PMAfr rF- Hum an Facftors Involved in Flight from Farrr I andin.ha'.e heard .io îhemni nthpir c io. ipi anch of the f i- -ý rýural ]30PuIla tion titat tev ýcnd te accept it as a tact .'mnitprebmng for te hu- Plntfaclors beind t, cm- tnemts Dr. Helen C. Abeli. Dr. AbelI. lhcad off tite rom-ai 90'u'iolgv uitite Econ- tniiîcs Dvisioit Canada De- »artnuiet fAgriculture, mi-ade Scareful stods' oft liiprob- ,m in Canada' s primarcv in- Site reminds tee ity-dxx'ell- irm 'aitadian that famnilies liv- ing o1u farms go titrougithlie 1101-11al I c 'e off rearmng ctl <ie(n anid' helping 10 estabhîsit ~t Changed 1i'hinking Tite titsemil omcupatiurI rnost ,,ons used te be lthe cii tirmuatiom eoflthe fainiixtar, or seiting titefrn.el\'eS *ULp 0 farts. Toda* vtitis expectý lion etf transference off tl faîni l v tarot Iron lthe pmeseî la Ilte sucm-eediitg geiieratio is nomîg11el- part of lte tiii imtg off a]] fart familles. WiYth iis change'! For cin lthiîg the econoi-ncs of ftarir 1119 are :Lii thaital ts iecumii ing inrreasingl *' di fli iii i1 otake a go of it x titlut i large Volunte off prodîictîol anîd ami assum'ed market for i fam-m preduce. Min voung l -îC~.ait sons o!f older fai mc s. fee ltai lheY do uiot waîî 0ior LONG SAULT *A DURO PVUMP .1 Meams Beter iÀving!! o UR DURO ýWa4ý-r Svf- tem Rive% mis iresit. pmî4'e wpti-i- when andwh lere we need it k dcks te oi' con- î'eoien'ce amid coaîiorî of daule life. DI'RO Puîmj- are avaèii- ahle in ail ii-e" te meel î diiiual neede. Se cgion Plummiter or DURO dealer nfl ) ii> nrmaiomi or w4 fr>w F RE1E fokier, "Runninc Water, the .Fa,-..". Virs. James Sau-den aili ~famil *v and Mrs. Sawderî vis- ited Mi. Jamne, Sa\wd-ceiiat Lake St. Peter over the weeký end. Club Sf> ladies %ý i l mrei na irs. Partner's Tîiesdav even- ing, June 14. Mr. Stanlev Fletciher, To- ronto, spent the xeekcnd %'-'.ith his Parents .Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. M 1. and Mrs eiei Rundle and Gloria. Mr. AI- fred Richards, Salemi. visited Mr. Robert Sim SundaY even- ig. Miss Bolinie Partner. O1-0110, spent, the weekcîîd with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and ac- companîed Mr. and Mrs. Ko- fvacs and Mrs. Sophie K<o\aes la Bobca.vgeon where thev spent Sunday ,w7tjj îl. alld Mrs. Sidney Martin ai their cottage. PUMPS & SOFTENERS i 1 M 1T 191) pi-8stp, LONDON CANADA ELECTRIC LTD. J A CK BRU G I~ATION-ELETRIC PLI MBItG and HEATING IfMýALES -SERVICE Division Street South A -APPMANCES M~A 3-5615 BOWMANVILI.E 'EN "That,'s where Judy ivs ... is she eve. JmiY wfr 'aiWnv ,iz ,k-Y 'ý;W *ht'e in a Mr-dair>çn1 A4ld ,4w home kfal wrars ehf v'Beiwr E4cîri-t the most en'vied add4'es in anN, nei ghhourhood. Mei a new sandard of modern living. 'I'hevy have m appliance imtaled and vietutri«C ervicei o\vidcd Medallion Homes are lighi-condilioned witlia e lighting for ail acsi~d and ont. Evcry Mc< adlequate circttits, otmie-às and switches for moder1. plue extra capachly îo provide powý%er lor the neo%-al add in the futture. So. \whein \ou'rte bu iîîg a îîc" lhor an oJder one-step tup io a ne %A standard of rnodlei For- romplete informatio.~non .