a___on___ eut. or LugeLeadersh ipi .- e -ts i Stephen Fuels came from Ba tm s Dn aay supper guests of Mr. behind twic~e ta deSuf' Banta s Dow andMm. Rye Gibsoil and San- Auto Body 8-7 in a real crowd- You'rs no 3 rd Straight dira. pleaser at the Central School, longer insured under by 10111 Nicholson Cou rtice 4 - 2 ThieHome andciSchool Club las thTe isdafor niglt.Thels foptlheld terls etn of the ter two wins, and enabled the 19th your parent's Hospital Bowmanville Midgets upset Hits continue ta be scarce season Friday evening, May Fuels ta move into, a first B RT DA ?Inurne eriicat.. Cobourg Juveniles 8-3 Satur- kn Bantam bail, but Saturday 27th, with Grdon Baker s place tie with the Auto Body 1 day night, for the lçcal's third at Bowmanville the pitchers President, pening with ' club. keerop Whon you becamne 19, wrn in a row. Bowmanvilc had a tougli time finding the Canada. A short business ses-t seprat prMis are r.- took a 1-0 lead in the top of1 plate, as walks played a large sion was hdwticmite ar nwe atya' insurdi * ~,*the first inning via a walk 1 part in the run- znrn The 1er4e +, Wfhtai1 Pt njrhp and a fieldcr's- hoice folloý- cd by a double by Ray Crorn- bic. They incrcascd it ta 2-0 whcn Davc Werry singled and stole second followed by Alcx Wiseman's double. In the bottoni of thc 4th Co- bourg dld ail their scoring with thrce runs on four con- secutive lits ta chase starting pitcher Dave Wcrry of Bow- mnanville who lad only given up thrce hits tilI this turne. Witl the score tied 2 - 2 Blaine Picknrd came on in relief. He thrcw lis first pitch wild and the third run of the inning icred froni third base. He then sctticd down and struck SMOOTH TURBINE DRIVE DISTINCTIVE STYINO TRANSMISSION Speea expc No gears, injust- turine blades that adjust auto. Y haan matically to your dtinctionsan drivine speed dsicin thru~ are Buick's a] *mootgfowofarorJet.coom Embodied in this advanced styling is a parti( oul. Hi, h angle Angle Angle kind af quaiity that bas, over the ycars,r Ifor quick starts and passing ... low angle for Buick synonymous with a sound iavestmer economnical cruising. Thbis is the most advanced and most satisfying transmission available and AD NED IRFOAU NU it's yours exclusive ly with Buick.AD NED IRFO LU NR Yi, TfrI&lTÀvvi àrflonorBRAKES Neyer before hum <' eY legance been so perfectly matched to your own good 'i. taste. Buick's fresh, ô .. fashion.plate in- teriors reveal extra touches of camfort, luxury and dctail Io rival those found in mucWh igher priced automobiles. Ricli uphaîsteries in exciting new patteras and coors-new chair heigbt sea with deeper foam cushioning . .. it's al la the AIIME BEST Buick for 1960. RESPONSIVE, EASY HA NDLINC On any road- - under every kind - of driving condi- týoîî-you'l find Buick bebaves like a truc thoroughbred. Fuil cou suspension eombined with Buick's shockproof steering gear and front stabilker bar make steering lighteri more respansive than ever before.. eu drie -and arrive-fresh and relazed. weSsea nove. ired ini ce are id rare sthat alone. cular made ffnt. Playing a big part in Buick's - -.?- power to piease is Buick's power to stop. And hero Buick leads the industry with its exclusive Air-Fbo > auminum brakes. Specia11yý designed, aluminum front drums and cast.iron rear drums are fin-cooled to drastically reduce heat, the cause of hazardous brake fading. With Buick's advanced engineered braking eystem you can brake continuously and bc sure of safer, amoother stops-every time. LUXUIT FEATURES Tyica1 of many Iux-ary and convenience features isBuick's unique Mirromagie Instrument Paneli You actually read instruments through an ad- iustable tilting mîrrar, without glare or reflection. Other