TKURDAYJUNE9thiNOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM1ANVILLE, ONTARIO ,Have You A Question On Unemployment ms urance S In titis column we Publlsh flet and give full particulars ~QUëstlôons about utiètnploy- so that your question cati be I« nsUrano. and emploa t,~iowered mnore définitely. ÇM@nt, togethei. with aflswers Q. Last May I was hired for 9$Ved fram the Ulnem- floatingq opérations. I worked Pluyment Insurance Commis- thre days and got pneUmon- Mlon. Wa 1Ispent 19 days I1i hospital. If you are uncertâin about Amn 1 entitled tu sCamps lot' My 51 point do flot heaitate tô ml days 1n hospitall Il éo, t0 aend us Your question. We *hom mnuât 1 apply for these Wll obtain an answer and stamps? publish it in this columÉ. A. You are not entitled to Following are some ques- unjenipIgMcflnt 1 n as U r a nht ae ti«àm with anlswero which niay stampà wheri ytu are in hoà-i bd of ihtérest to you. pitalpAS à patient tinlesg your Q,-.Iamn a fârmer drawting regular employer eitnifues to hefië1its. I deliver a certain pày you your regular oalary fuantty of rilk ach day, but or full wâge# whill you are on 1 gét »aid only on the 15th sick leave lnhôhopitâi. '40d 3th of each manth, At- Q. I worked sev'en weeks ôrdIig tu forra UIC 504A, 1 trâpping lobstér pnd seven- 'MuÊt déclare au rny earnings teon wéékâ in àfIsh pulant. I lor ach week hall the émount have 24 Weekly contributions. '01 money whieh I have recéiv- Arn I entitled* to regulat ben- ad or wlli téceivé as a reguit mutes? .01 this opération. As thèse A. If the 24 contributions ta arnings can be ascertained whieh you refer are thé only onlytwice a nionth how can contributions you have to 1 distribute these âil earn- your credit you would n6t be Ings over the weeks covered able. tu qualify for règular Wy each pay perlod? benefit. If at ieaot 15 of the A. Flfty per cent of the 24 contributLions have been neflys you recelve fromsalés earned since March 28, 1959, ~finiilk are earnings for un- you would have sufficiefit con- "mployment hInsurance benê- tributions to quâlaify for sea- ilîpurposés. It lsa ppreciatedisonal benefit. that you receive payment only Q If a éerson has nine week- I$wce a xnonth, whereas earn- Iy contri~lbtiong at $1.04 and bings havé ta be declared six weekly contributions at Weekly. Is il flot a tact, how- $ 1.12, tu What rate of enefit 4 ver, that you know the quan- 19 h e entitled? Càn hé draw éil4ihipped ln a week as weIl the depèndency rate? Are ýilttthé going price. From this benefit rates higher this year? ,>'ou should be able tu make 1 A. If thé 15 contributions Sreasonable estimate of your to which you refer wéré ail 'Weeiy etune.If, on recelpt earned since March 28, 1959, lef the monéy for the sales, you they would be suffîclent to .I1nd thât your éstimnate for any qualify for seàsonal benelit. î.Week is 'out" by a dollar or The rate of benefit based on mnore, you must Inform your contribution@ of thé value sta- local office who wiii then take ed ln your question wouid be -Steps to makeé an adjustîment, $19 sin glé or $26 dépendency. ,eor down, of the benéfit ré-, Thé right ta depen dency rate 4elved. la flot governed by thé rate of ~ .Can contributions bé paid contributions but rather by 3Mbéhaîf of an injured Jper- whéther or not a clainiant is >ondrawing Workmen's Com- supparting a person who is »pensation? a depéndént witlliir thé mean- lA. No contributions are pay- Ing af the Act.' Two nèw .