\iedallion -lomes. Jlywoo akec QI'cQInsuk y)ow e -ct#iî.LaIconfhactor. -LIVE BETTER ZPLECTRICALLY -i W THZI eANADIAN STATIMMN, fOWMANVILL, ONrTARit j ar staing wîit erm- th-r1 Harry Johnston ielton Mon- Mm-s. Wm. McCabe wiile M r.!I~ day foi- Whitcfisit, whpre he E T IT ITC T L R E IGA S CA IN Efiectri<' lirune. MeCa be ig recovei ng trom an: will be empioyed foi'-lte me- QUN EDS RC T L B E ICA SO A IN eye caîam-act eperaticnitni a mnaîndem o!flte somrmer. icavM'ah~Tom-cntoe hespitai. Mi'. and Mm-s. Gardon Smith B L E IL and familv cf Coibormie, speoLBEL EVIL -daf'mon Homes are Sunday wiit Mm-. and Mm-s. BASE LINEGeorge Waddell. Ft Iaý,tofirMr.and Mm-s. Alian Moffatl, Every Sunday Affernoon During June i lkm- srvremal maie. We are verY happy le re- Peterborought, wcm-e guests potta iteCrsieTr-wilh Mm-. and Mm-s. Hilliard I ROM 2.04) P.M. TO 4:30 P.M. iih sandard ctmtta llibirsin o-- rstwo udy ý1 ~~~oviot is doimtR nicely afti' a Bitwo ud dilnHoi w im ecent epeistion on lteî' e is. "lST RIT OF Mm-s. Gem-don Wood and in- lalai 1'On Friday, Mac 27tit. Mm-s, enOWIuNS * t.- ant daugitter Kimbem-ly Anne,;istOu 'f ek.'tî'ical ~vn K. C. Hopkins. togethei' withtwwn VI. are home tram Civie Hospital, ppli ang'oup o Eien¾zel adis i-- Y. son. Ie jii ',wed a Peterborough. w *LABORATORIES - sec where our prducts are processed. lan e-,vo t ýi1 itd, duî'mîg te mom-mng. ter erop muai will 'Falk- t ip r iji- r W illiam Sheen spent asti uc- r <'ioccllmî iEdwards Gardens. Tom-ont, and: melimmEIMni in 111poîa o -hilnî weekend ini Tomot. guest at: OFFICES - sec how our recerds are maintained. attended the afternoon sesýsiroit1 Life Awtiî'aer-p Comipauv of r1lte wedding of Audr'ey Ellis.POER MS-sehwyusrvc asaercied 'i clectrical 11\111g. o! the W.M.S. Dominion Beard., Î'Ai u aue om~iadWre . unr io'POEROM e o ersric ai r eevd jMms. E. Vondmacek and Missj provideF tai if aucmhuig hap- visibing with Elmer Shcckle- COLLECTION ROUMS - sec how semen is collectced. call vouir loc M. Vondmacek cisited Belle-1 peu@ me me while we siiii hauvE ton in Tom-onta, Mm-. and Mm-s. j ville on Fmiday. Max- 3rd. an-dj a .nom'gage. the fiarm willhe Albert Turner in Hamilten, SEMEN STORAGE - see bow frozen semen is stored. atlended te 'Open 1Hose Orf clear cf debe tor ' oir mlww .» Mm-s. Thomas Dî'ynkci, Elmi- SIE -seorsrstyaehecfoyuripcinanus te Ontario School for the; No farinr .îuiki be wîiihow t; Mr. and Mm-s. Art Aichere,, RS-seorsrs hyaehr o oriseto n s Def lssVnhaek a c- hspotcto-ýl eied .Mms. Leo Keeler, Mm-. and Mm-s. cepeda ostio base f h mpoe'mn-eîîm aa Willard Spencer- in Oshtawa. ht rg FE RFESMN ' ccpte a poitiona~ on off ite fMrs. Clara Ar-mstrong, whe REFRESHMENTS . . . Ye5-ta's-FE EFEH ET teachers them-e for- tht.eomring f l. , has been ili aI hem- home, is gh school yeaî'. Baumer asant now a patient in Civic H-ospi- 'Y O Mum-. Chartes Depew w&ça apeettv a, eebruh rn teWoeFma n bigyu egb 1) Saburday after-noon calter witit Mr.e inaiv andPetr rougit nC Mr.@oyVaCanp MA 3-3258 P.O. Box 992 and famiiv. Mm-s. Thomas Dieos and Staff members wil be on hand te explain our business te you. Mm'r. and Mm-s. Mcl Shieh-"" ' -Jackson and Mm-s. Ross Carr:m-ero Boxcotancîlle. spelil Sundî %visited wili Mm-. and Mm-s. Wc'l sec yeu in June with Mm'. and Mm-s. Fred Wr, 5SUNLIFS OF CANADA Roxs Hall in Whtby on Son-1 i sât and fa mly. day.