Buick luxury features include easy.grip steering wheel, padded arm restoy deeper cushioned seautanad many more NEALISTIC PRICES Even more pleasing than Buick's featuresl are Buicks prices. Buick actuafly competes i price with cars that cannat possibly cempete with Buick's luxury. To accommodate cvery budget there are 19 models and thrce series. Choose froni LeSabre, Invicta or Electra. No ai.her cars give so mucli value and luxury at such realistia prices. M-1 660C Buick deaWe ýd h ýe Lt 1- loasdeetd ori~ ~jue9. sfirst game, doling out on hre aftiswith the las- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown eight lhits over the distance oners esfeis ta register his second win e picking uip two base of Bowmanville then sho'wed ithout als.PtCrel and told of their in- who came on in relief of Mel Bowmanville scored three teresting trip te Florida last Burgess in the fifth ta stifle times in the first on Mike Decemiber. Some local pictures a Fuel rally, was tagged with Johnson's lead-off double, a were also shown wh.ich lall en- the loss. couple of errors and four joyed. (Many thanks folks!) walks. Starter Down failcd ta o r pormWas lad Jîm Ailin's two run lamer, last an inning, gîving way toA shr oga aftcr the Fuels had tied the Picchl wl gve p to ltsby Uic committe in charge, score at 6-6 in the sixth, pro- the rest of the way. Doue conistieng of angs by Mrhoo vided the victory. Russ Lane Lane's twa-bagger accountcdcedBren; reading by ans had given the Aputo Body a for the homesters' remaining Brt Mrs. Mc.aggan and 6-4 edge in the fifth with a marker in the sixth. r Cneo. three run four-bagger. Bowmanville used thre Meeting closed by singxng Snuffy's grabbcd a 3-0 lead pitchers in thc fifth whcn the "God Save thc Qucen", efter in the apening frame, with visîtors notched their first run which lunch was served and a twa of the runs unearncd. Bur- on a lit by Pickcll and four social time spent. Sorry saine gcss opened with a base on bases on balîs. Jim Finn re- of the folks couldn't get there balîs and scorcd on Gary lievcd starter Bob Slccp and because of sickncss. Tighe's single. Ji Olinski was tIen rcplaccd by Gerald Harness, who finishcd the game. Courtice ralliid for a single run in the seventh, but Harness bore down ta, give the lacals their second win in three starts. 1 p , #4, x d -* à ELIZABETH VILLE The Women's Institute lield their meeting on Wednesday evening et the home cf Mr. and Mms. Oscar Irwin. A goodly nuinber attended thec meeting. Mrs. C. Mercer presidedi over the meeting. TIc minutes cf tie last meeting were readi by Mrs Quantril in te absence of secretary Mrs. Wheeler. It was decided te purchase a new flag for the fla*g pole. A bus trip for later was discusscd but no plans made. It was de- cided to cancel thie July and August nmeetings. Mrs. M. McAllister gave a report on the District Annual whicii was leld on Th.ursday of last week at Mount Pleas- eut. Mrs. Prestron of Bethany was re-clected as district Pre- aident. Mrs. Ken Trew reaid a parper concerning Refugec Year which lias been extended until thc end of te year. mrs. Quan- tnili read an addrcss and pre- sented Mis. O Irwifi with a gift on lier departure, as they are moving at Uic end of Uic montit. Lunch was servcd. M.r. and Mrs. Vernon Pea- cock ment tue weekend witli their son Mr. an-d Mos. Jack- son Peacock at Ka'puskasing. They alsa attcnded the grad- uation class dinner. Mr. and Victor Peacock, Oshawa, also attendcd. Miss Darlene Thickson, Miss- es Donna, Ruthl and Gwen Mer- cer, Toronto, wcre home for thc wcekend. Sundiay Schaol and curci was lield as usua]. Six ladies attendcd Vthe Dis- trict Annual at Mount Pleasant on Thursday of hast wcek. The 4-H Club lad