-'bleeon Workmén's Compen- classes of benefit at the raies istion as such. 0f course, if a of $25 and $27 per week for * persan is working ln Insurable pérsons, without depéndents *rnploymnent et the sarne lime and $33 and $36 per week for as he ladrawing Workmen'a persans with depèndents are Compnsaton, contributions nIqw payable ta claimants are payable on thé earnings whose contributions warrant frern that employment. thèse rates. Q. I worked in Toronto for Q. I undérstand most anony. a contractor (jobber) who did mous letters ta the UIC are iiot hire on a saiary basis. Hé prompted by pure jéalousy. did nat give me any unem- Why dues the Commission in- Sloyment insurance stamps sist on investigating them if Eut I had ta work for him as this ls thé case? thére was noa work elsewhere. A. Expérience has proved Cen I obtain stamps for next that a large majority af anony- winter? I worked for 15 weéks. mous tips are genuine and A. If you worked for thé lead ta thé exposure af frau- jobbèr as a sub-contractor and dulent situations. In thosé in- * fot as anemployée, contribu-1 stances whére thé tip was tioîs for unempioyment in- pronted becausé of 'iome iii r z'nce are flot payable. Il is feeling, fia émbarrasMment is sWgested, however, that yuexperienced by thé claimant akat your néarest localo- fromn a routine check being Give Tbem Roem departing visitor a big bunch Séeds and seédlings are tiny of flowers ta take home. And things when we buy them, we cen do this again and but like thé proverbial puppy and again and also have plen- they will grow. It is moat xnk ty of bouquets for aur own prtant that we keép -that fact homes if we plant a few ex- mmd ln our garden plan- tra rows of cutting flowers ning now. In thé sèed cata- right in, thé vegétabie garden. logue and on thé seed packét Hère wé can clip blooms any- are printed détails of mature timé wé liké and without dé- *height and how fa r certain tracting oneé'bit from thé de- végétables and flowers should carative flower gardéns around b.,thinned. Like trées and thé lawn. In thèse too, it is O hrubs, ail plant.s requiré well ta plant those flowers room ta devélop, even tiny whosé foliage is flot particu- things like alyssum and ra- larly ornamental, things like dish. Either we should give gladiolus and sweet peas themn room right aI thé start. which we prize mainiy for as with bedding plants, or wè their bloom. Plantéd in a spe- shouid hé prepared ta thin ri- cial cutting garden or in rows gorously after thé seed has in front of thé végelables gérminaîed. Wé must do this they are much more easily if thé plants are ta graw pro- grown and handled and theré perly and bé sîrong enough ta; is no hésitation about cutîing résist wind and rains or if1 a bouquet whenever wé take aur vegetablés are ta grow thé notion. quickly and bé crisp and ten- Only One Way For Freshness der. If itlai a garden you want Thé gardéner who is also *and; ual a Jungle givé your a gourmet, knows Ihal for top plants' plenty of roomn. quaîiîy certain vegetables Be generous Wlth Flowers must hé grown almost within One af thé very special plea- reach. They simply cannot hé sures af gardening is the thrili pickéd one day ta hé eaten that camés tram handing a thé next. Their frésh quality 18 you increase thé value of i ng enough in its way il cer- lainly does not teste like su- your home. Any r-mart gar. Evén where thé garden Io > ooeéowner kuows that this tiny, thé persan who valués &dded value should bé in. reafly top qualiîy will try and aured. Malce sure your polie>' graw a few raws of corn and cavera every improvenient pes een if he hasta buy al ,you make. Cail us for a cern- Ii te eeal pistechécup. on't and Ends pleteChecup. on'tburn ail thé brush fram thé spring pruning. This -' mskes excellent support for1 climbing and tlu fiowers andi I f placed fairly early il is soon! ~ hidden by new grawth. '-,ST ART R. JAMESL A few minutes with an aid I file taking thé rough edgés ENSURANCE REAL ESTATEC off hoes and cultivators wil be repaid ovér and ovér again E. ~Incjuicker and cleaner cultiva- wooden handies o! rakes, hoes Office SesWedno1 and spades. wilrnake them MA3-5681 MA 3-549,% éasir ard safer on thé hands. WEEK - Keep on mÉide cf big aimn. Q. Whày Shduld progecullan be proceéd wltb whén thé overpaynlèhts havé already b=e répaid or recovered by thé Commission? A. if thé oàVerpayment ré- suited frornt à tise stateinént or a séries o! falsé statements, thon punitive action elîber ln thé form af a disqualification or by way of