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T"SDAY, JUNE Offi, l"f rwtemnyncsayfor Wj, ,wile A h!!v mencountr y, in the accomplish- Paakdatouhmcoogn e x p a sio n e! an d. b ui din g , ~_ _ o sp ce a d r o m ¶ br ath ee c a tgan s te ssa rily ste rile w h e n expasionof and.buiding, iments of Canadians a feeling m ach ner an sto k . h ev! of sPac an ro m ta bre tne P r c o u t o n s A g a n s tsm s if present. are inactive n1ach ine r" thd stock. hu s pride in the noble St. L aw- e a t o anisms i gite pa-lmni rav iertergua or rence. t'he Great Lakes teues c ad .ages 10 be found in jobs av D e d o d Poisonina 1 Howeve rat smoid tempera- N evvvu~iiermountans the wheat fieds o the food or those n lead ta rm an hsento- the prairies and th, brîlliane through contamination, will uarllJobsads prmanelnt g. o~J f the Canadian autumtn. We Ever had a bout with food stress the rieed for proper begin ta multiply and cause Form>one arnd rban lieviner, jy, are proud of our scientsts,, re- Polsnngl. processing f meats and non- off-flavors or off-odors. Oth- M ay B em Cfarern.ahode.+ It*s an unpleasant expeî 1- acid etalsanth care- ers may cause illness if flot this norî-farm work is an et- searchers. pianists, soloists eetbe, n h for, ï erri*th sak- wAIc painters. photographers and o nce-and--commonenough ta. fui handling cf left-overs, destroyed by subsequent cook- or: 0 cru he tak ~vhch Naionl Bllet Weshae 11 __ -says food technologist George ing. When enly portions ef liJl 1enble hom thesab- F or L os o A ml the reputation and prestige cfî! MORIA.L research station, Canada De-- used they should be remnoved the Royal Canadian Mountedi parîment cf Agriculture. in the frozen state and the un- a- Price of Expansion by Clarence Affin, Still not satisfied' Dr. Vi- Police.,ice hockey teams, Grey' Lookîig at instanices whlere Sec-fieldman. vian explored further and fi- Cup Games. the Calgarvy Stam-! On SunidaY morning. Junie The only safe method for used portions immediately thie arm lia> been expanded. nalv appeaied for consider- pde and the Stratford Festi-: 5th at ite Christian Reforni canning ii-cdvgtbe eure.utaet h DrofIsest fn h nhmConvFdrto ation under the supplemen. val. We as Canadians qhare in Ch urch. Cobourg, 'Miss Agatha and mneats is by pressure cook- freezer. of her this has lied to better liv- of Agriculture held its final tary estimates o! the Dept. of: Confederation that united Can-: Egas. eldest daugitter of Mr.' ing according te recommend- i n- întor the familv. She finds meeting for the summer adMr.JnEgsadfac e iesadtmprtl.Ui- oisidanger iocf theride «th, te nresdinee a onths on Thursday evening, Agriculture passed this year.. ada and created a* nation, We adMs JnEa ad.acec iesadtmprtr s Unede anmer odtinthereci madetbecomeaware lf ouseîm'es a&Mm-. Mike Kicostra. sQn cf Mr. 1Left-over canned vegetables types cf fruits and vegetables >~ bro uigh*' lto the hom e som e June 2nd. a t the h om e f its wf er ea ce ra ion m ercw as a es c an a a o fby s ein vt is a nds l o t a o r n t n u c l e o e e t m n t d s o l n , s y r t a h of the things %hieh make president. Mr, and Mrs. Har- fwha eraiain thme commn ty tht ;and wer reeiveoby r ofesinon af with titecoeve-pesntmhe