their last meeting at Mrs. McAllistcr's. The next meeting is te, be at Mrs. Thicksan's, the 20,th, with Miss Lillycrop attending. The W.A. held Uicir last meeting on the 1Sth of May at Mrs. Ernest Whitc's home. Pre- sident Mrs. Trew opencd tic meeting ia Uic usual manner. Thc minutes of Uic last meet- kng were read end approved. The next meeting to be at Mrs. Vernon Pcacock's. It was the midsslonary meeting and Mos. H. Wlhite gave a paper an Re- ligiron in Cuba, Haitil and the other Islands of thIe East In- dies. Lunoh was served. LONG SAULT Mnr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell, Claremont, Sunday sup pecr guests, MT'. and Mrs. Cisayton Brown were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown end boys, Bowmanville, were Sun- day night vlsitors of Mr. and Mms. W. Brown. Valerie Ajdams, Bowman- ville, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mr. Robt. Caineron. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowling WhiUby, were Sunday evenlng visitors of Mr. andi Mm. W. Mn. and MMm. IH. Murphy and family were Saturday evening visitora of Mr. end Mms. Fred Bmoks and] Chris, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. Glenn Free- Mntle, Toronto were weekend gut'otof Mr'. an Mrs. J. John- Mr. and Mrs. F. Timioi, Osli- awa, were Fridlay evcning visitors, Mr. and Mms. Leonard Craig, Cobour'g, were Sunday; afternoon visitons, Mr. and! Mms. Baker and Garry were Sunday evening visitors, Mrs. J. Sawden, Heather andi Judy RZId Mms. Sawden, Oshawa, Mronday afternaon visitera of Mm'. A. J. McLa ffan. Mr. and Mm. W. Vaneyk- were Sundivy supper guegsa o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarder Mr. Norman Davis, Ham- ton aud Mr. and M.ns. J. Par: in=o and family, Tyrone, were drew another walk, and the1 bases became clogged wheni Don Masters couldn't find the. handie ta Ted Bird's bouncer. Lane cashed one run on a sa- crifice flY andi the third tally came kn when Vince Vanstone muffed Terry Masters' drib- bler. Singles by Laurie Garbe and Vince Vanstone gave Ste- phens a run kn the second End the score stayed at 3-i until the fil th when each club After being held to two bits over four innings, the Fuels put tagether singles by Jim Allin, Ted Dadson, Bob Ab- bott and "Jiggs" Cowling, along with an error by Bil INicholson, for three runs ta 'take the lead 4-3. Corneil came in ta fan Snowden and Vanstone ta end the threat. Snowden retired the first two batters in the bottom haif, but gave up consecutive walks ta pindli-hitter John Fard and Ted Bird, followed by Lane's four-master ta cen- tre. Stepliens collectcd five lits in the sixth ta move in front 8-6. Jack Bond singled and fladson's pop ta short dropped in for a single with both run- ners advancing ta second and third. Abbott smashed his se- cond lit ta knot the count, and came home on Allun s liomer. A double by Bird and Lanc's single accounted for a Body Shop run in the seventh, with Lane going ta third on a pass- ed ball. But with the tying marker on base, Snowden bore down ta get John Bird and Nicholson on infield flys. Gel Your Price For Your Livestock through STATE SMAN C LA S SIF1E D S Phone lWArket 3-3303 Trutone White Paint dazzling wuhite!1 CIVES YOU THE WHITEST HO USEJ ~ ON THE BLOCK 0 Stays white year after year 0 4-year protection saves work and money Cornes in 3 types: Trutone White Trutone Self-Washing White Trutone Trirn White a i I C UD. 511,15 EFUL IIIILfIUN3b ......A...........T«...-A1W V NOW'S THE lIME TO OWN BUICK'S ALLuTME BEST NPP 41fleur * Robson Motors Ltd. PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 TM CANADIM STATESMAlq, IBOWMANM= ONTAMO PACM Nnm a

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