proseculion 19 considèred both as a déterrent and as a safeguard ta thé fund. No punitive action is takén, howavér, wlière an overpay- Menét résUitg tram an honies; érror on the part oi the. cdai- Hall. Wari Many Coi Conf use 1 By Dr. G. t. Wbérrett, Eiiécutive Secretary, Càriàdian Tubèrculosis Ags "A 'close-up' ai thé TB p tiare lh Canada digcioses wi flxust look la thé public I a prixé set et contradîctio On one hâtnd they are invii 10 willnegs gréaI advances, êvidmeéd by clasing SRI lanaà, wbilèent théelame ti authorities ln thé field kE wârning IbatIwe are J holding our owfl In samé pârtmnînt nd sligbtly las] -ground ln othera. MAY IN CARITWRIGHT Oh, Ai jawonderful to feeu thé introduction To Sumnmer, in the tender touch of May. The Lilacs bending In calmn compulsion Over the fence rails along the way, Tell me that God's in Ris Heaven And "AIl's well' upon His earth. 1 count the blessings He bas given And rvally feel thoir \vorth. I see the buds are bursting forth To the Jef t and to the right. Ah, When 1 hear the Big Creek, and look North, I Thank Gad for May once more in Cartwright -Marion For< Dy Fopular Roques! HURRY DOWN FOR PAGE ELEVEN son. Make sure it isn'tj leIt inl Haw majestic i naturel- puddles whère pigs can get lness. I have neyer mnet a mai at it. Keép il away tram wbom I réaily considered W streams taa, because the pow-1gréaI miýn wha 'vas flot ai- der will kIl fih. Eury ald ways nalural and simple. powder ln thé gi'ound. 'Charles G. lDawes. TRUP.SDAT, JLTIM Oth, IM ~4 5 15 and 40. In thé agé graups ris .dan aa vêr 40, however, thé nuin-! 'ns anad berof csesincreases stead-1 r> ta dctin s iy. irs f 1hè Timely îips i! ntrad ctio s deelopentsbodeno good. A tarmer recéntly tld agri-* Especilly discouraginlg Is thé cultural représentative Ji lact thal sa many children McCullough that hée daesn't rarPctureliîy eng nrated. ail se f On chr ecking Ithé ré- clal httecase aecodMCuluhfaund that Thé most toutéd advancés amiong former patients is 35 thé fermer hadn't had a soilt are in thé relm o! tréalment. limes that whicb we can ex- test înade aI, thé 0.A.C. In thé ;oc. Yéar by yéar the deâîh rate pect ta find , in thé général past 9 years. Tests on oats draps. Not oniy is tréalméntpouain We catinot escape in Peel County last yèar! PIC- more successful, sa evldenced puaîn bat ~ ~ ~ th hyté rmîlcrati theréfore tihat wé are showéd that fertilizér without ikét by &ths, but loin tédor- Ir tia flong way fomcon- a sou test didn't pay. II's pas- lik dei of, bthé loIm e aIrat loftuberculasis. siblé ta make $1.50 per acre mn. ent.înéfth i sanatrm haiCénpiacency Eiscwheré A190 by taking sou tests-or lasél bée mnt.imeéinsatriumshaîer Complacéncy watb regard 1$4 per acre without a soul test, n, a s gthé g tedl rni eltuberculosis is nol purélisays McCullough. Inei pit Ih réducédten in bas- an Ontario, or evén e Cana-* ;!eptlwbIlias brought about dian condition. An éditoriali ééPs émply sanatorium bods. 1h a récent issue of thé Irish Don'I forget your caunty de. A disappointlng téature of. Nurses' Magazine réads in mugéum if you plan ta discard inlg thé current piclure is th9t thé part: that antique, suggesîs agri- numbèr of néw admissions is "Thé report o! thé National cultural représéntative Bruce -not falling às sharply as thé fl.C.G. Committée, St. Ultan's, MatlieÉon. Hé recenîly camé deaîh raté. In 1958 Ibère Dlublin, draws attention ta thé acrass a fencé-weeving appa- wéré 8,349 néw cases. This Is iil-informed publicity thal bas ratus on a Dufferin County, down frosp thé peak year o! cemented thé growth af the farm. Pièces likée thèse have ý 1955 whési Ibère wère 10,163 Ide hal luberculosis us no definité historie value and i -but il Io stili an average o! longer a public héalth prob- will intérest farm people aof! more than 20 cases a day. lem in tIs country. Thé ail ages, says Metheson. Another disconcértlng fe- closing o! sanatoria and the Il * * turé le thé relapse rate. Thé dramatic décline in thé death Don'I