se-btocion ay r the ilr-c le ie asicr and more enjov- vey Malcolm. Yelvertenl. wcf acntaisis tecse n din omn hnsta rire, eevdbPofsonO1wt t.eee-psn hs-buocsoalyhywl e- Sable but otten ai the price 'of Minutes cf the previeus ctv.aht eon L~ i tectcim sswr i- ed mcoegnss ex- ment or become mouldy. Thtis ýrh iead hlrngvngmeigwrera n p trol programme. With the ce-' alonte. Sucit sharing is the verv i Faith as members cf the chu-I plains Mr. Strachan, and un-: type cf speilage is rarely, if Iplle chof w t hilrenime s n- roed.n er ed n operation cf Dr. Wells this case fibre cf the nation. for il dem-. .Faur other young people der favorable conditions they' ever, toxie. pai laur n he arm Te screaryreertd tebas been recommended by the onstrates a degree of national' se recemved as. members. The' increase rapidly to produce le ~~Federation Campsite in the Depi. cf Agricult'ure and willî consciousnesýs and unity that ciurch was filled te capacîty., peiseneus ci- toxic substances. e The D.B.S. regular monthly Durham Forest had been used be ubsequently presented te, is essential ta centinued growth j Extra chairs were provided ta, Storing centamînated foods in ure.for D- Treasu159,y!accentodate lte everflow. We aacapn rudfraTesyfo pym t.hsndevlmn" ja refrigerator idoles noteti- F E VC coutims Deember 19a9 asa ampin greud fei!a eviîe i for nd p o wisheqs toAg- imate lte danger. Lew eim- ASEV C thiunpaid familY lcalBoy Scout gî'oup and hli, has been a long hardi rorr items included ac- !athOL RIPE l abor aucounîs for mîîch of as h o cu soi-struggle and the tireless ef- cerdian selections by Mm-s. E n iexh r in-prtr eeyrtste Eli A OL ST&CKIP tf orce on Canadian tien 0f the Gî'eaîem' Toronto, eot fDr. Vivian il would Mairs. Readings 'Take Time" m mar arv Ag s eem ent cf micFree-fergan- Sfarmis--oiîIý 9.0ulJI mn o f Regien fer the weekend of. appeai' that next March the, Mrs. C. Graham, -Witat d Mre. andMr. Koo a and1 1 588-000tj paid wei'kers: Mas' 14 and 15. This prepertv fariner wili receive partial, plant when we plant a tree"- daugitters, Mary and Doriîs Left-over meals and vege- Imdae2-r evc oîîlv 9.000 wvonien Of a 3Û.- ha' enu'dfr eea payment for, his Iost animnai,[Mri. E.Hro,*PaePns were Sunlay guests cflthe1 tables sitould be used enly fer Ask Your Operator For 000tî labor for-ce were paid yeai's bv local Boy Scout arhist.Hin teperaure, wanseadinghI ýworl:er>. groups but Ihis was the fil'st ahevement. '-Mr . A meî,Raig Ea fmiinSnaJ ne! ite titatrureitigh r.cook- i655 rsA.Hyland and "We Are 5à tahn Tlhe searcli for adjusimient. time lte Scouts o!flte Great- A DairY P'i ncess cempeti- Getting Old"-- Mrs. G. Met- Mrs. Gerew, Senior Rose- Processoî's de net recom- No Teil Charge to oda's cenomircendi- cm- Toronto Regien has used tien is being spensered agaîn calfe. Deljghtful musical nom-' berrY H-ill. visited with M.-s.. mend refreezing vegetablesJ Niek Peconi - Peterborough lioi)i n rvolves lte %vife and the site. A letter expressing this vear by the C.N.E., tite! ber-, xvere rendered by the 1 William McHolm' and Miss fBe- after thawing. Frozen foe is- ,Iciîen as v.ell as hIle man the appî'eciatien e!fibis groop Ontar'io Milk Producers' Co- Mètcalfe sisters. EMainle sang a ckett on Montday, May 3tit. -__________________________ of Ille famiîy, Dr-. Abell con- was read. ordinating Board and the'sl copne yhrss r.Wlim MHl I Forthelas seera mothsTelegram. Il is lîoped Duritam'i ter Citeryl wito later f'avoured tended the funeral cf hem- fmiend' <Ide.- rthe Durastseveral mentavs County will again have a, with a Piano sole. Mrs. L.Mai- Mrs. Edgar Dunk, late a! On-mu mu t ~~~~~been interceding on behaif o! Princess in the cempetition. colm teddtte thaks o!utrieo tet oera it ~ E M W W a ewtcnviile farmimer whoI Bruce Taylor and Ralph Lar- the ladies, tealte hostess, te Bowes Funeral Parleurs oni tH t o FNV 0 ee ofrd heoscfa an-mrweapined mai whicit died while beingý mittee t represent the Fed- groop in charge and al] wha Saturday, Jonc 4th. Interteit testd fr Bîucelosi inthe raton i ths prjec . , provided the enjoyable ediica-1 was in thte family plot, Ce- BS U LT tete frBucloisi he tato n hsprjc. Tina meting1borg Cmetry. rs.Dun area blood test. Titis was an 1 Provincial winnem- wiil receive inlmengjborCmtry Ms.D k T o e R s s unfortunate incident. the ani- a free triîp, ceurtesy of Pan--. suffem-ed a streke a few days - M'itein uîrtoses are hun- mal apparently dying et heart American Airlines. ta the Uit- ao dqi-l ase wy I E I grv. tlies 'm-e lable ta look a failure while te technician ited Kingdom. BUR.LIJPJjO Jelst.MrDn kis sr ieus-, bii incle' the xeather. Then ivas obtaining the blood sami- Work is silil geing forward Our horc1 si. r ukissros if's time te use these feed- pie. No allewance foi' a lass of, towards a Farm Management Orcuh upper was a ly îll i Cobour-g General Hos- îmîg lips fi'om lte Ontario De- ititis kind is included in lte Plan. This will be one cflte' fine soccess. Marîy thanks and! pi ia ad was onable ta be pie- jpartment of Agriculture, Brcellosis Act. The larmier manpeeî f ieFl er appreciation was given te the'flt STO V E O IL had appealed fer speciai cen- and township meetings wîîîladelh ele ewlàg- 1---j Roses îîeed orilv a geod fer- .sîderation te the Veterinaryi be held te acqLlaint the fr-lan i w'ay. % T iters. J Uho hIie gaîden soil foi, their General ta ne avail, ers of the details of thepln helped every v flTheVIT 1nRY necds. When te sou s iack- l was then ite appealed fori Furthem' information cao be c anceit provedi very success- i nayoff the required help frem lte Federatien cbtained tram Mr~. .Dalymple, fui, many thanks as given AIRDBA For f)elivery elcmrents h usutally nitrogemi, titrougi thLe sec.-fieldman. The jAgriculture Repî'esentative t h ad te Haes ri AFEDBA pitsphrus poassum ndFederation decided ta cham- ramiy coonly Federation play p r 'lTe deatit occurî'ed a i t semetinies l'on) your rosesý pion the tarmer's cause andi toi', or lt ertr.c Oshawa and aise lte Afri' saaGnrlHia u- lite tlie epMdrc-BehesP ONE OSHAWA HA 5-1109 .again brougitthlie case ta te Re'tular montitly Directors'1 can film shown bY the Ceca day, May' 29, o! Alfred Beal, attetio cf m'.K. F Wels. eetngs will be dscentinuedCaaLd beloved husband off the fer- 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA iii ,ellow. stiinted ,leaveýs. Veterinaî'y Director Geiterai ýduming July and A'ugust. Churct WoShip w ille1eh-mer Esie Louise Graham eT