rély on a single sait numbér of patients wbo must ratés tramn tuberculosis havé block ta supply thé neéds cf return for further tréalmént receivéd mare attention that yotsr cattle on pasture, says hias rémained nearîy constant. the tact Ibat the décline in Dr. Bruce Stone, dairy cettle In five yéars il bas fallén only thé numbér o! deaths bas flot researchér aI 0.A.C. Tao Irom 4,000 ta 3,600-not 100 a béen accomplished by a pro-. aften one block isn't enaugh yenr. prioaedécline in thé I»n for thé bérd. Hé suggests us- eanew cases and thal inlg a covéred box set in thée Yet another surprising turn îess denths miay miLý-11an a lr-, fénce row where il will serve of évents is that thère has ger réservoir o! Infection, and two fields. Dividé thé box: been a doiîbiing over eaéfLn theréforé gréater risks ta a down thé centre sa you cen' yr-ir period aof thé nuinhér of gréatér number of people.', fedd base sait in one bal! and admiFr:ions ta sanatorium o!'f___________ children tup to 15 yéars of agé. minerai In thé othér. On a more cheérful note it Parents wonder why streams 1 t! may be rernarked Ihet Ibère are bitter whén tbéy them- Oid ,yarble powder is dead- is e réduction in thé number selves havé poisoned thé Wy ta pigs, warns agricultureli d of cases between thé age of fountain.-John Locke. représenitativé Bruce Mathe- BowmanvilJe MA 3-5689 OSHAWA WOOD POUT are repeating their CENTRE SPECIAL VALUES FOR (ail day) (I 9 p.m.) ASPHALT SHINGLES 300 BOARD MEASURE 10"# Broken linos. 5399 White Pin. Bovel. Sidin.110 Per square ......5.....Pf M ........ .. 1 0 0 1/4 POPLAR PLYWC 200 BOARD MEASURE 8" 1.24 White Pina Devel Siding. 9ff 4 x4 ........1c4 Per M .....*.... 9 .0 1 TABLE 3 x 3 10 CELLAR FRAMES only 0* Each ....................I1199 'IWIDE SELECTION 0F WINDOW FRAMES AN D LSASH NO REASONABLE OFFER TURNED DOWN FIR PLYWOOD 2 FRAMES AND SASH Quantity of 5/16 x 193/4x ql 12 lites, 12" st 10". 36. Suitable for underley. Each26V Spec.ialy Prictd. Quantity of 5/16 x 203/4x SQUARETEX 36. Suitable for underlay. Each 261 7 steets 4 x 4. Block Board for 12 Ceilings. Pre-finithed. Sqt. t 12 NO. 562 DOOR CASING 170 SHEETS 1000 Lincar Feet......2/2 lecched Mehogony 4 x 7 Ft . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Paneline. Sq., ft . . . . . . 3 6Four Tier Displaylslands,5x3 1Best Reasonahie OfferI V2" GYPROC LATH 48xl2" 5000 BOARD MEASURE ý'sx4 3500 Spruce dressed 1 aide, 1 edge, hit Per M ........ 5 n d miss. 8' only . ... Per M ..... 6 1 500 BOARD MEASURE ¾/XI0O 1000 BOARD MEASURE ?/x4 Red ileBavi Sdun. ~Spruce dressed 1 aide, 1 edge. Hif Red ineBeve Siing.odtand miss. 7' only. Per M ...... O UIUU PerM ........ 65,00 1000 BOARD MEASURE %na'4 6500 BOARD MEASURE 1x5S 4ruce dresd 1 aide, 1 edge. N.t Hcmieck drussed four aides, 630 edms.Yol ... 0's 9' Iengths. PrM P eMr5G adMiss..'el. . 65,00 I GO MAHGGANY DOORS ONLY $3.90 Up ARBORITE Clearing at Special Prices OUTIO R BARBEQUES with rotsserie 29-95 Picnic Tables - Fence- Lawn Chairs - etc. Alil items advertised subject to prior sale. Alil Sales Cash No exchanges or refunds OSHAWA WOOD PRODUETS LIMITED RA 8-1611 or 8-1617 SAT. !tiII noon) N ~ ~ \ Y- Plywood Top, 29" legs. Best Reasonable Offer. a:. r' a' a, *1 E a' 4. 4,. 4,. s. I 4' a, a', -g PLASTIC WALL TILE 30c sq. ft., 400 PIECES 2 x 4 - 8' COTTAGE UNITS Spruce, 2nds .....80,00 12 only. Par M ... 41 x31 ........I1,7 ¼1" PLYWOOrL 10 IEE 2x6- 8' Smooth sonded waterproof.* PerM 0-06/a"PLYWOOD Gad 1 face, sonded 2 faces .9 100 PIECES 2 x 8 - 8, S. %" .......... l m8 Spruca, 2ads jfl bf shotin. WÔ Par M............ Pt M .... e-93aO.1 COURTICE, ONTARIO luàé FORD FAIRLANE #4500"J Automnatie transmission, radio, fully equipped. Only - $700 Dowu 1958 METEOR 4-Dr. Excellent condition. Gunly - $425 Down 1956 FORD 2-Dr. ln top condition. Only - $375 Down 1956 NETEOR RIDEAU 4-Dr. 28,000 miles, excellent shape. "OnIy - $400 Down MONTHLY'PAYMENTS TO SUIT VOUR BUDGET Cowan Equipment Company 134 King St. E. j-ý- ýýrj BAYS TRURS. m FRIB 1