ile phospitorus is in short.i and aIse tealte local Federal Mm-s. Malcoînt ferved a de- semve a 1:3ia deceased, wito lived at 1090 ____________________________ suplc lteleaces become Member of Parliament, Dr. R. liciisluc1ndtethnsm.'hs ieRitson road soutit. had beenj grayish-green, with purplishi P. Vivian. Again bath lte Fed- of these present was abiy ex- Il otnefo frsvrl i undersdes. Lea marginwtulncontinue adfor. theasummerprlinedpaererheaBruce rayseveras. por healt b hm-by rue Ty-moThs.G. ' i , ee o'years. He was in his 66th w ~ ~ ~ mmw bmown w.hen potassium is bld by Dr. Wells titat while, lo-. Meeting adjourned ta le- Wednesday. June 30A R lacking aîd calcium deficien- te Dep. as sympatietic,, convene next Septemier ai lat': A -on f te late Mm. andQI P Er r LiT te Cý' cau es the death f leafl t ' not ing eyldand tant bilye 'Mhe-homno r M rs.andeceasedm magils. lron is ecessary for the Act dici nt provide. Erie Falis, Millbmook. . Mr. and Ms. W. Vander- s. WasHenrnyin ane greeileff oloi: xhenit' na - .aspr Vn dn Bo an Neliechester, England, Nov. 20,' n te nu, te leaves de-: ewr udygeî e a sim-kl yeilow shade, tie to n ta tio nr VP. d eni osty and famly e a ea- h ive do'a! ýveopa sckv ellw had,ýwee Sndy gess f M. nd 194 A resident cf Caa ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE aînd the veins' stand out. N s l t n St t oOran.Diety n ail.fr5 e a d h a d bor t Mr ndMs.K GRbin iea rn n a enAPPOINTMENT 0F Tic one off Ie commercial Mr. and Mm-s. George Goed-, Nestieton Wemnen's listitmte spent a *cul fdys withareietoOsaaer3 ferilîer ixti~s (-105, on ndfamly ov i Mm-. Wiltom-d Jackson pre-i Mrs. A. J. Trick, yeam's. etc.) Io lu ake op nitregen, week from one o!flte W.' G q ented an excellent paper on, Lindsay, and then meîered oni Mr. Beal was an emploYee W l i m B a d Plcsien -es.Reranpterhatdefi-iBOwlshOuses tea ahooise ws tesuci~ t *'Cien-p and! a Or l ad ms . R. a few o!the postai department in'A/Ii~ r, B ra c os- Oshawa pî'iorwic steaitis retire-If Lekr giae dnols lte em-enîge Mr. and Mms. Wilev McKe- vener ai te June meeting offbremntduteiItattn15. cf nitirogen, phosphorus and ilewn Lionel MrKeown'and Jack Nestîcton Women's Institute 5cm-my teamepert fiat Mi.. He was a devoted membero'A HI UH RZD DAE potssum rspc-tvev.Hence Gibson of' Mono *Road weW eled a i te home of!MiVrs. H~î Lawrence Carnochan was con- lte Oshtawa City Seventh-dayý y eni cau, base te cioice f! 'ecenî visitas w itit M r. and Sa mnels w itit M ms. Cecii W ilson 1i e e M mo l i H s iai d e tst C t r h w tch ie. O H S A E grde<mi uu' wnan 'yisMms. Bruce Heaslip. co-itostes.s. Bwavllfra few days. srv ss ecer-breasurrrndwilcryafl eetratr off lan waîts Aply bou Mir. and Mm-s. Howard ivc h President M-s. R. Dav-ý Mrs. Estiter Carnocitan is M I nteîtsely interested in sapoprtssut Die-- > a ieapiiîg tablespoonful fer Mle and Miss Beth M:'cMu.ll- erily weceed aIl; wibh her back again. Tite com- Mr, Beal was the founder cf euipmellt including okhttDieo ai h pln. nths a lw1en of Janteville tank Mms. Wes-1 and Miss Ruth Proutt Secret-1 munty wîsies them bth a* the Oshawa Ciurcit Softbal matie self-propelled combines, seIf-propelled up citi hiit wa er ng. Ma e v~ Cam pbell w ith t hIe m 01amy Treasu mer p esented t cýsPe dy recovemy. * League and dona ed te BeaIls a h r o p e e y n w 3 0 a e , e c e w I lite uisi plcainWtiithe c-i Mdln o udyceipt was oit iand fmom tied lte Enfield Amînivcrsam'y j ien. as aeu-odt aiiist edrrpi mexc gmoxctis welundri' av, Hce 'j lado Sna.Canadian MentliHealtit As-! services., eea !Lt is ol at n evc ealCcsuteupet Repeat sccei'aîl imesîtroughi- Sunday visitors with Mm-. antd rMr.adm- entiL Wrd prsadsrietoalCcsuteupe out lte gmowiîîg season. !M-r5 1' L. cHyland were Mm-. andi sociabion for or donation ac e and Mms ene br-r War Mr. Beai enlisted in te Bdcsoc rstating tat, lieir organization e, Peterborough, Mm. Alanl 3t Battalien and served in! If~~r ro eJack. ef n teM - and M m Ji e M "'c es reseaicit work annigices 3wt""T H E B IG W H E E L in T R A C T O R S "" Ifroessowdeiit sgs M. n Ms.Jm eMlenidle esarhýrkad g Larý nd ge Tarane o- eek- France wit thlie 12h Bala-; of ro dficen.ý, sra te an Crl Balyduf: r.ardýservice and trainintg. Hard LuesîsetMm-. and Mm-s. ihon cf Railway Tî'aops. He' f on eii encyspraylPitead aîM,.,idf' m. ad Atter sorte discussion î.e lie Hrodba-em.was a member offlte Oshtawa' foi1 cil erossl itat ,M s Maurice SIamelis and Siha- Dsrc okhp Po Rev. and Mm-. R. M.Sy-bactfLieCninL- (l ourice per 2 gallons ot wa- Dm-onc and Mm-s.roecuSeHrobanamoftheCSuLta Ln ter) . ____- onbi and br. aur e t tbo Eat te Live" Mm-s. H. Vilte, mour caiied on neighbours gion. Debie nd aure o Peerbr- nd r&.A. , 1and friends in te village tl ~jPmedeceased by his fim-st augt. iL ithomng - nd rm- e. i.vfl. we-eap-,wer. andMis. 'Nom-man Me ýiwife, lte for-mer Isabella Ni-' Frens;wil e opngMîI's. pNestin rpesntaivh.r rcholson Lewnie, Ille la surviv- la.Smlswill be t ' lNgeusletco mani.The'hort'Keenan and family. Hamp- e vii ecn ie .TasSamhls'haiîtg fee:ng(2)rse ehoies er () fl- unandu tOf daughter, Mis. R. J. biîtdsteadt Commuîtity Hespital, Porl Pet'- Mm-s. E: Hem-mon, Mm-s. B, Hea- MssPasy GibsTyrone. onaand , fasna,raio IN, fertltepast two weeks. *ip n 5M5 aiss eme spen ts yween iGibsbssa et asaen, Cli Mr. and Mm-s. Bruce Freelove named te eommittee in char- Carol Abbott.Osa . cf Peter-borough,. vsited o ge. -Also somvîving are two bm- Sunday with Arthtur Hulberti Mî's. Cecil Wilson, District ' thers, Lawr-ence, of Oshawa and Mr. and Mms. Perey Hu- Directai' gave an excellenit.-e- J 'tTtRT and Harold. o! Glasgow,. Scot- i bert. port off thte District AnllUai ield BU.ETHfli.J1Ilantd and thlrce gramdrhildren,i îiran r.CalsGs.recently in Blackstock, staîimtg Geordon Douglas Beal o! Osit- werMm-. angoMis. Ch arte GW tht 19meber rmNsle- On Friday Rex'. Williamawa and Nancy Jean and Ro-Ir wiem' e Fancis it IAO Do!! eton rachBetitanywoqul w'as ordain- bin Jay bindsteadt. cf Pasa- vLsî lte m-aci~Git fmil., an ranitattnde. To qiled as a Minister ofthlie United dena, California. Weekend viioswt tm s -were on display foilte Faim Churcit. The ceremoany toek T"em ora srvc wa amnd Mm-s. Jas. Harris we-e Mil, collection and Mm-s. H. iin Tîinity United Churci T heatliemArmaservoitg Fuîtc i and Mm-s. Kennetit Tomkins of! l !ie'cstl Rig im- in Toronto. During tte past 2 a i me Wed .. oc1 ne-Li,' Ag.V-, - ' , i m itme rPm- i M u t a n. iU~ a y La ll s c t e m n .~ i L